  • 1. Frontend Frameworks and Drupal Nicolas Borda

2. Frontend Frameworks 3. Why HTML is ugly and old Javascript is ugly and old CSS is not that ugly but is totally Anti-DRY User Interfaces are each day more complex 4. Pros Cross-browser compatibility. No extensive browser testing. Device Heterogeneity: tablets, smarthphones, desktops Responsiveness. 5. Pros Saves time. (Time is money) CSS Grids (If a Grid limits your design youre probably not using it right) Rapid prototyping 6. Pros No re-inventing the wheel. No dealing with browser hacks. Most popular Front-end frameworks have implementations in Drupal. 7. Cons Markup might not be the cleanest. (But no divitis usually) Code bloat 8. Cons Integrating to a CMS like Drupal requires a deep understanding of the CMS and its APIs and the Front-end Framework. Some lend themselves to certain designs more than others. 9. Co-created by Mark Otto (and Jacob Thornton), Designer at GitHub and previously the Web Platform Designer at Twitter (both). Extensive documentation. Pros 10. Based in the LESS preprocessor Built-in 12-Grid system, Base CSS, JavaScript Plugins, Components Pros 11. It is also one of the most popular projects on GitHub with over 48,400 watchers and 14,500 forks. Pros 12. Utilizes preprocess functions to theme a wide range of elements. Takes a more minimalistic approach to template les (you might nd this more pleasing as a coder). Pros (Drupal) 13. No SASS (by default) Semantics Sites might end up looking the same (when you use it the wrong way) Cons 14. Takes a more minimalistic approach to template les (you might nd this displeasing as a themer). For more advance cong you need the Bootstarp UI module. Cons (Drupal) 15. Pros Mobile rst Amazing grid Good responsive layouts by default 16. Cons mobile rst (no ie8 support) 17. Not really a framework! 18. When to use them Youre comfortable using them. Youve read the whole documentation. The designer has used the same grid. (Grid can be altered) Youre comfortable extrapolating components. Design lends itself.
