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Your only local

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I N S I D E1 0 p a g e s

o f W h a t ’ s O n

Come to thE NEC on the 15th August 2010 and get

the chance to meet your favourite music stars

featuring performances from N-Dubz, Craig David, Chipmunk, Tinchy Struder, Chris Brown, Bobby Valentino & Dj Armz

A f a m i l y g i v i n g a w a y £ 1 0 , 0 0 0 r e w a r d f o r f i n d i n g m u r d e r e rThe family of a 17 year old murder

victim Aqib Ali that was shot right out-side his house at a close range is offer-ing a £10000 reward to find his killer.The murder victim was an A Lev-

el student at Cadbury College.The assault took place outside his

house on Walford Road, Birming-ham on the 18th October 2009 while he was waiting for his driving instruc-tor’s car to come at about 8.30pm.The police believe it was a random attack.The family of Aqib believe that the £10000

reward may encourage people to help. Mr Ali who is the father of teenaged

murder victim said ‘it was a terrible tragedy that shouldn’t have taken place, my son was a wonderful child who al-ways kept himself to himself and I don’t know why someone would do such a thing, everyone is missing him and I be-lieve no one in my family will be able to get over this tragedy so easily, my only wish is for that killer to be caught.’

An eye witness who doesn’t wish to be named had said that it was a drive by attack with two Asian men in the car.The car was said to be a stolen Seat Leon.Anyone who believes to have seen

please do contact your local police station.The friends of the victim are devastat-

ed after finding out what had happened.His funeral had taken place

yesterday, thousands of peo-ple had gathered for his funeral.Officer Bill Gates is the inspector who

is dealing with this case ‘this is a deli-cate matter; the criminals involved in this case need to be tracked down be-fore they do this again to someone else’.Friends and family are still dev-

astated after hearing all this.Everyone is striving for justice, they

need your help in finding the killers.Cameras are being fitted in on the road

where the murder has taken place to make the people of that area more safe.

Full Story in Page 417 year old Aqib Ali who was murdered outside his own house

B i r m i n g h a m9th August 2010

America’s biggest music star comes to BritainAmerica’s biggest

music star comes to Britain as a part of his world tour.DJ Armz, America’s

leading producer and singer is recog-nised all over the world for his talent after producing five hit albums in a row.He has been at the

top of the chart for over three months.

At the moment he is staying with relatives in Cen-tral London and his next plan is to come into Birmingham.DJ Armz had be-

come really popular after producing the song ‘End of Time’ and since then he has been producing hits one after another.In one of his in-

terviews he said:‘England is an as-

tonishing place to live and I would love living here, I would certainly prefer Brit-ain over America’.DJ Armz has been

invited by the Queen, to her palace where she wishes to have lunch with him.He is very delighted

after achieving this. Dj Armz and his driver caught on camera in Picadilly Circus - London
