Page 1: (From The Book The Twelve Powers of Man By Charles Fillmore … 6 Twelve Mind Powers... · 2020-03-30 · You can harness the Power within you and begin directing it constructively

(From The Book The Twelve Powers of Man By Charles Fillmore Unity School of Christianity first published

in 1930. Also the use of the Book ‘Birth of the Light Body by Nada-Yolanda information, channels and figures.

Used here for Educational Purposes only!)

Page 2: (From The Book The Twelve Powers of Man By Charles Fillmore … 6 Twelve Mind Powers... · 2020-03-30 · You can harness the Power within you and begin directing it constructively

INVOCATION: Beloved ‘I AM’ Presence, We Call Unto Thee for Thy Guidance and Love

as We integrate Our 12 Mind Powers into Our Body Structures for Thy Glorious Work

Here and There. Fill All Groups of Light Workers with Thy Mighty Radiance and

Affording Us the Full Integration of Our Divine Mind Powers. Open the Flood Gates

for Thy Sacred Cosmic White Fire Light Substance to Energize Our Missions further into

those areas which are most needed. Open the Power Centre within the Throat of All

Our Groups as We Use this in Our Daily Lives. Fill Us with Thy Divine Power Centre of

Thy Knowledge of the ‘Word’ so We May Have the Divine Key and Truth to the

Perpetuity and Timelessness of Your Sacred Writings. Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence, We Ask

that Thou Grant Us Abundant Spiritual Powers for Entering more Deeply into this ‘Book

of Life’ Enveloping Us within Our Cosmic Mind for reading the Language Of Light within

These Pages. Thou Mighty, All-Powerful, Active Presence of God, Enable Us to

Understand and Feel Thy Radiant Power, Always Active and in All Ways in Our world,

affairs, and business, Knowing no single activity can go wrong; for Thou Doest Govern

All Action in Thy Love and Justice, Guiding and Regulating All God Life.


This powerful thyroid gland controls the metabolism of energy in the body. In fact, the Mind

Faculty or Virtue of Power located in this thyroid gland in the throat controls all the Vibratory

Energies of the body. Once you Know this it is easy to see the Power that your words have to

produce Health or disease. It is also easy to see how your words react upon the Power Centre

in the throat.

Your Mind Virtue of Power Operates through a large group of nerves in the throat that

controls the larynx or voice box. You can harness the Power within you and begin directing it

constructively by harnessing your words, choosing them very carefully before releasing them.

The Mind Faculty of Power is in the area of the conscious mind. This means that you can

consciously and deliberately activate Power, Life, and Vitality through your spoken words.

Power has been described as the ability to start things, such as new streams of life, Health

and Vitality flowing into the body.

The Power Centre located at the root of the tongue has contact with the Spiritual Centre at

the crown of the head and generates a Healing Power that flows to all parts of the body when

that Healing Power is released. There is Healing Power stored up in every atom and cell of

the body awaiting Liberation.

The Power of the Mind at the base of the brain known as ‘Zeal’ and the Mind Power Centre

located in the sex organs known as ‘Life’ or ‘Regeneration’ are especially responsive to the

spoken word of Power. These Mind Virtues or Faculties - Power, Zeal, and Life - work closely

together. Thus, through your spoken words of Power you release into the vital areas of the

body the Greatest Force in the Universe - the Conscious Power of Thought!


Power is released by merely Stating words of Life, Health, and Vitality. The body can be

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renewed even Transformed through the spoken word. Owing to the Vibratory Power of

words, whatever man Decrees, he releases within him or herself and within their world and

in turn achieves.

The spoken words of Life, Health and Power working through the thyroid gland stir up

tremendous Energy in the body. Ancient Egyptians used spoken words of Healing to set up

Vibratory Wave Patterns, which dispelled congestion and helped nature restore broken bones

and depleted organs.

Spoken words or those that are sung, are 80% more Powerful than silent words of Truth.

When a person tells you his Health was restored by ‘Spiritual Treatment’ he means it was

restored through Spoken Words. A Spiritual Treatment is a Truth Spoken; a Healing Idea

Stated. Diseases can be completely wiped out of the consciousness through Spoken Words.

Strong and firmly held thoughts in your mind actually change your body’s chemistry. A new

body is created once every seven years so why create a new body, which increases in ill health

and age. The cause of man’s despise is his poor choice and ignorant use of words spoken or


Quietly speaking words of Life and Love to every cell and organ function of the body is a sure

and permanent way to change your thought habits. It brings about improved health, along

with New Strength, new bone structure, new cell tissue, enriched blood supply and a toning

up of the whole organism within and without. If you wish to Heal yourself, talk to your mind

and body as you would talk to a patient.

The human body, either man or woman is filled with Innate Intelligence. Through speaking

words of Confidence and Power over and over each one gains conscious attention of the

Intelligence within the organs of the body. As each person continues to speak words of

Power, that Innate Intelligence is tapped into and releases increased Life and substance into

the mind, body and affairs of man.

Unkind words will harden arteries, harden the liver and affect eyesight and hearing. Living in

the past or complaining about your hard experiences in life also burdens your body with ill

health. You release into your mind, body and affairs that which you think about and talk

about. Your words are your Power. Remember that energy is only energy, neither good nor

bad, positive or negative, it only follows thought. Your thought, your words and your actions

are the Source of the Energy you project. Through the Power Centre you Create or destroy.

Your words can dissolve obstacles and remove barriers; or your words can create obstacles

and form barriers.

The Spiritual Virtue of Power also expresses via the muscles and the limbs. The body has over

six hundred skeletal muscles that attach to bones. Fibrous connective tissue surrounds

skeletal muscles and extends from them as tough chords or tendons. Skeletal muscles also

are called voluntary muscles, because we can choose to flex them or to relax them. Two other

kinds of muscles, cardiac and smooth, are classified as involuntary muscles because they

function only in the heart.

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Smooth muscles exist in the arteries, the bronchioles, the digestive tract and the uterus.

Spiritual Power correlates primary with skeletal muscle, since it produces movement of the

limbs and maintains the posture. Cardiac and smooth muscles are parts of the organs whose

primary functions correlate with other Spiritual Virtue Mind Powers.

Difficulties with the Power Virtue may manifest as disorders of the skeletal muscles and the

limbs. One common symptom is tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Tension

in or overuse of any skeletal muscles may cause myofascitis (inflammation and tenderness of

the muscles and the fascia or fibrous tissue that surrounds them). When this occurs in the

back muscles, one may have a backache. Power blockages also may cause muscle cramps;

pulled or strained muscles; bursitis (inflammation of a bursa, which is a fluid-filled sac that

eases movement); tendonitis, (inflammation of the tendons); arthritis (inflammation of the

joints); or injuries that damage the limbs.

To Heal any disorder of the larynx, the muscles or the limbs, employ techniques from each of

the three Zones of Power: Spiritual-mental, emotional and physical. Begin by speaking the

word, for this has the Greatest Power to Harmonize mind, Soul and Body. Then reprogram

any memories and feelings that are impeding the Healing you have called forth. Physically

utilize the best of all available therapies. Via these multiple methods the one Power, Spirit,

will restore your health.

The body feeds on a man or woman’s words. When those words are Life-Giving they are

Health producing. Every time you speak, you cause the atoms of your body to tremble and

change their place. Not only do you cause the atoms of your own body to change their

positions, but as you mentally raise or lower the rate of your own vibrations you also affect

the bodies of other people with whom you come in contact, just as they do you.

This explains why you feel tired, depressed and physically run down after being in the

company of negative people, whereas, you feel uplifted and inspired after being in the

company of joyous, happy, positive people. You need to control your voice most carefully. It

has a far greater effect on your health and nervous system than you have ever suspected, as

well as affecting the nerves and health of those about you. You can tell a lot about a person’s

state of mind by his voice. An inharmonious voice indicates an inharmonious state of mind.

Avoid such people whenever possible since they have nothing to add to your own health,

wealth or happiness and in their present state of mind they are invariably tearing down their


You can build into your own voice so great a measure of Peace and Harmony that it will

become a Healing influence to anybody who hears it. It will prove a Blessing to you and to

those about you. A person should constantly speak words of Life, Health and Vitality and

should Raise their voice in constant Praise. In this way he or she lifts their whole organism to

a Higher, Healthier and Harmonious Vibration which reacts as good health to mind, body and

affairs. The body has Natural Forces within it that would Transform it only if that Power was

consistently released through constructive words!

Those quiet, private words you speak often affect your mind, body and affairs much more

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than anything else you do, say, or think. Indeed, your every word is recorded in the body.

Your words become your flesh. Every word when spoken vibrates throughout your whole

body and moves every cell and atom of your being. Repetition of any word fixes it in mind

and causes it to become a moving force in the body. All Power is given unto you in mind and

body through your words! Your words release atomic energy into your body. Live within the

Heart and not the head.

This will take the power of decision making for the correct thoughts actions and words away

from the ego and give it to its Rightful Owner, the ‘I AM’ Presence within you. To try and rule

other people is the way of confusion. To be ruled by others only limits and stifles your own

Power. You must learn to think for yourself, thus finding your own path and being responsible

for your own words, thoughts and actions. Isn’t Life a Miracle in Itself? You are Part of that

Life - you are That Miracle! Revel in its Power!

BENEDICTION: Beloved Presence of God ‘I AM’! We Give Praise and Thanks for Thy

Every Presence Within Us as Thy Radiance Over-Lights Our daily Love-In-Action. We

Thank Thee for Our Divine Power to Create New Streams of Life, Joy, Balance, Harmony

and True Abundance Within and around Us. We Thank Thee for the quickening of Our

Self-Realization of the Innate Divine Control of Our thoughts and feelings. We Thank

Thee for Giving to Our Special Training so that We may Serve Thee better as We have

Our ‘Feet on the Ground’ and Stand Forth in Our Expectant Readiness. We Give Praise

for Thy Christ Power of Love and Wisdom, which with NO uncertainty is Raising the

consciousness of mankind above the degenerating selfishness of self -interest, ego

centricity, greediness and egotism of the activity of the outer self. We Ever Grow in

Deeper Praise, Thanks and Gratitude to Thee for Thy Life, Thy Light, and Thy Intelligent

Power Manifest Everywhere in the Universe; for Thy Active Presence manifest in the

mind, body, home, world and affairs of everyone. ‘I AM’ the Sacred Blue White Fire

Light, Established in Through and All Around, Here and There. ‘I AM’ THAT ‘I AM’, ‘I


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Larynx & Muscular System



Deep Aqua

The Colour for Power is Deep Aqua, similar to the turquoise stone. This is a

blending of the Blue of Faith and Will with the Green of Wisdom and Judgment.

Blue also Represents the Heavens, the Spiritual Forces Above; Green, the

growing plants for nourishment here on the Earth Planet where we express in

our physical form. As Above, So Below. Blue is Above, Green is Below. So, in

Deep Aqua we have an equal balance and blending of the Spiritual and the

physical. Blending these two zones of activity with the Pure White of Divine

Love creates the Colour of Deep Aqua.

Also taking into consideration future, present and past. As you Visualize Aqua

being added to your life and activities in the Implanting of the ‘I AM’ Presence

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Virtues, Know you are unleashing Energies which affect your past memories

and Soul participations; your present environment, conditions relationships

and the future Missions you are working towards in the Full Manifestation of

the Light Body.

Recognize the Responsibility and the Attitude of Power and Spiritual Position

those on the Christ Realms Comfortably Embrace. Spread your Aqua Aura

Protectively over all you survey. Reign Steady within the ‘I AM’ Presence


And So It Is! As Above, So Below!

This Too Shall Pass,

May You Pass Every Test,

No Longer Seek Further That Which Is Seen,

Rather Seek ONLY Now That Which Is Unseen!

Let this Dictum, become Your Guiding Light Now, for it in and of Itself, has

much to offer all who will Move Forward from here!!

Create then your 4 lower bodies into a Temple Most High of the Divine ‘I AM’

Presence through the Anchoring of Divine Power in You, Within the Kingdom of

Your Divine God Mother and Your Beloved God Father.

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