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From sky to hospital

The Monash University team are contributing

to the development of the C919 by printing

prototypes of a range of components,

including an 80cm-long aluminium door

hinge and more than 20 other metal alloy


In 2017 the University signed a memorandum

of agreement with COMAC in the presence

of the Premier of Victoria, the Hon Daniel

Andrews MP.

Through this agreement, Monash and

COMAC will collaborate on the design of

specialised new 3D printed alloy components

for aerospace applications, including the

design and construction of the C919.

Printing for health

Metal 3D printing also offers new scope in

medicine. Implants—tailored to each patient’s

body—can be created within 24 hours once

the design has been finalised, compared

to the months and years that traditional

manufacturing may need.

The Monash team are collaborating with

hospitals in Guangzhou Southern Medical

University and Melbourne Alfred Hospital

to create personalised implants for cancer

patients. Chinese cancer surgeons are

often required to remove large cancerous

growth and need to replace the cancer

with an implant that helps everything

stay in place. In the case of spine

cancers in the past they use cement

to fill up cavities.

Now the surgeons at Guangzhou

Southern Medical University can order

a customised latticed implants with

precise fixing holes to do the job.

The metal alloys used are already rated to

aerospace manufacturing standards, which

are even more rigorous than those necessary

for international biomedical devices.

“This is just one example of how 3D printing

can replace the ‘one-size-fits-all’ attitude

of the past,” says Professor Wu.


Cars need steel. BaoSteel and

Deakin University are working on

next-generation alloys and future metal

forming processes that could make

cars lighter and more energy efficient.

Improved steel manufacturing, new

alloys and cathodes for lithium batteries

are some of focuses of BaoSteel’s

partnership with four Australian

universities through the BaoSteel

Joint Research and Development Centre

hosted by the University of Queensland.

Photos: English side, top left, Xinhua Wu led the project to

print a jet engine (Monash University); English side, bottom

left, 3D printed vertebra (Monash University); Chinese

side, top left, C919 (Jordan Tan, Shutterstock); Chinese

side, top right, 3D printed vertebrae (Monash University);

Chinese side, bottom left, Jet engine 3D printed at Monash

University; all other images courtesy Shutterstock.

For further information visit

Working together to create advanced manufacturing industries

The maiden flight of the COMAC C919

airliner in May 2017 illustrated China’s

ambition in advanced manufacturing.

Many of the airliner’s parts are made using

3D printing, and Australian engineers are

working with their Chinese colleagues to

develop the technology further.

3D printing in metal enables fast prototyping,

lighter and simpler construction, and the

creation of complex designs that can’t be

made by casting. But it’s a challenging and

complex technology to master. Components

can take days to print and printing flaws can

weaken a part.

Australian engineers led by Professor Xinhua

Wu are masters of the technology. In 2015

her team at Monash University in Melbourne

announced that they had produced the

world’s first printed jet engine by scanning

and printing a Safran auxiliary power unit.

China is investing heavily in 3D printing

for the C919 airliner, which can carry 168

people and is scheduled to start commercial

operations in 2021. There are already 785

orders for the new medium-range aircraft,

which will use engines developed by

Safran and their US partners.


从航空到医疗蒙纳士大学的研究团队用 3D 打印技术鼎力支持 C919 的研发:他们打印出C919客机的一些部件原型,如 80 厘米长的铝制门铰链和 其他20 多种金属合金部件。

2017 年,在澳大利亚维多利亚州州长丹尼尔•安德鲁斯的见证下,蒙纳士大学与中国商用飞机有限责任公司 (COMAC) 签署了一份协议备忘录:双方合作设计新型 3D 打印合金部件用于航空航天领域,包括设计和建造C919客机 。

为健康而打印金属 3D 打印还为医学开辟了新天地。用传统生产工艺为病人量身打造植入物需要数月甚至数年,但是结构设计完成后,用金属3D打印只需24小时即可完成。



“这仅仅是3D 打印技术改变过去‘一成不变’医疗理念的一个例子。”吴教授如此说道。




英文版左上角:吴新华教授带领的喷气式发动机打印项目(蒙纳士大学);英文版左下角:3D打印的脊椎骨(蒙纳士大学);中文版左上角:C919客机(图片来自Jordan Tan, Shutterstock);中文版右上角: 3D打印的脊椎骨(蒙纳士大学);中文版左下角:蒙纳士大学用3D技术打印的喷气式发动机;其他图片鸣谢Shutterstock


携手打造先进制造业2017 年 5 月,中国C919 客机的成功首飞彰显了中国在先进制造业的雄心壮志。

该客机的许多部件均通过 3D 打印制造。为了进一步发展这项3D 打印技术,中澳工程师已携手合作多年。

金属 3D 打印可快速仿制原型,让构造更轻便、简单,甚至完成无法通过铸造实现的复杂设计。但这项技术极富挑战性且十分复杂,不易掌握。打印零件可能花上好几天,而打印中的瑕疵也会让零件变得脆弱。

由吴新华教授带领的澳大利亚工程师团队是运用这项技术的大师。2015 年,她在墨尔本蒙纳士大学的研究团队宣布,他们通过将赛峰辅助动力装置扫描后打印出来的方式制造出世界上第一台3D打印的喷气式发动机。

中国斥巨资投入 C919 客机3D 打印,打造出载客容量为 168 人的客机,并计划于 2021 年投入商业运营。这一新型中程客机采用由赛峰集团及其美国合作伙伴联合开发的发动机,并已斩获新机订单700多架。


More wheat, less water

“For this new project we are analysing

1,500 strains of wheat, from China and

Australia,” says Professor Batley. “It’s exciting

to work with our colleagues at the Inner

Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal

Husbandry Sciences, the Gansu Academy of

Agricultural Sciences, and the Hebei Academy

of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. They

bring vast experience in field work and crop

trials and their laboratories are surrounded

by fields to trial new wheat strains.”

The Australian team’s skills include genomics

expertise and new breeding technologies

that enable eight generations of crop

per year.

“We’re finding that there’s a lot of untapped

diversity in wheat. I think we’ll keep

increasing the yields for decades to come,”

says Professor Batley.

“Exchanging wheat strains between

Australian and China is the key to success,”

says Professor Guijun Yan from UWA. “With

improved breeding lines, we will not only

meet the priorities of Australian and Chinese

wheat breeding programs, but also contribute

to the world demand for food security and

sustainability,” he says.

The other project partners include InterGrain

Pty Ltd; Chinese Academy of Sciences;

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;

and Beijing Genomics Institute. The work is

supported by the Australian government’s

Global Innovation Linkage program.


South Australian seaweed is being

harvested by a Chinese company Gather

Great Ocean Group. They’re after the marine

sugars from native Australian seaweed

species, for use in high value products

like cakes, jelly and pharmaceuticals. The

project was initiated by Flinders University

researcher Professor Wei Zhang.

The fruit of the jujube tree is a traditional

Chinese food and medicine. The tree has

outstanding tolerance to drought and salt

says UWA’s Professor Guijun Yan. He worked

with Chinese partners to read its genome

and identify genes that could one day be

introduced into other crops.

Sheep herders in Western China have

tripled their income and reduced their

herd size thanks to husbandry advice

from Charles Sturt University researchers

supported by the Australian Council for

International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

Professor David Kemp was awarded The

People’s Republic of China Friendship Award

in 2015 for his leadership of this and other

projects benefiting Chinese farmers.

Photos: English side, top left, Professor Guijun Yan is

improving wheat in China and Australia (UWA); English

side, top right, Jujube fruit (Shutterstock); Chinese side,

top right, wheatfield in Xinjiang; all other images courtesy

Shutterstock and iStock.

For further information visit

China and Australia can dramatically boost

wheat yields and improve food security by

unlocking the genetic potential within the

hundreds of wheat varieties grown in the

two countries. That’s the promise of the

latest collaboration between wheat

researchers in the two countries.

Chinese farmers have been growing wheat

for at least 4,000 years. Crop yields per

hectare are now nearly 10 times higher than

in 1960 and China is now the largest wheat

producer in the world. But wheat researchers

say we can do more.

“In China, wheat is grown in dryland areas

such as Inner Mongolia, Hebei, and Gansu.

Growing conditions are similar to Western

Australia,” says Professor Jacqueline

Batley from The University of Western

Australia (UWA).

“When the conditions are good, yields are

high. But in times of high temperature and

low rainfall, crops can fail. Working together,

we can create drought tolerant crops with

higher yield,” she says.

Professor Batley is part of a new project

that builds on decades of agricultural

collaboration between China and Australia


• Contributing to the global effort to

decode the wheat genome.

• Helping Chinese farmers make better

use of water through mulching and

tillage in a project between UWA and

Lanzhou University

• Producing better tasting and higher

quality bread using new genome data

for wheat grown in Australia (Murdoch

University and the Chinese Academy

of Agricultural Sciences)


让小麦耐旱又高产在这些合作的基础上,巴特利教授参加了一个新的项目。 “在这个新项目中,我们正在共同分析来自中国和澳大利亚的共1500个小麦品种,”巴特利教授说,“与内蒙古农牧业科学院、甘肃省农业科学院和河北省农林科学院的同事一起工作真是令人激动。他们在田间作业和作物试验方面拥有丰富的经验。他们的实验室位于田地中间,便于试验最新的小麦品种。”








中国西部牧民缩小了牧群规模却使收入增加了两倍。这多亏了由澳大利亚国际农业研究中心(ACIAR)支持的查尔斯特大学的研究人员给出的畜牧建议。因其为帮助中国农民的诸多项目中做出的杰出贡献,上述项目的领导人大卫•肯普(David Kemp)教授获得了2015年度中国政府友谊奖。

英文版左上角:闫桂军教授正在改良中澳的小麦品种(西澳大学);英文版右上角:红枣(图片来自Shutterstock);中文版右上角:新疆的麦田;其他图片鸣谢Shutterstock和 iStock




“在中国,小麦大多分布在内蒙古、河北和甘肃等旱地地区。这些地区的种植条件与西澳大利亚州很像。”西澳大学(UWA)的杰奎琳•巴特利(Jacqueline Batley)教授说。



• 共同参与解码小麦基因组的全球行动

• 西澳大学和兰州大学的合作项目:通过地面覆盖和耕作帮助中国农民更好地利用水资源

• 莫道克大学和中国农业科学院的合作项目:借助澳大利亚小麦的新基因组数据,生产更可口、更优质的面包



The ‘coolest’ place for astronomy

High on the Antarctic Plateau, in one of

the coldest places on Earth, a group of

telescopes are peering through stellar

dust clouds into the heart of our galaxy.

The cold helps counteract interference from

the telescopes and surrounding equipment,

which can hinder our ability to see relatively

‘cool’ objects in space, such as asteroids,

young stars, and interstellar gas.

The skies above China’s Kunlun Station,

based in the Australian Antarctic Territory,

are not only cold, but dry, calm, and free of

light pollution. This makes it the perfect

place for infrared telescopes, which can

also see through dust.

Setting up equipment in Antarctica is not

easy: it needs to work through the dark of

a long winter and temperatures as low as

-80°C. But for more than a decade, Australian

and Chinese astronomers have been

combining their expertise to overcome these

challenges, demonstrating the value and

viability of Antarctic astronomy.

Their success has led to a solid consortium

of Chinese-Australian researchers, with plans

to expand their exploration of the skies—

including a $70 million telescope similar in

size to the Hubble Space Telescope. The

Kunlun ‘KDUST’ Dark Universe Telescope will

use optical and infrared light to search for

Earth-like planets, probe dark matter, and

study the formation of the first stars. KDUST

builds on the successful AST3 pathfinder

telescopes installed by China at Kunlun.

“Both countries have made what can only

be described as heroic efforts to ensure

that equipment is delivered on time and

made to operate at Kunlun Station,” says

Professor Michael Ashley of the University

of New South Wales (UNSW). He was part

of the original Australian team that began

working with Professor Lifan Wang, Professor

Ji Yang, and colleagues from Purple Mountain

Observatory and other Chinese institutions

in 2004.

“The plans to install new state-of-the-art

telescopes at the best observing site on the

Earth’s surface are a tribute to the expertise

and trust that each country has brought

to the consortium,” says Nobel Laureate

Professor Brian Schmidt, co-chair of the


The collaboration began in 2004, when a

Chinese expedition travelled over 1,200 km,

and carried with them a small telescope built

at UNSW to monitor the cloud coverage

during the Antarctic winter. China then

established a research base, Kunlun Station,

at Dome Argus (a massive ice dome that rises

4,000 metres above sea level), followed by

the first automatic observatory, (PLATeau

Observatory), and its upgrade, PLATO-A,

which were both designed and built at

UNSW. PLATO has hosted eight instruments

from five countries, looking for planets and

supernovae, mapping the Milky Way, and

measuring atmospheric distortion and the

brightness of the sky.

The collaboration is supported by

the Australian-ChinA ConsortiuM for

Astrophysical Research (ACAMAR) with

the support of the National Astronomical

Observatories of the Chinese Academy

of Sciences, the Australian Government,

Astronomy Australia Limited and various



The Square Kilometre Array, now under

construction in Africa and Australia, will

comprise thousands of receiver dishes.

It will help in the search for dark energy;

look back to the Big Bang; and seek

out Earth-like planets. A Chinese-led

consortium is developing SKA dishes and

revealed a prototype in February 2018.

A natural basin in the Guizhou

mountains is now home to the world’s

largest single-dish radio telescope.

The Five-hundred-metre Aperture

Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) is

using radio receivers developed by

CSIRO that can simultaneously capture

and process 19 different radio signals

from space. In 2017 FAST made its first

discovery when it found two pulsars

which were then confirmed by

Australia’s Parkes Observatory.

Photos: Chinese side, top left, Kunlun Research Station

(Chinese Academy of Sciences); Chinese side, top right

The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder in the

West Australian desert (Neal Pritchard); all other images

courtesy Shutterstock.

For further information visit


天文学之巅新南威尔士大学 (UNSW) 的迈克尔•阿什利教授 (Michael Ashley) 表示:“可以说,中澳两国都做出了艰苦卓绝的努力,确保了设备的按时交付和在昆仑站的正常运作。”阿什利教授是澳方团队最初的成员,该团队自 2004 年起就与王力帆教授、杨戟教授以及来自紫金山天文台的和其他中国机构的同行展开合作。

“计划在地球表面最好、最独一无二的观测站安装最先进的望远镜,这体现了两国对中澳天文联合研究的专业支持和信心,”诺贝尔奖得主、中澳天文联合研究中心联席主任布莱恩•施密特 (Brian Schmidt) 教授说道。

这一合作始于 2004 年,当时一支中国探险队带着由新南威尔士大学建造的小型望远镜跋涉了 1200 多千米,去监测南极冬季的云层覆盖范围。随后,中国在冰穹 A (一个海拔 4000 米的巨大冰穹) 设立了一个研究基地——昆仑站,紧接着又建立了第一个自动天文台——PLATO 天文台 以及后续设施 PLATO-A,均由新南威尔士大学设计和建造。PLATO 天文台囊括来自五个国家的八种仪器,用于寻找行星和超新星、绘制银河系星图、测量大气畸变和天空亮度。

在中国科学院国家天文台、澳大利亚政府、澳大利亚天文联合组织(AAL)和多所大学的支持下,中澳天文联合研究中心 (ACAMAR) 为这项合作提供了大力支持。


目前正在非洲和澳大利亚建造的平方公里阵列射电望远镜 (SKA) 将包含数千个碟形接收机。它将为寻找暗能量、回顾研究“大爆炸”、寻找类地行星做出贡献。由中国牵头的研究团队正在研发SKA的碟形接收机,并于 2018 年 2 月举办了首台天线出场仪式。

坐落在贵州山区天然盆地之中的“中国天眼”是世界上最大的单口径射电望远镜。这台500 米口径球面射电望远镜 (FAST) 使用的是澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织 (CSIRO) 研发的无线电接收机,它可以在同一时间捕捉和处理19 处来自太空的无线电信号。2017 年,“中国天眼”首次发现了两颗新脉冲星,随后得到了澳大利亚帕克斯天文台的确认。

中文版左上角:中国南极昆仑站(中国科学院);中文版右上角:西澳大利亚沙漠里的平方公里阵列射电望远镜(图片来自Neal Pritchard); 其他图片鸣谢Shutterstock





在南极洲安装设备并不容易,这不仅需要在漫长的冬季极夜中进行安装操作,还需要面临最低可达零下 80°C的低温天气。但十多年来,澳大利亚和中国的天文学家一直通力合作,用他们的专业知识来应对这些挑战,展现出了南极天文研究的价值和可行性。

一起成功克服困难使中澳研究人员团结起来,也让他们决定扩大对天空的探索。这其中就包括新建价值 7000 万澳元的昆仑暗宇宙巡天望远镜(KDUST),其尺寸将与哈勃太空望远镜相当。它将使用可见光和红外线搜索类地行星、探测暗物质并研究第一批恒星的形成。昆仑暗宇宙巡天望远镜是基于中国在昆仑站成功安装的 AST3 探路者望远镜。


How deep is your sleep?

They’ve invested $500,000 in the work

of Professor Yan Li from USQ. She is

a leader in brain modelling and using

electroencephalography signals for

decoding brain activities.

Their partnership has already helped

Delica improve the precision of a device

that measures blood flow through the brain.

While general anaesthesia is one of the

safest routine procedures in medicine

today, we still don’t completely understand

how it creates ‘unconsciousness’.

The thalamus plays a role in sleep regulation,

consciousness and alertness, and

coordinates parts of the cortex as we

change between sleep states.

Professor Li’s team has developed a

model to interpret the mass of neuron

activity in the thalamus and cortex.

“Our latest research, including our model,

will help Delicia develop new devices for

brain activity monitoring and non-invasive

cerebral blood measurement, and even

the diagnosis of neurological diseases.

“We can help them produce affordable

medical instruments that can be used in

hospitals around the world, to improve the

quality of people’s lives,” Professor Li says.

In 2016 the researchers received a grant as

part of the Australian Government’s Global

Connections Fund, leading to the investment

by Delicia in 2017.

Photos: English side, top right, Professor Yan Li and her

team hope to make more accurate measures of depth

of anaesthesia (USQ Photography); all other images

courtesy Shutterstock.

For further information visit

Reading brain activity for better anaesthesia

More than 40 million people have major

surgery in China each year. For every one

of them the nature of consciousness is a

very practical concern. Too low a dose of

anaesthetic could see you wake up during

the operation. Too high a dose could have

long term health consequences.

Currently, the best monitoring devices can

only monitor a suite of secondary indicators

of consciousness. A Guangdong company

has partnered with the University of

Southern Queensland (USQ) with the

aim of making anaesthesia easier and

safer. They’re creating an intelligent

device to directly measure the depth

of unconsciousness and adjust the

anaesthetic dose in real time.

Such a device would:

• minimise side effects of anaesthetics

• allow more accurate dosing of general

anaesthetic pharmaceuticals

• reduce the incidence of intraoperative

awareness (‘waking up’ during a

medical procedure)

• improve patient comfort

• reduce the overall cost of care.

The partnership could also lead to

innovative technologies to diagnose

and treat sleep disorders.

Shenzhen Delica Medical Equipment is

a global leader in the supply of machines

to measure brain activity and cerebral

blood flow, and other neurological devices.


Can we better identify and treat heart attacks? Researchers from Shandong University

and Flinders University hope that a study of 10,000 patients at 22 hospitals in Shandong

Province will provide answers. The two universities are also developing wearable

monitors to measure respiration, pulse, blood oxygen and other physiological measures.

500 million Chinese are infected with Helicobacter pylori, a major cause of stomach

ulcers and stomach cancers, and one that’s becoming resistant to many antibiotics.

The Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases Research and Training is working with

Chinese hospitals and universities to create specialist research centres and laboratories

to tackle the issue. These include a research centre at the West China Hospital in

Chengdu and an outpatient service at Shanghai East Hospital, which Nobel Laureate

Barry Marshall launched in June 2017.

Cancer, inflammation and infectious diseases are the focus of The Joint Centre for

Translational Medicine at Nanjing University, in partnership with The University of

Melbourne and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. Their aim is

to fast-track discoveries in basic research from the laboratory to the clinic.

H. pylori






2016 年,李燕教授的研究团队获得了澳大利亚政府全球连通基金的资助,随后德力凯于 2017 年赞助了50 万美元。



解读大脑活动, 提高麻醉效果 中国每年有超过 4000 万人接受大手术。对于他们来说,意识的本质是一个非常现实的问题。麻醉剂剂量太低可能会让病人在手术过程中醒来,剂量过高则可能会对健康造成长期影响。

目前最好的监控设备也只能监控意识的次要指标。广东一家公司与南昆士兰大学 (USQ) 展开合作,力求使麻醉变得更方便、更安全。他们正在研发一种智能设备,用来直接测量无意识的程度并实时调整麻醉剂剂量。


• 尽量减少麻醉剂的副作用

• 更准确地控制全身麻醉的剂量

• 降低“术中知晓”的几率 (“术中知晓”即在手术中醒来)

• 提高患者舒适度

• 降低整体护理成本



德力凯为南昆士兰大学李燕教授的研究投资了 50 多万澳元。李教授是大脑建模和使用脑电图信号解码大脑活动的专家。




我们能有办法更好地诊断和治疗心脏病吗?山东大学和弗林德斯大学的研究人员希望从对山东省 22家医院的 1 万名患者的研究中找到答案。这两所大学也在研发监测呼吸、脉搏、血氧含量和其他生理指标的可穿戴式设备。

中国有5 亿人感染了幽门螺杆菌。这种细菌是导致胃溃疡和胃癌的罪魁祸首,并且对许多抗生素都具有抗药性。针对这个问题,澳大利亚马歇尔传染病研究中心与中国的医院和大学展开合作,建立了专门的研究中心和实验室,包括在成都华西医院设立的研究中心和由诺贝尔奖获得者巴里•马歇尔 (Barry Marshall) 于 2017 年 6 月在上海东方医院开设的门诊部。


H. pylori


Clean gas, clean air

“Separating methane and nitrogen is

challenging due to their similar physical and

chemical properties,” says Professor Eric May,

from the University of Western Australia.

His research team have created molecular

sponges using zeolite that can rapidly

absorb methane, separating it from the

contaminants. They’ve produced and tested

a few kilograms of their zeolite sponge and

are working with an Australian company

Gas Capture Technologies. But industry

will need thousands of tonnes.

“We’ve partnered with Sichuan DKT Energy

Technology Company to bring these new

separation technologies to the natural gas

industry,” says Professor May. “DKT are

specialists in gas separation so they’re

working out how to produce the zeolites

on a commercial scale,” he says.

The collaborative partners are also working

on a second approach to the problem, taking

inspiration from nature. Current processes

for capturing nitrogen involve high

temperatures and pressures.

But the bacteria in plants like clover

can fix nitrogen using enzyme metal

complexes. The team have developed

similar technologies that also work at

ambient temperature.

The project is supported by the

Australian Government’s Global

Innovation Linkages program.

Photos: Chinese side, top right, solar cells developed

at UNSW; all other images courtesy Shutterstock.

For further information visit

New technologies are making natural gas a cheaper and greener fuel

Air quality in China’s cities is improving

thanks to government initiatives to reduce

urban coal burning. In Beijing, for example,

homes, schools, hospitals and factories

are switching from coal to gas for heating.

As a result, demand for gas has quadrupled

over the past decade. Now Australian

researchers are partnering with Chinese

industry to make gas production even

cleaner and more efficient.

Both countries will benefit. China has large

gas reserves but much of the gas is in

unconventional sources such as coal seam

gas and shale gas. The gases from these

sources can contain less than 50 per cent

methane so impurities such as carbon

dioxide and nitrogen must be removed.

For nitrogen that usually means cooling

the gas to separate the valuable methane

from the nitrogen in an energy-intensive

process costing billions of dollars.

Australia has also stepped up to help China

meet its demand for gas. About half of

China’s gas imports come from Australia in

the form of liquid natural gas (LNG). Some

of that gas is from unconventional sources.

In 2014 the world’s first shipment of LNG

produced from coal seam gas left north

Queensland for China.


Renergi is planning to turn crop waste and wood chips into gas and transport fuel,

saving greenhouse emissions and landfill. They’re using technology developed at

Curtin University and Taiyuan University of Technology.

Cheaper, stronger solar cells is the aim of a collaboration between the University

of New South Wales and Chinese manufacturers. Twenty-five years ago UNSW

demonstrated a new kind of solar cell with 25 per cent efficiency. But they were

too expensive to produce. Now, using prototype laser tools from China’s DR Laser

and others, the research partners have shown that they can cheaply hydrogenate

silicon wafers to create affordable high-efficiency solar cells with 100 times the

quality of previous approaches.

Underground mines are a significant source of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

So CSIR0 created a 25kW power generator demonstration unit that uses this waste

gas to produce electricity, and trialled it at an underground coal mine of Huainan

Coal Mining Group in China.



梅教授的研究团队使用沸石制成分子海绵,通过快速吸收甲烷的方式将其与杂质分离开来。他们生产和测试了几千克的沸石海绵,并与澳大利亚天然气捕集技术公司 (Gas Capture Technologies) 展开了合作。但工业应用将需要成千上万吨沸石海绵。



这项研究得到了澳大利亚政府全球创新连接计划 (Global Innovation Linkages) 的支持。

中文版右上角:新南威尔士大学研发的太阳能电池; 其他图片鸣谢Shutterstock




澳大利亚也加紧步伐帮助中国满足其对天然气的需求。中国进口的天然气大约有一半是来自澳大利亚的液化天然气 (LNG),其中一些液化天然气产自非常规气源。世界上第一批产自煤层气的液化天然气就是在2014 年从昆士兰北部运往中国的。

“由于甲烷和氮气物理化学性质的相似性,将它们分离的过程充满挑战,”西澳大利亚大学的埃里克•梅 (Eric May) 教授如此说道。


Renergi 计划将农作物废料和木屑转化为天然气和运输燃料,从而减少温室气体排放和垃圾填埋。他们采用的是科廷大学和太原理工大学共同研发的技术。

新南威尔士大学与中国制造商携手合作,旨在开发出更低价且更强大的太阳能电池。25年前,新南威尔士大学展示了一种转化效率为 25% 的新型太阳能电池,但这种电池的缺点是生产成本太高。现在,通过使用中国武汉帝尔激光科技等公司的原型激光工具,研发人员已经证明可以低成本实现硅晶片的氢化,从而制造出平价、高效率的太阳能电池,而产品质量是其它工艺的 100 倍。

甲烷是一种威力强大的温室气体,而地下矿井则是甲烷的一大主要来源。澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织 (CSIRO) 制造了一个 25千瓦的示范发电机,该电机可用矿井废气发电,并在中国淮南煤矿集团的一个地下煤矿进行了试运行。

X-rays for gold

dozens of trips to visit Nuctech’s Beijing

headquarters and their development and

production facility in Miyun.

Teaming up with Nuctech engineers, Chrysos

developed a design for the PhotonAssay

machine in early 2017. Just over a year later,

the first device began operation in Perth.

Another two PhotonAssay machines will be

deployed in the first half of 2019, and after

that Chrysos will ramp up production.

“Nuctech have given this project all the

resources it needed to succeed,” says

Chrysos CEO Dirk Treasure. “There’s no better

party we could have chosen to work with.”

Making mines safer

Huainan Coal Mining Group is going deeper

each year in the search for coal. Its miners

are often working at depths of nearly a

kilometre. Australia’s CSIRO is working with

them to ensure the safety of the mines.

Coal seams in the Huainan area are highly

gassy. That creates two major risks:

explosive outbursts of coal and gas;

and concentrations of methane gas.

Traditionally miners have dealt with

the methane after it has been released.

The Huainan and CSIRO engineers looked

at the problem differently and have

developed a system that enables them

to drain methane from the coal seam.

This approach was used at the Huainan

Pansan mine and generated a consistent,

high flow rate of high purity gas. It also

helped CSIRO develop a similar approach

for the Bulga coal mine in eastern Australia.

The Huainan and CSIRO team have also

demonstrated that waste methane gas

could be used to produce electricity

using a novel catalytic combustion gas

turbine system.

Automation for safety

Most underground coal mines use longwall

mining. Typically, a seam of coal is mined in

a series of one metre slices, taken from a

block of coal that’s kilometres in length and

hundreds of metres deep. The coal is carried

away on a belt, and the roof of the mine is

held up over the top of the equipment by

large hydraulic rams. This mining system

has made mines safer, but it still puts miners

close to big, violent machines. “So, we worked

with industry to create an underground

automation system that isolates people from

mining hazards while improving productivity,”

says CSIRO’s Dr Mark Dunn. The machine

knows where it is to the nearest centimetre

using a built in guidance system that works

underground. The system can be managed

by an operator in the mine, on the surface or

on the other side of the world.

Sixty per cent of Australia’s underground coal

miners already use the CSIRO technology.

China’s biggest miner, the China Energy

Investment Corporation (China Energy) ,

has installed five systems and China Coal

Technology and Engineering Group is working

with CSIRO to make the technology available

to the 1,500 longwall mining sites in China.

Photos: English and Chinese side, top left, PhotonAssay

system quickly tests gold ore; Chinese side, top right,

longwall automation at work, (CSIRO) all other images

courtesy Shutterstock.

For further information visit

China and Australia are the world’s two

largest producers of gold. So, it’s fitting

that a device combining Australian and

Chinese research, and capabilities in

high-tech manufacturing, is set to

shake up the industry.

Ore processors need to know how much

gold is in their raw material to get the most

out of it. The current industry standard for

testing ore is the fire assay, an elaborate

and time-consuming process that requires

temperatures over 1000 degrees and toxic

chemicals such as lead. It also takes at least

8 hours to complete.

That’s where the PhotonAssay machine

comes in. Built by Adelaide’s Chrysos

Corporation and Beijing’s Nuctech Company,

it uses a two-minute X-ray scan to determine

how much gold is in a sample of ore with an

accuracy of less than one part in a million.

The concept was developed over a decade by

James Tickner and colleagues at CSIRO: you

bombard the ore with high-energy X-rays,

and then identify gold by the characteristic

gamma-ray echo it gives off in response.

The idea had such potential that a new

company, Chrysos, was formed to develop

it. For manufacturing smarts, James turned

for assistance to Nuctech, a world-leading

maker of security scanners. He has worked

with the Chinese company since 2007,

when they collaborated with CSIRO to

produce an innovative neutron-based

scanner for air cargo.

The air cargo scanner project led to other

cooperative research and development

projects. Over the years, James has made






“同方威视为这个项目提供了成功所需的一切资源,”Chrysos的首席执行官德克•特雷杰(Dirk Treasure)说,“再也找不到比他们更好的合作伙伴了。”



传统煤矿作业人员一般会在甲烷气体释放后再对它进行处理。淮南矿业和CSIRO的工程师们却独辟蹊径,开发出了从煤层中排出甲烷的系统。淮南矿业潘三煤矿采用这种方法稳定产出大量高纯度气体。 CSIRO还据此为澳大利亚东部的巴尔加煤矿研发出了类似的方法。



尽管这种采煤系统提高了采煤的安全性,但煤矿作业人员仍然处于高危大型机械附近。 “于是我们与业界合作推出了一种既能使作业人员远离采矿风险又能提高生产力的地下自动化系统,”CSIRO的马克•邓恩(Mark Dunn)博士表示。利用可在地下工作的内置引导系统,这种机器可以精确定位到厘米。操作员可以在矿井中、地面上甚至世界另一端来操控该系统。







澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)的詹姆斯•蒂克纳(James Tickner)和他的同事们曾研究这个概念十多年:先用高能X射线轰击矿石,然后通过黄金特有的伽马射线反射来探测其含量。
