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“The basis of Christmas is the rock, Christ Jesus; its fruits are inspiration and spiritual

understanding of joy and rejoicing, — not because of tradition, usage, or corporeal pleasures, but

because of fundamental and demonstrable truth, because of the heaven within us. The basis of

Christmas is love loving its enemies, returning good for evil, love that “suffereth long, and is kind.”

The true spirit of Christmas elevates medicine to Mind; it casts out evils, heals the sick, raises the

dormant faculties, appeals to all conditions, and supplies every need of man. It leaves hygiene,

medicine, ethics, and religion to God and His Christ, to that which is the Way, in word and in deed,

— the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany. 259:28-29; 260:17)

This has been a year full of Christmas blessings for Glenmont. Glenmont’s historic

commitment to stand on the Rock, Christ, has brought renewed strength and courage to meet the

demands of our time. We have been privileged to witness numerous examples of Christian-healing,

both with patients and with the provision and supply that has met so many of our needs—rather like

the feeding of the multitudes as described in Mark 6:41, “And when he had taken the five loaves and

the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his

disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.”

Editor: Linda Gray

Volume VII, Issue II Fall-Winter 2018 4599 Avery Road Hilliard, Ohio 43026 614/876-0084

From our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy,

“The Significance of Christmas”

“Christmas respects the Christ too much to submerge itself in merely temporary means

and ends.”

O morning stars, together Proclaim the holy birth,

And praises sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth;

Where charity stands watching And faith holds wide the door,

The dark night wakes, the glory breaks, And Christmas comes once more.

(Christian Science Hymnal, 222:2)

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Although patients, choosing Glenmont as their facility, are benefiting from the National Fund, they

realize that this doesn’t eliminate their responsibility to provide what they can to support their care,

if they are able. The National Fund monies are meant to supplement patients’ own contributions and

serve as benevolence for them. In the past, Glenmont was taking on most of the benevolence costs

which put us in a deficit. We’re so grateful to benefit from this assistance from the National Fund.

We still, however, must make up the difference between what the NFCSN fund pays and the actual

cost (in some cases this difference is small and other cases, it may be substantial).

Do we still need your financial support? These grants from the National Fund provide assistance to

patients and thus act to reduce a portion of Glenmont’s benevolence. Your contributions are still

needed to fund benevolence and also to fund building improvements or operational costs. Since our

building is over 30 years old now, we need to tackle some major repairs and renovations. We don’t

want you to think that we no longer need your contributions or continuing support. We do!

Glenmont recently hosted a Harvest Dinner to say “Thank you” to our donors. This dinner was funded

by a generous donor to Glenmont. Bruce Jeffrey, Executive Director of The Principle Foundation and

also the administrator of the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing, was our keynote speaker at

this dinner. Bruce talked about the spiritual lessons we can gain from inspired benevolence and also

about the two funds that are administered by The Principle Foundation. A summary of Bruce’s Talk is

page 4. Enjoy!

Vital points for you to understand:

The Principle Foundation: awards modest grants to individuals needing temporary assistance

during a brief challenge. This fund is not for Christian Science Nursing care.

The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing: awards grants to qualifying individuals only for

Christian Science Nursing care or Home Christian Science Nursing care, which may include related

expenses. This Fund was launched in 2017 and is funded and generously sustained by a group of

individual foundations. Monies from the National Fund are awarded to individuals regardless of

the Christian Science facility they may select to enter for their care.

Contributions to Glenmont: Your contributions to Glenmont can be designated for benevolence,

for operations, or can be directed to support an active Challenge Match. We, as a facility, do still

need your financial assistance! Glenmont itself does not apply to nor receive grants from the

National Fund—individual qualified Christian Scientists only may apply and have grants directed to

Glenmont to help pay for their care costs.

Lydia Manfreda, Administrator

Important updates for you

While I have previously shared information about the National Fund for Christian

Science Nursing, some important details need to be emphasized for clarification.

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Financial Update 2018







January - September 2018 Expenses


Bed tax

Financial Assistance

Support & administration wages &benefits

Nursing wages & benefits


Patient supplies




January - September 2018 Revenues


Patient Services

Investment Income

$2,734,259 Total Expenses

$3,211,285 Total Revenues

We are deeply grateful to all of you who have so

generously and continuously given of your time,

prayers and financial support to Glenmont. Our

hearts overflow with thanks to and for each one of

you for your gracious and generous hearts!

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At The Principle Foundation and the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing, we love working with Glenmont. The spirituality,

love, and dedication here at Glenmont are palpable. And the staff makes it so easy to work with you.

I want to speak tonight about the spiritual basis for our work and some of the lessons we’ve learned about how to practice inspired


The spiritual foundation of inspired benevolence

From our Master’s parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25, we understand that caring for each other is a Christian duty.

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, reinforces this, in Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures, “If we turn away from the poor, we

are not ready to receive the reward of Him who blesses the poor” (p. 8). She also admonishes us to do this work thoughtfully. She

tells us, “...wisdom must govern charity, else love’s labor is lost and giving is unkind” (The First Church of Christ Scientist and

Miscellany, p 231).

From these, we know that taking care of others is a Christian duty, to be taken up with love and wisdom. The work then becomes

primarily about spiritual growth and increasing our understanding and practice of Christian Science. This is what makes it inspired

benevolence. Benevolence would be meeting the human need; inspired benevolence seeks to lift us out of the claims of a limited

material life altogether.

Spiritual Lessons Learned

Suppose a modern-day version of the prodigal son were to call you and ask for money. Would you give it? Well, you’d probably

want to know if the individual had reached the point “when he came to himself” (see Luke 15). Before that moment, the young man

might use any money to go back to his wild life style. This might be a situation our Leader warns us of when giving would be unkind.

On the other hand, if he had already reached that point of repentance and reformation, perhaps a grant would help speed him home

to his father.

Interestingly, your understanding of the situation depends almost completely on this insight and not on the young man’s circum-

stances. So what would you do? Well, you would pray. And you would get an answer. It might come as a nudge, or as words. You

might feel it in your heart, or you might recognize the answer in what someone says. It might come to you from something you read

or listen to.

When you get this answer, you realize that what appears as a decision (Should I send money?) is transformed into a discovery (How

is divine Love directing me?). The lesson? Inspired benevolence is much more about spiritual intuition than it is about human

wisdom. And you always have enough humility to listen for the right answer.

We’ve also learned that you get better at spiritual intuition the more you practice it. You reach the point where listening for God’s

guidance becomes reliable, consistent, trustworthy. You stop worrying about knowing what to do because the answers come from

divine Mind with such regularity, you know they will be there for you always.

We’ve also learned that anything going on in your life that is not in alignment with what you know to be right, loving, and true seems

to hinder this ability to hear what God is telling us. The point is, one must be alert to these suggestions and refuse to let them into

our lives.

Let me give you an example. We once had a request from an elderly woman that reminded me of a similar situation I had faced in

my life. In fact, the more I learned about the woman’s situation the angrier I became about one of her relatives. At one point, a

colleague of mine put her hand on my arm and gently said, “Bruce, we have to love them, too.” Now she meant that I needed to

love everyone in the case of the elderly woman. But I also recognized that I needed to love everyone in the situation I had faced.

And until I could do that, I was not going to be able to help the elderly woman.

The lesson here is we need to be alert to keep our whole lives in harmony with the divine. This keeps the channels open for us to

hear divine Love’s guidance whenever we need it (which turns out to be all the time).

Thank you for being so engaged in thinking this through with me tonight. May your own practice of inspired benevolence continue

to grow and deepen.

Harvest Dinner to honor our donors — November 9, 2018

Summary of a talk by Bruce Jeffrey — ‘Practicing Inspired Benevolence’

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Harvest Dinner, Continued

Bruce also talked about The Principle

Foundation and the National Fund for Christian

Science Nursing (NFCSN) and explained that much

prayerful thought goes into each individual

application for funding to both of the funds he

administers; he explained, too, that much thought

goes into the broad topic of benevolence and its

many facets. Our aim at Glenmont is to help you

better understand all of the nuances involved with

these two funds. If you would like further

information, please don’t hesitate to call us!

Viktor Theiss

Also as part of our Harvest Dinner program, longtime

friend and supporter of Glenmont, Viktor Theiss,

gave an amazing heart-felt talk about his personal

life-experience with Christian Science Nursing and,

specifically, Glenmont. Vik served several 3-year

terms on Glenmont’s Board of Trustees, and shared

with our audience how he prays for Glenmont each

day. His love for Glenmont and

Christian Science Nursing is

palpable. Those of us who are

privileged to know Vik are in awe

of his dedicated service to

Christian Science. His words left

an indelible imprint on our


Bruce Jeffrey

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2018 International Christian Science Nursing Day

On September 29, Glenmont hosted an event to celebrate International Christian

Science Nursing Day 2018, open to all students of Christian Science.

Guests were treated to a wonderful Biblical Journey based on Matthew 25:35-40.

Each of seven unique stations that were set up focused on a Biblical premise or subject that

supported the theme of “caring for our fellow-man”, and in support of and in keeping with

Christian Science Nursing. At each stop on the journey, guests were greeted by a Christian

Science Nurse who developed the biblical topic, and facilitated their portion of the journey.

Guests were given a gift at each station in keeping with the unique topic. Bible journey

cards were provided to not only encourage participation at the station, but to inspire them

towards further study of that topic. The foot-washing station was quite popular with everyone. The 7th and final

station focused on Glenmont’s Christian Science Nursing School, offering a course to enlist further interest in

Christian Science Nursing (call Katherine at x150 if interested). A delicious and unique Biblical Feast was provided

by our caterer who went beyond the call of duty to offer the most wonderful food in support of our theme.

Our dear friends from Upward Wing/Overlook House in Cleveland shared in the day’s events with us by

hosting station # 4 regarding , “I was sick, and ye visited me.” It was such a delight to have them with us!

An area was provided for children to make biblical themed musical instruments such as tambourines and

drums. GREAT FUN!!

Glenmont also featured a table to illustrate its new Christian Science Nursing daily charting system, called

DayTrak. And, the Friends of Glenmont table was present to encourage new enrollees into the Friends of

Glenmont, a group of volunteers that support Glenmont is so many ways.

Note: the following are two (of many) letters of thanks we received for this event.

To all,

I cannot begin to express enough gratitude for an outstanding

meeting Saturday. I appreciate all the time, thought, work and love that

went into the preparation, for giving each one of us a feast of love and a

better understanding of Christian Science Nursing. It was nice to meet

the CS nurses and have some of the residents participate. Each gift

certainly is a joy and wonderful reminder of each station’s thoughts. I

went back through each card when I got home, and even shared with a

friend. The Great Room is so bright and inviting; a warm welcoming

place. What a gift in itself, Glenmont! Of course the buffet was more

than outstanding. All in all, thank you for the invitation.


Just a fast note to thank you for the

experience last Saturday. The program

was clearly based on appropriate

metaphysics and expressed so

creatively. The food was wonderful

too...and “Biblically appropriate.” It was

obvious that it took a lot of effort and

teamwork to put everything together

and it was such a joyous and happy


‘For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger,

and ye took me in:

Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or

thirsty, and gave thee drink?

When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto

one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.’ (Matt. 25:35-40)

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In keeping with the theme, a Biblical Feast was served. The photo on the left is a plate of olives, pomegranates,

figs and dates located on each table,

reminiscent of Biblical fare.

Station #4 Upward Wing -

Glenmont’s Sisters, Janet and Kim

International Christian Science Nursing Day

at Glenmont

Station #6 Foot-washing; most popular!

Kevin washing a guest’s feet.

Our caterer, Gail, created a truly

wonderful Biblical Feast

Station #3 Ivy is hosting a

lesson with Jim, John and Brent

Station #7 Illustrations galore about Glenmont’s

Christian Science Nursing


DayTrak, Glenmont’s

new Christian Science nurse daily charting


TK, Sandy

and DJ

Jean Janet Cyrene

Children making



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Nicholas Fink at the Piano

Eager & Early Arrivals


Annual Meeting

October 21, 2018

Keynote Speaker

Scott Shivers, CS

delivered an inspiring

address called,

‘Relax, Trust Me.’

Scott’s entire Talk is

enclosed with this

Newsletter and is also

available as a down-

load on our website.

“Relax, Trust Me!”

Lydia Manfreda’s

Opening Remarks

DOCSN—Helvi Paasinen

Scott Shivers, CS

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Organizer: Susan Dodson

Cashier: Barb Robinson


Thank you to all who made this year a huge success!

Glenmont’s Famous Applesauce

Glenmont’s Annual Meeting Bake Sale

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Help Glenmont reach its goal !


Challenge Match!!

$10,000 becomes $20,000

for Glenmont!

Donate by check, credit card

or through our website at

Donate Today

Funds are needed to update our Great Room; to replace our

30 year-old mismatched furnishings, gas logs for the fireplace,

replacement of skylights, paint, and refurbishment of our piano.

A very generous donor and supporter of Glenmont has agreed to

match up to $10,000 for this renovation! If you wish to contribute

to the Challenge Match, please indicate this on your check or

online donation. We will accept donations for this Match until

we reach our $10,000 goal!

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etc... Visit our Website

We often get questions regarding Power of Attorney (POA) during

Glenmont’s Admission process. We see a growing need to provide more

information on this important subject. If you would like further

information, please call Lydia at 876/0084 x 103, or Mark at 614/876-0084

x 115. Also, if you are willing to serve as a POA for those not having one,

please let us know.

1. Do you have a Power of Attorney? Which kind should you have?

General for Personal Care

A Power of Attorney for Personal Care is a written document in which you give someone the power

to make decisions about your personal care should you become unable to make these decisions

yourself. Personal care can include your health care, housing, clothing, hygiene, and safety.

Durable power of attorney

If a power of attorney is durable, it remains valid and in effect even if you become incapacitated

and unable to make decisions for yourself. If a Power of Attorney document does not explicitly say

that the power is durable, it ends if you become incapacitated. By signing a durable POA, you

authorize another person to engage in specified business, financial and legal transactions on your


2. What is a Financial POA on a bank account? (A financial POA is able to work with the NFCSN.)

When you are unable to manage your bank accounts or wish someone to assist you, a POA can

help. A POA document lets you name someone else, known as your agent, to act on your behalf. You

can create a POA authorizing your agent to access your bank account or take other actions with your


3. What is the difference between a POA and a durable POA?

The biggest difference is when the power ends. A general power of attorney ends when a person

becomes mentally incapable of handling his own affairs. With a durable POA you must show your

intention that the powers will continue despite incapacity. Powers of Attorney expire when a person

passes on.

4. How do my bills get paid if a POA expires?

Executors of Estates handle financial and legal matters after a passing according to provisions in a

will. Be sure the facility is aware of the name of the Executor, who takes over the responsibility of the

affairs including the payment of bills. A person can designate POA to his attorney, family member or

friend and also can name the same person as executor of the estate. If you do not have a Power of

Attorney form, Glenmont can provide a form for you.

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etc... Tremendous thanks to John Hawley for his many hours of

work constructing and re-constructing rooms and areas

around Glenmont as a volunteer, most recently completing

our Family Kitchen! He is truly amazing and there seems

to be nothing he is unwilling or unable to do—a very

talented and dedicated man. We celebrate and thank John

for his daily labor of love for over 20 years now! His

talents are truly gifts from God!

Thank you, John!!


Glenmont will be phasing out participation in Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Built on the Rock, Christ

Many thanks to our lovely Office Manager, Helen Browne, for all

of her efforts to keep Glenmont on track. She runs a very tight

ship. We are all so grateful to have her. Thank you, Helen!

Our Board of Trustees has decided to phase out our participation in these government programs.

While we currently retain licenses for both Medicare and Medicaid, we are working with our

attorneys to be sure we remain in compliance with state and federal laws during this phase out

period. We are referring prospective patients to the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing

(NFCSN) if they are in need of financial assistance. Please call us if you have questions about this

important change.

New Christian

Science Nursing

Family Kitchen
