
From A Childs Point Of View By Hans Marius Holst-Hansen

The following section presents life through the eyes of

a child

The protagonist is a young boy

Innocence and inexperience go hand in hand

Curiosity dictates action

Familiarity tickling my senses

The taste of the air, sharp

Everything unchanged

I remember the others, smiling

Running off as I hear their voices

Excitement rushing

Breathing fast, I find them sitting together

Breath stops

She smiles, stands up, embraces me

Breathing resumed, death postponed

He bumps my fist, nodding

Calm like turbulence, I say Hi

Fear abating as they answer nonchalantly

Oblivious to my presumption

Our story is resumed

They came from nowhere

They came from everywhere

Attacking us without mercy

We already lost two men

Shoulder to shoulder

Holding the fort that we built with our own hands and


A sudden overwhelming silence

I sense great danger

I yell out over to Tom

Explaining how our last man just got dragged over the


What a huge creature it must have been

I feel fear creeping in

Vindictive as ever, Tom yells out as he charges the wall

My fear dissipates

On the double, I am running

We flow through the field like shadows entwined

A mad grin on his face

I find it very contagious

We laugh out loud, grimly

Like wild beings

I wish to speak

Enticed by her air

Drawn in

Yet unmoving

Caught looking, warmth explodes

Judgment expected, smile received

Her eyes lingering

A soft laugh

Skin on skin, different from before

Drawn in, moved at last

Her breath, warm

Another soft laugh, another smile

Gaze everlasting

She embraces me


I wonder

How someone gathered all this fire-


It must have taken years

Stacked so high

I can’t even climb to the top!

Do you think it will last forever?


The forest is alive, breathing

Thick with hidden treasures

Sunlight steals through

Footsteps crunching

Giants in the world of ants

A thundering earthquake as we


Magic booming all around

Somewhere close, somewhere near

I rip it loose, our trophy

Our journey continues

Deeper into the forest

Ever full of riches

For those who can see

Our quest takes us far and wide

Our eyes see wastelands

Our minds perceive mountains, rivers of


Our hearts beat fast, our breaths drawn


Our bodies itching with excitement

Touch it and you die

No question about it, a fact

We share a look, the three of us

A challenge then

We run, we jump

We scream as exhilaration consumes us

Never before have I seen something so grand

A village for us to explore

Culmination of excitement

A playground surrounded by a wall of


Free of judgment and

Weight of external expectations

Freedom to revel in the world we create

This is the climax

Our journey fulfilled

I am the captain; I’m at the wheel

Carelessly I can act on my whims

Consequences nonexistent

A role, played out without restric-


Out here I am myself

In every way possible
