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Page 1: Friends training courses

Friends training courses

Page 2: Friends training courses



Foreword 3

About Friends 4

Friends in schools 6

Quality assurance, research, legislation and experience 12

Friends in preschools 13

Friends in sports 14

Contact details 15

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The rights of children and the obligations of adultsWhen Friends was launched in 1997, issues relating to

bullying and offensive treatment of children and young

people was by no means as self-evident an item on the

agenda as it is today. Friends has helped to highlight

the issue, and nowadays schools are obliged by law

to make sure that there’s no offensive treatment of or

discrimination against children. That’s not how things

were 17 years ago.

One of the fundamental purposes of Swedish

schools and preschools is to convey and underpin

respect for human rights and the basic democratic

values on which Swedish society is founded. The

provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the

Child, stating that all education and activities are to be

based on the best interests of children, have also been

incorporated in the legislation.

The new Education Act is also very clear with

regard to the importance of working with these issues,

and states that schools have to make a huge amount of

progress in terms of their work with security and equal

treatment. In other words, there’s absolutely no doubt

that schools bear enormous responsibility in this regard.

To date, it’s mainly schools/preschools that are

covered by these laws, but Friends hopes to see

clearer requirements being specified for the sporting

community in the future. Sports are a crucial and

significant arena for our young people. Alongside

school, it plays an important part in the development

of children and young people and acts as a meeting

place that transcends social and cultural boundaries.

This is why Friends is working actively to promote a

positive and secure sports environment via deliberate

prevention work.

Friends’ ambition is to achieve a society where

children and young people can grow up securely and

equally. I’m convinced this is possible. But it won’t

happen by itself – it requires hard, long-term efforts

from us all. Together, we can create a secure, equal

school and preschool environment and a sports

movement that is characterised by happiness, a sense

of security and of fellowship.

Carolina Engström

Education and Development Director


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Friends is a non-profit organisation with the mission

to stop bullying. We train and support schools,

preschools and sports clubs all over Sweden.

Friends uses a long-term approach through training,

guidance and opinion making, aiming to enhance

knowledge and commitment among adults and

children. Friends is represented all over Sweden by

four regional offices and currently employs around

45 staff with various backgrounds. One thing they all

have in common is the fact that they have extensive

experience of working with children and young people

as teachers, educators, sports teachers, behavioural

scientists and alike.

Friends’ initiatives are financed by funding from

private donors and companies, as well as by fees

charged for the training courses that we provide.

Friends has a so-called ”90-account” and is audited

by The Swedish Fundraising Control.

Quality assuranceOver the years, Friends has developed extensive training

courses aimed at preschools, schools and sports clubs.

We convey knowledge and practical tools so that

anyone working with children and young people can be

better equipped to help prevent bullying, discrimination

and other offensive behaviour.

We want to be certain that all the schools,

preschools and sports clubs that work with us achieve

results, and we evaluate this via our follow-up system.

All schools, preschools and sports clubs are

given the opportunity to use our continuous mapping

activities to monitor developments in their own activities

and hence the effect of our partnership.

About FriendsWhat Friends schools think • 94 % feel that their partnership with Friends

has led to a positive change in the school


• 91 % feel that the partnership has led to

greater knowledge of security and equal


• 85 % feel that the partnership has led to a

reduction in offensive behaviour at school.

Friends customer satisfaction index,

December 2013.

What the sports clubs think • 92 % feel that their partnership with Friends

has led to the club acquiring more knowledge

for their work on preventing bullying

• 81 % feel that their partnership with Friends

has led to the club developing its action plan

for prevention of bullying and emergency

action to counter bullying

• 85 % feel that their partnership with Friends

has improved the social environment within

the club.

Friends customer satisfaction index, winter 2014.

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Friends Center The Friends International Center against Bullying is

a meeting place for everyone working to prevent

bullying. This center is at the heart of everything

Friends does, which involves supporting and training

schools, preschools and sports clubs on how to stop

bullying. The centre has three cornerstones – research,

education, and guidance.

ResearchResearch is conducted in collaboration with the

Department of Child and Youth Studies at Stockholm

University. The results of this research serve as the

foundation for Friends’ method development.

EducationThe centre hosts conferences and holds training

courses on bullying. Its aim is to exchange knowledge

of bullying on both a national and an international

level. The educational division also includes courses

for teachers, associations and other stakeholders on

efforts to prevent bullying.

Guidance Schools, preschools and sports clubs can turn to

the Friends International Center against Bullying for

guidance and support from Friends’ experts.

Research, legislation and experience

Friends’ training courses in schools are based on

legislation, research on successful initiatives to prevent

bullying, as well as the experience we’ve developed

from visiting schools, preschools and sports clubs

all over Sweden. Research, both in Sweden and

internationally, indicates that one important prerequisite

for successfully reducing bullying is to adopt a long-

term approach based on the needs of the school.

Moreover, the staff, parents and students should all

have knowledge and tools as well as the opportunity

to take part in these efforts.

Both the Education Act and the Discrimination

Act are clear on the fact that schools must carry out

mapping, undertake action and include their students

in efforts to counter offensive behaviour and promote

equality. All staff at schools/preschools – not just

teachers – have a responsibility to act when a student

feels offended. This is why all Friends training courses

at schools/preschools include knowledge and tools

for the entire school/preschool staff on the rights of

students and the obligations of adults.

Friends has provided training in, and been inspired

by, schools since 1997. We’ve met committed adults

and students over the years, and these encounters

have given us extensive experience of how bullying

and other offensive behaviour can be rectified and

prevented, and how schools can involve everyone

in efforts to promote a sense of security and equal


About Friends

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Friends training courses and work materials are based

on the Education Act, the Discrimination Act and the

curriculums in schools. These training courses aim to

provide knowledge and specific tools for long-term

prevention and avoidance of offensive behaviour and

promotion of equal treatment for all. The content of our

training courses is based on extensive research into

how schools can effectively prevent bullying, but also

on Friends’ many years of experience of security work.

Training entire schools to work against offensive

behaviour, harassment and discrimination means

together you can achieve your target of a secure

school where everyone is equal.

Friends training courses in schools involve both

analysis and promotion of positive attitudes and

prevention of negative ones. This means you can

work on the basis of your own needs to decide what

will suit your school best. The various training stages

are based on one another, and each stage extends

over several years.

For more information on how Friends is rooted

in research, legislation and curriculums, see:

Friends in schoolsDid you know that:• For schools working with the Friends

programme, comparison of mapping operations

at these schools indicated an average reduction

of 24.1 % in repeated offensive behaviour

(bullying) after just one year.

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Friends in schools


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Mapping and cause analysis.

Questionnaires and in-depth

analyses with school management

and students.

Mapping, follow-up and cause


Questionnaires and in-depth

analyses with school management

and students.

Mapping, follow-up and cause


Questionnaires and in-depth

analyses with school management

and students.

Analyse and prevent

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Mapping and cause analysis. Mapping, follow-up and cause


Mapping, follow-up and cause


Collective approach. A structure for

continuous measures based on the

needs of the school.

School culture and criticism of

norms. Tools for an inclusive school


A successful school.

Effective initiatives as a starting point

for follow-up and development.

The Friends programme: analyse, prevent, promote

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Mapping and cause analysis. Mapping, follow-up and cause


Mapping, follow-up and cause


Collective approach. School culture and criticism of


A successful school.

Equal treatment in practice.

Practical tools to promote positive

behaviour in student groups.

Bringing values to life.

Develop specific standpoints in

everyday situations.

Integrate values in everyday life.

Approaches for a secure and

equal school.

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Here, all students and staff respond to a web-based mapping questionnaire. On the basis of the re-sults, we then work together with students and the school management to analyse the causes and devise strategies for targeted actions based on the school’s problem areas. ContentsMapping questionnaireWeb-based questionnaires devised to meet the need

to map wellbeing and security at school. This question-

naire is also based on both the Education Act and the

Discrimination Act. The questionnaires are completed

by all students (from Year 3) and all staff. The results

indicate security and wellbeing at school, the occurrence

of offensive behaviour and harassment and student

and staff perceptions of equal treatment work.

Student meetingThe student meeting is aimed at student representatives

at the school. We take a closer look at the responses to

the questionnaire during a collective workshop session.

We work together with the students to analyse the

reasons for the results and develop suggestions for

measures for the school. The student meeting lasts for

3h, of which 45 min involves handover to the school

management/security team. Max 20 student per course.

School management meeting We review the schools mapping results with the school

management and set up a strategy for ongoing security

work at the school based on the mapping and student

meetings. The school’s management meeting lasts

for 2h.


Year 1Mapping and cause analysis.

Questionnaires and in-depth

analyses with school manage-

ment and students.

Year 2Mapping, follow-up and cause

analysis. Questionnaires and

in-depth analyses with school

management and students.

Year 3Mapping, follow-up and cause

analysis. Questionnaires and

in-depth analyses with school

management and students.

Two student meetings take place at F-9 schools; One for Year 3–6 students and one for Year 6–9 students.

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Our preventive work is based on the analysis of the mapping. Here, staff are able to work with the support of legislation, research and curriculums on devising specific measures based on the needs of the school. Work during staff training and team meetings is based on the results of the analysis presented on page 8. To order ”Preventive work”, therefore, schools need first to carry out mapping, student meetings and school management meetings.

ContentsStaff trainingAimed at all school staff. We provide the knowledge

and tools to help them understand why offensive

behaviour occurs and to work on devising specific

measures based on the school’s mapping results

and the students’ in-depth analyses. Staff training

lasts for 3h.

Team meetingsOur team meetings involve fully planned measures in

order to keep security work going over the course of

the year and to continuously evaluate and follow up

these efforts.

Optional: Training for parentsAll carers of students at the school are offered a

parents’ evening. During this training course, parents

will be given the opportunity to discuss their own role,

the role of other parents and the role of the school in

security work. The parents’ meeting lasts for 2h.

Preventive work

Year 1Collective approach. A structure

for continuous measures based

on the needs of the school.

Year 2School culture and criticism

of norms. Tools for an

inclusive school culture.

Year 3A successful school. Effective

initiatives as a starting point for

follow-up and development.

Friends in schools

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The Friends programme also includes support for promotion work. Here, staff do practical work to develop their work on values on the basis of the school’s curriculums. We also meet all students in order to provide inspiration and let them know how we can all make a difference. To work with Friends promotion work, the school needs to work with the Friends programme, which includes all elements; support for analysis, preventive work and promotion work.

Contents:Mentor trainingPractical training on methodology and theory for pro-

motion work. This training course is aimed at teaching

staff at the school and is based on the Friends Theme

book. The mentor training is 3h + 1h handover to key

individuals/the security team. Max. 30 participants per


Theme bookAge-specific method material for working with classes.

This material provides staff with practical support for

ongoing security work, focusing on student participation.

Inspirational lecture, studentsAn inspirational lecture in auditorium format for all

students (from Year 3). This lecture provides a basic

knowledge of bullying and offensive behaviour, along

with examples of how students can make a difference

in their everyday lives. The inspirational lecture lasts

approx. 30 min.

Promotion work

Year 1Equal treatment in practice.

Practical tools to promote

positive behaviour in student


Year 2Bringing values to life.

Develop specific standpoints in

everyday situations.

Year 3Integrate values in everyday life.

Approaches for a secure and

equal school.

Two mentor training courses take place at F-9 schools; one for Year F-6 staff and one for Year 6–9 staff.

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Individual training coursesAlways Act (3h)We can help your school to deal with emergency situ-

ations. We give you a more in-depth knowledge of the

Education Act, the Discrimination Act and the general

advice of the Swedish National Agency for Education.

Based on their own needs to develop the schools

present routines the staff is then given the opportunity

to reflect on the school’s existing procedures and how

they can be developed.

Target group: School management, security team,

workgroups in F-9 and upper secondary schools.

In the eye of the norm (3h)Teaching methods for a norm-critical approach. This

basic course on criticism of norms looks at approaches

and methods for challenging limiting social norms that

prevail in the school and that can generate harassment

and discrimination. Scope is provided for personal

reflection and discussion within the staff team.

Target group: All staff at the school.

Hello Sweden (2+1h)Develop your efforts to counter racism and xenophobia.

We give you tools to deal with and prevent racism

at your school. Together we examine how racism is

expressed at school.

Target group: All staff at the school.

Parents’ evening (2h)We can help you to strengthen cooperation between

the home and school. Carers are given the opportunity

to discuss equal treatment work at the school with

other carers. We give you knowledge of legislation,

children’s rights and what offensive behaviour is.

Target group: Carers.

Combination training (4h)Get new inspiration and greater knowledge for a

secure and equal school. Our combination training is a

collective course for ”buddies” (peer support students)

and adults on equal treatment work. The equal

treatment work is evaluated in order to devise solutions

and reinforce ties between adults and students at the


Target group: Buddies in Years 3–9 and at upper

secondary level, and responsible adults working with

these. Max. 30 participants, of whom at least four must

be adults.

For more information about the training courses go to or contact you regional Friends office.

Friends in schools

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Friends Online training courses Friends online packageThe Friends Online package helps schools to develop their efforts to counter offensive behaviour online. These initiatives are aimed at students, staff and carers. Staff and carers are offered know-ledge and practical tools on how to prevent offensive behaviour and help ensure a nicer climate on-line. Our student play inspires students to reflect on their social lives online and make them aware of the choices they make there.

Staff training (2 h)The Friends Online package helps schools to develop

their efforts to counter offensive behaviour online. These

initiatives are aimed at students, staff and carers. Staff

and carers are offered knowledge and practical tools on

how to prevent offensive behaviour and help ensure a

nicer climate online. Our student play inspires students

to reflect on their social lives online and make them

aware of the choices they make there.

Target group: All staff at the school.

Parents’ evening (1.5 h)The first part of this course offers a theoretical back-

ground which places the subject matter into a know-

ledge context based on research, the Education Act

and Friends’ experiences. During the second part of

the course, carers are given the opportunity to work

together to create a framework for how they can work

together with children and the school to promote a

nicer environment online.

Target group: Carers.

Student play ”Like me” (30 min) In ”Like me”, we get to meet a few young people who

all attend the same school in an ordinary Swedish small

town. The play is about what happened when a huge

online row broke out among the students. The aim of

the play is to inspire students to reflect on their social

lives online. The play is followed by a brief inspirational

lecture and is available in different versions suitable for

Years 4-6, Years 7-9 and upper secondary level. The

play is accompanied by teaching material for further

work in the classroom.

Target group: all school students, Years 4–6, Years 7–9

and upper secondary level.

All training courses can be purchased separately.

For more information about the training courses go to or contact you regional Friends office.

Friends online

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Friends in preschoolsPreschool package: analyse, prevent, promoteThe Friends preschool package has been devised so that we can help preschools to get started with, and to further develop, the active and long-term equal treatment work on the basis of current legisla-tion. We’ll work together to map, analyse and devise preventive measures with the aim to provide a secure preschool environment for all children. The Friends preschool package is aimed at preschools that want

to adopt a holistic approach towards their equal treatment work and include both staff and parents.

Mapping surveyA web-based survey devised to meet the need to map

wellbeing and security, the occurrence of offensive

behaviour and harassment, and staff perceptions of

equal treatment efforts at the preschool. This survey

is also based on both the Education Act and the

Discrimination Act.

Mapping presentation (1 h)We review the preschool’s mapping results together

with the preschool manager and work on the basis of

these to devise a strategy for ongoing equal treatment

work at the preschool.

Staff training (3 h)This training is aimed at all preschool staff. We review

current legislation and the mechanisms behind offensive

behaviour, harassment and discrimination. We’ll work

together to devise specific measures based on the

preschool’s mapping results.

Training for parents (1.5 h)All carers of children at the preschool will be offered

a parental training course. Carers will be given the

opportunity to discuss their own role, the role of other

carers and the role of the preschool in equal treatment

work. We’ll also discuss the importance of interaction

between home and preschool and provide knowledge

of the legislation, offensive behaviour, harassment and


Method book ”A good start – heading towards a secure preschool”This book is all about how to create a secure preschool

where everyone fits in. The working methods in this

book are based on the tools to which teachers have

access as part of their everyday work, such as planning

of sessions, the preschool’s physical environment, the

attitudes of adults and the games children play. There’s

no emphasis on changing the children. Instead, the

book is aimed at teachers who want to challenge their

own approaches and work together with their collea-

gues to develop their activities and give all children a

good start.

The book includes text, exercises and topics for


All training courses can be purchased separately.

For more information about the training courses go to or contact you regional Friends office.

Friends in preschools

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Friends in sportsFriends’ aspiration is that sports can be characterised by happiness, a sense of security and fellow- ship, giving clubs the opportunity for long-term promotion of positive attitudes and prevention of negative ones. Everyone stands to win with attitudes promoting a positive sporting environment and efforts to prevent discrimination, harassment and offensive behaviour. Friends’ sports training courses can give the club tools to help with this work, and are aimed at club officers, leaders, carers and children and young people who enjoy sports.

Analyse your club Mapping surveyWeb-based surveys aimed at meeting the need to

map well-being, security and attitudes within the club.

The surveys are aimed at active club members aged

11 to 18 and all club leaders. Among other things, the

results indicate the occurrence of offensive behaviour,

the atmosphere and the perceptions of the leaders with

regard to equal treatment work within the club.

Mapping presentation (1.5 h)We review the club’s mapping results together with the

club officers and devise a strategy for ongoing equal

treatment work within the club on the basis of this


Preventive training courses Leader training 1 (2.5 h)Our leader training is aimed at all child and youth leaders

in the club. We explain and problematise issues relating

to leadership, the group climate and offensive behaviour

in sports. The course aims to provide leaders with know-

ledge and inspiration that they can use in their leadership

and devise specific measures for preventive work to

counter offensive behaviour and exclusion.

Leader training 2 (2.5 h)This course is a natural continuation of the first training

session and extends knowledge and consensus on what

leaders should do when negative incidents occur within

the sports group. Training is provided through lecturing,

self-reflection, discussions and practical exercises.

Training courses promo-ting positive attitudesInspirational meetings with active members (30 min)Inspirational meetings can be held with a large group

of children and young people and involve a monologue,

a lecture and interaction. The meeting aims to inspire

a pleasant, positive environment in sports and to get

people thinking about bullying and exclusion. We pro-

vide examples of how each and every person can help

make a positive difference. The meetings are aimed at

children and young people aged nine and above.

Group meetings with active members (1–2 h)We meet the team or training group and provide inspi-

ration to help them create a secure environment within

the group where everyone is accepted. The aim of the

meetings is to have fun, encourage commitment and

illustrate the importance of how each and every person

can make a difference both on their own and as part of

a team. Max. 25 participants per group.

Training for parents (1.5 h)Carers are given the opportunity to discuss their own

role, the role of other carers and the role of the club in

efforts to prevent discrimination and offensive behavio-

ur. A lecture is interwoven with a discussion on how to

be positive and what carers can do to support children

who offend others or are offended by others.

All training courses can be purchased separately.

For more information about the training courses go to or contact you regional Friends office.

Friends in sports

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BookingIf you’d like more information or to book a training course,

contact Friends in your region.

Region North Region North is based in Umeå and operates in the counties

of Västerbotten, Norrbotten, Västernorrland and Jämtland.

+46 (0)90 343 57 97, +46 (0)70 288 66 58

Region Central Region Central is based in Stockholm and operates in

the counties of Dalarna, Gävleborg, Uppsala, Stockholm,

Södermanland, Västmanland and Östergötland.

+46 (0)8 545 519 90, +46 (0)72 233 51 30

Region West Region West is based in Gothenburg and operates in

the counties of Västra Götaland, Halland, Jönköping and


+46 (0)31 724 42 42, +46 (0)70 725 54 43

Region South Region South is based in Malmö and operates in the

counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg, Skåne and Kalmar.

+46 (0)40 30 48 00, +46 (0)70 725 54 43

Guidance Friends’ guidance is directed towards everyone working

in school, preschool or sports club.

+46 (0)8 545 519 90, [email protected]

Price list and referencesYou’ll find a current price list and references on our website


Contact details

Contact details

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+46 (0)8 545 519 90 | [email protected] |