Page 1: Friday, July 6, 2018 5B - · The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. ... for a 7 day

Friday, July 6, 2018 5BThe Telegraph CLASSIFIEDS



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISDITECH FINANCIAL LLCPlaintiff,-v.-UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE RUTH EGUNN TRUST DATED JANUARY 7, 2004, et alDefendant16 CH 710NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause onMay 17, 2018, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, willat 11:00 AM on August 20, 2018, at the Administration Building,157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, EDWARDSVILLE,IL, 62025, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following described real estate:A STRIP OF LAND OF THE UNIFORM WIDTH OF 170 FEETOFF OF THE NORTH END OF THE FOLLOWING DE-SCRIBED TRACT OF REAL ESTATE, TO-WIT: PART OF THESOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTEROF SECTION 33 IN TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 5 WESTOF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICU-LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT198 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAIDQUARTER-QUARTER SECTION, THENCE FROM THE POINTOF BEGINNING WEST 198 FEET TO SAID NORTHWESTCORNER OF SAID QUARTER-QUARTER SECTION;THENCE SOUTH 496.65 FEET; THENCE EAST 232.61 FEET;THENCE IN A NORTHWESTERLY DIRECTION TO THEPOINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THAT PORTION CON-VEYED TO JOSEPH E. TREMMEL BY WARRANTY DEEDDATED JANUARY 3, 1933 AND RECORDED INRECORDER'S OFFICE OF MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS INBOOK 448, PAGE 528, ALSO, EXCEPTING THEREFROMTHAT PART THEREOF CONVEYED BY BEN FROHN, ABACHELOR TO SALINE TOWNSHIP, BY WARRANTY DEEDDATED MARCH 23, 1970 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2679,PAGE 638. SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF MADISON,STATE OF ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 509 POPLAR STREET, HIGHLAND, IL62249Property Index No. 02-1-18-33-17-301-002.The real estate is improved with a single family home with nogarage.Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.No third party checks will be accepted. The balance in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject to general real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes levied against said real estateand is offered for sale without any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "ASIS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will re-ceive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to adeed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiffmakes no representation as to the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file toverify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unitat the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal fees required by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property isa condominium unit which is part of a common interest com-munity, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale otherthan a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUHAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.You will need a photo identification issued by a governmentagency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry in-to our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook Countyand the same identification for sales held at other county ven-ues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosuresales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attorneys, OneNorth Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 346-9088. Please refer to file number 258776.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650(312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation for a 7 day status report of pending sales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E-Mail: [email protected] File No. 258776Case Number: 16 CH 710TJSC#: 38-4284I3091147



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISNATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC D/B/A CHAMPIONMORTGAGE COMPANYPlaintiff,-v.-POINTE NORTH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTCONDOMINIUMS, PHASE I, ASSOCIATION, LTD., et alDefendant16 CH 613NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause onJune 21, 2018, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, willat 11:00 AM on July 31, 2018, at the Administration Building,157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, EDWARDSVILLE,IL, 62025, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following described real estate:UNIT ''0'' OF POINTE NORTH - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP-MENT CONDOMINIUMS PHASE I, A CONDOMINIUM AS DE-LINEATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION22, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST OF THE THIRDPRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THERE-OF RECORDED IN PLAT CABINET 53, PAGE 11, TOGETH-ER WITH THE UNDIVIDED SHARE OF THE COMMON ELE-MENTS AND APPURTENANCES THEREUNTO AND ALLOTHER APPURTENANCES THERETO BELONGING, ALL AC-CORDING TO AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN,DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP AND BY-LAWS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS POINTE NORTH -PUD CONDOMINIUMS, PHASE I, DATED MAY 1, 1981 ANDRECORDED MAY 7, 1981 IN BOOK 3192, PAGE 1604, ASAMENDED BY SECOND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATIONOF CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP AND BY-LAWS, EASE-MENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, POINTE NORTH - PUD CON-DOMINIUMS, PHASE I, DATED DECEMBER 28, 1982 ANDRECORDED JANUARY 10, 1983 IN BOOK 3237, PAGE 956,AS DOCUMENT NO. 231-4026, IN MADISON COUNTY,ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 200 WINDRIDGE DRIVE, COLLINS-VILLE, IL 62234Property Index No. 13-2-21-22-06-101-00-6.15C.The real estate is improved with a single family residence.Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.No third party checks will be accepted. The balance in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject to general real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes levied against said real estateand is offered for sale without any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "ASIS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will re-ceive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to adeed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiffmakes no representation as to the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file toverify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unitat the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal fees required by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property isa condominium unit which is part of a common interest com-munity, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale otherthan a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUHAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.You will need a photo identification issued by a governmentagency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry in-to our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook Countyand the same identification for sales held at other county ven-ues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosuresales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attorneys, OneNorth Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 346-9088. Please refer to file number 258308.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650(312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation for a 7 day status report of pending sales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E-Mail: [email protected] File No. 258308Case Number: 16 CH 613TJSC#: 38-5242I3091622



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISPENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCPlaintiff,-v.-UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF RICHARD W BRITT,IF ANY, et alDefendant17 CH 317NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause onMay 3, 2018, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at11:00 AM on August 6, 2018, at the Administration Building,157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, EDWARDSVILLE,IL, 62025, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following described real estate:LOT EIGHTY (80) IN CHOUTEAU TRACE III AS RECORDEDIN PLAT CABINET 56 PAGE 38, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 43 AND 44 OF CHOUTEAU TRACT I,AS RECORDED IN PLAT CABINET 54 ON PAGE 167 ANDLOTS 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 AND 11 OF CHOUTEAU TRACTII AS RECORDED IN PLAT CABINET 54 PAGE 186, OF THEMADISON COUNTY RECORDS IN THE RECORDER OFDEEDS OFFICE, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTEROF SECTION 34 AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THESOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35 IN TOWNSHIP 4NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL ME-RIDIAN; IN MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 5112 WHITESELL WAY, GRANITE CITY,IL 62040Property Index No. 18-2-14-34-20-402-034.The real estate is improved with a brown brick, one story singlefamily home, attached two car garage.Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.No third party checks will be accepted. The balance in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject to general real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes levied against said real estateand is offered for sale without any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "ASIS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will re-ceive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to adeed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiffmakes no representation as to the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file toverify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unitat the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal fees required by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property isa condominium unit which is part of a common interest com-munity, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale otherthan a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUHAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.You will need a photo identification issued by a governmentagency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry in-to our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook Countyand the same identification for sales held at other county ven-ues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosuresales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attorneys, OneNorth Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 346-9088. Please refer to file number 262528.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650(312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation for a 7 day status report of pending sales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E-Mail: [email protected] File No. 262528Case Number: 17 CH 317TJSC#: 38-3898I3090096



NoticePrevailing Wages

Notice is hereby giventhat the City of Alton,

Illinois, has made a de-termination

of the prevailing rate ofwages within the City of

Alton as required by820 ILCS

130/0.01 et seq. Noticeis further given that said

determination is con-tained in and has

been adopted as part ofthe Ordinance No. 7642

of the City of Alton,which is

now in full force and ef-fect. Notice is further

given that a copy of theOrdinance No.

7642 and the determin-ation of prevailing

wages made by the Cityof Alton is

available at the AltonCity Clerk s Office, 101E. Third Street, Alton,

Illinois, duringregular business hoursfor inspection by mem-

bers of the public orothers.

Mary T. BouldsCity Clerk


For Auction:1991 Regal Boat, Seri-al # RGMDL486L192, 4Cyl inboard. Stored for12 yrs, condition un-

known. Bidding starts at$3,000. Sealed Bids

Only by July 30, 2018.

Three Rivers RV, 4615Hedge Rd. Roxana, IL




IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISFIRST GUARANTY MORT-GAGE CORPORATION;Plaintiff,vs.DEBRA S. MEYER; UN-KNOWN OWNERS ANDNON RECORDCLAIMANTS;Defendants,17 CH 776NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 1, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon in the office ofCommunity Title & Escrow,Inc., 2600 D State Street,Alton, Illinois 62002, sell tothe highest bidder for cash,the following described mort-gaged real estate:LOT 80 IN FIRST ADDITIONTO PIASA HILLS, A SUBDI-VISION IN THE SOUTH-EAST QUARTER OF SEC-TION 19, TOWNSHIP 6NORTH, RANGE 10 WESTOF THE THIRD PRINCIPALMERIDIAN, ACCORDING TOTHE PLAT THEREOF RE-CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36PAGE 74 IN MADISONCOUNTY, ILLINOIS. SITU-ATED IN THE TOWNSHIPOF GODFREY, COUNTY OFMADISON AND STATE OFILLINOIS.P.I.N. 24-2-01-19-04-403-003.Commonly known as 5911Deer Trail, Godfrey, IL 62035.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call Law Clerkat Plaintiff's Attorney, TheWirbicki Law Group, 33 WestMonroe Street, Chicago,Ill inois 60603. (312) 360-9455.I3090903



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISU . S . B A N K N A , S U C -CESSOR TRUSTEE TOBANK OFA M E R I C A , N A , S U C -CESSOR IN INTEREST TOLASALLEBANK NATIONAL ASSOCI-ATION, ON BEHALF OF THEREGISTERED HOLDERS OFBEAR STEARNS ASSETBACKED SECURITIES ITRUST 2005-HE5, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES,SERIES 2005-HE5,Plaintiff,17 CH 27vs.SHARON ANGELLY, AR-THUR ANGELLY, ILLINOISHOUSING DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY,Defendants,17 CH 27NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause,Intercounty Judicial SalesCorporation will on Wednes-day, August 15, 2018, at thehour of 12:00 noon in the of-fice of Community Title & Es-crow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:LOT 60 IN SECOND ADDI-TION TO WILSON PARK ES-TATES, ACCORDING TOTHE PLAT THEREOF RE-CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 37,PAGE 89 AND CORREC-TED IN PLAT BOOK 37,PAGE 132, IN MADISONCOUNTY, ILLINOIS.P.I.N. 22-2-20-07-20-401-004.Commonly known as 117WILSON PARK, LN., GRAN-ITE CITY, IL 62040.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call SalesClerk at Law Offices of Ira T.Nevel, 175 North FranklinStreet , Chicago, I l l ino is60606. (312) 357-1125. Ref.No. 16-03808I3092245



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE THIRD JUDICIAL CIR-CUITMADISON COUNTY - ED-WARDSVILLE, ILLINOISCIT Bank, N.A.PLAINTIFFVs.Unknown Heirs and Leg-atees of James E. Ruble;Unknown Owners and Nonre-cord Claimants; Michael Diaz,as Special Representative forJames E. Ruble (deceased);Lester Ruble; Terry RubleDEFENDANTS17CH570NOTICE BY PUBLICATIONNOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU:Unknown Heirs and Leg-atees of James E. RubleThat this case has been com-menced in this Court againstyou and other defendants,praying for the foreclosure ofa certain Mortgage convey-ing the premises described asfollows, to-wit:COMMONLY KNOWN AS:2110 Ohio AvenueGranite City, IL 62040and which said Mortgage wasmade by:the Mortgagor(s), to FinancialFreedom Senior Funding Cor-poration, a Subsidiary of In-dyMac Bank, F.S.B., as Mort-gagee, and recorded in theOffice of the Recorder ofDeeds of Madison County,Il l inois, as Document No.2008R29057; and for otherrelief; that summons was dulyissued out of said Courtagainst you as provided bylaw and that the said suit isnow pending.NOW, THEREFORE, UN-LESS YOU file your answeror otherwise file your appear-ance in this case in the Officeof the Clerk of this Court,Mark Von NidaClerk of the Circuit Court155 N. Main StreetEdwardsville, IL 62025on or before July 30, 2018, AD E F A U L T M A Y B EENTERED AGAINST YOUAT ANY TIME AFTER THATDAY AND A JUDGMENTMAY BE ENTERED IN AC-CORDANCE WITH THEPRAYER OF SAID COM-PLAINT.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C.Attorneys for Plaintiff15W030 North FrontageRoad, Sui te 100Burr Ridge, IL 60527(630) 794-5300DuPage # 15170Winnebago # 531Our File No. 14-17-13049NOTE: This law firm is a debtcollector.I3091558




Take Notice that MoroTownship Board andMoro Township High-way Commissioner of

Madison County,Illinois, pursuant to “AnAct regulating wage oflaborers, mechanics

and other workers em-ployed in any publicworks by the State,

County, City or any oth-er public body or anypolitical subdivision orby anyone under con-

tract for publicworks.”(820 ILCS 130/)has determined on, andas effective form June11, 2018, that the gen-eral prevailing rate of

wages in this locality forlaborers, mechanics

and other workmen en-gaged in the construc-

tion of public workscoming under the juris-diction of Moro Town-

ship is the same as de-termined by the Illinois

Department of Labor forMadison County as ofJune 11, 2018. A copy

of the full ordinance andthe Department of

Labor determination isavailable for inspectionby any interested party

in the main office ofMoro Township, loc-ated at Highway 159,Midway Illinois and to

any employer or associ-ation of the employersand any person or as-sociation of employeeswho have filed, or filetheir names and ad-dressed, requestingcopies of the same.

Dianna Hurst, MoroTownship Clerk

Dated June 11, 2018



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISILLINOIS HOUSING DEVEL-OPMENT AUTHORITY;Plaintiff,vs.SARAH M. FELDMAN; WIL-LIAM C. BEISER IV; CITYOF ALTON;Defendants,18 ch 67NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause,Intercounty Judicial SalesCorporation will on Wednes-day, August 1, 2018, at thehour of 12:00 noon in the of-fice of Community Title & Es-crow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:LOT 38 IN GEORGE A.FISCHER'S ADDITION, ASUBDIVISION ACCORDINGTO THE PLAT THEREOFRECORDED IN THE RE-CORDER'S OFFICE OFM A D I S O N C O U N T Y ,ILLINOIS IN PLAT BOOK 18PAGE 93. SITUATED IN THECOUNTY OF MADISON,STATE OF ILLINOIS.P.I.N. 23-2-08-17-06-101-019.Commonly known as 3618HORN, ALTON, IL 62002.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call SalesClerk at Law Offices of Ira T.Nevel, 175 North FranklinStreet , Chicago, I l l ino is60606. (312) 357-1125. Ref.No. 18-00263I3090904


Find it

in the

Cash-inon the


Check out our

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& sell it in

Page 2: Friday, July 6, 2018 5B - · The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. ... for a 7 day

CLASSIFIEDS The Telegraph6B Friday, July 6, 2018



IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR THE 3RD JUDICIALDISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - ED-WARDSVILLE, ILLINOISU.S. BANK NATIONAL AS-SOCIATIONPlaintiff,-v.-AUTUMN RIESE, et alDefendant2018 CH 000001NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure andSale entered in the abovecause on April 5, 2018, anagent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 11:00 AMon August 13, 2018, at theAdministration Building, 157North Main Street main en-trance lobby, EDWARDS-VILLE, IL, 62025, sell at pub-lic auction to the highest bid-der, as set forth below, thefollowing described real es-tate:THE SOUTH 18 FEET OFLOT 33 AND THE NORTH 35F E E T O F L O T 3 4 I NFOXBOROUGH ADDITIONNO 2, A SUBDIVISION INT H E N O R T H W E S TQUARTER OF SECTION 8,T O W N S H I P 5 N O R T HRANGE 8 WEST OF THETHIRD PM, ACCORDING TOTHE PLAT THEREOF RE-CORDED IN PLAT CABINET56 PAGE 170 IN MADISONCOUNTY, ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 437PHEASANT LN., MORO, IL62067Property Index No. 15-2-09-08-01-101-047.The real estate is improvedwith a single family residence.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified fundsat the close of the sale pay-able to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third partychecks will be accepted. Thebalance in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due withintwenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes,special assessments, or spe-cial taxes levied against saidreal estate and is offered forsale without any representa-tion as to quality or quantity oftitle and without recourse toPlaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-tion. The sale is further sub-ject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser willreceive a Certificate of Salethat will entitle the purchaserto a deed to the real estateafter confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT beopen for inspect ion andplaintiff makes no representa-tion as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective biddersare admonished to check thecourt file to verify all informa-tion.If this property is a condomini-um unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale,other than a mortgagee, shallpay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act,765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and(g)(4). If this property is acondominium unit which ispart of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessments re-quired by The CondominiumProper ty Act , 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1) .IF YOU ARE THE MORT-GAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOREMAIN IN POSSESSIONF O R 3 0 D A Y S A F T E RENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORD-ANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOS-URE LAW.You will need a photo identi-fication issued by a govern-ment agency (driver's license,passport, etc.) in order to gainentry into our building and theforeclosure sale room in CookCounty and the same identi-fication for sales held at othercounty venues where The Ju-dicial Sales Corporation con-ducts foreclosure sales.For information, examine thecourt file or contact Plaintiff'sattorney: CODILIS & ASSO-CIATES, P.C. , 15W030NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL60527 , (630) 794-9876Please refer to file number14-17-17945.THE JUDICIAL SALES COR-PORATIONOne South Wacker Drive,24th Floor , Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judi-cial Sales Corporation for a 7 daystatus report of pendingsales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONT-AGE ROAD, SUITE 100BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300E - M a i l :[email protected] File No. 14-17-17945A t t o r n e y A R D C N o .0 0 4 6 8 0 0 2Case Number: 2018 CH000001TJSC#: 38-3268NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff'sattorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting tocollect a debt and any inform-ation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I3086517



IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR THE 3RD JUDICIALDISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - ED-WARDSVILLE, ILLINOISFIRST BANK D/B/A FIRSTBANK MORTGAGEPlaintiff,-v.-JAMES TURNBAUGH A/K/AJAMES A. TURNBAUGH, etalDefendant2017 CH 000686NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure andSale entered in the abovecause on May 10, 2018, anagent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 11:00 AMon August 13, 2018, at theAdministration Building, 157North Main Street main en-trance lobby, EDWARDS-VILLE, IL, 62025, sell at pub-lic auction to the highest bid-der, as set forth below, thefollowing described real es-tate:LOT 22 IN SOUTHMOORPLACE, A SUBDIVISION ASSHOWN IN THE PLATTHEREOF RECORDED INTHE RECORDER'S OFFICEOF MADISON COUNTY,ILLINOIS, PLAT BOOK 24,AT PAGE 3, IN MADISONCOUNTY, ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 3402FORSYTH, GODFREY, IL62035Property Index No. 24-2-01-35-01-102-036.The real estate is improvedwith a residence.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified fundsat the close of the sale pay-able to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third partychecks will be accepted. Thebalance in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due withintwenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes,special assessments, or spe-cial taxes levied against saidreal estate and is offered forsale without any representa-tion as to quality or quantity oftitle and without recourse toPlaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-tion. The sale is further sub-ject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser willreceive a Certificate of Salethat will entitle the purchaserto a deed to the real estateafter confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT beopen for inspect ion andplaintiff makes no representa-tion as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective biddersare admonished to check thecourt file to verify all informa-tion.If this property is a condomini-um unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale,other than a mortgagee, shallpay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act,765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and(g)(4). If this property is acondominium unit which ispart of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessments re-quired by The CondominiumProper ty Act , 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1) .IF YOU ARE THE MORT-GAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOREMAIN IN POSSESSIONF O R 3 0 D A Y S A F T E RENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORD-ANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOS-URE LAW.You will need a photo identi-fication issued by a govern-ment agency (driver's license,passport, etc.) in order to gainentry into our building and theforeclosure sale room in CookCounty and the same identi-fication for sales held at othercounty venues where The Ju-dicial Sales Corporation con-ducts foreclosure sales.For information, examine thecourt file or contact Plaintiff'sattorney: CODILIS & ASSO-CIATES, P.C. , 15W030NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL60527 , (630) 794-9876Please refer to file number14-12-03459.THE JUDICIAL SALES COR-PORATIONOne South Wacker Drive,24th Floor , Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judi-cial Sales Corporation for a 7 daystatus report of pendingsales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONT-AGE ROAD, SUITE 100BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300E - M a i l :[email protected] File No. 14-12-03459A t t o r n e y A R D C N o .0 0 4 6 8 0 0 2Case Number: 2017 CH000686TJSC#: 38-4286NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff'sattorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting tocollect a debt and any inform-ation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I3090490



IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR THE 3RD JUDICIALDISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - ED-WARDSVILLE, ILLINOISTHE MONEY SOURCE, INC.Plaintiff,-v.-TERRY E LANE, II, et alDefendant17 CH 000777NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure andSale entered in the abovecause on May 17, 2018, anagent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 11:00 AMon August 20, 2018, at theAdministration Building, 157North Main Street main en-trance lobby, EDWARDS-VILLE, IL, 62025, sell at pub-lic auction to the highest bid-der, as set forth below, thefollowing described real es-tate:L O T 6 4 I N M E A D O WHEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISIONOF PART OF THE SOUTHHALF OF THE SOUTHW-EST QUARTER OF SEC-TION 22, TOWNSHIP 3NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST OFTHE THIRD PRINCIPAL ME-RIDIAN ACCORDING TOTHE PLAT THEREOF RE-CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19PAGE 18, (EXCEPT COALAND OTHER MINERALS UN-DERLYING SAID PREMISESWITH THE RIGHT TO MINEAND REMOVE SAME) INM A D I S O N C O U N T Y ,I L L I N O I S .Commonly known as 415MEADOW LANE, COLLINS-VILLE, IL 62234Property Index No. 13-2-21-22-18-303-028.The real estate is improvedwith a single family frame nogarage.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified fundsat the close of the sale pay-able to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third partychecks will be accepted. Thebalance in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due withintwenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes,special assessments, or spe-cial taxes levied against saidreal estate and is offered forsale without any representa-tion as to quality or quantity oftitle and without recourse toPlaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-tion. The sale is further sub-ject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser willreceive a Certificate of Salethat will entitle the purchaserto a deed to the real estateafter confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT beopen for inspect ion andplaintiff makes no representa-tion as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective biddersare admonished to check thecourt file to verify all informa-tion.If this property is a condomini-um unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale,other than a mortgagee, shallpay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act,765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and(g)(4). If this property is acondominium unit which ispart of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessments re-quired by The CondominiumProper ty Act , 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1) .IF YOU ARE THE MORT-GAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOREMAIN IN POSSESSIONF O R 3 0 D A Y S A F T E RENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORD-ANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOS-URE LAW.You will need a photo identi-fication issued by a govern-ment agency (driver's license,passport, etc.) in order to gainentry into our building and theforeclosure sale room in CookCounty and the same identi-fication for sales held at othercounty venues where The Ju-dicial Sales Corporation con-ducts foreclosure sales.McCal la Raymer LeibertPierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attor-neys, One North DearbornStreet, Suite 1200, Chicago,IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 346-9088. Please refer to filenumber 256567.THE JUDICIAL SALES COR-PORATIONOne South Wacker Drive,24th Floor , Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judi-cial Sales Corporation for a 7 daystatus report of pendingsales.McCal la Raymer LeibertPierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street,Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E - M a i l :p lead ings@mcca l la .comAttorney File No. 256567Case Number: 17 CH 000777TJSC#: 38-4283I3090837



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISU.S. BANK NATIONAL AS-SOCIATION;Plaintiff,vs.JENNA B. DIGIROLAMO;KEVIN A. BELL;Defendants,16 CH 430NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 1, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon in the office ofCommunity Title & Escrow,Inc., 2600 D State Street,Alton, Illinois 62002, sell tothe highest bidder for cash,the following described mort-gaged real estate:Lot 14 in Look's Subdivisionof Outlot 5 in Harlow's Addi-tion to the City of Collinsvilleas the same appears fromplat thereof recorded in PlatBook 6 Page 71 of the Re-corder's Office of MadisonCounty, Illinois in MadisonCounty, Illinois.P.I.N. 13-2-21-33-11-204-024.Commonly known as 426Short Street, Collinsville, IL62234.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call Sales De-partment at Plaintiff's Attor-ney, Manley Deas Kochalski,LLC, One East Wacker Drive,Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614)220-5611. File Number 16-016948I3090899


IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR THE THIRD JUDICIALCIRCUITM A D I S O N C O U N T Y ,I L L I N O I SDITECH FINANCIAL LLC,PLAINTIFF,VS.UNKNOWN HEIRS ANDLEGATEES FOR SHIRLEY MDURBOROW, IF ANY; UN-KNOWN OWNERS ANDNON-RECORD CLAIMANTS,DEFENDANTS.18 CH 2774489 VINE BOULEVARDGRANITE CITY, IL 62040NOTICE BY PUBLICATIONNOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU,Unknown Owners and Non-Record ClaimantsUnknown Heirs and Leg-atees for Shirley M Durborow,if anydefendants, that this case hasbeen commenced in thisCourt against you and otherdefendants, asking for theforeclosure of a certain Mort-gage conveying the premisesdescribed as follows, to wit:LOT 95 IN MIRACLE MAN-OR ADDITION NO. 3, A SUB-DIVISION IN THE SOUTHW-EST QUARTER OF SEC-T ION 4 , TOWNSHIP 3NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OFTHE THIRD PRINCIPAL ME-RIDIAN, ACCORDING TOTHE PLAT THEREOF RE-CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24PAGE 37. IN MADISONCOUNTY, ILLINOIS.Commonly known as: 4489Vine BoulevardGranite City, IL 62040and which said Mortgage wasmade by,Shirley M DurborowMortgagor(s), toMortgage Electronic Registra-tion Systems, Inc., as a nom-inee for American EquityMortgage, Inc.Mortgagee, and recorded inthe Office of the Recorder ofDeeds of Madison County,Il l inois, as Document No.2006R41830; and for otherrelief.UNLESS YOU file your an-swer or otherwise file your ap-pearance in this case in theOffice of the Clerk of thisCounty,Mark VonNida155 NORTH MAINEdwardsville, IL 62025on or before July 30, 2018, AJUDGMENT OR DECREEBY DEFAULT MAY BETAKEN AGAINST YOU FORTHE RELIEF ASKED IN THECOMPLAINT.PURSUANT TO THE FAIRDEBT COLLECTION PRAC-T I C E S A C T , T H EPLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY ISDEEMED TO BE A DEBTCOLLECTOR ATTEMPTINGTO COLLECT A DEBT ANDANY INFORMATION WILLBE USED FOR THAT PUR-POSE.McCal la Raymer LeibertPierce, LLCAttorney for Plaintiff1 N. Dearborn St. Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602Ph. (312) 346-9088File No. 266317-156988I3091474



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISLAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI-CING, LLC;Plaintiff,vs.CORY WELLEN; ARCHVIEWCONDOMINIUM ASSOCI-ATIONINC. AKA ARCHVIEW CON-DOMINIUM OWNERS INC.;UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,17 CH 36NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 8, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon, Community Title& Escrow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:Unit D in Building Number 3of Carroll Wood Hill, a Con-dominium as delineated onthe survey of a tract of land inthe Fract ional NortheastQuarter of Section 29, Town-ship 3 North, Range 8 Westof the Third Principal Meridi-an, Madison County, Illinois,recorded in Plat Book 35Page 72 of the MadisonCounty Records, togetherwith the undivided share ofthe common elements andappurtenances thereto and allother appurtenances theretobelonging all according to andmore particularly described inCarroll Wood Hill Declarationof Condominium and By-Lawsdated the 25th day of July,A.D. 1966, and recorded inBook 2443 Pages 481 to 517,inclusive of the MadisonCounty Records. Except coal,gas and other mineral rightsconveyed, excepted or re-served in prior conveyances.Situated in the County ofMadison, State of Ill inois.Commonly known as 1017Lafayette Court, Collinsville,Illinois 62234.P.I.N. 13-2-21-29-00-000-016.12C.The improvement on theproperty consists of a con-dominium residence. The pur-chaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the as-sessments and the legal feesrequired by subdivisions(g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9of the Condominium PropertyActSale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds.The property will NOT beopen for inspection.For information call The SalesDepartment at Plaintiff's Attor-ney, Anselmo Lindberg & As-sociates, LLC, 1771 WestDiehl Road, Naperville, Illinois60563-1890. (630) 453-6960.For Bidding instructions 24h o u r s p r i o r t o s a l e .F 1 7 0 1 0 0 0 3I3091538





Notice is given that inthe month of July 2018,the Village of Hartford

has adopted andpassed an “ORDIN-


ANCE WITH STATELAW” whereby the saidrate of wages for thoseengaged in construc-

tion work for the Villageshall be the same asthe prevailing rate of

wages of constructionwork for the Madison

County area as determ-ined by the Illinois De-partment of Labor. Theoriginal Ordinance is onfile and is part of the of-ficial records of the Vil-lage of Hartford. Any-

one wishing to inspect itmay do so at the officeof the Village of Hart-ford located at 140 W.Hawthorne, Hartford,Illinois, between the

hours of 9:00 A.M. and5:00 P.M. Monday

through Friday eachweek, except for holi-days or other closings

of said office. Dated this3rd day of July, 2018.s/James Hickerson,




IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISWELLS FARGO BANK, NAPlaintiff,vs.STEVEN M. INLOW JR. AKASTEVE INLOW AKAS T E V E N I N L O W A K ASTEVEN INLOW JR.; GEN-ERALCREDIT ACCEPTANCECOMPANY, LLC; UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NON-RE-CORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,17 CH 527NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 8, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon, Community Title& Escrow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:A PART OF THE SOUTHHALF (S 1/2) OF LOT EIGHT(8) IN BLOCK TWO (2) INMAPLEWOOD, A SUBDIVI-SION IN THE SOUTHWESTQUARTER OF THE NORTH-EAST QUARTER OF SEC-TION 27, TOWNSHIP 5NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OFTHE THIRD PRINCIPAL ME-RIDIAN, AS THE SAME AP-P E A R S F R O M P L A TTHEREOF RECORDED INTHE RECORDER'S OFFICEOF MADISON COUNTY,ILLINOIS IN PLAT BOOK 7PAGE 67, MORE PARTICU-LARLY DESCRIBED ASFOLLOWS: BEGINNING ATTHE SOUTHWEST CORNEROF SAID LOT 8; THENCENORTH ALONG THE EASTLINE OF EIGHTH STREET(FORMERLY CLARK AVEN-UE) A DISTANCE OF 75FEET TO A POINT; THENCEEAST AND PARALLEL WITHTHE NORTH LINE OF SAIDLOT 8 A DISTANCE OF 103FEET TO A POINT; THENCESOUTH AND PARALLEL TOTHE EAST LINE OF SAIDLOT 8 A DISTANCE OF 75FEET TO THE SOUTH LINEOF SAID LOT 8; THENCEWEST ALONG THE SOUTHLINE OF SAID LOT 8 A DIS-TANCE OF 103 FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING.SITUATE IN THE COUNTYOF MADISON AND STATEOF ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 175 8thStreet, Wood River, Illinois62095.P.I.N. 19-2-08-27-11-202-022.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds.The property will NOT beopen for inspection.For information call The SalesDepartment at Plaintiff's Attor-ney, Anselmo Lindberg & As-sociates, LLC, 1771 WestDiehl Road, Naperville, Illinois60563-1890. (630) 453-6960.For Bidding instructions 24h o u r s p r i o r t o s a l e .F 1 7 0 8 0 0 6 4I3091543

Lost & Found

LOSTElectric Stair Climber

2 wheeler$100 reward

Call 314-920-1199


Witness wanted:Anyone who witnesseda collision between aDodge Dakota Pickuptruck and a pedestrian

on eastbound I-270near Granite City in

Madison County, Illinois(near the cross over for

Illinois State Route3/Mile Post 2) on Sat-urday, August 8, 2015at about 11:46 a.m.,please contact David

Duree, the attorney forthe pedestrian.

everybody’s talkingabout what’s in our

classifieds Check out our

Classifieds that work

Page 3: Friday, July 6, 2018 5B - · The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. ... for a 7 day

Friday, July 6, 2018 7BThe Telegraph CLASSIFIEDS


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Classifieds. If there is an error, TheTelegraph will not be responsible for

more than one incorrect insertion.


Looking For:

Office Manager/Bookkeeper/Receptionist

Must have Prior Experience

Send Resume To:P.O. Box 5041

Godfrey, IL 62035




The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City of Wood River will beaccepting applications to establish an alternate eligibility list for the position of

Police Officer.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:1. Currently a full-time sworn officer of a regular police department in anymunicipal, county, university or State law enforcement agency, provided youare certified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Boardand have been with your respective law enforcement agency within the Stateof Illinois for at least 2 years.

2. Reside within either Madison County, IL or within 15 miles “as the crowflies” of the City limits of Wood River (within the State of IL) within 12 monthsof hire date.

3. Meet all other qualifications as set forth in the rules and regulations of theBoard of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City of Wood River, IL.

Application packets will be available for pick up starting Saturday, July 7, 2018at the Wood River Police Department and beginning Monday, July 9, 2018 atthe Wood River City Clerk s Office between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm,

Monday thru Friday.

Completed applications should be addressed to:Board of Fire and Police Commissioners

C/o City Clerk111 N. Wood River Ave.Wood River, IL 62095

or may be submitted to the City Clerk s Office in person at City Hall,Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Completed Applications Must Be ReceivedNo Later Than 5:00pm on Monday, July 23, 2018.

The City of Wood River is an Equal Opportunity Employer.By order of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners,

Wood River, Illinois Secretary: Steve Alexander


Call or Text Stanley for Information:618-581-1037


Meridian Village


Business Property For Sale

1 Mile FromI-255 / Phillips Conoco Refinery

3 Buildings on 7 acres zoned commercialwith fence 40 x 60 pole barn, concrete

floors with bathroom / 20 x 30 office withbathroom and asphalt parking lot

20 x 50 3 sided building with rock floor40 x 60 commercial steel , insulated with

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Clawfoot Tub Needs TLC$100, Large Sliding Glass

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Towable by car or truck. $350OBO 618-975-1342

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GodfreyNice Lot!

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GodfreyBrick 3BR!

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AltonCompletely Updated 2BR!

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Wood River2BR W/Large Lot!

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Jerseyville Build Your Dream Home!

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Godfreyhly Painted 3Fres BR!

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3BR In A Great Location!

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Cheaper Than Rent!

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Fairview Heights2BR W/Fenced Yard!

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AltonCute 2BR!

#18041285 - $70,000 - 463-9797

Wood River3BR W/Large Garage!

#18039561 - $74,900 - 377-8206

Wood RiverBrick 3BR!

#18037680 - $109,900 - 377-8206

Godfrey3BR On Corner Lot!

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Godfrey3BR W/Updated Kitchen!

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Alton8 Acres!

#18050056 - $120,000 - 463-9797


Page 4: Friday, July 6, 2018 5B - · The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. ... for a 7 day

CLASSIFIEDS The Telegraph8B Friday, July 6, 2018


The following positions are available inCommunity Unit School District #7:

Birth - 3 Program CoordinatorApplicants must have a Bachelor's Degree in Early

Childhood Education or in the Social Services.Master's Degree preferred but not required.

Two (2) Birth - 3 Parent EducatorsApplicants must have a Bachelor's Degree in

Early Childhood Education or in the area of SocialServices.

Applicants should send a letter of application,resume, and up-to-date credentials to:

Angela Sandretto, PrincipalBen-Gil Elementary School

340 Kelly St.Gillespie, Illinois 62033

Closing date will be July 20, 2018.Community Unit School District #7 does notdiscriminate on the basis of disability, race,

religion, sex, national origin, or age in access to,employment in, or in the provision of any

programs, benefits or activities.



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISPENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCPlaintiff,-v.-UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF RICHARD W BRITT,IF ANY, et alDefendant17 CH 317NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause onMay 3, 2018, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at11:00 AM on August 6, 2018, at the Administration Building,157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, EDWARDSVILLE,IL, 62025, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following described real estate:Commonly known as 5112 WHITESELL WAY, GRANITE CITY,IL 62040Property Index No. 18-2-14-34-20-402-034.The real estate is improved with a brown brick, one story singlefamily home, attached two car garage.Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.No third party checks will be accepted. The balance in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject to general real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes levied against said real estateand is offered for sale without any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "ASIS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will re-ceive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to adeed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiffmakes no representation as to the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file toverify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unitat the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal fees required by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property isa condominium unit which is part of a common interest com-munity, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale otherthan a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUHAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.You will need a photo identification issued by a governmentagency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry in-to our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook Countyand the same identification for sales held at other county ven-ues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosuresales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attorneys, OneNorth Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 346-9088. Please refer to file number 262528.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650(312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation for a 7 day status report of pending sales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E-Mail: [email protected] File No. 262528Case Number: 17 CH 317TJSC#: 38-3898I3090096



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISDITECH FINANCIAL LLCPlaintiff,-v.-UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE RUTH EGUNN TRUST DATED JANUARY 7, 2004, et alDefendant16 CH 710NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause onMay 17, 2018, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, willat 11:00 AM on August 20, 2018, at the Administration Building,157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, EDWARDSVILLE,IL, 62025, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following described real estate:Commonly known as 509 POPLAR STREET, HIGHLAND, IL62249Property Index No. 02-1-18-33-17-301-002.The real estate is improved with a single family home with nogarage.Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.No third party checks will be accepted. The balance in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject to general real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes levied against said real estateand is offered for sale without any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "ASIS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will re-ceive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to adeed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiffmakes no representation as to the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file toverify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unitat the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal fees required by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property isa condominium unit which is part of a common interest com-munity, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale otherthan a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUHAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.You will need a photo identification issued by a governmentagency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry in-to our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook Countyand the same identification for sales held at other county ven-ues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosuresales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attorneys, OneNorth Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 346-9088. Please refer to file number 258776.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650(312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation for a 7 day status report of pending sales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E-Mail: [email protected] File No. 258776Case Number: 16 CH 710TJSC#: 38-4284I3091147



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISNATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC D/B/A CHAMPIONMORTGAGE COMPANYPlaintiff,-v.-POINTE NORTH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTCONDOMINIUMS, PHASE I, ASSOCIATION, LTD., et alDefendant16 CH 613NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause onJune 21, 2018, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, willat 11:00 AM on July 31, 2018, at the Administration Building,157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, EDWARDSVILLE,IL, 62025, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following described real estate:Commonly known as 200 WINDRIDGE DRIVE, COLLINS-VILLE, IL 62234Property Index No. 13-2-21-22-06-101-00-6.15C.The real estate is improved with a single family residence.Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.No third party checks will be accepted. The balance in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject to general real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes levied against said real estateand is offered for sale without any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "ASIS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will re-ceive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to adeed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiffmakes no representation as to the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file toverify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unitat the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal fees required by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property isa condominium unit which is part of a common interest com-munity, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale otherthan a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUHAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.You will need a photo identification issued by a governmentagency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry in-to our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook Countyand the same identification for sales held at other county ven-ues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosuresales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attorneys, OneNorth Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 346-9088. Please refer to file number 258308.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650(312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation for a 7 day status report of pending sales.McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E-Mail: [email protected] File No. 258308Case Number: 16 CH 613TJSC#: 38-5242I3091622


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IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR THE 3RD JUDICIALDISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - ED-WARDSVILLE, ILLINOISU.S. BANK NATIONAL AS-SOCIATIONPlaintiff,-v.-AUTUMN RIESE, et alDefendant2018 CH 000001NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure andSale entered in the abovecause on April 5, 2018, anagent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 11:00 AMon August 13, 2018, at theAdministration Building, 157North Main Street main en-trance lobby, EDWARDS-VILLE, IL, 62025, sell at pub-lic auction to the highest bid-der, as set forth below, thefollowing described real es-tate:Commonly known as 437PHEASANT LN., MORO, IL62067Property Index No. 15-2-09-08-01-101-047.The real estate is improvedwith a single family residence.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified fundsat the close of the sale pay-able to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third partychecks will be accepted. Thebalance in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due withintwenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes,special assessments, or spe-cial taxes levied against saidreal estate and is offered forsale without any representa-tion as to quality or quantity oftitle and without recourse toPlaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-tion. The sale is further sub-ject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser willreceive a Certificate of Salethat will entitle the purchaserto a deed to the real estateafter confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT beopen for inspect ion andplaintiff makes no representa-tion as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective biddersare admonished to check thecourt file to verify all informa-tion.If this property is a condomini-um unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale,other than a mortgagee, shallpay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act,765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and(g)(4). If this property is acondominium unit which ispart of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessments re-quired by The CondominiumProper ty Act , 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1) .IF YOU ARE THE MORT-GAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOREMAIN IN POSSESSIONF O R 3 0 D A Y S A F T E RENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORD-ANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOS-URE LAW.You will need a photo identi-fication issued by a govern-ment agency (driver's license,passport, etc.) in order to gainentry into our building and theforeclosure sale room in CookCounty and the same identi-fication for sales held at othercounty venues where The Ju-dicial Sales Corporation con-ducts foreclosure sales.For information, examine thecourt file or contact Plaintiff'sattorney: CODILIS & ASSO-CIATES, P.C. , 15W030NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL60527 , (630) 794-9876Please refer to file number14-17-17945.THE JUDICIAL SALES COR-PORATIONOne South Wacker Drive,24th Floor , Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judi-cial Sales Corporation for a 7 daystatus report of pendingsales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONT-AGE ROAD, SUITE 100BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300E - M a i l :[email protected] File No. 14-17-17945A t t o r n e y A R D C N o .0 0 4 6 8 0 0 2Case Number: 2018 CH000001TJSC#: 38-3268NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff'sattorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting tocollect a debt and any inform-ation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I3086517



IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR THE 3RD JUDICIALDISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - ED-WARDSVILLE, ILLINOISFIRST BANK D/B/A FIRSTBANK MORTGAGEPlaintiff,-v.-JAMES TURNBAUGH A/K/AJAMES A. TURNBAUGH, etalDefendant2017 CH 000686NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure andSale entered in the abovecause on May 10, 2018, anagent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 11:00 AMon August 13, 2018, at theAdministration Building, 157North Main Street main en-trance lobby, EDWARDS-VILLE, IL, 62025, sell at pub-lic auction to the highest bid-der, as set forth below, thefollowing described real es-tate:Commonly known as 3402FORSYTH, GODFREY, IL62035Property Index No. 24-2-01-35-01-102-036.The real estate is improvedwith a residence.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified fundsat the close of the sale pay-able to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third partychecks will be accepted. Thebalance in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due withintwenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes,special assessments, or spe-cial taxes levied against saidreal estate and is offered forsale without any representa-tion as to quality or quantity oftitle and without recourse toPlaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-tion. The sale is further sub-ject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser willreceive a Certificate of Salethat will entitle the purchaserto a deed to the real estateafter confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT beopen for inspect ion andplaintiff makes no representa-tion as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective biddersare admonished to check thecourt file to verify all informa-tion.If this property is a condomini-um unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale,other than a mortgagee, shallpay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act,765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and(g)(4). If this property is acondominium unit which ispart of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessments re-quired by The CondominiumProper ty Act , 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1) .IF YOU ARE THE MORT-GAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOREMAIN IN POSSESSIONF O R 3 0 D A Y S A F T E RENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORD-ANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOS-URE LAW.You will need a photo identi-fication issued by a govern-ment agency (driver's license,passport, etc.) in order to gainentry into our building and theforeclosure sale room in CookCounty and the same identi-fication for sales held at othercounty venues where The Ju-dicial Sales Corporation con-ducts foreclosure sales.For information, examine thecourt file or contact Plaintiff'sattorney: CODILIS & ASSO-CIATES, P.C. , 15W030NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL60527 , (630) 794-9876Please refer to file number14-12-03459.THE JUDICIAL SALES COR-PORATIONOne South Wacker Drive,24th Floor , Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judi-cial Sales Corporation for a 7 daystatus report of pendingsales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONT-AGE ROAD, SUITE 100BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300E - M a i l :[email protected] File No. 14-12-03459A t t o r n e y A R D C N o .0 0 4 6 8 0 0 2Case Number: 2017 CH000686TJSC#: 38-4286NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff'sattorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting tocollect a debt and any inform-ation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I3090490

Page 5: Friday, July 6, 2018 5B - · The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. ... for a 7 day

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR THE 3RD JUDICIALDISTRICTMADISON COUNTY - ED-WARDSVILLE, ILLINOISTHE MONEY SOURCE, INC.Plaintiff,-v.-TERRY E LANE, II, et alDefendant17 CH 000777NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure andSale entered in the abovecause on May 17, 2018, anagent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 11:00 AMon August 20, 2018, at theAdministration Building, 157North Main Street main en-trance lobby, EDWARDS-VILLE, IL, 62025, sell at pub-lic auction to the highest bid-der, as set forth below, thefollowing described real es-tate:Commonly known as 415MEADOW LANE, COLLINS-VILLE, IL 62234Property Index No. 13-2-21-22-18-303-028.The real estate is improvedwith a single family frame nogarage.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified fundsat the close of the sale pay-able to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third partychecks will be accepted. Thebalance in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due withintwenty-four (24) hours. Thesubject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes,special assessments, or spe-cial taxes levied against saidreal estate and is offered forsale without any representa-tion as to quality or quantity oftitle and without recourse toPlaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-tion. The sale is further sub-ject to confirmation by thecourt.Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser willreceive a Certificate of Salethat will entitle the purchaserto a deed to the real estateafter confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT beopen for inspect ion andplaintiff makes no representa-tion as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective biddersare admonished to check thecourt file to verify all informa-tion.If this property is a condomini-um unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale,other than a mortgagee, shallpay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act,765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and(g)(4). If this property is acondominium unit which ispart of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessments re-quired by The CondominiumProper ty Act , 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1) .IF YOU ARE THE MORT-GAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOREMAIN IN POSSESSIONF O R 3 0 D A Y S A F T E RENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORD-ANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOS-URE LAW.You will need a photo identi-fication issued by a govern-ment agency (driver's license,passport, etc.) in order to gainentry into our building and theforeclosure sale room in CookCounty and the same identi-fication for sales held at othercounty venues where The Ju-dicial Sales Corporation con-ducts foreclosure sales.McCal la Raymer LeibertPierce, LLC, Plaintiff's Attor-neys, One North DearbornStreet, Suite 1200, Chicago,IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 346-9088. Please refer to filenumber 256567.THE JUDICIAL SALES COR-PORATIONOne South Wacker Drive,24th Floor , Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judi-cial Sales Corporation for a 7 daystatus report of pendingsales.McCal la Raymer LeibertPierce, LLCOne North Dearborn Street,Suite 1200Chicago, IL 60602(312) 346-9088E - M a i l :p lead ings@mcca l la .comAttorney File No. 256567Case Number: 17 CH 000777TJSC#: 38-4283I3090837



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISFIRST GUARANTY MORT-GAGE CORPORATION;Plaintiff,vs.DEBRA S. MEYER; UN-KNOWN OWNERS ANDNON RECORDCLAIMANTS;Defendants,17 CH 776NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 1, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon in the office ofCommunity Title & Escrow,Inc., 2600 D State Street,Alton, Illinois 62002, sell tothe highest bidder for cash,the following described mort-gaged real estate:P.I.N. 24-2-01-19-04-403-003.Commonly known as 5911Deer Trail, Godfrey, IL 62035.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call Law Clerkat Plaintiff's Attorney, TheWirbicki Law Group, 33 WestMonroe Street, Chicago,Ill inois 60603. (312) 360-9455.I3090903


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISU.S. BANK NATIONAL AS-SOCIATION;Plaintiff,vs.JENNA B. DIGIROLAMO;KEVIN A. BELL;Defendants,16 CH 430NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 1, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon in the office ofCommunity Title & Escrow,Inc., 2600 D State Street,Alton, Illinois 62002, sell tothe highest bidder for cash,the following described mort-gaged real estate:P.I.N. 13-2-21-33-11-204-024.Commonly known as 426Short Street, Collinsville, IL62234.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call Sales De-partment at Plaintiff's Attor-ney, Manley Deas Kochalski,LLC, One East Wacker Drive,Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614)220-5611. File Number 16-016948I3090899


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISILLINOIS HOUSING DEVEL-OPMENT AUTHORITY;Plaintiff,vs.SARAH M. FELDMAN; WIL-LIAM C. BEISER IV; CITYOF ALTON;Defendants,18 ch 67NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause,Intercounty Judicial SalesCorporation will on Wednes-day, August 1, 2018, at thehour of 12:00 noon in the of-fice of Community Title & Es-crow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:P.I.N. 23-2-08-17-06-101-019.Commonly known as 3618HORN, ALTON, IL 62002.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call SalesClerk at Law Offices of Ira T.Nevel, 175 North FranklinStreet , Chicago, I l l ino is60606. (312) 357-1125. Ref.No. 18-00263I3090904



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISLAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI-CING, LLC;Plaintiff,vs.CORY WELLEN; ARCHVIEWCONDOMINIUM ASSOCI-ATIONINC. AKA ARCHVIEW CON-DOMINIUM OWNERS INC.;UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,17 CH 36NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 8, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon, Community Title& Escrow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:Commonly known as 1017Lafayette Court, Collinsville,Illinois 62234.P.I.N. 13-2-21-29-00-000-016.12C.The improvement on theproperty consists of a con-dominium residence. The pur-chaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the as-sessments and the legal feesrequired by subdivisions(g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9of the Condominium PropertyActSale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds.The property will NOT beopen for inspection.For information call The SalesDepartment at Plaintiff's Attor-ney, Anselmo Lindberg & As-sociates, LLC, 1771 WestDiehl Road, Naperville, Illinois60563-1890. (630) 453-6960.For Bidding instructions 24h o u r s p r i o r t o s a l e .F 1 7 0 1 0 0 0 3I3091538


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISWELLS FARGO BANK, NAPlaintiff,vs.STEVEN M. INLOW JR. AKASTEVE INLOW AKAS T E V E N I N L O W A K ASTEVEN INLOW JR.; GEN-ERALCREDIT ACCEPTANCECOMPANY, LLC; UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NON-RE-CORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,17 CH 527NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause In-tercounty Judicial Sales Cor-poration will on Wednesday,August 8, 2018, at the hour of12:00 noon, Community Title& Escrow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:Commonly known as 175 8thStreet, Wood River, Illinois62095.P.I.N. 19-2-08-27-11-202-022.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds.The property will NOT beopen for inspection.For information call The SalesDepartment at Plaintiff's Attor-ney, Anselmo Lindberg & As-sociates, LLC, 1771 WestDiehl Road, Naperville, Illinois60563-1890. (630) 453-6960.For Bidding instructions 24h o u r s p r i o r t o s a l e .F 1 7 0 8 0 0 6 4I3091543



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTY OF MADISON -EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOISU . S . B A N K N A , S U C -CESSOR TRUSTEE TOBANK OFA M E R I C A , N A , S U C -CESSOR IN INTEREST TOLASALLEBANK NATIONAL ASSOCI-ATION, ON BEHALF OF THEREGISTERED HOLDERS OFBEAR STEARNS ASSETBACKED SECURITIES ITRUST 2005-HE5, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES,SERIES 2005-HE5,Plaintiff,17 CH 27vs.SHARON ANGELLY, AR-THUR ANGELLY, ILLINOISHOUSING DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY,Defendants,17 CH 27NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven that pursuant to a Judg-ment of Foreclosure enteredin the above entitled cause,Intercounty Judicial SalesCorporation will on Wednes-day, August 15, 2018, at thehour of 12:00 noon in the of-fice of Community Title & Es-crow, Inc., 2600 D StateStreet, Alton, Illinois 62002,sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following describedmortgaged real estate:P.I.N. 22-2-20-07-20-401-004.Commonly known as 117WILSON PARK, LN., GRAN-ITE CITY, IL 62040.The improvement on theproperty consists of a singlefamily residence. If the sub-ject mortgaged real estate isa unit of a common interestcommunity, the purchaser ofthe unit other than a mort-gagee shall pay the assess-ments required by subsection(g-1) of Section 18.5 of theCondominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by cer-tified funds, balance within 24hours, by certified funds. Norefunds. The property willNOT be open for inspection.For information call SalesClerk at Law Offices of Ira T.Nevel, 175 North FranklinStreet , Chicago, I l l ino is60606. (312) 357-1125. Ref.No. 16-03808I3092245

Want To Buy


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CLASSIFIEDS The Telegraph10B Friday, July 6, 2018

Yard Sale

First Annual DreamCenter Indoor

Rummage SaleJuly 6 & 7.

From Furniture to Toys anda whole lot of Everything in

Between.River of Life FamilyChurch Building B,

3401 Fosterburg Rd. Alton,IL 62002

Fri 4p-8p & Sat 8a-12p

Yard Sale

Rosewood Heights , 439Westerholdt, Fri & Sat 7a-3pm, Mult i Family YardSales, Lots of Children's,c l o t h e s , L o t s o f M i s c .Something for everyone.


Garage Sale Ads-$20(For One Household)

-6 Lines Of Text-Ad Runs for 3 Days

***Deadline forThursday's Paper isWednesday by 11amCall Us Today!!!The Telegraph


(618) 463-2500Ext. 1380 or 1381

Small Church Needing Dona-tions for Building Fund Sale.Pots & pans Clothes, House

hold items. Will pick up items.618-410-6405

Wood River, 429 5th St.,Sat & Sun 8a-2p, Tons ofName Brand Clothes Wo-men's & Men's, Home De-cor, Tools, Precious Mo-

ments Collectibles, &Much More

Wood River, 501 Leslie,Corner of Beach and

Leslie, Sat 8a-?, MOVINGSALE (Getting Rid of Tons

of Stuff), Shop Inside &Out!, Furniture, Lamps,China, Silver, Pottery,

Tools, Lawn & Garden,Christmas & Home Decor,Everything Priced To Sell,

Most Items $1 or Less

Animal Independence DayFundraiser

at Nancie's FanciesJuly 7, 9am - 3pm

799 Old St. Louis Rd.,Wood River,

across from DomeFood, Door Prizes,

Raffle ItemsHousehold Items, Clothes,

Furniture for saleProceeds benefit the

Riverbend Humane Society

Yard Sale

Alton, 2306 Mound St.,Sat 8a-11a?, Garage/Es-

tate Sale, All Kinds ofTools, Small Generator,Old Anvil, Household,

Books, Small Appliances,Pictures, Lots More,


Alton, 2732 Bostwick St, Sat8a-?, Furniture, Clothing,Home Decor , Pr iced toMove! !

Alton, 2900 Hillcrest Ave., Sat7:30a-2P, Sports items,

Books, Much more.

Alton, 3507 North West Drive,Sat 8a-1p, Estate Sale,

House Hold Goods, Furniture,Women's Clothing 1X-3X.

Everything Must Go!

Alton, 4029 FosterburgRd., Sat 7a-12p,(1 Mile N of 255)

3 Family Sale, Tools,Hunting, Youth Com-pound Bow, Furniture,Baby Toys & Clothes,Adult Clothes, & Misc

Alton, 909 Hopp HollowDr., Sat. 7a-12p, Infant-10Yrs Boys & Girls Clothes,Books, Toys, Doll House,

Wagon, Household,Sports, & Misc Items

Bethalto, 132 Quail Run, Fri &Sat 8a-1p, Name Brand TeenGirls & Young Men's Clothes,Desk w/Chair, Books, Sports

Memorabilia, House HoldItems and Brick Pavers and

much more.

Bethalto, 463 Park Dr.Sat 7:30a-?,

Household Items, Lots ofBoy Clothes 2T-4T, Toys,High Chair, Lots of Misc

East Alton, 159 Goulding, Fri3p-7p, Furniture, House Holditems, Bikes, Men & Women'sClothes, Weed Eaters, Tools,Lots More, If Rain Moved to


Godfrey, 5304 Dixon Dr.,Fri & Sat 7a-?, Little Bit OfEverything, Priced To Sell,

Bake Sale Included

Godfrey, 7721 MeadowlarkDr, Fri 1P-7P & Sat 8a-2p,Lula Roe, Xersion Workoutclothes, Bikes, Home Decor,Used 31 & Tupperware,S h o e s , B o y s 7 - 1 6 ,Lad ies /Women 's 14-3X ,Men's 34-40 & S-XL, Tools.1/2 Price Sat on Most Items.


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Friday, July 6, 2018 11BThe Telegraph CLASSIFIEDS

Auto Sales

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