




LICENSING AND REGISRATION Applications and Renewals Question Answer 1. How does vendor know the status of the

application submitted? Email notifications to vendor will be sent upon submission, evaluation, further finding, approved and/or disapproved. Alternatively, vendor should able to view their current application status in SUS portal.

2. If the External Bodies’ certificates have expired (e.g CIDB cert), can this be used to submit the application?

No, all certificates must be valid upon submission.


Are supporting documents such as bank statements, MOF certificate required to be submitted in the new system?

No. Bank statements and MOF certificate are no longer required to be submitted.

4. Is there a grace period for extension of scope?

There is no grace period. Company can submit application for extension of scope anytime provided that the previous application has been approved or rejected.

5. No technical brochure required in the new system; how will PETRONAS know whether the product/services supply is correct?

There is a requirement for the products/services supplied by Principal to be included in the agency Exclusive Appointment Letter and agency agreement. In addition, vendors may also be required to submit technical brochures during tendering exercise.

6. Is attachment for Cheque Signatories still required?


7. Is the pre-requisite for Lembaga Pelesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP) still required?

Depending on the SWEC requirement.

8. Vendor is not informed on the suspension/blacklisted reason. There is no opportunity to communicate directly with PETRONAS.

Reasons for suspension or blacklisting of company are communicated through official letter sent to affected company. Any appeal via official letter by company will be responded accordingly.

9. A company has renewed its registration and wish to upgrade the Registration to License. Will the Registration still valid once the new License is approved? How much is the processing fee?

Once PETRONAS approved the application for upgrading of Registration to License, a new license will be issued and the previous registration becomes invalid. There is no processing fee imposed.



10. Why PETRONAS reduce the requirement of 100% Bumiputera percentage?

The reduction is only at Board of Directors, Management and Employee levels in recognition that when running a business, company requires expertise comprising Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera.

11. A company has obtained Manufacturer status from MOF. Since the requirement for MOF has been removed, how does PETRONAS differentiate between manufacturer and trader?

Each SWEC has different mode of operation and requirements. If a company is capable to be a manufacturer, it can apply as manufacturer for relevant SWEC. Licensing & Registration Section (LRS) will need to perform technical assessment on the company before approving for ‘manufacturer’ mode of operation. (Note: A company which has obtained Manufacturer status from MOF may not necessarily be approved as ‘manufacturer’ mode of operation by PETRONAS).

12. If company’s License/Registration is cancelled, is there any notification to vendor?

Application for Cancellation of License/Registration will be submitted by company with justification. Upon approval by PETRONAS, email notification will be sent to company.

13. Must the key personnel be a permanent staff of the company?


14. Why company is not calling for bidding even though company is Active?

It is possibly because the company did not meet the tendering plan. Company is advised to put an effort to promote their products/services to the Users.

15. Is it necessary/mandatory to insert epf contribution no & epf contribution for the staff?


16. Is it compulsory to submit HSE & Quality certification?

No, we require only Company HSE policy during licensing/registration.

17. What is the percentage of Bumiputera equity for consultant?

Depending on the SWEC requirement.

18. What is the minimum coverage area for exclusive agency appointment letter?

At least in Malaysia.

19. Company is registered with PETRONAS. Electrical SWEC requirement need company to be Licensed with Suruhanjaya Tenaga but Sarawak has different certificate. How do we go about that?

As stated in SWEC MTR, any document that equivalent to the requirement could be considered.

20. Company is registered with PETRONAS but still not success on submitting Update

Pre-requisite internet browser are Internet Explorer 11 or Mozilla Fox 42.



Company Profile due to webpage error (cannot view properly). Is it because of the version?

21. Existing exclusive Agent – Principal relationship limit the opportunity for new local company. Can PETRONAS review back this issue?

This effort is to protect local agent whereas different SWEC code will require different agent.

22. BEM allow sole proprietorship. Why PETRONAS did not allow proprietorship for engineering?

It is because BEM is not a business entity.

23. Can the Shareholder/Director be in more than 1 company?

Yes, but with different SWEC code.

24. Company located in Tawau. Do company need to open a branch to facilitate business in Kota Kinabalu?

Not necessarily.

25. Do company need to meet Bumiputera participation even though company is sole proprietor?


26. Shareholder not consistent between ROS vs SSM. How do we go about it?

Any statement with SSM must tally with PETRONAS. Thus, necessary update should be made by the vendor.

27. Why only Architect & QS allow for partnership/foreign collaboration?

Most of SWECs are categorize under strategic SWEC which require foreign expertise because it involves a high investment and high product complexity.

28. LLM (Limited Liability Partnership) can apply as vendor or not?


29. How long is the respond time for lrs_enquiries? Some enquiries did not respond at all.

7 working days.



SWEC Question Answer 1. Can both Licensed & Registered company

apply for strategic SWEC?


2. Can vendor submit application for another company with the same Director/Shareholder for the same SWEC?

No, there will be conflict of interest. This is only allowed if both companies apply for different SWEC.

3. If 10 companies having same SWEC with the same Director/Shareholder, is there any conflict of interest?


4. How to apply SWEC which is frozen in the new system?

Vendors are not allowed to apply SWEC which are frozen. It is advisable for vendor to promote their product/services to User and User to communicate with LRS for creation of new SWEC, if necessary.

5. How long is the duration to process the application?

I. Application for Strategic SWEC is one and a half (1 ½) months after the application date.

II. Application for General SWEC is three (3) weeks after the application date.

Application with mode of operation that requires site visit is at least 3 months.

6. How long will it takes for SWEC and Licensing cancellation process application?

I. Cancellation for Strategic SWEC is one and a half (1 ½) months after the application date.

II. Cancellation for ‘General’ SWEC is three (3) weeks after the application date.

7. Why there is a situation missing SWEC in the system?

It is either the SWEC is imposed to Special Condition or the system failed to capture the affected SWEC. Please comply to the Special Condition imposed or liaise with [email protected]

8. Company has 10 SWECs but only 2 SWECs not respond bidding. Is it all 10 SWECs will be take out from the bidder list or only 2?

If the company is not responding to 3 bidding offered without valid reason, PETRONAS will remove the company name from system.

9. Strategic SWEC – Offshore Crane – requirement DOSH certificate but company only service provider not fabricator. Why the requirement is still required?

All technical provider required a certificate regardless of the mode of operation.

10. Company A & B both licensed with PETRONAS. They plan to combine & create new entity, Company C. Currently both




company have different SWEC. Can Company C apply new different SWEC?

11. Where can vendor get information on SWEC with local content?

The information is confidential.

12. Can vendor submit request for SWEC creation?

No, creation of SWEC is an internal process in PETRONAS. Vendors should promote their product/services to user and user to communicate with SWEC team for creation of new SWEC, if necessary.

13. Is there any opportunity to apply for a fraction of the integrated scope in a SWEC and warrant for flexibility of the MTR?

No, vendor is required to undertake the full scope of a SWEC and the application will be rejected in the event of non-compliance to any one (1) of the imposed MTR(s).

14. Can vendor request to remove a registration requirement (e.g. DOSH, CIDB, BEM etc.) that is not directly related to the scope of work of the SWEC as clarified by the regulatory body?

No. SWEC requirements are established in consultation with the technical Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). The registration requirement may have been deemed necessary in order to evaluate the vendor’s capability.

15. Vendor has a key personnel (e.g. specialist, engineer, technical manager etc.) with no degree in qualification but possessed more than 10 years’ experience in the scope of work. Will PETRONAS consider the proposal?

No. The requirement for qualification is independent of the experience where PETRONAS evaluate the expertise level to ensure a comprehensive deliverables during actual work.

16. In the event that there is discrepancy of SWEC or MTR information in PETRONAS corporate website against the ROS/SUS system, which should vendor refer to?

Vendor is advised make reference of the latest SWEC and MTR list in PETRONAS corporate website at For any clarifications, please direct any enquiries or obtain consultation service via the following:

Tel: 1-800-88-0011 or +603-23313040 Fax: 03-23312757 E-mail: [email protected]

17. Vendor has a valid exception for not able to

comply with a specific MTR. Can vendor still proceed with the application?

Yes, please submit relevant supporting documents during the application for further assessment and it will be evaluated on case to case basis.

18. Why can’t vendor find a particular SWEC that was previously exist?

PETRONAS is continuously improving the SWEC effectiveness to support its business needs which include reviewing the SWEC structure as well as enhancement of relevant MTR. Vendor is advised to always refer to the latest SWEC and MTR list in



PETRONAS corporate website at

Note: For additional information on any SWEC changes, please refer to the distributed SWEC Internal List under ‘LRS Remarks’.

19. If the MTR is available only for the minimum Mode Of Operation (MOO), does it indicate that no MTR is applicable to other higher MOO? [for Product SWEC]

Yes, MTR is developed for each SWEC according the applicable MOO. However for Product SWEC, vendor will be subjected to a technical assessment for application of higher MOO than Dealer/Agent.

20. Vendor prefer to have a specific SWEC to differentiate their specialized product/service instead of applying for the existing SWEC that described the general scope of work. What is the way forward?

The SWEC structure is not designed to describe work categories that will particularly suit a single party. Vendor is advised to apply for the general scope of work and the distinction will be further evaluated during tendering stage.

21. Vendor is unable to remain licensed/registered in a particular SWEC arising from an enhancement exercise that resulted to a revision of MTR or the SWEC has been deleted. Will there be any consideration for an exception or option to revert to original state?

Any decision to review SWEC has gone through a diligent process which has been agreed by all relevant parties involved. Where necessary, prior notice and/or special condition will be imposed accordingly to the affected vendors upon which PETRONAS will not entertain exceptional request(s).

22. Can a company operating under Special License/Registration (SLR) request that a SWEC be created?

PETRONAS will evaluate the frequency of the requirement based on the expected demand. It is likely that the issuance of SLR is to cater for once-off requirement which will not be considered for new SWEC creation.

23. What does ‘Frozen’ SWEC means?

Frozen SWEC indicates that the scope is being managed internally within PETRONAS. However, the requirement may be reviewed occasionally in the future.

24. What is SWEC alert?

SWEC alert is a notification from PETRONAS to highlight any new information regarding the SWEC. Vendor is advised to click on the information icon to view the notification as it may highlight pertinent updates regarding the SWEC.

25. Can vendor request for a face to face meeting with the SWEC team to discuss on a particular topic?

Vendor is advised to direct any enquiries or obtain consultation service with regards to PETRONAS licensing and registration (including SWEC) via the following:

Tel: 1-800-88-0011 or +603-23313040



Fax: 03-23312757 E-mail: [email protected]

26. Why there is still MTR for simple product? E.g. CCTV. Expensive cost to hire technical personnel.

To ensure capabilities of the service provider.

27. Can the personnel to meet MTR is from JV, consultant, partner not employed by company?




Fees and Payments Question Answer

1. What is the mode of payment to PETRONAS license fee?

It is either via Bank Draft in the name of PETROLIAM NASIONAL BERHAD; or Via wire transfer to PETRONAS which applicable to international transaction.

2. Will company received official receipt upon payment made?


3. Is the processing fee RM100 per SWEC is still applicable?

No. Compliance to the Licensing & Registration requirements will ensure company’s application for License/Registration is approved and company’s name will be in PETRONAS bidders’ list. This gives them the opportunity to be invited for tenders.

4. Is there any timeline for license fee payment?

License fee payment must be made within 14 days from the date notification via email is sent to the company.

5. As the processing fee of RM100 per SWEC has been removed, how much is the license fee charges then?

For a licensed company, license fee is required based on the company’s paid-up capital and validity of the license as stipulated in the Petroleum Development Act 1974 as per the following:

Paid-up capital Annual license fee RM 100,000 - RM 1,000,000

RM 250

Above RM 1,000,000 - RM5,000,000

RM 500

Above RM 5,000,000 RM 1,000

6. How to make payment for license fee? License fee payment must be in the form of bank draft under the name of ‘PETRONAS’. Cash, money order or personal cheque is not acceptable. The bank draft can be made either at the counter or courier at the following address;

1. Courier: Level 12, tower 1, PETRONAS Twin Tower Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) 50088 Kuala Lumpur

2. Walk in: Level 9, Tower 1 PETRONAS Twin Tower Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) 50088 Kuala Lumpur



Validity and Expiry Question Answer

1. During renewal, a company can apply to add SWEC. Does company have to wait for 3 years i.e. in time of renewal to apply for extension of scope?

No. The company can apply for extension of scope any time during the license/registration validity period. (i.e. by selecting the module ‘Extension of Scope’ in ROS).

2. If license will expiry in July 2016, can a company apply for an extension of scope in January 2016?

Yes, company has enough time to apply prior to next renewal due date since processing time for application is 6 weeks for strategic category or combination of strategic and general SWEC and 3 weeks for general category.

3. A company has submitted renewal application. However, the application is rejected due to non-compliance to certain requirement. How to re-submit the renewal application if certain documents are not ready e.g. delay in issuance of DOSH certificate?

Application submission should be attached with valid documents in compliance to SWEC requirement. If this case happens, company can attach document/letter from related external bodies and PETRONAS may consider the application by imposing Special Condition to submit the valid documents by certain date.

4. If the duration of company’s License/Registration is 3 years and a certificate from external bodies (e.g. Kastam) expires within this period, will there be any issue?

No. PETRONAS will impose Special Condition for company to renew the certificate from external bodies before the expiry date.



Help and Contact Question Answer

1. Is there any Consultation Counter to ask for assistances?

Company may obtain consultation service and make further enquiries with regard to PETRONAS licensing and registration, through the following; Licensing and Registration Consultation Counter

1. Centre: Level 9, Tower 1, PETRONAS Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) 50088 Kuala Lumpur

2. Region;

Kuching: Petronas Sarawak Regional Office Lvl 5, Wisma Naim 2.5 Mile Rock Road 93752 Kuching, Sarawak. Bintulu: Ground Floor, SMSO Bintulu, C/O Annex Building ASEAN Bintulu Fertilizer Sdn Bhd Tanjung Kidurong, 97008 Miri, Sarawak Miri: PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd-SKO Jalan Sekolah Lutong, 98008 Miri, Sarawak Kota Kinabalu: PETRONAS Sabah/Labuan Regional Office Lvl 9 Menara PETRONAS No.2 Jalan Belia 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah



2. Is there any hotline number to call for assistance?

The toll free number is 1-800-88-0011

3. Is there any email address for vendor to seek for assistance?

I. License and Registration enquiries; Email: [email protected]

II. ROS Systems matters; email: [email protected] contact number: 03 2331 3330

III. VDP Email: [email protected]

IV. MyGeniie



SRM-SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SRM - ROS & SRM – SUS Question Answer 1. What is SRM? SRM stands for Supplier Relationship

Management which provides online collaboration between PETRONAS and Vendors for all vendor-related processes, from Licensing and Registration to Procure-to-Pay eProcurement processes. For Licensing & Registration purpose, SRM has 2 main components, namely ROS (Registration of Supplier) and SUS (Supplier Self-Service). ROS is for application of new License/registration and SUS is for application other than new License/Registration.

2. What is ROS? ROS stands for Registration of Suppliers that allows interested suppliers to apply for new License/Registration online. The online registration portal is accessible from PETRONAS website. It is also includes online processing and approval of License/Registration.

3. What is SUS? SUS stands for Supplier Self Service that allows licensed/registered vendors to perform the following function: i. Display Company Details

ii. Display Company Status & Certificate

iii. Display Application Status

iv. Renewal of License/Registration

v. Change Mode of Operation

vi. Change Principal

vii. Extension of Scope

viii. Upgrade from Registration to License

ix. Update Company's Profile

x. Update Company's Information

xi. Cancellation of Scope

xii. Cancellation of License/Registration

4. What is the SRM compatible browser to access and process the application?

The compatible browser is Internet Explorer version 11 or Mozilla Firefox 42.

5. Can vendor use their own user ID to access the new system?

i) For new License/Registration application, vendor can use their own user ID and password to register as new user using the SRM ROS system.



ii) For existing Licensed/Registered vendor, they can use their own user ID in the new system by performing first time login using the temporary ID and password provided by PETRONAS, and then changed it to their own user ID and password using the SRM SUS.

6. How does the other OPUs/PSCs know when the vendor updates their company’s information e.g company’s fax no?

OPUs/PSCs has access to the company’s profile where they can view the company’s latest information updated.

7. How does vendor know that they have made a mistake during application submission?

Vendor will know that they have made a mistake when they cannot submit the application. System will prompt an error message if there is any blank mandatory field or attachment, etc.

8. If the vendor submits online application and there are incomplete documents, how does the system trigger this to vendor?

System will prompt error messages when there are missing documents attached.

9. Are there any additional security features for cancellation of license/registration function?

Currently, there is no additional security feature for cancellation of license/registration function. However, during the application of cancellation of license/registration, LRS will verify and confirm with vendor’s management before approval of cancellation. LRS will consider the requirement for additional security features after system live date (i.e. during system enhancement phase.)

10. Will system auto trigger on deadline for submission of Annual Audited Report (AAR)?


11. If during renewal, company also apply for additional scopes, is it possible to submit another application for extension of scope?

No. Company cannot submit another application while the current application is being processed. Company can only submit another application once the current application has been approved/rejected.

12. During application for an extension of scope, system still triggers conflict of director, although the director has resigned from previous company?

System still triggers the conflict since the previous company has not updated the changes in company’s profile and therefore his/her name still appears as director in the previous company. PETRONAS will only update changes upon official notification by the company.

13. A company has registration with MOF. When it applies for an extension of scope to MOF, the existing certificate will be terminated and replaced by new certificate with additional scope. Is PETRONAS exercising the same concept as MOF?

Yes. Attachments to virtual certificate will display all scopes (existing and additional) approved for the company.



14. For the Special Condition to submit the Annual Audited Report (AAR), does company need to attach the whole set AAR?

Yes, the whole set of AAR is required. If the file exceeds 10 MB, company need to segregate into several files before submitting online.

15. Is there alternative method of notification to be sent to vendor other than email?

No. In future, all communications will be via official email and therefore company has to ensure the correct email address being updated in the system.

16. Will the reason of rejection be notified to vendor?

Yes, reason for rejection of application or disapproval of SWEC will be notified to company via email.

17. Can company update more than one bank account?


18. What is the maximum capacity of attachment?

10MB per file i.e. words, PDF format.

19. In case of connection aborted at vendor side, will the data automatically save or lost?

System will only maintain the saved data. Unsaved data will be lost.

20. Can the user ID role be elaborated further? Vendor will receive only one temporary ID & password. However, vendor may create more than 1 user ID & password for different roles

21. Why are there 3 emails required? 3 emails are required for different purposes: Email 1 – LRS focal person Email 2 – eProc/P2P focal person Email 3 – Finance focal person If the focal person is the same for the different purpose, it is advisable for company to create different email addresses to avoid confusion.

22. If a company has arrangement with bank on payment directed to bank (as beneficiary due to e.g. collateral/financing arrangement), how to go about it?

Company may update the bank account details in SRM SUS to enable selection of bank for payment of invoice to vendor.

23. Any time frame from keying-in of information required to submission of the application?

There is no specified time frame however the system will go ‘idle’ or ‘transaction expires’ if the application is unattended for too long