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On an early February morning, members of the 4bi9 whale pod were elegantly gliding through the waters of the Pacific Northwest, practicing their maneuvers for the Jon (Olsson) Annual Whale Sessions, JAWS. While running a train, suddenly the superstar Tom “Wally” Wallisch was snatched up by a large net.

Nicky “Meat Boy” Keefer and (B)Ryan Wyble turned back to find their comrade in the hands of whale poachers. The two helplessly watched as Wally was hauled away. Having no idea how to help, the two returned home and consumed an abnormal amount of Kratom to numb the pain and thoughts of their captured friend.

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Simon Dumont was a young boy living in Seattle, Washington. Simon was known by his peers as an outcast with an attitude problem, often made fun of for his short stature. While leaving school one day, a group of football players made a snide remark about Simon's height as he walked by setting him into fury. He whipped around and backhanded the first person he saw, a teacher, and roundhouse kicked the captain of the football team in the face leaving both reeling in pain on the floor.

Simon not only found himself in the principal's office, but also in the local police station. Rather than incriminating Simon in addition to his expulsion, Sergeant Sam Stept, father of Steve, took Simon under his wing and saw to it that Simon stayed out of trouble. If any terms were violated, Simon would be sent away to an abysmal and dark place. The East Coast.

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Wally found himself in the Seattle Aquarium, training countless hours per day to become a show animal. Wally was never one to train.

Amongst the handful of trainers was Ian “Chug” Cosco. Chug was the head trainer of seals, but was quickly deemed the assistant trainer to Wally. He was not too quick to embrace the opportunity after learning of the circumstances of how Wally arrived at the aquarium. Chug also watched over Simon, who volunteered to feed the seals and clean their shit 3 days a week as punishment. Why Chug was given that much responsibility, no one will ever know.

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One afternoon while sulking in the shit that he was dealt, Simon wandered over to the large pool that housed Wally. He could not see anything, but made his way to the edge of the pool and pattered the water. Out of nowhere arose an enormous killer whale, Wally. He splashed Simon and darted back under the water. Wally raced around the pool with elegance and made his way back to Simon just gently poking his head out of the water. Simon was astonished by Wally's beauty. He found himself silently talking to Wally, indicating how sad he was and that he wanted more out of life. Wally patiently buoyed in the water without making a sound. When silence fell upon them, Wally let out a sound that Simon would never forget. A cry. Wally began splashing the water violently. Startling Simon, he jumped back from the edge of the pool. Wally sunk back to the depths of the tank.Right then, Simon knew that Wally was not where he wanted to be. He had to get out.

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Simon approached the only person he could think of, Chug. He expressed his concerns and unhappiness for Wally and indicated that they had to release him back into the wild.Chug agreed wholeheartedly, but was hesitant to put his job on the line. Chug was happy. He was making money while essentially playing with seals. He could also swim with them after hours, naked.After a little bit of convincing and numerous promises of being provided alcohol, Chug agreed to help Simon and Wally. But how were they going to free Wally after getting him out of the aquarium? They could not transport him too far without water and the closest boat launch was enclosed with rocks and sure-to-be authorities and poachers at the exit.They concluded that Wally was going to have to jump the rocks. Chug and Simon were going to train Wally to not only jump, but soar.The three trained as much as possible, 7 days a week while still carrying out their other responsibilities. Their goal was to get Wally to jump out of the pool, clearing the entire edge.After 2 weeks of hardwork and near misses, they had a breakthrough. Wally did it. Not once, but three times consecutively.After the third, Wally gave everyone a look. A “did you see that shit?” look. The time was near.

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After a lack of communication and disconnect, Sergeant Stept figured it was time for a progress meeting with Simon. He was curious as to what Simon had been doing in his spare time. Simon saw no use in lying and decided it was his chance to come clean.

He told Sergeant Stept about everything. The training. The plan. And he indicated that the jump was going to happen soon.

Sergeant Stept was speechless. The only words he could mutter were “are you serious?”

Simon responded, “as serious as Steve's straight air on the West Coast Sessions step-up.”

Sergeant Stept, ashamed of his son, left immediately without a word.

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The time had come. The plan was all set.

Simon visited Wally moments before the escape was to take place. Simon sobbed as he told Wally that everything was going to be okay and that it was his time to leave. He concluded with, “you are my bestfriend Wally. I love you.”

Moments later, Chug arrived and began preparing the pulley system to hoist Wally out of the aquarium pool. The plan was underway.With the help of friends and other aquarium employees, Wally was placed safely on the bed of a semi-truck and they were off to the boat launch. Things were going smoothly.

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A short drive later, the truck was backed into the water and everyone was helping to unload Wally. Wally entered the water and took off without any complications. Meanwhile, Simon was making his way to the rock barrier to signal to Wally where to jump.

As expected, someone had alerted poachers about Wally's escape from the aquarium and they were already circling the waters and netting off the exit.

Like he did in the aquarium, Wally began racing and darting through the water. The poachers continued to try to close him off with nets.

Finally, Simon signaled. He threw his right arm straight into the air as Wally approached with full speed. Wally's body launched out of the water and up toward Simon and the rocks.

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Wally soared. He cleared the rocks, as well as Simon, just as they had planned.

It was a beautiful sight. Simon couldn't help but smile ear-to-ear as Wally aired over him.

Wally gracefully entered the water with perfect form as if he had never left. They succeeded. Wally was free again.

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Wally continued to jump and splash with excitement. Simon looked on with teary-eyes as his bestfriend embraced his old surroundings and habitat.

Wally gave one final splash and was off to rejoin his pod. He would certainly be making his way to JAWS very soon.

Everyone celebrated their accomplishment.

Sergeant Stept consoled his injured son. Chug and his partner Joe couldn't wait to get out of their wet clothes.

Simon stood on the rocks where Wally jumped over him. He gazed out toward the open ocean giving one final wave and whispered, “you're free Wally.”

The End.