Download pdf - FRCR 2a MSK Chest notes


MSKMSKCongenitalFong (Nail-patella)Hypoplastic nail/ patella/ radius/ capitellumFong's horn (posterior iliac horns)Flared iliac crestRenal dysfunctionOpen-angle glaucomathanatophoric dysplasiaTelephone receive femur, Cloverleaf skull, wafer thin vertebra, wide costochondral junction, lethal, micromelia (all limbs shortend)Achondroplasiamost common dysplasia, rhizomelia (prox limbs shortenedLeg bowing, C1/2 instability, small FM (hydrocephalus) early OA, bullet shaped vertebra, horizontal sacrum, champagne glass pelvis, trident hands, oval femurChondroblastomalytic, oedema ++, pain. peak 20, leads to SL advanced collapse (SLAC)VISItriquetrolunate ligament tear, SL angle 20SNACnon-union scaphoid collapseCarpal angleN 130-137'. Downs >139, MPS/Turners = Madelung - 10mm poss malignancy, >15mm = malignancy transformation to chondrosarcomaLCH (EG)Most in thoracic spine, vert body > posterior elements. 1st decadeOsteosarcomabone destruction + soft tissue mass. Mixed or scleroticEwingsLarge extraosseous mass, bone preserved.Myelomaoften spare pedicleMDPCellulitis - 1&2 phase increased uptake, Osteomyelitis/pagets in all phases. Prosthesis loosening/infection - remains hot >12 months. Metabolic superscan: hot skull/ mandible, costochondral rib beading, tie sternum, more diffusedOsteosarcoma stagingT1 8cm, T3 skip lesions, M1a lungs, M1b otherspelvis muscle insertionASIS - abdo, sartorius, AIIS - RF, ErlenmayerMarrow infiltration (Gauchers, thal, SCD); dysplasia (fibrous, metaphyseal - Pyle's, osteopetrosis, achondro, Hurler, downs); metabolic (rickets, lead, low phosphate, RA)Clavicular erosiondistal: SHIRT (scleroderma, hyperpara, infection, RA, trauma, progeriamedial: MILERS (met, infection, lymphoma, EG, RA, sacromaAbsent outer + cleidodysplasia, Gorlin basal cell)Klippel_Feilhypoplastic scapula+ omovertebral barBanana #Pagets (lateral side)RolandoCommunited base of 1st MC #BennettNon-communitedReverse SegondPCL + MCL avullsion + medial meniscus tearPilonCommunted # of distal tibia, axial loadTriplaneSag tib epi, ax physis, cor tib dia. TeenageTillauxAvulsion (SH III) lateral tibial ephysis, less common in adults as ligament ruptures firstCaffey'sinfantile cortical hyperostosis - mandible, ulna, clavicle, ribs, scapula. Lamellated periosteal reactionMM50% lysis before visible on PF. Sclerosing type linked with POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal and skin changes)OORFA - if >1cm from dural/neural structure (unsuitable for spine generally as pos element; 90% success rate first attempt.CPPDsimilar pattern to OA but sometimes in "funny distribution", no erosion, with chondrocalcinosis, radioulnar involvment, amyloidosislinked with MM, mimick RA, preserved joint space, excess well-defined subchondral cysts, no periarticular osteopeniaEngelmanNeuromuscular dystrophy, enlarged fusiform diaphysis and cortical thickening of long bone.Scheuermannthoracic kyphosis, idiopathic, young man, >3 adjacent vertebral wedging >5'Boehler's anglenormal 20-40, 18mmHg. CXR N 65yo, small pleural efffusionEXPOSURE/AUTOIMMUNEAsbestosSubpleural fibrosis, lung baseRound atelectasisSilicosis, bases, pseudotumourPMFPseudotumour, can be FDG-avid, periphery to hilum, can cavitate/ calcified. Linked to coal miner's/ silicosis (pneumoconiosis)Post-transplant 1hr: hyperacute rejection24 hrs: reperfusion oedema4 days: acute rejecton, effusion; GG after 1m2-3wks: angioinvasive asp (Bronch-arterial fistula), fungal/ bacteria (likely Tx lung)2-3m: LIP; >3m CMV - Multiple GG changes + consolidationRA/SLEpleural effusion most common (unilateral)LIPlinked with autoimmune (Sjorgrens) - GGO + thin-wall cystsDrug-induced fibrosisUL - amiodarone (also dense liver), MTX, nitroFibrosing mediastinitisLinked to methysergide/ histoplasmosis. Asymptomatic, calcified R paraT mass.NEOPLASM/ NODULESBACperipheral, low density (mucin), most commonsolitary nodule, thenn diffused consolidation. Linked with smoking, M=F. 2nd most common cavitation cancer in lungs. Maybe FDP cold.PancoastSCCBronchogenic cystthin wall, precarinal, uniloculated, may communicate with trachae lumenNF1inferior rib notching, neurofibroma (mediastinal); meningocoele (convex side of scoliosis via neural foramen); LZ fibrosis, UZ bullae, PHTTSrenal AML, LZ fibrosis, bilateral cysts (like LAM); MSK - bone cysts in hands, bone island in skullNHLposterior mediastinal LNA1Apanlobar/panacinar emphysema, lower lobe, bronhiectasis/ wall thickening, symptomatic (basal)EmphysemaSmoking related - UZ, centrilobular.Caplannodular presentation of RATrachea; CaSCC most common, then adenoid cystic caCVIDTree-in-bud, bronchiectasis/ thickened bronchus, nodules. Linked to NHLCARDIOVASCULARindentation of anterior oesophagusabberant left pulmonarycoarctationadult - post-ductal. 1-3 ribs not notched as supplied by thyrocervical trunk (prox to coractation); usually inferior posterior 3-8th ribs notchedpseudocoarctationno pressure gradient/ rib notching/ cardiomegaly. Distal to L subclavAzygous cont of IVCabscent hepatic IVC, HV drains directly to RV. R gonadal to R renal, venous return via azygous/ hemiazygous. linked to polysplenia (left isomerisation - bilobar lungs, partial anomalous pul ven connection, left SVC, situs ambiguitous, SAD, double outlet RV)MR endocardialinfarctendocardial circumferentialamyloidmidcardialpatchy septal - HOCM/ RV overloadthin septal - IDCM/ myocarditislateral - sarcoid, myocarditis, Anderson-Fabry, ChagasEpicardialAs aboveARVCArrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy -fattyfibrotic infiltration of RV/septum/LV, microaneurysms, RV wall thining + dilatation.septal bouncepos in constritive but not restrictive diseasedissectionStanford A (prox) =DB 1+2 (1=asc + des)Stanford B (dis) = DB 3myxoma80% LV (intraatrial septum, near fossa ovalis), often pedunculated, rarely sessile. Can obstruct mitral valve - large LA, pul HTNMyxomaHypo T1 to myocardium, hetero (mixed tissue), SSFP: hypo to blood, hyper to myocystic lesion with fluid/pus/mucusEpsieinmild cyanosis, cardiomegaly, dilated RA, small RV, abn tricuspidballoon sizeCI 8-10mm, EIA 6-8, SFA/renal 4-6, pop 3-4Fibromuscular dysplasiamid renal artery, stenosis + aneurysmASDsecundum 60%, primum 35% (Endocardial Cushion Defect - 40% down's syndrome), sinus venosus (entrance of SVC) 5% - always linked to PAPVCPAPVCPV to R SVC (most common), L SVC, RA, IVC (infracardiac - scimitar turkish sword syndrome, linked to hypogenic lung)D-TGAComplete transposition, egg-on-sideL-TGACorrected (AV discordance). TNMT2a = 3-5cm; T2b 5-7; T3 >7, 1 Large or 1L > 1M, or >3MInter1 LargeInde28d ventilation. 0-3d ARDS-like patchiness; 4-10d white-out with airbron; 10-20d cystic changes; >20d hyperinflation, linear changes, focal emphysemaCVSMoyamoyaTerminal ICA - puff of smoke on angioGIHirshsprunginverted cone at transition, full-term infant,
