
FRANCISCO FRANCOBy Brianna Gouw& Gabrielle Wiltse

Spain Before Franco

The Second Spanish Republic had been voted in with a majority in 1931

Foreign exchange and deportation of goods ruined by depression and civil war

Nation’s support was split between aristocracy and republic

Governmental position switched from right wing (1933) to left (1936)

Depression left the economy in pieces, forcing citizens to suffer with a poor quality of life

President Niceto Alcala Zamora

Spain Before Franco Continued…

Spain was not given the option of having a dictator

Spain questioned if President Alcala Zamora was becoming too radical and so the government shifted left

Franco rejected principles of liberalism such as individualism, rights and freedoms, and competition

Bringing Franco Into Power

Franco was upset with the idea of a coalition government

Used the death of parliamentary leader José Calvo Sotel as a pretext for a civil war

Rebellion was planned ahead of Calvo’s death

With the aid of Italy and Nazi Germany Franco’s fascist military won

Under Franco’s Rule

Civil war lasted from 1936 – 1939. 600, 000 Spaniards killed & 1 000 000 sent to concentration camps.

Only legal party under Franco's post civil war regime was the Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS, formed in 1937

Ruled 1937-1975 Government was an authoritarian

dictatorship beginning in 1939

Franco’s Rule Continued… Franco’s fascist military

received help from Italy and Nazi Germany during civil war

Franco allowed Italy and Germany to bomb Spanish Basque country side as a threat towards Britain and France

In return Hitler expected aid from Spain in WWII

Franco rapidly industrialized Spain with the steel industry

Franco’s Rule Continued…

He outlawed anything that did not agree with catholic beliefs

Franco even went as far as outlawing any other language than Spanish and took away all rights given to the autonomous regions of Spain.

At this time the church and state of Spain were one body and it was the responsibility of both to enforce the change towards unity.

Isolation was a concept that was key in Franco’s Spain.

The End of Franco

Franco’s rule came to an end on November 20th, 1975 when he died due to heart failure

Rule lasted nearly four decades

Francisco's successor Juan Carlos came into power and converted the government into a democratic constitutional monarchy

The End of Franco Continued…

Juan Carlos became king of Spain and named Arias Navarro as Prime Minister

Anti-Francoists were extremely upset in the initial months of the monarchy, and demonstrations, industrial strikes, and terrorist activity challenged the country's stability.

Arias Navarro’s government cautiously brought in reforms, which were quickly rejected by Orthodox Francoists, who resisted any form of change.

Current Spain

Spain currently has the highest EU unemployment rate (20%) and is roughly $90 billion in debt

Sovereignty issues with land off the coast of Morocco

Drug trafficking of heroine, cocaine and hashish

Franco’s Evaluation

Franco had good intentions through unity, but went too far by trying to cut out cultural diversity within Spain

Franco took power through force, and created the Civil War which resulted in the loss of many civilian lives

Spain’s Condition

Spain is in a much better state nationally now than when Franco was in power

Now Spain’s citizens have freedom of self expression, private property, and are able to compete within the economy

Under Franco’s rule people lived with oppression and fear of being an individual outside of the collective church


Franco's Spain. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>. - How Did Francisco Franco Come to Power." WikiAnswers - The

Q&A Wiki. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.

.Autumn, By. "Spain 1935: Some What-ifs about Alcala Zamora and the Straperlo Scandal." Online Community for Discussing War History, Medieval Period, Ancient History, and Archaeology. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>.

"Spain-Transition to Democracy THE POST-FRANCO ERA." Rainforest - Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>.

"Spain Economy - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements,Population, Social Statistics, Political System." Photius Coutsoukis; Photius; Photios; Fotis Koutsoukis - Sustained by Working Capital in the World. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>.

"BBC News - Spain - Timeline." BBC News - Home. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>.