Page 1: Framework for teaching -Year 4 Term 3 Week 6...Framework for teaching -Year 4 Term3 Week 6 Online and offline activities to support student learning at home. Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Framework for teaching -Year 4 Term 3

Week 6 Online and offline activities to support student learning at home.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Home Task

Set yourself a goal for the rest of lockdown. What is something you would like to achieve before the end of lockdown? Ideas could include: learning all your times tables, doing 10 push ups, keeping your room tidy, etc.

Share some of your positive self-talk with a friend who might need some positive words today.

Plan the best birthday you could dream of.

List 3 things that you are looking forward to doing in the holidays.

Give a compliment to as many people as you can today. Keep a tally as you go.


English: Reading

Your teacher has uploaded a video on your Google Classroom of Chapter 5 from Birrung the Secret Friend by Jackie French.

Listen to Chapter 5.

*a ‘privy’ is an outside toilet

In this chapter Barney sees Elsie’s dress on the

English: Reading & Comprehension

Turn In task

Your teacher has assigned a Reading Eggspress lesson for you to complete.

English: Reading

We are going to keep working on Chapter 5 from Birrung, the Secret Friend, by Jackie French.

Today, we are thinking about how nouns and pronouns work together to help a text make sense.

Remember that pronouns are words that replace nouns so that a text ‘flows’

English: Reading

In Chapter 5 of Birrung, Barney uses a simile to describe Elsie...

She was as thin as a stick with the wood shaved off, and her face all pointy with hunger.

Rewrite this sentence and highlight Jackie French’s use of a simile here.

He also describes Abaroo...

English: Reading

Your teacher has uploaded a video on your Google Classroom to Chapter 6 from Birrung, the Secret Friend by Jackie French.

Listen to Chapter 6 and then answer the following questions:

1. Barney is offered new hope. He would have died in the streets of London;

Page 2: Framework for teaching -Year 4 Term 3 Week 6...Framework for teaching -Year 4 Term3 Week 6 Online and offline activities to support student learning at home. Monday Tuesday Wednesday

washing line. Why is he so confused about the fact that it is pink?

Abaroo (Birrung) tells Barney and Elsie that the Johnsons are, “Good people. They share makes happy”.

What do you think she is trying to say?

Most of the people were sent to the colony because they were thieves. Barney thinks that ‘most would rather steal than share’.

What do you think this means?

and doesn’t become too repetitive.

For example, Logan grabbed his bag and hung it carefully on his bag hook. He took out his fruit and reboot and sat down at his table.

We are going to highlight the nouns and pronouns in a passage from Birrung to show how they work together. This is called ‘tracking’ nouns and pronouns.

*Hint: you might be asked to remember this in our quiz on Friday ;)

Complete the worksheet at the bottom of the framework titled: Birrung Chapter 5: Two Mysteries.

Abaroo’s voice sounded like Mrs Johnson’s. Like a lady’s. I supposed she’d copied Mrs Johnson’s way of speaking. I thought of the black and white bird that sang in the strange tall trees. Abaroo’s voice was as pretty as that bird’s.

Write out just the similes that Jackie French has used in this passage about Abaroo.

*Hint: there is more than one.

Why do you think Jackie French has used similes in these two passages? How do they help you as a reader?

he endured the filthy transport to NSW, and then desperate poverty, but his time with the Johnsons made him a new person. In what ways has he changed?

2. Barney notices that Birrung “disappears” from time to time. What is Birrung doing or where is she going and why?

3. What is it about Birrung that Barney likes? Think about the positive differences he notices.

How does the Johnson’s Christmas food differ from what you enjoy at your home? Draw a Venn diagram to show differences and similarities.

English: Spelling

Spelling Pyramids

Choose ten of your spelling words and write these as a spelling pyramid.


English: Spelling

Digging in the dictionary Choose five spelling words you are not familiar with. Use the attached sheet and a dictionary to find the meaning of each of these

English: Spelling

The rule this week is about the “ch” letters making a “k” sound.

Write out those words from the list and find five more to add to the list. Make sure you spell them correctly.

English: Spelling/Grammar

Punctuation Police!!

You have been called to the scene of a punctuation crime.

As a member of the Punctuation Police Force,

English: Spelling

Turn In task


Ask your parents or carer to read out these three sentences slowly because you are doing dictation! The

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words and then use the word in a sentence to demonstrate your understanding.

you need to fix these problems as quickly as possible!!!

Rewrite the following sentences using correct punctuation so that Mrs Elliott doesn’t go to Punctuation Prison.......

Sydney harbour bridge is made of steel granite and concrete

The teachers in year 4 at newport public school are mrs turner mrs appleton mrs myburgh

Is eating vegetables fruit and lollies good for your health

aim is to spell every word correctly!

1. The comic boiled the kettle for the cattle.

2. The chemist played cricket in the choir.

3. The scientist did karate at the kiosk.

Ask your parent or carer to mark your work. If you make a mistake, write out that word correctly five times!!

Movement break

Do a movement break

Achy Breaky Heart

Do a movement break

Footloose | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

Dance Like This Dude- Awesome Sauce | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

Lunch – Blazer Fresh| GoNoodle

Do a movement break

Squatchy Move: Twist & Shout - The Champiverse | GoNoodle

English: Writing Similes and metaphors Turn In task

English: Writing Similes and metaphors

English: Writing

English: Writing Just for Fun!

English: Touch typing

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Similes and metaphors can make our writing dazzle!

These writing tools make our writing sound much more interesting, and they make the reader use their imagination to visualise what is being described. As light as a feather. As cold as ice. As tough as nails. These similes begin with the word ‘as’. You can also use the word ‘like’ to create similes. Use the sentence starters on the sunrise image below to write some similes. Then, write some similes about the image of the moon.

Today, you are going to write a simile poem. A simile poem is written to describe a person or thing by comparing it to something else. Here is an example of a simile poem: He is like a surf lifesaver, continually watching over me. He is as strong as an ox, lifting me high on his shoulders. He is like a rainbow, making rainy days seem sunny and bright. He is as funny as a clown, always making me laugh out loud. He is like a suit of armour, protecting me from life’s troubles. He is as precious as gold, my one and only sibling. He is my big brother. Choose a person you know well. Use the following sentence starters to write an amazing simile poem about that person. He/She is like... He/She is as... He/She is like...

Today, you are going to write a setting for a story. The setting is the place where a story happens. Your challenge is to try to use similes to enhance your story (make it better). Here is an example of a great story setting paragraph: The moon hung low in the midnight sky as the trees cast dark green shadows across the forest. Sharp leaves brushed against my legs as I moved slowly forward. I was nervous, and my heart was fluttering like the wings of a butterfly, deep inside my chest. You can choose where your story takes place – maybe a place that is special to you. Close your eyes before you write and think deeply about all that you can see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Use a simile to make your writing more interesting and to help the reader imagine what your place looks like and how you feel when you are there.

Read the following ‘Would You Rather’ questions carefully:

Would you rather be incredibly smart or incredibly funny?

Would you rather see a fireworks display or a circus


Would you rather have your room decorated any way you want or have ten toys of your choice (any price)? Choose just one of these questions and respond. Give at least THREE reasons for your choice. Be as serious or light hearted as you like, BUT you must use correct punctuation and you must re-read your writing to see that it makes sense.

Follow the link below to a touch-typing website to practise your typing skills.

Scroll down and select one of the typing lessons.

Please use Google Chrome as a browser for this link. If you do not have Google Chrome-see instructions at the bottom of the framework to navigate through the student portal.

Optional: Use the tracking sheet from last week to record your progress.

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He/She is as... He/She is like... He/She is as... He/she is...

Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break

Middle Mathematics:

Let’s begin with an addition game to warm up! Follow this link In this lesson, you will be learning how to add numbers using a written algorithm. You can add and subtract mentally and solve more difficult problems using empty number lines and other mental strategies. Today we are going to try formal addition using a written algorithm, so that you can practise calculations with larger numbers. This is done by writing numbers in columns based on their place value, for


Let’s begin with a subtraction warm up: Today, we will build on what we practised yesterday, but this time we will be subtracting using a written algorithm.

See the example below:


Turn In task

We will focus on Numeracy in our Zoom on Friday

Brainstorm on a piece of paper all the ways that you predict we will use addition and subtraction in our Market Day project. Try to give specific examples like:

• We will use algorithms to calculate the cost of all the materials we will need for our product

• We will need to subtract the total cost from our total sale amount to work out how much profit we have made.

• We will need to use addition to help us interpret information from our surveys.


Think about how you plan to survey the students at Newport Public School before Market Day.

What methods of data collection do you think will be the most effective to help us decide how many of each product to make?

Watch this video

Which of these methods for data collection do you think will be most useful for us when preparing our products for Market Day and why?

Write down what information you would collect if you used a tally

Mathematics: Today we will be learning about ways that we can collect information to help us to plan for Market Day. Watch the following video Think about yesterday’s lesson and the ideas that you already have about the types of data that you will be collecting from the students at Newport Public School. Today, you need to come up with a list of questions that you think need to be included in our school-wide survey for Market Day. Think back to the times where you have had other Year 4s survey your class. What questions did they ask you? Did they give you options? How did they record their information?

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Follow this link to watch a demonstration of adding multi digit numbers in a vertical algorithm. Stop the video at 2:38. If you are looking for a challenge at the end of the lesson, you could watch the rest of the video. If you find regrouping a little tricky, follow this link for a revision video on how to regroup before starting today’s activity. In some addition algorithms you will need to regroup. Scroll down to the bottom of the framework to find some activities where you can practise adding multi digit numbers in a written algorithm.

Watch the video on this link to revise how to ‘trade’ or ‘regroup’ when subtracting. Grab a piece of paper and a pencil to watch the next video with an example of how we might subtract multi digit numbers using MAB blocks. Have a go at the questions in the video. Then scroll down to the bottom of the framework to find some activities where

Scroll down to the bottom of the framework to complete the Market Day Maths activities.

chart to collect information for Market Day.

How would you use the results to help with the planning of Market Day?

What would be the benefit of using a two-way table to collect our information for Market Day?

You can explain your reasoning by filming a short video and sending it to your teacher or you can explain your reasoning in writing and upload that to your teacher.

Write a list of survey questions and share these with your teacher. Given that we are in lockdown, what do you think the best way is to reach our target audience (the students & staff at Newport PS)?

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Did you know that the algorithm is named after Al Khwarizmi, a mathematician who lived in Persia in the ninth century AD? He worked in a university called The House of Wisdom. His interests included algebra, geometry, astronomy and geography. The word algorithm comes from the Latin form of his name, Algoritmi.

you can practise subtracting multi digit numbers in a written algorithm.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mindfulness break

Do a mindfulness activity

You Are Courage - Think About It | GoNoodle

Do a mindfulness activity

See attached PDF for all task cards.

Do a mindfulness activity

Build Patience - Think About It | GoNoodle

Do a mindfulness activity

See attached PDF for all task cards.

Do a mindfulness activity

Shake It Off - Think About It | GoNoodle

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Drama Warm up


You may like to do this exercise with a sibling, a pet, mum or dad. Sit on the floor and the first person starts by acting out a simple action e.g. making a cup of tea or cleaning their teeth. Each person takes a turn to do a mime and the others guess what they are doing.

Watch a fractured fairy tale of Cinderella.

1. Who are the characters?

2. What are the settings?

3. Now write your own short play changing the story to modernise it.


You may like to act out your fractured fairy tale for the rest of your family.


Life in the colony for the settlers

So, the First Fleet arrived in one piece. Governor Phillip had kept everyone reasonably healthy on the long voyage. But now what? To the British eyes, there was “NOTHING” here. No houses, shops or farms. So, what did people do all day and what did they eat? Go to this website and read until you get to ‘what did it look like in a convict’s house?’ There is lots of info on what people did and what they ate and some very short videos about the lives of these people.

The next video is a CGI about life in the colony:

Once you have watched and read this information,


Food Safety: Keeping Food Safe – why and how.

Food needs to be looked after so that when we eat it, it doesn’t make us sick.

Watch this BTN video:

Now go to this website and scroll down until you get to the blue drop down boxes:

You job is to make a poster/picture/google doc or google slide to explain ONE of the following safety issues.

• hand washing and why it needs to be done

• storing raw food in the fridge or freezer

• storing cooked food in the fridge or freezer

• keeping school lunches safe


Turn In task

• Look at the image at the bottom of the framework attachments.

Explore: • Before clocks were

invented, people used the position of the sun in the sky to tell the time. Remember the sun itself does not move – it is Earth’s rotation on its axis that creates the illusion.

Today you are going to make a sundial.

• You will need a paper plate, a plastic straw, a ruler, a sharp pencil, crayons and thumb tacks to construct your sundial. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the Framework.

• You will need to place your sun dial outside on a sunny day, and record the measurements at the appropriate


Please follow the link below to a dance lesson.

If you enjoyed this, you might like to record the moves you have learnt and share them with your teacher.

Answer the following questions. You may record your answers on paper or on a Google Doc:

1. Identify and explain two ways that dance can be a beneficial part of exercise.

2. By listening and counting to the beat of the music, we can identify the tempo of the music to keep our timing consistent. Explain: what is tempo?

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please answer these questions:

-What daily rations did people get?

-This links with tomorrow’s food safety lesson...if you have watched the video “the benefits of rations” from the Sydney Living Museums website, you will know how the food was preserved on the voyage to Australia......what was used to prevent the meat from rotting?

-What did people do with the flour?

-What other types of foods were available to convicts and settlers that didn’t come from rations?

This should make us all very grateful for the wide range of foods, fruits and vegetables we have readily available to us!!

Everyone needs to read or listen to this advice about the 5 second rule!!:

If you find this topic interesting and would like more information, please look at:

times on a copy of the recording worksheet. (See end of Framework)

• Look at the shadows created by your sundial to complete the follow-up questions on the worksheet.

Extension: • Use your results to

fill in the other numbers (2-11) on your sundial.

• Research different kinds of sundials and clocks.

Middle English: Reading Eggspress

Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress

Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress

Work on your Reading Eggs level

Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break

Afternoon Grow Your Mind

Episode 5 This Too Shall Pass

PE Mr Moran Wellbeing Wednesday Second Step

School Assembly Sport

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Listen to this podcast.

Colour in the picture attached to this framework as you listen.

Work on increasing your speed and agility when running.

Set out cones in different letter formations so that the height and width of the letter is approximately 10m.

Start with the letter T. Start at the bottom of the T, sprint forward to the junction of the T and then sidestep laterally to one end of the T, sidestep to the other side of the T, back to the middle and then run backwards to the starting point at the bottom of the T.

See how many times you can do it in 1 minute.

Time yourself, see how fast you can do one T test. Can you improve?

Set a timer for 30 minutes and each time a new minute starts you do a T test, so 30 tests in 30 minutes. Try to breathe deeply to recover in between turns.

Try other letters, such as M, N, B, Z. Miz up your running so that you include running forwards, sideways, both ways and backwards.

Lesson 14: Avoiding jumping to conclusions. See notes and home link activity below.

(including Mr Moran’s talent quest items) – 30 minutes.

See the video in the stream of our Google Classroom uploaded today.

For more information about the talent quest join Mr Moran’s Google Classroom - 2q4ynbz

Mr Moran would like you to work on the Newport Olympic Challenges.

You can access these on the link on our Google Stream.

Use the code 47dlgjx to upload your results to the Newport Olympic Challenges Google Classroom when you are finished.

PBL These are the tasks you should be focusing on this week:

1. Join your Google Classroom

2. Select your manager

3. Name your group on your Google Classroom

4. Complete your prototype

5. Take a photo of your prototype

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This little video might help.

Spelling Words

Rule: If the word starts with "chr" it's most likely the "k" sound. Of interest, the “ch” words with the k sound are derived from classical Greek.

Sight Families Rule Theme Extension

catch comic kettle cattle kitchen

quick clock knock block


chemist chemical chronicle technology character

scientist scientific environment observations cultural






Digging in the Dictionary

Write your spelling word in the first column, the definition from a dictionary in the second and use the word in a sentence in the third

column. See the worksheet on the next page.

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Spelling Word Definition Sentence

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Framework attachments

Lesson 14: Avoiding jumping to conclusions

Why This Lesson Matters Students can create or escalate conflicts when they jump to conclusions about what is behind other students’ actions. This lesson focuses on helping students use emotion-management techniques to keep strong emotions from pushing them into jumping to conclusions about others. Students who calm themselves down are better able to accurately assess others’ intentions. Students can use the Calming-Down Steps to make it less likely they will act impulsively on their emotions. When able to take the next step and assertively ask questions of others, students become better able to understand others’ perspectives and intentions. Calming down strong emotions is also a necessary prerequisite to effective problem solving.

When you jump to conclusions, you make assumptions about what is going on. That means you believe you know what is going on in a situation without really having enough information about it.

Sometimes when you jump to conclusions, you assume the worst. You don’t think clearly about the situation. You make decisions without having all the information.

To avoid jumping to conclusions, you need to have control of your emotions. When your emotions are out of control, it’s too easy to react without having all the facts. So you need to be calm. How have you been staying calm over the past few weeks?

Below are some tips to help you to calm yourself down. What’s your go to?

• Do deep, centred breathing • Count to 10 slowly • Use positive self-talk

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