
P liIZl<S \VlI,I, l’,lC :lMT.AKI)El.) to the two senior dental students iv110

submit the best essay.4 011 prosthetic dentistry ii1 the f0twh wnual essay con-

test spwsored by The American I)rnture Society. The purlme Of the contest

i> III stimulate technical \vriting 111. cltmt;il stlttlclltS.

The !irst prize is Five Hundrrcl I )oll;trc: ($NO.o()‘~ nnrl the second prize

i5 Three I luntlred 1 >OlliNS ($300.00 ).

i. Tlw coiitest i5 olxm to all wiiui- clcntal stwlcnts in the dental ~Ollqys

0i the lTnited .C;t;ttc.;, d C’a~~atlx ) Otll!* two CSS;I!~ ma! 1)~ sulmiittul ironi any cmc dental college. (Jt is -.

rtuminwntircl that twh clcntal college conduct its oux contest to tlc- tcrnliiic the two best ess;ivt( sulmittctl 1~ mcnilxrs nf its senior class. 1

3. :\lI cdn!‘s submitted in the coiltcst shall bc ilCCOtll~XllliCd by a letter from

the lmfesmr of prosthetic tlelltistr! m!/or the dean Of the dental college

irm \vhich the! origiiim. ‘I‘llis l)ro\:ision is to assure the adhenticit!

oi all essavs ciitcrcd in the cmtrst.

4. I<‘or this !lrar’s contest. c?;s;t! 5 IllllFt Iw lm~tt~larked 011 Or before July 15, I ‘).50.

It i> rcwmwdcd thiit >ttdcrlts start preparing their essays 1)~ the

iilitltlle of their irirlior !xir niitl cmil&4c~ tlieiii 11~ the middle of their

wiirbr war.

7. PAsay mu.4 1~ t~lwvrittc~~l. (1~1111~1~ qm~~l. t 111 n good gradr Of white lmntl paper S !/2 h!. 1 1 inchcz. Sn carlm copies or essa!~ On Onion skin

plwr \vill bc cc-msitlerd I’;lr;tgral)iis mist hc iiirlicatetl clrarly by in- clelitations. ant1 gtwrou5 iiiargiri5 iiitid 1~ :ill~~~vc~l OII exh 1)a.p’.

S. Tllilstrations must conform 10 the ~tandard5 of the JOI:RN21L 0I: PROS-

‘rIIE’rl(‘ I)I.STIdTR\., ii the\’ m ll4. OnI!- god gloss! 1)lack ;ud ivhite l)hotographic prints or clr:~\vinq~ in lndi:l ink III~~ be used. l&h illustrn-

ticm ~houl~l lx’ ~nountd OII ;1 qnrntc sheet of paper with the figure iiiiiiiher ml tlw legend t\.lw(l 0i1 thv lqwr hrnenlli the illustration.

9. References must conform to the style used in the JOURNAL OF PROS-


10. Essays are to become the property oi The American Denture Society. None will be returned.

11. The judges of the contest are menlbers oi a committee of The American Denture Society. The decision ‘of the judges is final.

12. Kssays are to be clearly marked “Contest Essay” and sent, with a lrtter irom the professor oi prosthetic dentistry or the dean of the dental college indicating that this essay is an official entry from the dental college, to :

Dr. Victor L. Steffel Secretary-Treasurer, American Denture Society College oi Dentistry, Ohio State Cniversity Columbus 10. Ohio.
