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Four Corners and Four Rivers at the Sea

In a message dated 10/8/2007 2:12:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, CelestialRiver writes:

Rush, I have known who I am for quite some time. Well, actually since I was five years old sitting in a field talking to God when an angel told me. Several years ago when the search began on the world wide net for the woman from revelations and all the speculation that goes with it....i read this: "She knows who she is, she is just waiting for US to know who she is." I guess it all boils down to this: do i need validation from man? the answer is a big fat NO.

There you go again, Seariver! Is it the objective of a woman to tell men that they are not necessary? The answer is a big FAT NO! You know who you are, and that is your problem. But, it is not because you are you that it is your problem, it is because you are woman. Did you every wonder why the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid was designed to be at the exact center of the five apexes? It is because a woman is first, and foremost, a seed place for a heavenly father. The two shafts leading upward to the north and south do not exit the pyramid. Rather, then end with two copper symbols that mean "door." They are sA hieroglyphs and they stand for virginity. The ideal woman who knows herself is just a virgin in the Eyes of God. You proved your virginity when I drew your stars with an accuracy of four minutes when you would not give me the date and place. By the stars I knew who you were. You did not know who your were because, like the Queen's Chamber you are the vessel of a virgin. You know what you know, not because you learned it on earth. You know what you know because God the Father was a Master of the Plow. When God the Father plowed the Furrow of Maat he planted a seed within that substance which was to become you. That seed is all you know. You did not cause it. And fortunately for you, the circumstances of your experiences on earth did not cause you to totally reject the God Father's Seed. But, even though you have the seed of the God Father within you, you know not a man. That is why the "woman clothed in the Sun with the Moon under her feet" is a Wonder in Heaven. A virgin woman knows what she cannot possibly have learned if she had not known a man at some time and place in her fore-life. So, since you will not heed my advice regarding your stars and what they mean, I am forced to trim your leaves so that you can see beyond the Tree of Knowledge which bears no fruit of life. I do this, not because it is in me to be a Teacher of Righteousness,

Subj: Re: Four CornersDate: 10/8/2007To: celestial river

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but because "a man has got to do what a man has got to do" and a woman has to "let it be." You came to me with your horoscope dancing around the essence of meaning. Did you ask, "How will this affect Rush?" No, because you know yourself and you don't know me. When I am asked through Mother Nature to visit the meaning of things I begin by seeking Common Sense not what I know. So, your stars were not intended to tell you anything. That is why you accepted a horoscope that has no alignment with the stars just the angular positions where the Wandering Jews were at the place where you were born. If you are the Whole Woman, are the stars within you? If not, then the Whole Woman is outside of you and you won't find her within. Think about that when you declare with a question, "Do I need validation from man?" I suppose your motherhood was accomplished without a man validating the soul of woman within the beast of your flesh. Rejection of common sense is decidedly not the action of the Whole Woman. Common Sense is the seed in her womb. At any rate, knowing that the Father and Mother were working within my soul through the message in your stars I did what a man has got to do. I paid attention. It takes weeks, sometimes months, and sometimes years, for such communications to be completed. The Heavenly duo do not play the game of "slam bam thank you ma'am." The process is still under way, but by now you should have picked up on it if your know yourself as the Whole Woman. Because it is becoming more evident that you only know the shadows you cast on the walls of your inner cave I have to do what I have to do. So, as Master of the Plow, here is the first lesson about who you really are outside the Pyramid of the Soul at the King's Daughter's Gate.

In the South we see the Love of your life. He has many names, Geb, Adam, Job, Jonah, Joseph of Arimathea, among many. But, there is the End of the River just below the horizon atop the Ben Ben of Egypt. This is the place where the Phoenix rises. To the east the Dove breaks the horizon with a wing tip and a branch from the Tree of Life. We know it is from the Tree of Life because the little bird has been told by the Spirit of the Whole Woman to go build a nest. To the southwest the Stork drops beneath the

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horizon because it has delivered the child of God.

In the West we see the child that the Stork gave to the Eagle to place upon the earth. There, the great Mother of Time, Tauret and Quetzalcoatl by name, places the child on the earth with the gentleness of a mother crocodile. She had waited for the hatchling and now she provides her own mouth as the most secure place for the hatchling as it begins its life. To the south west the Water Carrier and Good Samaritan stand as evidence that this is a child of Aquarius. Hapi is his name. In the north west a great warrior, Hercules by name, places the Apples of the Hesperides on the horizon like a bouquet for her sweet and fruitful memories.

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To the North is an incredible sight depicting that message of Synchronicity between the Master of the Plow and the Opening of the Mouth. Directly on the horizon, beneath the true horizon and above the refracted horizon, is the Handle of the Great Plow. Directly above the handle of the Great Plow is the handle of the Little Plow, also known as the Adze used in the sacred ceremony of the Opening of the Mouth of Osiris. Why is the Little Dipper the instrument that opens the mouth of Osiris? If you know all and

need not a man to show the answer, then speak in a mirror to yourself and reveal it. But, if you were the Mother of the Stars, then you would need a marker to show the children how to read the history of time. That marker would be a star that announces the birth of a King's Daughter, or even of the Son of God. Some say it is the Star of Bethlehem that announces the king's birth. Some say that the Sun itself is the Star in Bethlehem. But, both points of view are true and the same. True history is simply the course of time. True history begins where the Sun begins to rise. In the grand plan of the heavens, as seen from Mother Earth, it is Polaris that marks the axis of the planet when the Vernal Sun begins its rise from the bottom of the Reed Sea. So, when you first graced the Earth with the breath of life, there was a powerful Synchronicity that said, As Above, So Below. This message overwhelms all the messages know to man, and it draws all the power of cognition at your northern birth horizon. And, yet, in the offing of the north east a Lion's Gate stands ready to show the way.

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To the East, where a Little Dog sits aligned to the gateway of Men, we are drawn to the Lion's Gate. Sodom and Gomorrah rest between the shore of the Sea and the Earth. Just above the true horizon sits the God of War, who is Ares. Yet, he is not truly a war god, for he is the lord of rational intent. It is just that rational intent in mortal beings is often the cause of war. We fight for the right of self intent, nearly all of which is just the rationalized image of the child within. Rising to the south of east at the moment of your first breath is the Star of Isis, Sirius by name. She is the Great Dog, and she, unlike her sister Nephthys, the little Dog, has crossed the Great River of Milk to search for her man who was taken down by his own brother.

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The eastern sky on that moment of your first breath revealed the place where life on Earth began. There are Shu and Tefnut, Geb and Nut, and the five children of Earth and Heaven. But more uniquely there also is the message that the Opening of the Mouth is intended to reveal. In the mouth of Tefnut is the expression of her exasperation. She is a bee hive of activity because she wants to start out with the right intent. Tefnut-Cancer intends to make the God of War a man of reason. For this she speaks of Love and First Father. When a woman needs not a man, then that woman is a Tempest from the beginning. She makes her own Mars a warrior with no fruit of life in his hand but a sword to pierce all hearts with rational discourse. That is why Tefnut-Cancer spoke of Love and First Father in the manger of the two asses. For, Tefnut is the emotional trauma that initiates the cries of a child. To be, or not to be, that is her question. The child cannot choose because the child does not know its father from within the City of Nine, where the wisdom of the genes creates the body of the child. But, if Tefnut gets her way, then she will be transformed by the net of Neith into a tranquil sea of satisfaction when the child comes to know the man-chil within the woman-child.

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So, Sea at the River, are you Martina the warlike woman, or are you Martina the river that feeds the tranquil sea? The choice was yours and you said, "I do not need a man to validate me." That is a power trip of one born with Mars rising over a Luna Sea who looks to the east and fails to incorporate the view of the four corners of the world around the shadow below and the light above.

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Your desire is to stay as far away from the apexes of your soul as you can so that whatever is outside of your me does not steal your heart away. A man has to get outside his soul and return to is in due course. But, the Quuen's Chamber is not a desire for security, for that is fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Such fruit causes death immediately. You were still born because you needed a man to shine a light within the darkness of your soul. Because we all are born in the same chamber of darkness, we all need the same guidance into the light. That is why you came to me with RS Ophiuchi.

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You showed me a White Dwarf consuming a Red Giant like a flashing beacon that joined the Good Shepherd and the Heavenly Father. Were the periodic novas the accomplishment of the White Dwarf? Or, was the White Dwarf's flashing beacon the result of provisioning by the Red Giant? Or was the dance of two stars intended to show that the Good Shepherd and the Heavenly Father as One?

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The heavens declared at the moment of your birth that you would shine a light so brilliant that it would hide the shadow of your soul. You do not need a man to shine your light. You need a man to shine your shadow. What you know, you know. But, what you do not know is the shadow of your soul. We all need a man to clothe the me. That man may be Seth or Osiris or Horus the Elder. But, unless the Father in Heaven sends a messenger to the Lamb's Door, the child on the lotus will never see the Four Sons of Horus and his shadow will never shine.

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RS Ophiuchi was the messenger that said to the warlike Martina, "You are a brilliant White Dwarf consuming a dark red Giant." RS Ophiuchi was the messenger that said to Martina, the river at the tranquil sea, "Your love is the consequence of what I intended."

This is RS Ophiuchi.

So, which is it to be, the warlike Tefnut, or the river of life feeding the tranquil sea of Neith? God knows the answer because God is a Man. This is not to say a woman cannot be a man, but to do so the Virgin Mother must know a man and that man she knows must be the Master of the Plow that Opens the Mouth of the collective unconscious of all rational being to reveal the I Am that is rational Me. Otherwise, the virgin womb becomes the eternal tomb at the bottom of the sea.

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It appears that you have seen the light and then you closed the Lamb's Door. God asked you to step through the door and into the light and be the Red Giant for the White Dwarf.

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Sacrificial Love is the only kind of love. It gives to get without expectations knowing that life is a process of transferring the seed of the Father through the womb of the Mother to the Child on the Lotus of tomorrow.

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The purpose is the Reason Why. And the Reason Why is to Love. That was why Tefnut held Uranus and Venus above Mars when you were born. You do need a man, and he is the First Father who caused the virgin Mother of Time to birth a child called Martina. The Man inside you is the Madonna's Child, not at her breast, but in her arms in preparation for burial. The job of Isis was to restore life. Only a Whole Woman like the one I saw standing on the moon can do that.

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Now, do what you were asked to do back on that day when the World Began for you. Rush

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