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Fostering student mobility within ASEAN

by strengthening

the ASEAN Quality Assurance System (QA) and

the Qualifications Reference Framework (QF)Dr. Irene Jansen, DAAD regional Office Jakarta

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Bologna Process – European Higher Education Area (49 members – ready for collaboration with other regions)

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I. The Role and Players of QA and QF in ASEAN

II. DAAD’s Involvement in the ASEAN QA Project

III. DAAD‘s Involvement in the SHARE Project: Result Area 2a (Qualifications Frameworks) & 2b (Quality Assurance)

IV. AQRF and AQAF: Inception, Endorsement, Implementation, Issues and the Way Forward

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AANZFTA: design of national Qualification Frameworks in all ASEAN countries

APQN: support of QA Agencies in Asia and the Pacific

AQAN: support of QA Agencies in ASEAN

AUN: forming of networks for exchange and allowing for recognition

ASEAN QA: training of assessors

RECOTVET: cooperation on the training of TVET personnel in Southeast Asia

SEAMEO: fostering of mobility (AIMS)

SHARE (consortium): Strengthening of regional cooperation, enhance quality, competitiveness and internationalisation of ASEAN higher education institutions; supporting mutual recognitionand student mobility among higher education institutions in ASEAN to strengthen people-to-people connectivity; creating impact at policy, institutional and individual levels

Role and Players of QA and QF in the ASEAN region’s HE Convergence Process

in a nutshell:

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I. The Role and Players of QA and QF in ASEAN

II. DAAD’s Involvement in the ASEAN QA Project

III. DAAD‘s Involvement in the SHARE Project: Result Area 2a (Qualifications Frameworks) & 2b (Quality Assurance)

IV. AQRF and AQAF: Inception, Endorsement, Implementation, Issues and the Way Forward

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ASEAN – QA Partners

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ASEAN-QA is a joint initiative which aims at developing and strengthening the capacity in the field ofquality assurance (QA) in the ASEAN region through dialogue and training events for professionalsbased on regional standards.The workshops of the ASEAN-QA is divided into two target groups: Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)and External Quality Assurance (EQA).The peers addressed by the IQA Track are university leadership, university staff and the universities'QA-Officers.The EQA workshop was designed for national accreditation agencies’ staff and Ministry of Educationrepresentatives.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASEAN-QA Alumni take ownership: SQUARED (ASEAN-QA2):


ASEAN-QA Mission and Task

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I. The Role and Players of QA and QF in ASEAN

II. DAAD’s Involvement in the ASEAN QA Project

III. DAAD‘s Involvement in the SHARE Project: Result Area 2a (Qualifications Frameworks) & 2b (Quality Assurance)

IV. AQRF and AQAF: Inception, Endorsement, Implementation, Issues and the Way Forward

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Overall Objective

To support ASEAN in regional harmonisation of higher education by sharing European expertise

(2015 – 2018)

Along Comes The SHARE Programme

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Result Area 2a (Qualifications

Framework) & 2b (Quality Assurance)

Result Area

1:Policy Dialogue

Result Area 3a (ASEAN Credit Transfer System) & 3b (ASEAN-EU Credit Transfer System)

Result Area 3c: Student Mobility with Scholarships

The SHARE Programme

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I. The Role and Players of QA and QF in ASEAN

II. DAAD’s Involvement in the ASEAN QA Project

III. DAAD‘s Involvement in the SHARE Project: Result Area 2a (Qualifications Frameworks) & 2b (Quality Assurance)

IV. AQRF and AQAF: Inception, Endorsement, Implementation, Issues and the Way Forward

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AQAF and AQRF are expected to be the framework when dealing with Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), ASEAN+3 (China, Korea and Japan), ASEAN–Australia/New Zealand (ASEAN +2), East Asia Summit, APEC and other QF and QA dialogue partners in Europeand elsewhere.

The Significance of Regional Frameworks: AQRF and AQAF

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ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF):• Further develop the ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework (AQRF);

support dissemination of the AQRF and alignment of NQFs• Enhance knowledge of and capacity building on QF

ASEAN Quality Assurance (AQAF):• Support development of Quality Assurance systems• Further develop the Quality Assurance Framework; harmonise the national

QA frameworks through expansion of ASEAN QA Framework in HE• Further develop guidelines for reviews of Higher Education Institutions and

External Quality Assurance Agencies • Identify needs of and support capacity building at selected institutions (incl.


Joint Tasks / QA, QF

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ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF): 2015: Background studies on QF and degree structures → Se ng up expert working group →

study visit to Europe (QA & QF)2016: National workshops on NQF and alignment with AQRF (total of 3 workshops)2017: National workshops on NQF and AQRF (total of 5 workshops)2018: Training for Trainers: Building a pool of trainers / EU SHARE experts; Final Regional Conference (QA &


ASEAN Quality Assurance (AQAF):2015: Background study on QA → Se ng up expert working group → study visit to Europe2016: Training packages for QA agencies and universities to prepare assessment; Training for assessors;

Pilot assessment of QA agencies2017: Pilot assessment of QA agencies and universities; National dissemination workshops on national

QA systems and alignment of national and regional standards2018: Pilot assessment of QA agencies and universities; Training for Trainers: Building a pool of trainers /

EU SHARE experts; Final Regional Conference

QA/QF Roadmap under SHARE

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AQRF Where are we?

2015: AQRF was endorsed by AMS Ministers of Finance, Education and Labour and is now officially an ASEAN Framework for implementation. All ASEAN member states are developing national AQRF working groups.

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AQRF Endorsement and Implementation

Categories of NQF development:1. No intent;2. Desired but no progress made;3. Background planning underway;4. Initial development and design completed;5. Some structures and processes agreed and documented;6. Some structures and processes established and operational;7. Structures and processes established for five years;8. Review of structures and processes proposed or underway.

Source: Bateman & Coles (2015). EU SHARE ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework and National Qualifications Frameworks State of Play Report, p. 8.

ASEAN Member States National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Development

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AQRF Endorsement and Implementation: Sample: Malaysian NRF Referencing to AQRF, IQF and NZQF

Source: Bateman & Coles (2015). EU SHARE ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework and National Qualifications Frameworks State of Play Report, p. 36.







NZQF 10987654321

Referencing of the Malaysian NQF to the ASEAN QRF, Irish NQF and New Zealand NQF

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AQRF Endorsement and Implementation –Governance Related Post-Endorsement Issues I

Governance related implementation at a Regional Level

Challenge of forging consensus over the selection of ONE country representative to the AQRF Committee by multiple agencies involved in the national qualifications framework

Organization and orientation of the AQRF Advisory Committee for the referencing process

Timelines for referencing start only in 2018; four countries expressed intention for formalization; no clear timelines for the other ASEAN Member States

Incorporation of the AQRF into a wider set of tools of recognition e.g. Mutual Recognition Agreements for accounting services, dental practitioners, engineering services, nursing services, surveying qualifications, architectural services, tourism services; UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Degrees in Higher education as amended in 2011

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AQRF Endorsement and Implementation –Governance Related Post-Endorsement Issues II

Governance related implementation at a National Level

Operationalization of different levels and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework

Constitution of a National Referencing Committee and inter-agency preparedness to meet the referencing requirements

Governance related implementation at Higher Education Institutions

Understanding of NQF and AQRF and alignment of policies, programs (teaching and assessment) with NQF levels

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AQRF Endorsement and Implementation –Content Related Post-Endorsement Issues

Content related implementation across the Region

The role of AQRF in the context of lifelong learning and international relevance needs clarification.

Lack of understanding and appreciation of learning outcomes-based qualifications and its implications for teaching and assessment in most ASEAN Member States needs to be addressed.

The interconnections among learner centred education, mobility of qualifications, international standards, frameworks, and quality assurance processes need to be articulated.

Beyond policies and information campaigns, there is a need for education systems of the ASEAN member states to make the paradigm shift to lifelong learning that underlies learning outcomes as a metric of National Qualifications Frameworks and the AQRF.

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AQRF Implementation – The Way Forward

The Future of the ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework (AQRF)

An AQRF Committee is to be established Final endorsement and commitment of AMS Economic Ministers for AQRF support

and implementation Enhanced support for the establishment and strengthening of the AQRF

Committee [by Australia and New Zealand from June 2016 to June 2018 as endorsed by the AANZFTA FJC at their 8th Meeting on 13-18 March 2016 in Melbourne, Australia; AQRF linked to other regional qualifications frameworks even before its official endorsement]

4 AMS have expressed their intention to reference in 2018—Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand; the four countries will breathe life into the AQRF by the sheer act of referencing

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AQAF Where are we?

2008: Not endorsed yet! Kuala Lumpur Declaration led to the ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) being established, as well as a tripartite collaboration agreement between the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO-RIHED), AUN and AQAN.

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The Relationship between QF and QA

Interdependency between QF to QA

A well-functioning QF system is necessarily underpinned by a robust QAsystem with QA standards related to 1) the functions of approving agencies 2)systems for the assessment of learning and issuing of qualifications and 3)regulation of the issuance of certificates

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AQAN’s AQAF Development

1. External Quality Assurance Agencies (EQAA) and their activities,

2. External Quality Assurance (EQA) Standards and Processes (e.g. accreditation),

3. National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), and

4. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) (e.g. quality management systems at university level).

The ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) has developed the ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF), and the ‘Four Quadrants’ of the AQAF are related to:

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AQAF Development – The Way Forward under SHARE

Further development of the ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF)

AQAF Guidelines for internal and external QA procedures are currently being developed as part of the SHARE external quality assurance agencies (EQAAs) and higher education institutions (HEIs) Pilot Review Exercise2016/2017 Selected EQAAs and HEIs will undergo pilot review exercises to map their

QA processes to that of AQAF Guidelines

PD 4:


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AQAF Development – The Way Forward I

Future development of the ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF) requires:

Political commitment, statements and goals and mandating and endorsing of monitoring and follow up mechanisms and instruments (such as the AQAF) as well as the clarification of roles of stakeholders;

More autonomy for agencies and universities; Development of QA procedures to include content and context-sensitive

approaches; National consolidation between multiple standards of internal and external QA

systems; and Consideration of national uniqueness and the voluntary nature of the AQAF, and

the balancing of diversity and harmonisation between systems.

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AQAF Development – The Way Forward II

The way forward for the ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF)

Putting the AQAF on the political agenda to start a formal political endorsement process is still on-going. A binding legal basis would be extremely helpful for implementing the AQAF principles at the HEI and QA agency levels.

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AQRF, AQAF and Recognition: Necessary but Insufficient

While AQRF and AQAF do not guarantee automatic mobility and recognition of qualifications across the region, they provide a necessary common set of core principles, values and practices to foster confidence and to build a zone

of trust, enhance comparability and foster mobility.

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Thank You For Your Kind Attention!

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AQRF History from Inception to Endorsement

ASEAN QF Development 2007: ASEAN Charter established a vision for a single ASEAN Community 2007: ASEAN Economic Blueprint signed by ASEAN Member States (AMS)

calling for cooperation on the recognition of professional qualifications through harmonisation and standardisation in preparation for the ASEAN Economic Community 2015

2012: Multi-sector task force established to develop the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)

2015: AQRF endorsed by AMS Ministers of Finance, Education and Labourand is now officially an ASEAN Framework for implementation. All ASEAN member states are developing national AQRF working groups

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History of ASEAN QA Development – Inception

ASEAN QA Development

2000: Bangkok Accord on ASEAN University Network (AUN) QA 2007: ASEAN Charter established a vision for a single ASEAN Community 2008: SEAMEO Council Meeting agreed on “The Structured Framework for Regional

Integration in Higher Education in Southeast Asia: the Road Towards a Common Space” on quality assurance, credit system and student mobility capacity building and promotion

2008: Kuala Lumpur Declaration led to the ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) being established, as well as a tripartite collaboration agreement between the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO-RIHED), AUN and AQAN
