Page 1: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -

Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017

E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003


Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly

In hall 9.55am

Parliament Sitting

Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm

Primary Proms

Fri 22 Summer PSSA

12 - 2.30pm

Fri 22 Last Day of

School Term 3


Mon 9 First Day of

School Term 4

Y6 Show Rehearsal

Tue 10 Y6 Show Rehearsal

Y5 Indicate

Leader roles

5 - OC

at Fort St

Wed 11 Stage 3

At Canterbury Boys

Fri 13 Summer PSSA

12 - 2.30pm

Tue 17 Stage 2

Taronga Zoo


5 - OC

at Fort St

P&C Meeting

7.30pm in the Library

Wed 18 Stage 3

At Canterbury Boys

Y5 Minister

Candidate Interviews

State Athletics

at Homebush

Thu 19 K - 2 Assembly

In hall 9.55am

Y3 - 6 Assembly

In hall 2.15pm

State Athletics

at Homebush

Fri 20 Y2 Musical instrument

Demo in hall 9.15 am

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE The staff would like to wish all our students and their families a safe and happy holiday.

Term 4 begins for all staff and students on Monday 9 October, 2017.


In Term 3, 94 students in Years 5-6 sat for the International Competitions and Assessments for

Schools (ICAS) English assessment. The results are:

16 students received High Distinctions;

36 students received Distinction;

17 students received Credit;

7 students received Merit; and

18 students received Participation.

Our school average score for Year 5 was 40.2 against Australian average score of 32.2

The average score for Year 6 was 36.2 against Australian average score of 31.1

Well done SHPS on an impressive result.


In Term 3, 100 students in Years 5 - 6 sat for the International Competitions and Assessments for

Schools (ICAS) Mathematics assessment. The results are:

17 students received High Distinctions;

33 students received Distinction;

24 students received Credit;

7 students received Merit; and

19 students received Participation.

Our school average score for Year 5 was 29.9 against Australian average score of 22.7

The average score for Year 6 was 24.7 against Australian average score of 19.8


I have now been asked to relieve as Director Public Schools NSW for the Port Hacking Network for

all of Term 4. In my absence, Rebecca Salter will be in the principal position and will be supported by

Jane Williams and Mark Warnock (DPs) and the executive team. I will return in Term 1 2018. This

opportunity will not only enhance my leadership skills but also allow my executive team to further

grow in their ability to lead and manage the school. I will endeavour to be present for major school

events such as Presentation Day and to wish our outgoing Year 6 students every happiness in their

next educational journey into high school.


Emma S in 5/6CM was part of a team of 20 Kids Giving Back volunteers who packaged essential

items for the YWCA, an organisation who offer domestic violence support to women and their

children in crisis. Emma took part in their Connect4Good Program and should be commended for

giving up her time to help others. The photos of the day will be on their Facebook page shortly: If you would like to learn more about their programs,

please visit the website:


Congratulations to our Chess Team for making the NSW Final of our Interschool Chess Challenge

2017! They qualified for the Final by placing in the top three schools of the Semi Final, held at The

International French School of Sydney on Friday 8 September. Five players, Ricky G, Aidan V D, Eric

L, Eisak V, and Danny N, were chosen by their coach to move onto the NSW Finals held on

Thursday 14th September at Club Burwood RSL. They were 2nd place at the NSW Finals, an

amazing accomplishment of which they should be very proud. More important than winning, these

students have consistently upheld the school's values of respect, responsibility and certainly resilience

in this challenging and elite level of competition.

Page 2: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -


E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003

SELECTIVE HIGH SCHOOL Entry to Year 7 in 2019

Applications for entry to Year 7 in 2019 open on 10 October 2017 and close on 13 November 2017.

Late applications are not accepted.

For further information, and to apply online, go to


Do you want to have a say about Summer Hill School's next 3 year plan?

On Tuesday 17 October at the next P&C meeting there will be an opportunity to give feedback about the Vision and Strategic

directions being planned for the next chapter at Summer Hill Public School. All parents Welcome.


The Parliament Representative Council would like to thank all who wore a wig and contributed. A total of $1182 was raised. All

donations collected will be allocated to the Starlight children’s foundation.



Funding was received through the Jo Haylen Community Building Grant. Helen de

Wolfe was instrumental in applying for this grant. This will benefit all students, staff

and parents.

Karen Shehata



As the school holidays approach, it is important to remember when walking near roads, on footpaths, near driveways and in car parks


hold your child's hand. Until they are at least eight years old children need to hold an adult's hand. Until they at least 10,

children should be closely supervised by an adult and hold hands when crossing the road.

talk to your child about road safety. Talk about how to be safe when near roads. Be a good role model.

point out road safety dangers and differences in new environments.

This is especially important when on holidays in different surroundings.

Roads, footpaths and pedestrian crossings may look different in holiday areas.

The best way to keep your child safe on or near the road is to hold their hand.

Talk with your child daily about road safety.

Have a safe holiday break.

Page 3: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -


E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003


4SP have been working on using dynamic dialogue in their sizzling starts to a persuasive piece of writing:

The phone rang. My heart started thumping inside my chest. The phone had not rung for years. Who could it be? I

picked up the phone. A grumpy voice said,

"You have won the lotto."

"But I didn't put my name in the lotto."

"Well then, you have to give it away," said the grumpy man. (Eloise and Zoe).

"Give me the money!" shouted Johnny.

"NO, it's my money. I found it in the attic and I grabbed it first," growled Timmy.

"Stop fighting you little punks! That money's not yours and you're giving it to charity, yelled Mr Lucas.

Alex, Christian and Lucas


Lowrey is the 2017 Summer Hill Public School recipient of the "Deadly Kids Doing Well" awards.

These annual awards acknowledge the achievements of Indigenous students from schools across Sydney.

Congratulations Lowrey - we are very proud of you!

Mark Warnock

Deputy Principal


A "successful" school is not only measured by its academic and sporting achievements, but also by the whole school community's wel-

come smiles, thoughtfulness, inclusivity, energy, joy, partnerships and support.

Summer Hill Public School . . .

You have ALL these attributes, and more, in spades . . . in absolute abundance!!

From a "Nana needs a housesit . ." call-out early in the year, Eve, ( who has been my virtual "PA" ) received many generous

accommodation offers. Would you believe I am now into my 13th housesit?!!

I actually live in Wollongong, about 90 minutes drive away, on a good run.

I have been able to be close to our precious Summer Hill family to help with the "dailiness" of things when needed.

It is the thoughtfulness, kindness, trust and generosity of 13 families that has made what has been a very "difficult" year SO much easier!

Many more families have also offered accommodation.

I thank all families, your Principal Karen Shehata, "PA" Eve and Mrs Butler from the bottom of my heart.

Jill ( Nana )


Students in Grade 3, 4NA and 4PC will be involved in the

Mindfulness Program this Term.

For more information follow the link below:


Jane Williams

Deputy Principal

Lowrey and Mr Warnock at the

University of Technology Sydney

on Friday 8 September.

Page 4: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -


E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003


In their Geography study of Australia, Year 4 were asked to write a blurb persuading visitors to come to the desert for a holiday.

Read on:

Tim Kay

Assistant Principal


Some Year 1 and Kindergarten students have had great fun learning all about the weather in our Science groups. Students from all the

classes were placed into mixed groups where they participated in many activities. At the end of each session, the students came

together to write about and draw what they had learnt.

"Whooosh......slam!'s freezing outside today. We need a holiday. Somewhere warm and with no

big crowds. Somewhere without polluting heaters. Somewhere we can roam free. Somewhere that has

living transport! Erical Incoporated has the lowest prices for such a place. Come to the hot Gibson

Desert" (Ryan, Eric and Louie 4AW).

"Do you love cold air at night? Hot days? Sand between your toes? Come to the Great Sandy Desert for

your next holiday!" (Chester and Josh 4TK).

"Sick of congested Sydney? Want complete, cold isolation? Somewhere that is perfect for your romantic

honeymoon? Well, visit the desert of Antarctica! At a cost of only $6.99. Trust'll never forget

it!!" (Olivia and Jio 4TK)

"Do you like hot days? Do you like flaring sunsets? Well, do we have a place for your next holiday! Come

to the Great Sandy Desert...." (Aiden and Nick 4TK)

"Do you want to get away from pesky people? Do you want to have no water? Do you want loads of

sunshine? Well, we have the best holiday for you! Come to the Simpson Desert for all your getaway

holiday needs!" (Charlie and Lucas 4TK)

Using a cloud identifier, the students walked

around the school to observe different types of


Making trees for each season. Catching wind.

Using a thermometer to measure water temps.

Recording our


Page 5: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -


E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003


K - 6 Competition

The class with the most

Crunch & Sip

points wins!


The following are art creations by James S and Edward S who attended The Department of Education's Operation Art workshop.

Students created and learnt new Visual Arts skills with a variety of different topic areas including drawing, painting, printing, mixed

media and sculpture.

By Edward S By James S By James S


It's been an extremely busy couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone who baked, cooked and volunteered at the election day bbq and cake

stall. All your efforts resulted in a fantastic fundraising result of over $2,900 in profit. A special thank you to Lisa M who coordinated

the day.

The Jungle Jam trivia night was held on Saturday night and was a huge success. The hall was packed with people after being transformed

into a jungle party venue. A big thank you to the dedicated committee of Dani, Jo, Michelle, Amy, Lisa, Kaylene, Kate and Kelly who

organised the night. Thanks also to Sam for sourcing so many wonderful auction prizes. Finally thanks to everyone else who performed,

ran the auction, were part of the production crew, worked on the bar, doing the craft work and everyone who helped set up, pack up

and clean up. Preliminary numbers suggest we raised over $15,000.

Thank you

Paul Gaukrodger

Page 6: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -


E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003


Our biggest fundraiser of the year is just over 6 weeks away …

let’s make it the best ever. Put the date in your diary now.

An Important Message From the Organisers:

Every year we try to make our Spring Fair the best ever, and 2017 is no different. BUT we can’t do it without your help.

After last year’s Spring Fair we said “goodbye” to a large number of volunteers, experts and coordinators who left our school communi-

ty after helping out for many years.

To maintain the high quality event we are all used to, we need new volunteers to step up and help. This is a critical request as some of

our most popular attractions are at risk of being cancelled:

Sound Engineer / Entertainment Coordinator:

The beloved performances in the Hall are a key attraction on Fair day, but they don’t happen without planning and expertise. We know

there are a lot of musical families within our school community and we ask you to put your hand up to volunteer to manage the audio/

visual for the day or to organise and coordinate the on-stage entertainment.

Indian Food Stall:

We have a new team running this hugely popular food stall this year. They have asked us to help find volunteers who can cook and bake

before the day to prepare the delicious food, or to work on the stall on the day.

If you can help, let us know NOW at [email protected]

The upcoming holidays are a great time to start getting ready for the Spring Fair - some of our most profitable stalls

rely on donations from School families. Why not use the upcoming holidays to get a head start?

Have a sort out at home:

Good quality books, toys and children's clothes will all be collected at school during the week of the Fair so please have a look around

at home for things that could be suitable. Please make sure that any donated children's clothes are laundered, and any toys are com-

plete and unbroken

Get crafty

Why not organise a group craft session or make something at home to contribute?

Last year families donated: Christmas decorations, bags, door stops, wrapped soaps, aprons, bow ties, jewellery, purses, pillows and ted-

dies. Don't put any limit on your creativity.

Green thumb?

One of the most popular stalls at the Spring Fair is the Plant Stall.

Now is the perfect time to begin making cuttings and dividing your plants for the Plant Stall. It’s a great weekend activity for the chil-

dren too.

Volunteering to help on the day is a great way to get involved with the Spring Fair, make new friends and enjoy the day even

more. This is a special call out to all those parents who have thought about volunteering in the past OR new parents to the

school. Even if you can only offer an hour or two of your time, please email us a [email protected] to tell us you can help

Thanks for helping,

The Spring Fair Committee

Page 7: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -


E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003


Our instrumental ensembles are looking for interested students to join next year, the ensembles include a Senior Band, Stage Band and

a Chamber Orchestra, Concert Band and Training Band, Symphony Orchestra and Training Orchestra. Students from Years 3-6 can

participate in any of these groups, which require varying levels of musical ability. The Chamber Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Senior

Band, Stage Band and Concert Band assume prior musical training of one year or more on an instrument. Training Band and Training

Orchestra require no prior musical knowledge or training as we learn skills together throughout the year.

For the year 2 students only:

Our band and orchestra conductors as well as some of our senior students will be demonstrating all the instruments played in the en-

sembles on Friday 20th October. This will take place in class time and at the end of the demonstration all the students will be given a

note to take home, giving all the details concerning the ensembles.

If you are currently in an ensemble you do not need to re-apply. Your conductor will talk to you soon about auditions and how to

progress to the next ensemble.

For student in years 3 to 5:

If you wish to apply to join Band or Orchestra in 2018, please look out for further information on how to apply in next term’s



Thurs 21st Sep Intermediate Choir @ Primary Proms Kakadu Concert


The NSW Public Schools Junior Singers is a treble voiced choir (SSAA) and is regularly involved in performances at major events

throughout the year, including the ANZAC Day concerts, Opera House and Town Hall concerts, Schools Spectacular and ensembles

concerts. Students from NSW public schools from Years 4 to 7 are welcome to audition for a place in this ensemble. The commitment

is for the full school year and attendance is compulsory.

Rehearsals for Junior Singers are held on Tuesday afternoons 4.30pm - 6.30pm at Lewisham



19th October K-2 Assembly in the Hall 9.55am: Junior Recorder to perform

20th October Year 2 Music Demo for Band & Orchestra 2018 in the Hall 9.15-10.15am

20th October Sydney S.E. Orchestra rehearse in the Hall 5-7pm

1st November School Spectacular rehearsal 9-3pm (Yr5 Senior Choir)

2nd November MUSIC COUNT US IN perform in the hall 10.45-12.40pm

4th November Fete: All bands to perform

6th November Senior Choir perform @ Bennelong Concert at the Opera House

9th November Final Parliament Sitting at 2.15pm in the hall: Ensemble to perform TBC

10th November Remembrance Day Assembly in the hall 10.45am: Solo Performance

(trumpet) Senior Band to perform

10th November Sydney S.E. Orchestra rehearse in the Hall 5-7pm

13th November School Spectacular rehearsal 9-3pm (Yr5 Senior Choir)

Page 8: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -



E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003


Our summer PSSA resumed last week with all teams winning their matches. Reports received from other schools were very positive in

terms of fair play, sportsmanship and respect. Congratulations to every player.

Parents and children please note that PSSA training is a compulsory activity. Should a player not be able to attend training, a message

must be sent to the team coach explaining absence. As well, the school asks that EVERY player has their own hat each week. Students

ARE NOT permitted to wear a hat from lost property. We seek your support in both these matters.

Congratulations to Laura M from 6BN who has been selected in the Sydney East PSSA girls cricket team to compete at the State

Championships to be held in late October in Maitland. This is Laura's third year in a row that she has been selected to play at the State

Championships. A marvellous achievement that she can feel extremely proud of.

Tim Kay

Date Round Cricket Softball

22/9 9 vs Homebush

Mason Park

vs Strathfield South

Henley Park

13/10 10 vs South Strathfield

Henley Park

vs Homebush


Bressington Park

20/10 11 vs Abbotsford

Campbell Park

vs Mortlake

Henley Park

27/10 12 vs Mortlake


vs Burwood


3/11 13 vs Burwood


vs Croydon Park

Bressington Park

Semi Finals

10/11 14 Henley Park

Vs Haberfield


Grand Finals

17/11 15 Henley Park

Vs Abbotsford


Wash out

24/11 16 Henley Park

Wash out

1/12 17 Henley Park

Page 9: Fortnightly Newsletter Week 10 Term 3 2017 PRINCIPAL’S ... · Thu 21 K - 2 Assembly In hall 9.55am Parliament Sitting Y3 - 6 in hall 2.15pm Primary Proms Fri 22 Summer PSSA 12 -


E [email protected] P 02 9797 8160

W F 02 9716 8003



Students from Summer Hill made our school community extremely proud at the WSPSSA Zone Athletics Carnival (Tuesday the 15 th of

August). Our students supported one another, broke records and Archie H was received the 2017 WSPSSA Junior Boys Champion

Athlete award.

Following on from Zone came the Regional Athletics Carnival. This was held on Tuesday the 12th of September with 11 Summer Hill

Public School students representing the Western Suburbs PSSA Zone. As a group they achieved outstanding results and made our

school and Zone extremely proud. We have a number of students that will progress through to the State Athletics Carnival represent-

ing the Sydney East Region which will be held on the 18th and 19th of October. All students gave up their time to train weekly during

lunch time and after school.

Our school representatives going to State include; Archie H in both Discus and Shot Put, the Senior Boys 4x100m Relay Team

(including Nick W, Casper Y, Max R and Liam K), Alec H in High Jump, Liam K in 200m and 100m, Max R in High Jump and Claudia M

in 800m. Students also proving to be elite athletes and difficult competitors to beat at Regionals were Manashwee M (200m), Sophia G

(High Jump), Julia M (100m) and Joseph S (High Jump and 800m).

We wish our State representatives the best of luck in October!

Keep aiming high Summer Hill, the sky is the limit!!

Mr Williams & Mrs Allen


On Thursday 14 September, Eisak V, Eric L, Danny N, Ricky G and Aiden V D all went

to Burwood RSL to compete in the interschool chess state finals. After they each played

seven tough games, Eisak and Aiden each finished on 4.5, Eric on 4, Ricky on 5 and

Danny on 3.5. Since they only counted the top four scores, they got a total of eighteen,

which was enough to put them in second place. They were awarded a golden king trophy

which is currently in display in the award cupboard in the office.

A huge congratulations to these children for coming in 2nd place in The NSW Chess

Finals. This is an amazing accomplishment.

Susan Terravecchia

SHPS Chess Coordinator
