
The Collected Annals of the

Journal of the Fortean Research CenterVolume 1 No. 1 through Volume 6 No. 2

Edited by the Rev. Dr. Raymond W. Boeche, Th.D

The Collected Annals of the

Journalof the

Fortean Research Center

The Collected Annals of the

Journalof the

Fortean Research CenterVolume 1 No. 1 through Volume 6 No.1 plus Special Issue: Psi-Induced Spontaneous Combustion

Edited by Rev. Dr. Raymond W. Boeche

ForewordIts my pleasure to present in this volume, the complete collection of the Journal of the Fortean Research Center. As the founder and former director of the Fortean Research Center, I have been active in the investigation of unexplained phenomena since 1965. My first really memorable inquiry occurred in 1968, when I had the privilege of interviewing Herbert Schirmer, then Chief of Police in Ashland Nebraska, after his widely-reported encounter with a landed craft and its occupants on December 3rd, 1967. Over the years I have also served as the Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network, on the Borad of Advisors of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, and in various capacities with numerous other organizations around the world. In 1982, I established the Fortean Research Center in Lincoln, Nebraska, and was joined almost immediately by my friend and colleague Scott Colborn in directing the research efforts of this group. Despite its humble beginnings and sometimes sporadic production intervals, the Journal attempted to address the issues and topics of the day: UFO-related government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the Majestic-12 con troversy, the alien abduction phenomenon, ghosts and hauntings, animal mutilations, psi phenomena, and all matters cryptozoological and Fortean. It was always our hope to serve as a reliable source of information of data and let the reader exercise critical-thinking skills in order to draw their own conclusions. During the life of the Fortean Research Center, I was accorded the privilege of being retained by the University of Nebraska as a consultant to organize, and present research papers at two major international conferences on the unexplained in 1982 and 1983; to have numerous articles published, as well as a collection of my writings, An Anthology of the Unexplained. Scott and I were also fortunate to be two of the initial investigators of the 1980 Bentwaters (UK) UFO incident. Although recognized for my extensive work in the areas of animal mutilations, out-of-place animal sightings, Bigfoot reports, the Men-in-Black phenomenon, and occult religions and philosophies, my ability to devote adequate time to the operation of the Center was drastically curtailed when I began graduate studies in theology, and was then called to establish a church plant. Scott Colborn and the late Dale Bacon then were able to masterfully lead the

Fortean Research Center into a period of steady growth and influence among the research community. This volume reproduces the entire corpus of the Journal. The type has been enhanced to increase legibility; where possible, photos originally reproduced xerographically have been scanned from the originals and replaced. Issues which originally appeared in a 7 x 8.5 inch format have been enlarged to fit an 8.5 x 11 inch page. With these exceptions, these are direct facsimiles of the original issues. No attempt at indexing topics has been made. Having recently retired from a 30-year career as a graphic artist and book designer, the last 19 years of which were spent with the University of Nebraska Press, I feel a need to begin to compile some of my research materials into a usable form, and make them available to others, whatever small value they may hold. This is my first, but hopefully not last, offering to the Fortean research community. My thanks and appreciation to the many friends and colleagues who have helped, encouraged, inspired, and supported my interests over the years: Scott Colborn, Jerome Clark, Loren Coleman, Linda Moulton Howe, Jenny Randles, Nick Redfern, Timothy Good, Thomas Adams, and dozens of others; Id also like to pay tribute to that ever-lengthening list of friends whose presence is greatly missed: Allen and Mimi Hynek, Ivan Sanderson, John Keel. Richard Hall, Budd Hopkins, Bernard Huevelmans, Leonard Stringfield, Dr. Berthold Eric Schwarz, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, Lucius Farish, Roger Gieseking, and Dale Bacon. And many thanks to Theo Paijmans, whose encouragement to get on with this project has finally borne fruit. As my current work as a pastor allows, I hope to bring more material together into a usable format, and present that to you, with my compliments. Raymond Boeche holds a B.A. from Peru State College in art, a Th.M. degree from St. Marks School of Divinity, and a Th.D from St. Paul Theological College. Ordained in the Reformed Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr. Boeche served as Rector of Celebration Anglican Church in Lincoln, Nebraska from 1994 through 2005, and currently serves as pastor for adult education at Christ Lutheran Church (LCMS), Lincoln, Nebraska (

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? Galatians 4:16

JOUllNALof the


APRIL, 1986

$3 . 50


FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNAL The Journal of the Fortean Research Center is published quar terly by the Fortean Research Ce~ter, a non-profit corpor auon. TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF INTRODUCTION , e . a a a a a a a



WINGED - WONDER OVER FALLS CITY, NE?. ......... . ........ 3

_____________________ FORTEAN RESEARCH CENTER P.O. Box 94627 LINCOLN , NE 68509 / DIRECTOR: Ray W. Boeche I ASSOC. DIRECTOR: Scott Colborn

DIA DOCUMENTS RELEASED. . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... 4

WHAT'S A MILO MAN?.... . ... . .. .. . . . . . . 5

WHERELS STEVE MCQUEEN WHEN YOU NEED HIM?. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

SECRETARY: Bonnie Summerlin TREASURER: Nancy Boeche ASSOC. DIRECTOR, BUSINESS : David White ASSOC. DIRECTOR, ANCILLARY ACT.: Clyde Adams ______________________ The purpose of the Fortean Re search Center is to investigate

FORTEAN NEWS FLASHES. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 6



all aspects of unexplained phen omena, including UFOs , crypto zoological mysteries, out-of place animal sightings, geolog ical and archaeological an omalies, psychic phenomena, and all other areas of study which may provide data useful to the resolution of these perplexing mysteries. Our other prime purpose is to serve as a source of accurate, reliable inform ation for the public at large.

This, the first iss u e of the Journal of t h e Fortean Research Center was put together i n considerable haste. It was our intention to make the first issue twice this size, or sixteen pages in length. Due to time considerations, this was simply impossible. We will remain a quarterly for a while, in order to ease the constraints on time placed on our staff. However,we do hope to publish no less than 64 pages per year, and our goal is twice that amount. We hope you appreciate ou r efforts, and help us to grow bigger, a nd better. Thank you

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Membership in the Fortean Research Center is $15.00 per year. Membership fees include a su bscriptio n to this Jour nal , discou n ts on special publications of the Ce nt er , and reduced fees to conferences sponsored by the Fortean Researc h Center . Please contact us at the address listed on the masthead. And remember, in order to carry on investigations and research into the unexplained, we need your help . Thank you.

FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALWELCOME TO THE FORTEAN RESEARCH CENTER On February 12, 1986, the Fortean Research Center was incorporated in Lincoln, Nebraska, as a non-profit entity for the purpose of exploring all aspects of unexplained phenomena. We are currently seeking our tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service, and hope to achieve this by late summer. In forming a non-profit entity to conduct research into phenomena, one of our primary purposes is public education regarding these mysteries. Many of our readers will be aware that since October, 1984, Scott Colborn and myself have produced an hour-long weekly radio show on Lincoln's KZOM-FM. This, I feel, has been invaluable in educating the listening audience in various aspects of the unexplained. With our non-profit status, we hope to be able to syndicate our program nationally. To do this, it is imperative that money for production costs be available. We are now in a position to begin seeking grants from various foundations for this purpose.In addition to the work on our radio programming , our quarterly Journal, which

you now have, and our basic research efforts, we hope to resume the series of conferences on the unexplained which were sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in 1982 and 1983. In order to maintain the high quality of speakers which we were able to present previously, again, an important consideration is financing. We will be exploring many avenues to raise the necessary funds, and we will keep you posted on our progress. For those of you unfamiliar with my work, a brief i~troduction is in order. I have been actively involved in researching UFOs, animal mutilations, outof-place animal sightings, 'monster' reports, and many other unexplained events for the last 20 years. I currently serve as Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network, and work with many other organizations worldwide . I also serve on the Board of Advisors for an organization known as Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) which has been at the forefront of efforts to force the release of government-held documents on UFOs. I hold a B.A. degree in Art and Education from Peru State College , and am currently employed as a graphic artist by one of the 20 largest printing companies in the United States. I have invested 30 to 40 hours of my time per week to investigation of unexplained phenomena for the last six years, and invested thousands of dollars of my own money into these investigations. I mention this only to indicate my dedication to these efforts, and hopefully to inspire others to the same type of dedication. Whatever the answers to the many mysteries that confront us, they are sure to prove vital tO humanity's view of 1Lself and the universe which surrounds it. People just like you and I are confronted with the unexplained every day-I feel it is important to determine what these individuals are experiencing, and through this, I believe we will be able to expand mankind's knowledge of his world immeasurably. I hope you share this curiosity, and 1 hope you share a desire to help us accomplish this


Ray W. Boeche . Director



WINGED WONDER OVER FALLS CITY? A fascinating account of a "winged weirdie" was given to me several months ago by the witness to the event. The name of the witness is on file, and available to serious researchers. We will refer to the gentleman as Mr. Hanks, because of his request for anonymity . On a beautiful autumn afternoon in 1956, Hanks and his family were returning home from an outing. The family had unloaded their car, and gone into t he house, while Hanks readied some equipment he needed at work, in his pickup truck . As he was going about this, he noticed what he at first thought was a kite , about 3 blocks away from his home. As he watched, the kite drew closer, and Hanks assumed that it had gotten away from whoever was flying it. As this object fluttered to within about a block of his position, Hanks realized that it was not a kite, but a human-like form, with wings. As the thing came closer, Hanks was able to see the creature's face, which he described as "very frightening, almost demonic.'' "It's eyes were very large, blue in color , and watery. They were shaped and placed on his face almost like horse's eyes. The skin on his face was like tan leather. It was very wrinkled, and seemed to overlap in folds. - I had a good look at his face-he was only about 25 feet away , and hovering maybe 15 feet above the ground. He was between ei'ght; aildnine feet tall." As. Hanks watched, the creature wobbled, and almost fell to the street below. After recovering, the creature flew toward Hanks, and passed directly overhead. Interestingly, as Hanks watched the creature approaching closer, he tried to move, and found he couldn't. He was experiencing some sort of paralysis . As the creature passed overhead, Hanks was able to observe the wings of the thing. He described them as like polished aluminum, with a grid-like appearance on the top side. The under side of the wings each had 4 or 5 colored lights about four inches in diameter-the lights closest to his body on either side glowed blue, then a yellow, then an orange, and finally a red light out toward

WINGED WONDER, coot., each wing tip . The wing was at least fifteen feet l ong , from tip to tip, according to Hanks. He indicated that the wings appeared to be about two feet wide next to the creature's body, and three feet wide at the t ip. When asked how the wing was attached, Hanks said that, "It was fastened to him by a shoulder harness, which seemed to have a breast plate of some sort with dials on it. He seemed to touch and move these dials, but his hands, if that's what they were, looked more like white dove's wings, all opened up." Hanks went on to say that as the creature passed overhead, he heard a sound like air hissing from what he thought was the rear of the wing. As he watched, the creature moved off into the distance, and disappeared behind a group of trees about 2 blocks away. After t he creature was out of sight, Hanks was able to move again. He said that the entire event lasted somewhere between eight and ten minutes. According to Hanks, for the next 23 years, he was continually bothered by nightmares in which this creature would reappear. He became, in his own words, "a workaholic-! wouldn't sleep any more than I absolutely had to, and worked constantly so I wouldn't have time to think about it." Finally, over a period of three years, Hanks was able to overcome this obsession by forcing himself to write out the story, and then destroy it. Evidently this served as a suitable catharsis, because Hanks concluded by saying, "I still don't understand it, but i t doesn't matter any more."

DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DOCUMENTS RELEASED On December 18, 1985, t he Fortean Research Center received 139 pages of previously unreleased documents from t he Defense Intelligence Agency, c~ncerning their interests in UFOs. This release of documents was in response to a Freedom of Information Act request which had been sent some ni ne months ea~lier. Although many of the documents are virtually unreadable, t here are dozens of truly fascinating reports, including one which deals with the Peruvian Air Force ' s sc~ambling of fighters to pursue UFOs on two different occasions. Also mentioned in four of the documents is PROJECT MOON DUST, a project which the reports imply is UFO related. FOIA requests to some 18 various agencies have been submitted to try and obtain all possible information on this project. Hopefully, we will be able to report more fully on PROJECT MOON DUST in the next issue of the Journal . For those interested in copies of these documents, they are available as the entire set, for our cost of photocopying, and postage. All 139 pages (8t x 14") are available for a total cost of $23.50. If you would like a set of these important documents, please let us know as soon as possible. The Defense Intelligence Agency has been very reluctant in the past to release their UFO-related information, and we feel very fortunate to have received this body of documents. As mentioned earlier, we are continuing our efforts to try and discover exactly what PROJECT MOON DUST is, and what relationship it has to the government ' s interest in UFO incidents.

FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALWHAT'S A MILO,MAN? We are currently trying to track down further verification of sightings of a bipedal humanoid creature which has been dubbed 'Mil~ Man'. Reports of this rather strangely named creature have been surfacing infrequently for about six months. The alleged creature has gained its name from the locale where the witnesses believe it lives, namely, a milo field.


The most coherent and credible account to date involves a young man who had driven to his brother's rural Lincoln, Nebraska home to spend the night, only to find his brother was away, and the house locked. Having no other choice, he decided to sleep in the back seat of his car. Sometime during the night he was awakened by the car being violently shaken around~. Thinking at first it was his brother, who had returned, he sat up and looked out the back window. He observed a much-larger-than-human form, which was standing near the rear of the car, and shaking it back and forth. Not knowing what else to do, he hid on the floor of the car until this large hair-covered figure tired of its car shaking, and wandered off. The next morning, on the brother's return, he related his experience, and was told that several farmers in the area had also seen this creature, and had dubbed it Milo Man. The above outlined event occurred in late September, 1985, and we are currently following further leads to try and establish additional sightings, and further corroboration. We'll have more on this as we uncover it.

WHERE'S STEVE MCQUEEN WHEN YOU NEED HIM? Here's another previously unpublished reportwhich is long overdue for entrance into Fortean literature. As the more astute among you may have guessedby the title, it concerns the sighting of (what else?) a "blob". In September of 1969, a young Nebraska City, Nebraska man, Maurice Colbert, and his girlfriend were parked along a 'lover's lane' area north of Nebraska City, near the banks of the Missouri River. The young lady began to complain that she was hearing strange noises outside of the car. After a good deal of proddingt Maurice was finally persuaded that she was serious, and after 1istening,realized that there were some strange 'slurping' noises coming from outside. Maurice left the car, and seeing nothing initially, moved towards the rear of the vehicle, where the sounds became louder. Describing the night as a very bright, moonlit evening, Maurice was able to see what he desccibed as "an ' amoeba-shaped blob, about six feet across, and about 18 inches thick, moving along the ground." He indicated the 1 blolt' would move much as an amoeba, by extending a gelatinous pseudopod, and then pulling itself along in that direction, or rather flowing into itself. After watching the 'blob' for about 2 minutes, it had moved six to eight feet closer to the car. Maurice indicated that the purplish-pink 'thing' had no discernible odor, and seemed to have no awareness of his presence. Later examination of the site showed a sort of trail which had apparently been pushed clear of small sticks, pebbles, and other debris as the creature flowed along the ground. Due to the highly unusual nature of this event, I am unable even to speculate as to a normal explanation for the event. I would be very interested in hearing



from any other researcherswho may be aware of similar incidents. The only possibility I am aware of would be the appearance of a _giant slime mold. But six feet across? All comments on this one are welcome.

FORTEAN NEWS FLASHES TheMissouri Court of Appeals didn't buy the story of a man who said his wife's lover was shot in the stomach by his shotgun-wielding poodle. Lawrence Freukes, 37, of north St. Louis county, was accused of shooting John Schlereth March 16, 1982 at Freukes' home. The suspect had testified in St. Louis County Circuit Court that the gun discharged when his large poodle caught its paw in the trigger and knocked the gun to the floor. Freukes' wife, Bernice, testified that her husband had told Schlereth: "I'm in a lot of trouble. You've got to tell them the dog did it." (Omaha World-Herald, February 7, 1986) An item of interest for all of you who follow phantom helicopter sightings, from the January, 1986 issue of Research and Development magazine. A joint effort between NASA and most major helicopter manufacturers (including McDonnell Douglas, Boeing Vertol, Sikorsky, and Bell Helicopters) is under way to drastically reduce noise produced by rotary-wing aircraft. Most of the 'work thus far has been analytical and ground test R & D, but flight tests are planned for the near future. The program is a five-year, $10 million dollar effort headed by NASA-Langley, and is called the National Rotorcraft Noise Reduction program (NRNR). The hood of a woman's car was damaged when a 30-pound crash beacon from an Air Force C-5 Galaxy cargo plane fell on it, on February 4, 1986, The beacon fell while the plane was landing at Jacksonville (Fla.) Naval Air Station. The military has agreed to pay for repairs to the car. (Lincoln, NE Journal, February 6, 1986.) A blue fireball as bright as the moon streaked across the nighttime sky and exploded above southwestern British Columbia and northern Washington state, a Vancouver, B. C. astronomer said. (Lincoln, NE Star, February 20, 1986)Scientists have made the largest fossil find in North America , uncovering more

than 100,000 bone pieces of animals 200 million years old at a site in Nova Scotia. The fossils represent life in the boundary between the Triassic period, which began 240 million years ago, and the Jurassic, which began 200 miliion years ago. The scientists said the new findings point to a catastrophic extinction right at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary - such as an asteroid impacting the Earth - that wiped out more than 40 percent of tbe land and lake animals of that time. (Lincoln, NE Journal, January 29, 1986.) A new island is being born in the Pacific Ocean near Iwo Jima, the first volcanic addition to the region in 78 years. Crowned by a still-erupting lava cone, the new island is already 2,310 feet long, 990 feet wide, and about 50 feet high. New islands had been seen near Iwo Jima in 1905, and again in 1908, but submerged after 1908. (Lincoln, NE Star, January 22, 1986.) And finally, for all of you who have always wanted a flying saucer, but didn't know where to go to buy one, a company called Starcraft Indusry has just what you need. Called the Starcraft 1, the aircraft is 12 feet in diameter, has a 12,000 foo t ceiling, and a top speed of 140 mph. Call Starcraft at (801) 363-6612.

FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALHELP OUR FRIENDS There are many other organizations dealing with the unexplained. They are all doing the best they can with the resources available to them, and your help in joining these organizations, and helping " support them both financially and in spirit, would be greatly appreciated. MUTUAL UFO NETWORK 103 Oldtowne Road Seguin, Texas, 78155 FORTEAN TIMES 96 Mansfield Road London NW3 2HX, UK ARCTURUS BOOK SERVICE P.O. Box 2213 Scotia, NY 12302 THE GATE P.O. Box 43518 Richmond Heights Ohio 44143 UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE Route 1, Box 220 Plumerville, Arkansas 72127 PROJECT STIGMA P.0. Box 1094 Paris, Texas 75460 NORTHERN UFO NEWS 8 Whitethroat Walk Birchwood, Warrington Cheshire, UK WA3 6PQ CITIZENS AGAINST UFO SECRECY P.O. Box 218 Coventry, Connecticut 06238

The Fortean Research Center is happy to carry listings of other related publications and organizations in exchange for similar listings or in exchange for copies of said publications. FORTEAN RESEARCH CENTER P . 0 . BOX 9 4 6 2 7 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 68509






FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALTABLE OF CONTENTS IN MEMORIAM ........... ...... .. . 2 EDITORIAL .. . . . ......... 3 YOU MAY BE ON FILE ............ .. ....... 4 THE ULTIMATE SCARECROW ......... .. . 8 by Ihle &coo DOE RELEASES UFO DOCUM~NTS .......... lO MAY I SEE SOME 1.0.? . ...... ....... . .... 11 FORTEAN NEWS FLASHES ... . . .... 11 AND GUESS WHAT ELSE HAPPENED AT BENTWATERS . . . . . ........ 13 HELP OUR FRIENDS ......... . .............. 15

The Journal o[ the Fortean Re~ search Center is published quar terly by the Fortean Research Center , a non- profit corpor ation. ______________________ fORTEAN RESEARCH CENTER P .0. Box 94627 LINCOLN, NE 68509 DIRECTOR: Ray W Boeche .

ASSOC. DIRECTOR: Scott Colborn SECRETARY: Bonnie Summerlin TREASURER: Nancy Boeche ASSOC. DIRECTOR, BUSINESS : David White ASSOC . DIRECTOR, ANCILLARY ACT.: Clyde Adams _____________________

The purpose of the Fortean Re search Center is to investigate all aspects of unexplained phen omena, including UFOs, crypto zoological my steries , out-of place animal sightings, geolog ical and archaeological an omalies , psychic phenomena, and all other areas of study which may provide data useful to the resolution of these perplexing mysteries . Our other prime purpose is to serve as a source of accurate , reliable inform ation for the public at large.

Membership in the Fortean Research Center is $15.00 per year. Membershi p fees include a subscription to this Journal, discounts on special publications of the Center, and redu ce d fees to conferences sponsored by the Fortean Research Center. Please co ntact us at the address listed on the masthead. And remember, in order to carry on investigations and research into the unexplained, we need your help. Thank you.






J. Allen Hynek, 75, NU professorand international expert on UFOsBy Kenan HeiseJ. AJkft Hynek . H. lnttl1\lliotlal UFO caprt ud Noflhwutcr University proftUOt' emenun ol uuonomy , co1ned the phrue, " dose cncollottn of the third lUnd" 10 dcsCJilx contiCI wi~ lOft identified ob.i~ 0( olicll ~inas. He did ruearch for lO yean 011 UFO. as a c011sultlftt (Of the U.S. Air fDfcc and ill 191) UtAblillled the Ccnte.r f01 UFO Studies. Scrvica ror Mr. Hytoet, ol Scoc IJdale, AriL, will be pnatc. He died S..nday ia Scoc114ale Me~M nlll Hospitlll. Ill the ialroduct- to llit 1917 boo~. " The UFO lhport," he wrote: " We bow 10 little about ""' ..... \llli- poOJCd as ""' ate on our tiny va"taae point. the Eartlt. Tloin11 far ~yol\d our irna1i11atioft may be pouobk Ia tloe meont loac , we lftUII 11111fy ourscl"' br uudyrn1 UFO repons. aot UFO.." He added, -what tltepeically, "Reports by ~oplc oRen make misoakcl lloout what we obscr-.." &t Mr. Hynct, in his book and frcq~nt ltcturrs. dcmonsuated ltc "as not a pure tltepeic 011 callatct rcmoal vuiration. A convi11cinacue, he J&id, wu rhe oltwo Miuiurppt fhhcrmea wlto saod they load bce11 take aboard 1spac~ip.


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" At lint," he said i11 a 1917 speech , " I thouaht this wu 1 cock andbll11 story, b111 after Wkina ..;th one olthe litltcrmetO, I believe hitn. Mr, Hynelt few 11111\Y yean ~ lishcd the l11tcmationAI UFO Rc potter. He aiJO maintained a UFO hot llnc at 11oc Cuter ror UFO St11dics, lolc wu 11 Norlh wester for I Z years 1111111 he mo"Cd it to Scoctsdale ill 19U. From 19J2 1o 1911, lte wes I eonsullant to tile Air F01ce o UFO. a"d hclpe4 ,.., toltthtr Project Blue looll, a secret ~ "''"" of UFO In his 1974 book, " Tile UFO Eapritll," ht distintuoslte4 1 "dose tneooo"lu olthe lint Uad" as t sittltilla ola UFO. OM oltltc S'"''"'

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iic t.i::lC:.~o~ t-~s ecct:::U~tcO. :-ccords 0:1 over J:~.l.QQQ...sit;~tin~ cascs. u.tri:'l!; hi:: =~-.:rc:::;ed cc.~cc::-:: ;.ce;ut ~!tc ?O==iblc lo:::: of t,r.c!;c :-cc:>:-C.:; ~~cl ~h~i:- r~l~-:i vc i:-.:.occ:;.:ibili~:1 .::.t t!riz~~-l>~~:::c!":;on /.ir Force ==e. :~~ ,-=.:; c.::;:u:"cC. c:,. Sr:c:-c~:.:.:t 3:c"-:t t:-. ~\! \ acc;~LtiA..-~=-$,.:r;.:d5 .~_i)1e...,Jel?J.~~~cn:: .. . ~~~~ c:areJpU.v .....:d ~ CDrftrP\.'~;.i.~..:. ~~\... :. :.::- ... v .... "'r, .., ~.J :;.~~c.:~~! . Fv -'-e c~.--~--t; - i ; ....tu~ ~ ._J. ~-:.::..:.:.. - ~ .,_..? _n,-~ ;, ..,. 5 .5-nc.w-.-' .,..;._ ._ ... 1# - - ' . . . - . . :" : : ) " ..... _ ,. .. : ; .;

; 9. -f:;...mce.L~ ,atd::>J:.?.Jd....~J~.a5e;; V70 invc:st~c;;:.~i vc or~-.i :.::;;::.c,r.:: 1 ~:~ r.~:.(i:,' C.'t:'.il~O:.:.;.li:;! ,..;. ,. .... c ~ i- ""' !.z.. ..,:...... _...o n -...-...... -ul..:.- .,...,'-.... "" .c.- .... '-'-"""'--""c , ,...,.,.~ ....Cio'll - .. .. _ ...,. -~. .. ... ~ ..... wv .,.. --~ - --.. "'"'--""....,.,...--". --.1 ~ ........_ _ ,.._ " .,..,. -...o.:. ...:~a" clca:i:a~ i :: ..~:.ti c:.~or~, i)ro.~=.:.:ac dcc...:;:~n':.:.-t.i.o:: , ~:l:i :-ev:.c~ri:-;= : ...-~ -::. . ..... '-: . .

. . ~ ::*:.: . ~~ : -:. :~ . ' : . -~ :.:

":. :.

~~~~~::-.~~----~ -~~.~--

: .. .. . .. : ...a-... -:..: ..;J~t .





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-~-- ~--~ ,... :- :~.~- ~

.-.. :_. . : ...._ , ._. ..- . ......

... ..-..

;- '-;, ~ . _

.. - -


.. .C

04. Criteria.


,..,. ........... .-

.. _



tntelltenca teaa peracnnel ea~ perforz effctively o~ly ~itb aa a4equ~te back;round of tra1n1o' and exper1e~ca. I~~~~tely qUAlified pers~nnel ia sue~ asa1e~at v~uld be a liability rat~cr ~~&a &A aceet to u:cecaful 4C~l1sh~~at of ~e ~~sa1oA.S.__Q De!ini tices.Li~~iat: Fe~so~~l


vho caa


1oterro,at1ca aod 14~;uase to tnsl!ah.


1etelliscace iafo~~tioa frc: P.usai&A end/or !loc cou~try

b. fech ~n: Peracaoel qual1fid to develop 1atell1;coce in!or u-ticA tbrougb field eA&:iu:ioo e t c.nalyda of foreip c.ate::iel, vi~ ~b.uh eo tbc t'.a::;::\Qi-tstico of eoa.::y pcr~~el ~~ c.a:~iel, ~~ io use of fiold cc~~ceticn3 e~tp:eat






re?o::ti:; cf



e1tablt,~ez a rr~;ra:.:!or icvestiGati~c of reliably re?Qrted ~i~enti


~~ioer.tifie~ !li~ o~,ect~

(~ 70):

B&4d~uartera cs~s ~

fiel !!;tq


C'":ljer~~ vit.'t!.a the Dnitec! ~ellocti:-: :src-cd.bil_t.!es. . i



Z00-4 c!el!.nutea

O;>eraticc Slue Fly hu be~ eatA~Ushed to fac:! 1! tate . t" F:D e ~~c:c :>-.:ct or o~ar !.t~ of t~- . . _ clcal i.ctcll~s~:~c:e !.oterut. JJ'C!N SOP !or 3l1.!e Tly C:?er&tic~s, febru&ry l$60; rrovid&a for ll~7th r~=:icipation. . .

!\ue Fl,-:

e:!j)ed i t!.eu.~ ci~H"t~:')



I ~~o ~~at: ~~ a sr=i~li:ac! &Srect of ita ever-all ~teriel er.;>lcitatica r=o!;::..::, s~~dC\~=tr t:!:/.1 hu este.bU.shec5 'rcj&~t l-~:-co to lQe&te, =~c.;er :ad celiver c3uc&::l:iet fc~&ip spa:a ve~1cles.



2S A?ril 1961, teli~~atet eoll~etica retrccs1~il1ti...



D&.Edeua.rt~r ~SAY

l~::u:tioo of 1::-cn:-u (ll27th tlSJ..l F1el~ J.ct!v1 ths Cro\:;>). renor:oel cc~;ri.aie& tauc~ tc.t..::s hc.;e con:al A:CI::-tt ataf! cut!.es, &.!'ld tb!!ir CA!.nt~=~:a c! 1\-.:difi:&ticn (cr ic:elHsc:"\::& :ea.~ ~~lc~s: ~ at h ia -~~it!c: to t~a!:- n:~~l :a!f tut!u. ic.r &u::;le, ;r.e C~ia! of AF:I!:l!: -~~, t-"'.e r,::.c:r t1 c ~; c:c t1 c~t sec: ti oc. e~cii tic-r..a lly ;:a. r:!c:!.Fa t es i~ ~;~r~~~~tely 1~ h~~!'t cL tr~i~in; pc~ ~~tb fer !~telli,~::e t&~e:.flC!"t.~Az;:~ rnro 7b02 AlNri:t..c FT B&L.VoiJrVAI/.iNSA . "Y ei . ' - ~ .VOSI CI'I!-Y . .. . __.J ; . SUBJECT NtCATIY5/F'li..M ~LJ...Ool J NC R.ESUL.'TS WSU:. F'OJNtJ:A.



~~~~!~f~}2;Ee~~-~~ ~ 292~~ -Ct;f -~. .


~ . ~~BY MQ..tY.t' -~ 7602 AINTOCl_If .NdJ 'M:_





OSJECT WAS NOT C0'15lS'T'ENT Wlni R1.AT.1VE S.1Z& OF' Fl%0 Os..Js:TS 08SRVEO F'Cft SS~ . SCCM)S .IN F'J 1./>1.. ~!JJSI c;N: I NCONCUJSJ VE . ~to ' ~JG!NAi. NCATJV' OE:P~CTJNG l.WiOJmF'JED c:iBJE.C"f. F'lU.. 'F'o.JN15 ".I> ar UNALn:.R.0 . r..cAust or .A u.c>< OF- i1~.EJJoBJECTs IN n-nLI-4; N01:>F:P'TH' .ANALYSIS a.::uLD PERF~ . 'F Ol.'TO'( 1'\El Nf'ELD' l"ni00 ~ . CiB:fu:1" ''TO a~ SAOCER SHAPin; APPROX/f'\A j': DI ~ 3 1 FI:T. CSJECT COVTA.iN.o . ~ .TRii.Ji.~ 'JNS I ~lA O'i .i'H t..O,.,d:r PeA~ Of' 'a!JEXT .




USAF' STIU.IiAS HrTE:REST lH ALL UFO SlOHTINCS OvER USAF INSTAU..ATl~/T&ST . AANGES. . Stvbw_. C1D'In ~ ~~O,lES, ~ BY NASA , AC.TIVF.J..Y lNVESTlGATS" 1.ClTlMATE SIGITINCS ~cx...o-t COVERT CovtA. C St~iNTE:Lif'SA f ~ Sl.Oi COVER IS WO. RE~T!NG CE:l'ff'FR, . us CDAS.T AND C00TIC su AVEY . RCCX'VI LU: ~ K(foas:P. ~ flL.n:RS .RESULTS. ci SI&tnN : , APPROPRl A1'E c.s n H IU TAAY OEPAA'Tl-'Z:NTS W ni , J Nn:RST IN niAT PMT..lCVlAit_SIOi'TlNC . l 1HE OFF'lClAl.. U . ~ . 'CCV/W'wiN1 POL.LCY IWtJ A..SU.L.TS OF' PAOJCT AOJAR.tUS .lS .STIU.. CL.AS.Sl:f'l'0 TOP S.CRET \ll ll')i NO Ole~ 1 1AJ"j_QII OJTSIOE: OFJ='lCIAL. It-m:Wc.ENC D-VNNEL.S JWO Wl'T1t FU:STJU CTE:D .0CCSS TO " I'U ~!:~J. 'f=ASE 01 BENNtwl 'i'z lS SJNC M:l'll"J"CR..0 SY NASA INS. ~0 RtQJtST ALL. FVl\IR CVlOE:NCt: B F'CRWAAD~ 1'0 lliD-1 'THRU AF'OSit rvo . 3'. REF' YOUR R~ST F'01 TEC~ICAl....ASSISTANCE. ~i.CAUSE OF A CHJWCa:' PUSt..lC OlSCLOSUR , NO KNCWt....0C.E..t,S~ P~L. [email protected]. S PROVlOEO . (CJ"'IT!Nt.JE TO RE:Ce ! ~ J1SSISTIINC: rn011 lNOI VI OUAL.S t-N'rl~ IN Y a.JR 1'44SSAG, MlL~. F'VC.ATE. ~ECAUS!: o..) TI-lt. SENS l Tl Vl TV_ OF CASE, RQJST 1HY 1! ni~ClC.JO-Il.Y 08Rl E:FEO liT ReclllM JNn:.R VAJ...S ,USAF' .NO I...O'lGR Pv!L.ICl..Y ACTIVE JN UFO RSARCH. -OWEVERI

!f, ~ AF' YCUR MC1.!ST F'OR ~ .. I~Tl&l RECAAOINC :HQ CR L-4) ~ F"'UGJII'~ . IS PROVIDED: Cp.PT . r::AN;.r. .7602 A.lN"'"tLC; :!f.f! C~T.PCTEO AND RL.ATED F'OlJpilNC : (S/WIN'T'EL)


t.tcrTIMATE. NCATIYE. ~ YN.lPflftiii}~ ~r~ oe) tc..-t :



:, . ,',J, . ....~!.,_.,,.~ . . .-~:;:- . ........ .......~L"coH(~ VlounoK) _ t ti Lia;a 9 (68th ~ Ana) s -

:~2icd' 16 ~0, .71 _ ~ .. -.u~"' .,,. ,,.,.,,. ~ .... -r1 u,.CM

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1l: il\!::::!, 1:~'7D '!: c. !:T.,J~t:Wi3, ... ~~tb :

l,;\ ICUt:T : ,.t',_.{) .,,\I~)'U ctratl.. {) 1UH tC ,.,.,,.,.; A aeuu ;.~aer ~ .~::........... , :~:> -' "'""" .~~:: c. ,.,,.,,, -. ,,..,. O.t ' .,,,,., , ~b:' ,.. . n .$~ "":." "? . ;a.:-~ -~ t~~~f\t ~ .t . ... ~,,4') ... ,. .. .... .... ~

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jff"':"'"U'o - . ( J tt t Uiolle.,ll8 l'J.:~,.,.,,


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JtlL&tlO lO ! >CI. ( flrtut 'l


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. AlCAlC


.,,,Go& ,Z!"..... ... ...........................

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. ~ ~ -~~8.-,~l 44 iiSS , 68-3, -

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~- "1~!- ~ i.'.!~;: vr .ll ."n~.: ;. .: :: 1'.1.'.:\.. ,,, .. . . ..... ..~

.,.:- . , ~ ,, ,,. ;, .. ,. ,,.,..,ti_ ,_ , ,,., , , , , , . .... ...... , .. ,,, . ..l : 4,~ 1 !, ;


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I....... ,I


--. - ---- --- -~-- - - --- -- ,_ ---- - --- .. -- --- -----~- --~-- _.._____ _ ; ,,: ' iO: 'r~.~.

;. ~ - ec!iticu.s deli;c=l tc- Fr!> c: !-L.oen !>".let or other !te::.c of great tecll- . nieal intelH.gc~ee !.nterut. /J'CIN SOP !or 5h.:e f ly c.perztio~s, Fe~ru~ry 1960; providis for 11~7t~ frtic:ipet i on.



g. Y.oon ~~at: As a spae1Eli:ed as~ect of 1t5 cv~~-ell ~teriel er.plc-itatioo rrosra!t, n~4c;uo:rters OS!.J' hz...s estc.'.>Ushed 'reject l-~:-oo~~tt tO loezte, ~~c-er :nd ce}ivar ~~~Ce~~et fc~ei~ SpG:e Vebieles . ICGL ~4, 2S April 1961, lcli~e~te1 collt:ticn re,?Ccsibil1tia..


0&.Eebd~uLrt~r ~SAF (AFCI~ =~i~~i:a lntlllte~:e t~

es a

!-u'":letion of /.?'Cn:-u (l127th USJ.r Field -"c! !vt ct u Cro~p). Fer~ or.oel CC"l.".; :ria!ng ~uch tc.t.:.:.s b.~-:e t:Ot"t:&l A?CI!~-1! at 1!! c ~; t !es 1 L::!d th~tr ~!.ntc:-:.:~:e e! (\:.:difi:zotien (cr ir.tell!:;.DC). T"!:!e ~.DC Dircetor e>f !ntelHbexe "s charged in lS~3 'k'itb crnz.'!li:ing the 4602d ~ir l.ntelli~;c:!lc: Sc:vi.ce S~t.:~c!rc~ {.&..IS~) 1 'lt'i tb ~uti:-~ t:iu !on of c:~ loi tin; oo\o-nc:d C!)e.:}'

"pe.:-rle, ptipcr,;"

for inte! in!or;:-.atiou that vcuid

ccu:ri~ute ~ ~be e~r defense of the conti n~tAl US, ~! ~ ~as elloc~tet! z::.t.Uf'C" fer this !unc.tiCID (!JX: te:;tJlAtiOD zt.,-4, 3 Jon

Crbni~ati~n ~-~ ~isfion of

5), tbe .4602d Air lot~lli&eece Service S~~adroc).

~on~ ~ve, the 201 ~?2ces of t~e ~~02~ AISS v~re t:-ans /.FC!t\ 1~ July 1S57 (Sq CC":d Coc.-d Crde:- 46, rltc! S .Jul 57) to provid~ r~c..~1~t; icr pe~cettoe A!'Cn~ !-u!l:tt~ns. but "H.b the eont!~ ge~ey t~~t ArC~ vould cc.nt!nue to ~aict~ic a C?~b1lit] to cup~rt COK!..D/i\u:S..lJ> in the \lcr ti:le pe:op le 1 pz.per, E.:'!~ !-..:.rc:!'!-.:.:-e ci!.ss ~on (A te~s 2 end 3). rro~ tbe 1~4 spaces that ~~IF e llocst~t to t~e l0~5tb AISS, ceti~~ted C~d C~cral Orlcr ~9, 2 J~l 57, t~if CZ.?~il!ty ~~ p:-oviccci fer (Dept of J..:P Ltr 1 dtd 16 Jul !9, sub J: H!.ssien cf the 1006th J.ISS) 1 &."'Iloy::eot of Uc.tuisra .

Ten such perc;ot:llcl could bt!. f.Jlly e.nd efhcthely ut!.!.hed cur:bg pe.3.Ce tir.e !.n eutie.& c!irectly in or closel:or alUe~ to their /.YSC's. vit!'l the1ntell1~~~e



bei:g ac

addit1o~l ~uty.


Qu~l1fied intellisen:e te&: p~:e:nnel nov ~ssigned to tbe be re:::inec! beyond their cu::y !ours until a s1t:.i q~~lif~e~ rcplae~t i ferecast or ssi&ned.






A stl' .... ~:.r.! J..J"'"i"t-~ &l)d A:cn;~.P~policy sho:Jld be the iden"t!.ficaticn,






c! previously

~~~lified intellig~n:e te~ per:~e."\el !cr~

eLst or re~=n to tbe ZI fro~ overseas assi~ts for ~ssi6~~t A.F\:t:\-U: !or~s: per~otmel vs.cru:u:ies. Letitl:de l:Zl' be :-cqui;yc:-J f:!lC!! CD the job. '!c lE:s::e.r Gt.z:-e~. t.!lc! on a t:elaetive b~s!c th!.s !.S cl!.o true of 203 1 s; cle. to pe:fcn;, intclli&c:nce c.-:-:;~i;a He-n 702 C:ut!.ea.autbori:~ticn



t:houlcS he


It ia



D15cusicn to tnis'roint hac ~~er~d tbe . int ell i;e:1ee tea= c::po51t1on, cu~cnt p~~cet!=~ ~c ~~tioe ~~~sio~, LDd pcnen;Jd fin::ble::-.s. To f-.lrther estb11sb t~e vdue. o the u::~ique J..1r !'crce c.:ra.~1Ht; rt:::-~(:Sl.::ted 'by t:le 1~tell~eo:e tu.. -u, t:cir fu~~e ~tt:~:!.al !c.r c~lO)T~c: shc~ld be c~~~!~cred. u,



,.c&:.Cw~t63,:. ; e ,~Hd current ~d nee.d far th.& l.fCI3 f . 7 ... ~cu:a cpab.i11ty for pucetf.ce aoc! ~loyoent. !nt:d~~~- ...... to c.:Lint.:11n the c~pabillty in "cadre" at.r=~t:b J.cticc..t .cac=co5-.. . ...~cr.:ld be i:Qcdiotely i..r:;!_l~ted, s.n.d t.o c.xr~ tbe eapA~i11. t7 ~:Nld ~lc=~.t~ on a eound t.aah of p~reor.:lel acctUilltion, -~unf~;~~i?~~no~. e.nd .~Loycent~ .





.ACn01~ r..::ccr.~~z:o

. 8


~ ~


~~o volunteerau!gO::~~-

&. :. '2u1eilir qud1f1ed pe~5oc:u~l c~rr~:ly ~ss1~ed to U'Crn-U !or further trGinin:, to inelu~e air~orne traiuios, and

outg-crcnt to ' illt.elli&e!lCe te.z:.!, ~ould be sive.e such trlli.nit:.g an~ as c&!-o;L:t~ . ~uty to . o.o~l! duty . c::-.?loy=~~t. A~t.acb =~nt 4 it ~ eu':Tent :-e~uest for ::.irborue ttdnins ~uctu for five qu&lif!..ed ~o.~~ ~cer~.

b~ JScni-l.I .'aho~l4,: e!l.d s~Tt:lt thrcuzb a??:'cpriate cbe.=els, incHviduil Jus"t1fi~tior.s !or: Ue .follo~.:ing:

.Vl.tb e. lAter ~upple...~ot in the ev"e!lt. of I.::'Cm ~~t..""rlzed e. ::~uicia. of .c.adre 5trtngtb of the ' intelligtoe~


. . . . (1). _ Lutbori:ei . ~~d&'fOC=lt on .- ale.ct!ve b~st~ e .-a ._bli~id ~.= ~.~tcll~se~e t_~ ~ualified. Lln~i&~a returuin.g to t~e. ZIcv~nu.s ~:!;c:e~t,




. replnc~nta

(~) . ~~t~ticu beyoud 'nor=al duty to~r ol ~ualified iutelll&Cllee te~ ;cnc-z::_;l n:W -ia'&t:;c~. i'o .the . ll27tb . u n tU r;br..ila:-ly q~~lified , .. .. . .. "' ' .. . .. . .. ' . .. . "" .~e fc~~eest ' or ~ci~~d ;



: t~ !c~ti!x' to~ /~9rr.-~ rrcvi?uG l1 ~~li!ied i:~cll!eence :~ ?~~o~~~l r~i:\::-:i t.o tl-.e .zi !r~ e".:a rscc.; c!c!.~nts~ . l...iitit~~e 'be i-equ~:ed by ..t.1"cn.r"-i.E . iu...~s.-1~~-t of s~ pcisc-onef'~ sdn~t ~e~l c.r f~c~t vc~c:ies in J..ISC ' :nd UT.s:!e ~races ill 'Vrlo.:::e \.4th those : pe'uesse(Qj the 're~rn;:es i(. i is : e!:tc.~lisued th;~ :rct\:i-nee.i hc-Je-_ ~!l.. li"SC :s;t{ll.s '-~icb 'c z:i' be ~f!ec:t!v:c:ly .ut:Hi:"cd ~he ~ic..,i : sp&ees~ ' , . #~






01 J.:f?!~

cmd J.fCI!;-p prc.etiec













.. .







,. -



.. -



(4) '"-~ey liiY I.FCD\ iotel t!.~ i:lc:"c 'tei:::i .to ~::uth \i.ct :::.:is i cr i.:.rl~i:';lt. !.i:i 1V!ot tk.:n.~~'i; _ .:s~ins. e tlSnF. ~-t'ell!.cc:, ... e reHtbbg 1o::!ct1e4l . G-.;r?Ort Ll:ld 'o?eratic.-il 'tea: .ui::ili=~t!.on.;':~ . ' t'~ &!lou'ld lie' et'to:d1cd .. . . . ... .. r.!::~ and i.~-!c~. bts . o;-crat!o~l c6:.tro1 for - the


~l"~~Z:t .~ilf




ic:v~li.l~le in c:!evelo.p{r:.c;: f-.Jrtb~i:

- . -












.. ..

to .tbc' . u..r L":t::.:be. 'riet . . ... . . . p'c...ded. o '!:Dr.... : 0 0 . ..


fc:- .,in~clli~c:=e


4 Ateb 1~ t>:cc:.rpt,' 11Z7 CCP 1~60 .. ..":-. )\J~':!J ~:.:t: ;'Ot' ! 2 . Cr ltr . C~:l ':'::ylor,- 13 .!r.n s7 ~.-- Cy ltr, Ccn L~.:ic, 4 l~u 57: 4:.~ r.~~ !cr .! 'i:n;:; ..

/1- i.f




A covert analytical etfort organized by Gen. Twining and actin~ on t he direct orders ot the President, resulted in a preliminary conoensus (19 September, 1947) that the aieo waa most likely a short ran8e reconnaissance crRft. This concluoion waa baaed for the moat part on the oratta size And the apparent lack of any identiti.a.ble proviaionin~. (See Attachment "D", ) A a 1.m1lar analysis ot the t'our dead ocoupa.nte was arranged by Dr. Bronk. It \rt&a the tentative conoluaion of this ~oup (30 November. 1q47) thBt altnour,h these cr~aturee are human-like in appearance, the biol o~ieBl a.nd evolutionary processes responsible tor their deve~opment hAA n~pn.rently be~n quite ditferP.nt from thoae observerl or nostulated 1n homo-~n.piens. Dr. ~ronk'e team hns sug~ested the term "Bxtra-terreetr11ll B1olop;1cal Ent1tifte" or "El'lEs", he adopted as tbe etandard tftrm of reterence !or these crP.a.turel!l until such ti~e aa a more detinitive des1p;nat1on can be a~reed upon.

Dr. Ruen

Since it 1a virtually certain that these craft do not originate in ~v country on earth, conaiderable a~eeulation has centered around what their point of origin mi~ht be And no\rt th~ p;et here. Mare wae and re~ains a possibility, although eome scientists, most notA bly Dr. Men:el, consider it more likely th~t we are dealing with bcinr.s from another eolar system entirely.

remRi ned largely unsucc essful. (See Attachment "B11 . ) BqWllly unaueeeeat'ul hswe been errorta to determine the method ot propulsion or the nature or method or trAnamt~sion ot the power source involved. Research along these lines hlle been complicated by the complete absenc e o f irienti fiable w1np;a 1 propellers, Jete, or other conventional Met~orts of ~ropUlston and r.uid~nce, as well as a total lack of met~l11c w1r1nr. . v~cuum tubes. or s i milAr recoP,nizahle -lec tronic compont'!ntc . {Sel! AttRc hment ' 1 ?' 1' . ) It is a sa umed that the propulaton unit was completely destroyed hy the @Xplosion which caused the craeh

were found 1n the wreckage.



o! what appear to be a form o f wri tinY.

E!torts to dec1phnr these have

..... ..........RYES ONI.Y



T5 2-F.X EMPT ( E)








1q47. In order to preserve security, liaaon b~t~een SIGN and Mnjeatic-12 wae limited to two 1nd1virluals within the tntelli--enc e Division or Air Mat~r1el Command whose role ~as to pane alon~ oftrtain type8 of information throur,h chRnnele. SIGN evobed into Project GRUDGE in December. 1q4a. The oper4tion ie currently bein~ conducted under the code name BLUE BOOK, with liaaon Dl6inta1ned throU8h the Alr ?orce otftcer who ia head o~ the pro,eot


ne~d for as much addittonal 1nformRtion ~ poReihle About th~ee cr~ft, th~ir p~rtorm~nce ch~rActerietics anrt their purJ')OA~ ltui to the und~rt~k1np. known AB Air Force ProJect~cemher,


on 06 December, 1q5o, a aecond object, probably of eimilar or1?-tn, 1m~ote~ the ~arth at hiRh opeed in the F.1 Tndio Guerrero Rrea of the 1exae - Mexican boder ~!tP.r followtnp. a lo~ trajectory throuRh the Atmoaphere. By the time a aearch team arrived, what remained ot the object had been almoat totally 1no1nerate4. Such material ao could be rocovered was transported to the A.E.C. tacili~ at Sandia, New Mexico, for etudy. Implications f o r the National Security are ot continuing importance in that the motivee ~nd ultimate intentions ot thee visitors rP.main complet~ly unknown. In addition, a a i~iticant upsur~e in the surve1ll3nce activity ot these craft beginning in May nnd continuin~ throuP.h the autumn ot this y~ar has oa~sed eoneid~rAble concern that new developments .mRY be imminent. It ia for theee reAsons, ~ta well ae the obvious in te rn ationJ~l and tttchnolo~iCAl coneiderl\tions and the ultimate need to avoid A public panic at all costa, that thP. Me.jcstic-12 Group remains of the un~nimous opinion that imposition of the strictest security prec~utione ~hould continue ~ ithout i nterruption into the new ~dmini~L ra tion. At thP. same time, cont1nvP.ncy plAn MJ-1~49-04P/78 (Top Secr@t - ~ee Only) should he hel~ in continued read1neee ahould the need to m~ke a puhlic announcement present i teel!, (See .a .ttachment "G".)


T52-EX:ltll'T {E)



(. , 1--I"' n -. - t . I .....,_"-'" , ___ ..... _, f \~ ~



I f/1 AJ IC . 0;-; 'l'{ 1'-JJ


.......................... ...... 'I'OP SECRET COPY ONE OF OME .




A'l'TACHMENT "A." .. Speoial ClA.asitied Executive Order #092447. (TS/EO)~.



MaJestic-12 Status Report #1. Part A. ~Q NOV 1 47.('l'S-MAJI0/!0} . '.~o





...Operation-MAjestie-12.. . Report ffl. Part B. ( 'lS-MA.JIO/EO)


'80V '47.

''D" .........OpfiJrRtion M.Rjes tic-12 Preliminary




19 SEP '47.

ATTACl!MENT "E" Operation MaJeatic-12 Blue Team Report #5. 30 JUN '52. (TS-MAJIC/EO) ATTACHMENT

p . Operktion

Report H2 .

~ajeetic-12 Stat~s

31 JAN '48 .


AtTACHMENT "G Operation Majeatic-12 Contin~ency Plan MJ-l949-04P/78: 31 JAN '49. ( 'lS-MAJIO/EO)*ATTACHMENT "H" operati~n MaJ~st1o-12 , M~ps and Photographs Polio (Extraetiona }.( 1'S-MAJIO/EO)



T52-EXn.1X' (E)







24, 1947.


Dear 3ecretary Forreatala

As per our recent conversation on this matter, you are hereby authorized to proceed with all duethis matter shall be MaJestic Twelve.

speed and caution upon your

to only as Operation


Tt continues to be~ feeling that any future considerations relative to the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely with the Office of the President following appropriate diocuoc iono with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central Intelligence .



TOP SECRE1E ,~ l ...~ ON LY




I I. ~/MJ12

Executive Briefing


Yesterday R2 requested briefinq on Project ~A~. In particular. he wanted updated info from rJ'l advised that that -info was not avail ab l e t o P2. Appar en t ly. HhitP House reauestP~ info bkecauhse off 1 1 C?n 't seefm to ma e t ose oo s rea 1 1z 1nfo 1s not ava1 1 a~ 1 e or any dissemination, per EO Pl1Sb, regardless of who re~uests info. Contact T-2P. and see if he can assume custody of .the matter.

a a



allow Af to evaluate !DENT info. They may open up a little too much. KEND-? can assist to some extent.

I"J ~-

HANOI F Ott 'gp'$T . NH? 5. rlr !?' :1 5_'fiS








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"~'1 ~:'~ to frr.o.i~: . .lc,~~c..s. !

tlw n;;t b~ C(:> -.






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0 o. w 2.





ptf ol . tbe f.U,I.~nc! b b:aD-Researcher s froM "iev sa ~ the ~ h ave coMe to within about 35 ~ards of a c reature the~ believe to be an aboMinabl e snowM an in the rugged PaMir Mountains. The new s agenc~ Tas s reported .that the group led b~ Igor Tatsl sighted the creature during a visit last ~e ar to the Gi ssar range in Soviet Centr al Asi a near the Afghanistan border. The group is preparing for another trip and hopes to Make closer contact, Tass said. (Lincoln Journal Januar~ 21, 1988) DIRECTOR 'S MESSAGE CONTI NUED FROM PAGE 3 Our friends and MeMbers all over the United State s and over seas can Make a big difference b~ siMPl~ clipping articles for us, or subMitting a letter or article for publication. The Fortean Research Center thanks ~ou, and hopes to hear froM ~01..1! I would like to take this opportunit~ to invite one and all to the 1988 Mutual UFO Network S~MposiuM, to be held June 21-26th, in Lincoln, Nebraska. You ' ll find inforMation elsewhere in the Journal for the necessar~ details . CoMe and Join our friends and fellow researchers in MUFON for what proMises t o be an interesting, exciting, and entertaining weekend ! The Fortean Research Center wi ll be hosting a coffee and tea, so we'l l hope to see ~ou there. La st l~, M~ profuse thanks to M~ friend and Assistant Director Dale Bacon, for hi s work and involveMent in both "Ex ploring Une>:p lained PhenoMena", and in the Fortean Research Center and Journal. Dale is the producer of our radio s how , and oversee's the talent and guests that appear, both in Person and b ~ phone hook-up. Perhaps ~ou have an idee for e show, or Me~be e person in Mind ~ou think would be a good guest, i n person or b~ phone. Let Dale know again, YOU can Make a difference! I a M- looking forward to M~ continwed involveMent with the Fortean Research Center, and I invit e ~our interest and support in the exciti ng and cha llenging tiMes a head . Fr o M the Center, we wish ~ou well!Sincerel~,

FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALUFO UPDATE BELIEVERS IN UFO ' S DILIGENT Pine Bush, NY-The worst thing about bei n g a UFO photographer is it's a full-tiMe job and ~ou don't Make a cent. "It's ridicu lous," said Ellen Cr~stall. "I've got over 500 pictures of UFO' s -I s pend thousands o n deve l o p i ng-a nd I ge t no f u nding at all.Cr~stall was s itting in her favorite UFO field here, off Searsvill ~oad . It was pouring and she wasn ' t optiMistic. "H e~ shi ps ! CoMe on shi ps !" she called . "It's pointless- ships don't coMe out in the rain."Cr~stall doesn't have tiMe to waste. She is stud~ing for her Ph.D in the highl~ respected New York Universit~ Music prograM. She holds a part-tiMe word-processing job . "UFO's cut into M~ wor~. tiMe," she said. "Oh '.:leah, ar.d M!:l Music ." Seve r al da!:fs a week she Makes the 90-Minute drive to this popular UFO sp ot froM her parent's New Jerse!:f hoMe


She gets no cooperation. "The ships intentiona ll!:f interfere with the caMera," she sa id. Ever tr'.:l to get UFO pictures develop ed at FotoMat? The lab gu~s think t her e's nothing on the negative and don ' t print it. The!:f don't realize the littl e dots surrounde d b!:f black are the UFO' s. "Yo1..' ve got to take it to a custoM lab," she said. Cr!:fstall and her UFO associates, who a ll hold down jobs during the da!:f, know soMe people think this is craZ!:f "I don't caret'' she sa'.::ls "If a friend isn't interested, I don ' t iMpose M~ views." ALIEN ENCOUNTER SoMe have suggested that she stick to More traditional photo subJects-Cr~stall won a 1981 contest in the Bergen Record for a photo of the Capitol in Washington.

Her Music has been pla~ed on New York radio stations. But Cr~stall sa~s that ever~ s ince she saw her first alien in 1971, she has believed in UFO ' s. "The being had a ver~ large head and a rust-color stretch-knit j UMP suit," she recalled. "I said, 'Oh M~ God, the~ have stretch knit f a bric~"' She estiMates s he has seen 1,000 UFO 's . "It 's ridicLlous," she s a~s. " So Man~~ There are a couple of airports near here, but Cr~stall sa~s it's eas~ to recognize a UFOI "It coMes froM at so Man~. I can feel theM. Even if soMething looks like an airplane, I'll sa~ , 'wait a Minute, that ' s a ship. ' It Might have ~ellow lights-planes don ' t have ~ellow lights." She Joined several UFO associates for dinner at the Magic Chef here recentl~. There was John White, a speechwriter for a Connecticut coMpan ~ who has published 13 books on paranorMal phenoMena and is running a UFO conference at the RaMada Inn in North Haven Nov. 7 and Nov. 8, Dan Shenefield, a postal worker was there, too, with his wife, Mari anne. "I was 11 when I was first abdLcted b~ aliens, " Marianne Shenefi eld s aid between bites of the l obster special. "What did I know? I thought he was froM the next town. He looked like a Chinese gu~ in a diving outfit ." ''Nai ve,'' said Cr~stal l. "Naive." SKEPTIC CONVINCED "In ' :52, what did an~one know?" said Shenefield. The Shenefields like to UFO watch near a New HaMpshire airport. "A National Enquirer reporter caMe once," Harianne Shenefield said. "He was a skeptic and then UFO's caMe and it blew his Mind." Later, four of theM sat in their cars in the rain for More than an hour . White stood in the field with his uMbrella and tried for a better view, but there was nothing. "When ~ou see one, it's fantastic," Cr~stall said. "Makes up for all


FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALthe wasted nights." She was hoMe earl!:h b~ 11Pfh The Stewart Airport fire chief, Arnold Hesser, has heard the UFO tales. "There's a group of pilots froM the airport near here at Stor,..ville who like to pretend to .be UFO's," he said. "The~ fl~ in forMat.ion for Just that reasor " He said the~ put different color lights on their planes to fake people out. "We see theM " he said. "We Just sa~, 'the bo~s at Stor,..ville are at it again." Asked about this the nex t da~, Cr~stall said, "The~ told ~ou that? That's the old star~! Apparentl~ he doesn't know what the heck 's going on . " MICHAEL WINERIP-New York TiMes OHAHA UFO LIVENS UP ' QUIET SUNDAY EVENING ' 0Maha-A Man reported seeing two airplanes collide i n the night the~ tk~, while other s thought spotted a hot-air balloon or a helicopter. All authorities knew b~ the end of the night Sunda~ wa s that the~ had a UFO, which wa s first spotted in the OMaha sk~ about 7:20 PM Barb Kl i netobe, an OMaha dispatcher for the Nebraska State Patrol, said the .obJect perked up what had been a quiet Sunda~ evening. "That was the exciteMent of the night," she said with a laugh. An O"'aha 911 COMMUnications dispatcher said a Man reported seeing what he thought was t"wo planes colliding near 60th and Q streets about 7:20 PM Police officers who went to the area saw a bright obJect in the sk~ MOVing southwest, the dispatcher said . The obJeet caused a flurr~ of radio activit~ as four police officers followed it to the edge of the cit~ tr~ing to identif~ it. "The~ said it was Just a bright solid white light," thE~ dispatcher . said. Klinetobe sai d p a trol trooper s spott~d t h ~ obJec t Moving s outhwest toward Gretna , where the~ lost sight of it about 8 PM She said troopers think the obJect Might have been a Nebraska National Guard helicopter on Maneuvers out of CaMP Ashland . The troopers said helic~pters froM the caMp had conducted Maneuvers Saturda~ night. Another explanation for the obJect caMe froM OMaha police headquarters. An officer there said she was notified b~ an off-dut~ officer that the obJect was the planet Venus. She declined to naMe the officer but said he is an aMateur astronoMer. The off-dut~ officer said if atMospheric conditions are correct, sunlight reflecting off Venus can bounce around and change colors, she said.

CLOSE ENCOUNTER ASHES AUSTRALIAN FAMILY'S CAR S~dne~, Australia Two groups of people reported near siMultanious encounters with an unidentified fl~ing object and police said Thursda~ the~ were taking the reports serious!~. A faMil~ of four said their car was chased b~ an eggcup-shaped obJect along a reMote stretch of outback highwa~, plucked froM the ground and covered in ash Wednesda~ Morning, police reported. The crew of a tuna boat 50 Miles awa~ said the~ were buzzed b~ an unidentified fl~ing object Minutes later and that their voices becoMe unintelligi~le as a result. Fa~e Knowles, a Mother of three, told police that her speech and that of her sons changed during the encounter along the highwa~. Police disMiss~d an~ suggestion of a hoax . "We were a 1 i ttle bit sl This sound he associated with the blue beat\, At 1:15 PM Ed claiMs to have heard "a sour.d 1 ike air brakes wooish." (p. 7) Upon investigation he cl"aiMs to have heard a voice he couldn't lnderstand. "At lf:5B PM an object with lights caMe down in alMost the saMe trajector~ as the NoveMber 11th experience " (p. 7} or.ce again a voice was heard and "Hr. Ed" was soMehow shown a series of "photographs'! in his !'lind. At 3:00 a.M. on DeceMber 2, 1987, "Hr. Ed" once again claiMed to hear the hUMMing noise followed b~ voices speaking Spanish. Upon investigation Ed saw and photographed an object hovering 150-200 feet be~ond his back fence. The obJect left, but apparent!~ returned at 3:30 a.M. "Hr. Ed" was awakened b~ his dog barking. Silent!~ he went to the French doors of his house and enco1.ntered a "" (p. 7> described as four feet tail witb a shield covering the head, chest, and 1 ower bod~. "Hr Ed'' chased the "creatJre" b1.t his leg was "frozen" b~ the blue beaM. He broke free of the beaM the diaMeter of which, he claiMs, was onl~ 28 inches on the deck of his porch. "Hr. Ed" once More got his caMera and photographed the object. Another encounter, with photograph, occurred on DeceMber 5, 1987. The next encounter, with photograph, happened on DeceMber 17, 1997, in which the obJect hovered over an area where a plastic butter tub was found



containing a light green liquid which bubbled. : ercises, . The r.e ~tt da~ he t o ld frj e nds and relatives about the incident, but was rebuffed. He was unable to talk to Janet about the incident, fearing tr au" a on her part. She wanted to talk to hi"' but didn ' t know wh~. The ca"p closed a few weeks later and the~ went their separate wa~s. Over the ~ears Michael sought to repress the CE-3. However, he had drea"s of being on bo~rd the obJect . Ten ~ears later he went public. Hichael contacted "e and told the whole stor~. I told hi" he had to find Janet for confir"ation of ~he stor~. She was eventual!~ found and talked to. She had re"e"bered the incident, but not ver~ clearl~. I set up a ti"e and place for a "eeting, but was ver~ careful as to what conversation took place between the two. Hichael had alread~ undergone a h~pnosis session and clai"ed to have been abducted. Janet agreed to be h~pnotised on her next visit to "e Michael underwent five sessions, Janet underwent three. Both accounts were quite si"ilar. The~ both describe being on board the object, seeing aliens, and being able to recall details in which so"e sort of exa"ination was takirtQ place. Hichael clai"ed v ivid recall of hi& experience and responded in great detail. Janet had no knowledge that Hichael had reported an abduction. Under h~pnosis, she gave si"ilar descriptions described b~ Hichael. The e x istance of a co"puterized panel was described b~ both witnesses. This is one of the "ost pro"ising corroborations of the incident . Both told virtual!~ the sa"e stor~ without con~erring with each other and without an~ pro"pting on the p~rt of the h~pnotist. I "aintain that we recovered original "e"or~ traces. I found both Susan and Barbera and independent!~ said that the~ recalled the incident. The~ described si"ilar account s , but neither re"e"bered s eeing Michael or Jar.eot at the scene , There i s no sub s t a nti ~ t io ~ of



FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALthe sightings b~ Susan or Barbera, as well as a third possibfe wi tr.ess-'El a ine. Speculation i s all that e :dsts that the three w~tnesses viewed soMething on the s aMe night. Both witnes s es were tested and found to have seen a possible UFO, but neither person can be confirMed to have been abducted . Michael's life changed drasticall~ after the sighting, and his career has varied greatl~. Janet, however, continued in her education, pursued a career and has becoMe preoccupied with faMil~ life and has forgotten the UFO incident. In M~ JudgeMent, the probabilit~ is high that Michael and Janet experienced a real external event of unknown origin.'




I ..

.I'Shandera-Independent TV Producer "An Update on the HJ-12 DocuMents" I've beeh involved in the HJ-12 investigation for si x ~ears. I consider M~self to be a skeptic. I'M not a MeMber of an~ UFO organization. It was M~ insistance that we bring in Media personal at a ver~ earl~ stage of the gaMe to confirM as a disinterested third part~ that there was confirMation who we were dealing with was inside the intelligence coMMunit~ and not Just soMeone we wanted to sa~ was inside the intelligence COMMUnit~. The star~ reported b~ the contact personal was outside M~ range . of expertise. Bill and I are the onl~ ones in contact with the inforMants . We needed to

deterMine Man~ of the perspectives of this case. Was it a hoax, wh~ would soMeone benefit froM this? inforMative The total nuMber of operatives is up to tertt si x of theM being Major. We Made the decision to pla~ the rules of the intelligence operatives provided we didn ' t violate an~ Journalistic et~ics, an~ legal ethics, or Moral ethics in the process. We were critized for holding the HJ-12 docuMents so long, but it was for good reason. Before ~ov release an~ inforMation ~ou need to exaMine the evidence, Also, it tells us who else has the saMe Material. If we believe what we ' re told, that the HJ-12 docuMents are real, it exists autonoMous of the president of the United States. It is virtuall~ a Mini-governMent within the governMent with sole responsibilit~ for ever~thing related to the subJect area. So when we talk of coverup, what do w~ talk about? The~ coMe in Man~ different shapes and colors. If ~au accept the preMise that the Roswell crash as being real, and the governMent caMe in iMMediate!~, the onl~ responsible thing the governMent could do would be to cover it up. Not coverup in the sense to hide it froM ever~bod~, but get control of it, deterMine what is going on, deterMine who is it going on with, is there a threat to national securit~, and what is national securit~? FroM the beginning it looks as if the~ did set up a HaJestic-12, with twelve ver~ high level individuals with ver~ high level staffs, and begin the exaMination of this Material. It still appears to be valid inforMation. Next ~ou need to set up a preMise. First is that ~ou accept this docuMent for what it is. So let's see if we can prove that it is what it sa~s it is, or can we disprove it? Short of SOMeone in the governMent coMing forward, and that Might be in the works ver~ shortl~, I can't authenticate a

docuMent, blt I can find o1. t a lot of things about it . What ~ou can prove is, is it a fraud? To this da~ nothing ha s surfaced to prove that it is a hoax or a fraud . The bottoM line is can ~ou prove it? That is the whole preMise of our work. Bringing in news Media was a beginning . It gave us the disinterested third part~. To this da~ we have received not one nickel b~ this. We have been accused of perpetrating a hoa :< , bt.t we have nothing to gain b~ this. We have ever~thing to lose b~ it. The biggest factor that often coMes up is wh~ doesn ' t the governMent tell us? You ' ve got to understand soMething, we ' re dealing with the biggest secret the world has ever known. That the s~steM was set up so thorough!~ that access to this Material was buried so deep within a lab~rinth that ~ou siMPl~ don ' t walk in a rooM and get the Material and walk out with it , We have hear d various Meth~ds with which photographs can soMetiMes be viewed through a Metal tube wh i ch is designed in such a wa~ that ~ou can ' t re-photograph Material through the tube. DocuMents are Man~ ti"es treated in such a fashion ~ou can ' t photocop~ theM, the~ will burn on the Machine. Earl~ on I said wh~ get into arguMents with skeptical people at UFO conferences? We had to accept the poss i blit~ of failure. What interested Me was the caliber of the individual we were initial!~ dealing with. I look at i t with the critical e~e of a TV news stor~ . I e v entual!~ want to go on the air with the stor~ . How can I go on the air with this stor~? Obviousl~ we need the evidence. Parts of crafts, still photographs, e xtensive footage, and the possibilit~ that one of those little bugger s lives here and is under a controlled facilit~.

Walt Andrus-Internation al HUFON "The Gulf Breeze Case" were Merel':$ the dngoing Monitering of developin~ civilizations. In fact, the purposes for th~ abductions t 'urned . out td tse! 1> Insertion of a 3MM spherical device through the nasal :c-avit~ of the abductea t~to the brain. The device is used for the biological Monitering, tracking and control 'of the abductee. 2> IMpleMentation of Po&~ h':$pnotic suggestion to carr':$ out a specific activit':$ during. specific tiMe period~ the actua~ion of which will occur within the next 2 to S ~ears. 3) TerMination of soMa people so that the':$ could function as living sourc~s for biological Material and substances. 1) TerMination of individuals who represent a threat to the continuation of their activit':$ S> Effect genetic engineering experiMents. 6) IMpregnation of huMan feMales and earl~ terMination of pregnancies to secure the crossbred infant. The u.s. GovernMent was not initiall~ aware of the far reaching consequence of their "deal." The~ were led to believe that the abducti~ns were essentiell~ ~enign and since the':$ figured the abductions would probabl~ go on an~wa':$ whether or not the':$ agreed. the':$ Merel~ insisted that a current list of abductees be subMitted, on a periodic basis to MJ1Z and the National Saucrit':$ Council. Does this sound incredible? An actual list of abductees sent to the National Sec-


FORTEAN RESEARCH JOURNALurit~ Council? Read on, because I have news for ~ou. The EBE'ss have a genetic disord- r .in that their digestive e s~steM is atrophie~ and not functional. SoMe speculate that ~h~~ ~ere inv~lved in soMe t~pe of adcident or nuclear war, or possibl~ on the back side of an evolUtionar~ genetic ~urve. In order to sustain . theM~elves the~ use an enz~Me or horMonal secretion obtained froM the tissue that the~ extract froM huMans and aniMals (Note: ~ows and huMans are genetical!~ SiMilar. In the event of a national disa~ter cow heMogiobin can be used b~ huMans.> The secretions obtained are then Mixed with h~drogen peroxide and applied on the skin . b~ spreading or dipping p~rts of their . bodies in the solution . The bod~ absorbs the solution then excretes the waste back through the skin. The cattle Mutilations that were prevelent throughout the p~riod froM 1973 to 1983 and publicall~ noted through newspaper and Magazine stories including a docuMentar~ produced b~ Linda Howe for the Denver CBS affiliate KMGH-TV, were for the collection of these tissues b~ the aliens. The Mutilations included genitals taken, rectuMs cored out to the colon, e~es, tongue and throat all surgicall~ reMoved with extreMe prec1s1on. In soMe cases the incisions were Made b~ cutting between the cells, a process we are . not ~et capable of perfor.Ming in the field. In Man~ of the Mutilations there was no blood found at all in the carcass, ~et there was no vascular collapse of the internal organs. This has been also noted in the huMan MUtilations, one Of the first ones of which was Sgt. Jonathon P. Louette at the White Sands Missle Test . Range in 1956 who was found three da~s after an Air Force MaJor had witnessed his abduction b~ a .,.disk shaped" obJect at 0300 while on a search for Missle debris downrange. His genitals had been reMoved, rectuM cored out in a surgicall~ precise "plug" up


to the colon, e~es reMoved and all blood ~eMov~d with again, no vascutin co.llapse. FroM soMe o.f the evidence it. is apparent that this surg~r~ .is acCOMPlished . in MOSt cas~s wriile ~he victiM, an~Mal or huMan is still alive. The vari~us parts of the bod~ are t~kefi to various undergro0nd lab_ oratC:,
