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Page 1: Formative evaluation.2

Course Content: Instructional goal with Performance context

Were the written instructions easy to follow? Due to very long instructions it was not very easy to follow.

How relevant were the skills to the learning needs of the employees? Highly relevant.

Was the quality of the video tutorial satisfactory? Yes.

Did you find the auditory instructions sufficient? Yes.

Was the Bangla dubbing useful or adequate? Yes (Bangla dubbing was nice and helpful).

Were the prerequisites and technology requirements listed at the

beginning of the project complete and adequate?


Were there any other tools necessary to complete the course that was

never mentioned?


Were the learned skills relevant of to workplace needs of the learners? Yes

How has this training helped the learners gain knowledge? Has it

improved their job performance?

It was a new exposure in their lives. The new learned skills

have prepared them with more confidence in workplace. It

has also created speed in their correct work execution.

Please list some aspects of the content of the course that if changed,

could improve learner participation and help them learn better.

Training contents were suitable and appropriate for the

learner’s needs. We may be able to add new topics for next

training. For example: pivot table, graph, v-look up table,

watermark in excel, add link between sheets, create macros,

remove duplicates etc.

Course Design:

Did you feel that the time allowed to complete the course was

enough? Did the learners feel rushed?

We felt that the time constraints very much hampered the

appropriate delivery and proper execution of the training.

Majorly because online learning was simply a new learning

approach for the trainees and they just needed more time to

complete the course.

Was the overall design of the course satisfactory or was it up to your


As I have participated many online courses from different

world-class universities, I think overall design of this course

was satisfactory.

Overall, How would you rate the design of the course? In case of design rating, I would say it was good (not

average or not very good).

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Please list some aspects of the design of the course that if changed,

could improve learner participation and help them learn better.

1. Keeping 1st week for adaptation with Online course.

2. Giving some demo items for practicing.

3. Explanation for right answers (why right or wrong).


Did the management select the learners? Yes.

Have the learners had a formal training in the past on excel 2010? No.

Did the SME have to explain the specific goal and course outline to

the Target audience?


How much instructor assistance did the learners need to complete the


SME had to support the learners to understand the English


Please list some characteristics of the learners that were or were not

conducive to carrying out this training.

1. Trainees are ready to learn new things

2. Trainees are ready to be challenged with new skills.

3. Trainees are adapted to general computer operations

What was learner’s attitude towards the content and potential delivery

system and were they adaptable for the new delivery approach?

Learners were enthusiastic about content and delivery

system. At the beginning of the course they had doubts about

whether or not they would able to complete the course or not

since this was a new learning approach. Gradually they

adapted and learned very well.

Do you think that the learners were comfortable with the online

training setup? Was it a generally positive experience for them?

Trainees felt proud to involve in a first time online learning

experience. It had created positive experience about online,

self-taught courses.

Do you feel that employees are ready for fully online courses? If not,

why not?

No. Hybrid course is more suitable in this setting. Reasons

are as below:

1. New learning approach (cultural shock).

2. Learning setting is not fully ready with high speed

Internet connection setup.

3. Learner’s limitation in fluency in written English


Physical aspects of the Instructional Site:

Was the training site compatible with the instructional requirements? Yes.

Had the learning site been provided with all the necessary tools as Yes.

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described in the training requirements? If not, why not?

Were there any learning site constraints that affected design and

delivery of the course?

Not at all.

Were there any distractions during the training? Participants needed to pay attention (over phone) for routine


Social aspects of the site:

Were there any social limitations in completing this training (such as:

lack of support from co-workers)?

Not at all.

Were the learner’s attitudes towards the training organization positive

and adequate?

Sufficiently positive attitude.

Managerial support:

Was management in support of providing the employees with this


Very much supportive.

Would you like to see the admin supporting more employee trainings

like this in the future or do you think that the management would like

to see employees do self-teach from online training courses like this?

Nowadays online education may be new era in human

resources development. Online, self-taught training is

INEVITABLE in corporate world. Therefore, the

administration must stress on more support for virtual

learning & development activities for improved employee

efficiency. The management is looking forward to set up

more of these online self-teaching courses for the
