
Global Economic TerrorismRespected course director, deputy course director and dear class fellows, I am here to deliver speech on a very important topic about which there is very less knowledge that is Global Economic Terrorism.The current economic system is the worst system ever deployed in the world, in which every man is being made slave economically. It is spread abroad through the system of modern banking, powered by the Zionist Jews along with their other instruments around the world. Usually these issues are not discussed among people due to the fact that the entire Organization of Kufr is based on them.The Messiah that the Jews are waiting for is actually the Dajjal (antichrist) amongst Muslims. Each and every Prophet (peace be upon them all) warned his nation of the Dajjals dangers, the last being the warning from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Order of Greater Israel that is being established all over the world by conquering and enslaving nations is basically the system of the Dajjal. These statements are not based on emotion or anger. Their banking system helps prove how religiously important it is to them to establish and maintain the Dajjals or Firawns (Pharaonic) system of government all over the world. The issues that will be discussed here may be surprising and alarming, but they will help us to understand the instability and terror that is prevalent in todays world. At the same time they are so incredible that people may well ask why they have not heard of them from any other source. This is the Conspiracy of Silence. I will try to break that silence now and tell you about these issues. If the message reaches the nation and the problem is identified, then we may be able to come up with solutions and solve it.People have continuously been creating civilizations, disciplines and governments for thousands of years, like the Mongolian Empire of Genghis Khan, the Persian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Khilafah of Usmaniyah [Ottoman Empire], the Muslim Empire in Spain etc. People have founded even bigger civilizations than those that exist today. Simultaneously nations have been interacting and trading with each other for thousands of years. The economic system of all these civilizations was based on gold and silver i.e. it was based on the Dirham and Deenar. These were accepted without any depreciation all around the world, in any empire, under any emperor. This basic concept that man has always dealt in gold and silver has to be understood with conviction, because the entire system of kufr, the Global Economic System established by the Zionists, is adamant that the world should not go back to trading in gold and silver ever again. It may appear to be a small issue but their entire economic system is based on maintaining this.People long ago used to follow the barter system, trading commodities for commodities, silk for food etc. Thereafter the medium of exchange became gold and silver. Currency is the basic foundation of any economic system. This is the reason why Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (PBUH) have emphasized the role of currency in the Quran and Sunnah. Whenever Allah (SWT) talks about currency in the Quran, He relates it in terms of gold and silver, that is, Dirham and Deenar. Thus the Muslim Economic System, which is a just and balanced economic system and economies in human history, are both based on gold and silver. If we analyze any great ancient civilization, like the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire etc. we will always find it dealt in gold and silver.The fundamental quality of a currency is that it should have a value of its own. Gold and silver have an intrinsic value which is creditable around the world. A person was unrestricted when he traded in gold and silver. For instance, if a man from China went to trade in Europe, his gold currency would be accepted not only in Europe but everywhere in the world. It was impossible in that economic system for a person sitting in Europe to enslave the entire Chinese nation. When a person traded in his own country, it was not possible for a Jew sitting in New York to take a share from him, because the transactions were in real wealth. People were free. If a person buried a bag of gold in the ground and came back after 100 years to get it back, it still remained gold, and so it was transferable wealth. Its worth could not be devalued or depreciated. It had a status of its own. These were the fundamental qualities of gold and silver due to which stable economic systems existed. If a king wanted to bring wealth into the market he had to search for and purify gold. He could not simply pour wealth in abundance into the market. If an enemy country wished to create your currency, it too had to make gold coins.This is why Allah (swt) in the Quran has permitted trade and prohibited Riba1 which was prevalent even in the system of gold and silver in those days. Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Evil One by his touch hath driven to madness. That is because they say: "Trade is like usury," but Allah hath permitted trade and forbidden usury. (Surah Baqarah: 275) Riba or interest means simply to give a loan of Rs.100 to a person and then demand Rs.120 back from him. Usury-minded Jews flourished even in those days. Allah describes them, and especially warns us about them in many places in the Quran. He advises us to try to understand how the Jews conducted their economic transactions. They used to claim that trade was also like taking interest, but Allah made trade halaal and interest haraam. Allah and the Prophet (hubp) have declared war against those who take riba.Let us take the example of a scenario in a community where people use gold and silver coins, as was the practice in previous times. A person opens a shop in that community, which he names The Bank. He then convinces the people that they would have trouble carrying gold and silver around, might possibly get robbed, and would definitely come across many difficulties. This persuades them to bring their gold and deposit it with him whereupon he gives them a receipt for the gold they have left (safe deposit). People give 100 coins and he gives them a receipt for that amount. The people are satisfied and they deposit their coins in the bank and take receipts. If 100 coins were kept in the bank and 100 receipts were going around in the market, the situation was fine. Whoever wanted coins could come to the bank with the receipt, take back their coins and leave. It was very convenient for them. However after this it so happened that the person who made the bank saw that people were very happy in doing transactions with receipts and realized that no one came back to him to take the coins. He had the choice of issuing more receipts, and even though he had a wealth of 100 coins he started issuing receipts for 1000 coins. The extra 900 receipts that he issued were fake, with no gold to back them.Between 1870 and 1890, a lot of private banks were being opened in America which kept the peoples gold coins, and American dollars (receipts) were issued against them. The receipts were acknowledgement slips of the gold that was stored in the banks, and banknotes started this way. This was done by small banks in America. As explained earlier, even when America came into existence gold and silver used to go around in the market. It was the same even in the British Empire i.e. the British Sterling pound was 1 gold coin. The Bank of England did the same thing along with the Americans. They issued a note for the sterling pound i.e. it was the same thing whether one used the gold coin or the note. The bank exchanged it. This was gold backed currency, and the economic system had gold as its guarantee. Thus we see that in the 19th century, the American economy was gold backed; the currency was gold. Then the small banks came up, that issued notes for the gold that was kept with them. They started printing notes and giving them to people. They initiated the same process of issuing fake notes i.e. 1000 dollar notes for 100 gold coins and the people never realized. When the people went to withdraw their currency, they found out that there was less gold than they thought there to be. If 800 people went, there were just 100 coins and the receipts could withdraw those 100 coins only. The result was the collapse of the bank and this was known as Run on the Banks, a term which is also used today. Recently a bank in England known as the Northern Rock collapsed. It was due to the same reason; they had issued more receipts than the gold that was with them.Banks and the usury-hungry Jews were interested in taking interest and so they gave more and more loans so that they could get more and more interest. Making peoples lives miserable was a goal ingrained in them. Banks in America started collapsing, with interest driving them insane as it is something that has been touched by Satan. They could not help themselves. They could not stand to keep the economic system stable. They repeated this forgery i.e.they took peoples money, issued more receipts than gold present, and when people came to take it back, the bank collapsed. Towards the end of the 19th century, a bank collapsed every 20 to 30 years. The result was that in 1913, the banks got together and acknowledged it themselves that they were known for taking peoples money and keeping it for themselves, and that after every few years one of them collapsed. As they considered this behavior to be completely legal all the private banks got together and opened a big bank, a bank which would help them if any one of them lost money. This bank would provide the collapsing bank with back up and support. In this way, fifteen or sixteen private banks in America got together and created a big bank known as The US Federal Reserve.One should note carefully that the US Federal Reserve is a Private Bank. The US government does not own it. Suppose that, if five or six banks in a country get together and buy the state bank, then the countrys government would not have any say in the state bank. The government would not be able to issue its currency and only the private bank would have the right to issue the currency. The full economic system is then controlled by only a few people.Manipulation of the gold coinsIn1933 the Freemasons conducted their first experiment. They passed a law9 in the whole of the United States that the American nation should not use gold and silver coins. Whoever made use of gold and silver would be fined $10,000 or jailed for ten years, or both (Figure 2). Thus all the Americans had to deposit all their coins in the Federal Reserve, and they were issued receipts against those coins i.e. American dollar bills. Simultaneously the Bank of England did exactly the same thing. They wanted to create a powerful regime over the whole world. They had done this on a smaller level before. Now with the Federal Reserve behind them, they did the same on a national level. In 1933 the value of gold was 20 dollars an ounce i.e. 1 coin of gold had a value of 20 dollars. The entire American nation sold their gold at this rate to the Federal Reserve and took currency notes in exchange. After some time the US government did something strange and illogical. They gave the nation permission to use gold coins again. However, now the same gold coins were sold to them at 35 dollars an ounce. In other words in a year the American currency had depreciated 41%. Thus when the same people came to get their gold back they got only half of it. Half their gold was gone. It is important to understand this because:They did this as an experiment to see if they could befool a whole nation. They were successful and were satisfied with the results.They wanted to see if they could devalue the paper currency according to their whims and desires.There were no rules on the basis of which they devalued the paper currency. One day they would say that the value of an ounce of gold is 20 dollars and then they would later say it was 35 dollars. It was because of the strength and authority of their system that no one questioned or challenged them. The American nation was deceived and the value of gold was stabilized at 35 dollars an ounce. Till the year 1934 the Zionists were successful within America. They had complete control over the American economy. They had created the Federal Reserve which had smaller banks under it and they gave loans to the American people and took interest from them. The US government took loans from the Federal Reserve, repaying them with interest, for which it taxed its people.The Aftermath of World War IINext, the Zionists planned to accumulate all the gold from the world. They knew that wars were of great use for this purpose. In the history of the Second World War you will find how they financed Hitler10 and how they financed both the sides to whip up a war. There were just two places in the world, Switzerland and America, where there were stockpiles of gold and where war was not fought. All the countries in Europe were fighting with each other except for Switzerland. The bankers there were gathering and stocking up gold. Usually a wealthy country is attacked first when there is war going on around it, but no one attacked therefore the simple reason that they were the financiers. People were depositing their money from fear of war. The American bankers financed the whole European war effort and they took payment from the whole of Europe in gold, not in paper currency. By World War II, the Zionists laid down the foundations to make an Israeli nation. They destroyed all of Europe but also helped to rebuild it through loans from the Federal Reserve. The more money they gave to Europe, the more interest they got from them. Most of the wealth of these European nations came into the hands of the Federal Reserve in the form of remittances of the loans they had taken. By the end of Second World War, 80% of the gold stocks from the world had been snatched and put in the Federal Reserve. The dangerous plan which they had initiated in 1913 was now implemented in the whole of Europe.

After that the Zionists wanted to implement this method in the whole world so they signed an agreement known as the Bretton Wood agreement11 on the 22nd of July, 1944. in this way the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into existence. The IMF charter states that none of the countries in the world can deal in gold nor can they use gold or anything that is backed by gold. Gold currency vanished from the whole of Europe due to the war. The gold that was supposed to be behind the currency was not there. The currency was just useless paper, similar to the example stated previously. Through the Bretton Wood agreement, the Zionists had the control and the trust of the people, and created and maintained a deception like that of the Samiri12 (who gathered the gold from the people and created a statue for them to worship, and cheated them). These people did the same thing; they snatched the gold from the whole world and made a dummy of an economic system and told the world that this was their lord and that they should worship it. Basically the IMF and the World Bank are their instruments through which they spread their system of interest around the whole world. It is important to know the history of this system in order to understand it.Europes gold was gone and the Federal Reserve started giving loans. Through the Bretton Wood agreement, the Dollar became the relative pegged currency i.e. the dollar was pegged to gold and all other currencies were pegged to the dollar. They had taken away the gold from behind all the currencies and kept it only behind the dollar, thus achieving complete control. Later they de-pegged the dollar from gold and even the dollar was turned into a floating currency.After World War II, as all of Europe needed loans to rebuild and develop its nations, the Federal Reserve started issuing dollar bills in abundance and sending them all over the world; but they were not using them in their own country. Normally when a nation issues more currency notes than necessary, it is called inflation whereby prices go up. The American economy was not affected; rather it made the whole world debt-ridden by giving loans. As the dollar became the standard currency, all the countries started gathering dollars.Subsequently they asked the countries to carry out all international trade and energy deals (especially oil) in dollars. They made two oil exchanges; one in New York and the other in London, where trading had to be done in dollars. In short the whole world needed dollars to conduct trade and it had become as good as gold or even better. Dollars were kept as reserves in banks and earned interest. One important point here is that America was not giving the loan but the Federal Reserve was giving it to the US government at 10% interest and the US government was giving it to Europe at 20% interest. Therefore this was an interest over interest system and the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve were benefiting from the remittances of interest from Europe.
