Page 1: Form 843 Instructions - F1 OPT Tax - Refund Tax Abatement Social Security and Medicare Taxes FICA Taxes

Visit us at http://www.VisaTaxes.comFile IRS Form 843 Instructions - International Students F1, OPT, J1 Taxes -Refund of Social Security and Medicare Taxes

File IRS Form 843 to Claim for Refund of Social Security (SS) and Medicare Taxeswithheld in error, on wages of a Non Resident Employee in F1, J1, M visas or OptionalPractical Training - OPT Tax.

If Social Security and Medicare Taxes were withheld in error from pay, during filing F1,J1, OPT Taxes (Optional Practical Training ) , contact the employer who withheld thetaxes for a refund.

If you are unable to get a full refund of the amount from your employer, file a claim forrefund with the Internal Revenue Service on Form 843 AND Form 8316, Claim for Refundand Request for abatement.

Form 843 AND Form 8316 must be filed no later than the third anniversary (within 3years), of the due date for the annual tax return for the year in question.

The refund of Social Security and Medicare taxes are not guaranteed. Each case isjudged on its own merits and circumstances, and the refund request can be denied.

If the request is denied, it can be appealed, both administratively and in tax court.However, as a practical matter, the cost of such appeals in tax court will normally exceedany potential refund.Documents needed:Copy of the Passport , including the Visa and I-94 pages.

A copy of all your W-2 documents.

If you have an F-1 Visa, copies of Form I-20.

If you have a J-1 Visa, copies of Form DS-2019.

If you have engaged in Optional Practical Training (OPT), copies of Form I-766 or FormI-766 or Form I-68B.If you have any questions, please Contact Usor post your questions in the Forum.
