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Running head: Forget the Fads - The Old Way Works Best 1

Forget the Fads - The Old Way Works BestEvan KeliherSummary

Justyna Bieliska-Spodobalska

filologia angielska I rok SUMEvan Keliher in his article Forget the Fads - The Old Way Works Best points out that people should not undergo the instantaneous fads in education because educators do not learn from others' mistakes and school reforms stay ineffective. The author considers school reforms to be a waste of money as it happened in 1993 when Walter Annenberg's donation did not bring any spectacular effects and educational changes could not help children learn quicker, easier or more effectively. Keliher mentions Theodore Sizer's utterance in which he admitted that there had not been any single reform that had turned out to be breakthrough and successful for the previous 15 years. The author adds that in his 30-year-career he took part in many educational programs but none of them made a significant difference in students' performance. According to him, the worst idea was to decentralize education system to eight smaller areas. He concludes the educators implementing new policies do not learn from their predecessors' mistakes. The author claims that the best are the old methods of teaching and motivated students. There is no royal or shorten way for learning. Keliher sums up that effective school reforms do not exist because there are no visible results of these reforms. The only thing which can be done is the return to a more traditional teaching method.