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ss Training Journal For Warriors, Champions & Game Changers

Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2016

Changing the Game in TWC Intercession: Reservoirs p. 2

Army & Family Graham Cooke p. 3

Is TWC an Army or Family? p. 7

Intercession with Key Territories

Allison Bown p. 9

Key Territories New Man p. 13

Grace p. 16 Joyful Intentionality p. 19

Fullness p. 22 Possibilities p. 26

Abiding p. 29 Identity p. 32

NT Prophetic p. 35

The Journey of Intel Christine Casten p. 38

Prophetic Meditation p. 40

Key Territories: Strategic Intercession

At the beginning of The Warrior Class, our primary objective was listening to what the Father was saying about where Graham was going on assignment. We listened

for what the prevailing atmosphere would be, the opposition he was likely to encounter and God’s glorious opposites. We learned as we traveled; prayed with

greater focus as we went and kept notes on what we encountered.

In this current shift of the past 12 months, we are taking what we have learned in our five previous years of listening, praying and declaring in this manner. With

Graham’s ministry as our training ground for prophetic intercession, we discovered where our corporate permissions are to sow into Kingdom intercession as well!

(For more on this, check out Christine Casten’s article on page 37).

Because of our shared Kingdom passions, our focus of intercession aligns fully with Graham’s assignments, but we are also understanding more clearly that it goes

beyond them as well. From that realization, a pivotal question emerged:

What if it’s possible to create reservoirs of intercession for our Kingdom assignments before they are needed in a region, territory or circumstance?

It’s not a new thought. Many heroes of the faith have stood, prayed and believed for an outcome that was not manifest for many, many years.

The newness of the strategy is in how it applies to the TWC army.

As you’ll quickly discover, this Training Journal is not one to be read in a weekend or a week. Just like the one that preceded it (Key Territories: Taking Our Internal

Ground TJ #15), it is a resource guide for now and for the future. These two Training Journals will work in partnership for many years to come.

So enjoy your initial reading experience. Soak in the new landscape. Set aside any need to absorb it all at once. We’re at a new altitude, so we have the

joy of acclimating and learning together.

And remember: With God’s empowering grace, we’ve arrived at this next level because of your contributions, your heart for exploration and our shared passion

to continually discover a more brilliant way of living with God. This advance in intercession bears the mark of many faithful warriors,

and I am eternally grateful ~ Allison

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Our eight Key Territories and Key Fights have emerged from finding the common-alities of our prophetic intel for Graham over the past five years. As outlined in Training Journal #15 Key Territories: Taking our Internal Ground (see sidebar).

Each one of these promised lands is an area of shared passion that he is (and we are) raised up to fight for occupy. By having rotating teams pray into these, intercession will soon be occurring all the time—not just prior to an event.

Then, when Graham or future companies of warriors enter into an assignment or a region, we can determine the Key Territory

and Key Fight for this time and from earth, we can connect with heaven’s reservoirs of our intercession already in place.

Will we still pray specifically for Graham? Absolutely. We will continue to pray our Prayer Points for his health, writing and events. His inheritance words and promises remain ours to partner together with, in declaration and rejoicing. Already, our special teams trained in Intel Development Training are giving us Intel specifically for each event. Then we ALL pray the Prayer Points—which is a huge upgrade from just one team/one assignment coverage. This is going well and will continue for now.

Beginning in July 2016, we will have our current teams take a different Key Territory and Key Fight to focus on for a period of time—to listen and add to the beginning map of this Training Journal. You will be using the prayer points we’re starting with here and add to the reservoir for the future.

And as you pray, you’ll be building up your own internal territory in each of our intercession focuses (see Training Journal #15 for more on this). Our monthly Intercession Update will continue to highlight upcoming event prayer points and crafted prayers for Graham so we can continue to pray those together.

Attached to this Training Journal is another document (Joyful Acts of War) that has all of the prayers that we’ve developed so far - for Graham and for our Key Territories. This way, when it comes time to pray, you have one resource to use; all your arrows in one quiver to pull out and aim with Holy Spirit precision at our shared targets.

The Warrior Class is both a Kingdom army as well as a Kingdom family. Our special forces assignments in intercession are a key part of our army persona. We’ve always been about one heart, one mind, one voice, praying with God, not just towards him. We’re just learning to do it at a higher level now. After all…

We are not only warriors becoming champions; we are game changers. And in intercession?

We just changed the game.

Changing the Game in TWC Intercession: Reservoirs of Prayer

by Allison Bown

Territory of the New Man and a Present/

Future Lifestyle (Key Fight: Past/Present

- Old Man Focus)

Territory of Empowering Grace

and the New Testament Nature of God

(Key Fight: Legalism / Old Testament God)

Territory of Joyful Intentionality

(Key Fight: Passivity / Mediocrity)

Territory of Fullness & Abundance

(Key Fight: Poverty / Measured Mindsets)

Territory of Limitless Possibilities

(Key Fight: Negativity / Problem focus)

Territory for an Abiding Life

(Key Fight: Habitation vs. Visitation mindset)

Territory of Identity in Christ

(Key Fight: Performance Christianity)

Territory for New Testament

Prophetic Culture (Key Fight: Old

Testament Prophetic culture of judgment(

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In the work of the Kingdom we are both the household of God—a caring family, loving and supporting people—and we are a disciplined army called to fight, to overcome and to take territory. Every spiritual organization must operate within that paradox. To do so, we must understand and practice the primary objectives of each area of growth and operation.

A family has primary objectives to build a relational community of friends who are exploring the nature of God together.

In The Warrior Class, we want to create a place of fellowship where we love and accept one another, where we cultivate a safe place where we can unlearn and learn how to be in Christ. In our TWC family dynamic, we shape an environment where we take an active interest in the lives of other people. We establish the DNA of the Godhead in our relationships; develop a language of oneness; and foster unity, appreciation, security, belonging, support, and protection.

An army has primary objectives to develop a warrior mentality and a successful approach to warfare. We are not in this fight to lose.

It's not an easy fight, otherwise everybody would be doing it. We have to learn to be resilient, to have focus, to be able to receive under pressure and to be powerful. An army creates a culture of winning, taking territory and achieving objectives. Our questions are always about how do we get the victory? How do we overcome? How can we produce people who are more than conquerors?

The Warrior Class is in the business of developing people whom the enemy is scared to fight.

An army is about deployment, how we best activate the people on our teams. It's about the relationship between the individual and the corporate body. You’re here to learn how to rise above your circumstances. You’re training to develop a majesty mindset like Caleb, who saw the giants and was rubbing his hands with glee, "They shall be our prey!"

To win this war we need certain types of people. We have to overcome the odds that are against us. We're always going to be outnumbered, and the reason for that is because the enemy is scared of us. He is scared of who is in us. So there is a language of intimidation that every one of us needs to get above. If the enemy is intimidating you, it means he's the one who is scared.

The Army and Family of The Warrior Class by Graham Cooke

We need people living in alignment with the primary objectives

of The Warrior Class this year. What are we doing this year? What are the important things that we simply must achieve?

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We need leaders who have a leadership gift to inspire, to encourage, to draw the best out of people. We need leaders who can form a strategy for engagement with primary objectives and see it develop quickly; who know how to deploy people, how to upgrade the team, always talent-scouting, always seeing who are the people that God has got His hand on in our midst and asking how can we elevate that? How can we partner with this person for them to rise up and stay in a high place?

One of my mentors taught me how to be a child of God and then the relationship of a fully mature son. You don’t leave one behind for the other. It’s about living in both. Eventually he said, "You're about to come into a different kind of relationship with God where He won't hold your hand, and He won't speak in that same voice that He does with the much-loved child or the son that He trusts. He will give you orders. He will give you time frames. And Graham… He doesn't take excuses."

There are a lot of people in The Warrior Class who are ready to upgrade. You know you're ready to go to a different level. The issue is:

Are you going to put the work in to go there? Are you going to take on a different mindset so you can go there and stay there?

Between 1978 and 2002, I worked in two great apostolic teams. In developing people for an assignment, I was required to go on location, talent-scout and assess:

Could this person advance this work or are they just going to maintain the status quo? Are they receptive to new things or are they too engaged with business as usual? Does this person have a self-starter zeal or do they require constant encouragement? Is this person a thinker or a talker? Do they have ideas of their own or are they just repeating what they’ve heard? Is this person a builder or are they a blesser?”

And the biggest question, that was always my favorite, "Is this person a cart horse or a race horse?"

We never planted churches with talkers or race horses. We always planted a church around a thinker and a cart horse because we needed someone who could pull more than their weight. We needed someone who had the strength and the passion and the mindset to pull this thing forward no matter what, who would take the strain. None of those questions were meant to disqualify. They were meant to enable us to get a picture of a person and how to create the best place for them to thrive.

The Warrior Class is a Kingdom organization that fights on several fronts. We’re understanding more how to live as a family and how to fight as an army.

We’re learning who we show up as based on comprehending the primary objective at hand. We choose our roles in TWC based on primary objective. It's fascinating to me that Jesus had a primary objective as a child and as a man. As a child, His primary objective was to know the Word. That's why at the age of 12, He sat in the temple confounding everybody with His wisdom. He had to learn obedience with both fathers (heavenly and earthly), keep his purity as a teenager and learn the family business.

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As a man, His primary objective changed. He had to become the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. He had to confront the enemy and take his authority away from him. He had to set people free in every way possible. He had to challenge religious mindsets. He had to introduce a model--the Kingdom coming to earth—and He had to make disciples.

The primary objective of Jesus? “I must be about My Father's business.”

Your primary objectives must bring you to a place where they govern your life, your thinking and your planning. When I set my objectives for the year, I have to set a time frame to think and pray through every objective I have and make sure I have the resources I need to develop it. That's why I have you as my intercession team! Your job is to pray months in advance and give me military intelligence about what's happening on the ground in this city, in that church and in that region. What's the real battle? What do we need to overcome? How do I take this people group from this level to this level in a weekend? How do I open something up? How do I establish something? How do I call something to order? You help give me that. Primary objective—I never leave home without one.

Now we are looking at the broader primary objectives of our Key Territories that we have the Father’s permission to build into and the Key Fights that will come with each one. What are the resources we will need for that, corporately and personally? What new relationship with the Lord will this call up in us? What will we see about Him on this battleground that we’ve never seen before? And how will we establish the gains we are making?

This is what it takes to gain territory, build something and establish something at a higher level. In The Warrior Class, we’ve done an amazing job on our initial levels of both army and family—and now God is calling us up higher. We're learning there are different ways to do things when you get into a higher place with God.

How God builds with you in the valley is different from how He builds it halfway

up a mountain, which is different from when He builds it on a summit.

You can pitch a tent at Everest Base Camp 1 and dream about climbing to the top, but you have to go to different levels to acclimate. You're there for weeks before you even get a crack at the summit. I've been there. I only got to Base Camp 3 when the weather closed in. I don't know if I would have made it up, but I

wouldn't have minded a crack at it. In talking to people, they all said, "You've got to stay in the zone, like any day the weather could lift and you might just have a few hours to get beyond a certain point. You've got to stay in the zone."

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Sometimes I think we're just content to be in the same room as Jesus, in His presence and that's it. Well, who doesn't? The issue is what are you going to be in His presence for? What does that presence look like for you? What if that presence changes according to primary objective?

Presence is often determined by the objective that you have. How God wants to be with you is determined by the primary objective that He is creating in your life right now. That's what we're learning.

In The Warrior Class, we're taking people from level to level. On every level, you have to understand who you are and what God is calling you to. You have to understand the objective on that level, and you have to give evidence of your transformation.

Determine what percentage of time God has for you in The Warrior Class, then give yourself 100% to that commitment.

Some people might only have time for a 10% involvement in TWC. I know a guy who runs two businesses and he has four kids under the age of eight. He's not got a lot of time. So I said, "Well, give me 10%. Give me a couple of hours a week, but I want 100% commitment to that 10%, that 2 hours.” You don’t have to do The Warrior Class 100% of the time to be successful.

When you're climbing a mountain, the higher up you go, the more the laws of life change. Suddenly you're not on a street sipping coffee; you're in a hostile environment and you need to adapt differently. If we're raising up Warriors, it's because we expect at some point to be in contact with the enemy and be in a hostile environment. It's important to me that we train everyone in TWC not just to survive in that environment, but to thrive in it, to prosper in it, to have that Caleb mindset, "They shall be our prey. God is with us."

We don't want to send you out there untrained, undisciplined. We want you to be ready. The parallels in Scripture about readiness and being prepared are constant: wise and foolish virgins. In the prophetic, prepare the way of the Lord. Get ready for something. Get ready for that prophecy to be fulfilled because that prophecy is going to change you. It's designed to change you. That promise needs to change you.

You may be in a struggle in The Warrior Class or in your life’s circumstances. The struggle is important.

The struggle is what defines you. The struggle tells God that He can trust you because there are two things God is doing with us. One is He is teaching us to trust Him with everything. But He has taken a good long look at us and He is asking the question, "Can I trust him or her with this work?" That's been my prayer for years. And my prayer for myself right now is, "Lord, would You trust me with a reformation?”

God is looking for what He can entrust us with and He is gracious enough to be training us now so that when it arrives in fullness, we’ll be ready: a well-trained and equipped Army, who understands how to take high ground and hold it; living in joyful relationship with Him and our family “Band of Brothers”. ~ Graham

Good people find time. Great people make time.

Mediocre people never have any time.

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Is TWC an Army… or a Family? The Warrior Class is both. It’s a matter of which has primacy

for the conversation, interaction or decision at hand.

As our name suggests, The Warrior Class has a significant Army persona, but it’s a relational fighting force in the true “Band of Brothers” or “Fellowship of the Rings” culture where life-long friendships are often formed.

In TWC, our atomic weapons are rest, laughter and faith. We fight with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness and self-control. Our worship, prayer and training are a daily part of our lives that keeps us focused on what God is doing more than the circumstances before us. And with the emergence of our Key Territories, our primary objectives are becoming clearer.

But we are also very much a family, connecting on conference calls, personal Facebook pages and over meals or gatherings at events. We’ve worked to create an environment where it is safe to explore, risk, fail and succeed. While we won’t rescue you from your challenges (they’re too rich of a training ground), we desire to come alongside with encouragement, stories of our own journey and an atmosphere of affirmation through our conversations, gatherings, conference calls and publications.

The key question in all of our Warrior Class interactions needs to become: Is the purpose of this based in Army or Family?

Why is this important? Because when we understand which type of communication, meeting or activation we are engaged in, we will have the correct lens for our responses.

In our current Leadership Development Training, our active and prospective leaders were asked to comment on which parts of TWC are more Army and which are more Family… and what happens if we confuse the two.

What aspects of TWC require us to work in an Army mindset?

“The intel assignments and prayer, on site assignment of intercession and committing to complete your current level of training so you can show up on the battlefield at a higher level than even a few months prior. If we approach it from a family perspective, we will have unity but will we have the skills necessary to enter

the battle, the discernment, the fruit, and the wisdom to see what Father is saying and how to follow?” - Lori Mateer / Gold Team

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“When we are on assignment at a Brilliant event. If we approach this from a family mindset with those objectives (making a safe place, focusing on connecting with each

other) rather than an army objective, we can lose focus. We are on a battle ground and taking territory not only ourselves, but for all who attend the event… We are

shifting the atmosphere both before, during and after the sessions. There is always time for us to connect with one another during meals and training, but during the

event it is 'all hands on deck’.” - Christine Taylor / Treasure Hunters Team Partner

“Planning of Goals, Primary Objectives, Strategies. If we approached that same situation from a family perspective, measuring of goals only could result in measuring of a person which would not be good.” Dimitri Konig / Lightbearers Team

“One aspect of a TWC army mindset is due diligence in calling ourselves up to our true identities—mastering our thoughts, our words, our outlooks, our movements. An army

mindset will accelerate our focus on our training levels. If we approach the importance of excellence for Him from a family mindset, being overly understanding of

ourselves will stunt growth and retard our ascending to our higher ground.” Joanie Falk / Stonebridge Team Partner

What aspects of TWC require us to work in a Family mindset?

“Building a relational community of friends who are exploring the nature of God together through our conference calls and communication. If we approach that same situation from an army perspective, the language would be a language of command (orders, obedience) and not a language of friendship. There wouldn’t be dialogue and laughter going on.” - Dulce deAlmeida / Eastern Gatekeepers Team Leader

“There’s a time for war and a time for peace. Connection, off time, times of grieving a loss, family moments; we need to be sensitive to be on leave from the army

perspective. Otherwise relational connection is lost.” - Jimetta Mayne / Lead Coach

“Team Calls are best served in a family dynamic. This is where we encourage, share our victories and deepen the exploration of our team members.” Kathy Huff / Trailblazers Team Leader

The Warrior Class lives a “both/and” life as both an Army and a Family, not an “either/or” one. From here forward, you will see us better identifying if it’s an Army occasion or a Family one. By defining which of our corporate personas we are working in, we will be better able to listen with the right mindset and respond from greater understanding.

The demands of our primary objectives as an Army do not have to trample the joys of being a family. Warriors have a unique, deep kinship shared on the frontline. Families are fierce in standing for each other. That’s a good fight on both fronts.

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Those two genius questions from the book of Acts have served us well time and time again. We’ve discovered new territory in intercession, and like all good explorers, there comes a time to begin to draw a map or create a battle plan. It’s not the last strategic blueprint that we’ll ever design, but it’s a starting point that you will have a primary role in expanding.

So what does it all mean to Warrior Class intercession and what will we do with it?

1. Remember that intercession is more than prayer 2. Take one assignment at a time 3. Focus on our starting point

1. Intercession is more than prayer.

This is most evident in one of the classic verses used for intercession: So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Ezekiel 22:30 (NKJV)

Notice that it doesn’t say, “I looked for a man to pray”. Jesus told us what the gap was in His model prayer, “On earth as it is in heaven.” There is a gap between how heaven sees, thinks, speaks and acts—and how those of us on earth do the same. An intercessor’s life is about learning to think the way God thinks; listen to what Jesus and the Holy Spirit are praying; say what the Father is saying; see what God is doing; and then thinking, praying, saying and doing the same on earth as God has imagined it in heaven.

That’s what makes us Gap Standers—not only people who pray.

Our training is a form of intercession, because we are taking the truths that we’ve been taught and are paying the price in time, commitment and development to really begin to live this way on earth. Our materials and resources are not just something to collect, but are tools that facilitate a process of transformation that is relational, powerful and personal.

Being a source of goodness in our spheres of influence is warfare. We overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). When we utilize what we’ve learned in TWC and act on it in our communities, families and churches, we’re fighting for territory with one of the most powerful weapons there is: the true nature of God and the glory of goodness.

Joyful Intentionality is a powerful weapon. When our prophetic words and prayers cease to be random, we are bridging the gap between prayers and prophecy earthed in needy panic to crossing into a Promised Land where the opposition against us only serves to focus, target and strengthen our capacity to pray with heaven, not just towards it. And when we do it joyfully? We’re beating our opponent with the bombs of opposite spirit (“insteads”) and living renewed by the majesty of God we encounter in a good fight.

TWC Intercession with Key Territories “What does this mean?” and “What must we do?”

by Allison Bown

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Who we become in the process makes a difference. When we not only pray and declare into our assigned Kingdom Territories, but consistently take our own internal ground in each, then the power of our intercession becomes atomic. Our own spiritual DNA is being re-created at a molecular level that will have an exponential impact.

Our lives become the Kingdom beach head for this D-Day invasion of the New Man onto a religious continent held captive under Old Man oppression.

For intercession to have impact, it must be more than words. Our training, expressions of goodness, crafted prayers and internal development are the boots-on-the-ground required to see people and communities manifest on earth the way they are known in heaven. It’s not enough to deeply desire reformation. We will each need to embrace the process necessary to fulfill the place God has for us in it.

2. One beach head, one territory, one assignment at a time.

On D-Day in 1944, every platoon had an assignment. No one squad or one country’s military could invade everything. The British, Canadians and Americans each had their points of attack and together, they coordinated the invasion of five sectors. One force, different points of invasion with a small region.

There was a whole continent to be taken, but they didn’t try to occupy it all at once. And within their targeted points of entry, there were even more focused assignments for air attacks, paratroopers, amphibious landings and cliff assaults.

The Warrior Class has a very focused assignment, now better articulated in our eight Key Territories. Generals have emerged in the past five years, along with Special Forces, seasoned veterans and new crack recruits. As we’ve developed and trained alongside our brilliant Joint Chief of Staff, Graham, we’ve been preparing for this next level.

As you become more and more familiar with our initial Key Territories,

you will need to enter into a process of sorting with the Holy Spirit.

Which are your passions? And within each, is there a specific focus or passion beyond that?

What internal ground is God developing in you (or has He previously developed)?

What you overcome, you are raised up to fight. Pay attention to that.

For now, it’s a new level of occupying our territory. But as you explore, listen with the Holy Spirit for what your specific assignment and contribution is. Be overwhelmed only by the goodness of God in this mission. Resist the lie that you have to be an expert of all facets. It’s not true and it’s not good tactical warfare.

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3. What is our starting point?

In July 2016, each existing team will take one particular territory to explore. We’ll be developing some key questions for you to process what you hear or encounter if you discover something to add to this initial map. Use the time to become more familiar with the territory, talk with your team mates, take notes. Review Training Journal 15, Key Territories: Taking Your Internal Ground. We’ll rotate your assignments every few of months.

We will also ask you to pray the declarations for who Graham is in that territory and highlight one of his personal crafted prayers to focus on that period of time.

Discover your rhythm. The declarations and prayers can be used as they are written, or as prayer points for you to craft your own intercession. Find the language that is authentic to you. You may find that only one or two targets jump off the page or resonate deeply. That’s fine. Focus on those. Make these your own.

Review the separate document that came with this Training Journal, TWC Joyful Acts of War. In it, you will find not only all of the Key Territory declarations in one place, but our crafted prayers for Graham and some wonderful crafted prayers for your life with God. We encourage you to print this out and make it part of your relational and strategic intercession.

Take time to read through each Intercession Update carefully as we make this transition. We’ll be giving you ideas, answering questions and share encouraging stories. This is where you will find our specific prayer targets for the assignments Graham is taking this year that our Intel Teams are developing.

And above all else, remember that we are JOYFUL, peaceful intercessors:

Keep it fun.

Rest is a weapon. Enjoy the new exploration.

Ask the Holy Spirit for a new lens and fresh perspective on prayer.

Discover your place in the TWC Army at a new level.

Crafted prayers, declarations and prayer points are not a rote exercise in intercession. Partner with God in how He shows YOU to make them living and powerful. Keep it relational.

Feel the Father’s delight in standing shoulder to shoulder in a New Man army that is into fresh territory… again.

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Intercession and TWC Key TerritoriesThis section will give you specific insights and tools for intercession with each of our Key Territories of

Warrior Class. Here’s an overview of what you will find and strategies for utilizing each.

This section gives you a basic concept of each territory. It allows us to define what we mean with the language we are using. For more in depth coverage, review Training Journal #15 Key Territories: Taking Your Internal Ground where we’ve utilized excerpts from Graham’s teaching to give further details. Use the “For Further Development” section to explore the

resources for in depth development.

How does the language of this territory sound? This section has examples.. We want our speech

to always be the overflow of authentic development, so you will need to find your own vocabulary of expression, but these will give you

an idea of that certain sound. Part of our assignment is creating and using a vocabulary that

aligns with heaven. Note your own language upgrades and share them with us!

A Warrior’s Language in this TerritoryDescription of the Territory

Key Scriptures to Declare

These are the scriptures that we found over and over in your intel for these territories. Declaring God’s word is always wonderful

way to pray with God. Add any that He highlights for you as well.

Our Warrior Declaration for Graham Cooke

This is our affirmation of Graham’s Kingdom identity in each of these territories and allows us to be continually praying for who he is and who

God will be for him in each of these places.

A Warrior’s Perceptions and Mindsets of this Territory

This is where your personal development is an act of war for these broader landscapes. They are our version of “What Constitutes Maturity” in these Territories (a tool that Graham uses so effectively in the Prophecy Series). These put

boots-on-the-ground to our fight.

Our Warrior DeclarationBased on our intel, this is our starting point of one mind, one heart and one voice in prayer. You will see words of thanksgiving and rejoicing; keys of the Kingdom that we are locking up and releasing with- and our Isaiah 61“Insteads”. While keeping

these target, craft these into your own prayers and/or break them down into several smaller, more “portable” prayers to remember easily.

The Key FightWhile we are always majesty focused on what we

are fighting for, we must also be aware of our adversary’s “roaring lion” tactics. They give us intel as to what God plans to do instead and keep us confidently alert. These are all characteristics gathered from your intel. Take further notes as

you pray so we can expand these.

“For further development…”Here you will find resources for your own personal

development and understanding of each of these territories. Because each is so expansive, you’ll

have the joy of finding the one God is highlighting for you. By combining your passion for training with your intercession, you become a stronger Warrior and more impactful “Gap Stander”.

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Key Fight: Old Man ~ Present/Past Focus1Description of the territory: The old man is dead and we are raised in newness of life in Christ. So our focus moves to the new creation as a place of all of God’s dealings with us. Everything in our lives is about one thing: being made into the image of God.

Since the old man of sin is dead, then all the old things that are associated with it are dead too. Therefore, God is only dealing with the new man we are in Christ. Our focus is on who we are and are becoming in Christ, not who we have been and trying to fix our past or old man habits.

Our development is forward facing, connecting with the Holy Spirit in us, His promises and His provisions that displace our old patterns and habits and living in His life-giving perceptions, thoughts, language and actions. The antidote to our past is joy; for us to discover how amazing we really are in the eyes of God and live that life instead.

Key scriptures to declare:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation The old things have passed away, and behold, new things have come. And all these things are from God who reconciles us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18 (NKJV)

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:2-3 (NKJV)

Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life… Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:3-4, 11 (NKJV)

A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory:

Sees gaps in thinking, language and behavior as missing a piece of inheritance in Christ.

Focus on the promises of their future as currency for the challenges of today

Understands that God is not working on behavior, but identity as a New Man in Jesus.

Poor history is a place to discover stolen provision or promises let go of, only to discover that God still holds them - ready to release them to empower today and tomorrow.

Partner with God in establishing righteousness, not dealing with sin.

Live with the quickening Spirit of God that makes up for seemingly lost time.

Every situation, circumstance or lack is an opportunity for seeing something amazing about the true nature of God and the next area of development on offer.

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A Warrior’s language in this territory: “What area of righteousness is God developing in my life now? I want to focus on that.”

“Who do I need to become to live in the fullness of these prophecies over my life and what promises do I have for that?”

“I might not yet be all that I am destined to be, but I am and am becoming more it every day - and I’m enjoying that process.”

“Which ‘man’ is talking here? The Old Man or the New Man?”

The Key Fight is Old Man & Past/Present Focus. It commonly creates a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as: Focusing on fixing behavior Wanting new but thinking old Replaying hurts and wounds Hopelessness for real freedom Woundedness with shame Victim mindsets Fear of risk and failure Weariness from weight of past mistakes Fear of leaving past success for unknown Easily offended Rejection perception and expectancies Program weary “Monument mindsets” that hold to past success What’s working deters exploration Perfectionism Insecurity in God’s true identity and theirs

Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory

Thank You Father that Your heart is set on us as new creations in Christ: a people who are bringing Your fullness of tomorrow into today, with joy, confidence, peace and passion.

We declare and release into this Territory:

Joy in the new men and women that all believers are in Christ. Old things have indeed passed away. Behold, ALL things have become new in Jesus.

We unlock any promises, prophecies or inheritance in Christ that the enemy has stolen or that have been let go of. We release them to be returned as provision for the present and future as intended by the Lord. We lock up any weariness from poor past experiences and unlock a fresh perception of God’s future that brings hope, joy and renewal.

Instead of focus on fixing sins, we release a clear lens for God’s development of righteousness. Instead of shame, we release a revelation of acceptance in the Beloved. Instead of a right to be wounded, we release the right to be healed

Instead of wanting new, but thinking old, we agree with God for a Kingdom people who are fully aligned with the mind of Christ in perception, mindsets, thinking and language.

Instead of fear of failure, we release a revelation of God’s faithfulness so magnificent that it overwhelms fear with perfect love and produces a generation free to risk, explore and establish the territory of the New Man on earth as it is in heaven.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that all people would encounter and come to know these truths. That the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened; re-forming their perceptions, mindsets,

language and actions to align with the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father.

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And empowered by the Holy Spirit, to revolutionize their families, communities and regions with how good You really are and how beloved we are each created to be. That life on earth would be as You see it in heaven for us and all believers.

Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke:

Thank you Father that in the Key Territory of the New Man, Graham is:

- A cultivator of a present/future dimension of life in Christ - A catalyst of New Man reformation in the perceptions, thinking and language of Kingdom people - One who brings God’s freedom to people from their backgrounds and history - One who carries and releases Your quickening Spirit that makes up for lost time

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke:

Mind of a Saint - Session 1: Renewing Your Spiritual Lens

Session 2: Newness of Life in Christ

Overcoming Life1 - Session 2: The Anatomy of a Good Fight

Pastoring People Prophetically

Your Notes:

What aspects of this territory have you and the Lord personally overcome?

Which scripture do you connect with the most for this fight… or do you have another?

List 2-4 lines of Our Warrior Declaration that you resonate the strongest with at this time?

What is one truth from one of these resources that you feel is a powerful weapon for this territory? Write down a few specific sentences from the teaching that you want to use here.

Note: You can apply these questions to each of our Key Territories

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Key Territory: Empowering Grace & NT Nature of God

Key Fight: Legalism & OT Nature of God2

Description of the territory: Grace is the empowering presence of God that enables you to become the person in Christ that He sees every time He looks at you, regardless of your behavior. Grace depends on Him, not on us. Grace has the power to take anything oppositional and turn it into something beneficial. Grace always draws us back to righteousness. It takes precedence over our history. It overwhelms guilt and shame. Grace triumphs.

The true nature of God is the fruit of the Spirit. He does not have these things; He is love itself, as well as joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness and gentleness. He is always in charge, though He leaves self-control for us to choose. He is faithful, even when we are without faith. God has no anger, malice or wrath left to focus on us, because He poured every ounce of it out on His Son on the cross so that there is none left towards us. From the cross until the final day of judgment in heaven, it is a season of grace on the earth and in our lives. It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance in this life.

Key scriptures to declare:

“For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17 (NKJV)

“Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and patience, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” Romans 2:4 (HNV)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 (ESV)

“And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.” John 1:16 (NKJV)

A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory: A constant sense of well-being about who we are in Jesus and who God is for us. A daily experience of grace governing our mind, will and emotions. A profound sense of being personally loved by God and accepted in the Beloved. Focus on seeing our lives and the lives of others the way that God sees us and them. Freedom and obedience from love, and passion to be holy because the One we love is holy. Living from values and principles rather than rules and regulations. Grace is a ruling power that governs us. We reign in this life through grace. An outrageous expectation of God’s goodness and empowering grace in any circumstance.

A Warrior’s language in this territory:

“What is that person believing about themselves and about God that would cause them to behave like that?”

“How much grace is it going to take for that person (or team, or city, or community) to be transformed?

“It doesn’t matter what your attitude is against me because in one minute, God could do something that turns you around and makes you my friend so that we can totally benefit from each other!”

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“Yeah, I’ve done some pretty ridiculous things like that, too. But that person has come a long way and has such great potential. Here’s what I like about them…”

“Okay Papa, I thought I was a bit more established in my thinking, but from that reaction, I guess I have some more learning to do!” (big smile)

The key fight is Legalism & OT Nature of God. It commonly creates a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as:

Focus on what is true in behavior rather than the truth of Kingdom identity. Consistent, apologetic language filled with “I should have… I ought to… I will do better.” Fear that God is angry with them, others or people groups for behavior and will judge now. Poor understanding of unchanging nature of God vs. the impact of behavior on fellowship. Fear of mistakes and breaking rules creates atmosphere of works and striving to please God. Affection for judgment over mercy Grace + rules = legalism Has a box to stay within when there is no box Use rules or “boundaries” for control Top down, leadership focused vision Critical language about self & others “This is how we’ve always done it” Sense of guilt and not being good enough Models become covert rules & regs Culture of punishment not development See unfortunate circumstances as God’s judgment Leaders may foster dependency on leaders, rather than personally empowering people in pursuit of their own relationship with God.

Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory

We are so grateful Father for Your empowering, abundant grace that sees us today in the fullness of our identity in Christ. You are a God of goodness, kindness, joy and freedom. Your grace is sufficient, overwhelming and complete. Thank You Jesus for paying such an enormous price for this amazing grace.

We declare and release into this Territory:

Daily encounters with Your abundant empowering presence.

A Kingdom atmosphere of freedom and righteousness born of love, delight and passion for God.

A spirit of revelation and wisdom in the true New Testament nature of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



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We unlock: Hearts hardened by the taskmaster of legalism and release the healing oil of Your Spirit of grace, kindness, peace and unconditional love.

Chains of fear and control with the keys of Perfect Love and Your unchanging nature of goodness.

Mindsets of legalism-defined grace and release a passion to practice empowering grace the way God talks about it.

Instead of legalistic guilt, the freedom of Christ that pervades our perceptions, mindsets and language.

Instead of a lens of judgment in this life, the clear vision of mercy.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that all people would encounter and come to know these truths. That the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened; re-forming their perceptions, mindsets,

language and actions to align with the Mind of Christ and the heart of the Father.

And empowered by the Holy Spirit, to revolutionize their families, communities and regions with how good You really are and how beloved we are each created to be. That life on earth would be as You see it in heaven for us and all believers.

Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke:

Thank you Father that in the Territory of Your Empowering Grace, Graham is:

- A bringer of hope, that restores confidence in God’s grace and compassion.

- One who shows people the reality of God’s heart for them

- One to whom You have given the keys of wisdom and kindness, that unlock the hearts, souls and minds of people to who God really is

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke:

Radical Permission 1 - Session 2: Fullness of Grace

Radical Permission 2 - Session 1: The Ultimate Permission

Session 2: The Abundance of Grace

Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit


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Key Territory: Joyful Intentionality and Favor

Key Fight: Passivity and Mediocrity3Description of the territory:

Joyful Intentionality is a passion-driven life with God because He is so worth it. Delight is what fuels us, not discipline. Engagement with the favor of the Lord, our promises, blessings and the goodness of God is what overcomes passivity. Our intentionality rises as we are overwhelmed only by the kind intentions of His will.

When we live in the sheer pleasure of being in Christ, we remain renewed. Passion for God is stirred in worship, meditation and rejoicing that fuels us, no matter what is occurring. We no longer try-harder-to-do-better for God, but live from a place where delight motivates, not discipline. Excellence becomes a reasonable, joyful service for an excellent God and because Jesus so deserves it.

Key scriptures to declare:

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”Philippians 2:13 (NLT)

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, plans for peace and well-being, not for disaster; to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)

His favor is for a lifetime.”Psalms 30:5 (ESV)

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)

This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare. 1 Timothy 1:18 (NKJV)

A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory: Responds to the kind intentions of God with our enthusiastic intentionality. The joy is in the journey, not just in the outcome. Value for the process that makes us rich. Intimacy and relationship with God is the priority, the foundation of all ministry.

Focus on developing our strengths with God, not fixing weaknesses. Lives daily with a lens and passion for proactive excellence. Joy is the antidote to poor history and the momentum for the future.

Passivity is overcome by engagement with favor. Champions move forward, confident that God’s permissions and promises are “yes” and “amen”. If they get off track, they rest in knowing that they will hear His voice behind saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”

A Warrior’s language in this territory:

“What level of worship and relationship with You is needed for this situation?”

“This isn’t exactly where I thought this was going, but I know there is favor present. I wonder what it is


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“Now that I’ve had this breakthrough, what is the Holy Spirit’s follow through plan so that it becomes a part of how I see, think, talk and act every day?”

“Just a moment. I need to pull out my journal and jot that brilliant thought down!”

“That a great promise. What favor, blessings, provisions and permissions does it hold for me?”

“That’s been good so far, but how much fun would it be to discover the next level of excellence in this? God really deserves that.”

The Key Fight is Passivity and Mediocrity. It commonly creates a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as:

Precious people often working very, very hard for God, missing the joy of relationship with Him Security sought in logic that often leads to action paralysis until everything makes sense Weary workers afraid that a lifestyle of process simply means more to do Slipping into use of hype in services (often unknowingly) to create a sense of passion Missing connection between being hearers of the Word and the desire to be doers of it

Wanting magic over relational process Discouraged from past lack of progress Exhaustion from working for acceptance Poor past experiences create low self-esteem Safety in settling for “good enough” Coming as an audience, rather than an army Affection for or security in the Christian “bubble” Amnesia for promises Foggy/unclear communication & preparation Dependency on leaders/others for growth Fear of disturbing the status quo Polite and nice without deep relationship Fear/anger when challenged to rise higher New ideas and creativity create stress Choices and personal responsibility overwhelm Mindset of determination to try harder

Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory

Thank You Father that Your gift is the desire to obey You and the passion to do what pleases You. Jesus, You are the Author and Finisher of our faith; the One who completes the good work You begin. It is our delight to respond to what You initiate.

We declare and release into this territory:

Eyes to see and ears to hear the kind intentions of God that stir joyful intentionality. Stillness to know and encounter the passion that God has for us. Encouragement in the unconditional love and unchanging nature of God. The people of God as an empowered, engaged army, no longer a mere audience.

We lock up: Fears of challenge and unlock a spirit of adventure and Kingdom exploration. Fears of new ideas and unlock passion for God’s creative possibilities. Being overwhelmed with tasks at hand and unlock overwhelming awareness of God’s provision and promises.


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Instead of the constraints of discipline, the freedom of delight. Instead of logic for safety, trust in God’s unchanging nature. Instead of striving towards an outcome, the discovery of God’s process that makes us rich. Instead of settling for good enough, a passion for excellence because God is excellent.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that all people would encounter and come to know these truths. That the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened; re-forming their perceptions, mindsets,

language and actions to align with the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father.

And empowered by the Holy Spirit, to revolutionize their families, communities and regions with how good You really are and how beloved we are each created to be. That life on earth would be as You see it in heaven for us and all believers.

Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke:

We thank you Father, that in the Territory of Joyful Intentionality, Graham is:

- One who rekindles desire and passion for God

- A father of process as the key to power

- A Warrior who relishes the fight

- A partner with Christ in resurrecting lives of praise, worship and renewed desire to fight the enemy

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke:

Overcoming Life 1 Session 2: Anatomy of a Good Fight Session 6: Renewing Your Expectations Overcoming Life 2 Session 2: Standing Firm Session 5: The Source of Power

From Passivity to Prophecy (the “Insteads”)

The Process Series

Encouraging Yourself in God

Towards a Powerful Inner Life (book)

By Allison Bown Joyful Intentionality (book) Joyful Intentionality (CD teachings)


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Key Territory: Fullness and Abundance

Key Fight: Poverty and Measured Mindsets4

Description of the territory:

God gives everything that pertains to life and godliness up front. His stance is that, “All of the life of Christ is My gift to you. It’s yours and you can have it as fast as you want. Just partner with Me in that process.” When God grants us something, He wants us to take it for granted. This sets people free from performance, because no one earns a gift. It can only be received. All of heaven is attracted to Jesus in you.

We are a New Man, learning to live in the fullness and abundance of God. We are full and we are being filled—it’s “both/and”. Every opportunity in life is an opportunity to express fullness, to about learn the life that God that we were born again into. Living in fullness and abundance is understanding what is available in Jesus and being as committed towards that as God is committed towards us. God is teaching us how to live from fullness, not towards it.

The people of God are the authorized dealers of the Kingdom here on earth. The Church is meant to become an accurate expression of the majesty, sovereignty, fullness and abundance of God to the world.

Key scriptures to declare:

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given [past tense] to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been [past tense] given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:2-4 (NKJV)

For in Him all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been [past tense] made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority. Colossians 2:9-10 (NASB)

For of His fullness we have all received and grace upon grace. John 1:16 (NASB)

All things that the Father has are Mine (Jesus); therefore, I said that He (Holy Spirit) takes of Mine and will disclose it to you. John 16:13 (NASB)

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:32 (NKJV)

We should know the love of Christ that we may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:19-20 (NASB)


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A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory:

Confident dependence on the Holy Spirit to open up all the realities of who we are in Christ and the fullness of what belongs to us because of that.

Permission Granted is a default stance. No fear of presumption, only the joy of believing.

In the face of need, a warrior gives, assured that it is an investment in the hands of the Lord that will be multiplied upon return.

Opposition or challenge is an opportunity to encounter majesty (Caleb mindset).

If it seems too good to be true, it must be God.

Is always in the majority with God; the power of one with the One.

Works from the default stance that all needs are covered. Faith is strong for abundant provision for promises and prophecies to manifest, if not initially, always eventually.

A Warrior’s language in this territory:

"Lord, I thank You that I am complete, and so I ask for my next encounter and my next experience of You to pull me in that direction.”

"I am staying here where God placed me, regardless of what I see around me. This is the place where I can be resourced. This is the place where I can know Presence. This is the place where everything that God has made available to me will come to me because I am in Jesus. That is my placement. That is who I am.”

“What has God already granted me in this? I know there is a promise for this low place or this challenge.”

“Holy Spirit, what’s coming up next for me? What are the next few weeks about (or months or this year) and what do You want to achieve in my life during this time? Thanks that You’re going to show me and help me with that.”

“Thank You that You have already provided everything I need that pertains to my life and Your godliness in me.”

The Key Fight is Poverty and Measured Mindsets. These commonly create a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as:

Circumstances define limits of God’s ability “Too good to be true” mindset Perceive obstacles over opportunities Spiritualized unbelief paralyzes Accepts defeat as an option Lack of endurance / stamina Earth bound budgets based on meeting needs Fear of warfare and “enemy backlash” Reality defined by tangible, visible assets Fear of presumption with God Fear of warfare for lack of comprehending majesty Works to earn what God freely gives


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Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory

We thank You Father that we are developing the capacity to live in the fullness of life in Christ. We rejoice and receive the abundance of Your great and precious promises. You are the Champion Gift Giver—and we are becoming Champion Receivers.

We declare and release into this Territory:

Eyes to see and ears to hear the reality of who we are in Christ and the fullness of that inheritance.

A spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ in us, the hope of all glory.

A divine revelation of goodness so massive that it overwhelms and overcomes all obstacles, challenges and opposition.

We lock up: Limited, measured mindsets and push open the unlocked door of God’s exceeding abundance.

Fear of presumption—and with the keys of Perfect Love, we unlock divine confidence in Permission Granted, believing God for who He really is.

Budgeting for the worst and unlock the faith that gives and spends for God’s best.

Instead of fearing enemy response, we see all opposition as an opportunity for God’s majesty.

Instead of weariness from making ends meet, we choose the confidence of the Beloved that perceives Your inheritance as ours.

Instead of considering defeat as an option, we know that with You, nothing is impossible.

Instead of trying to think outside the box,we grasp the reality that there is no box.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that all people would encounter and come to know these truths. That the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened; re-forming their perceptions, mindsets,

language and actions to align with the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father.

And empowered by the Holy Spirit, to revolutionize their families, communities and regions with how good You really are and how beloved we are each created to be. That life on earth would be as You see it in heaven for us and all believers.


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Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke:

We thank you Father, that in the territory of fullness and abundance, Graham is:

- A cultivator of a radiant idea of God, self and Kingdom

- An encourager of people to develop the fullness of the mind of Christ - A man who inhabits the impossible and stands in the place of miracles - One committed to becoming and raising up a people who are More Than Conquerors

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke:

Fullness Now

Taking God for Granted

Overcoming Life 2 - Session 1: Majesty Belongs to Jesus

Radical Permission 1 - Session 4: The True Measure of the Kingdom Sessions 5&6: Being Qualified to Receive

Your Notes:

What aspects of this territory have you and the Lord personally overcome?

Which scripture do you connect with the most for this fight… or do you have another?

List 2-4 lines of Our Warrior Declaration that you resonate the strongest with at this time?

What is one truth from one of these resources that you feel is a powerful weapon for this territory? Write down a few specific sentences from the teaching that you want to use here.


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Key Territory: Limitless Possibilities

Key Fight: Negativity and Problem Focus5Description of the territory:

Every problem comes with a provision. Every circumstances contains an upgrade. Life in God is about being able to see every situation the way He sees it, and align with His perspective. It’s about being able to acknowledge the negative as a signpost of what God wants to do “instead.” We never contend with a negative or try to work it out, because it doesn’t belong to us. We become brilliant warriors by taking the very things that the enemy initiates for our harm and flipping them into God’s opposites for our lives and the lives of others.

All problems are about the discovery of who God wants to be for us, in us and through us. Negative thoughts that we entertain put us in a hostile place in our relationship with God and give the enemy permission to attack us. Opposition attaches to what we don’t remove. We are partnering with God to live in the fruit of the Spirit so that we don’t fall below the line of our privileges in Christ, nor live needlessly vulnerable to our adversary who thrives in an atmosphere of negativity.

Key Scriptures to declare:

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:5-6 (NKJV)

The Spirit of the Lord [a]God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former devastations; and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Isaiah 61:1-4 (NASB)

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world. [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.] John 16:33 (AMP)

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:4-9 (NKJV)


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A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory: Praise, rejoicing and thanksgiving infuse perceptions, mindsets and language. A celebrant in life with a radar for God’s goodness, kindness, grace and provision that dilutes negativity.

Lives with the reality of everything possible with God—no limits, no boxes, no boundaries.

Default stance of responding to the true nature of God, not dashing forward in reaction to crisis, chaos or perceived threats. Understands that rest is a weapon, guards it and cultivates it.

Recognizes the training ground of obstacles and adversity and embraces the development. Perceives challenging people as “Grace Growers.” Has only one enemy: Satan

Understands that the will of God is a broad pasture of possibilities, not a narrow tightrope. There are indeed boundaries, however, there is tremendous permission within them.

Language has a certain sound of confidence, joy and peace, filled with God’s promises, possibilities and provision. It is realistic about what is true but is focused on higher Truth.

Lives in the reality of the power of the one with the One. Can arrest the slide of negativity by the atmosphere of confidence in the faithfulness of God to His promises.

Fueled by New Testament “vengeance,” taking what the enemy designed for destruction and flipping it to what God desires to do instead.

A Warrior’s language in this territory: “Who do You want to be for me now God that You couldn’t be at any other time?”

“Yahoo moment… I’ve got a problem! Can’t keep this all to myself because there has to be some great opportunities here. I need to call a friend so that they can share the possibilities too!”

“That might be true about their behavior, but I really like these things about them….”

“I don’t know what I think about that yet. When I do, I’ll let you know.”

“What am I believing that would make me feel fearful… and what is God believing about this instead?”

“I understand that can be a challenge. What does it allow us to practice?”

The Key Fight is Negativity and Problem Focus. It commonly creates a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as:

A lens that only sees giants, not promised lands Easily intimidated or overwhelmed Focus on what’s wrong in people and situations Believes solution is fixing people/problems Delays joy and peace until problems are resolved Victim thinking: “Why me?” “Why now?” Overwhelmed/paralyzed by challenges Cynical, budgets for worst case scenario Defensive - justifies negativity & right to wounds Needs to assign blame to others or self Very care-ful (full of care), skeptical Prone to panic Frustrated when things don’t seem to change Attracts chaos Lets go of promises in face of opposition Complaints, sarcastic and gives excuses “I can’t,” “I won’t,”, “I don’t” Sucks energy of others, draining Resigned to an okay life, maybe good, rarely great Looks for rescue, not majesty Meets an accusation with an accusation Resistive, frequent objections


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Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory We rejoice that You are the God of Limitless Possibilities. All things are possible with You. Father, You are in charge. Jesus is undefeated and the Holy Spirit always leads us in triumph.

We declare and release into this territory:

Your expansive vision to see everything as possible because You have overcome the world. An atmosphere of celebration, rejoicing, thanksgiving and joy that strengthens. A spirit of wisdom and revelation of the Prince of Peace, with whom we live in rest.

We lock up: Cynical, skeptical and problem-focused lenses—and with the keys of majesty, we unlock a clear perception of how big God really is and what He is doing instead.

The reduction of dreams to manageable proportions—and with the keys of Permission Granted, we unlock dreams and destinies as big as God has imagined them to be.

Instead of chaos and panic in adversity, we release peace and rest to perceive opportunities. Instead of looking for rescue, raise up warriors who look for majesty.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that all people would encounter and come to know these truths. That the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened; re-forming their perceptions, mindsets,

language and actions to align with the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father.

And empowered by the Holy Spirit, to revolutionize their families, communities and regions with how good You really are and how beloved we are each created to be. That life on earth would be as You see it in heaven for us and all believers.

Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke: Thank You Father that in the territory of limitless possibilities, Graham is: - A Caleb—man of a different spirit - A seer of relentless majesty - A man who lives in the power of the one with the One - One who encounters Your unceasing magnificence towards him - A warrior who relishes the fight and develops new breeds of warriors - A bringer of hope - One who You give great rest and peace to always

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke: Mind of a Saint - Session 3: The Language of Heaven Session 5: The Power of Spiritual Appraisal

Overcoming Life 1 - Session 3: Hiding in His Presence (Overcoming Enemy Penetration) Session 4: Reclaiming Our Inner Territory (Overcoming Demoralization) Session 5: Renewing Your Expectations (Overcoming Enemy Subversion)

The Art of Thinking Brilliantly - Session 4: We Can Only be Challenged by Goodness Overcoming Negativity through Rest Perfecting the Art of Bouncing Back The Language of Promise (book) 28

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6Key Territory:

Abiding In Christ Key Fight: Visitation Mindsets

Description of the territory:

Your inner man of the Spirit only lives in the presence of God and has no connection to the world. Your Secret Place is internal, a fortress of the Lord; a refuge. We were created to live from the inside out and not allow the opposite to occur. If you live from this place (which the Bible calls “abiding”) then you’re only ever affected by His presence.

Abiding in Christ means living with the Holy Spirit from your Secret Place always—not just in the occasional worship service or conference, or when everything is going well. All of life needs to be practiced from this reality of habitation, and not subject to the highs and lows of a visitational perception of the presence of the Lord.

In the Old Testament, God visited people and places. His presence would leave if things were not good. But now that we are in Christ, God never leaves or forsakes us. He is present either to our faith or to our feelings - but He is always completely with us at all times. Our job is learning to connect with His indwelling presence in us, not to go looking for it out in the world around us.

Key scriptures to declare:

I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)

I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 (NKJV)

I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. John 17:23 (NKJV)

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11 (NKJV)

Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him, and He vanished from their sight. Luke 24:31 (NKJV) (The men on the road to Emmaus with Jesus.)

A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory:

Priority given to consistent worship, rejoicing, thanksgiving and meditation that cultivates an awareness of Christ in us and the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence.

In times of chaos, steps back into the Spirit rather than rushes forward into the fray. Turns towards crisis rather than away because that’s where transformation occurs. Is an overcomer in this life, not given to be overcome by circumstances or opposition.

Lives confidently as a much-loved son/daughter, knowing that all that the Father has is ours and that He is always with us. 29

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Has a perspective in life about what is being gained, not what is being lost, even in times of suffering.

Has an excellence sense of who they are as the Beloved, cultivated in the Secret Place.

Understands that times of hiddenness (when God is present to faith, not feelings) are where deep truth is processed and wisdom is revealed. They equally enjoy God’s manifest presence as a time of blessing… and know that both are needed.

Engages in a lifestyle of relational process with God, not depending on corporate gatherings alone for spirituality.

Looks to be an active contributor to reformation, not waiting for revival.

Sees all of life as spiritual. Does not compartmentalize into “ministry,” “secular” or “church.”

A Warrior’s language in this territory:

“I know that God is present in this. It’s just a matter of looking expectantly and peacefully waiting to see where that is and then aligning myself with Him.”

“What is there to gain here? What am I losing that will be good to lose?”

“I encountered the most amazing God-truth in that movie!” (or commercial, or magazine…)

The Key Fight is Visitation and Event-Based Mindsets. It commonly creates a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as:

Superstar perspective and productions Rollercoaster of “mountain top” experiences Mile-wide inch-deep culture Pressure/expectation for instant results Reacts to panic with panic Worries that they’ve upset God and He’ll leave Frequent requests for impartation Repeated visits produce little lasting maturity Takes the same tests repeatedly Desire for magic, not process Connects superficially, not relationally Wants hands laid on to get an instant anointing

Enthusiastic learning that never comes to a transformational knowledge of the Truth Puts hope in ministry and ministers without personal responsibility Relies on feelings and emotions to determine God’s presence or pleasure

Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory

Father, we are so grateful that You never leave us, nor forsake us.

Jesus, You are our Friend who is with us always, even to the end of the age.

Holy Spirit, You are the Indwelling Presence, our very present Helper, Teacher and Comforter that connects us with the heart of the Father and the mind of Christ.


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We declare and release a profound sense of:

Hope in Christ that is fadeless under anything and everything that comes. Security in being the much-loved sons and daughters of God at all times. Secret Place-intimacy, peace and rest to be cultivated in every believer.

We lock up event-based dependencies; and with the keys of divine process, we release the joy of relational transformation.

Instead of fear of abandonment—confidence in the loving God who is ever-present. Instead of depending on the next event—joyful, proactive personal responsibility for life in God. Instead of passive participants in worship—active worshippers engaged daily with the God who adores them.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that all people would encounter and come to know these truths. That the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened; re-forming their perceptions, mindsets,

language and actions to align with the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father.

And empowered by the Holy Spirit, to revolutionize their families, communities and regions with how present You really are and how beloved we are each created to be. That life on earth would be as You see it in heaven for us and all believers.

Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke:

Thank You Father that in the Territory of Abiding in Christ, Graham is:

- A lover of God and the Secret Place - A man for whom meditation is a lifestyle - An encourager and catalyst for reformation in people’s lives - A deep thinker, lover of wisdom and the ways of God - Lives with a transparent heart to God that obscures him from the enemy - One who abides in Christ deeply, trusts outrageously, lives in rest

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke:

Radical Permission 1 - Session 4: The True Measure of the Kingdom Key #1 - “In Christ” means God is hosting you

Session 5: Being Qualified to Receive Key #2 - The door is always open Key #4 - The Presence that is always present Key #5 - Knock on a door that is always open Enjoying the Journey Relationship and Partnership Indwelling Presence (Holy Spirit) - Deeper School Series Hiddenness and Manifestation (book) 31

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Key Territory: Identity In Christ

Key Fight: Performance7Description of the territory:

God already sees us in the fullness of our identity in Christ, and is completely committed to the process of us growing up into that same image. Identity is the continuing journey of understanding how we are known in heaven (persona), not only understanding how we are known on earth (personality).

We understand who we are created to be by understanding more completely the true nature of God and who He is for us. As we behold Him relationally in worship, meditation and praise, we become like Him. Often, our perceptions of God and ourselves are not accurate, so we are both unlearning and learning the truth about who He really is and who we really are that leads us to a place of confident assurance.

We cannot earn God’s approval of our identity, nor can we lose His acceptance of who we are because of poor choices or behavior. That can effect our fellowship, but not our placement. We love obedience because we’ve been so loved by God. He approves of our identity in Christ and loves us unconditionally as we engage in the process of growing up into the fullness of that inheritance.

Key scriptures to declare:

…as He is, so are we, in this world. 1 John 4:17 (NKJV)

But by His doing, you are in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:30 (NASB)

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 (NKJV)

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Philippians 2:13 (NLT)

If you love Me, obey My commandments. John 14:15 (NLT)

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NKJV)

A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory:

Lives confidently in Christ as the accepted in the Beloved, cultivating a lifestyle of receiving God’s first love lavishly.

Prioritizes relationship and ministering to the Lord and worship above all else.

Prime objective is to learn how to receive from placement in God so that our true identity in Christ accurately portrays Him to the world around us. 32

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Understands that God doesn’t see anything wrong with us, only what is missing from our experience of the Christ—and lives confident that God has every intention of providing it.

Experiences the gifts of God: righteousness, holiness, acceptance, love, salvation… and is a champion at receiving them.

Lives God-conscious, not self-conscious

Calls others (and self) up according to their identity, not out on their behavior.

Understands true identity (persona) from promises, prophecies and relational time with God.

Has identified many of their Kingdom assignments and sorts their opportunities accordingly. For every “yes”, they find a corresponding “no”.

Is free from the pressure to act only in response to a need, but perceives what the Father is saying, doing and goes where He is going.

Knows that what they were delivered from is what they have will have authority for.

A Warrior’s language in this territory:

“You can’t do that, because this is really who you are….”

“I love who I am and who I am becoming in that.” (or “who you are and are becoming”)

“Hmm… that didn’t go very well. What did I learn?”

“What does this prophecy (or inheritance word or promise) tell me about who God sees me to be and what is the course of development necessary to become that?”

The Key Fight is performance Christianity. It commonly creates a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as:

Perfection defines “success” Trying harder to do better for God Working to earn God’s gifts Assigns blame to God, self and/or others Sense of self comes from others Constant need for reassurance and affirmation Fear that mistakes will devalue self Shame and sense of never being enough Striving to believe, but never knowing Titles and recognition have importance Opinions of others define self-worth Functional relationship with God & people Focus on details/loss of big picture Packed schedules—low regard for rest Highly values teaching over worship Seeks behavioral change and programs over journey of relational transformation Doesn’t think for self; swayed by the majority


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Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory Father - we rejoice that in You we live and move and have our being. Thank You that You chose us before we chose You and appointed us to a life that we are discovering in our relationship together. It is a delight to discover, explore and grow up into the image of Christ that You already see.

We declare and release into this territory:

Freedom from an earth-defined identity to discover how we are known in heaven A spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge and experience of Jesus. A fresh, intimate encounter with the One who loves us best. Passion-inspired worship that ministers to You.

We lock up: The lies of performance-based identity—and with the keys of Identity in Christ, we unlock eyes to see and ears to comprehend Your image of who believers really are in Jesus.

The taskmaster of fear-based discipline—and with the keys of delight, we unlock the joy of passionate response to a God who is passionate about people.

Instead of working to earn acceptance, we release the truth of acceptance in the Beloved. Instead of shame in what we are not, we release double honor for all we are in Christ. Instead of behavior programs, we release a process in God filled with His riches.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that all people would encounter and come to know these truths. That the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened; re-forming their perceptions, mindsets,

language and actions to align with the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father.

And empowered by the Holy Spirit, to revolutionize their families, communities and regions with how good You really are and how beloved we are each created to be. That life on earth would be as You see it in heaven for us and all believers.

Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke: Thank you Father that in the Territory of Identity in Christ, Graham is: - An encourager that develops the Mind of Christ in people - A cultivator of meditation, worship and intimacy with God - One who releases a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the true nature of God - A catalyst for transformation of people into the image of Christ

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke: Living in Your Truest Identity Beholding and Becoming (book) Maintaining Your Inner Compass The Nature of God (book) Growing Up in God series Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior (book) The Art of Bouncing Back Mind of a Saint - Session 4: Relational Thinking By Allison Bown Radical Permission 1 - Session 3: The Responsive Life Unpacking Your True Identity


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Key Territory: New Testament Prophecy

Key Fight: Old Testament Prophetic Mindsets and Practices8

Description of the territory:

The real purpose of New Testament prophecy is to make God radiant and to tell people how wonderful, how amazing and how astonishing He is. The chief role of the New Testament prophet is to teach people how to hear the voice of God for themselves and how to discover and live in the will of God, not just to give prophetic words.

The judgment of New Testament prophecy is for the purpose of assessment, not condemnation. If we encounter a negative or sinful situation, we judge how much grace and mercy are going to be needed. In this current time, prophecy pulls out the nature of Christ that is already resident in a person, instead of depositing what seems to be needed from an outside source.

New Testament prophecy edifies, exhorts and comforts. It builds people and communities up, not tears them down. In the Old Testament, the spirit of prophecy rested on individuals. Today, Jesus (who is the Spirit of Prophecy) lives in every believer. Before the cross, God judged sin and often used His prophets to expose and judge it. But when God placed all of His wrath on His Son at the cross, that job ended. Jesus is our model for the prophetic. At the end of the age, there will be a judgment day, but until that time, as a New Testament prophetic people, we are God’s voice filled with the fruit of the Spirit; builders of a Kingdom, Church and Bride that He adores in Christ.

Note: This is a unique Territory. We’ve discovered that the Territory for New Testament Prophecy can be paired with any one of the preceding seven Territories. For example: If the territory on offer in an assignment is New Testament Prophecy, there may also be a specific focus as it applies to Identity in Christ or living Present/Future instead of Present/Past.

Key scriptures to declare:

But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification. 1 Corinthians 14:3-5 (NKJV)

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV)

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Romans 8:31-14 (NKJV)

These words I have spoken to you so that My joy might be in you and your joy might be full. John 15:11 (NASB)


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A Warrior’s perceptions and mindsets of this territory:

If a negative is present or perceived, a warrior never articulates it, but automatically asks God what He is doing instead (Isaiah 61). That will be what they speak to.

While prophetic words can be spontaneous, a warrior focuses on crafting words in relationship with the Holy Spirit, that are refined and focused; filled with edification, exhortation and comfort.

Every day language is positive and full of the fruit of the Spirit. They are not cynical, skeptical or sarcastic. They do not participate in gossip or contentious conversations.

Loves the process. Engages in quality development and equipping. Uses every situation, positive or negative as training. Doesn’t look to cut corners. Strong value for excellence.

Adores prayer, has a strategic prayer focus and crafted prayers (often from prophetic words).

Accurate assessments are made. They are realists without judgment, who live with a high level of confidence in the goodness of God.

Accountability and transparency is initiated and pursued with trusted friends and mentors. It does not need to be imposed by leaders. They are teachable and flexible.

Connects with the heart of the Father first for a person or community before speaking. Can move beyond their own frustration and speak or engage in conversations from a position of grace. Cultivates sensitivity to the timing, tone and delivery of prophetic words, not just content. It is understood that not every word is to be given, but may be for intercession purposes only.

Confidently knows who they are with God—and remain aware of who they are without Him.

A Warrior’s language in this territory:

“I want to encourage you in how God sees you and the provision He has for you in this.”

“Thank You Father for showing and trusting me with that negative in their life. What are You giving them instead?”

“What have You put into them God and how can I partner with You in drawing it out?”

The Key Fight is Old Testament prophetic mindsets in a New Testament World. It commonly creates a prevailing atmosphere of and manifests in the intel as:

Immaturity from ignorance of NT prophetic process Pressure to perform Prophecy as a short cut, not beginning of process Hope in prophets, not Holy Spirit Spirit of control/wants to know what is planned Skepticism from poor experiences Comparison to other prophetic voices View prophecy as a spectator sport OT perspective resists NT realities Fondness for judgment/vindication Unaware of building prophetic—want blessing prophets Expects instant fulfillment Leadership fearful from past encounters


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Our Warrior Declaration for this Territory

Thank You Jesus that You are the Spirit of Grace and Truth—and the model for all New Testament prophecy.

We rejoice Holy Spirit that You partner with us to release Your confirming words of edification, exhortation and comfort with passion and power.

Thank You Father that Your declarations of compassion, hope and joy powerfully restore broken lives and ruined cities.

We partner together with God to see miracles of provision and acceleration through prophetic words of life, wisdom and restoration.

We release and declare into this territory:

A spirit of wisdom and revelation in the New Testament prophetic as You imagine it to be.

The rescue of prophecy from the purely spontaneous.

The cultivation of a mature, prophetic people passionate for prophecy that is refined, focused and crafted —so that people can see something more powerful in God’s heart for them.

We lock up: Old Testament prophetic lenses clouded with judgment__and with the keys of Grace and Truth, release laser sharp New Testament lenses for words of hope, wisdom and life.

The spirit of prophetic passivity—and with the keys of process, release the riches of Joyful Intentionality in developing future words today.

Instead of prophetic words of judgment, we release words of mercy, grace and truth.

Instead of looking for shortcuts, we call up people passionate to engage in relational, prophetic development with God and others.

Instead of prophetic stagnation, we release prophetic momentum for Kingdom identity and destiny.

Our Warrior declaration for Graham Cooke: Thank You Father that in the Territory of New Testament Prophecy, Graham is: - An establisher of a New Testament dynamic of prophetic gifts and ministry through training, mentoring and modeling. - A creator of prophetic resources that develop true NT prophets and prophetic people - An empower-er of NT prophets to pioneer how to reach the world - One with the heart of a pastor and the voice of a prophet - A catalyst for prophetic communities that spark off each other - A prophet who causes faith to be reborn; rekindles passion for God; resurrects lives of praise and worship; renews desire to fight the enemy.

For further development, check out these teachings by Graham Cooke: School of Prophecy (Brilliant TV) Prophecy and Responsibility (book) Making a Prophetic Impact (CD and Brilliant TV) Prophetic Wisdom (book) Approaching the Heart of Prophecy (book and CD) Voice of the Prophets (CD)


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The Journey of Prophetic Intel in The Warrior Class

by Christine Casten - Director of Intel

Wow! There’s a lot in those 8 Key Territories! How in the world did TWC discover all of that? In this article, Christine gives us an excellent eagle-eyed overview of the journey so far. Enjoy! ~ Allison

When we began to work with Prophetic Intel, we knew it would look very different than any other intercession process we had experienced. We desired to explore, yes. But, even more, we wanted to push the envelope of what we knew about prayer to what was possible in Prophetic Intercession.

One of the hallmarks of The Warrior Class is how we embrace the process that makes us rich. We gain strength of focus and purpose that is both exhilarating and unexpected. Our Intel Journey allows us to see this process in action.

The Beginnings of Prophetic Intel

When TWC began in 2011, Graham opened the real life opportunity on the training ground of his ministry, to develop and discover what was possible. He freed us to explore our corporate Kingdom identity and opened the door to practice on the ground of intercession. What he asked was simple in its request, but took us on a journey of pioneering, challenge and growth. The request was to cover him and discover strategies to take territories. From this initial invitation, we stepped into a place of living in the clash between two kingdoms.

When we started, we had our first round of questions, developed in partnership with Graham by a group of passionate people with no existing model for how this would actually work. We had to overcome internal obstacles: lacking confidence in hearing from the Lord and orphan mindsets. We were challenged to push past performance and “right answer” mentality. It was a personal risk to share with others as we struggled to understand how to unpack the questions, gain confidence in hearing God, and/or how to put language to what we heard.

We quickly discovered our individual identities strengthened through our Intel journey. It challenged us to become courageous and passionate in our growth and more grounded in our relationship with God. As we attuned our ears and aligned our hearts to God’s heart, we changed on deeper personal levels. This maturing initiated changes in our community. Iron sharpens iron and Intel became a whetstone we all sharpened against.

Connecting the Dots

As we moved forward to our next stage of growth, we gained a better perspective of the process, upgraded the questions, and started to better connect the dots in our feedback. We saw the provision God had for each event and we began to understand what it means to be a child of God, fully provisioned and fully embraced. But still, collecting the various forms of information and understanding how to apply it created an upgrade in our thinking. The question of how best to use what we received was always at the forefront.


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We had to realize there was no box, align with God’s heart and identify His promises and provisions. We had to understand how to establish a framework where we could all collaborate together and capture the collective wisdom of our community. To do this effectively, we had to pray in unified heart and focus.

Streamlining and Refining

Our next step had us streamline the submissions under the processing questions. We started consolidating the prophetic input into categories, seeing it both as a whole and according to the lens each question

revealed. Wow! Big jump in the results! All of a sudden, the strategic plans of God jumped to the surface.

By streamlining the questions and the feedback we received, we stepped into a whole new level of the prophetic. We realized we could process a larger quantity of input and stepped further into our

destiny promise of being atmosphere shifters. Our corporately written crafted prayer shifted to prayer points for each event. This shift allowed our Warriors another opportunity to be led by God through the

development of a crafted prayer based on those points that better suited their own style of language and prayer.

Intel Development Training We took ground, but could we hold that territory? Our next upgrade came through the freedom to explore. We launched Intel Development Training (IDT) and also began training through team calls. As members discovered the freedom the Intel process brings,

• A new level of performance mindset was displaced by permission granted. • We shifted from concern of IF we were hearing from God to “how do we identify and

develop the best strategy from what we received?” • We realized our piece is valuable and important and how it fit within the rest of what was

submitted. • We recognized the value of distilling our information at each stage of the process. • We stepped into upgrades in our thinking about our individual identities and our corporate

kingdom identity. • We began to hear more stories of breakthrough in other areas of influence outside TWC.

Through IDT, we saw how amazing this Intel process is, what it reveals and the power of our prayer points and crafted prayers. We understood how each puzzle piece we brought to the table connected and formed together to build a bigger picture. It did not matter if each person’s Intel was exactly the same, used the same words or even covered the exact same ground. In fact, it rarely did. Yet, somehow we recognized how they all dovetailed together, one flowing into the other. We began to hear more stories of breakthrough in other areas of influence outside TWC and stepped into upgrades in our thinking about our individual identities and our corporate Kingdom identity.

Our Key Territories and Fights Emerge The process continued. Last spring we sensed another shift. It was time to distill the process, itself. God revealed how the strategic and tactical input we recorded for the past five years fit together. Eight key territories and their key fights rose to the surface. We had explored the territories since our inception, but for the first time, we had ways to distinguish the blueprints and create specific battle plans to become laser focused in our prayers.

By recording this priceless journey, we can share the stories of the innumerable upgrades experienced along the way. By walking off our known map, we found a unique and effective form of intercession that continues to upgrade our mindsets and change the game. The journey is young, yet we made great inroads, already. Just think what another five years will provide for our ability to hone in and target our prayer focus! We can dream about how much more territory we can claim and hold for kingdom ground! We still have so much more to discover and explore. ~ Christine 39

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A Prophetic Meditation for WarriorsMy Beloved,

This is the time of new beginnings. I am promoting you in the Spirit.

I am drawing you up to a new place of ENCOUNTER. As a foot soldier, you have fought well. You have tasted the sweetness of victory and the ashes of defeat. you have learned to persevere. You have embraced a steadfast and faithful lifestyle.

You have learned to stand and press in. You understand the importance of remaining fresh. You are able to refuse weariness. You have overcome the spirit of heaviness that was against you on this level.

Now, I AM is calling you up to a new place of overcoming. I am calling you to walk the way of the warrior, to rise up into a place of abundance and

provision that will provide you with rich encounters with Me on the battlefields of life.

In this season of preparation and re-arming, you must leave the last remains of mediocrity behind. Where I AM is taking you, you cannot have a smallness of mind. Indeed, you must renew your mind just to enter this new place.

This new season is about you stepping away, out of your circumstances into a new place in Christ. You do not life in your circumstances. You live in Me. Now you must discover the awesome permission that means for you… in My intention.

You must see Me as I really am, not as your church experience depicts Me. You must be upgraded in every way. I will show you the God of the Heavens and you will walk with the God of the Kingdom.

I AM is calling you to a new dimension of the power and place of the spirit, where Truth is the gateway to experience and encounters with Me release the wisdom of My ways…

(adapted from Coming Into Alignment pages 127-131 “Rise Up a Warrior” - also on CD)

Follow Through Your Breakthrough: If there was one verse or passage of scripture that would be a gateway for you to enter

into a new dimension, what would it be? Ask the Holy Spirit for one. Explain what it means to you and how you will use it to enter the permissions of this prophetic word

… and the Key Territories before us in The Warrior Class.

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