  • For the week ending: Friday 7th December, 2018

    Mrs Morrison




    Lucy Penman, FVI - Grade 4 Speech and Drama, Distinction

    Oriental Fine Arts Academy London

    Shivaani Shivakumaran, FIV - Grade 2, Bharathanatiyam, Distinction


    Maddie Smith, FII - Swim England, 1 0 Metres Award


    Neve Patel, FI - Sutton Tennis Academy Achievement Award

    Dear Parents It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Today has been full of Nativity plays for me and the girls have performed beautifully for us all. The story of the birth of Christ is made all the more special when it is re-enacted by our little girls. It has been a lovely end to the week.

    A big thank you to all the parents who made time in their busy schedules to meet with teachers this week. I cannot over-emphasise the importance of keeping in contact with your child’s teachers – the benefits for the children are countless. It not only establishes channels of communication but it develops a bond of mutual trust and respect between the adults in each pupil’s life. It makes them feel safe and valued as we all work together for their common good. Have a lovely weekend!

  • This morning’s Christmas Show put us all well and truly into the Christmas Spirit! All the girls remembered their lines and actions and they sang beautifully. Thank you Mrs McGreevy, Mrs Cooper and Josie for helping us to put on this lovely Christmas Show and to all our parents who came to watch.

  • On the 4th December, a gymnastics competition took place at Royal Russell School. Seaton House competed against Old Palace and Royal Russell. Everyone performed very well and there was a very close score. Seaton House had three students who gained over nine points in total in their routines! All the teams competed very well, and in the end our school came 1st overall.

    The results were:

    Form III Medals

    Miriam - Frist Place

    Elyse - First Place

    Khiana - Third Place

    Gina - First Place

    Ishani - First Place

    Vidhya - Third Place

    Form VI Medals

    Sequoia - Second Place

    Lucy P - Second Place

    Form V Medals

    Leona - Second place

    Isabelle H - Second Place

    Sofia L - Second Place

    Kaiya - Second Place

    Amelia - Second Place

    Form IV Medals

    Zara H - Third Place

    Sandhya - Third Place

  • Christmas Jumper Day! Girls, don’t forget to wear your Christmas Jumper on Monday!

    Orchestra. Orchestra Pupils, please remember that you will need your instruments on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday next week.

    Piano Concert. There is a Piano Concert in the School Hall on Tuesday 11th December, from 15.45—16.30. Parents welcome.

    Diary Dates

    Monday 10th December - NO CLUBS, Christmas Jumper Day, Talent Show

    Tuesday 11th December - NO CLUBS, DT Enrichment Day

    Wednesday 12th December - NO CLUBS, Nursery and Reception Christmas Party AM,

    Senior House Afternoon Rehearsal for Christmas Service

    Thursday 13th December - NO CLUBS, Senior House Christmas Service 2:00, Junior

    House Christmas Party

    Friday 14th December - NO CLUBS, Term ends at 1 2 Noon

    Good home wanted…

    ….for two boy guinea pigs, 4 years old.

    They come free of charge, with cage, toys etc

    If you are interested, please contact Mrs Stubley on

    [email protected]

  • Meet the Spear Family pets: Holly the dog, Flopsy the rabbit, Pepper the rabbit and, our newest edition, Merlin the kitten. They are all getting into the Christmas spirit and can’t wait for their Christmas treats but most of all, they are looking forward to cuddles.

    Thank you Gracie , what lovely pets you have. If anyone else would like to share pictures of their pets, please email your photos to Mrs Stubley at : [email protected]
