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For INV 1, you will needATL.CM.FD.2012 --> #CMIM Handouts -->Week1.Handouts -->CS Handouts -->PathtoCultureofAch.HO.CD.HANDOUTS.2012

Sit with Kid Group

1INV 1The Path to Culture of Achievement

Think about 2What do they deserve?

What would the teacher need to do?

Key QuestionsWhat does a Culture of Achievement look like in terms of Ss actions, habits, and mindsets?

What is the relationship between strong culture and long term student success?

What strategies can we use to build a strong Culture of Achievement here at Institute and in the region?

Investment is critical to creating the culture of achievement that we need to move our kids forwardWere going to talk about it todayHere are the key questions were going to address6GOT???

TAL Impact ModelConsider: Why is it that the student outcomes were working toward go beyond mastery of rigorous content?The deeper the investment, the more empowered Ss are to continue to achieve after they leave us.Lets ground ourselves in the TAL Impact Model

Walk me through it

Culture of Achievement- who our students are as people, getting to know what motivates them, making sure we educate the whole child (socially, academically, behaviorally, etc)You cant have a culture of achievement without engagement of rigorous content and vice versa- if you dont have both, it will not lead to the ultimate student outcome of transformational and life path changing. You have to give students not only the academic tools to succeed (the content) but also develop their love and excitement for learning (culture)

Review slide

Ensure our students are deeply invested and empowered so they continue to achieve success long after leaving our classrooms. This type of investment has a powerful and enduring impact8Building VisionWhat does a Culture of Achievement Look Like?

Understanding this culture will help you as a leader of the classroom Set high expectations for classroom cultureEmpower you to develop your skill setSelect the most powerful strategies to actually build this type of culture over time9Video ReflectionsDo you believe that students are likely to emerge from this classroom on a path of expanded opportunities due to being part of this classroom culture?

If so, what are the students saying, doing, or believing, in this classroom that makes you think this?

As the leader of your classroom, what do you think will be necessary to make your vision of achievement a reality for your students? Deeply internalized quantitative and qualitative goals

Peer relationships are strong

Experiencing authentic joy in learning content

A sense of urgency amongst students in classroom

Learning and excelling in skills and mindsets that are applicable well beyond the walls of this classrooms?EvidenceBuilding a Culture of Achievement

What purpose does this discussion of Taylors classroom serve?Never lower our expectationsMotivating visionWe are going to build a vision of what a culture of achievement looks like and what is possible for the students that we teach

Consider the following questions as you watch the video and jot down notes on Handout 1

4-5 mins. to discuss questions whole groupInstitute Culture of Achievement Vision

Teacher in the video has several years of experienced and developed skills over time to be able to develop this level of CofABar is high, but reachableCan begin that vision here at Institute11Every Step CountsBuilding a Culture of Achievement is challenging and takes time to fully realize.

Start now because every step counts.

Start the journey of developing this culture because every step closer will have a significant impact on our students RIGHT NOW12Culture of Achievement Pathway Culture of Achievement occurs along a continuumIt is NOT a set pathMost classrooms fall somewhere among these descriptions13Culture of Achievement Pathway

Read Handout 3 soft copy pg. 3Goals:100% interested/ hard working*Push for urgent, passionate, joyful, and caring*

What does this mean for us?Keep a vision of CofA so we dont lower expectationsHave a motivating vision for now and over time

W/ a partner: (2 mins.) Why is it important that we get 100% of our classrooms to interested and hard-working and as many as possible to urgent, joyful, passionate, and caring?Going to review a resource togetehr to help us break down our investment visionCulture of Achievement occurs along a continuum- this overview gives us a brief description of each point on that continuumTry to visualize the classroom as you read (5 min)

Consider our CS room

Discuss question with partner (2 mins)1-2 CMs share reflections whole group

Not lowering the bar just because this is summer school and its only 4 weeks. If anything, we need to raise the bar higher because we only have 4 weeks.

14Lets Hear it from the Kids!Visit a classroom from institute last summer

Consider:Where is this classroom on the path to a Culture of Achievement?

What student and teacher actions, habits and beliefs did you notice that led you to believe that?

Handout 2 soft copy pg. 2

Why is it important to hear from our kids?Will administer this during Week 4Ask students questions throughout Grade level aligned surveysTool kit walk through to come

To help us understand what CofA looks like at Institute and why its important, were going to take a look at a classroom from last summer

Dont debrief; do H3 first (2 min)

Then discuss questions

Class is interested and hardworkingVideo:JoyfulFocusedfollowing directions; no off task activities, move w/ urgencyActive participationStrong peer relationships

SurveySs understand the goal and believe its worth working towards; putting in extra effort outside of classFeel cared about and have personal connectionGrowing confident in math abilities

We can only get that information from students (ask them for your own development and adjustment)I can come in your room and ask your students any questions you come up with the list and the answers you would want to hear

15Path to a CofA: Best Practices

Just talked about the importance of working hard to invest Ss and concrete examples of student actions16

TAL Impact ModelConsider: What teacher actions contribute to C of A?EVERY row of TAL will have an impact.To be transformational we must take EXPLICIT actions to invest Ss.

Lets talk about teacher actions that contribute to CofA

Every row counts- every row of Tal will impact the culture of yoru classroom (click slide then click back)Need to set goalsPlanExecuteManage

So planning, executing, and managing are critical but they are not enoughalone they will not tip your classroom into the culture of achievement

We must also take actions that are explicitly for the purpose of investing our students

17Theres no one way to investResearch showsNo singular teacher personality or teacher style that worksLeveraging natural personality strengths in an authentic way is criticalMust truly believe in own investment plan

Are there trends?Common Investor Profiles

We are going to focus on the most powerful teacher actions that deeply invest students and the importance of being authentic in your execution- students can read to you

What may work for a colleague may not work for you

Research shows that

To help you begin identifying yourself with which Investor Profile (s) you have the most in common, we will take a quizRead each question quickly and write down the letter of the gut-instinct response that most fits youInvestor Profile Quiz: Complete the quiz at your table independently

Dont think too hard about your response. Go with your gut instinct

19Read question 1 and write down your answer

19This is NOT a good assessment!Scoring:A: ShowmanshipB: Relationship buildingC: Straight talk and tough love

Handout 4 : Investor Profiles soft copy pg. 4

May be a combination

Brag on yourself: What natural talents do you bring to the classroom that you think you can leverage to invest your Ss?Pattern in the answers

Read handout (3min)Share with your partnerShare out20Your Investment Plan

Now that we have a sense of what successful teacher investors do, lets talk about the specifics of what you need to do this summer

Investment, as magical as it is, doesnt just happen21Summer OverviewHow will I invest Ss at Institute?Build relationships with students and familiesInvesting students in vision and goals

What tools are available to me?Investment PlanInvestment ToolkitsStaffOther ideas?

The context of Institute is limited and youre just learning

Providing you with a concrete and limited set of investment strategies

Investment does not just happen magically on its own, or because of special teacher-talent- strategically plan to make happen

ReviewAlready hearing great things from kids

Not optional to implement these questions

22Investment Plan Deep DiveHandout 5 soft copy pg. 6Plant the seedsKeep it Alive4 minutesQuestions

Tool Kit Time

Key QuestionsWhat does a Culture of Achievement look like in terms of Ss actions, habits, and mindsets?

What is the relationship between strong culture and long term student success?

What strategies can we use to build a strong Culture of Achievement here at Institute and in the region?

Investment is critical to creating the culture of achievement that we need to move our kids forwardWere going to talk about it todayHere are the key questions were going to address26EXPLORE!!!Work time with your kid groups! Review resourcesPlan awayIn ClosingIve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. Its my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a childs life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.

-Dr. Hiam Ginott

Investment is the key to a life changing impact on students.

Bottom Line? You as a teacher have an incredible opportunity and responsibiolity to be the leader who builds a learning community that studetns want to be a part of and that enables them to reach transformational personal and academic growth

This quote that really sums up a lot of what we talked about today that Id like to share with you. (have CM read quote)

Everything you do as a teacher matternsDue DatesNow that you know about the ingredients in your Investment Plan, you can return to the questions on your Management Plan that referenced a Class Theme

Investment plan draft due to CMA Friday morning!Happy Planning!

Office Hours: 6-7 pm in Bunche RoomShout outs
