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For Creatives, Event Professionals, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, & Authors

Page 2: For Creatives, Event Professionals, Coaches, Consultants ...€¦ · Dear Creatives, Event Professionals, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, and Authors, Delighted to be here with you!


© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

Dear Creatives, Event Professionals, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, and Authors,

Delighted to be here with you! This is your lucky day. Life will never be the same. That’s what I aspire for you and my intention with our new connection.

Regardless of which pivot you choose in your business due to the new economy, the golden nuggets I have for you all must be in place as you take action on your pivot plan.

To begin, I highly recommend chunking down your business goals into 90-day increments where you choose a few pivots with goals to achieve and then implement what I am about to teach you.

Before I launch into teaching and inspiring you how to achieve your one-year goals in 6 weeks in this new economy, I want to share a backstory to lay the right foundation for you to excel.

Furthermore, this story will give you the authenticity of what I am teaching because it all came from my own breakdown to breakthrough.

Inspired action not massive action helped recover my dreams, create more consistent income, brought me the most joy while serving my clients and healed my relationship with my creativity.

As a result, my clients and I follow the same method resulting in earning more income faster and more efficiently while simplifying our business models.

Backstory June 1, 2017 was the day my life expanded in ways I would have never imagined. After 20 years of denying my long-held desire to live and work in both USA and Italy (laptop lifestyle), I hit a wall in March 2017 that required deep soul searching for answers.

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

On June 1, I hired my coach for a private five-hour intensive to recover my dreams and desires. They were lost in the harried-ness of life far too long. I felt like a manufactured version of myself after nine years of running my coaching business. After a few hours of diving deep that had me crying, laughing, and imagining, my brilliant coach pulled out of me that long-held desire and helped me plan my first-time month-long stay in Florence, Italy. As a result, I was a woman on a mission to make it happen. I had not felt THAT alive and vital in years! 45 days later after planning my adventure, I took off for Rome and Florence, Italy to be transformed from the inside out. That desire was the seed that launched my new life. (Photo credit: Wendy Yalom, Florence, Italy 2017) Everything changed from that travel experience. I fell back in love with life. I trusted my intuition again. The feeling of being vibrant in who I was and how I showed up in life became my new normal. I spent days roaming the cobblestone streets of Florence experiencing the culture, food, people and incredible architecture. I lived like a local in my cute Airbnb only a 20-minute walk to the main Piazza. I worked my coaching business from my laptop and reveled in the ease and flow of play and work. I visited Tuscany wineries and marveled at the beauty of Cinque Terre during day trips! I created a new brand. I designed a new business structure based on ONLY what brought me joy, and composed new programs that were authentic to me. Three years later my life and business still look and feel completely different. Whenever I feel out of alignment with who I am or what I am doing, I do what I am about to teach you.

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

Creative Achievement Formula How often have you claimed an important goal and have it fall short? It was a goal that seemed highly achievable with the required focus and actions. But, alas, it didn't come to fruition and you felt defeated. Given the uncertain but dynamic road of the empowered woman, this scenario is common. We just pick ourselves up; dust ourselves off and do-it-all-over-again with a few tweaks. Right? I can almost guarantee you never knew or were told this one crucial element was missing. I certainly didn’t know until my coach taught me. The proven formula for success and fulfillment to feel completely spiritually aligned in a high vibration zone is this: Desires + Goals = Results. Desires fuel the goals. Our desires are made from our fire, passion, free-spirit, and non-negotiable traits. Desires are the heart. Goals are the logic. You cannot achieve a goal faster without the desires fueling the goals. Goals alone for women entrepreneurs will leave us burned out and unfulfilled. Do you have desires you have long held in your heart without giving them the light of day due to fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry of financial, and/or lack of time? Back in 2017, my goals were to make money with joy, feel deeply authentic and happy in my business changing lives, and respectfully let go of anyone or anything that was not aligned with this new high frequency life. This became my new normal.

Page 5: For Creatives, Event Professionals, Coaches, Consultants ...€¦ · Dear Creatives, Event Professionals, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, and Authors, Delighted to be here with you!


© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

What kept me going in times of uncertainty while sustaining my perseverance back in 2017 was my desire to live and work in Italy for years to come; it wasn’t the goals themselves. See the difference? When we give our loyalty to our desires, have faith and trust these desires can and will happen, they lead us in the pursuit of our goals. We are not trained and imprinted as young women to go after our desires. We are told they unattainable or unaffordable. Practicality sets in. But it is our desires that help withstand the demands of our focus and actions to see the goal complete. Desires are the fuel to keep the fire lit in your heart to see it through to manifest. What long-held desire have you been holding off? I know you are completely capable and powerful to take the leap of faith and begin the process. Ok, let’s move onto the two must have strategies in order to achieve your one-year goals in 6-weeks.

Two Must Have Strategies Inspired Action vs. Massive Action and Raising Your Wealth Consciousness for Higher Sales Conversion.

These are the secrets behind collapsing your time frame from one year to 6 weeks. Before I go dive into details of those strategies, let’s look at what happened to two of my women creative entrepreneur clients who were recent graduates of my Money Transformation Program.

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

Their results reconfirm the truth that anything is possible in a short time frame given you implement effective mindset strategies, intention, and actions.

Watching their swift transformations in as little as 4-6 weeks never ceases to amaze me and I have been guiding creatives and professionals to collapse their time frames on goals for 12 years now. Chelsey, brand + web designer, and business coach to entrepreneurial women, started her business at 19. Almost 10 years later she’s a sought-after branding and web designer expert placing women brands on the map globally. Chelsey enrolled in my Money Transformation 6-week group program this year (2020) to breakthrough her resistance to being in relationship with her numbers (cash-flow), break her money glass ceiling, and attain her BIG goals in 2020. What soon happened within a few weeks will astound you as much as it did me. “My husband and I started to discuss money goals that to me felt unattainable. As a business owner I didn’t love looking at my cash-flow; it made me feel uncomfortable and uneasy. I also had a hard time trusting where I was investing in my business.

But then it happened. In the first week of Marla’s program, I paid off two credit cards!

AND, one of my big goals was to buy a home. We set the timeline for that by the end of the year. We actually accomplished this goal by week 4/6 of the program!!

Marla’s coaching clarified what I wanted which made me feel confident about the ways I wanted to invest my money in my business and helped me recreate my relationship with my cash-flow so I can be more conscious about not only where I’m spending but where I’m saving or supporting others.” – Chelsey Marie

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

Michele Harvey is an outstanding filmmaker based in Miami. Co-owner of Modern Love Productions, she and her partner, Osiris, are a married wedding videography team – where they create authentic, artistic, and deeply personal wedding films.

I was delighted to have her in the program after meeting Michele at Wedding MBA, an industry conference, during my breakout session about wealth consciousness for higher sales conversion.

I can honestly say she embodied that very result due to her loyalty to the Money Transformation program and being a very coachable!

Her transformation also occurred in a short-time frame where she attained several financial and mindset goals that up-leveled her wedding filmmaking business within two months!

“My old money story/relationship was based on what was demonstrated and taught to me from my family, which was a very practical, middle-class and security first mindset. As an adult I adapted this practical mindset as a limiting belief in which I could not imagine myself wealthy despite being a driven person.

Marla’s program helped me completely flip my money relationship, including viewing money as a value and moving past any insecurities and limiting beliefs about what I am capable of and deserve!

The two months during the program coincided with my largest earning months of my business to date and I booked my largest jobs to date (2 bookings over $4,000 apiece from $2,800 base package price).

I made $12k in one weekend. I raised the rates on all of my packages and no one has asked for a discount or tried to negotiate with me on rates.” – Michele Harvey

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

There is something incredible about the human condition. When given the opportunity to recalibrate old habits, mindset and/or behaviors, especially with money, we end up creating a new money legacy for generations to come.

How did all this happen for Chelsey and Michele (and many other clients)?

Transforming and elevating their wealth consciousness (how you think, act, feel with money). In other words:

• Your self-worth and dignity.

• Boundaries with money. (Not caving into other people’s money story in the sales process by owning your value and worth.)

• Empowering money conversations with potential clients, clients, partners, spouses, investors, and more.

• Standing firm with your pricing (that’s wealth consciousness and a qualifying sales system)

• Offering a 5-day savings rate as an incentive.

• Having an unapologetic belief that we live in an abundant Universe, even in this new economy.

• Deleting the word “discount” from your vocabulary; replace with “savings” or “bonus.” That word is a low-vibe. High ticket services are far from “discount” mentality. They are high value and high vibe.

• Never sell via text, email, FB message, IG message or any device where you are not present with the client. Always a phone or video conversation. Don’t give away your power.

Let’s roll! Two strategies that must be in place to achieve your one-year goals in 6 weeks in this economy.

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

Strategy One: Inspired Action vs. Massive Action

How many times have you heard the phrase “take massive action?” What vibe do you feel around that phrase? The first time I heard it was way back in 2007 during my first of many Tony Robbins seminars. I am one of his biggest fans and students – so much that I have taken most of his courses over the last 20 years and my 29-year-old son eventually worked for Tony’s Unleash the Power Within marketing team for three years. I raised my son on the life success principles Tony is known for including the contribution and giving principles with humanity skills. I am a believer and supporter in Tony’s teachings; they up-leveled my life in numerous ways. I learned to think bigger. I became more courageous pursuing my goals. I nurtured the visionary in me. However, as the years went on and I evolved spiritually and professionally running my own coaching business, I realized this mindset and principle just didn’t align with who I became. It was not the way to feel GOOD along the way to achieving goals. Massive action feels hard, pushy and rough. I found out the hard way. This is what I was doing the first nine years of my coaching business that eventually burned me out and created my melt down in 2017. I pushed my way through goals and actions and felt overly burned out by the time I completed them. What I have come to learn is when women use too much masculine energy for extended periods of time – our hearts and intuition shut down as well as our feminine power. That’s exactly what happened back then. That was the turning point for me. I would no longer be available for this consistent masculine energy. I learned there is a masterful blend of the two when running a business or career.

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

I choose more often to feel inspired, focused, authentic, calm and open to receiving the good along the way to the goal. I know this is not always easy, but when you commit to transforming your mindset and stay accountable to this, you will experience change. I’m a big advocate of INSPIRED ACTION. You, too? Here are the differences:

With inspired action, you also partner with Universal Intelligence requesting guidance to support achieving your goals. This comes by way of having a partnership mentality and claiming the goal with certainty, faith, trust, grace and ease. The secret sauce is to be open to receiving intuitive direction. Be in a place of “receiving” while taking inspired action. This is your feminine power at its best.

To take this one step further, let’s get clear on what traits are considered masculine and feminine. My aspiration for you is to live and work in a masterful blend of both.

We need the masculine systems, strategies, and structures to sustain and grow our businesses. We need the powerful feminine energy to create, imagine, emote, intuit, vision, lead, collaborate, build relationships, play, and enjoy business and life.

When driven, powerful women operate too much in the masculine mode (imbalance) they burn out often and shut their heart down (feelings, intuition, creativity).

From my own mentor/coach, Gina DeVee quoted from her book, “The Audacity to Be Queen,” here is a list of traits to help you understand even more how to lead with inspired action:

Massive action: This feels and looks like the go-to-war mentality. The mindset is it’s all up to you to make it happen with shear will power. This can lead to hitting the wall and burn out. You will achieve goals but at a cost to your well-being.

Inspired action: This is the intuitive and self-care route to achieving your desires and goal(s). You are conscious of self-care during the actions you need to take along the way to achieving the goal. Be aware of extended period of times with no breaks.

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Feminine Power: Intuitive, creative, expansive, feeling, emotion, spontaneous, playful, collaborative, beautiful, spiritual, dynamic, circular, vulnerable, nurturer, community gathering, receiving.

Masculine energy: Doing, thinking, protection, giving, predictable, logical, results-oriented, linear, goal setting, functional, systems, structure, strategy, sturdy, provider, independent.

Now that’s standing for your worth and dignity!

Strategy 2: Raise Your Wealth Consciousness for Higher Client Attraction & Sales Conversion

Your money relationship will be the most profound relationship you’ll have in your lifetime next to your higher power, yourself and your significant other.

Yet, no fault of our own, we unconsciously carry belief systems around money that prevent us from succeeding personally and financially.

It is our blind-spots, mindset, behaviors and habits that are causing less than optimal or consistent client attraction, sales and results.

Success in attraction, pricing and closing sales begin with your own money relationship and what you unconsciously feel you are worth.

If this one vital component is missing, a healthy wealth consciousness, you are sure to have a challenge at achieving your financial goals.

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Conversely, if you have this one vital component in place and are committed to applying it to your life and business, you are sure to be on the fast track to achieving your goals.

This may be the first time you’ve ever considered how your own money story, habits and behaviors play into your financial success. Or it may be a powerful reminder to revisit and recalibrate.

Regardless, until we transform our money relationship, we will have a challenge gaining momentum in any area where finances are concerned. This comes prior to the systems and marketing actions.

I guide you to understand the powerful impact of your current money relationship and why transforming it has positive generational impact. A pre-transformed money relationship looks like this:

It's the money story you carry around with you unconsciously. No fault of your own.

If you are a parent, it’s what you unconsciously pass down to your children as you operate daily with money. (This is the legacy I refer to)

It's the habits, behaviors and mindset with money that you adopted growing up that now dictate every decision you make, especially in sales as a business owner.

It's your relationship with money- how you feel about it, pay attention to it, bless it, or ignore it, criticize it, judge it, and talk about it negatively with self and others.

It’s how you talk to your friends, colleagues and family about money.

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To begin transforming the following common money relationship symptoms that dilute client attraction and sales results regardless of income level, we must be conscious and aware these exist in our life. That’s the first level of change.

• Avoidance of any kind with money

• Under-earning • Soft boundaries around

money – easily persuaded to give discounts

• Relationships – discomfort talking with your partner about money

• People who owe you money, hesitant to ask for the due amount • Missing bill paying system – pay as you go • Undervaluing your talents • Afraid to increase your rates

I am eager to help you be more empowered with your money relationship, transform your finances, and wear your dignity with confidence. This is what Chelsey, Michele and over 10 years of transforming client’s lives experience.

They first recalibrated their mindset, habits and behaviors around money as they composed their one-year vision AS IF it’s already complete. Then they used my Creative Achievement Formula. Then they took courageous actions on asking for the sale in their higher rates knowing they were worth it.

That new normal is possible for you by taking this immediate action right now:

These two leading strategies (among other powerful coaching content) is what happened behind the scenes to help Chelsey and Michele collapse their one-year goal time frame from one year to six-weeks.

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© Copyright 2020. Marla Diann Mentoring International. All Rights Reserved.

1. Schedule 1 of 7 available private discovery Zoom calls (60 min) available by filling out the quick request form on the page you received this guide from. You were led to this page – In your scheduled Zoom call - we will discuss what came up for you from my talk on this popular, much in-demand topic regarding achieving goals in a collapsed time frame rather than the conventional limiting step-by-step way. You CAN have those desires AND goals much sooner than how you have been operating and thinking by taking the right actions and options.

Meet Marla Marla Diann is an international success coach and business strategist for high achieving creative entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers, authors, service professionals, wedding and event professionals who are ready to upgrade to the next level of life and business financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Celebrating 12 years in business, Marla Diann Mentoring International represents over 30+ years of entrepreneurship, life and business mentoring, entertainment publicity & talent management, personal branding, personal growth, spirituality, professional development, coaching, women and youth philanthropy.

Marla guides her entrepreneur clients to identify and implement new success habits, a renewed creativity, and a discovery of their genius zone talents, new behaviors, an upgraded mindset, and an elegantly transformed relationship with money. For more details and client stories, go to

Contact: Email: [email protected] 310-316-4725 (office) 805-407-2290 (cell)

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