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Page 1: Food topic

AKVILES rasinys

Each of our way of life is very different. One of our time is limited and they have everywhere be in time. Exactly that we choose those situations which us more acceptable. While other peoples lifestyle is considerably calmer. So they not to hurry anywhere and they could carry out their work, as they like.

Pirmas paragrafas: EACH WAY OF OUR LIFE IS VERY DIFFERENT. (ANTRO SAKINIO VISAI NESUPRANTU KA NORI PASAKYTI). Treciame sakinyje zodziu tvarka sakinyje, verskis pazodziui ir matysi kas gaunasi. O ketvirtame sakinyje ties ta vieta – not to hurry cia pries tuos zodzius tikriausiai kažkokio zodzio nedarase, praleidai kazka. Ir ketvirtame sakinyje ten ta mintis staigiai soka, keičiasi.

Talking about eating food at various locations, nowadays more and more people prefer eat in various restaurants, but not at home. This choise helpS us to save time, and they WE do not need anyone to take

care of (cia nesupratau sakinio pabaigos, pagalvok ar teisinga viska issireiski ka nori pasakyti). . As well as ( LABAI DAUG KUS NAUDOJI AS WELL AS ........ pasiskaityk googleje įsivedus es well as

definitions, kad matytum kaip jis naudojamas) this choise have HAS many minusES. Eating in the restaurant we spend a lot of money than the food is worth, we don’t know is what exactly is a food made (teisingai isreiksk minti) and and we do not know whether it is fresh.

While (istyryniau kableli, po while kablelio nerasome) eating at home and preparing food for themselves we can try a lot of interesting ideas DISHES (patiekalus). We are ensure SURE that food MEALS (valgiai) (food mes perkame parduotuvėje, meals mes ruosiame, gaminame namie kad butu patiekalas) are made healthy and THEY are freshly. Also cooking in your kitchen could close FAMILY together family. Do not forget that even this (cia nereikia kablelio) has its own minusES. Firstly, it takes a lot of time, secondly, when we eaten (nereikia ir cia kablelio) we need to clean our kitchen and lastly, sometimes produced MADE MEAL food is not tasty.

While (istryniau kableli, po while kablelio nerasome) eating at home and preparing food for themselves we can try a lot of interesting ideas DISHES (patiekalus). We are ensure SURE that food MEALS (valgiai) (food mes perkame parduotuvėje, meals mes ruosiame, gaminame namie kad butu patiekalas) are made healthy and THEY are freshly. Also cooking in your kitchen could close FAMILY together family. Do not forget that even this (cia nereikia kablelio) has its own minusES. Firstly, it takes a lot of time, secondly, when we eaten (nereikia ir cia kablelio) we need to clean our kitchen and lastly, sometimes produced MADE MEAL food is not tasty.

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Many people prefer to eat out at restaurants while others who rather eat at home. Of these two ways of eating, I prefer to eat at home because it is cheaper, faster and more nutritious.

At first, eating at home is cheaper because it reduces the cost by many ways like it cuts travelling cost to restaurants; I do not need to give tips, do not need to pay tax and service charge at my home. Also the cost of groceries is much cheaper than the cost of a restaurant entrée. For example: dinner usually costs $10 – 15 in a restaurant versus $1 – 3 at home.

Likewise, eating at home is faster as preparing dinner can take about 30 – 60 minutes. Generally it takes 10 minutes for cleaning & washing, 5 minutes for cutting the ingredients and 15 to 30 minutes for cooking them. While going to dinner takes time to drive, to park, to go in, to get seated and to order food. Travelling time exceeds usual when there is heavy traffic in route. Sometimes when the seats are not available I have to wait for about half an hour or more. So altogether this can take a lot more than 60 minutes.

More importantly, eating at home is more nutritious & healthier because I choose the best ingredients to cook with, but I don’t know the kind of ingredients the restaurant uses. Most things are adulterated so I select them carefully from good store. I do not use rotten food, but I don’t know if the restaurants do. These are not healthy. I always buy fresh vegetables and meat to cook and I do not use preservatives, but restaurants often do. I also do not put additional things in my cooking as restaurants do just to increase the taste. These have very serious adverse effects on our health. I cook ingredients at low temperature or at the temperature recommended for cooking to preserve the nutrients. For example I cook vegetables at low temperature and by covering the pot; I put salts at the end of cooking to preserve iodine which otherwise will evaporate if put in the beginning as it is a volatile substance. I don’t think these points are considered in mind while cooking in restaurants. It is meaningless to eat food if it is neither nutritious nor healthier; I don’t eat food merely to fill my stomach. So I like to eat nutritious and healthier food at home.

In short, being health conscious person, I prefer to eat at home because I can save money, eat quickly and eat well.

Food, the most important necessity of any living organism in the world, has formed many relations and caused conflicts not only among human but also among the animals. To satiate the appetite, an organism fight, work or can go to an extent which can neither be dreamed nor can be expected. Let’s keep our topic to human. While primitive human used to eat raw, uncooked and tasteless food, the advancement and

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progress enabled to have delicious, well cooked food.

Requirement of food, opened the opportunity of employment forcing people to open restaurants, food courts, food chains etc. In spite of the facilities to have food outside at minimal charges, taste different cuisine just on a demand, few love to cook at home whenever they get time for several reasons that are explained below.

Food cooked at home ensures the good quality and appropriate quantity. Victuals obtained at the restaurants or the food courts are cooked for a specific purpose, aiming to ensure profit, which in turn results in poor food quality or even unhygienic food. By cooking at home one can be assured that the food is well cooked, kept in clean boxes, the ingredients are fresh resulting in a healthy and appropriate diet.

The mundane activity makes life dull and strenuous and the activity like cooking food provides the prospect to get relaxed. A good camaraderie is often seen to be developed over a food table and cooking habit can arouse interest of people in you, offering the opportunity to meet new friends or to develop a deep relation with the existing ones. The social relationship improves the environment surrounding making it more amicable and helps in evading tension and stress.

As cooking is my hobby, I love to cook home. During cooking I try to prepare different cuisines which require research and it helps in getting the view points of diverse food-connoisseurs enriching my knowledge.

Though food is necessity and can be availed at any place but what matters is a healthy food. A food that is not only to satiate the appetite but also can improve social amity and food cooked. That’s is why people love to cook in spite of the provision to have food outside at any restaurant poor a food court.


Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home.Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Man, through the ages, has undergone any changes from the time when he had tohaunt for food to these days when he has to buy it. Some people prefer to buy freshvegetables, meat and fruits and prepare food at home. However, other people preferto skip that step with cooking and have dinner at a restaurant. I think that both of

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these choices have some advantages and disadvantages. Bellow I will give somereasons to support my answer.

Personally, I do not like fast food. So, my choice is always between a restaurant andmy home. First of all, I would like to say that cooking is a great tradition. It helpspeople to relax, reflect on some pleasant moments while peeling or cutting thevegetables. It is a means of eliminating one's stress and tension. Second of all,sometimes I do not want to have something too complicated for my dinner. I justwant to have light food like a salad and a glass of milk. So, one of the reasons why Ilike to eat at home is because I can have what I want at this moment. One greaterthing about eating at home is that I can sit in front of the TV and watch aninteresting program or a movie. Finally, having dinner at home allows a familycommunicates with each other, be closer and share some good and bad momentsthat happened earlier that day. Besides, eating at home is a great way to save somemoney.

As for restaurants, I see some positive aspects about eating there too. First of all, I 108

sometimes get tired from peeling, cutting, washing, frying, etc. It does not mean I doit a lot. Sometimes I just use the microwave and a preprocessed food that I boughtearlier. I want to have something more delicious than I have in my refrigerator,something that is time-consuming to prepare at home. So, for me it is a good reasonto go to a restaurant. There one may meet old friends or just has a great timelistening to music and tasting some delicious meats.

Also, restaurants are a good place to celebrate something. One does not have toprepare food for all friends who are coming, wash dish, put in order all that messafter the party, etc.

In conclusion, I think that it does not important where one has one's dinner. What important is that it must be full and nutritious.

Alturabi MohamedThers a considerable controversy about whether people like to eat athome or to go to resturant. To me, I hold the veiw point that peopleprefere eating at resturant are wasting time and mony. more than that,the type of food being prepared at market is believed to be unhealthy one. As a matter of fact, nowadays eating at resturant c an be hardly dangerous to our body. The risk might be obtained by taking meals outside home is represents in the low quality and the way food are kooked. For example, some resturants dealing with type of food resources which could be out of date, in addition to that, they are using more fats and additives to

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enhance the taste withuot considering the side effect of these materials to the human bodyFurthermore, the risk can be occured from eating out side home is obvious, include many diseases like heard diseases, indigestive disorder and all types of ulcers. At the same time people are wasting their time by waiting in a queue to obtain an order from resturant. Nevertheless, the majority go to take food outside home specially young people who are preferimg fast food and ready meal at resturants. Interestingly, resturants pay huge amount of mony for rent and taxes, sothat, custumers would be affectedby increasing in the cost of food. However, many of them still havebeen attracted by eating at resturants. In contrast, to prepre food at home is necessary and considered to be more healthy, families at home can be making high standard of food quality and using fesh oil with minimum quantity of fats. Additionally, they save mony and spend lesstime to prepare fresh meals. As a result of that, people are lesslikely to be exposed to diseases and disorders.To conclude, I personally believe that, eating at home has more advantages than go to resturant by saving mony and time, and keep our body fit and healthy.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 16:01:00 GMT-8 Alturabi Mohamed said...

My comment regarding what Sunarmi has written is that the general idea is not clear, also the writer did not give his opinion in the first paragraph. Moreover, there are significant gramatical mistakes for instance, befor Iam came, a lot of I learn in England, eat at home is we have to shop and so on. Also, the text is not cohasive or homogenious with each other and the idea is not clear. Finally, the structure of the sentnces is incorrect and the number of the words is far below the recommended level. With more practice you can enhance your writing and good luck.your class-mate,Alturabi Mohamed.

Thursday, 14 January 2010 16:41:00 GMT-8 mohamed said...


Thursday, 29 September 2011 04:10:00 GMT-7 sellinah said...

There are restaurants and there are take aways in every conner of every street all over this nation nowadays.Some of these places their food is so cheap,almost as if the're giving it away,on the other hand, some of these food places are really expensive, restaurants mostly.So it all depends on whether you can afford it or not. As for me, i prefer my own cooking.I like to buy fresh food and make sure it's washed and cooked very well,i also like to know what sort of ingrediants are in. Don't get me wrong,some of these restaurants and take aways, their food is absolutely top notch,i've been to some of Chinese and Indian take aways,their food tasted glorious i must say.But for me, nomater how taste the food is out there, my cooking is always taste better, espesially when it comes to food like meats, i become very fuss to whether has it been washed or not,because sometimes i go to the butchers to buy chicken and most of the times it will be covered in small feathers which i have to come home and clean it properly.So little things like that makes me thnk twise

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before i can buy take away or go to a restaurant.Furthermore, most take aways food is very unhealth,beacause 98ed per cent of thier food is fried food, which is not good for our well being.So as for me,home cooked food is the best food.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011 11:57:00 GMT-7 Leila said...

Nowadays,with the resounding spread of supermarkets and stands in urban life,people will rely on fast foods increasingly.Furthermore,employed people do not have spare time to spend in the kitchen. I personally prefer to prepare my favourite food at home prior to eat out. There are many advantages in home made food which is not found in ready meals.Most restaurants and takeaways use loads of cans and pre-packaged food in their food,in contrast to home made meals,which is prepared with organic and fresh ingredients. Another considerable factor is the high amount of fat that is considered in fast foods.The huge fryers is utilised to cook,unfortunately,as a result,the oil is re used often.researches has proved people who eat ready meals is more confronted with serious problems,such as,heart attacks or diabetics decease's. Moreover,there are also enormous difference in expenses.Eating in restaurants is so costly,in comparison to eating at home which is prepared with reasonable costs. Additionally,with making food at home,the members of family meet each other and undoubtedly,this feature will improve the intimacy between them. To conclude,if we have a realistic view,eating in stands and restaurants is inevitable,but,if we consider the privileges of home made foods, without any hesitation,we would have the healthier life.

Saturday, 8 October 2011 09:26:00 GMT-7 Olger said...

Going out to eat frequently, accompanied for your partner or friends, is synonym of modern life. But to permit it we also need to have a good economical position.

Every time new restaurants coming out with different types of food and also different level of luxury, what will determinate the cost of our going out bill.

Eating in a restaurant or buying food to go is always the best option but is not the more convenient to our pocket because for example: with the same money that we can spent in a dinner for two in a restaurant, we could buy food enough in market for one or two weeks, even though it would need to be prepared.

To cook at home has more advantages that only saving money. So in the kitchen, you can mix ingredients, savours, etc, moreover in home you do not have to wait for a table, what sometimes in a restaurant takes long time. We should also take in consideration about the affective benefits that cooking in family produce.

To eat at home or out, is up to each person, the only thing that everyone needs to do is watch their finances and if somebody can go out often, is good for him. And for the people that cannot permit it, would be better to start thinking in some cooking course.

Sunday, 9 October 2011 11:54:00 GMT-7 aya gwli said...

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people in all countries have a different opinon about a dinner and eating food.Some persons like a fast food but arrangement food at home is much better by other individuals.I think, cooking nourishment indoor is more healther than the other.On the one hand,eating or buying food at a resturant or takeaway require to alarger amount of money ,it is less healther and might be some where are not used good conditional food or expiered material which are danger human body for instance:that oil which is used for ferrying potato chips does not change every day and most time is been cooler and reheated again.Nowaday , more research shows that oil causes a main reason for a cancer .Also preparation food at home needs to time for cooking and buying all requirements and spend more electricity.On the other hand, consume fastfood by people not to spend lot of time,nearly by (15 or 20 mins) can deliver and eat and it is ready all time with more delicious and vary taste.Althoug arrangment meals at home is being-well ,it is necessary a lot of time for preparation.From my view,making and preparation fare at recidence prefer than food at food stand and has more advantage than preparing retrefreshment.

Monday, 10 October 2011 18:05:00 GMT-7 Chantal Niyonzima said...

They are some people think carefully about to go eat out like restaurent. Some could be because their culture or background. Special their way are grew up. It is very difficult for them to eat the food they did prepared themselves.

To me, I prefer to cook it on my own and to eat at home. I like to cook because it is a part of my hobby. Since I was a little girl, my mother taught how to cook also I am allergy for some food. At the weekend, I could spend seven or Eight hours, in the kitchen just for cooking a different variety of food. For all those times I never complaits because I enjoy it.

However, to eat at home, it 90% to decrease the risk to get some diseases. When you cook, it is yourself to make sure you are eating a good quality not quantity and also healthy food it is very important in our dialy life. Not just eating for survive.

In my point view, to eat at home have more advantages than eating in restaurant because you can eat healthy and fresh meals. Also save money, time, and avoid to catch some illness. You can sit down as family enjoy your meals.

Desadvantage eat to restaurant, it is more risk to develop many disease. Nevertheless, people could eat better food and spend more money to not be satisfact for thier meals.It is why some people still believe that, eat to the restaurant it is healthy and fresh food but they are forgot about hygiene. So I prefere to prepare and eat food at hame.

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