  • food menu


    for any additional(s), please refer to our service staff • prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% gst

    Sauté di Vongole $23 Clams tossed with garlic, chilli, parsley, white wine and extra-virgin olive oil

    Zuppa di CoZZe $19Mussels tossed with garlic and black pepper in tomato sauce

    inSalata ortolana $19 Mixed salad, fresh mozzarella cheese, black olives, sundried tomatoes and artichokes tossed with extra-virgin olive oil

    inSalata triColore $17Lettuce, tomato wedges, ricotta cheese and avocado tossed with fresh lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil

    inSalata riCCa $19Lettuce, rocket leaves, tuna flakes, Italian cherry tomatoes, black olives and avocado tossed with extra-virgin olive oil

    inSalata di CeSare $19Romaine lettuce, Italian cherry tomatoes and anchovies tossed with mayonnaise and parmesan cheese

    CarpaCCio napoletano $21Fresh beef slices on a bed of salad topped with parmesan cheese and mushrooms

    proSCiutto & MoZZarella di Bufala $22ball of buffalo mozzarella cheese topped with slices of parma ham

    Burrata & poModoro $26300g special soft creamy cheese and italian cherry tomatoes on a bed of rocket leaves

    CapreSe $18Sliced fresh mozzarella cheese, tomato slices, black olives, and basil drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil

    forMaggi MiSti $17 Mixed cheese platter

    parMigiana $19Oven baked slices of eggplant layered with mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, basil in tomato sauce

    gaMBeri & $20 porCini Prawns and porcini mushroom sautéed in garlic and olive oil served with fresh rocket leaves

    BruSChetta $4(Per slice)

    garliC Bread $3.50(Per slice)

    foCaCCia $14 BianCaPizza bread with garlic, oregano and extra-virgin olive oil

    CreaMy $12 MuShrooM Soup

    Seafood Soup $13

    Insalata Ricca


  • ho






    for any additional(s), please refer to our service staff • prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% gst

    Spaghetti $60 CartoCCio (Serves 2) Spaghetti with mixed seafood, capers, black olives and a dash of chilli in tomato sauce

    “hi, Can i order, pleaSe?

    Ciao, poSSo ordinare per faVore?

    Spaghetti Cartoccio

    penne Mare e Monte $25Penne pasta with mushroom, squid, prawns and a dash of chilli in cream sauce

    Spaghetti al forno $27Spaghetti with king prawn, fish fillet and a dash of chilli in light pink sauce (tomato-cream sauce)

    farfalle al granChio $24bow-tie pasta with crab meat, garlic and a dash of chilli in pink sauce (tomato-cream sauce)

    linguine all’ aragoSta $35Linguine pasta with lobster, capers, black olives and a dash of chilli in cherry tomato sauce

    riSotto peSCatore $26Italian rice with mixed seafood and a dash of chilli in light tomato sauce

    Spaghetti al nero di Seppia $25Spaghetti with clams, prawns and squid in squid ink sauce

    farfalle SalMone $24bow-tie pasta with salmon in pink sauce (tomato-cream sauce)

    Spaghetti $24 Vongole Spaghetti with clams tossed in garlic, white wine and extra-virgin olive oil

    Spaghetti $25 CiCale Spaghetti with crayfish in garlic and tomato sauce

    Spaghetti Vongole

    Spaghetti Al Nero di Seppia


    penne Con polpette $25home-made meatballs served with penne pasta in tomato sauce

    Spaghetti BologneSe $24Spaghetti with minced beef in tomato sauce

    penne aMatriCiana $24Penne pasta with bacon, onions and a dash of chilli in tomato sauce

    Spaghetti aglio olio $21 e peperonCino Spaghetti tossed with garlic, chilli and extra-virgin olive oil

    tagliatelle ai porCini $26Tagliatelle pasta with porcini mushroom and onions in light creamy sauce

    gnoCChi $24Potato dumpling served in four-cheese sauce oR mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce

    panZarotti ClaSSiCi $24Stuffed pasta with ricotta cheese and mushroom in tomato sauce

    panZarotti alle Verdure $25Stuffed pasta with mushroom and cheese served with mixed vegetables in cream sauce

    paStiCCio $24 (laSagna) home-made layers of pasta with beef and cheese in tomato sauce

    penne di $25 Montagna Penne pasta with spicy Italian sausage, bacon and mushroom in tomato sauce

    Spaghetti $24 CarBonara Spaghetti with bacon, cheese, cream, eggs and black pepper

    Penne on Polpette


    for any additional(s), please refer to our service staff • prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% gst

    “What are your


    Quali Sono le VoStri SpeCialita?

  • PIzze / PIzzA

    piZZa Margherita $22Tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese

    piZZa Bufala $27 Tomato sauce topped with buffalo cheese and basil

    piZZa ai forMaggi $24Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, gorgonzola and parmesan cheese

    piZZa tutto funghi $24 Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and mixed mushrooms

    piZZa Verdure $24Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, mixed vegetables and mushroom

    piZZa roMana $24Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, anchovies and oregano

    piZZa Con Carne $27Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, salami, sausage and minced beef

    piZZa Saporita $25Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, bacon and egg sprinkled with parmesan cheese

    piZZa rollo $26 Rolled pizza with ricotta cheese, ham and spinach served with arrabiata sauce

    piZZa $24 diaVolaTomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salami and chilli flakes

    Pizza Salami

    Pizza Rollo

    Pizza Margherita

    for any additional(s), please refer to our service staff • prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% gst

    “great food!

    CoMpliMentS to the Chef.

    il Mangiare e’ ottiMo! CoMpliMenti allo

    CuoCo (Chef).

  • PIzze / PIzzA

    piZZa al forno $26 Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, sausage, ricotta cheese and spinach

    piZZa CapriCCioSa $26Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, mushroom and artichokes

    piZZa Cipolla e panCetta $24Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, bacon and onion

    piZZa CoStiera SpeCiale $26Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, sautéed clams, mussels, prawns and squid

    piZZa al pollo $24Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, sautéed chicken and onion

    piZZa priMaVera $27Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, fresh rocket leaves and parma ham

    piZZa tropiCale $25 Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham and pineapple

    Pizza Primavera

    proSCiutto $25 e funghi Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham and mushroom

    CalZone $25Folded pizza with mozzarella cheese, ham and mushroom served with tomato sauce


    Prosciutto e Funghi

    for any additional(s), please refer to our service staff • prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% gst

    “Can We haVe the Bill,

    pleaSe? thank you.

    poSSo aVere il Conto, per faVore? graZie.

  • SeCondI PIATTI / mAInS

    filleto di Carne $36Marinated beef fillet served with mashed potato and mixed vegetables

    MiSto Carne $37(Salsiccia, agnello e lombatina) Mixed plate of Italian sausage, lamb and tenderloin served with fries

    CoStolette d’agnello alla griglia $35 grilled rack of lamb served with mashed potato and mixed vegetables

    StinCo di agnello BraSato $34braised lamb shank served with mashed potato

    oSSo BuCo $36braised veal shank served with baked potato

    SCaloppina al Vino BianCo $32Thin veal in white wine sauce served with baked potato

    pollo in padella $28 Pan-fried chicken in white wine sauce served with mashed potato and asparagus

    peSCe al $34 CartoCCio Red snapper oven-baked with clams, mussels and prawns in white wine

    grigliata $35 di peSCe(Cicale, calamari, gamberoni) grilled crayfish, squid, king prawn and tiger prawns

    Zuppa $70 oCeaniCa (Serves 2) Mixed seafood with capers, black olives and a dash of chilli in tomato sauce served with focaccia bread

    SalMone $30 ai ferri grilled salmon steak served with mixed salad and pink sauce

    MerluZZo $30 alla piZZaiola Cod fish fillet simmered with tomato sauce, capers, olives and oregano on a slice of bread

    frittura $30 di peSCe Deep-fried squid and prawns

    Misto Carne

    Frittura di Pesce

    for any additional(s), please refer to our service staff • prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% gst

  • Ciao and WelCoMe to al forno eaSt CoaSt reStaurant & piZZeriawhere you can enjoy a casual dinner in a warm,

    festive atmosphere of Napoli created by the hands of Italians. Discover a variety of fresh, handmade authentic Italian dishes prepared

    to perfection.

    set up in 1995, al forno east coast is the first Italian restaurant in Singapore to import fresh ingredients like whole peeled tomatoes and

    cheeses directly from Italy.

    At Al Forno East Coast, food is love. And when it comes to things we love, we give them our undivided attention. Our Italian chef prepares

    every dish with your expectations in mind, you can be sure that every bite of every meal

    will be the very best. Magnifico!

    For delivery, please log on to our website

    For reservation and self-collection, please call 6348 8781
