


Syed Shoaib Ali S/o Syed Shakir Ali


The application of biotechnology to enhance food production and quality

Any substance eaten to provide nutritional support for the body

Any technology that uses biological system ,living organisms or their derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.(UN convention on biological diversity)




Begins with early civilizationUseful plants brought from the wild, planted near caves where people livedAbout 10,000 years ago, farming began Using processes that prevented or slow spoilage e.g. heating by fire

Wide use of fermentation4,000years ago,the production of cheese ,the first food biotech product, through fermentation of milk, by Nomadic tribes in Asia.Use of enzyme rennet ,came from calve stomach, in fermentation Rennet is genetically engineered today

Based on genetics research since mid 1800`sProduction of new varieties of desired crop plants and other organismsBecame possible with introduction of recombinant DNA technology in 1973In 1900s,the first rDNA food biotechnology derived crop was tomato called flavrsavr.


Food biotechnology has a great deal of benefits in many aspects.Some major aspects with benefits are:


The production of various foods andfood ingredients through fermentation.

Anaerobic enzymatic conversion of organic compound especially carbohydrate to simple compound, such as organic acids,vitamins,etc.Two factors responsible for fermentation-microorganism and enzymes.The use of recombinant DNA food biotechnology has improved bioprocessing through genetical modification of responsible microorganism for the sake of more product consumer benefits;as,


A)Used as food acidulantsCitric,lactic,gluconicand propionic acids are major organic acids.

It accounts for 75% of food acidulants usage with combination of acetic acid.rDNA food biotechnology has increased the rate of glucose fermentation and eliminated enzymes that degrade citrate in the production organism.

B)Essential for food production(milk clotting,bread production).rDNA biotechnology has increased variety of food enzymes.e.g chymosin.

First rDNA biotechnology derived processing enzyme,identical to rennetHowever it is 95% purer than rennet enzyme.

C)Microorganisms _yeasts,bacteria,and molds are directly responsible for food processing and preservation.rDNA food biotechnology has brought about genetic modification in these microorganisms using self cloning to ensure more food processing and preservation.


2)rDNA biotechnology has increased world cop production,variety and suitability in any given area ,even in under condition areas.More organoleptic and nutritional quality of plant driven foods.Improved shell life of fresh fruits and vegetables.Reduction in undesirable constituents ,such as allergens,toxicants of some crops.Introduction of disease resisting and health promoting constituents into crops e.g. substance protecting from cancer, high cholestrol, high blood pressure etc.

Transformation of ring spot causing viral protein coat gene in papaya trees in Hawaii to enable them to resist killing and to grow normally.Production of strawberries resisting to soil born fungal pathogens.Production of first fireblight disease resistant apple and pear tree.



A)rDNA food biotechnology has potential to enhance animal feed by directing the plant itself to produce more nutritious by modifying basic compostion of feed derived from forage and grain which indirectly benefit in many ways;as,

Enhanced animal productivity.Improved human nutrition in developing countries where meat

consumption is very much lower than that in developed countries.Increased silage corn(BMR-corn)digestibility for ruminant animals.Increased oil content about 6% in maize corn as compare to 3.5% in

conventional one.

B)At present animals receive multiple injection of vaccine to maintain their

health.Much inconvenient and even can cause meat spoilage.However rDNA biotechnology has potential to get rid of this situation.rDNA food biotechnology- derived plant vaccines against transmissible

gastroentritis virus protecting from swine in clinical trials.


rDNA food biotechnology has offered number of environmental benefits. Some of them are:

oThe introduction of new varieties of crops exhibiting increased resistance to pests,environmentally benign herbicides and viruses.for example:

o Canola field require only one herbicides instead of two.

oGlyphosphate-tolerant soybeans carry bacterial gene and are relatively insensitive to herbicides.

o Reduction in number of pesticides application.

oReduction in soil erosion.

oReduction in air pollution caused previously by burning of affected crop.




rDNA food biotechnology has brought innumerable benefits to economic Sectors. A few examples of them include: A study showed that herbicide-tolerant soybeans reduced farm input Cost by 3-6% and increased average yield by more than 13-18% in mostregion of the USA.Another study showed that herbicide-tolerant corn and canola benefited ,ranging from $15-$24 per acre.45% of farmers had higher yield of Bt corn as compare to conventional corn in 1998 in the USA.26% of farmers of Bt corn reported a decrease in pesticide use.A study demonstrated that glyphosphate tolerant varieties produced greater yields (31 bushels per acre) and profit ($86) as compare to conventional canola yield(28.6 bushels per acre) and profit($52 per acre) respectively.



rDNA food biotechnology has potential to produce such plants that provide: food with increased quantity and quality.Satisfaction for nutritional need of different populationProtection against health hazards.

Golden rice with increased content of beta carotene, the precursor of Vitamin A, and iron content save from vitamin A and iron deficiency disease, Such as blindness, loss of immune response and anemia respectively.


7)rDNA food biotechnology has led to the production of wide variety of curing compounds,ranging from edible vaccines against hepatitis B, Norwalk viruses, pseudomonas aeruginosa,staphylococcus aureus to canncer and diabetes.

Reports describe that edible vaccine against a pathogenic strain ofEcoli and a monoclonal antibody against cariogenic streptococcus Mutants have successful results. Research has showed that vaccines against enterotoxins of vibriocholera ecoli induce production of antibodies that can neutralize thetoxins by preventing them from binding to gut cell.Prevention of dental caries by bactericidal mouthwash throughantibodies.

rDNA food biotechnology derived vaccines are potentially cheap, convenient to distribute and simple and safe to administer.Production in abundance without the risk of contamination by animal pathogen.



There is concern that the increasing role of the private sector in research and aggressive patenting of genes and research resourcesis limiting the public sector access to the necessary materials andprocesses for pioneering research.

However, this is not absolutely true, as recently some major biotechnology companies have announced to to grant patent licenses even without charge.



Environmental concerns have been raised about the impact of following modifications by rDNA food biotechnology.

A)There is major concern about Bt corn pollens that they are toxic to the non targeted organisms.

However, at the time of Bt corn introduction, EPA applicant reported that there was no greater effect on non targeted organism (monarch butterflies) with Bt corn than with insecticide use.

Another sims and reams reseach showed that Bt toxin is rapidly broken down by the action of microbes and has no effect on soil organisms(non targeted organisms).


B)There is a concern that the gene for herbicide tolerance may spread via pollen from rDNA food biotechnology- derived crop to weed population which will creat such forms difficult to control in the future.However, this does not really happen.Because rDNA food biotechnology has introduced transgene in the DNA of chloroplast which is not carried in pollen grains,hence is not likely to cause over control growth of weed.

C)There is concern that recombination between a virally derived transgene and another virus can produce new virus with enhanced Virulence.

However, NRC committee report demonstrated that most virus derivedresistance genes are unlikely to present unmanageable and unusual Problems as compare to traditional one.


3)A)Since genetic modification involves the introduction of new genes into recipient plant and these genes would produce new proteins.The potential allergenicity of foods developed through rDNA food biotechnology is a source of concern.However, no unique allergic reaction has occurred so far.A case in point is one involving preparation of variety of soybean.A high methionine protein was introduced into soybeans using a gene from brazil nut. Brazil nuts are known to be allergic.It is said that it was due to this factor that commercial production of that variety of soybean ceased.


B)There is the concern of potential for transfer of the antibiotic resistance gene from rDNA food biotechnology derived plant to microorganism, thereby reducing efficacy of the antibiotic.

However, this does not happen. The main reason is that there are not known mechanisms for transfer of DNA from palnt cell to bacteria and the bacteria in the digestive would not be competent to take up free DNA.

C)There is a concern that rDNA food biotechnology derived products may have adverse effects on environment.

However, no adverse effects have been reported due to continued research,monitoring,oversight,surveillance and management.


D)There is a concern that rDNA food biotechnology derived new varieties of crop may involve toxicants which is not really true.

However, the largest known member of naturally occurring toxicants are endogenous i.e. They are produced by the normal metabolic processes of the organism that is food source.

Solanine, a neurotoxin in potatoes, has been the cause of outbreak of human poisoning when potatoes are grown under unfavorable conditions or when they formed a large part of diet.


There is an urgent need to take following steps by food biotechnology industry:

vigorous pre-marketing testing and evaluation of modified food.

Enhancement of consumer confidence.

