  • 8/12/2019 Following Jesus Inc. Monthly Letter


    Following Jesus Inc. Monthly Letter(Non-Profit Organization)

    Month: February 2014

    Location: Winter Garden, Florida.

    Date: March 7, 2014

    During February 2014, we achieved a reach of 245.660 people per day, an increase vs

    January 2014 of almost 35,000 people, representing a growth of 17%. The most relevant

    activities for the month were: the launch of our website in Spanish: in English:,

    the launch of our Online Store as an Amazon affiliate, integrated in our Web Page, and the

    fornat change of our third quarter event, from a Live Talk Show to a Webinar. Additionally,

    we continued our publishing activity with 16 messages and 84 phrases.

    Our Daily Reach of People

    February 2014 February vs January February vs November

    245,660 34,998 ppl. + 16.6% + 58,680 ppl. + 31.4%

    (Direct reach: Not counting sharing, re-tweeting, re-sending)

    Our Goal is to reach 1,000,000 people daily for Christ by the end of 2014.

    Breakdown of Our Daily Reach of People

    Pinterest 201,457 Scribd 183

    Twitter 26,468 Tumblr 176

    Facebook 14,423 Bloggers 174

    Emails 1,205 Our Web Page 89

    LinkedIn 730 SlideShare 56

    Google + 475 YouTube 0

    Instagram 224 TOTAL 245,660

    Publishing Activity

    Number of Published Messages Number of Published Phrases

    February: 16 February: 84

    Average December/February: 17 Average December/February: 78
  • 8/12/2019 Following Jesus Inc. Monthly Letter


  • 8/12/2019 Following Jesus Inc. Monthly Letter


    Following Jesus Inc. Next Steps

    January/March 2014:

    Development of The New Web Page. (Done)

    Development of Following Jesus Mobile App. (Desarrollada/En Prueba)

    Internet Audio Streaming of Siguiendo a Jesus en Audio in Spanish. (En Prueba)

    Development of Videos for Streaming. (En Prueba)

    April/June 2014:

    First Following Jesus Videos Launch

    Mobile App Launch

    July/September 2014:

    First FJ Webinar. Live the day of the Event and available On Demand after the event.

    October/December 2014:

    Begin Development of Following Jesus Park.


    Begin Development of First TV Series.

    Begin Development of First Feature Film.

    Everything we publish in the Media, to reach people for Christ, is free. However, what we do, has

    a cost for us, but we give it for free, because the word of God can not be sold. Jesus said: Give

    as freely as you have received! Matthew 10:8.

    Thanks to donations we have received, your life is being built up by our messages and you can

    also help to build up the life of others by donating just one dollar a month. Please, support us in

    our Mission.

    Click in this link to DONATE one dollar per month.

    We are currently reaching 245,660 people daily and with your dollar per month, you will help us

    reach every day, 1,000,000 people for Christ.

    Following Jesus Purpose Statement
  • 8/12/2019 Following Jesus Inc. Monthly Letter


    We create and produce content for the Media, based on Christian Principles and Values,

    making it entertaining, informative and educational.

    Following Jesus Mission

    To Reach People For Christ Through Christian Content For The Media.

    Following Jesus Fundamental Values

    1. Set life priorities, based on Loving of God, above any other criteria and loving our

    neighbor as ourselves.

    2. Promote Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness and Kindness, as links of human


    3. Determine Obedience, Loyalty and Humility, as the basis of relationship, first with

    God and with people too.

    4. Teach Self-Control as the governing principle of human behavior.

    5. Show that hope, justice, honesty and integrity, only happen when we live sincerely

    and without hypocrisy, a life directed by God and His Principles. Preaching with

    actions rather than words.

    Following Jesus Inc. Timeline

    2014. February. Vctor Castillo developed our first mobile app, which is

    being tested, planning a short term launch.

    February. The Advisory Board is established and formed by Mr. Jair Ros and

    Mr. Rolando Justiniano. At the moment their time is limited due to their current

    activities, and they will continue to contribute with their very valuable advice from

    the Advisory Board, instead of the Board of Directors.

    January.Following Jesus Inc. Founders, Yaneth y Francisco Garcia, Began

    working Full Time in the Project.

    January. Louis Capdevila, VP La Teresita, The Kings Ministries International

    President for 18 years and The Kings Church & Christian Center Pastor and

    Mentor for 22 years, joins Following Jesus Inc. as Director.

    January. Victor Castillo, Mango Estudios Director, Member of the National

    Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences GRAMMY, The Gospel Music Association and

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    ANMAC, joins Following Jesus Inc. as Musical and Recording Consultant.

    January. IMolko joins Following Jesus Inc., to Develop and Manage our Web Page

    and Internet Presence. Roberto Matute, Imolkos CEO, has been supporting our

    project since 1998, first through HiperCom and later, since 2001, through Imolko.

    Now, he assumes the development of our Web Page, as the Hub of our Web

    Presence, through eMail, Blogs and The Social Networks.

    January. Juan Carlos Cordoba, Cenfol Director for the Central Western Region ofVenezuela, joins Following Jesus Inc. to support the fundraising activities through

    donations and to spread the messages of Following Jesus Inc. in Venezuela,

    through several Media.

    January. The new Web Page produced by Imolko was published.

    2013.Following Jesus Inc. is incorporated in the State of Florida, as a nonprofit

    organization, with its founders, Francisco Garcia and Yaneth Garcia as President

    and Vice President respectively. In this Incorporation, two Directors joined

    Following Jesus Inc., Mr. Jair Rios Gomez, Cenfol National Director and Campus

    Crusade for Christ National Director, in Venezuela, and Mr. Rolando Justiniano Sr.,

    President of the Iberoamerican Leadership University of Campus Crusade for Christ,

    previously Campus Crusade for Christ Director for Latin America for 22 years.

    2012. Start publishing messages in English and Spanish.

    2011. Began Google Blogs Publishing.

    2009. Began Social Networks Publishing.

    2006. Developed our first Web Page.

    2002. Began sending messages through SMS.

    1998. Began sending messages through eMails with support from the Company

    HiperCom, and later Imolko.