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Pictures and images make everything better, especially online. After all, who wants to read through a big block of text when an image and perhaps a line or two of text can convey the same information?

this is especially true in social media, where visuals are becoming more and more popular and engaging. on Facebook, photos and videos attract far more engagement (clicks!) than text-only posts and links. and the increasing popularity of image-sharing platforms like Pinterest and Instagram prove that one picture really can be worth a thousand words. so here are 10 ways you can use images to boost your presence on your social networks.

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1Define Your Goals Decide what you want your photos to accomplish. are you trying to build your brand? attract new customers? retain existing

customers? show off new products? encourage interaction in online discussions? answering these questions early on will help keep you focused and on track.

For brix26, a wine reseller, it’s important to show that they have close relationships with their wineries.

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2 Set Your Goals Discover where your audience hangs out online. identifying the social networks and platforms (like Facebook or Pinterest) that your

customers use adds focus to your efforts and helps give your images the most bang for their buck. another way to let people know you’re active on a particular social network – and to check you out there – is to cross-pollinate your top photos from social media platform to platform. For example, if you’re sharing photos on Twitter, consider posting your best ones to Facebook, too. this lets people know that you have other social accounts.

share a photo on twitter...

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3 Prepare to Snap Away You don’t need to be an expert photographer to take good pictures; most of today’s smartphones are equipped with cameras

with more than enough resolution for quality online photos, so no need to carry a separate point-and-shoot around! if you’re feeling extra hip, there are many free smartphone tools to help make your photos “pop” even more with the use of filters. Instagram is the most popular social platform with built-in filters, and can be used with both iPhone and Android phones. Other popular iPhone apps include Hipstamatic, Diptic, Fast Camera and AutoStitch.

... and don’t forget to post it on Facebook, too!

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4 Try to Evoke an Emotion What captures someone’s eye? When it creates an emotional response. Whether it’s an “awwww” or an “lol,” you want your images

to elicit an immediate reaction (a positive one, hopefully). it might help to share your pictures privately with a few close friends at first. If they love it, chances are your followers will, too. Just remember, when someone comments on your photo, their followers see it, too!

a humorous photo can elicit a big response!

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5Consider Pinterest if you’re already on Pinterest, you know that it’s a great opportunity to build your visual brand. For those who are unfamiliar or on the

fence, Pinterest is a “virtual pinboard” and all about pictures and images. all you need is one great image to increase your chances of getting re-pinned and followed! be sure to include a link embedded in every image, so people can click through to your blog or website. there are lots of extra goodies, like the “Pin It” bookmarklet, that let you pin easily and from anywhere.

Pinterest is great for showing off product shots and cool graphics!

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6Aim for Shares & Retweets

When people share your content, it gets your business out there in a way that validates what you’re doing. if you can get your fans and followers to share your content on Facebook or a retweet on twitter, then you’ve hit gold! best of all, people who want to spread the word about you with a share means they probably trust what you have to say and gaining trust from anyone is never easy to do.

Getting shares is the ultimate sign that people love your content!

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7Share Images From Others there’s no rule that says you can only post or share the photos and images you’ve created yourself. in fact, a great way to

show some love to your fans and followers is to share their great content, including graphics and images, with your networks. Just make sure to give credit where credit is due.

Mix up your visual content by reposting graphics and photos from other sources.

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8Optimize Images for Search Name your photo files with keywords that describe the subject (such as Santa_Barbara_Inn.jpg), and this will increase the

likelihood they’ll show up in search results when someone is looking for images on a specific topic. (Note that this doesn’t work for Facebook, Twitpic or yfrog.) on twitter, Pinterest and instagram, you can use hashtags (#) followed by the subject associated with the photo (for example, #gardening or #sunset).

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9 Promote Your Photos Don’t be embarrassed or afraid to ask your social media followers to share your images; if they like them, they’ll be glad

to take that extra step to show their appreciation. extend the life of your most popular and favorite images by including them in your blog, website and email marketing campaigns.

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10 Post Frequently it may seem like

extra work, but try to post new images on a regular basis – it’s quick, easy and pretty fun, too! With any luck, people will begin to look forward to them and check back to see if you’ve got anything new. if someone comments on your image, make sure you Like their comment. responding to your customers, fans and followers is your key to success. Keep posting images, keep it interesting and give people something to come back for!

the more you post, the more you’ll stay top of mind.

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Images and graphics should be an integral part of your social media content arsenal. Like any piece of content, it might take a little trial and error to determine what resonates best with your audience. But once you’ve nailed it, images could do wonders for your social media presence and influence!

Psst! We’ve even got a free tool called clipper that allows you to clip, save and share interesting content and images from around the web. You can grab your Clipper here.
