
THE FOCUS IS TO HAVE EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT TO BE A LOVING THOUGHTWhat appears to be happening is that the people who are ready for it (will ascend) when this spring springsIt is as if you are pushing a spring down. But you can only push the spring down so far. then what happens when you let go of the pressure?Every single thougt is compression of the spring.If they can attain that level of self perfection , then they graduate into this higher level of humanitywhen the energetic spring board takes off, you'll be able to levitate, telekinesis etc.. All we need to do is to shift our alert, conscious attention from the edge (Ego) to the center (Witnessing Presence). The glue that lulls that Pure Consciousness and binds it to the shapes and forms is the activity of the mind. The mind judges and categorizes everybody and everything, dividing them into good, bad and neutral categories. If we condemn or like something or someone, we have identified with our opinion and the emotions coming with it. When we find something neutral, we put it in the it might come in handy later box, which is also a way of identification.In the state of Witnessing Presence, when we are contemplators, we are free of the desire to identify with thoughts and emotions. We no longer judge things, we no longer categorize, and do not struggle against thought and emotions. Instead, we observe them as witnesses when they appear, stay there for a while and then finally vanish. They do the dance of the forms and shapes in the space of Consciousness that is in fact we are ourselves.This is the master key that opens up all locks! We are here to stop focusing on ego and to focus on love. Through love, we can heal the planet.This is a reality that we are creating, and we do get caught up in our day to day nonsense. We give too much energy to what people expect of us, and what other people think of us. Ninety five percent of our energy goes to what other people think. Recognizing yourself as a spark of Creator having an earth life journey helps us realize that it does not matter what other people think of us, and will change life dramatically for everyone.we could be without sunlight for three days. They also said that the last time, loss of life did not come from volcanoes, earthquakes, and cataclysms, but instead from peoples own fear. Kiesha says, This is because when this is happening, a huge amount of energy comes to our planet, from within our planet, and from without our planet. The energy skyrockets and whatever you are feeling skyrockets. If you are feeling absolute fear, that is what implodes, and if you are feeling love, that is what expands. The knowledge of this is what will help humankind move forward into a higher vibrational energyKeep things simple. Do what feels good, not what feels bad. As long as you are feeding the positive, you are feeding love consciousness to become bigger than ego consciousness. You are helping the world. You can sit down for five minutes a day and just feel gratitude for what you loveA further miracle happens when the healed water evaporates and mixes with all of the other water particles in the air. Then it mingles inside of a cloud and rains prayers down onto the planets, animals, crops, and on us. The same water never leaves our planet, and get recycled. Therefore one crystal put in to the water with prayer can be more effective than anything else you can do today. I am a peaceful soul, doing/essaying a role
