
Weather Forecast• tieiionilly fnlr tonight und Wod- '

1 . netiday:' tcmiwmture niodoratn to iiooliw. High yeiiterday KU

-low S«. l.o%v th h m orn ing 40.

- i


P ro b e r s S e e k S to ry O f Hell3 A c c o rd e d — P a s s e n g f e r s ---------


States Oondiiot Primary , Vote Today; Louisiana

--------- Toirts'Huoy'Lonff - ....- •

1‘OltTI-AND, Mo.,. Sopt. II —niiUito l)i«monmli«< leuilvrM

will (lAtmiitd tl rnrniuit In thn ' U. H. Hmmtortul <'«nt«4t In u-likh Mofiittor FroAorlck IIhIc. IC««|Uilill(‘UM. Mwhliiff a fourth toriii. uppuriMitly (Iffoiitrd F, Ifai-olil nulH>r<l, I)<<iiMMTUt, by iiii, Pxc'i^ilitKly Min»U marRln In . yi-Ht<«riIay'« luiiiniMHMHl (oduyi

(ily lItilU»«I I'rHM)VoLoni of Htnlnii ))nlIotc<l

In prlnm ry olootlonn tmliiy, iKidlnjs: II vnrlftty of Now l)«nl towls to tli« rti'Ht Rnm))IIn;( o r nntionul opinion pj’ovltlo*! by M nlno‘« • tm<Jltlon«l olootton yofllAi'tlay. AUminlnliHtion foroRH procLaim«il p a r tia l v ictory iinct com nloto vlm llcatlon In M alno.

J o l t io Q. O. P .M nino re tum A Jpltct] lU piibllciin

hpp<*». D om ocrotlo Gov. l^ u J s J . B ran n won rooleoted avIUi a m ajor* Ity or a b o a t 30,000, San. Fre<lortck lln lo , Ropiibllcoii, ap p a ren tly w ill Rqii<Hi7.o In w ltb hlR tiO.QOO m ajo rity o r 1&28 oiit> to ICHB th an 2 ,000 . ]>{<>p. CnrW»ll,Tj. Bfcixly, RepUbllcai». lost to S im on Jkif. H a m lin In thn flrflt <IUitrlct. B ut UiQ SlopubllcAns np- noor to httvo galnw l R a a a t in tho th ird , (Where fo rm e r Oov.,RaVph O. B ro w ate r waB load ing John G- Ut^ terb ^ck . D e m o cratic ^inoumihent R ep. -Edward C . M oran; Dom oorat. had a,oon> f6rtab le lead In tho ano- o nd dU t|r(pt o v er Z. M .'O w m alj R o' publican- T he » ta te vo ted tor«V eul U f , p ro lflb ltion am«>\<l>nent by

ThiA iiniiMUiiI tilr vimv MliitwM ii llfftboitl, hinivlly Inadod, piillln;; from tin* tliiotiM'tl W iird lliipr, M orro *vylth u IfMui of titnirly 20(1 livM off (hn N ew •It'rNt'y ('ouNt- NiniiUn miil fliinitH lillU>\v rroiii (bo lll*rnto4l ornft i \Vitt<Vi b ito r to Im« pIckiHl up liy iiiin itf th o niiiiiy rcKnui HlilpM (liiit iliHhnl (<i tlio of (Hh dUiiNt^ir. u ftn r Itho wri'itU by thn luuuoli In tlio fi»n«|'rotnul.

, (li'Hti'oyt'il liy f(n‘ < limit liilU'H (a Mx*

l(i\vi’<| iiM'iiy from

h tiilto n '.. . .The South Carolina < . runoff prlTnary for.BoVernor, equlv- I continued oa Coluroo

3-POINT CHANGE ^ PliiNNEO IN NRAR ooB ove lt, J o h n s o n F o r m u la t e

B e o r« a n U a tio n -fo r V aa t- .....R eco v ery Bet-up

H Y D B -P * R K . hi. Y., S ep t. t l (IM;1 P ree ld e n t R oo ievelt toduy re p o rted protfreaa In m app ing o u t on N n A re o rg an lx a tlo n p ro g ram w ith G enera l H u g h B. Johnson, nir>doled a f te r Ihe a tru o tu re o f tho fuderai g o v e rn m e n t. '

The su m m e r W h ite Houao re -.::V oal6dr.lhat . t f e f c ro ^ w e re ^ ^

la tJn g a D jree-pofn t p ro g ram un- d<>r w hioh they, hop« to gu ide tho daaUnl«»-e<-tbA- g ig a n tic recovery . Bot'Up. U n d e r te n ta tiv e b la n i tho roorgnnl*atlon w ould Include;

1. A jud ic ia l b ra n c h to have aiipervlclon ' ln labor d ispu tes now handled by code a d m in is tr a to r . •

2. . A n . execu tive depm -tm ent olmrgMi w ith a d m in is tra tiv e w ork .

3. A . loglaWtlVfl , d e p a r tp irn t oimrgeU w ith po licy fix ing . - i

;)lem ovn O verlappingu- th a t M r.


R 0 ‘0 le o t0 a H e a d o f T ru s te e s F o r D i s t r i c t ; S c h o o l

D a n c in g ; U r ^ o d

e ieo U d '.cn a irraa n -of DMira UiUiteea o f 'iV rn B’anr.tridepenrtfinf •chool d ls tr lo t follow ing tho flr^t m ooting o f th o mem bora ainco clod- tlon b y th e votora o f .O onrgc J. W ard ns tru a tp o to auccood W. I, ancH ott,. an d cQfilnctUm o f I.. J. TencVinok. S . -H. tU ovca whh ro- olflcted troflHurnr ond Mra. Corn SmttiJ >V«« r«noTO(Kl cleric. Tho « lx th ;rp em l» r of tho bojird in C. A. B ailey. _ .

A doption o f a 1200,000 hufluflt w aa -/ccompHshfi^l requiring ' - thn levy ing o f > th e ; m nxlm utn of 17 nilJls; Th«J flum ’J i lo be dintrlbiitoil na followji; Qenornl fund. H inlllitl t ru n ap o rta tly n ’ 2 ‘ milla: bond rn* dompUori- an d ' ainUlnjr fund . 5..1 mlUa: Intoroat, 1.7 mlllH,

In p rev ious yonra tho l>nnvfl niia aakod. v o to ra - to upprovc iin n»l‘il' tlon T-mlll lovy to c a rry on . tho opok-atlon of tho HChoola-

• A ak H unco l*rlvlloiro A p p earin g a t Inal n ljch fa »o«'

aion w aa a delegation w hlob rn* qut»ated tho nnonlng o f th« hluh aoh o o rg y m o o a lu m t o r dancln tr by m cm bera of th e s tu d en t body. Do- eislon on Iho m a ttn r wuh deferred by tho board until Uia re g u la r m ee ting in O otobor. ponding which -tim er th«-of{lciuia. w ill. wolcomo.uXT preaalon 6 / spn tlm oljl on tho 'p a r t o f dlootora. '— I n thi^dologaUon-wora-A _W llLoi) Peck , Mra-- Hoacoo S tevona. M G e o r ^ Davlaort, M ia, P au l T abe»7 'M r«.. I>. B. Hullrtdiiy, and M ra. T. 'T. WiUnta.’ >10. V, iLaraon'WAN re ta in ed for a n o th e r ’y e a r aa a t to rn e y fo r tho diatrlol;. '-4-

Bribe Offer Bared At Munitions Quiz

JlrHisevelt, an d Gen. Johnson d efin in g on p a p e r U n ta tlv e ly the vurloiui fu n c tio n s o f each o f thu t h r a r tlepartm enls.* Th«y. wore w ork ing , It w a» added, w ith th e o b jec tiv e ' ln ‘ vl6w o f ellmlKiatfng Q v ^ lap p m g fu h etlons - th a t now

o rg a n la a t—...O bnervera looked fo r a .m uch

Hlmpliried a d m lh la tra tlv e se t-u p u n d er the N R A w hen Mr. Rooae- v e lt ajid Joh tison 6 a rry th e irp lana to Qomplstlprt. J t w a a be*JJevett ib n t rodud jjon In penw n- nel would be m a d ^ r , *

uVpft bHoRer

W I N T E R PLEA,i D i m

T tr yiriV.Triali i t W6W T erm o f C o u rt

<Pleafi of not guilty to statu tory

Ing :\ty‘ two, men who (aoed Judge

tweek, .the date set liar o f lliB(l«t,jUiy ibw term lof court.'

LOTsh^DN T n e a o ^ ’ ’iCngJiah- niun a ^ ab o u t tho. am urteat w hitP folkn thf'ro 1«. U*a onu phiou whirre faaolam , comniU'

'n ia iiu HltlurlNni o r nudisn i will novor g o t anywhwpo.

•Thoy huvtt u purU hclv, Ilydo park.- that'fl Juat b u ilt fo r f«»n(n th a t iiru noir)Htliing. Y on-toriluy I fuuv It a t Its boat. Thn hlack nhlrl« liiildln^ onn mciii- Ing a n d (MiinmimlatH 200 yin-dn aw ay ItoldlaK' an o th e r and all I/iuflQn in Itotwocn lauirhin ' a t holJj aidi^B.

ICvoryliridy w nnt homo tiatln- flod, fo r thoy had all hiid tlm lr Hay. Vor, a f to r all, nobody wuntH hln.riiuHo nonr aH .had an ho wfinlH tn ta lk a lm ut hlii uuuuo and lUnuliuid'. hua iiolvcd th«‘ la’lUlnK priibloui. Youra,

A irp la n e F irm M a d e B o liv ian E f fo r t ,

P r o b e H e a rs


O u r d sm o n H e ld R e a d y to BnlW O u tb re a k s A f te r N ig h t o f

S tr iU o d a b o ta ffo

HAVLBSVll.LC], H. I., Sppt. I I llUt‘“ Tim m m «» Hiidvl'Vo wonioii w ero W ounded by d(v>’

foro H>80 p. m. io a a v w hen a orou'il o f pJokt)i« s to rm ed a m ill gu to . ' • ................. ...

SA Y U rcaV IU JB , R. I., S ept. J l

Tiriiiiiiiitu T u r H h a j tlaland today aftet* a riotous night of sabotage during whidh thrae pickets wore, shot and soores of other persohfl. liijuxfed a t ' the Buyltis flnlahlAg blant here,

aaylaavlUe,-oilSrtimding- ^ t In the atrlke sone of ti)o na- rton'a smalloat: state, “ dprlug the' n lg^i un. soehes of mobi yiolenee as hun-

plekats, .miwy-. from letU l ' Oonneetlout< , twice ,to^ fire a - jn m

..........jral Herl)SHv«^ W B in lq m f '

blllM a ske)9tfV


bniM a ske)9tf> regim ent M 180 Th.e, g u a w la r t i^ w U l .toet helfl . 'iw d s to rush ;f%^tH^fc#ne;<if any jniw 'oiltbreak.- j,- , ' ' ‘

n . VAN TINI>] -^XUASHINOTON HpqI U ; T«f?timony t h a t IIkj C nrti«(-W rlg<it lOxport cori>oratlon .offorod to p ay (1 n 'po r ce n t conmiiaalon to tbo nontm llnr gonornl of lio llv la In IIKin (lU nalna of alrt>lnn<'i> to hla ^fiV fiifintont WUH p rcM ootfd t o d u y in tlio nonntf' iiiMiiitloiiM c o n u u lt- loi'.

Cftrroanoiwlonco hotwonn com ­p any offlclala rcfornid to iho lio - llviiia official aH 'i.O))nx,''

“ IVJiiMt P lay Ita ll” ,A lottfir from Clifford T ravla.

C urU m i'W rlght n«illvlan ac o n l. to C. W. Wftbalnr, a vico prnfildont, on Kopt. 21, 10X1, apokci of Ihu nocoK* Klty ftf "p lay in g ball" w ith l-.op»iy. “aM li« la the <leol<llnL'' fa c to r In all purohnaoa—m oro ho than tho p rra l- •lout hlniHolf."

A nother lo ite r rcforrcd lo T-opciz nil ‘'Uio r ig h t a rm of tlm proHltlont."

Tlio Travln lo ttn r aalil,' '• •'Iy>por. hua boon offcrod 10 po r'1)1 »n plwnna a n d .20 por c o n t <h\

be will holp aw ing tho huiiliioHN lo I‘'okl<nr. Vioknra m adehim till* nam e offnr. . . . W o c a n ­n o t pay m oru than n f la t 5 por Ront on all CuriifiR bualnoaa a t pre* Mont (juotatlona." ‘

Ijo t o f In n trig U o ‘•Thoro la ii boll of a . lo t o f in-

trlg\i«'-down h ere ," l l r t le t t e r h«ld* nd. '*

C lia lrm nn-G orald p , N y o ,.R „ N.D., tu rned ' to wcbHW r nnrt naked:

•'If you omployod an ad m ira l o r a gonofal horo lo holp you g o t bubl- hoHK would you call th a t a vomtnla* alonV"

"VVoll, that*a a nice w oy o f p u l- llnK it," BHiil, Wflbfltor.

"lUit it re a lly am nunta lo b rib ­e ry ? "

"T hat’a n o t a very nlno w ord, b u t I auppoKu .th a t would bn ad.''

Travla wi'oto W ubater in tho aume le t te r t h a t LopAR w aa “one of

^»w->ion eat w on th i th Jatry ." Tho offlolaj, T rovia aald, w a s a "allent p a r tn e r" In tho f irm of W e b s t e r a h d Aahton, O urtlaa- W right'a B olivian ag e n ts.......

■ , /v.v u i i i i a u i : t< u < a , a u i i — _

tioned y e s te rd a y a t th e m un itions Inquiry a t W ashington os "usefu l in -the p u rs u i t o f (m unitions) b u si­ness," aa ld to d ay th a t she h ad aak- ed her a t to rn e y If action could be tak e n a g a in s t the .."to tally u n ju s ti­fied a n d u n w a rra n le d ” ifaj o f h e r n am a


W a te r S u p p ly , H ouaing P ro jo o t W ill Oooupy M unloipiil


Matlorii ciinnocted with 1‘win Fnlla' civic Improvemonta InoUul-

new w a te r aijppTy,'ohVl plnnntnp «fo r ad d itio n al houHing fncilllio aw propoHod fo r ludigcm ts by tho TirjtA, w ill l>e conaldernd a t a nicclinir of. tho c ity plaiuiltig com - nUnalnii .to bo lield a ( ti p. iti. n t Uin nfflcn of .the c ity council. It wiiK Hlfttcd today.

TlicHo nroblomH w«>ro , dliicuiuicd film) by tan m ayor ami cltV coiii' miHflionorn a t thla w onk’a iioaaliui of th e ooluioll conchiolotl liuit ovo- nlng.

IVoll IlilH OhHlai loM ayor Dumjjui McD. Johniilnn

jouortm l ‘th a t the toal well, holng {Irllli'd n i*ar-th« Hit/* At tho f i l t r a ­tion plim t, had roachod a dep th nf t07 fo o t and tifa t tho ilrlllorH had Ntriiuk a c |n d o r form ation w hich wiw hindiiring progroas. A Jll'inch woll la boUig <Ut{i ami pjana ca ll fo r u dep th of HOO foot, unlciHa th o a n tic ip n led flow of wii* t^ r f r o m ' the M otjn t Ifwrrlwjn run-off la encountered a t a lonHor liojfth.

M em bers of tho p lan n in g com - minalon, oppolnlod several niontha ago by th e m a y o r 'a n d council, will w ork in cooperation w ith tho c ity in ou tlin ing , plana. It- w a s ata ted . A m o ng-th ft-p ro iec ta an tic lp a to d la ono' w h lo h 'w ill iriclU'do 'a com plete ' ^lurvey o f th e city , ea tab llah lng » ir grades* an d lo ca tin g nowor and W ater lines, tho w ork tb bo f i ­nanced by tho IIQI^A.

C u b a n s S e iz e d fo r U . S . E n v o y P lo t

H A V A N A , Cuba, S«pti 11 I1U!I— A rm y s e c re t polloe held 28 peraona

o h . a r g e d with p lo ttin g life ' -

totlay, . _ . „agalnat tho life of Jefferson Oaf< f«ry. United S tates an *They w ore‘arreale<i a t a laborer'a - • - t t rbroko up, seising documenta ond

nmunlat literature.

State. Board'Cuts

M iM 'Bar)w rt telegraphed Chief Obatinued'-on l ^ e ^ , Column «) In 1088.

p o i s s , Idaho, u Kir.m— Idaho s ta te boaM of equalisation members fixed the atate property t4^ a t 11,634,414, a deerease from 81,793,700 las t year, K w aa.rcport- ed today.

Total assessed valuation of real id peraonal property Was set a t

86.0 ^ ,0 0 0 less i M

Boy Prodigy, 8, W ill Enter

. AUSTIN, To«,, Sept. 11- — Marvlt i C. Bt-

■' illnier m , '(uniwt’'« « ( , whoii ■)' y » * p«. A u ^ r !

i to r v ln 'i

(( 'op.vrlt^il, IIKM, IJiilt«-d ProMH) \ \ ’ A H 1 1 IN < ;T 0 N . .^opt, II

nn ion In i.lrn i w arnod uuliiy llia t ln’iriiinlujr loDiorrow tlm y would n ‘- fiini- ’l.i ni:c«!pr. rrii|)iiiu'illillUv f<'i' f u r t l H M ' violi'nco Ui the tfk lllo nti'IUi'. w hich liaii bi'ouKlil out In I’ivi: aUktrfi.

•'Violiiiico Iji wormi_ tdilay Hum II Jjii« , fii'cfi hrfo t'rt ittK i t l ill

i (;<'l woni.i," airiU*. Chnli'inim i'uiicIji .1. . (!iin)Uili niilil. " If It

u f to r loiilitlit., l lia l I" iKil ii'-hiiill. \V(! Imvc made, m ir iinii;*'

pn.jKiiiiil."W uiil MlIU <;i.m.-d

l»r<;pu!ial calloii I'oi- rlDiiiiilt 1 nillhi w hilo P r.-n ldn il :lt'a >lk>itrd nu'diiitcx thi; ati-lld!. <!<iriiian >t.ifd tho l'-l>luiiir

’tloti of tli« tliiio lim it (II) Dll’ union iirli'llnitldij pivi|M>wiit woiilil liijiiii! <lfflnll(rly n t j). in. today.

N a tional j;uai-<lBmon wer«- »>tiL In UIkkIo Iiilnnil. M alno, C onnootIcul. Hoijlh and Noi-lh Ca)-fiHna ijn C.or- mail luiiiii'd hill chulloni'o. H]><irii<ll<' I'lolliij' hroUt; o u t In ircntoni!r/)i)i Wi'w li:n;;lun<I Jioulhw ard. In- c n id liiry iiDlxitaKo ocoiirri'il in lilinilo itiland. H<rv>-i'al iicoro iiiclcotii wort' Injin'od o r wonnrliHl In m o­

rn Wllll JVllltU',l(:lli-r VoluiiiisM'od

Oormitn mil.l u • 'j 'lo u p of public jjplrllo.l cilly.oint In \Vi!)ihhij;t<tn" hiiu ooinplolcsl pliinii fo r a rolli f projfvn))) tlu-ouKboiu tho HtrlUu lU'oH. Utf ii> l/lrD tiry mJlofUuulorH. b u t aald thoy w<'»o ac tin g iiH priviifo rlti-juina, in nnd «iut of litlMtr circloa. ,

‘.‘F rom a lm o st tho en tire a trlk o a re a w o h a v o 'T e p b T iru f : a lilk c i* ahot, a tr ik e ra bea ten an d n trikora c u t by b a y o n o ta 'In tho han^la of neivouH guardam cn ," Oo)*man aald.

"Tho pollctnn of n ianagom nnt a m fConH nued oti J 'ag o S. Otitinttt li)

NIOW Y (5R K . S .‘111. I 1 4|’ i!i ' I ’l i r " t n i f n t c i r y " o f h a p -p i ' H r d i i l> i i : i r ' l I h r l i n i - r .M c i r m C l i i i l l o l u ' f o i ' i ' d l l ' . SOM u ’iui n l i l S a l u i d i i y i i i n r n i i i i ; h:i>

. L o i U ^ U d i « i - U | u * r i i t . | . i (]i'or|;o >'

- K o ^ r n i , w l i q l l v . 'H , in Hay- (iiinr. N. mid.-d UmL lio wan t'rii‘bt<lcli‘ii to 'liilU ' i n i n r to h l n u p p o a n in c i ' lii-fort; I In- f i 'd rn i l m vriilij;ati'in .

• ■ W l i y w a n t h< ' S f ) H t l o - l n y o d Y " h o u ' l i Ji i i Ji l l c i l .

" I a m n n t i il l l l u T t y Ifi ; i ; i y , "

Qui:5 Ij«;ulorn, D enuuid Rouaon F o r L ifch o a t PiJlod W ith

' Sh ip 'n H ands

"W hy dliln't you

No AnOiiii

I ' luiv

Atlvfinco in L ast P o u r M ontha ExcuedH Povcontago Show n

B y O ther Seotions

Nicw v o iiK , si'pi, n <r.i!i —IJualncHH vohimoa In tho gtMioriil t ru d ln g a re a om brael/ig tho Rocky M ountain atntoa ahow th e w ldoat porcflntnge g ain of n ny hoctlon of thn co u n try In recunt m onlha, ac-, cord ing to tho B tundurd S ta tia tlca com pany, of Now Y ork . T o r tho fo u r m on th porlod. M ay th ro o g h A uguaU buiik. d eb ts , for..tU ls..j trJflt 20.8 P«r cont g re a te rth an h» l)« ' corroapon«llng m on ths laa t- your. K or - A u g u a t.- th o _ eatl- m utod Incroaao la. 30.0 c«nt.

I*ortlona of tho m oun ta in a ta le a have b.)o» heavy Huffo)-ora from thn d ro u th during tho paat. a.uin- m er, b u t In the aggrogu to , thla a r m baa atiffored leaa aeveroly th an Have th e .p la in a atatoa, tho rovlew nald.'

C rupa HatlafiuituryC ropa havo boon Hatlafuctory In

Irrlgiitw l BootlonH, prlroa have baen ah anpl V' t ha aug u r iln id u a try hna bonofitted from a d ­vanced prlcea, an«l llvoatock loaaos have been leaa draatio . Tho m ajo r fao torn w hich have influenend th e biwlnoss trenda In thla region

iiUning ' and.

r ation actlvltloa, primarily aniT •allver: higher farm

products prices which, tn oerialn d istricts a t least, have consider­ably more than pffaot dw uth losaei;’. governm ent. bounlles' and ^ e f l t , psymeilts, . and public Work# pro jec ts ,' plus a« slightly Inoreaaed artiount or private con- struotlont Increased manui;aotur- Ing. mercbSAdislng and iran sp o f Utlon voliflned Ss a result of these • Increases* In purchasing^

Poi»e;,.CliraMf*«d ■ V'■'


i ty(.rily to do It imLil lliii

n ch a ri’.o jfivon ni<- or- d.'ni, I illd arnd o u t th<- ‘‘CQ” mcnfiai'r on niy ow n Inltlntlv*', hut tlm l ill iiii 'irly nn lndi(;a- thill u ’<- a n ' iroinir tji nrnil a iUi'-o<ai;i‘. I iii'nt tim t lii-iut(iiot I liDi'W we would lond an •SOH.”

Ill- U'ltii aaUrd If ho oharrd tho i>|i|nioii o f tlu ’ i-hlof nfri*. ci-ni i>( Cl)(! M orro CjijiHo th a t

• th r fin- wan Jii-t."II III Vi-ry hard lo toll. I

riin ’L irlvi- an opinion on th a t." lC<.,itlnui'<l on Patio 2. Colum n 4)


Sw im m ora R u led O ff A abury Park;*a B caoh o a .M o rro

IIV .lOK AI.KV MOItUIHA -i- \ \;^ -o ir ic . « o r i i r T r ' ( t T ’r" -

l l l 'i 'l ir i in ' | ) | | | . o il] IVoMI (Ih- ^ i i i 'i i i i i ^ M o i-ro r n m l o .Sntui’- ' ' l ; iy u i l l i o n ly (um* piiKMMigiM-K' ■ i in n i i i ; lilt' ; i j p o r io n w (il)oiu-«l.Iio - 'liip ’-; i - l i i i 'f o iiK iiK 'o r I t 'k lf -

in . j j i y lit III,* t’o<li*nil M iii'y in f i i l l i i ' i l i s i iM o r .

■ ''r i ic i i* W f io n il o i l i e r juists,- '■ lij '.'n . i i r o i i iM t ." >;iii,|• \ l 'l» n i( , I lii. ,1-iiyini'i'r. •

W lial I'l'roi'i WHH p iiiih ' lo L-'ol an y piiKsoiict'i’ ” lio w a s .

I'.'" 1). X . I l i x iv c v r>r (hV l^'mincii'i* floparliiinu t,

r i i o i 'i ' u 'o r o n o iiK ii'i' t o li«i '•‘ II a i n l iiii. w in t! I’o n 'o d tlx*

l i l ‘‘ l io a l a u ’a y , ” A h l io l f I 'l l ! ' . I.

■ KiiKliHH r I7n04triiiln' y. Wrro any of your crew atlU

> U)o onjrlno rix»n? A. I am rotty «ur<» ihcy wore out.Q. Hut you don’t know 7 A. No. q. Whoii yon (jot in the ' life

oal waa any w ater. *tlll being • laycd 0)1 the firo? ,A. Vory Ntllo. Our bont out off

l'»hoiit holf an hour ofter I nwoke. 7V0 hoil tho fpiurtormaater and •J- In all. Thorn wcro two n^aa- oni’ora. All tho rent werrt cruw.

UdinandH Kxpluimtlon1 oovei' iiroBwcl A b b o tt v le " r- '

•ma y to r iin o ililn n a tlo n o r o t- (n rtu moilo, II nny, to K ot'tnd rQ paaiiongora aboard the number, ono ilfo boat, which put oirt tiftlf " " hour afte r t h e ^ q n ^ j f in

O a s tle Smolders

A a n t j a v PA R K . n . j ., H«pt. JI Tbo |M)MaJbimy, of «n ox-ploHinn , ab o a rd thn um olderlng luilli o f ’ l.ho a tra n d o d lin er M orro C a a lk t*uluy lod c ity offiolala to orilor Convonllon p ie r cloaru<l and nil poraona fomoviHl fro m tho Iwianh. '

T he f l r « t th a t th e sa lv ag ­in g a ltu a tlo n had changed cam o whon C ap ta in W illtani H all o f tbo \V ard Hnn oh tho dockin w ork punta, th en w e n t back

hia hotol and re tu rn e d in a huHlniiHa ault. Mo w aa preaaed fOr

roiuton fo r tho HUtldcm change. "W o aro n o t go ing to do any

w ork today,** ho aaid, “ becauao tho ihlp la iitlll amoUlurlng."

" la thoro any d a n g e r o f a n ox- p lo H lo n, "T here la alw aya th e poaalbdlty

o f An oxploHlon,"- ho replied, '"Wo a ro going to c loar th e . beoch and C onvention p lor—fo r th e p re aeh t anyw ay ."

a la rm .The only reply he got>WM

were n V m nr?' ^ i b a t p a rt, o? i£ B % £ S i the capCiln W o W S & t t . _ ^

wm;No Crew Trouble ,, ' ;

A. No.' not with m y orew .lM v onglne crew worahlpped th a t ah ip Not H peraon ever w ent into the Iiniflne r<wm th a t failed to com­pliment -08.

Q, W h ft I cannot say.that night. I have no opinfonj

SEEK LOSTEIRLU, a. Joins Far-l'lun^ Hunt

For Daughter o f Noted University Head

PjNini>AT..B. Wyo., Sept. 11 <aPJ --V lrglnbi lowing Gates, 33-yearwiff' nau g m Tir ?i! ‘*iTOW n " ? .~ o g tq >i . 'preaident of the XTniverslty,of Ponnaylvania, disappeared a month ago Into the woodJT’ neax 'X3oraT Wyo„ w lthput 1 money or clothing, end has not beep-^ben:fisflijr'^ Xlone anfl ^h 1 ^ 8 0 *the nearest highway a n d __^_____from the nearbft railroad. tho “dude" ranch a t wblob been vacationing, the United ^npeei learned today, ' " *■ ““|u«Uo« a g en ts------- ----------- -— .rar-fJung searift /o r ' hen , ’ .

Posses of •ea rch an bera beUevfL one of two th ln ^ ,' either thAtvths did not reach the.Uff)rfmy 9S ni|lM aw«y o r th a t aba r«aQli«^, to pioked up 'toy D tm aii . iw lr made heV t^a

J . Q. N«i aratJuatUi

a U r t e d J h e flreT A . 1 T h ere w a s lig h tn in g I havo no opinion,

howtiver. I t Is too h a rd a p ro b lem I d o n 't know If i t w a s s e t o r noL.

A b b o tt aald he knew o f .a . sup- poaodly Incend iary firo o f A llg .‘ 27 on th e ahip only by h ea raa y . ■

Tho ah ip hod flre -re a la tin ir lju lk - heads fo r an d a f t on' a ll d e c l^ A bl)o tt aald. j' ,

Q. W ore th e doora th ro u g h thoae fire -p ro o f bulkhe<u)a d o ^ T A . I aaw th o se o u t o f ^ lounge. (C ontinued On 'I^age 3 , 'OOhmm 4

. NATIONAL UBAOmD , /By United! P m *

A t.JR hU adelph la= u .:.„_B .4L .ta^ ,6 t. Louis ..,.W 0 0 0 000>- Q B OPhlla. ...... 100230 003fr- 5 ® , 0

B attw les; .oa^leton*. HaM avV** „ Deiancey: Johnaoa ami Todd. .'I 'm

A t B ro p k ly n ^ ‘V ' 'fC -H iM . ■ '" Clnelnnatt ,.000:080 g o ^ , a ■ Brooklyn 8f^3 , .f«i. .B attar^u). ,;JV, , ' Je rt ' and riiomb|fc)i:dU'piiflK*A-..iS^^ ,.::

^it*N«iir:,VorW -^] ■'''P l t U b u r - '^ ------ -

VQ ati

P o g o 'T w o IDAHO k v k n iKk ; 'immk s , t w i n . u u i u ) Tiu*Ni1)iy, 8ii|>(0Mi1i('r I I , 1!>lM

i l i APPROVAL0 . p . H bpea JolUuI U iujftr

Ro-oleotion o f B ran n An Qoyornoi*

(C antlm icJl Kfom On*')j i l m t U> ..

N ew s in Brief»{ n..' l-.vnnlni.' 'I'llll 1 .................. Ilf

K. 11.Ill . | i ' | . . l l l l .M' |>l

'TU'Al^ffcrtd pi'lmal lo m o rro v nm l N ow Y<»rk j;o«' tho )K>l)R TimrtAioy- '

A m onff Iho i>yl«t»'nilh\i{ ro n tru ln a re tho l i jfh t o f ftoti. Jiuf*y li«ulitinn(\ m aolilno iiKiiInnt

thn Ni>w ’ OrloiUiM <ir£;Anl>:KtU)r>' o f M ay.or T ., \Va)innl«y: l |jn lo{'-Jonopliln(> 1lb<<rnl wornu n '» Icatlor, f i j r ' llm Domoonillt! K ubnrnatorlu l nomlnaM on tn Colo ia«lo; tlio ulMinjf oppoHltlon iM'Inji f 'lrnlflhw l th o votornn Hon. J lrn ry P . ARtuim l n f A rizo n a fo r ro tu ttiu ' Titttlori, uihI lh« fttiu th Cutv)|It(a c<»r

- ttfH t-W rf- - f o r m e r - ; t l ^ f t . " ‘H n n , - C o inliliwHo an d Olln u , Johnw m . w ho finoKt ii[> fi'om th<i ranliH tkf th> tnx tllo workcrM, fo r tlio ((ovonior HhlR.

I n n tony onsofl Uuini i» o <IonilnutiUl <(V«r N ow IDoa) oonHl<l<ii' i«l|onH. '

D ocli.r WUl KhHlyI>r. HiKl M r;i. C. riu iim 'll W .-ijv -r

ji'., Ii*rt K ir (.'liliruisctU’luM** U r. W’o iiv i'r w ill la l« t iin.nt l i i 'a i l i ia lf w o il t ,

Ntnrii^ IMviirm Ai'tionMrii. Ma»'Kl«* Ca);.tl liau flli-il i


Proi)(!' liOiiflcni Ooolf ' A ccoun t Of H e lp A ocordod B h lp ‘ii


N R W plO A lJR It W INH— fM«yjHTCA-N 'b p g o 7 g o p r i i ~ n r ; r r

■ -<rOV. J«*fifnrNOn D ranriia'posUo o f tho N ow Dnftl. hiui ianMi

■— thfl flrflt D oniofirallo Kovornor In W olno’ii h is to ry to w in f/'Buooinl tw m .

R ctu rn ii fro m 608 o f tim C51 prn- r1>|otj| In y e iterd n y 'fl a ta to flloctlon t/j^ny ffrtve ftlm lflS,003 voI mh, con j- jiarod w ith f o r hl» Il«*pub-llrn n o pponen t, AUrod K . A mow, .

. Ifato Z>cul N a rro w •.'nftlunui fro m th « •Jima n u m b tr

n f procJnota «bowo(J th ftt U . H- «nrl. I-’rw lnrlck nepub1loa«.

Hi'oklnK' n . f o i i r t h t<ii‘n^. woji *tUl• tw lng Tiard pr*i<i«! by F . H nro ld

D iibord. f o r m e r D e m o c ra tic n a ­tio n a l oom m ltteonaaij. I>i»bord h a d KalnMl sradM ally' o n H a le diirlnfc tho 'ea rly xnom lng. T h o v o te a tood ;

( R .)^ 1 3 7 .w a . O ubord ( D d.)— 180,72«. iMabflj vo t«d by a m a rg in o f po r-

Praps 0 to B to rop«a3 lU hnlf'• R ontury-o ld '.p rq^tb iU on law.

D M nonrnti O hM red -• W ith B ran n 'a tr iu m p h and D ur- >k>rd'« wirprlalng- a tre n g th «u) Indl- <iutlona to thorn o f a n cn ilor»m i>nt <kf (ho B ooa«v«lt ad m ln la tm tlo n ’a pollctoa. D e m o c m tj looked to th o Uiroe conjrnsaalonal d la trlo ta fo r ivoaalblB addrtU jnal vlotoriea.

T ho 4jonffr«Mtional atandtnira.: 'F lr a t d l f t r l c t ( I S f i .o f l4 f i .p ro -

c ln o ta )—S lm o n W . H am lin . D « n o - orab a n d »el#rlityl«d *‘d l r t fa rm e r.” •42,074; Cm t o U U B aedy. U opub-lloan (ncuiobent«‘ 48.M 0.

Saoond d ta trlp t. ( l a s o f a iS p ro - clnota)-^B^W Vird 0 . M o ran . D em o-

T h ird d ta tr lo t <260 <rf 273 pro- Q o v a r a y R ^ h

J p h n ^ T u t te n b a o k . D em ocrntio In- Durpb^nt, 4}^ . .

G . t o . I». D lSA I*I*O W TBD .; •W ABHINGTON, fio p t. 11 —

R ctiirn# fro m M alnb 'a Ronorol ojftc- Uon to<lay aovorely Jolted lUpi»h

. Hoan hopes th a t tboy <?ould iti <trt>aBe th«*jr. houKe m em berahJp by no t o 70 aaaUi In th e Novemibcr ojec’t lo n ., . ' .- R a tu n is Indlcfited D «m ocrats


.............. ..................... w a .

a i'a liiiil U oy Oii|;cl, w hnin kIki m ar- rl('<l Aujf, -I. 1U.10 a t H urlry. I'ltuI a , Uoyd. lluh l. lu lu‘i- uUai-m.y,

Kt'turn li'niin Mont)>r. a n d Mr«. (J. O, IJu llry iinil

Mr«. lt:ilKul)cth Hinlth* ar<» Ixnnir afrnin afU ir Altumlliiir llitt nalluiiiil ftinv«irillnii o f iJm A m frlca ii I'liljllr ITt'iiIlh H»wnMiiti<in III I'a/iinlt-nii,

iJ'iiVi'H fo rOlcaM'iil Htrii[fii(i left. (hl>i imirii-

liij' U>v tliu U nlvorulty of Itliiho, MoHrow,_ w h-t:c-!li' will fiHXtll forJ }ibi lujtl liTiii In r lc r lr lc iil 4'jijrf- »i-(ii'lii|'' hail Jiiiit II Iwo-iliiy vImU luirn.

NiirM'M KiiU'fliiltiK irut MlHlrlc-t N iu-hiih' aui«u;Li-

tkai will h'»l<l "oiHtn Juaiii"" iii'Hday i)V<<ninK. IL’, at. thohoniK ill Mi'fi. H a rry Wlliion, Huhl.

-A Jl-d u u liiiu -m u l-lh o li—uiluuu.-aiul imrj(*'ii r)f tliii cn iin ty ar«- Invlt<'il, aufiiiclailiiii (ifficcrrH aniioMiun-.

I’liHi l ‘oMt KIim^IIoii ■A nnual «U>ctlon of officura will

tak<i iitiico a t lh;«. m nn tlily m ixillni' o f T w in FuUn AnjcrUiiui I-ofjlon poHt T in iriu lay <)Vt>nhi|'. It Ih im- nonnci«l by J . L. IIoiIkIii, co inniaii' «l«'r. Tho im'tftJnjj w ill ho hH<l In Ma*nuirlii1 liiill. I'timii aro u>i<i«’r w ay Ui Morvi- a liinchonji a t lh« c(in(:hi»ilon nf thit iii’f«iilo;i,

O m n i IV riiiit.T orn ilt lo • Whiiilow I'’, I’o tto r,

337 V un Iliinm jo o rrc t a24 X onn*nto^y loji: lioimo onl o t . 2 f) In fly1v«'«lnr N ow ton «i<l«ll- tlon ha» bi'on Kraiitfvl by th« c ity rouncti, nubjoot to tho appi'oval <it

, th p hylUlinfr ln»po«tor. Ii:»illinul.-<1 'c o s l o f tho iittnflturo In 51 ,000 .

A t IJtv IIiMpituI' A n d c r a o n . Tw ijt J'uHh,

OoorKe A]bo«' and Mlitii 1j i \» Hoyod. Kdon, havti Ixicn a d in itto d tri t)in huApl^al fo r NiirKloal trou tnxn it. M m .' A lfrod UlaiK^hanl, Kornltty, Nov., an d MIh» - r io r i’nm* t»nd Mra, A . A. U o ltnhcr. TwJn Falla . havn.b<v!n <llnnili4iiod follow- Ini; oporatlonM.

<io T o K4’hoolMliiii d a l e Andornoii, (luiif^hter

o f Mr. a n d Mra, A. U. Andornon, an d Miaa Q m oe U adcllffo havn ffono to C n llfom ln w horo th ry will a t te n d aohool. M |ia A ndoraon will enro ll In th o W oodborry’"' uohool o f oom m hrclal a r t In 1a*h An^cloH an d MlaN Itadollffn ' w ill tak o ii cpurae In a b e a u ty c u ltu re achqol.

On iri

ould' hold their tw«'UM»no ctinlro:. i H)« M»lnp hoU Jli'delum tlon . Al- * l? o in -h ^ « n i F r« !« r lc k M U Iij w m ln w fin l’ hl» U om ooratlo oppononl, If: H m oM Oisbord. HIh m a r i t t i o(

« r y i t ho wln» w ill bo 1m» thnn. ......... . I __I l k I I . - »<n ->iQp^r4 w ltb tlie Hale ma

4<r«:y ~<rf-»,<»«> liv.1 28. ‘N w iD « o )« rf enthu«la«llc

dver re«l«dtloi\ of i«taln«'a Dom<i- cra ttc govofnor, U>ula J, Brunn. B u t U w aa ■upon Hale and the thi‘«e houfo acattf th a t polLticul o\> Borvara ‘baaed thalr JudKr^i'*nt }fa)no a^ntlmfnt.

l i H E R S E E K SM f l V I O F F E R

V tounK S lf tg o r Boottlfl, KqD eBlrofl to E n te r . ' ' P llm d a re o r

H O IX Y W O O D <iu;i -l> h lllp A rn' iholil doe«n 'l ox p « :t lo Im» tem ptw l by a n y movio offara latnt cotnp bin

• w y y rAfo!u)UI, lall, d a rk uhd friendly,

cttm o to Hollywood f>v>m hla na- I . KnuJand n l Iho ca ll of. W ay ; . , I le ln b a rd t, lop rnnklniT G erm an

pm d u co r, U olnhurd t m produolntf: ------

p ^ e a a l iT Jdk>u« apoftklnjr and alhslnif voloo.

’ , •, .ia c a a t In tho coveted rolo of O b e ro ^ ‘ ^

---------foreaiinl^^DoltiBlon thiilip o 2 5 * y c a r - o T d 'a t a i o r 'b e of- ■ I film tMiptrWt If hla atutfo

ral i4 in a 'i( i t la fa o to ry tia hla laoi'i Pfohtlaei U iit A m V dd

lltU a lntw «Bte«. ':ra reafly deeply Intorcated In ' h a M id , «hVly. ‘T m

A whll« In or«ler, to B ui t'n i (TO*

oil uopn- aa I

. ~^rllohe4>aU pro- jwo HollywotKl InW*

I Off a tra in .; itu ld 9 o f n I K a y F ra n

Waa aatlAnfld.Utaff VYiulola

hun> t<A* of


TTBd-----------------K nnnula of i^ctfloct und fu ll '

u ro to provldft, A lb e r ta MoCann ♦oday hrou tfh t milt fo r dlvoroo In d la lrlc t fi(nirt a jfu inat I la r lim Me* Cunn. T h e coilpio niarrUKl a t iJuker. On?.. Jan . in . 11)25. Thorii uro no chlldriin anil no co inn in id tv p n ip e rty ItwnlVocl. T ho p la in tiff la roproHcntod In thii acllini by Kayi>om a lU iyhnni/

IJb ra rb u i lt4>portwtfo n th ly re p o rt o f .frrmlo

F raaof, c i ty UbrarlHn. aubmltt«><l lo tho city council, jcvoala th a t <lnr- Inif AiiKURt th» lib rary Inid a to tal clr<ii>U‘tUtn o f H.ftOft b^i/»hn, dlvidwl, adu lt n..10a and Juvonllc n ,1(111. Krv- onty<flvo l)ool(ii w<in> donutiM] to lh« lib rary and un.w .'fc purcliiiNOd. Collooilnnu f<ir tht* jnon tli anioinit* od lo |(!(J..'l7.

(C'nnHuui'd l'*r(uu rn n ii O nr) TIii'V W fiH not I-Iim nl.hut If U»;y liinl litK’H <:luiiinl7 juimniHK'‘»'ii w o iih lhiiv<- )»'«n li’i«|i|)rd holnvv.

Q. f)o y. 11 thlnh lli.i rin> rould hitvi' thrnuKh an i'lttrtrU 'win- d«jr.Tl V A. No, »dr.

W'Jiat. w a‘« till) c'l«'<!lrltt -wlrlnK n ra r tho wrlllnir room lorUt'r whii:l) wiin iial'l to , havn “uxnloil- « i r ‘ In II h n ra t of JliminV A. 'nii:r«! .ir«' wlrcJi t)ii:nt. Thoro in ninHld- •iruhli- ; ’li'rtrl(! w iriny th«ir<-- It nilirhl a ffo c l Ih.' ouu-i'KcMhw tlKht hiiL iind thi- lift iimvii billow If tliiuii- wlr<' liurii'-d,_____ No Mh-wuiiU VUIbh.

Q, W hrn yon w ^ rr lirlt,w ih^cUa wt<ni tl ir utinvMritu jr«'t.l.ln|r luuiii- <'n)’i>ni out.',’ A, I d id n 't Him tli<nn I wiiii t>n tli«< iiitrvhrK tilnh'w ay. I <11.1 nol aln it r iic iloura In Ihi

, jiii/mcnil'^i’ iiii»i;iiiiri'waya bn<;aUHn It wait no lin t it wonlrl havn hi'ono o iiin iitlln jr niilc ldi*.

Q. I f a ll a r r . 'in o r fin- dooi' -w ern -ah iit. .woiHjI -u n y . puailcnircrfa h.-low havtt hoim trappodV A. Y«m. iilr. 'I'lM'n- wi.;ul<l liavi' liiMin iiinno in r>ni- rnn ip iirln iont. on "C " «|c(d( w ho eoiild n o l »5iit «ait. Yoa, iilr, tluty w o n h r hnv«» hi;on trappi>(l.


N ew B r iu il Loffatlon Olmnffoa W an liln jrto n ’fl Rosldoiitiiil

Biilunco of P o w er

W A H IIIN G TO N (I'l!) Tinir.ll':;r«'Cittif. )»iircliMJi(! of a n r v / cnOia'iiiyb n ild ln^ a t UOOd MuMuarhiniot l;i iivonin’ iiway«-(l flu» »oeial jichU-h

.tow ard th a t faiihlnnahJu ni>lifhbor- ^iof»d In a tonjr-contlmmU rivalry fo r y«‘nld«ntlM "hnhvni’w of powov'' bt'Iwm'tJ tw o <lljilrl«ta.

Tho n<AV n w L u a io n . fonim rly, ownod by Mm.- ito lnT t M oC onntili, w ill h r ornuplisl by Uic new ly ap- polnt«'«l A tnbiinuiidor and Xfudunx^ Clnwaldo • A ranbii' imnir tiino ni'x< w lntor.

I.rf)Hlnjr TIlfo T he n rnzllla 'n oniban.<iy a t pn^i-

otvt Ih Hitiiatod n oar M oridlan pnrU. In p ru » lm ltv to u pper H lxtconth n troet, whUdi a [l«<ia<1u hffo Hnoini>d llUi'ly to iMt tho .|iiirmiu>nnt “ IHin- bantiy lU W " o f WajtUbiiTion.

In thlii n(>lKldMa-houd a r c thu

ItJillan . Kn>n<di, rvjllwi. flpunlnhy


S ta tu tn i-y Offonno OiiKoff W ill Bn Fir.Ht THaln a t NoW

T erm of C ourt

(C onlhnu 'd l-'roin I'aK'’

)nTt AJ<>or*', <i»n-rarii Moor«' and Itiiy .Stnirrnni, fn . nn ' a ltn rca tlo n Adii M.KU-n Ih alhtjjo.l In have bll- ti-n tho UnHor i^f ih i' o'urtpbiJnitJt? V/UnfBM. a Mr«. M. I-. Oliirk, lils r nilaaed yoiitpr<lay wan lln ai;tl<m

, aua ln fU 'a .yonntr «>'»» arnifjod o f a a lrttn to ry offanao.* ' P tou ':t O tto S n d th . iuicu»od Of cirlinlnal \i»iwitdt, waa lo b«i hoard thbi afionw>rtn:,T<) bn «oi fo r trU^l l» tho oaHfl of C. IC.' YoiujK. w h 'r haa iLppcahxl from a jiintlco (lytirt v«M-dl:ii rindlhK him Hulliy o'f lll«h‘d: poani'HHlon o f IntoxUmlhfir. b'MX'r, ft)iind whon n ln iclc hfl w an d riv ing tviriind o ver n e a r F llo r oarty Inat month.'’ i ' '


■aooa'i^ai' biiinptb 'T o '.'O ii-iliilO ity lB ko iri! ' ■ '

A irp o r t S top .

An a ;‘niiula of ’'.wood-wlH'i t x k k i i — • •

planr<a,Clt.V arVlvlnfe' hor


!(,?. T in t' I

niiiniipii)H<nt fa r thn <n'ih>rly w ay In wlilnli (ho a f fa ir w aa rondtiotod.

All a fn rtlto r tnanlfoHtuUvn of iippri’clatlon, It wiiH iitatod today Ihat tho K lw anla oltih ban invlto<l ilio nioniborn nf thn .Innloi* Olnini- hor’ii hoard o f tllriu 'tora to ho ita I'lli'iita a t tho w oi'ldy liinchiiiin a t llm P ark holid TluirHday.


lMvoro«« OnintixlTw o docrooH of divorco. f;ranlod

a t .loronio Jaut wook l>y Ju d i'o Adam I). H arcJay, havo boon plac* od on rocoitl horn. Mra. C la ra N ew ­m an, p la in tiff in an ac tio n apUnMl- W illiam N ow nnin. w aa K rantod ti' (ilvorco, an d cim tody n f n m inor d itiitih trr w aa n;lvcn th e ' nuitlior, IbA fathw in fr i^VMn oun tndy nf a »nlnor «ot»: an d Mrn. IDdna l.^ilh'r wan ifivon a docroo a tp iln a t D ort 1<- I^didi-. a im WhN .rrrantfid r;nnto<ly of a m inor aon.

<'ukH niuimeotlIn a uidlialon wlilr.h look plaoo

o hortly a f to r H.a. m. to d ay bnlwoi>n .earn o iw ra to d by Doimoa Nowoll, Moon cablnu. and l lo n ry l''rnnnd(

t^'ourth avvnu" n n rth , dimiaK' o»timato<i a t $nO Im <ui(di c u r ro Hultoil, acL'ordhiK ti! a re p o rt fllrd o t thu nollco atiitlon, N uw oll' win prooffldiuK n o rth on R^cond avo-

D u tch an d Citban d iitlom allc oni aiirlos. W ith in tho laiit ili'rad f, hnwiivor. tlu^rt! haii boon a liloiidy tro n d o f illpliiniutlc ri-iiUli-ncoii to ­w a rd Ma)iaacliiinutt<i avoniio. ]>ar* t ln ila r ly In Iho (lootlon liolw<^cj)

'nn |v > n t clrcht and tint Q ith o .ln il o f Rt, l*i't.-r and h : . P aul. n<rtv undor I'oniitriicfliin an an Inlm dod “ U'.iatiivinaU'r Ahhpy” fo r NVa.'ih* In rlon. I

1 1 SVu- H latrlol ) i r 11 1 a h, .l'apan^ta<, U unianlana.

Chllodnu. Czochoidavalui, Poruliui'i. If'irypHon'' >‘»d othorij w nn t Into tho now or d ln trlo t. W4tli ouch >aio- coHj»lvo ad d itio n U» tho MuaMiiclni* fiutta nclKhliorhfxtd, n^iclal Waiih* Inylon doliatiMl all Ino im jdk 'allnnii o f Uto niovo, and roal o a ta tc nion w at;od Mruniionji can)palj,’'na for th o lr i'UA(>octlvo nolt;hlHirluioda.

A f l a m o fr^ in i H l« m l'i> u (4 'rn , M o o r «loilri>yo«! b y 11r(* n lx irdl*>M | m t h l a nm iM U ol n o r i a t v lo w a n w i t h (vvii o l h o r a h lp v tt< nri(U ntf h o f I h o a b o i n t i n r o h o |lo v < 'd

t h o l l l - r a t« '( l n i o r r o lU m ilo . W a n l r a n t A w lm r y I ' l i r k . N . Ih uhav v ii a f r o l u l i l i ' r n i o v r d . t n t h o r t-u o u o

ly III ]ilcU u p N ni'x 'lvo rf) . N o a r l y VOO. I l l h a v o p o r h d io i l .

KiuiMan, D eapilo Xongf L int- of M iafortiinos, M unngea to

P iiy H is Bxpoiwoy

ao()tion a t tho iiarno tin io w aa thn I’ rounil c a r whioh w aa Kolni; wo^it oil Thlr«l Htrcot no rth


A tlilotlo l^rogram Opi^ns W ith Ohoioo o f Loadorii fo r

Soooor Tcama

KANHA.M CITY. Mo. ((Mr) - Th<‘ U tinio' OwiuTH’ U iatt r.orjiorallon rojiorla tho <•««« n f n m odorn .lob. a c a r ri 'jia lr m an llvtni; in luaiLli* oaiili-rn Kanaaii, whoat? aa la ry ia fllO a nionth.

In A pril. (ho apVilurnnlJuuu ;la id-itaurn-l

True S t o ry is- IJntold, Radio O p e r a t o r Says(C nnllm ii'd I'Voni ru|'i> One) M id d l'd .th a t ho would toll lln-

I t l l l 'l 'M I N A N S W K U S Ni'lW yOKU'. Mcijil, II (['.I!.

Aclin/r (.’a[)tatn W illiam !•'. W an iia oi' Uu- M ono Cimtli' to ­day rorniivd. on itdvlcii in' coun- iirl. to air'iv.’or <iiii'idlnn;i aa li.d hv W, .S. altw rni'va h.-fon. jrohiK* Iw-roro tho rodoriil j;r ia d Jury,

'IV o o ilii 'r (ifrii;orii oi" thi' hurnt-d liiu 'r aiid ii crow n in n - Ih'r «'»liir*!il iiinillar rofiinal:i..

D K A S T IC I ' l t i a . X I ’TIO N HHAV ANA, t 'ip l . 11 <l',i:i -

OrdJilit- pn iraullonurv imiiuau-fa wiT.‘ in.'iUtnti'cl by Havanit jiort outlH>ritl>-f( toilay aii.p»lloi- i:nn- lluui.'d. invoLtiifatloa o f ruporlu lliat fill- abojii-il tlio Ilni.TMorni Ca.'iMi- wan Inoiriidtary,

I ‘n! i., orfiiiiiiji p.'iMiiitdil nono l i n f rii<- lii j ;h f ;i t a iilh o rlllo ii to lio ard lu 't'iv in jr Viiti;u-ln ia tlu -ir i.rj'o rla to lU'cVi-nt a ll a t t i 'm |i tn III<itii>;o. A ll p o r t pa.'aii.'ii, lni:liidln<^ ihoao Itiaiicd to iu'wa> jia p i 'rm o n , w e re i;aniiclli-(l. . •

C i ip ta ln n » ,ca r II.Tiiand»-z. o h ii 'l n f p u r l "poiioa w h o

.elia i'L 'c iJ-L haL . th u - u iitu u . d U u a - - to r w a a Hu' r . ' i a i l l d f ju iho ta i'! '. a tm i 'u n c id l lu i l ih o rouwllu uf lilH lnv i> ;iti|ta tiona Wfjuld n o l bo nuidi- p u b lic u n til tlio end o f ttu: WroU.



from , .‘b ill botwjion A upd fl.'30 p.'. m\ tonw»rr«>w la oxpnclc'd to r i r r lo tho <illy aov- orul Ihui'u bofo^o landing " t tho Tw in Kalla n lrp o rti It wan ntaUul t<4 hiy by H arold U. Hai-voy. Twin F a lla C ham bar o f Gon\niorc« noc* ro tary .

Tho vlHltora, w ho, will nm nhor 2 oi' iTinro and will ho lu<ailo<| by

M ayor I.<aii* Mnrfiiiii. will ho fotoil a t u han(|iH 't a t thu IlcuforiKni hntol al 7 p, ni. « A ironoritl Inv ltatlnn haa boon oxtondod t>U! public lo al- lonil th la 'a f fa ir , tlcko la fo r w hich aro nutv im anin, H arvoy miya.

M ayor D nbcan McD. Johnnlon will wnlcoinn tho doloi'a4ion of buulnoiin nu<n, and will bn iiocnndoil In th o ^xtoDHlnn of Kroothura hy

oil. Ilcirl A. Hwi'ot of tho C liam- I 'd f Commorcio. TIui ronponaol

will 1)0 m ade by M ayor M arcn hy .l.v r.itrahl kiUK'. aaHOciat* ro ta ry nf iho H alt I-jd(o chanihor.

TicUola aro on aalo a t tho ch im i' bor of conunorco otficoa, a t tho Itojroraon ho to l an d by Kdw ard

IC, Iltillinjjaw orlh, II. K. UiRan, II. J . V a lllon , U. V. KohUi- iion. .r, It. TrolinKor, W. H, I'riobo, l lc r r y Mua^^ravo, iJonnI IDonn and It. W , Curpontor.

Horthi A’njjoloa, 21

ahiivo, Uii't u 'nrr^hiK <»v(tr ,that *T-yo|. Sho‘*i tlio pronii <if 'thoIh'onHo ilin t inado bar a fnll- fhiduoii M. r>. fmd^ir Ktrlct iVall-

.C o riU u luW H , i m o 'o f I h c om( l i i . l h o M la t r n o h n a a r o d .


W . E . M yora, 21, RoHovod of Aociiniition H oro; Waivoii

E x tra d itio n

. , itaoc- - jJ-iPropofwil In TunUKl Dow n L L ,

B y Ejnj)li)ycrijS -G rO rP :


lf:i.n t:nuo.t l-'roi Itinjr Iho ir frullj, no rloinun-iLrato

rij;hl In llii do inu!it Ixr Cloiif

pi'Di'oijiiii, if Ihi

n I 'a t'? Oiu ). I t i 'j io r la to d a y th a t th o u n io n

fniirirla th a t UlR I wIiDo a i 'b l l r i i I'o 111 (/» bo a ib l

trallcm ."

i^ll.lC U ’OKKl'llt.^KA.MTON. l ‘a„ Hopt, 11 ilLUi-

Ahoul l,»m) iidditinnal allU w orli-i r:i wt-nt nn alrlUo . hc-n- today wlii-n th ri'o of four inilla th a t lm«l r-)iitliuii'd o]n'rnlluiui iilnco tho .bo- ifiiiiiliu; <»{■ th o , w allK ait wnro lOlClll to Cluliii.

n a ly ono inill (’unlinitoil oporu- tl'Vi.-i. Union Icaili.Tii woro hopufiil it.'i .■niployi-ii vvoultl iiliio JiJlu l)io v.'iilkoiit, - I 'lfk n t llnoa I’iircod Uu> clii.'iiiiK oi' tho o thor tliri'c mllla.

N ew In v e n tio n A id T o B lin d S tu d e n ts

n O T -A rk. u'.i:» - -r.lUl--Li’Liiat;nUi'..wlIi:jja-iibl.i.:Lu:iuka(llc'tiiilun o f lnnj;i!ihy norniona andii lilri'ii'(i';i liv UHbijf a n iw r*>rni of ro ir.h ln .itlfin ’ i n 'a 1 I I o ala lo und w q h n j; UoniHl inw.-iV'lo<l by .la n u a Hr.iiuinirr o f H o t flprinjpi. jia rlla lly mw'i

Tim now ayalom b an bonn on- d.iiMd liy {flupt. W. M .'H rinvn of Ih'- Arlianiiaii Buhool fo r tho lillnil:

' 'IM1.:; W A N T ADH tJC T IllC- Stri.TM.

IlcpnbJloana, S u re T lh if F .P .R , la P o p u la r , S\Vitoh F iro

To Ruoovory U nit

m ntiir fa r , aufforln tf Injiirloa Ihat niiulo hor pra trllcally an invalid for a y .a r . ModUiil hUU, %'IM.

T w o inon tha I tilrr llu* app llc im fa non waa In jured by a iract^ir /rroutm ciit Xur a . cruHhud ja w Ixina,

Tho Tw in FallM .lim lor hlyh •obetol—phynionl—rdnrntlnn^T lppurt- m onl laimcbtHl lla fira t Iwiya n lh- Iftlln ovont w ith iho «>lv£'tlon today o f a Mocoor ball CBptain from oaofi hoitip roam , ' ' *

TtmmH w ill iin oyf.'itnlai'd fnm i ejich r<a>tii to Ponipoto in ''tho Hed uiul W hitn dlvialon n f MtudontH, Twujve W hltn . toiinia w ill comp<itn w ith ^ n o h o th e r fo r a oham plon-

and 12 lii?d toumM will do bat- fo r « th o lr honorH. DIvlNlon

fchiihipa will (Itfht fo r thu all<aohm>l hoaur« the.iK>ccor p e n n a n t, ntid u ~ ilh t on th e aM*aphool eunteat:

plrta* p v M .vfjll open \y lth ca p ­ta in ball ta a m a rrum e a c h homo ro q m .,m ia p r ^ o m hoa n o t bo6n

In An^'uat Uia in>pUcunl'N homii b iinusi, doatroylnu'^nil <if Iho fain- lly 'a ru m ltu ro , <doihlnK an d por- Honal piNiporty, Only half <if a JX,000 loiiN w an covorod .by liuiur*.micu. ------ -

M o th ar .1 Tn M arch, lOIIl; Iho appllcant'ii

n ^ tth u r dlo<l. ApplU;ant'u aharo of funo)-al oxnouNi'Ii. At theaiiinu liino tho iipiillcanl'H wlf«! bo-' ciinu' HI and had. to havo houaa- hold hiOp fo r Ihi'wi i'nonl)u»r l.a lo r.flliv.-bl'oka- b w u rm _________ _______

In Noviimlku-, 111:12^ .11. danchtol* had hor t<malla roinovc‘<l, 'Cimt Thun Hovon obUdron In tho fa>)tlly aufforod altaciWa of meatiloN. Wlinn th a t iipUlomIr waa oil! o f the way. f lv o d f . Ihom bocaiiio 111 o f amall-

itly tho aiip ijcan t’M wlfo onlorcil H noHpiiui ftir an oporallon. Whilfi Hhi* w aa thuro (he aootuid borne o f the fam ily bni‘nod <town.

The app lloan t olnlma hi* haa prtkl all o f blH oxpmutoa l ;r f tjll'm i fa r.

Killed for Knobrcipnv.mia p r ^ o m hoa not bo6n ;llNlbl<n am nffod y o L ’roe boya.dejuirtmntit In a big- la tina^r-tha dlreotlon'of LAwrt>noe ward MoC l.«uiidlQ and tho irlrlj) ur\dor Ulaa so thi'V li

UNIONTOW7J, 0. ilU!l-™A biidRo • ‘ir blackaiyikij piu-nlwl KdJ

................ ....................... JoCllntook and fJ«rt l.<inif._____ and tho irlrlJ) ur\dor Ulaa so thi'V klMfH ,lhn rupllje. TheyM U dr^ l^iohArdauo. 1 roimd h wnlU doorjtnvti.

Aij'pliuio Ooiifioni Miv(li) E f fo r t 'Vo ‘P luy BnU ’. in BoUviu,

ProbuvH Inform ed

(t;oiiUawod F rom 1‘auo Onu) lOnjrlnoi-r Proiitor «if r'an-A nii'rloan Alrwayii of hor iicUnn, Hath woro nanii-d by A. .1, M iranda, jr., pntiil- donl of thi* A niorlrun Annami.-nt corporalion . aa '‘m oat UHofnl" In n

■i»'n,l InItn th NU'hiihi, w iunun flyor, di»

puti'iM'd a to ti'iriain to tl'io.iioiiaU coinioiU i’o piotoiiiiii]; a|;ainiil Unit' iiUf h o r‘iiaiiu> w ilh nniidiInaa hiiiil-

Dr. lloyan t'o r, l'*oat KiauilalUl, iVitmiy llldci, tMitiRn aAH»f.-»Ai]v.

A 1TK N JI0N I.All hum au a ln a t thu Maulo C ity Juhlllo a})ould lio pro auntod n t 'o n o n l(>*L\ W. Mr. lU dw rta lit. SudlorAVoi fo r paynionl.


AUTO qLASS' Kjm'oIuI iv ic e a ‘

T H O M E tZ T O P aad . BO DY W O R K S

.m’niN r.F rc i-D , in. (r.Hi — ifaU.HWiovolt ai'ainw t Uio flold by tho DemovV.vU. w ith Ri>puWlca»» buoU- lii)' tho N It A on n tato aiul n a ­tional llnoa,

Thiu la b a ttio linotip In 1111- nol.'i fo r tho Nov. II oli'cliiina, wlion v'llor.'i will iduHUio tw o niiij<ir a la to officcra, a now n ta to conj'roaalanal ilolo)'ntlon, 27 now a la lo aonalor.'i. II nvw ata lo hoipjc of rop roarn ta- llvca, and offlccra fo r m ajor coun­ty |»oat,7 In lOU countioa.• llnn ioc ra ta aro c (Mi n 11 n on

Proaidonl Hoovnll’a popularity and ono o f tho j.ti-onireat at^ito orffanl- /a l lo n a . ln l^om ocratlc h latory to p n lh th rm ’ fhroujjb . ^ - .........

Uopublfcniiii. abylrii: a t nuujtli^n uf !looH.5Vc«ll boca\iHo of oonlpnllon of Honui H opubllciin . londora jth n t ho 'Mji liio po|>ular," nro al^ilntT litolr blowa a l pnllcloa w ith aomo concontratjnn on Gov. U e n r y Konuu- and hl.'i alnCn admlnlNtva- lion.

Uopuhlioatia have luott wHj'lnir a c!uiipalj:n aln<;o oiirly hi Aiiflfnat. , whito thn Dcnioorat^i p lan t to a ta r i ( a '‘lo tho finlah" drlvo fin y«p t. 17. 1

I » , R Myora, 21, clmi'ifo<l w ith ,, I,'! hni'Klary of a num bor t>f’iiacl<a nt^ar

liirro, la lo bo rn llnvorlof tho ohiirjro w hich ho facml' In ilia lrlc l crairl, and th la aftu m o o n waa to bo ro- tu rnod to M cdicino I^id^ro, Knna,. In conjpan.V w ith tlhorlff. J . F . Al- h riu h t of Ibu 'bor county.

M yora w aa ono of Hovoral crhn- Inal HHiipt>o(ii achodulod tn bn triod hi Iho aoptom bor torm n f dl/itrli;l ro u r t. A ccording to a m otioii filod w lih tho co u rt to d ay b y 'O . W, W 11 b a m. proaoiH>tlni,»- litto rn o v . M yora bun ploiiuod g u ilty to irrand liih’.ony of ca ttlo ami Jall-broakinj: in Kiuinua, and ban wiilvud oxtru- diilon.

Hhorlff AlbrIjTht Jiald ho hopod lo Kol Hlai'lod w lih bin prliionor Ihit' a f tornoon. Tin* fifficlal w aa ac> ciinipanloil horo by hhi aon, H arold AlbrlH:bl,.hl8 dau n h lo r, Mi'fl, K rm a Fulodon, and by C iiunty A tto rney

M, W hoiit. Tho p a r ty la trnvoi- IniC by luilonuiblto.

A lh rl;:h l naya Myora broUo from Ida Jail In Ju ly , .10:i8, unrl.ronuihnai a t lariro until bin nrro.Ml horu Vo- conliy.

Expoi'tii A tto in p t M lirhty Of OlaB.'iifyinfif Extonnivo .

L U ii o f H ues

LONDON d'l:^ llr l to n ’n color alontlia havo roooilily boon ho t on tho trail o f a wholo' lot <if rluaivo luioa- Aa a Voault o f thla, thoy havo Jaiil <V)nip,lh*d a "rojfuoa’ 'jfanory '' <if colorii. w hich k Ivo.i tho ofrjcjnl kiwilown oh all tho rn lora of tho rairilwiw’and a L'ood m any outaldn Itr an woll,

Thv cokir doli'ctivoa. o r Iho I lrlt- l.'ili i;/i!oi‘ council, an th ey aro o ff i­cially (lciil;;nated. havo rouridi-d up iionio 220 huoa and catnlo};uod thnni In tho “ D ictionary o f Color Stam lardii.” T h o y l i n v o cviln tiHuuMl. nvuubcvwl lind roilod micb awkwar<l 1; liadoa a.i "ha ttlnnhip Kray." “O yeliuaon p ln U ," ' ‘bon- •a lrr hluo, "(dm rtrciliai jfrocn" and ‘biuuina.'’

Throo'(^i(<«|r(irhfN ■In Indrxliur thin ftirinldublo

ranjr'' <*f co1<n-a Ihroo d iffo ron t cn t- 'Horloa woro choarn, Tho f irs t w aa

coku a w hich can b«j m alchcd to an alroadv oKlfltlnjf s taiid iird huo. auoh

■'WodjrwiMHi bluo“ and "poatof* flro rrd. Nnxt cnmo colors llko 'Ufpiirrol.’ " c a rro t" and "aapphlrn,"

which uro fu lrly uaally ac tlicd .• W hiit g a v u t h e color al<jviUi« l)inlr woriit hoadauho w iu th e 'tu b

mil "old jvine." Thoy found n o .. Ii-iiii thait flO noparuto Idoaa of w h a t wail n u 'an l by ••njty hluo." 00 dif- for^nl w hitoa and -lO blacka.

Tho 22(1 <»ffU^iully r<‘0 0 /cnli«<id coN oivt havo bi:on pr.isonto<J on j»nr<» nilk rlhlwvn in tho f lra t volumo o f Iho (Jlcllotiary. •

Koalhwallo, lt» the T-ako D lalrlc t >f Knj'land. h aa a;i avoraffo tuinual rainfall c.' i n t Incjioa.

1 9 3 4 Is C e n te n n ia l ,^ 0 f E le c tric . M o to r

riU A N O O N , V I. 'i 'l l i - T h la y o u r in a r lta th o c o n lo n n la l o f th o Invoji

jM irt.of m a ib y F<ircut i>alo.D avenport InvmvloJ tho njotor.

whili- a vIlhiKO hlaoUamlth . ' U nt ho niado no e f fo rt to coinmorcliil- Izp, luid tho oloctrlc m otor tlld hot boconift foariblo {intil ab o u t ISHO, j*rmto- J»)-yoaH* •a f lr r hi.'i-dDnth;


--------------------------------B U K PB IflK -M IT E----- --- ---------------- -

•tine; toinovrow u ite , every W oil. n i t o ‘w ll l .b e B urpriso ) w ith Ronnblhinff d i f f tro n t In fo r you each week.

S ta rtinN'ilo w l ................ ___ . . . .Thill w ill Inoludo oanh prinoH, novoUles, oto. O ot in to th e ha liit o f o n r niitl-woeU danooa a n d oniov the

mubio o fr^ W A L T B E O K Jm ftnd> H IS OROHBBTRA •

M vorv f l l h c r l>ani!o_____


\v lth th(i


■ . •; T O -M G H T

6 p E N -A 1 » F A P l O L i ^ 1

. Tiiii«l»y,<S(.ptci)il)«r 13, lOM I d a h o EVfiNrNG t im k s , tw tn f a i j .s , iriA iio

O A R D I N A L S S L A S H N E W Y O R K 'S - j^ E A n T O ~ F O f ^ ^l l i A S T E l Y

. OUTFIT FALTERSS ix E r r o r s H e lp P i t t s b u r g h

, N ip , O l iw t s ; b o a o W Jb s T ti r S t. L b u ls

B y TIIRK O N W K K IIIT. NFW YOmK, 11 llUfl-Ruolnir IhrmiBh tho m\nl in a drlv-

. nsr «li,l«h, Iho SI. IxralH C nnllim is Immynorod Inlo tho otrotoit to<luy only fo u r Btinioii bohlml tho nnco- s o t tin g N ow Y ork OInnU.. Tho OJnnt« dnippud theJr th ird }n a n w yflatottlay. K vorythlntf huH hnppotied to ib c O lan ta n t tho «ftmo Umo. T h o ir h ittlnjp averafird Iwii ffona down. Mol O tt, Jplll T erry an d Joo M oore hnvo s tru o k thoJr

_ w o rs t battirjff s lu m p —M ooro flnd O tt tfotHnjr <»nly fo u r hJta botw ccn th em th o la s t threft

I>«fnnjiA O rum plMV eatordny th a -G la n u p u l on tho

w o m t Bxhlbitinn o f flol.Ung thfty ~ h nvfl Shown nil yoiir, nn'ikfne- nix

erroM , Inchidlntf tour Jn tbo las t JnnlnR. to «lvo tho P iru te a n 0-7 w in a f te r N ow Y ork Imd catab- lUhed ft th rco -ru n lead KOlnif m to th s n in th . '

Moanwlilio, S t. bohindD izzy 'D«on'a flvt>-hlt pltohlijjf. ran*: up Itji f if th atrn lffh t, iMvntinj,' P h lladolphta , 4-1. "Di7J’.y" aUirtod th o acorinff parad o w ith a nlnclu In tho aooond and acorod th e run t h a t iproved th a w inner.

C in c in n ati nnscd o u t tho Qrotik* Jyn amuaninif fou rn in n In' iho socond on <!ouhlcB by I'oo l, C om orosky an d H tout. nijd Klngloa. by .U)mbnr<ll and S p ark y Ailam a.

Ohlcaffo and Boaton had p1uyo<l th o lr.R am o previously.

TJiTAra. tiiiin ■ W ith tho Y anka Idle. D e tro it Rot back a h a lf jraino on tho N ow Y ork club , oxtondlnif th e ir laad to fou r a n d a luilf. > iank G reenbortr <Ud m i tho w o rk In a 2-1 w in by Inolnjr o u t tw o hotnora, N ow Y ork wrtJi r«lno«| o u t In a t . Ivoula.

•W ashlnirton a<iorod a 7-4 win ovor C hlqago w hen CUff Ijolton, p in ch h tttln jr In tho aovcnth w itit tljo biuioa loaded, sm olo a hoinor.

IMUIadolphla baokfire*! on tho Clovehiml •Jndlftna, a f te r JoHlnjf tiwo in a row , C asto r p itch in g tJio A th - lotkui to a 0-6 w in.


ViiiidiiliJ. M o n tan a M applnif Ailnuiii " b i i v l d " Oiun|)iii,',ni

Ai'iiinul “ G oliatljii"

T ^E A\AN B Q 4 w D -riie G IANTS’

'MANcuso o ^ i M e p A ucre SIARi; DOE -to f/PHO|C>... COCMtWE * w O U r-H ir AMO

O O t- R U N T H B ^W -^A ^), B lTT i s AJOT UKfeW -Rj CX)T-1flWK' HIM- /A IG K E V

-T7lG l^ ^ 6 P lR A ’lT o^J


Tourney Incidents Show Tennis Growing Rowdier

Younsr G olfer, 10 ,. EH m lnatos Om alm S ta r ; B ob Jo n es

M eets Defea,t

m io o K ifrN B , Waiw,. so p t. n NU.Jti—Tho n a tio n a l a m a te u r ijo lf’ t o u r n a m o n t o x p e r lo n c o i^ ^ am ashlnff upaot to<lay Itobby Jacobnon. lO-yoar-old lad fro m I>oal, N . J ,, d^foatod Jo h n -

. ny .O oddm an o£ O m aha, “T u p In •"» holei. •’ Tony TorranoB, Scotland, only

formidable o v o r s f l a s rnitry, moved ahead with a 2-up vic­tory oYor-.Pbll L ittle of Mlnnc* npolla. Albert '‘Sootty" C*mP' boll. SoatUe, won over l». IS. Ila ll of Phlladolphla, 6 and 4.

. - AAothor Yormer ohamplot), .Jeaae Oullford, Boston.- was eliminated by Wilson F; M arks Oif Ofikmont. Pa.', 1 up. Bobby Jonos- o f ' Detroit, yostai^ay'a bUr hero In a «urprlaln8r victory oyer former Champl^m Francis

_Oulmot, w a*.no Jiera. todoiy..lie. waa put put by^Sayard'M ltoh<

--^ell of- aem A otoa,-N .-J^ i and .3 .‘ Roiia ’ h ie r t ’lUo or London,

. Ont.. fopmer ohamploti, defoat- « l J. W. ro ley of Detroit, 2 and 1. , ‘ :

nV HTtJART OAMRRON U n lM Pim a 8por<« Killiitr

nnOOKUNfn, Mass., Ropt. 11 <ir.Rl Amerlqa'i (p ^ to a t ffolfinR m arathon will tRko on Oeflnlto form today with tho sooond > round of the national aihatour Champion a h ^ . ■ . ■

_ Before dusk ■attlea tpday. the

to M players who wlir play through twd m o n 'reu n d a to n u m w .

'Aa tUe f in e b)oym '^ere atruo1<

B y lUCNIlY MrlJGMO'llIC• l< ^ R fO « T in M ^ . N . Y„ S ep t.

11 •dJ.I!i.-TennlH. m n /, th a t con- ' —t r a c t—briHft'p" iia a ~ A'oii^ nnJBli*'

nook, w ith playora th row ing loft hooka w hen a /IneHso fuilR, and |x)lo p layora no loni^or oxoiino thomHolvos whon th»y - dn in tlly cohouaa an'Opiwm<^nt’a noifKlu. ia ju a t ab o u t tho laa t rom alninjr ati'onsrhold o f n o n tlllty loft In aporta . >

H ow lu n tt It w ill rem ain ao, how ever. Is p rob lem atica l, fo r ithore have boon aevera l lUHtiirl)' anoos o u t horo a t tho natio n al fiingloR cham plonablp thUi wook ami la s t, w hich wouUl indlcato th a t tho Ico cream trouaorod N«it 1h a b o u t roady t« roll up ' 11m aluovoa and join th e rowdlun,

M r. Pujcnaclou**Ono o f thi»ao rr^rottftiblo up-

rlalnRa Involved th a t oinlnont doubles p layer anti ‘ BToyhnuJul f a n c ie r irom ChU^agu. aoortcu iM artln I.o tt, and a ,M r , li'rod- orlok Pond, d la tlngulshod c h a ir­m an ^ t . . ih o dlAtlngulahed (/>ur- nuir)ont aom m lttoo, an d ond(>4l w ith lK>lh p a rtlo a throntonlnK ' to

' rntirer” to a n e ig h b o rin g om irt and w o rk hav;>c on tho oUior'a 'profilo. Tho only rc:^.»ort thoy <Udn't c a r ry o u t ’ th n lr th re a ta

•• w a a —t h a t —b rfo ro th o y ~ “ could roaoH tl ir rO urt i t hiul boon

■ ta1?on‘ by- K M aw orth-V inos.-the 0 ni I n 0 n t profoaalonal tonnla p lay e r, an d ;^ lr. W a lto r M orrill

' <Hiill. proaklont o f th e TInltod fita to a Law n Tortnla Aaaocljitlon o f A m orioa, w ho buvo boon f ig h tin g ovnr «ln<!« Iho to u rn a- m en t s ta rto d ,

. . N o T k)k« t• Tho l ^ t l 'P o n d foud atiirtcd w hon J.<ott tr ie d to g o t In thd m arq u e e w ith o u t a t ick e t. Mi'. il^)nd liatepod to l u l l ' s oxplana- tlon that> be o n ly .';w an t9<t to s ta y a eooopd, and , boaldoa.

tUe fire t b ) m .«oneotton of.

... : from- threegotflng r holey : fjw>m- th ree A L L I I 1 I »

Iwidn't hn uiviMi enough o f hi« you tn Ui Ujo toniilii Horvl««i of ilia c o u n try to m to an n x tra

•~pnnB7Tvyt'rrT»w(Tr^itir'gntffriunfio flrm hoaa, giivo T./Ott w h a t tlio f l l 'h t caH tho >XiumV( rtinh.

Tho Vlnos-ITaH duol atiirtcii In niuoh Uio immo w ay, W hon

•Vinos ontnro<l tho m arquno Mr. Mnll, rncnlllng aomn nnnty thingii Vltioii Nald a>K)ul tbn U- L. T. A. In a rnoont nuij;a- Klno artic le ,.ca llod fo r tho gond- arn\ort and gavo him tljo old ouncor-.l>oiincftr. IJukcn wtiro Ini- m M llatoly th row n up on all sUioa.

CaMtortiora, TooM uch morn griovouri th a n llio

he lllgoront notlnnn o f th e phiy- ora and orfloiitla, lK»wev«'r. Iti tho g ro w in g rowdtnusH of tho timnlii ouatoinorn. N o t »o m iiny yonra ag o tonnla cuatom oni w e re mo<l' olH o f awCtitnca'a and IlghtT Thoy applaudod good iiitota w ith a pollto , <llgtilflod clap 'C lup or Iho handn. lia d nhots w oro grootod w ith a«tulftt, aym pnthotio “'ra ch l T nnhl l l ’a a p i ty .” ;

R u t.n o moro, Whort ii p layor m ukoa a .r o tte n ah«it In tonl oura c a tc h such v u lg a r oKproiialona aa 'T h ro w tb c bum o u t" ' and

. ‘‘VVprm^up. am ).tlipr..guy> '-J^ut. tno g re a te s t ohanuo la In tlm m an n e r In wllloh' o rr ln g UiJonien

'arut'T im plro* im rhanrttw i. - .......Bronx O hror

Tn tho pM ii.-vrhon g<wMl will an d good maiTnora w oro knoo d««p' In f l ' lonnia a tad ium , a llnoam an 'a n ilsta k n a w orn aroo t- od w ith p<)llto silence. N ow a m ista k e la grotttod .w ith a sound th u io rlg ln a to (f doo|) in th e iioart' o r th e B ronx , an d th re a ta to oom e dow n th e re ofr tho co u rt end chaao tho o ffo n d o rt o u t of. a lg h t. ilnd«e<], <lurlng tho l^'Vank S h ie ld s ■ Vornon W rb y m atch


'VnnoKotf S o a o n d v i o to r y B o t r o i t O lul) In Tonuo

13 to 12 P r a y t

iiy fllMtUANMTflHOi;i,A, M ont., K.-pt, II •Far rroui th<i ixm t of tho ihniun.

tW(* "DiivrdH" of tho I 'liriflc cuiiiit c:(>iiroi'onc;it tmliiy m o rr iid y to go iihiiui Ihi'lr luuiiiiil liu;iliiiinii of prn- p iu -liig 'lo (l.'iiL the iililnfi itl' l l if ir ‘‘Oolliith" opp(iii(‘nt)i.

■ I l n r u In ^^l^lm ^uln, 'Ooiirli " H u n - n y " O iilccii IooIcimI n v r r U n iv t ' r n l l v o f M o n t i u u i p IjtH k In l i i n id l in n i»n<t t r i o i l l o t h i n k u f ju i i iu i l l i ln i r c h o r r - f u l f o r tlio iin r<'Ilnvvti w h o W i'lln f o o th i i l l " ilD p ii" i i to ri« ‘!i,

VinidnU Arn l l r f ty Down 111 Mtuieow, Afontor I,i>o

Calhm tl wttijjhii tho tntmiij;o of a y o u n g ’ Iniiit. kiuI c:iiiiniluliui "Itlnn**—w«»»Mw' t. Iw nn-hnH—tVri—Hir- IJntvrriiU y of Iduhn If I-ady. Luck loiiiu*(i a pow crnlrivlng hiickflirld on tho Vnndiil nninpiiii.

M ontanii wound up lla iu;i3 nna- Hon In laa t p|ai;i! w ith, fou r coiifur- (MHin Ijoalinjr't and nt> win/i- -y(it tlm Hoaiion wann’l. I'litlrnly dltiappolnt- InU. eh irfly imraujm l»nh Htaiunmr- ry 'a ftcot hro»'nnn iiklppr-tl and LwlHti'd aw ay lo .‘ii'niiiitloital ninit aga liu il H tanford, W a a h i ii i! t o n S ta to and n th n a .

Thill fall HlariahiTrv, trlpli;- th ro a t n ta r of ihr- in.'Kl fJtii'.zly pa(d(, in nilnfiliur nnri lln im y Oalu-a' chlof concnrn In to f it liia wlnj;.-d mncoaninn on nomo n th u r huckinan.

M ontana \ ’o(m (iM o Thoro aro o th e r wnrri»-n fu rrow ­

ing Oakt-n" brow aa hti ntarl.-i lUa fo u rth y oar a t M ontana, l-’or om* th ing , ho Inat anvi^ii rogulan i by g rad u atio n , inctm thig tw o hat lca, tw o guarila, an r n d .a n d a ta|tkli'. Ho m unt roplacr thorn o u t of a -ill- nuin aquail which nunibnni 17 b'L- tfinnnn. Id of whoni aroMif ai'con- d a ry callhor.

Tho Orlzzlloii’ a t ta c k mniiL llki'- ly will bo built a ro u n d “ niaHthig Tlanlc” IJlnatlt:, a hiuiky y o u th from Chkia/ro, who. ttwa •ronaldiMniblo tirlvo aa ho amankK tho lino from hlif quartorliaok-poH t. ^

A iding and a b e ttin g a n y hliuitlng th a t lllaalln . a lto m p ta w ill ho a haiikfiold compiiMod of th roo lada p lay ing Iholr th ln l Hoaaon tognthor - '-C al Iflmory, lilll Hom an and i n ­land at»»ry, Tw o jtlh o r lottnrm nn baokfl avallablo w lion tho firin g gfltfl Moavy iini iOl K unt and lim m y rjorgofion.

Idaho ILta I I o{>om

SOFT BALLl<'lnaf i;aiiir-'i In the M ali"

TiliiK. Tliiil'ii fl'.fl liall iiliiviHI f'lrTlja-cIly-^iuimpUauUlji; --------------

Tu<>s., K cjii. t l —>■ II a r i l l o n p a r k : W'l-Ntcrii A iitii Vii. tV'llfy'><.

WVd., H .-pt. l! i— No , Thui'M,, K op t. I!l — l l iu im i i i

p a r k : (liilM tphmM lilp (In a l (w liir iii*r o f M iihdii.v'H i;aiiU ' v n . i \ ln - n o r «if Tno>«!iiy’M g an iiO .


HEADERS l E i a i H E

Boittli C on tral Idalio Oonclavo Qu I-'ootball Suinnioniul

. A l Tw in Full'i

E a rn R iy h t to P lay in Fiimlii By O ap tn rin /r W in O ver

. W ci»ton\ A uto

l;vi'jNi.s<; Ti.MKs i.i'jAcii’i:

- .........

•S. . 11th c n i l r a l l i t i t l i o ' i i h I i; hn r l i o o l a o p o r i n t i T i ' I cT i l ; ; , j i r i n c l i m l , ’.,(■oo ltKi l l n i iM-h. ' :i a m i |>r<;;-i i V c t l v oK r i l l n d ' I c i i i l s u l 11 n i i ' i ' l a t th< • T w i nK a i l . ' : h i n l ) .•icli. m l I m l b l m j ; a 1 ^ |, . .I I I . . S a t i i i ' l i l y , i r vvai i ( i m i o i u a : n l l o -iJa .\ b y J- ii p i , I., A. Tbi^mi i . - i , K i n i -b o i ' l y . v l a r . v - I n - i i m i n r u r l l l ri l i / i t i ' l i ' l l io:i i n l <>1 r n i i t n i l .

, T h o j ; n > ll j l w i ll r un. ' . l < l c . r ii I i | . i . n -K il l i M l l a n ; 111 a ; 11 n i •: a l 0 ll 111T h ' . j i u i a ; i i .V t l . r ■ ; i l ; i l i . h i c . l i NflK.ol 1a t t i l i ' t i c b i ' u n i . 11 U’lll a l .n I' l. ■rl llii.i l i a l r i c l tl m ini f o r i ! i ; : s - : ; ' , , Wi l l

HlatkliiuWiHlt-rnW lloy’H 1 I

y es te rd ay , I saw a young, mo i wTW w n ag flvor M irem o~ <w»)l o f tho s tad iu m and s t a r t loW erd a llne>mnn w hen ho ca lled a ’ bull In th a t w a s o u t tiy tn o h as ,'0 nl7 ' ({ulelT'Bction iir>H<r r,r thn y/^itny mim»i

~ p r^vent otf^ ti|r '^ TKhig" bodily hAivn'.<^/<h(9 Jli^emen. «rhlcli would iMon a shame. < o r‘i)oibMy. lltfee 'to eee a m an attaokM In' bla'Jifeep.. ' '

By OIJVVTON N IIT T IN fl R U PK R T , Sopt. i l (Spoclal)

r ia y ln g <a' ru tu rn gnm o w ith Hup- o rt 'a taiflobjUl loam , tho D e tro it Colored a ia n ta look th o Hmall ond ol' a lii to 12 acoro hero o ver tho wook-ond fo r tho Ir aocond dofoat, by tho hfuno aipmd. ' ‘|

Tbo to u rin g o u tfit offorod n o ' sco rin g th r ra ia un til tho s ix th In ntng, w hon thoy 'w ielded the wood rn n rg o tlca liy to acord five tallloa. Thoy co llected alx m oro In thn o lghth b u t woro unnblo to click off tlin runif lioadod fo r Viotory In tho n in th .

' llU |»ort R ia rta KitVIy Uup4»rt (iLftrtml oarly by rlfllnj;

<nit thrco In tho aocond and threo In tho ■ th ird . A f te r a tw o-run np u rt In thii fiflii, tho. looala ^ar- norod fivo In tho alxth to ta k e tho nm rgin t h a t onrnod tho win. L acy nparklod n t bat.

T ho gan io concluilnd thn CJIant'a' b n j^ tr trm lr ig ' tia jr lA' ihn 'w oat, and thoy lo ft fo r tho onat s ljo r tly a f to rU u i-f ra ra a .......... ^ ............................ i __

L.lnrinpN: D o tro lt Colored O liints -T)[/»ron*o, ai>; Morohofid, o; A. timUh. lb ; W. Mmith, of; Moore, aa; KniKht. If; Carey, 2b; Leo,' p; Gronn, rf.' l< u p o rt- Ju<lovlne, IttJ H anfoni, c ; H arr, 2b; G riffon, sa; a to o le .'tf ; O nterhaiit, nb ; K irk , cf: K ing , r f an d p ; 1-Aoy, p and rf,■ aoorn— ' . n VI 10a ia n ta .......... 100 00« 0110—J3 13 Bllu p o rt ........WJ« o;itvoox—la lO 3

Pacific CoastsLeague

(Ily YliilCod PriwN)

T irw :S ao ra m 'to 100 000 0 i0 -> a 5 Loa AUg'S 001 120 OOx—4 10

S a t t a r l e e ^ l to h o lR a an d W lrtM TlKtmhs a n d Campbell.

•• R . H . 83. O a k la n d . .000 (kK) 110—3 4 3


m uch h o tte r thi«i y o a r than - laat, whon it flnlahod tw o nolol^oa abnvo th o hunomcnL I t w on ono an«l lost four. • . _ ■

C alland hopoa-to go pl’a c ra w ith hia V andal jajuad If Ijo can pum p pow er Into n baokflold w eakened by tho loss of “ Uoog Jo h n " Nori)y, hard -b lock ing half-bank , an<l “ Woe W llllo '’ Sm ith, floot quartorlMiok

JHowover,. tho Tdahn m o n to r can co u n t on alx lo ttorm on t<» perform hohhul LJie lino: P a u l Jlerg , Nor- by 'a 1933 'u n d e rs tu d y ; Thoron W ard, laa t yoar’a - a lto m a trf full­back ; Koaa B undberg, 2(H)-pound fj-o«h full-.baok; Klb<irt "l..efty" Tn- nm n, quari4>r; Ituaa Ilonaow olz. half, and ISarl S m ith , half.

200-Pound U n o C alland a lre ad y h aa d ra fted

fo rw an l wall av e ra g in g aroun il 200 nounda. I t la blocked w ith six non* lo r lo tto rm an and flllctl w ith 'o th e r votorana. Tho' lino la th e hoavleat Id a h o haa had alnco ILa b ig team of 1037 . tlod tiU in fo rd -a n d Routhern C alifom la fo r tho titlo .

Rnda cona tltu to C nlliind 'a chlof line trm iblo, w ingm on. b e in g >at a premiuno-^ . Ouattlfl, j.LacWoa and o e ttte ra ’-f tb o u n d .'-H tr^ g ' pointn •'in th e .lino.oro tho-n^on-tioidrng,dow n tac k le Joba,


M iddle X in g on S h o r t E n d of Oddfl in B a ttle A g a ln a t

Teddy Voroks

P lttaburffh . 8i iloua V ince-~ Ihfi.

it. 11 (iu'>—Cau* lee rw ho-> tnurhetd

XU1»^ Hi _l— tk. ‘A — I ..t.*i M i t s ' c o n i g R v' “ round enffAg«ment v^th

Teroes,In a ID-round Toddy ' Teroe fighter from

p ^ rb w i fl^d .Dundee w...

ring on the ehort

engagem ent ewajpthy Polish

Monaoa, Pe„ a t

Dundee will probably 'enter the r t' end of 1 ‘

Hlalklna n a rn rd th^ r ig h t tn p lay In thn chan ip lonahlp '|'» u m lo r tho city iioft ImiII l i tt r hy d i- f»‘atliiK Wi’iit«>r>i A uto In a In'i-IU; t i l t laal i)l(;ht, 10 tn ,'1. Tii<? (ilaah wail (jalli'd on acco u n t of darlc- ni^aa in thn la a t ha lf of tlio final atMiiza, th f Hcoro icvdi tln g lr> lliir r i id of tho pr<*vloua rriiiiio.

Th<! . au to . nion will batllo W lliiy'a to n ig h t In Iho gaiu<^ th a t will (i<-cl«li! thit othoi- i:n lr a n t In th o t i tu la r f«ay achiidub-d for T h u ra d ay ov<^nlng. If th»i .Slatklim crew , loiica T huraday , an ad d itio n ­a l gainn will hn ni-mkil to (lrl«-r- inlno thn ma-l -vlihor In tho IdalU) liv en in g Tliiu*a Iitaguo.

I.lvoly A rtfunu 'iitU ia t n lg h t’a t in , onllvcnrit hy

ai'uuiiK-nt ovtu- llli'gal pltchio);, laiw Hlntldna laioro nljrht ruiui In tlio larcmd franii!. Wiiiit<irn Auto. ulthoiiKh razoring <>nc-o In each «( tjirdi! Innlnjr'i an d p u tt in g inuii on hnac In otJn-r cantoir, n .i i td ir t ovorconui, t h a t Initial h-ad. T lir viotoi'.'i ])UiihcM| acroiDi alx In tho f ira t half ol' tho larvontb, b u t thciur w orn wiped o ff Die ncoro wht'ii darknoiai pf.>v«'nt«ui llio a u to nifii fro m h a ltin g to co iuplcto ttui Inning.

Llnoupa: a ia tk ln a -(llvona, mi; Cioldman, p an ti ;u>; H hrpard , «f; ).>avbi, o; Ktiitfor, H aglxr, of an d p; Frobi, nh and of; Ny«, ih ; l lo u th , rf; M olynoaux, If. VVoatorn

.jU ito— U lm m w ay,—auv—Jow lan t—rt- a n d ' p; llaynrM , af; M oU ian, ait; a i« h . If: a in ltli. lili.- W nllueo. lb ; T aylov . c; M ingo, c f ; W aahlnu-n, I) and rf., -O fficial Hc«u-o: It. Tl. K.

RlAtklna ......OHD200 (OJ— 10 11 iW , A ulo ..... 010 3 to ( x l— 3 5 li

U nipiren — K ran tx and Stone. S c o re r—Ford.

That Home Run Record is Safe, Thinks Bambino'.

iW. Miril.M, }!rpt. II. (IM!i Hahi' R iilh aald bxlay ho h>H: Ilia m ajo r Iraf^iio hoiuo run ni* cord <ir U(i In ono iiraiion la fa ir ly aafi' l|;oiii liio pr<'a<'nt crop i»f

" ’I’lui m an who liroal(a m y ro- iialil U uth. "inuat bo abl<'

In liil. hom i'ia t«) au y field, rig h t,• ]<-tt ‘>1* oi'iilcr, Jiiiit aa. 1 did when I niiiilo m y mail<- U^- iiIh(» niuid. j.r'.ntili' to_)Ut . »in till!-road im, wr'II ail a l hoiinr.

•'I will ad m it th a t w hon 1 /u)|. m y icrnril I h i t prohahly -Ifi li-Iio. ni lo -^ lj ih t flold b u t tho fith'-r l,’> u ’oro t-i <'i.'nti!r o r loft. W h a l’a iiioiv, r h it only 2!» a t

ntarimin, tho n thora bo-I Mil' III."

iiall 1'iilni.

.Mu^-l llu V.' < o i ih a r l .

IJlil. •1 aiiioni; III.' roa llrr: 1 to hi.lilri'.'ifu •ll. Suj-V 'rhninaa i~ai<l , l.-l I l l Ojila to 1in ll'a d>P,t'oo llial ;u;h( >olii notliaviii) r w vitti’ii CMiitrai'la Jar allKiniH':ii played will. ll.. <ll:ii| iialitii'i]from 1 b'- aaaoi •lalioii Till' iioiilbI'oiilral Idaho diatrii'l wait .-j'ip irial-ly citi' d by tho ntato boilv.

.Socomi nf th r' iiiipnrtaiit 1m ittonililati-il fo r Salii.n lav 'a ir(uu;!i.IVO, IU>ciii-illng tn .Miij:It. Tbnma.'i, ia tboru ling lh a t all fontball gaii lo orn-clala 11infd. be c<T lirio l and 1ipprov-o.l by tho . t l H t r i lot boi.rfl, a ral Ihonap |.f i.\ •rd by th. • ala to iHian 1. l-'.oaniii.'it 1)o paid tn Uio a ta to la idy bo-for.- I ' l ■rtlflciitloii la i;n in lrd

Tho proaoni iiniiib (a-iilral1 libfhnliiiti-lct a th l.'t lc h.winl. which

will ho up fo r ri'-(>lo(?tlon n r ro- plai'i'inont S atu rd ay , lochnlo.'i HnpL l-’rfiiik •I'homaii. (Joodliii;-, prciil- d .m t; flup t. Ilu lph Nylilail, lliu Vico proaldi.'nt, a1nl .Sopt. Thoi aoc idU iry -lrratm rrr.


Intlianii H old M arg in in TiKHt B a ttle fo r 2nd Pliico


W illiaintton, Btoiio S liobt F o r M odal H onors in

O lub M atch


n u m . , Hopt, 11 (H peclal)—j lu p - o r t W llllaniaon and Frod Htono, C anyon Croat, tu rn ed In tho low NcoroH of 41P horo ovor tho w e ek ­e n d -In -th o -ln to ro lu b .g o lf, m a tc h .a t C>e«»' w on by tho' C roatw iuad w i th, 15 pointa. Hiihl w na a iiUiS«-a«cond. w ith 1 1 ^ -aud liu rlo y Mcorod 3Vj-

Mra. _It. C azior, Hurley, w aa a n i''n il> rr of thn liurl'oy cluii'a tnam ,' a n d oardcid 114.

P tdnla earnod, togo ther w ith to ta l nuorra, follow ;Y o rk . (C anyon O real)

H. Hnrrlii, fH urley)Clinton, (llubl) .........


W llliam aon n . C azlor .... J u a k UUHU


. 7a . no .


M ercer . T tngoyStorlii ... .fiw an

, H2• S7

Ity fTho haH la fo r aocond jilaoo

ciiploa tho ch'lof. Intoroat In -tho cloning daya of tho Paolfio c(»hhI loaguo ra c o —throo wonka uioro— fo r tho l-nji Anj'oloH club, w ith a aovon-gnmo load, baa tho aooond h a lf jio n n an t bowo«? up tig h t. ;

In tho flcramblp fo r tho rutmor- up position aro fo u r oluba—H oatlle. Han FninclHCO, Miaalon Roda, and Hollywood, A ny orjo of them is «!lo«o nnotigii ‘to the dcalrod npot to ca p tu ro th e honors.

HplH DAuM o;illll S ea ttlo hold on to Iho aoct)nd

pnaltloti yoatorilay by d iv id ing a douhlohoador w ith Hollywotvl and rom ain ln g tw o g am es abend of Iho roat, an lam ched to g e th e r io n tio fo r th ird . Hollywood •• took* tho opeiv^r. 2-1. In a h u rlin g <luol In w hich oiiidi io iim uned tw o p itch- era, In tho n ig h tc a p tw o honie riina l>y llo rg o r and an<»thor by M iko H u n t helped th e Iniliann to a 7-4 viotory. Hollywootl took t h r HorloH, In to rru p trd by ra in , throo lo two.

.S « n -F ran c lf lc o .-a J» l-O ald an d -a i.. vldod th e ir ndmlHalon d a y double bill. F o r 13 Innings, H a l IjtUd of Uto O a k s a u d .J lm Z ln n .a r .tb a iic a Js .E>ltoho<l ncoroloaa Iwiaeball. W ith wo ^(Sut In the Oakit*. h a lf o^ Iho

la th . C atch er Mnn»rt dropped an oiiay fly whloh wouki havo rollrod th e aido. Tho ' e r ro r ^)pone«l tho g a to and fo u r runa poured In on tho h its w hloh followo<l. Tho Sonin (tojjld acoro ortly ono ftm In tho ir huif, Vim Kamo onrtipK in an O a k ­land v icto ry , 4-1.

Mam (i lb w n W ins Flam Oibno;i r o g l a t e i^ h is 30lh

w in o f tho yoitr In tw irlin g the Souls to triu m p h in th e o p en e r,.5-9----- '— ---------------- tnoi offg.

J jp rd e w lck ,,. HI^ fi2 _

Tdfa • ■K e lso nJM . Shields, II

-u uutiom g^uwt-u tiVaoiBg wliioh c o u ld n 't fna tob tho te rrU lo n lugg ing o f tho, local, <irew. .B> wmUnna luppw! the'«<taOlC M u r KHfd id ta; P a t e - a n d H u n te r . Iij{d th ro o •ftcb ;. Clnyes, Slm nwm a an d M oOiilro rap p ed o u t a |>«tlr BpIooo, Trfarlln and llo b b s led H/«lafl‘a atlok w ork . i

iFoaluro o f th e g am e w a s Me- O ulro 'a m aa to ry ovor th e v is ito rs, H oiae tjaoil fo u r m oundam en.Hox acoro: •


soriea, fivo to fOur.'U)H Angoioa and SaoramoAto

alao divided honora. Tho Angai«, with "Ffty Thomas, turning Lin. iiU. 20th victory, won the. • “ ~BnofllWrthto' carrle^O TTt lon ’ InmnWaTiroToftthe winning m n .' T^e ;»core ''___7 -0 ., The Borloe went to LfOa An- gelea, alx to three. ','

Portland and the Ml«ilon« did not play.

Now iwrloa are eohedOled to Ju L ..tu d ax ,w H b ,ihn.

Kiitji n ’jcanla .Ilniiny l-'oxx, Atlili-^lc’ii iir>.t liaaoiiiiui, aa huv- Uij; till- Ik'mI iihanco am ong tbi l>ri-Noiil l)oiiii\ riiii alii|fK'’ra ol'. lyiiijr Ilia rccoj'il,-1.-.IX5C anil I.on O b r lg ,” cnin-

MKiiloil u 'ulb, "aro tho boat n.“nP"Trin” niT.rpi'n“ in " in n ”A m n r ~ ii'.Ui louKUo blit I woiiitl no t hnl. on olthi-r I'l biMt m y m ark . I'-iiXH |.i.!inlhly h'aa thn l)ott<‘r. chn'm^ij for lu' ia youiigiT thaiv (H^hrbr. lai.'i iiuiro yo ara ahoail of him aiul JUta honicra to ' all. fh-hla, whlh* fy)u rriroly h ita to iUiy fiolcl o tb o r th a n rig h t.

•'Aric)lhc-r thlU(r. tho life od' m y ri'conl m ay dt'pond upon tho ball iiiiimI In tho m a jo r longuoti.

'I f I hoy lioadon it, l>io clumcoH of an y p layor m ak in g tlO honj- ora n r. iivoro a rc vory iillm."


T c n t i i t iv o PJaiiK L i s t T i t u l a r B a t t l e fo r S u n d a y A g a in s t

S u it L a k o S q u n d

H lfK I.K V , .sep t, n ( H p o c ia l ) - - K iirlo y . c laU itliii; Iho m yth ical a ta to

b a ll claiijii>lr>iiah.'.p a f to r w a l­lo p in g Ih o n<iliio M ountiilnoora, 2U to r>, horo ovor th e wook-ond, w a s n m k U ij: plauH toilay to m oot D lv i- ' dcnd, ITlJih diam ond oham tw . ^or tijo Tdaho-U lah suprem acy . I f th n lo n la llv o u rran g o m en ta aro carrle<l n u t , till' c ra c k <iutflln wlU probaW y itiool boro n rx t, H unday

liiirh iy hud uuuoittg 'U M '

will p ro b a b ly lay, S ep t. I d . d lfflouU y In

HfJIHK— M artln , 3h. p .fc>hnaon, 2 b . flherinan , cf .U asor, u ....n en e d lc t, lb 1

lirix'iiii.t-, .»i» ..............J . ph ltllps. If. p .......Hobba. a» .................W Igglna, rf ..................... 4M olntoah, p .....................4

'.'.H- 0 .4 1

...-37 B A B R

..... 0 4-..-0 4, .....'.4 1

■t -3

T o ta l ........... .B IJIlIJtJY —Cloyen, aa ...........Huntor, f f ..........pjvank,' Jib ...........M cNooly. 2 b-----:P alo , c ..................n. w illia m s, l b .................

SIm m ona, cf. ..........M oOulro, .p

Hoggan. cf ...;........


,0 .0 3 .8 0 . 1

. 1 0

0 8 " 'H B2 03 11 0

_:t J i . .8 al i t

T o ta l- . ............ ..........;....4R.a8 2 0 ,'4 . '■ B H 'B

llo lso .... , 000 '2 1 0 003— 'B - 9 /IV BiH-ley ..( i l> 0 6 0B8 0 1 x ^ 3 9 20. 4

Bummary-»Three baae.'Ut#:4Mc- . N ealy , B . W iU tam s; twQ bcM - — - willlame, Blmmohe;

■ j|.f)by?t»hlUI


Page Fonr IDAHO lOVl'lNINC TIM ER, T WI N IDATIO ... .........l i i y „ R . ' | ' l i ' l n l i i T 1 1 , IIKM

W H EN 'I’O SELI Growom thiH fall arc oonl'm ntod witli pi-r)bk>mri

g u aran teed In lost Uicic KUill as wiloHniuii. Diii'inj,' a g re a te r p a r t of tlu; year tluiy are hiiynrs, pui'cliasinK no t only m any limisolinld ciiininoditieH, iiicliidini' food, b u t impiemuntH, livoKtiiek, soud, I'anii oquip- m ent, conveyances, fuel, clolhinn' and hnnlicr.

, DurinK llio harvcBt MUaaon paiiicidaj-ly Hiey l)i'ciinu! se lle rs; d isposing to various dualors tlio pK/duci^ of field and fiinn under a ma>:o_of c'ircuiiistanec's wliii;)ichallenges tlio businesH aeum en 'n f the m ost pnideni

W hen to sell is alw ays the pni'anuuint fpieBtinn, ex­cep ting to those who ei,ther pool llioir .shipments, liave th e ir |iroducts cf)ntraeted for, or are enga.yed in tlio yujsing o f a com m odity for a eoiiperiitivo. Also, In the cage o f certain perishable crops, there is little a lte rna­tive in the m atte r of when to soil, as is also the ease w hen s a le s 'in h s t be m ade a t (ince to satisfy some p ro v in g obligation . .

B ut in those in.stanoes w hen it is purely a m atter of w hether to hold or to .sell, grow ers arS”oonipelted to b ring into p lay all the ir know ledge of marUcls, trends,

• business p rac tice and |)sychology. T hey nuisi ac(|uire a n ab ility to »lay_ “hunches,” to. an tic i|)a te upw ard an d dow nw ard ))rico sw ings and to know tlie ((uality o f the ir produce as to its keo|iing ((ualitie.s. They nuist

' know the reliab ilitv p f priisj)ective buyers, jivoid be­ing stanii)oded, and a t the same* tim e be ready to take the high do llar a t the oji|iortunity.

I t IS quite a gam e, an d (me which nm ny grow ers are f ra n k to .state- con.'ititutes one of tho m ost Interesting ))arts. of fm-ming, contro lling a.s it does the .success or fa ilu re o f th e year’s efforts.

Only a few years of experience b ring tra in in g to the average g row er w hich is invaluable, m aking for self-confidence and In tu rn a repu tation for .sipiare- ilealing, fo r buyers like to deal w ith grow er whom

.pxoduces quality produce, packed according to re qulrqm ents.

By. the sa m e 'to k en , grow ers lllto to' en trust their y ea r 's crops with buyers whom they know will treat them s(|uarely and fairly , who ai'o financially respon­sible and w ho a re sincere,

lolil./.tvlrli iiHKU.N O U ’ <J0 ON u r m - n i i ;

CIJAl'TKU XIX ' I ' l l l ' ; i ; l r t f iir li iK ll i iI ' h.


h lo iu lhlonil. iiiHl li.T i>ri>wi.

’iilirlrlKuI ill lliilitly wllli ii l>l«rU iioiicil. 'I'lK'V fiiniiiMl liiiK inmniM. liiv.Ti.ul. (ivcr <■>'•■» rhniiin t xvllli iiiiiiiniru. H hiKl Kii n.plHk lioiifiit nt>i t<Vl.uiii. in o nr fliroo liiiilniin inli liiir. tl.'i- whll.i i.lirxm won. w.

T 1inT.TPrr*‘rrnirmly T ill' rn...........

.. Ill.'V >|IK| }. n w h i.'h Hlio iiikL u'.i.i

II ihir In n i l t ro k . ' t i lU r o t . t i o f iiii

tKMi.i I n u ili 'iN iry illi i l l j t f . r o f r l K- ' i - i i l o i - w i-,; , ................ I na l l l l l r l l ' lll< il|»ril *|M1(h i i i |> l l . r o f il io i>|iul|i>vv nii>l<lliii{ -.of h iil lM lln i l in li t ll in itl tiilll llll Clll'llliMM III. Ih o \v]nil»W K . II:

>111 liiKl u I i lc ^ /y , ilr jw n l i t M•(■111 Jilr.■•U'li;"ftli.-'

n)H< lilu IllIC Mil

’ llio L'irl iiiiUoil :iiil ru n

l lo im ly . H r ru i l lh to i l III ltl:< |liil:U<'( f<ii- (I <'I|'.||IV | m l.I . iI ik IIiii; o iio , l i t 11. '-HliiMt I'lu.Mn." lift f i i i t h . i r iK lil rd " T t i r v liavi^ ilio o ld iriini I ian <iMi; .................. . Ill l. iiiT lio rli.”• •■Hl.'li, li. iliV - llm hloii.t c li 'l axUeil h i ln r u i r i l ly , I ru i’liii; ii jiiil UTII w l i l r li.T fni-ntliiii.'r In i Ih

iiih.i illf .-.1In

r n liilil

III- "M ayKtli.-y 'vir i;.,l ..yiiii'l l ilnc ." . •'Wrll, ni clvo JTillt1iy inllH l," l l i r 111. .11(1 ); iu l'm l(.na l.'ly . rlMinc an liiniluK (III (Ilf hoi w "I (liliil: y o iilio p la in m In


11 |)|.C.! (,fIII iit.I.I ill.i- (I laa i:iil.lly

til'w .

HiiMim-od, ilarltc■•U’liU niliiilv lco ,”


l h a l !'

iiJ iii y o n o' >ny lMinlii(tiiti. of n in n i( .,” |um'<iii<(I Mk. k IH, i| iiII i i»h If hti Iiail jit.f iiiiolii'ii. ■■Il'ii yniir fun .'lilt. . ^ . n i w.iMli Mk.k.i ar io r n wliii.r, I.aii," iiliK iiiil.l In iin aulilu

'TnTl mnriiirfi'ryiMr'jlnTiurniinrxvIu)Uiitor.iil In. Hhn filiii-Unil tliw

lIlKiH , t l i r r f«>iir i;riii)iy pliil iiovoral .'Him .lud i<an.’.-ni chli.n.^il anil cra i'hc l In iilacoii. Kin- Iht-i- than tliiu, l.y way of MdylniT' ii;>. <i|u-n.(l 'lli.< ov.iii ildi.r. ilinnit a iitc\v|i:iii w lih i:ravy iiiid |-i‘innaiili( .if aonn-l liinj; tlial • looUad

M any of the so -ca llo d '“ l)ost” farniei-H aro not !!ti.l'‘nln'*a'‘Kn'iy. 1 " |„.|orli camially t.v.i' llui a.ii'fiic.'

........... dralnlaiar.l iind.liiiu:’nii. iiwIH'IkhI «nit tint Ilulii.

II Uf-ap." aho Iial.i Impisr- lly 1(1 thii two, Tlioy fol- '.I Ih'f Inlo ih« aiHoliiIni: room Id tho ronvcrtuilltin pn^fmntly

skilled in tho know ledge of p roducing th e ir crops -w hat is m ore, they are experiencoil in tho sale of them, w hich ia quite as Im portant, tlioiigli requ iring skill in 8 d iffe ren t lino. T he ideal is a com bination of lioth qualifications, w ith a Wife ip the hackgrouiul not only lend ing h e r aid and ju d g m en t in arriv ing a t deei- Bions, bu t con fiden t of her hu.sband’s ab ilities and w illin g 'to ab ide by the result once the decision is m ade to sell.

U P GO T H E HOGS!.A (jueer com bination of drouth anil A A A m anip­

u la tion has sen t the price o f hogs rocketing. N ever____before , outside of w artim e, has the hog n iarket risen

a s ra jifd iy as it-liiVs tiiis S ...........Since Ju n e ,the htigs of the corn belt have increased

......}h Value by nearly half'a billion dollars ; if the present,j)mce levoi holds, this p a |ie r value will be traii,5formed in to actual cash, with the corn be lt fa n n e r reajiing

■ tho benefit. ;W Jiat th is may m e'an 'to tho country at large is

m entioned in an article by Charles E. .Snyder, corn bolt editor.

“ To the m an and to the jieople generally," he w rites, “ tiKVPrice of pork is the most vital trade

.------indcx—li-ver-yliudy-uuflJiL-iu-bu-glad-lo-Miii-iillll-hiigiir. H ogs a t th a t level, and kept then ', n f fo rd .tlu ' liest

jioHsiJile iiromise of good tim es for a ll.”I t is com forting to find this onioii of good times. ■

----- ------- IM M IG R A 'nO N nUIf^IRMt ’o d d ru l, Im m igration Com m issioner I). W. Mac

C orm ack announces th a t tho gnvertuuent will seek m odifica tion of existing im m igration laws, when eon uress convi^nns: and tlw news |iohits Ui a refo in i lolif! ovorduo, ■ ---------------- -


‘Ti II you cnino \vll1i nil liin u ir T l ia f i i w lia l I u-aiil lu L innv.’

’i'iiru 'iiif."‘n(irvvii.d 'Ii. ||.> wllti Ix'i' y.hi'u- an> yon it<>- in r-lo I'li-.iflciw;.!'^-' lliK'U III llic iilil'fulk;*'."'

.Ihiiiii itrlniii'fl. ’'Ml.'.lil iint l ii a I lliiit.''

I.on. tnUIni; -n.i |ian In ilia <IIH' nj'iitlna. iiu IIi'ImkI nil riix liiOil In a ciii'!. looUln'i lamp liii.t iil»vhai-l;'..|jt;(!ii j>l' l(< (| u[i Iji^oiia <-( lliiiiio candy liiinlliH vv-likli 'oin-r t.rl/.i» for •ili...illiu’ down a^ ninnlmr <<f woinh'n niovliu; dm-lo on a (roll.'V. 'rim Imiin of It wan faiili’ Inni'.l or Im ltalloii coiM»’r and sap- m tfiiic.l a Hi'lidia nivl, rnrlmitilyi.lili'.'d In a pull- of iicanllcM anil nI..... hra>a<l<i|'o. Th.’ idiado wandixiply, violiinlly .......' tin .ir r thin.^xli-aonllnary Inniti-- r.on nnridd.'d tha iivcnhu: piiprr tinil l>.ii:un ah-ii.M'hi'dly to r.'ad,

T ho n io n i. lil;;li-llr.)M«i1 hy Mm ti.d rlia nh'I'M liiilh and hy vai [(nia Hill.I lU ini-i'ii oil llm illiifon i|"-rod u'allx. wati rxv.M h'd an it llv ln i: aiTiTrlim'iii tuian' nin.i .ir Von n.’i'

nloa ofM.'hnto\ i:ullll.'i if fn

, loolti'd of ir .'.'a .

illii la(hiy. li.'d, am i ta;:><iih-d ..•-M'dni'oy. I ho o cn ii.h id , a n d Iwo lin tla il i in 'r iio n i w ol.i 11 i . iv rra t id .'lii

lit ' th e iiHT.1tllllchvW.-l

or t<In Mill

wiro.Mn|>)i|o iin ihi' nani.i

'.I with a nralh>iu-d .v.T .If .lark 'iiriuiti wo rhiiira thn jih-ii

i:atclf.(t tahln will: iMi.lhiiiihdiu npon It. honlci. 'I’lH^ro wi'v.' M l» rhnap i;llt

ly Him ala n t in va- y allltndi'N . I.ouii

.............. . rhrlfitonodiirod to,UlwI>r ciui-ia. wa

irl'Ki.'ir "(.• put I m.nicli.i'w Iilio an iund lo It." HinallI. Ih.i ...... . pr.-Minl.'.),nn **- h.iwovrr. clialr. Ilia larc ovidoan .•oniplar Mat Ar I.

n» fault wllli •n it.'d ha.’lc In h.aiOi >

hit i.'h hi

hHiki-d nvoiind h im [in.l rclh^rtod lh a l tlilii vail a nh 'd U K Io '.liin ip

I a lm n :a in n t n r .Miiin-o,vnin all I'Ijdit for I..>u li> ix-MIo vn lhh> way. He .Irovo a Irn d t

a haltory cmnpany.. doliv.'i'hiit from door to door, and niado. Hniin

ilinlitcd nalvoly, ‘'jmod nioni'y." (lloi-lii’t a liiid iiort, nlthrmKli idio hair u nn>!i',liii: loniiiio and waa iitwayii wanlliiK (o liii.iw what. In- illd vvllli till, aaliny. Ilo. Itnaa. had ilimit-onl plaiin for lilx own Ilfo. lin'd Irav^d imiiia tiion., iioo tho

FiiT nmii iiidll.i down In >( w ith n nail lo.alloinaji'iv

Joh. Tho Uld would Koit t.i It lio Iininv Iho rlnh t P '0 ]i|r. A fter lhal I'Vi'i-ythllii; would Im iqoiy. '

H.< c n i l t t i 'd a y aw n llm l wai{ al- nmiil llli.> a a p l ll t ln i: lu -rraiii In Uii ilopth a n d v lj:o r a n d I.on lo o k rd up Incnrlo iiidy . f ro w n iiiu ov .ir lila lioiiilllnca.

••Von w a n h i h ll llin h a y ? "Itiimi tlDX.'d Ilia pniM'li'ii. a land -

Ini;. T h o y r ip id o d iiin jo r lila Idii.i J i i n aldovioi a a d O lo rlii ipivo h im I f 'lan rii o f jtrn d i;lv i; n d m ira llo n .

T h e h i,I h u i t t . iih.i iiahl lo h rm o lf w llh K.n»d-liiiniori'd c iiiik 'm p l. I

t h e tiiillr.H" i l i l l i i h l . till i(^/i/. (ifl f i u h l . 1 u u fS H h e h iilf.1

lip III \\'»iiitcli.nil?in (llo rla viithor fancloir Iho Id.ia of nooliiK Mm playlnu. yai'liMiii; crowd ut. .firat hand Innload of m>oI(I|ik ra ^ tliid r ovpl.dla aM.idinwii Jn tlin ninvii rnilii, Ho ah.) nronn witli tin ap- paiuaiii.i of ’nmlal>lllfy and 1i«i(iiii In np i'tr fhi» rnlliiftnnd day tind. (ira l’ and dhucy idionlii . w.iro ro- viii|;ii!Jfl l"oiiiii|'' i-,ray hlaiihol.

Tho irlo w lihout for'- inalltliiii. Uiiiiii, joftnloiiii, (lunK off a fow Karnnnila, allownd Iwn almon tn hll thii llo(^r- W'llli vclihmanru, and V * ''" 'iilly Hio boaina of thu idKuii hinip, i.hialhiK In. rnv.ialo.l n inuiu'iiliii' yoiiiiK man, raco down, luiiiml lu.h...p In flh .ria '.i .•hrrlnlic.l llvliiK room.

X T H A N T IM n IlMiiIa K onw ay. rid - Im: hom o on tlin 10:!l(i t r a in ,

id ia l.ln i; fro m lilii fnn l (ho dmit, of th o rlty^a hot. p av o n m n ta . w an oon* »<doin*-.*f a d .‘ap-uaiuui-uf-4W'4U*tJ<m- a iid d l.i.ip p .iin lim in l. N n liira lly . Iio to ld hlmu<df f o r llm In in d ro .llh llin.>, II wiDi noim o r lila hntdmaiii w h al M.iola Itao h iirn d id w ith h>‘r- m df. W’h y . /m ainir.-ftly know h o r ; h ad only np.ikoii to h o r. a ll to ld , f o r flv.- o r t.;n n iln n ln a . Vol tlm rii ha.l |)ii-n no iiiidhliii; no v lru ln u l. an un- lonch i'd ahon t Im r l l ia t It h ad hrxn a Mhiii-1( In r ro h o r onm rnu from lh a l oliv lou idy h o o n d - ra l .i Im li'l oii llm a rfa .if a .h ln b n ih x ir . . . .

Vl’vi! ni'i'ii lhal. .’Im p lio fnrt'." D i'iila lo l.l h ln n o 'ir , n iin o y rd a l hl>< In a lillliy lo ro a m n d m r w hon nr w h.iro . M i Iho t r a in r lh d to d o v .'r ’llm tl.Mi. c a iilw a rd hm ind , llm a l r Kr.iw niol.'i-. h ir iim o a a lly . ' lli-nln ' IlMt rniM h.'d In lo h ln npon palm .

••Tim I lfo K n a ld / ' hp nald a lond .yoM, ho r i ‘mma1)pr<'d now . A h,

Imt p ro h a h ly lloo la h a d in«'t Iho fch ilow hy a.-i i.l.-nl. T h o ro w im n’l any r.m l >ih;iilil<-anro In Ih o lr h.dnu to- Kothi.T. K or a n h u d a iit u oh ill fnd-' Ini: o f i;iiill. luv .'p t IX .nla' ron- iirlcn.-c, W hy h a iln ’l ho n.d :im nl- ('df:cd llin fa .'I ih a t ho ha.l lu'-i-n li.-r, a l 'I . - a id liy a how ? W hy ha.l Iin l.iiik.-d aw ay , ao ip ilrk ly ' dnd I'oldly, p ro lo n d in n 1m‘ d id n^tl n'cor.- n l/o h iT ? .Mo a .In ii l lc d ho had lua'n a h ll ca .ld lnh In h la r(’a(-lli>ni;.

Oh. w(dl. to n m rro w ho w>mld .-all Ijor lip a n d h t. Iii>r k now ahm it th ill "p iin liu f n t llm piihlltd iln i: hoiiiK-. It-T nii;h l h-ad to iioiji.-lhlni;. D r p c r lia p a hn w opld il in p h< r a lln i'. all dow n a l I.o h i' l l l t l . ' r.mMI'........ doak w h«n li» Kid Imma. II.-lll(od tho hliia o f w rllih K lh a l ttl i l

-in trt-


iildn'L nilad."

f r io n d ly . H.i m lt!h l iu;i:oiaIh o lr n ioc tlim .'v o r aim woiil

III tow, : in lo

11 fi:>r Ilia > Mail


Ho i:ol off thn II•ail I.arr'h -aoi-.k la a tin. > Khnv d tavi ini: lipth.) M i'.c t au' ay fro tho ta ll.iii.M iillim ; to hllao.olf. Vo ii. 'h o M o a ldd l l ' lh a l .

'’Ho ooiild IIIiiaidno Wil a t Ihi111 itirlhinl(.iil I lk .' ill tlm oa riy ...... -n. Hll(llda'l Imva 1 .'oon hor no 1

10 ima: alor II

i;in o It. thla


liiK. Hh.. wan llko i!i .1 w h ilo undi;.ild H jiilia .’, :rlHlaic 1 •i Iho f.>am.Im ttih l hiniiilOlf nta <tlr■ally. liU lai;tho tsnimd of Iko wrirdi

I''.ililiii: iia lofp , an b (iiir (ir Iwcil a t r r , lift wmiKlorod heIW IK)on h.lwould liavo aiII aiiHwor from hor.

P A U L M A L L O N ’ S



All T^xiiliudv.- WvVjilnK Trmoii B a lly ' UrporL nn llm l-'aiil-MovhiK JiJvoiUii .In th.! N a llo ii’H' Ciijiltal by ill! Vlxpci-L •In li 'r im ‘l«T iinil

C .Jinnu 'n talor . (Ci)j».vrlh'ht. by I 'a iil Malk'm)

Aa thlngfi «ro".now, ii often }irovi*H. iin'possihlo tu d o p o i - { l i ' i i l a n w h o m t h e c o u n t r y c a n g e l a l o n g w i t h o u t

■; ■ v e r y w e l l i n d u e d , ' A m o n g t h o s e w h o s l l | i . t h r o u g h t h e t T J n t ^ i r M r r M n c e n r n i n c k ‘i i n l n t . q ' n i i t i ' a r e i i r e i r a c c l i . s e i l

o f - h o m i c i d e , c o u n t e r f e i t i n g , , o f f e n s e s a g a i n s t t h e

^ m o r a l c o ( J o ^ J i m ] , a s a n i a t t e r o f , f a c t , p i a c t i c a l l y p v e r a t r i m e o n t h o c a l e n d a r .

•|. ■ T n a j p o n h o l e s i n t h o l a w a r o n u m e r o u s , a n d i t m

........p r e c W « I y : t n ’e,>^^ a l i e n s w h o t a k e a d v a n -V' t a S : 6 o f t h e m .

I ' . i ' ■ , 0 n t h e p t h e r h a n d , r i g i d t e c h n i n i l l t l e s o f t e n c o m p e l

f t ; t h e ( J e p o r t a t i o n o f a l i b n s w h o . w o u l d m a k e e x c e l l e n t ; d t i z e n s . ’ '

p f ; " A l i t t l a R e v i s i o n t h a t w o u l d l e t u s k e e j i t h e g o o d B f . ; , ' . p n e s a n d i e x p e l t h o b a d o n e s w o u l d h e l i j v e r v g o o d p ' ' - t h i n g . . , " ,

E f ’ W T h e t e x t i l e ■ s t r i k e s i t u a t i o n m u s t b o m u c h K w o t ^ t h a n i t a p p e a l ^ a t f i i - s t g l a n c e . 1 ‘ r i n i o C a r -

' n e r a i g r e p o r t e ( i t o . h e w e a r i n g H b o i - t . i J --------------— !—


Ix'lnir aplll ahai'plv «>ii tho inahh- r the Irxtlh- ali-iko allnatlim . A

innn-.aurli.aplitn and It. will ho in iihri-.ia.

w ci'owd ill Irylnir now to (r. th .‘ i;nv.Tnni<'nl In t.'fvonr In

Ix-hair (if Uu' w ork.-ra .m tli.' Ki'iiinil lh a l llm Uidiuitry him fall-

i-<l—Itt—Hvf»—ttp~tri—fhr~TTnlr, ' *t‘>ttn' rowil l.'i piilUnir- nti-ain pi-.-i>nnro indiT C .n o ra l .I.ihiiaon, who liaii

t'lainpril .Idwn lho H.l and la a ltlln ir hriii.iik .iialy cm It. Un.I.aihlodly Im will !>.> ahlo lo kron Iho thliiKlUld.n'-'riditrotrii'lftni' /dllhUk’n riifv.*fv IntrrrnllnR-. ------ -------------

Ki.r Itudanc.', Iho lalau- advlaof.v hoard inclhiK iin.ifl i(dally) In au|>- poa.-d 1.1 hiivo rmu|« ro rla h i iiocrot r.-i-oinim-ndall.mii .lonian.lliiK ac-

r.'t’n m ni.ndall.ina will h.' lirJil Ilf day, hut II - j «u iiii:uliit»l i ll'll thlt.V

rllica i - nr w im l la/^-lai'

11)0 iiifoi-.nti/illy tii.-V Inijdy la Jo ladlry. •

........ ' }A rK T IJA U rV N a tU A .W I . ..............

Uunnliwr ri|;h t dow n th n n i|:h lh< ( v n lr r o f llm NUA Innrr rlroix i. It inlimrllv^ i;i(ni|i whiidi hidiovoi that. Ihlii firaL hlir nulioiidi hIHIo la tho hijr t'i'jd of Urn NJIA. Thov iiHHid-l thi> ontldi) pooiiio vhiiVii nob llv<:d ilD.itu llio oC dll’ codoha^^allH.) tlH'V Hp(<.><lia| up o u tp u t ]k<r work.o- to uwU uu fx to n t att to iiuliirv (unphiyinimt )'aiii«. O tlm r InduHlrloM un(1<*r n llii 'r «o.1i‘»i havo lit roui'Ho dotin Ihn Niiinu tliintr-

A lfio,'Ihoao iKtyii inHlHl tliiit only fn ii'iiK 'iitn ry niid ' li(iiih>(|iiato r«<* portK tuivn bfi'u nwido liy tim in- iiiMtry lo roHHitroii itiul

Idniinliik'' divlHion. Tlm y w a n t thu NUA lo Htcp In, d iv lu ro llm codo violutt'd, ittKl M(dei« noodiiHAry Ntii- tlnliON upo)i witidh ii Hti'lko Hutllo* h im it could Lo wui'ktMl mit. >Vhut)i> f>r flurrititvnt Kt'DUiulM oxint /o r niiuh nnt|nn h u riuoiiLldn wtiloh tmii tw oNldON., n i i i j iy r in n m e iiv 'n .d‘Ai JiAh' jvT

apondod hy rtyiH nulujr to iiwim in lhi‘ a in f u t Holhiiny Hrnuh,

m-ujitiri'Inaldo tbo Utah’ .lopartuiciil

hit.-iy thoro him h.'on aonm nm r- tniira or ro irr ia Ih a t wo ri-oojv* iiizod Uuaalu no haallly . Then- la a j;row lofr f.’tdlojr Unit tli<' Uniialaim p u t m u' ovor nii iia;

—UuU-Xt—ULuhitklt-a.kopcidc IH)W w holhov lio act-

lira ihc tiob l in- not.T h a t f.'.,'llnjr inia di'Voiopcd aa

a n-anll ol' tlio rlropmmlii Ituu- Ida ha.-i oiado I'o)- ii.dth-ui.'iit.

—u:jio-li'uLU~k—ilUilo-iiu]lull-iluL-u . .nuL - -cutwldui-. propoaalM ••uU r.'ly h h u '.•!'.•. O fl tho m ‘.)rd la i r o i'lk -ia la iiav.- < 'h a n if to r |z .i i l th .n ii an •’irrazv " am i ••hupiian lb lo ."

.‘•i.nim .if th ia liumr iV.dlni; m ay h.- p a r i of tho I'ffort lo In- dill'.' Uuaalu to «-onio fiirw ard w llh a b o lt. r o f f . 'r . Tliciv la im- TiiH.1 II niiifl'ii-iililnb(i}h akloii in atii'li dh-k.M'hi}:.

. V .'t llm rt' (;an b . '. iu i .pKidlon bu l th a t, ir porn iill.'d to ‘.h> It all ovor aituin, wo \iiuild not

, -imw-roi:utfulau-lluwjru-uiilU-wi»- hud a illtio liid t.'r nndri'atand- ini; nluMit tlio ilobt.

INVICNTIONM'I'lm a tn tu a of al'fiiiia la alaUvii

l»y,lht» p riv u lu »ixidmn||o b .'lw t'fii M. 'J'royanovHkv lunl-JiidK r M qoi'o a t t lir ir Inat uua.lliiK. Hald llm Ho- vii't ainhaHHiuloi':

"W rll. th la orr.u' wan iny invt’iv lion'. W hy d on’t you try luiir.'”

Hald .TinlKo Monro:"I am n o t vory “ t- Invou-

llofoi.".. Thn rmniirJc imoinod to havo u doublo iiU'fiulntT' '

Now P oal diplnnm cy Ih holni; floridU(it(>d by a nouplo o f aouthBni KonMoniori. courtnnuH and q u ie t bu t (uipnbln o f nn ifor w non‘'^re)>ei'Jy j»r<iv<ik<tcl, . •

Hlntt*’ AMlHttt»t flopfwlnrv M n o p uml Mr. IJiHivor'ii runinrUii In

(T o llo ( 'o iitlnu i-d)

"Tho Clmllciijjo lo L lborly" vii-y prnvokiuir- Ilo took hla ]H'U In hnii.l and diuihi'il ofl' u rn th ):r w nnii a ta to n irn l nhoiH . it, hu t, b.-luK i* d ip lom at, ho lhmit;l>t H- woidd bo unwlito lo Ifi-m.i tiH' idatcn ion l uri- toaa )4owanion offorod iiliii Iho op< porluulLv by luddntr him fo r lunii- nioHr:—--- ------- -----------------

U nporiilly. bo cm Th‘<l bln tdul-;- liioiil to It p ro ia cmirorotmo. Tiu ri' ncwiini.-M riuiiir (|ii.<atloiia n t him iibiiiit tho F u r lOaat. C'haro, tbo II-inHliih (U'bl, J^(L.oiiu .tliouuht-.uf iiiiklni' ubou l Iloovor.

Mooro bi'oiinio unoa.-iy. - Tho qii(;atlontnir canio lo an o n d .' Mo ala rlo il lolilnjr >itorl.-a. Tliov n in i.i lo un oml. Ilo aiiUod If tli.'n i w rro any inoro (pii-ttllonii. I 'h r ro woro a I'.'w .InoonN.'quonllul niiox, but nidhlnR a b o u t tioovof.

•'Woll,” ' iiaid tbrt Jiuliro, ‘T h afa all T bavo to aay volniitiirily k'.'ui you biivii fiom otldiur mo


A p p 'ii 't lo n im -n l ol' Ilio h 'v y i';ii;iol r n n n th u X?.(l o o in ity la x r a lo ba/i JimT ooniplo.lo .l .hy ih . r^ 'o u n ty ...... (jovontiK Hu’ ■alntuand ct^nnly t(ixva./JAj)|iorlli>nnii'nt for ollU-u nnU l<‘,wa|n h .......... ‘ ........

rh iJV K i.A N h , Hopi, II . -r,i' r,ir. A rlnlld v m (In.iia.v W. ui:a' a iil iprofoamn' of idi.-niiidry .at I Iln lvora ltv of Oiilca};o, uiuinum bcforo Iho Ainorican C hooiical ' ;loly nio.dlnjr bol■ ■ Ih a t ho '

ctiuiplrU 'd. App'.M'tlonnii'nl ia ii/t 1 ifinlatod.,iilu-iK'.llvji i-liuu:iil folkiwn: Ktato, 7,ii; currciil c-;:-} i,r iirn latilinlim i, a wnrU whkdi Imd p.'ni-o, K‘-H"rnl .m'Ji-'..d, ’l.h; ro ’i-l. baffioii mdontlatj; for m any yonra.i.:>; JnLi;rf;uL-iiucJ-iilimiiiu-i’im d ..-L tj:'__ u'ji;;. jiuw__ l1i; iijuuL,— t)u’—iun’‘' “'wiii'j-ant r.-.htiupl-lon, ,fi; ‘ liuaplluj. tnolal know n, I.t h ljih rr In radio- l.r.; ai:ri(;im iiral t'uir, .t.; In lal, •J.'dAl • lu.-tlvlly nmi la •JO llin.-a nioro dur.i-

- ........ ;li!o than n id liu u ,.l t wa.-i uimorlcii.K a ir .laloH Ih ia y M r a ro H cp l. , O p rim V uai K h id

0 : : l . I , '2 a n d H. A v ia tlo .; uh .m e <>i • ••{••nr ov .-ry te n u ra in i . r f r a d iu m llm a ttra c tlo n M f<ir llm o u u n ty I’u lr o x lr a o lo d rr<ini o r.-, u p p i 'o x in m l.d v In l-' 111 ii|'(»inliu'd tliro iiK b a lirn - , .) ,ji,i (,f p i-o ta c ll i i lu n i wlUin ir o f n i^ontriH il -by In o f a i r uJiiin- i„. pi'iiai.'iil In llm r i '/ild in '. '’ U r, V'>n i-la tio n / o r lhi.‘ d a l ly a p jm a ra n c o o f croa.M.; iiuid. 'T J ia ro v o ry a n d lrj>ia- i i irp la n . 'a in •;>;hlblt Ion o v o i- tb .! fall-1 ({(iti o f Ih .- i-lcn i.'n l, v ;h lo li i n 'b y liro iin d a . Th>- u o r lu l <dri'iia iihrnil.i j f,,,- llm n io a l i-n d lo -ao llv .- In tlx- jiiu v o u a lro n ir d r a w li i j r ria rd , o n - , u p v an l iio lon lllli

“ ShtiU urilolo VI of tlio (-onNlltu- tinu ul tho S lu to or liliilm Im«

,nnioiulr<l hy liiwVIInK' u i»Mi'(Utn Ibornhi: fo b .'.liim w ii KO<flion r/n i> IH (iL p r» v ji|t\J fm ,t t|M» •

n 'rfiTpn'iiii’ om frl mid illatiio't JudK<-»< Nhiill' Im no ti-purlU na; tliiil It-jf.’w tu lim '.Nbail piovhio fo r th«'lr noiidinilion .an d oli-i'lU.a hi Hurh ............ .. (hnfcCJMidlduf.'ti f o r 'ib o nffU-o of Jim- th o of Ih^' yiiprc'tiM' ^'oiirl tind »IIh- tr li 't Judiro Khali iiat Im nuiiilnutinl loir oiiilor»io.l liy nny pollth-nl pitrly . unil llnil Ib '- lr ' namoM Hhnll not ~

p.ailally iiliic atiii •

lltlli- r Ibatin tiiln

il' tlio t:o iin lrv , A iK d h c r foa- tu n : ili-w lo 111.! < :ounty f a i r p r i- i:nu ll..W Jl!„^".-..U>‘V ‘-V.‘>»»!nj(_d la [d a y .,

iircw .irk .-i.

2 7 Y e a r s A t j o .

I la i 'r y T . W<-al r . l i i r n o d f rn n i abiodm'iis'Irip l:i lio'jt.. llil;i ..... .u ’f r r rT i lo m o t m o m lio rii^ if tin* T w in Kall.'i L an .l aii<l W a to r c o m p a n y lo niaU o a r r a n iro in o n ta a b o u t Ibo tu rn ln if «ivor o f tiio 'IV /ln K alin a n a l .'ivatom to Ih o lu.-lth-ra. Tliofur ll.-n d ln jr w o iv V. i r . T lubl, A ro b io

M lliio r, a . II. H a ird an<l V r.rd V (d i:h t. 'r iu r n n n p a n y h na la k o n U u-(in .'.-.llo ii lu u l. 'r jidviN om c-iil a n d w ill in n k o n r .- p o r t non::. W on t iv - p o rt.-d .

M ra. I. M. 1‘o r r ln o i.n d d a n j 'b lo r , ;i.-lla , w o n t to H 'd;ai M o n d ay , .'h e ro M ra. I 'o r r i im a o to d o n th o o (-i'p llon c o m m ltto - . Tor M r, a n d ,1r.‘«.. W illia m .!.;nn iiiK a H ry a n . .

oNp ■rill -!it;i,Um

fa rlo

ilold.’i. I l . r o m a in i i fo r lio n lo a h o w w h a t iim m a y ho .aiiplh-d

In h la rx p r r in u - i -CrtOiiiu uJiu(l_lhri:i! .-'oaldiio, iiiip o rlc ii I 'rom .11 C z o c b o a lo v a k la . l ''i '.un l<mIlf Iho iv a ld u o h r w aio a ld o l<* ox- I r a o l a h o i i t on o -l< 'n lh oi' a irra in

p ro ta n t ln ln m . a t a to ta l - c u n l ot inu ro lim n

Kiiooi-.-;l.«l O n K .:pl. » .T lu ' .liacoviT V w a/i n iad i- o n T-a-'

Dor d a y , llu- ai;U.-ntlfit aaid.- in llnm lo r iin tiiiu iu u in io n l l ir id ro tlu- •.l.O'iH :-h rn ila ta a m i »:oi.-nllatn |: a l l i o r .d ly-r.r lo r 'I I I . ! nioo tin ji

u p p u t m iiny.... pulUU4»» —|M*rlytloho.thallid


r ' lM^-oi(ii«»i»pual('ir’(I miy polllh 'til party

JiJIIUll V •

Till? fo rotiolMjr am .iiidni' nl: ap-, p o a ra lo Iio l.Trlillv aoiin .l. T lmqu.-all to ho V(it.'d u p o n 111 dcfl-nllo 1 olo.'irly .':lat<’<l. T in iro l:ilitll.- o p p tir lu n l lv f;ir ro n fn a l on Int lm ni ind of llm '

■Hi li'i 'mwlvr. Itodim od to

ila alnipl. .‘1, liio q n ra l' 'on ia, w h c th d in trk ;t Jmijt«';i un il .J im -,lllOOII 01 tho aiip nano co m ’l idiali1..I «'l.^oti-d l:i <iffic.- iiimn Iho i'a (if ilioir ird iilra l j.a rly a l l l l la t'o Mr ii|>'in tlm baain' of charaoti-r. o

,^t-u^ir-4*umkv-.4uul-4agji-twuuhj Tho adoption of Uila pr.'ipoii' loiulm i'iit would niak i' it linp”

'Ol imdoairablo j oan .ik ialc for an y of tlm Jndloial lp^ij;iion.i invniv'oil.'lo hrhiK Ui hla |,-oipj):irl tin- prc.'diKi.- i"i<l P“ W'i' •»''I III.- political jin rlv w ith wbii5li ho. Ih a ria 'n c d lo bo nfflH atul.' Tlu- ll'.'i:i IcKl'iialuro. paniic.r a !l:iw oroallni: a m in-parllaau Jndl- loiai'V. Tln-r.' w aa paaiir.l a law-

I)r. i;i

You May N ot Know That—

• ap .nu i n l b y H lra

.■rici'l Oil PnuliK-ta

•xj.orinmiit' m .r. Iloilo r the. l-hii-


.M oiuliiv

............... .;iMi| .1!'.

'I 'll." .'la ; ,la y . S i'jH .



C O H IU lV A , A l l l . .in n in a o f a n

l ly b u ilt b y u i a n lah i-d . ly o r .' ii

ia ,-S . p i, 1 1 M'.l’i • blalorU '. b iirlo d ipli' loiiK uliK-*' ovo ro d o jj ICO*

lila k h ilam i b y tlio S n iitb a o n iu n .lnatlliit< ! ar.oli’iidoKk*'''' i^>:pi'(llll('ii, .ii’. U rd lkdc ii ri:pr.i l(Hl b o ro Uiduy..

I)r. I ln li lc k a , w l tb .l lv o coilojr" itndonta, dujr fo r tra ro a of n loal ■ur.'- nn K odlau «liirbijr m oat of- .bo auinm or. Tho p a r ty w aa oiv •mito hank lo Un- U nltod Htaloa,

A Jnnimlvo w all, ano- foot lonj; mil li; fool blKh, w aa tho m ajo r -vl«iom-o of in h ab ilan ta liUf.-ront roni Ibo Al.'Utlan' tm liana or lOikl- nba, l*r. J trd li i’ka miid. No laicb mnnaii.Mil ron idru itllon w aa Inillt .y of Ibo Indlim rm-oa of U:

Th.> m arriaji'^ ‘'f n H m la I.'k-k- min, .la iu rh to ro f Mr. n:id Mra. I.. l \ niokfion, Mjui Nola Mollor, Jr., ami ,if Mr, and Mra. Nola Moll.-r, loolf plaoo I 'r id a y ovonlnK n l Holao. Ttar voiinir coiiplo won.' inarrlod l>v U.'V, Mr. Koidk.', paatiii'. ol' Lln' M otho.iiat ohiiroh In Holao. Thoy woro a<:conipanl.-d by Mr. M.illi'i'ii alMcr an.I bor hiialiand, Mr. and Mni. l.)on lU niihain. Moth y(nin|f p.’oph' an - K iaihm loa of llu^ Unpc-rl hlKli aohool. Thov will nmk.- Ib.'lr homo 111 Ibo W .'aloy A nifl' roai- .h-noo Ihla w ln lor

Mina Lilllo Comivi and Lidand Hall wore' inarri.'d .ui Haturdiiy .‘vonhur u t Ihirh-y. Thoy woro ar- rm npan i.’il by tho bridu'a fallior win.l m olh.-r and lior alalor, M ary Coinba, Ulan ,Mr lla ll 'a mollior. M iu W. H, Ilali, iind 'M r. und Mra. 7fnnlr~t1iinh~Thn~>'ntinn—pnnpltr~Tr turim d to Ilnpo^t uml i(i:i* muklnir. tho lr homo hoi-o.

Mia. A nna Munob, W .'al I'lalna, Mo,, and Joaa Sw oaivii|;oti woro niarrlo.l H iitinday aftornodii iiy .HidK-' L o U o v .n o c k a ta t. 'r a t tbo ro iu 'l hoiiao, Mr. iin.l Mra. Hwoar- onirop h 'f t u t onfo fo r u idiort trip l.> Klnjr-HiUl un.l Tw in k’ull.'i, iv- lu in in jr Sunday ovonlni: lo Uiiport, w horo .tlu -y will bojrin hoiiaokoop- ini: a t tiio Sw.' limiu-.

Tho Ciilo(hiilla hot.d will ho im- d or now munu|'.MUi-nt a f lo r ^h-pl’. UO, C, C. CJbiU)i.<.'«la»;kaon, Wyo., havlnjr m ircb a a .a l" tho ' ' n l from Kd|>ar Drown. Cbilda baa op- .'I'ulod th.- ICokloa u t Il.'KburK, und tho rirund u t noha!.

Innioi i.iiri};- till- pri aont .prima m .m biutki

ry hiw‘ lirovi lilni; for Iho n of a! noii-i larllaaii JmiK■lary, th a t ia, dUi-I'lrlo l 1 aiipr. 1 Th

jud;r.‘.i an.l ;nio o.airt.0 I I, a of a n

Juallooa .


of tbo

I, non-1 pnlM 1oal Judk-i;.r.\ ' la nut In

:i(i’d InH iia ‘iinivMii.;; ir l la inJlidlo. lary. TIiUi la W. howovi! r, wann-plu oo'l iiy Hjo 1.•cl.'jluluro 1n HMU.Tho IliKl iirlm ar V law, how aa ;iHil aa cl.-ar. dolinllo nilId apo-i-ifio air th .' Ili:i:t law.

111 iiddiHoii 1> l.'Kl.'ilallVo onact-n No

J)rnp<.;;."i to am .!n d urU olo VI <if th .- (•(im dlt.iilm n of Id ah .i by in- a . 'r t in ir now M -idion linn i.-c lia l.'ly l..lh>w tii;: ;o 'c !lon ll Iho ro o f, to bo k n .n (;a aa ;;to tio n V. am i a iih n ill- l ln ;; lo Iho . l. '. 'lo u i o f 111.'- a tiito ..I' Id a iio fo r Ilio ir a p p ro v a l o r ro- J iT lio n llu- (p a a lV in o f w lu d iio r a a ld a r ti id o ;.liall .lio n inon .lo .t ao aa to p i'ovldo th a t, llm lad o c llo n u { ju a llo o a o f Iho au p ro n io c o u r t u lu l d h d r lo t Jiidjcoa iihiill lin n o n - p artlriiin .

'I'lio p r >1 p <va o (1 o.iniitlliitlonul um ondnm nt followa:■ "Ho II r.-aolv.'d bv tlm loKlHhiluro

•ttitrtir• •T h a t u rliid o

a t l l i i t io n o f thu a n i . 'n d r d by b ia .'r t t l iin io iiii. '.ila lo lv J l i . l lu -ro .if , I 'l i>.' ki 7,. w h lo li n ew ao rt


)f tlm con- o f 1d(UiA bu

,owln|; a.a liiin wi. a.-i a.Ttlon ri jihall liiiv ai>

a ih iM -u 'iK u ro f tn o <htln< iitr

itloli lo ja-ul (ho D^mlnlKlrutloi

I'll lh.< tu b lo 'in rrrm t o f him. Tli nowfi bnundii Uiuiw ho wunb-d to la- aak.'d aonuith ln |f b u t thoy atlll di.l lud, idiow w hn l. I<*lnully. ono p.a*k- I'd <ivor blH iihoiihhu' und aaw tbo

■Thu-Mluit^puiyod: .uuu—liuiuuUlululy a;ikod: "C lh, by Uio w ay, Jud|(*N how ulHiut tbo Jloovor urllclo '.” '

Thu Judiro bouinod innlan tly . Ilo aai.l bo ha.l no laim iiiont to inaUo olfli-lully h u t Uii|t " in iinaw i'r lo i|UoalionH" bo would any mmm* IhliiK. |{o road biH titiitom onl w itb Iru o jo v - .— W alRlni^ AWItii IIHtM, Miiiiiu tilf irorvod to a n o lh o r offlcliil: "T bcra iaii'l u Hiiun-lor hiumh or n|iwa]ui- |a-riuoi; h) tho flit|illul th an uovor tbo lituto dop jirtm rn t'.’’

, \(y rn H' A t tlu* IroiiNiiry, (li|>y know-

pullliou uu u'oll UM m »|ipy. Tho ilonlujri (liftt 11 |Aa0,l»(MI,(K>0 (UK liU'j'jitMi Ih hrliiir iilitiinMl iniiNt In. ' miiHhloriMl iri t ^ i t UKlit.'Thb

. .iiiitHtlUin of l|irr«MN4Hl' liw urn i (ifiOMiion rtj^litniksv. Tlio tnuiMiiry w ill prolw bly wv,V no th in g ulHiiit I t u n lll u ftttr thn i<oii|rr<wMl(iiml <«lMaiflth w Iiimi 4ho (itK liirn 'iu iii plm i will Imi liii'

Nownpiipom' do iiiuUn orrorH nv- u'V too yvurn o r no, A looiil n iipar :urri«<d a qu o ln tlo if fi'Oiii I'oMiniuH- Inr O onenil FiirU<y uiiiKM'llnir tho I><)iii(>crutH would g ain tO Honutu, unatH nox t tiniv. Furluy'M frinndii wiy hn 'tncnnt.M ix iuni nro inm nlnif Tor th e p roof rondor'. . ,

A N«*w rx M irm b ln rt o fficer rtr- a rllMiM l lpUi.i HliU’In li '.w l VU m V


Homu of T r.iia iiry Heorolnry Moi‘j:<>ntbairn frioiula u ro wblllnjr

w uv Uiolr ldl.> m onu'iila by u liirt- injc u JoHtlnir ru m o r th a t C vniptrol- lor O 'C onnor la "boiiiK nmnllonoiiv f*ir la-criitary of tiu> trouiniry. Tlmy know bow Mr. MitVj'onlhiui llkoa Mr. O'Contun- and bavo ord.*rod ploluntH of Mr. M orK ''iitbim ’u fiico will'll ho hoara abniil It.

H A N SE NWo C or nity

w ill m o o l T lu ir a d u y i if lo rn o o n a l th o Ilana.M i C V m u m n ity r l iu n d i . N ow . iff lo o ra lo r a im v**ar w ill ho in c h a r j io of Iho p ro g ra m . T h - p ro a id o n l r<'<pio.-dii t h a t a l l n io m - honi a t to n d Ih la n ioo tln tr.■ '3vn‘.' l u u r n f r i i .^ n n r r y - H rhn iitrh jiiul Air. am i AIj-u. i t , !■), Di-Iy.uii; • 7 Klmix Kalla, W. H.. nro vlalllnij Mr. and Mra. l la n d d Hull. Thoy p lan lo loiuito boro.

l lu n a u n a r a n f : t i . m o t T liurjw biy o v en iiijr u t Ilo- hom o o f -Mr. and M ra. I.. .1. I 'r lo r . A lU -r tlm i-oj:u- h f r b u a lnoaa n u 'o tliiK . ro fro a lim o iiln W oro ao rvod ,

Mina M a iido l.ayo^’c k lo f t H im day f<ir O tiod in jr <:(dlojjo, w h o ro .•Oio w ill i I b la 'y o a r .

<L’h ari.-a O a to n . A p p lo to n C ity , M o., ia v ialL ini: b ia b r o th i 'r , . la m ra C u to n ,

,ak.n of Jua- ••rl and «ifa- on-partlaiiii.

•' 7, Til.- la tloo'i o! Iho aiipromo tri.d, jmljioa jduill ho Til.- Ic i;ialiil;iiro lahad j.rovuio to r Iholr lioniinalion und olocllon, bul oam lidatoa I'or tbo offloea of jmdlon . '.f Uio Kuprcimt c o u r t and dbilrlct Judtr- idiall n ..t bo nm nliiatod nor .riulf.niod by any p<ditioal p a r ty and llii-ir imnu a niiiili no t ap p o ar on an v pollth-n! p a r ty tickot, no r Im ut:c(.mjianiod on tho -.nilot by uny piilitical ]).irly do.‘dj;nation."

S e rv ic e * A r r a n g e d . . F o r Y o u th .o f Viev^i^

m iiu ,i i :v , s r p t . 11 fS iittiiitii - - l-’iiii. ral »»-rvk:oa fo r ihiinm d Uob- Inaou, Jr„ IL'-yoar-ohl aon of Mr. a'lid Miti. Huimi.d U.diinaon, n r , Vh!W, will bo bold u t 2 p. m. W o.lnoaday, Tho plHco hua n<it yot bo.'n -aoloolod. 'I'lm lu idy-rtiijt^ u l-- th.- I 'ayno m ortuury .

'I'ho v .aith diotl u t tlm Coltutrti luiapltal Smidity u t 1);:iO p. m. Ho w aa born hi Hiirb>y Nov. 4, ItUl}. ^3llrvlvinK lU'y hla paronla . tw o brotliora, M ondllo luui linton, and

aiatc lOvi

IN I'A N TllUJUdfrS', .‘ 11 (tlpnclull -

l-'unoral lutrvictia 'wora hold Mon- <lay uftoriioon fo r oim of thn IavIii dau irh tora .Uun ,yatur<lay to Mr. atul Mra. Ilayniond hori'p iun . Tlm in fa n t H aturday iilnbt.


II|> fron i th i* ro u tin g . inott«n la k o In HtUonwUnvui.omt^k!' o fr^ iib u e f t . JVnlruno, la v a unouU d m orn th a n 600 fe e i In th e M|r, u IrMnoiidoiiiily Im preM lve (hll f ln it firupU nn th « ro nIiIoa |)e o u m b r,'1 ll8 1 .,T H 'o i thoiuw nd fM t u«roM , ,thl» ;

: z

Tiu'Kilay, S i‘plcnj.ln'1’ H . lOHt TT)AHO EVEI^INC, TllVn*: S. T\iviN V'Af.I.S, TDAIIO


Hltilcol Van'llt>T«uif{»>r nHiifi'.in- tk»i. will tn ito rU lit III II vi>it<-|ill(in foi' Iciicln'i'ii III th i' iKihiHil W c'dntii'

-<tC-J4mi.liiViitlvo nmi'tluK yi.'ftuir"'iliiy at Ihci nvlioitl, ' AllIriK 'hi'/ii iind jiiD'oiiln of Hlclo’l ii(!li'<uj| HtiKlcinln lira to i>n* Invllrd .

pJiiiiH fo r tiHt y«mr'H worU w<M‘n oulllnoil an d .II nnw noitJiult* ion, tu l>P know n iif( t^io pniKi'uiu

commlttof!, wnii 11(1 u|w>n. Thin com m U tro. vvl»>’n iiM'tnhfii'H aro in lAnmln jujlifwuvi]. Ui jfm iip’ ln~'ppii(‘rn i;' will i)rn-ii.'n t ciinHtriKsllvo crltWilJiin upnti j>roj;nimn pri>»ii'nU*(l 'by llui i'«*j!ul:«r

In ciltiu-yi*.OffUinrs fo r th is your aro : prniil*

fl«inJ, n . Kocil: vloii proiil-. ilont, Mni. II. H. Doan; H rcm lary,

MifiJi inm nia W aynor; troiiniiritr; M ni. H. f5. MayflBi profrnini chaU'- m an . M j-h. John rialnch; nwnilii^r* iihlp iiluilrinan. Min, p. C. h ill; hofiplliillly. Mrn, C, IC, All«n: finiincp. M rs. T. W. Mmorl«;U; puli- llciitloiin, Mi'H. .Tuini K Irloniiii; piih- llcUy, Mni. n . V. Jmioii; wolfiiri-. Mr:i! Htiinloy Phllllpn; iitinitlaiil an d fiiiporloi'. M i'h. lion lOldor.

~ C a l e n d a r■ of H o n n r I.hIj;.. willnn '1't a t 8 p. iii. t»iday a t tjii.

- tiniTu,' nr~Min,T :;iu rtnn T n r n r r ;

H E R E J i B S D A Y

Opon Oiitlioriin; Will Oomplolo JloRliitry of Exlilliltif for

Novol Display

• w / A t TolJ h LKICIuStKK WAGNKU UnlltJ Pttn Stall ('ofinpunileiil

U’liat hail lliillyw oad ditiiii to nu< Iro tn i' iit w;i In Ilollyvvxml. And Mul In Lwu ymirnV.. . . . *'dll titiiiii.r » • lltLli- i; ih.m

A t - ^ l - h e - - T J h e a t e r ! ^

rM ystcrjr-Tn^^-N exl^----___ ;__ I O n S c re e n a t R oxy

i '■■i'll.' Ci-..;;l)y fjiin.','' UillVi'i Ml I'MB x u o u t lv o P ro tlD lll i }3uil P l i ic e i l I M lurtllnc n iy iih 'iy di J in .i . r<iinrii t ‘>

O n 'S m io n 'n V o n iio ii o f ' K .isy L .u innnw ............ ., I I )l|. '•! 'I l l ".•r I ....... ’’ 1.1-, .nilllll" H c n r l o t ;

Jean Havlow-Story — Ends Run-Tonight

wnrif nnvr. rminTi’iTTTm 111 tw o yoani

Iliiw ahd iil nioi'uia today 'rliioiii ui'o a fnw o f thr.iiiKtnt Inna

w hich I nndvndum l m -vrr Iiavo h<;cin a»aw«'|-«!d.

My llf«‘a- iiii op rn hrxdi i<ap«- clally th<i iihilin'o/i- -iiild th»rn’ii no I'luiiuin w hy I id«)iildn't lidl all,- orlihiiout ull- ---------------- ------------

J’m j{(dn»f to ’’lny‘ 11 »'l|?ht on Ihn Kni!,'-’ ail th ey miy a round placi'ii wliorn u ho t 1h cnnsldnn-d an InvnnL'

n.ificrlht'd liy. luiinn a« tho "hol tcnil" uclroiiH In noroitiuloiTi. l fn <mly aatin-al th a t pooplo aliould w ondor w im t hifliKiiiRo IIollywoDil hiui hatl un mn.

To hit fra n k aho iil |t, thn aniiwm III ithaoltitiily nolhln(r> In a poninnal way.

I do K h a t I w an t, iro whnro I w aiii, and any w hat, and le t tlwi

dll lh(' r«iit- (Sotal to l lu r

Hollywood ImM.nnnn j'ood lo lun. -V crit-iruod-X lutveiilU a-cum pliilnt^j- inakii, and wotiUhi'L iniilui on<‘ iihoulrl I f<irl Jiiatlflnd. I 'd o n 't play that. w ay. And, an rl»K JH'ntU ini-n nay, I alao i;an tnlco it.

B ill Hollywood ov ld rn tly c a n 't lako It.

Which iiwlni'ii a round to w h a t I ’ve <|f)n<’ to Hollywootl.

'I'luit atiHWor III- plnnty.In the fira t placit. I i;anio out

lii'jii tw o yuarii ajr<» fo r w h a t to ini) - in lh(( llirht o f havhijf w rit- tc*n, ilh'i'cturl, ut:lod In nnd «ivon prodilctvl iny own IJroadw ay alajjo iiliowa wail a .m in o r roln.

Whitn I landoil a>i a a ta r th a t burnt Into Ijox-nfflco flrow ork/i ovor lln< hi'a'dii of H ollywootl’ii dar- llnj:'i. iii>niii itf thdin rvld im tly d id r 't llko It.

I «;x|>octod that.Hut fran k ly \ tlldn 't nxpoct thn

ihlinh ntiaill- duTiih on I!ollyw<»od’ii jiar:

W hen th cv rocovnn'd from "Hho Donr Him W rtm ij." thn "wliai i;uy!*" a la rtcd ycllltijr "accliUtnt!"

•’II 'h a frnaU h it -ni'vnr luippiMi atfuln in a million y ra ra !" thi^y choi-iincMl.

'r iifo o u t cani« "T in No AnU'd” lo (1(1 lhit'<‘ tluu'ii tho p 'cord-jm t- lin^' hiinino.'ui of m y r in it one.

lu it tIuM-c lUT dlii-hardii who atill a ro iilnirin;;: hluoa fo r nu*. and now I lmvi- ,‘'Thi: Uclki of the Ninotk-ij” to nhow 'oni Ih iit 120 ,1100,000 p<*o- |ilo ciin’t ho wronjv - lot Jilonc ■wronj;od.

Whloh, hKnin'l III!

ii .-liii.•'l-aki'M It To lloa i't

When l i J i n i r of a i-oiiihi|; <Jiit I t!ik<r II lunch Ull tliiiiij;li It W('i

.........on irir> Ki’Injr lo tu rn ou l ord lnarv pic-

luiT/i, OI-,’'(liidii” itii Mir non-draw pictiu'ca lii'o |<nowii, nudionci^i arc i;..liiL-'lo.i;['Lillm:uuniL't']---------- _ |., . .u „ u m lln ir l li ,- t l r . l

, ,!“: r s , . ; : r S i ■dlim r t h i ' l r n , l i . l d n - a n c d a l.-ll.'r

] Archhlnlioj) McNocholtiti .if Cine ................... n a tl. IcaiMK! Ii'a.lcr, r.'inoniUfutl

'1 ii' fiYiil ii"lir'- H arlow an ’'T h r f'.lrl from Mliiiioiii'i," clr;iK'a her «ni;u(;nni<'nl a t . till! (>r|>h«um th ra tn r 'to n l i rh t . In itic la id w ith M’kai Markiw ar«

iiicn i i-'jaiifli(d 'roil'-, l.loiurl Ih irry in in i',


Tw o wonk-oiul purtkm honored Ml/in Allco ll.u itty , w ho loft today

. to oni'oll In tho Colloijn of Idaho , Caldw^ill. H e r inothor, Mrii. R . It. H oa tty , iu)ii>rtninnd a t ii law n p a r ty Hinnkiy iiftornoon. Oiumui a n d thn tnk ln if o f uroiip pioLurnH ocuiipliid tho nftornuon. Kofroiih- niiinlH woro norvod. OticHta wnro thn horioroo und MIjihcm Collcnn K lcr, PartlHiiui Hollkitnr, Ilolnn .li-lllHon, I<;nld K onw orlhy . A lm a DavklHon and lytln H mlth, and Moaarii. H aro ld Htoiirloy, Horyl I 'a tto n , Oiindo)' IlanHun, Ulll Mad* land , F ra n k H oatty , K iutr Hhip- m a n and .IJonald Hoiiln.

Minn Il^nthrr Hhlpinnn and KInf; Hhl|>man m ttn rta lncd iit a farow nll p a r ty f<»r Miwi llouU y th jit ovo- n ln u a t th o lr homo. Onmou ocou-

'p lnd tho ovonkiK', and m fronh- m ontii wer«i snrviMl. TIiohd pr<»«cnt w orn Mina H oa tty , Minnoii A h n a l.>avidiion, Knld K«-nworlhy, I^ la HTnlth un<l tho Moiiirii. lln ry l l*ut- tnn . Khjir Hhlpmiin, F rn n k H ra tty a n d Dnnald Htiahi.- « • * « - r;(»N H TITIITIO N l>AV IW n H X IK A M TIIICMK

Opimlnjr thn w ln tn r proj.'-nim of 'IV In I'‘alln chuptttr, IJaujjhtui'H of thn Am tirlcun Kovolutlon, M rs. L. L- llr«ici(onridt;o rn tcirta lnod thn K nm p ycH torday aftornonu a t hor hom o on Hovnnth uv<>nun p ortlt.

M rn.'I*. W. MoUohnrtH, ohnptor n'»,'ont. (Kmductod a proj^riim w hlt’h uniplniHjr.ed N a tio n a l C<m-

__ >tt)tu tlim d ay Hopt. 17. Hhn alnoro a '( ia mi’Mftjro froiii nio naflon'uT pniHlilnnt of tho N atlim al Hocioty of tho 0;iUKhtor« of tho A m nrlcan

^ irv t i lu l lo n . ,” 'M r«. I'VMnclH. I 'o r tla n d , ii foV*■ m nr nuunhor, w aa a ftUc‘«t. Mrn.

C. n . Nolnnn. Mra. *\Vllllam I). IloynoldM anti Mra. W. H. ICld- rUljro w ero aHnlntfint hofltr««cn. Mra. McritihorUt prnnhlc'd a t lh« loll tahln durln i: Ihn iioclal hour.


N ow npnprr cllpplnijn from wrHt- o rn nowHpapfirv snow ing Iho lr iit> tltu d o towar<l thn N ItA woro roiul hv Mrn. VV VV. 1‘owoll an tho f lm t of 'Pwin F alla C ounty D om oonitlc WomoJJ’H Htudlofl aficnrdlnjj to tho

• now po ro rto r Hywtum youtorduy. Mr/I. T. M. Uol)prlann ont«rtalnn<l tlio i'»'oup a t hor homo on N in th avoim o north .

Tho g ro u p olotitod: Xtrs. 1C. a . l.juukin . proflldont: Mr«. F. S. C'ap- pid. vino pronldont, and Mrn. U\in- ««ill M cK arland, H ncrotary’trflaaUr- •u'. A<rn. W. K. A lw orth lumonncofl Hh> «(iunty*wld« Dnmoorntio plcnlo to 1)0 hold In T w in Kalin co u n ty fall- BroundH. F llor, Bopt. 21. D. W o rth C la rk In. to miiko tho prin -

“ clnnl •ndilnrnu;—V --------- ;----------- ‘—


AJr. and Mr«. A. C. Tnutn, fa r- 'm o r T w in Fnlln rouklontw, w ho now

llvo In H u rk y , vlnlted boro S u n d ay nnd unTiouncocI thn n u irrla ^o of th o lr dauK htor, Mltm DoriN KuuIh, to H arold MtHOhnr on Aujf. 18. T hu nnirrluffo look placo in I ‘o rt- Innd, - p ro ., an d M rs. K ouU a t ' tondod ' thn cor(*mony. lioforo h er inarrla jro Mrn. UlaohoK wuM hkjio- pliitod wlt)» tho P o rtla n d bran(/l» o f tho Sun KranolHOo fodcrul ro-

— worvo-fam tr.' n nU- M r r - t rftau<ior lir hi'iid of a d o p artm « n t Ihoro, Mr. an d Mi'Hj LItMshor will bo a.L homo to th f l r frlondH In P o rtla n d , n f lo r •Sopt. IR.

M K illtV - rO llK T H — ^ n in i i i i A v in iw o i^ w 'i II- ; ----------

Dr. and MrM. J . R .\M oM lllan on- to rtn lnod In form ally SunUny In ho n o r o f tho o jffh ty-fourlh birth* d a y . 'o f MrM. Qenrffo IQ. EJvans, m o th e r of Mro: MaMlUoji.. Q uest* w ore cn to rta lno jl a t r Boolnl hour, u nd rafroNhmontB w ore itorved. OuoHtfl wnro I M r. and Mr*. Qoorgo— J9. - - • -----------------

M aroa Wumiiti'a nluh Will iiiM't ((Mii'nrow u l 2:110 p. ni. at llm Immo of Mrn. Laura,(JflK j;n, ,

■* *•I .u th o ra n I.ail|oa' Aid iiocloty

vylll nuK't 'I'hurnday afti.'r iioua ' In till! ch u rch parlorii.•n ■ * #

... -Uulmoii-H(H>lal- oluh- will nioid w ith ' Mr/I. P narl C a m p li i ' 11 Thiu'adiiy afte rnoon .

4|. . H-■ U n ity cUih w ill m eet Wi-d- nenday a t thn hom o of Mrn. Ham h am liln . .M nmhnni arn r*:- (pioidnd lo dreiiii In tichool day coiitum<;n. .

■it ■M'H lirhland Vli-w <lluh hiia pout-

ponoil itJiYnni'tinir u n til \V«'-dnnn- ilay, Z-lepl. 10, when It will .ainet » l llur hom e o f M rn. Mae !Ior-

•V- -w-r: III a n n r O h lii an d M 'M nn

_niaH)ina nr_ll(«i ( j i l lo r D ay Haljjtii will hold 'tljo lr ro iru la r m octln j' lit H p. m. today at. tins clnu'ch. P r . O. T . Sulci’ will ho tho npeakci*.

. . . < ( • *T he rn j 'u la r jneotlni,-- o f Oond

Will d u ll, w h ich ,w an lo have hnoji hnki W ednrnday nftnrnnon, haa l)nnn pontponnd un til T hurn ' <lay a t 12:^0 p. m. Mrn. .lamna i 'e n u in e tto will n n te rtu ln a t hnr hom e, 122 Mourne.

N ex t wnolt la to he. Iiiihhy w eek hv Tw in li'allii.

fn final pi.iipanitlon fo)' the Holi* by fa ir, wlilidi will lie llm m i|ln nveiil (If the w eoh, llm fa ir hoard l»i (lallliii; a.fndorati^d ninotlim fo r Thi;r«»lay a t H p. m. ut th e hl»;h »u;hor)l. All aiirvlcii iihilin, elvfc or* iranl/.alionn mni churcliii a re re- qMrntiTd--to ruind T.'r*r(r(ii-atatlvi’a‘ to, I’l' ready to re jfljiter tlii'lr illnnlaya.

Uiihnrt Ihilliir, koiaaal dlnplay m aiiajcnr, and la'v'erol luiHlatanta a re iilroiidy ar w urk lliiliijf up rx* hlhltn. R ci:u lar rn);|atnitlnn hlanlcH for. both Individual and irrou|) <-n- trlea n;v» now availahlo a t Tw in l-'alla piihlir lib rary und m ay ho fllind ou t there. Thniio who wlah fu r th e r Infurm atlon iii>i iwupionted to crall Ahiby I’redorlnl!, e h a ln m iu of llm board, o r tho divliileiial man* a/;eir...

nivU loii riialn iien Mr/I. Mlleii .1, llrowiiiiiK ill In

chartre o f the antlipuin jind ra re booUa diviuion; Mni. .1. M. Walbloc

' pictiin hrur't Ul


[ (C iipyrluld. Il»;u, I nhed l‘n s H ()i;iA ’ w o ( n ) . .s.'pi, n d'l

n-.veolt (if Ihc film, .'•Tlic Sen l--'lti-r." b y lh i- I.naiiui! ..f n.Min drew a proteiit toituy /ro m I,n n a riu o u r. who lu'oihicrd Ihi' lu re for M ajn d ic I 'le turen cor]):

■Dr. andMrt(. Horold Flaher. Mr. and Mra. Mallory Flahar, .Mh end Mrn. O. m. MoBIillen. all or Twin Palis; Robert MngoKin, ggattjo, a house Bue«t of Dr.

, lC im ^rly I>a4l«r .-Pioneer (»lub will inMt a t the I home of M ri. L.*A. Thomaa. ThurMay, 84pt. 18.

^ \ ‘m 'MoiWayohuroh.'>Irr.

TQin N aII (WM In iBtaarge o f the ■ "* ialitoa o f violin


wore Mfvficf

........ . s .■','■ ■)■ ■_____ «n*ifourtb. 6t *

c o r r i j ' ’. IWTKItT.VIN AT A T in W riV K OINNl'ilt

Mr. an d Mrn. A. II. S co tt. H im -jtiiiow a have i non, en tttrliiln 's l m nnihorn o f the Ilanm-n »iludy cluh a t a 7 o'clock «linlier lit th e l*nrk hotel hint eve- nfnt^- Hnvnnteon t;unutn w o ro 'fa ia t' e<l a t one lonjr tahln fo r which howln of p ink nnd w liito ronon m ade a ttractlv« i dncoratloiiM. A ftn r th e .d ln n o r tho jy o u p a tten d e d thn thoiiter. Oiii'iitn from a dlHlJitiro worn Mr. and Mrii. A. H. l‘‘ranola,P o rtlan d , nbiter niid hro tlier-ln -law o f Mrn. S eo tl, and Mrn. /Jn im nr- imin, Chlca/;n, ninler of Mra. .1. It,Hull.

T m iie ImndciafC dlujWy, iinirM rJi. (’Ilaiido llrow n of a j;e"‘'ru l L iittn r IJuy Hulnta church entry.

The liDbby iiliow inovnm ent. w hich ia np icad ln j' ovci' Ihi- nu tlre co u n try wnii orljiinutcd la iM)Uie re- miirkii m ade hy Mrn. l''ranlc D. Uoonnvidt to a jfrnup of Cam p l-'lre (Jlrla on the twiaity-tiiTiind hirth* d a y of th e ori^Hlil/.alloii lii.-il Nfurch. .yiie naid: "Vlvcry youiiif j;*' ! iihoitld hei'ih an ^Sjuni;- un pojiiilliln lo lailld u p .a vurlnly of hobbli-ii . . . . th a t wi> iihouhl di!Vi'Io|t cvrry puiiaihle avenue no one who bi fiiialllar w ith th e llveii of hiuiy, liiiiipy people

lony." flliicc th a t llnlo hobby

th u t Ihey lire i m oney'll'w iirlli,, .

T h e y w o ir t b. Ui.To lo lu'n e n te r - I Uilnlnii: d r iu u a a w h e n th e y a r e ' m udo, 'I 'l ia f i i lun t bnainr.s.'i, Jiuit ' ah o w jiiiinuh lii, W.bli-b. H rd lyw iiod t h a t in, th o n e a r-n l |:b lc ( t p u r t o f i i ; - -n v ld en lly c o u ld iiiu‘ n u irc of, I

Kiiovvh Khim ' ltuHln<>MM !I have li.'fir u nhou'-w oinun I<jii( '|

enoiii;h lo know IIkj anijlen lii-l ehaliiijr llu- one u l (In- bi.x-<irricr Whlcli In [ii.'it iiholhej- v.'ay ttf .'niv Injr th a t I huvc mint.' u id.iidy o

idloiicna. ol' the public, und of | • lnlii|; ' . ____________ I

I b u i l t 'i i t i d I lll

.•.'h icli l< ilii'I ' l i J l

in i i i iy - 'b .d "

'l e tic y

|( ' l l l r / . . , w ii l l ol l l ' C I I I I K

i.a l.v t- . 1 11 . 'V n y - iitlr.iw i'.'ly

1 a i ;a


liK‘t a a lo n e >11 iViiii W ill r . ; i l . 'd in a

rK.v a l r i in i ; . .« p l<d .1MU' 1) a: 1 liiiM - n i - v r rd c - b . i . 'u • ' J i C . d h ' d in ' It a c im - ii . J d o r y .i-,i- a i i r l . la ■ in i- a t la;;.1 I n a a l a r t l m i ;

n i) lii tii)W 'y i. .11, - U lli. l u W - .S V i iv i ' i i ; .

til-- . in d A la n i i i in ■ b ’l.!•! )) l i i y r i ' i . i i t i T . ld , " n d . 'n • 111 l l i ia ,iK m v i . I .T y

t o 'j d n n n a ; a n d o i l In ii- n r t a a t i i a r t a' ' i i - ' l a . ' t . ' . l by Will 11.111 C i iIIUt .In): ia-.. \V n n - i-n 11 ic r, 1■ M w anI V a nl-.T .MIoan, .‘• iU e .'la i ; H int; l i . T a i i . i .1.(•(1 '•wholly uiirtcinocriitlc

vhut. Ill

ir u po]iulartv ucc<-p(<-i|.hbilorl- an d ediicuUonal w ork la to he

dnnmed. II In linii' to aali Ibe ifiie w hat lire lo lu*. ilii llmllii- in III judKlnjr m otion pletiii'c:i fit o r iinfllV " H arm our w in I i- If Ilie-caniiiaiKH you a re v.’u;;lnjr «inciHicy ia curried to ll*i loKlcal . why. then, are no t a th in |i t . '■ — ~ ■ - .............— ~TT7nR>..l;

F u rn 'll .Maclh

e lly pr<;( inyatcry.’- in !ii'lviiiK

and jnibllc llb ra r lr ii:".Since- the film vcr.'il'in < f 'Tlu'

.Si-iirl.-l L e tte r ' 1m a fali;iihtl adupl i. tion o f.tlK ' IxkjU, your ban on ihe film ap]>eai!i ut, a;'U at;on a|;.iiiia'. (UK- 4n('dhini und not a:;(>thcr.'‘


ii|iiiaam'ed all the •■conntry, not only liy

C am p l-'lrn f;irln .b iit liy conimjmi- lien, liidiintrlitl orKanl/.alloiia und hobhy clulin.


IHI.mNIOHH U'OM KN . ' j, cO LU M lU A . Mo„ Hn.t- 11 M’il.- P I.A N llO O T II FOH F A IU \ Ur. F rc le r lc h A. Mid.llelainh. deun

Mni. J . , I.. CSreenn en ti-rla lned j i f the nchool of ,lmuliiiiiti and pub* m em heni of Uiirthu'mi luul P ro fo ii-, Hr adn iln ln tn itlon a t Ike IJnlver- alonal W om en’M club a t h e r homo nlty o? MbiHouri. todiiy annumoil on T h ird avenue oant laa t ovonlnir.) li'a rxeoutivo-diitlen an iirtlnjr proa- Mrn. Heiilah Oatiorn preHlilnd a t |ld o n t '* o f the Innlltullea. Urn'{,'na' thn huHhionfl HiiiiMlon, d iirliii; w hich , Hon o f |>r. W a lte r VVlllaiaa an ]iren* Mrn.‘ F . II. Illirhoo wiiM anpriln led .d ii.n t -wau aecepled ynilerday hy

) l>ootb In th e hoard of curu tora.iix*_\VilUiuiia»-ln_ja-JiculUi_olncii

to tak o chiirK'o of ii cluh t ho H ohhy fa ir Hopt. 20 and 21.

HflBH Tn'oz WluioIiVr kuvo •iin'Tnfiir- m al dlnoriptlon of h o r vacation tr ip to N ow York. F a ll flow m a ■from MrH. CJreen'H (^anfon nmilo at* tra jjtlvo diicorationa. UefroHhiiiontii worn nerved.. +4 .


Klxtoen m em horn o f Amonin ohiMi of thn n ap th it ubiirch held a (l:;iO o 'clock po t-luck m ippor in tho lluptlH t hiuiKalow liiRl evo- nlnif. Mrti. Chircnco C ould pra* Hldod a t a liUHlnoHii Huaidon .w hich followed, nnd Mr«. ICthol W arborjr pronentnd h e r pupllH In a reoltal ipi thn evenlnu'H p ro i'n im . Tho re ­c ita l w a s open tu tho puhljc. Mra. F lorenco Glpnon w as iiontcna for tho ovenini;.

uarly lantonprlnu-, nxpDOlH t< to hhi old p(mlll#in aw ilean of tho nchool of journiillani, w hich ' h** founded In 1I»0S, Dr. Wllllama, 70 yiMira old, hucamn luitiiiK prenldnnt of the unlvcriiity In tin; iijirlnK «1 in:u), and jirejiklent oa Jan . 1. lO at. w hon Dr. H lra tlia i D. Tlr«)ok'n litava of iibnenco oxplretl.

people (lon't- K .........................Im itructed, Tbev dnn 'l ;;(I I n be ah 'ud in l and tli.;y .ioii'l i;o |,> b i '' oCrende.l i

I have •■Ituclc by' m y rule m.i ir.| w i'ile an y lh ln j; Into om^ <>i' riiyl ntorliMi. iinti not to enm a any ;uN'aew ilh tho in ten tion of oi'feudini--1 ..........-anyone, ’ I I-ydu U(ib(-rli wua confined i<.

Thill I evidently haven-t d<me' home loduy w ith a nevere a l unynno w roni: la rcv.-uli-d ,in u,.. liiclt of in riuen /.i. I ‘liy;dil:ina m il la ten t cbe(d(-up tha t I ’araniDimt h<‘r coiidltkm 'wau no t crltliril, hail niiMlc on niv pletiiren, , iiowever.

I-’orty-.'ilx million per.jdc li:ive| ncen them no fur. und you i'e i(ub i-|. .Mux Uelnhiirdt.. ( :c|>niunv'n N" I ly a r e n 't t;oin/;- Ui find Ihut m uriy lm uii <vf ihe «lrama, 1(h«av.h how i;. peopin paylnjr j;ood m oney to h e , Ir .'u l illl iiianneni und f-.rmn >t offonded. I’m Jimt d lffe ren l, And I ] (em piT am eat.know th e value of a (r«od luui;b. 1 A fter a flureiiji at a rclieur;i:il

MoralH .liiHf Name I i.f "M idauium er N lj.'h f“' 11--.....,.-An lo nutrala l-uhiy and yo ii'lh which Ite in h a rd t la pr

find Ih a l fjuentlon jiop up w henever, lldllywiM-uJ t>owl next w.Mao- W eal la nicnllom*d I don 't | Venatile onn of th e lea'(.........hclh'vo th e y ’re any b e tte r , o r a n y j , ip to him 'ivorno th a n th e y uluid to he. I . .i ', ,! „,ii,iid ,> ,’' neh na ld . - I d en

T h e y r e o n ly d in cu n a rd m .ire ' c .n a ld n - y o u a irood d u e c lo r .” ip e n ly n o w . • i • 'T liu t’n ull r l jfh t , Ml»iii V enu lile ,

ra lii t o d a y . ,1 K e ln h a rd t a o o th c d , " o n ly donn l h r o i i | : l i , , , „ j t Y ou c a n I n t e r p i v t ' th e chu i

ij^ e i’vicea-W elcl foVP io n e e r o f Id a h o

He|.t, II i.S|u'i'iiil)

h r lu |;u ( J a ry C iran l.J I' lancea l>rake, and lOdwnrd | i :v e re tl Ilo rtim to t h e . Orplioum ■ iieiceji ill the jjny om inily rfniiancp I ' I.udieri Should L laten ." The (dory ' l;i lu ll .if c lever nlluutlo'nn, w hich ;u r.: ii ir th c r heu:h toned hy . ‘criap. .I b r i l l ia n t d la lo j-u e . T tie p ic tu r e I l>ri'iul;ii*a 1(1 bn o n e ul' th e itnanm i’ne i i te r l i i i i im c n t n u rp riu tiii.------------

S e v e ra l d lvei'H ified n h o r t nub- l(Ct.'i w lir a la o h u .n h o w n on th la

I m vv ()rp)i>‘iiiii | i r o | 'r a m .

“ P«K 0 ’ *My H c a l ^ r t "

In N e x t a l Id a h o •T ile Id a h o t h e a t e r p re a n n til fo r ’

llie liu it tlm e.'i to d a y , - '(the W iih a " L u d y ," w i th H e len T w o lv e tro c n ,, ,

:i> n n u ld W.MHia u n d I rv in jr 1‘ich id . • ' A d d ed ; W illie W h o p p o r c a r t o o n , '

. Hi'ii H l-e c . i i ie i ly u n d Uewil,' 'ro iiii ' . id iih o r e tu r n a a t

Wi'rlii..;; i;iy - ', l i i jra d a y pj'Ici.n t h a t j;i--al. Iri;ili n a iiu n c e , "P o jr O ' M y 'I l e a i l.':.. i .au i 'iu iiu _ N ltu lO J l_ .p lU jT ! jy ^

u u i ’i i i t r ,''llllerul ll-'l'V || till- Mnlbo

\'inMcin. rr,

n il O r.slnw .S teveiia a n d .'Ii M uclionuld. A ddod: l io tty .,

iniij.iciil and "Jiowa.

ll;d ebii v.'Ik eil

. lol'i iii; u n (ip i'ru ti(a i. I te \

:e l..-irv r.fflclutc-.l, Ulld 1 In till- U iip e i t ( I 'l ia le r

I;; iiiirv lved bv bia v II VI M cjto l

t un lay |


', Mra.

ducbiK' hi■k, Kvulyn

Aflr-r w hiit you'd- hi! lucky iilchel!

(< 'epyrli(h(. IIKII, IInl(04l I'ri'MH)

e've hei to find

y<ai cun Inuu'lne, Witli the dlirnidlona

of noma of tho o thern In tlio pro- fonnlou. T heir .r|iHontnp<nt lu the dumhiiRt kind of flKurlnir- ~'T roT ''ttiin jucf:nH Jfrjf'nn im tnr''T m y n ta r - - ln idclurpn, NhoukI ho wnl-

Thn f.ponhiK Kt- I. A. nodal o< the Uiihl w ard will be held tonlKht,

I the L. D. H. church a t H p. m. ahorl- pr**Knim will ho followed i c(U-ncr, nIx mile

ull Iiny ay y<ui like. Vou

.,r a / l n - t h r 1...11 .1 iif Ilia l - . flir.M wifi-; tllM'i- IKlllHi W lllla iii. 1 Wl;I-cK'Mli-ll.i; (• )i.-;il.'i- a n d C b a rlc a . of Ihi-( 'i ) t ta i ; . ' C n ,ivc a n d K n ap i|.a, O n).. iiiiri'ap.-ctlvi-tv . III' ia al.'io a u rv iv .'d C h .

.b y live a ti 'p .-lilldn 'ii. toM r VinMi) n u-aa b u rn in I 'r im -r - (rhll

tu n . NTliiii., -a n d llln v rd t <> Id a h o ero ,in 1IIII7 w in •r<' III' h(a>ii-at i-ad i'd a /i iin c li in tbi ' .lacU aon i-oiii i t iy . H e nuin<i\-.-d lirr.- in IH;i(i. I l l - , w a a IK-- thi-llvi- in elvl< - lUi-, iici-vinir on th e Jiii'i;u-b(in|- b u ar. 1. till' M ln ld o lta I r r l-jM be,ail I n n d w a s <in<!• o f ill.! VbVliIrr;; Ul : lii'l.h ','

: u - i - i i n n j ; Ibe . l a c U a o n i oil

- C a r B ru ises C h ildHUKI.KY. S(!pt. 11 (Hpftclal) - <-J

•he (Ive-year-old mm of IC. W.i atid frltrht*.

If'ht hack whocl ' O. I„<<onard, him d iirln t'^ vice n ta tlo n . The ru r , a

leluK backed w hen . tho

f, D o ro thy , . ■ri throiij:b the n tatlon . loctor'ti 'c x a n iln a tio n ahow cd' I mea w ere lir(jknn and Ih n t hlld waa n<.t aerlou«ly In-

.-ic iu -r u •aa b i'iiiaedI'll .wb.-n till- r l i 'h ta f a r di:-ivi-n. by (.1.

la(-<iii!iin. ra il .ixn-i-1- W(-I'll-C nd a l a aei, T h ird 1ind OiiUli-y,i.'v rt> lel (:i i i i |. i- :w aa »

a j;ri-f la ln ir ra c k .il.I a n d Ilia- .-il.'iU-

rne/,uolu la pnxliiclnj;

a n t la the cred it o f d irect-

li.y dantdntr- T he offlcerii annoiut th a t tho public ia hivlted.

— Adv.

lUrULKY. Hi'i-.'., : i iHpccial) T he c a r of N. H. llu lk in of L:i!i Anjr*ditn w aa com plete ly <li‘iiiol- Inliivl when It overLurne<l a t Ti'ly 'n

uilhweid. <if ituloy on the Tw in Kalin h ighw ay. 1''rldiiy eyeiilnt,'. I la lk h i iiuiduliiei on ly m 'lior hur ijijurlen. T)io a e - ,cki<mI~cu:m:nxl-buLwciMi-ll-.atid-lU. oVIock p. in.


W ill O p e n S a tu r d a y , Sepit. 1 5 th O D D F E L L O W S H A L L

W ill rii.'iliiliii- iiliiili 'n ta T l iu ra t lu y a n d F r i d a y A r iu n io o n , 2 to 5, a t H u l l o r *

P h o n o 100 o r 1380

^ow T ^ c f r c s k i n g ^ /

Clover. Tho local Younjr I'noplo’H nod- oty tj;athnrfld a t tho hom o of A r­th u r K im tor n e a r K im berly , Hun- duy. IxmorlnK him on Ii In b lrtbd iiy nnnlvernury . A (I o 'clock covered illRh lunoboon wlin Korvtnl cafe- .to r la - ity lo .- iim l.lh D ir,i.i«y u u rin iitho ovniilnir w .« «|)0,11 iMWln 1 I tho ucU vlty period . .........................

M r. iiiul M rs. Krwl n u rh lm ltc r | u i.u lo n l ciiuncll will iiii.ct nox t lind non. Jo h n , loft R u tu h lu y f<*'* i M onday »o n«>mlnttt« Mtudont body O aklnnd, Calif,, w horo Jo h n 'Vlll o fflcem . n t'd m o k e armngom tnlM

JUNIOR HIGH NOTESs tu d e n t au tiv itioa tiliirted thin

Wonk w ith the clectliiil af I'.-T . A. homo room ' m othern youlerday an d toihiy.

Tho flrn l nnHombly of tho y e a r will ho held In tho IiIkIi uchool au* dlloH utn WfidnoHilny. It will con- nlHt of a varied pro(;nini of a tu ilen t woleomiiH, muHlc und madlnifx- MIhji H elen O ro n t hiiH chartio of H>iHeini)lleH anil.N ludeiil cauncll uc- tlvltU'N Ihln y ea r.. A voimull ropro* Mentatlvo will bo «d«>cte<l by tw'urol iMillnt from ouch lioiiiu n xun ThurHdity. OfficerM for oach homo

enroll lui II frcuhm iui u t C onrjnllH colloKo. .

P au l Itlm lel Npcnt F rk lr.^ n itfh t n t thn bom n of hl« a u n t I'.hd uncl(«, M r. und Mrn. It. M arto.M . Itefurf hn (Inpiirtnd f<»r Oaklai*>i wluiro ho will a t te n d colloffe.' Ulblo claiM will mtfot W ednradBy «venln{i^ n t 8 p. m . a t tho paruchlul Rohnol houao.

T rin ity iJ id lea ' A id ■oclrt)^ 4A'UI m n o M n m r ^ ^Ilh Bohool mniiioT w ith M ra /lro rm iin F lncbur ba .hoaloM.

Mr, an d Mrn. H. W u obbenborit huvo rocolvod w ord of thn b ir th of n Hon At th o hom<) o f th o lr d au g h ­ter,‘ Mm. R ric Adolf, A m erican

^ 'T^i-. ^ lu l \rr/t ' W itynn__________rlvod WwlncHriuy fro m M cCook, Nob,, u nd or<t ffueiitM n t tho It. Uniuilii u nd Joo P rlluoek hom *i. T hey will rnm uln h ere Indefinitely , un Mr. D ean bos ta k o n em ploy-

Mr. u nd •M ro. H e rb e r t Llurm nn.IliitCi f f l i l l t i , n rrlY in l.,T lito i,ilaY i— houM g m a ts a t th e homo

for tho oloeUun tho followlnif diiy.

. p ro houM g m a t o f hor p a re n ts , Mr. an d Mm. O. H. W erner.

Mr. und Mra. Tod K luon'Jei'.' Jr.. worn (rlvftn‘ n miiKelianeouji ahpwer pt thair borna T iieaday .evening, wMlc i mnety ' iKio*Q ittohd^.; They r«ao lv^ many • attraotivo Brlfta. The g:ue8U brougli^ lui^ch I wl)leh waa aerved a fte r a plauMnt evening. • .

Following p(i|>l)a have enrolled in U ^ 'F U er R ural' hl^^ aehool:. Vernon and NorlMH LAM«n.' E<iffar W emar, Brhftrdt Bufalil, Norman Jagala, Raymoild Bfutter, Qiadya Jagela, Paula pann«nfoldt, 7r«ae and Helen M i^er, PHyUla • Luts,. Jam ea Woodruff and .X^ralne OIat

SttloHJ Uld'l Ip iu ttu r ' iUmIi .« n i m eat t ThUraday • aftoraoo'n^. NHtlv

l arffiTrn mn'ttli'f f ' ' . f e

Cio vmen fi ■and where )bu lilic i

“It’s toasted”Your thrnal proitcllon^ o Sainst irritation__

'rr.aHainst cousH . . .

T he world la youra whori youown a our. Don't apobd allyou'vo Ri>t, Horo'M n aavlrijr. Uiw wt wver

JpSO Fowl Tudor Soiinn..... |255inso Ford Fordor (leilKn.'...i27A1U81 Ford Tudor fimlan.....$aeR-1030 Roo Royal Rdat ....... $275-l& 80-ehryB|m-90-OfTUpirv^:tW »' 108 0 Bulok a Oyl. acHlan,

30-611038 FoM Roadator1D20 Fprd..Roadator ...loao Baaax CbaoH .o ,,

Chevrolot Sodnn ■D elivery •.........

1880 F o rd Truok, 157 W . n .

( '

1D83 F o rd V-8 Truok ■ 1081 F o rd T ruok . .

b<Mt body .................1986 Dodge Coupe .

,-.$805.....1 -8 5..... 1150.'.i..fl25'



^50iO M ^ r y a i e r dlT 6«dan.....i(li

Dnipn Motot

rJLnckiEsrmterround^dbraj]^^are firm, Luckie^ are fully packed with only the clean center leaves— and the clean center leaves ar<? the m ildest leaves—they cost , more—they taste bettcsr.

I f t S ; - 1."' V':'

w m m .

r » g e Blx. IDAHO EVRNINC,-t i m e ' s . TWIN PAU.S, IDAHO; T*iH'K(lny, flcp lrn iluT 11.



. Rrtuh ]ifi<r«ir fh-Ht n



i-nt ■■i>»ia>;tiot>u,,

n iou th ir no'n-.02

tra c t , rtvery laaue, eiii-bina<'r t l i tn. p e r '.lin n ..... .02

N o 1lidn livkon fo r .lean, thn n 2 linen, M lnlniiim

olia rge ,25-A ll nida nUjHt bn ortier<-d

fo r a '/ilalod Um|{tli of— tiQ '

N ew Today

M ISC E LL A N E O U S<” 'A ltH im K T l'iU f l. f .'ii i b u

...................I K.Tvlci.. V . a . I t. I(I'l-vii’.'. MlKmlK/iir .St.

N ew » o f R e c o rdM u rria K o L lcounog

■ M)- Kviilii. Mo 11(1 I.MKtll

iinU iln -(J lly ,idrl'onl.


irn.Vrr.M), Cli-iMl W(K.l i-iit'fliMj. Udc t" " Ih WiuiJi.wI iiiidli i ro tt|ilitjln lr r ln (r . T w l . n l i 't i i in i .MitlliTHM Fiirtfiry . t'hnn.- f.l-W :. ‘ | •


>•) Mr;i III th r

K,W fii'lv;

•o.iM.H, Ml.H :t(lc pi'i- h iin .lr. 'il , -111 ■

I.'O lt A T VAUNHIY’H -- r i n t iKitllcn for cntm ip <ir {ri'iiim


, F - o n H A L H ;-U ’.!|1 Im pruv . 'jic ro ji. i ljvljt. W r i lo n «K lm trariy .

n n A I - 12fi. n irik n ’n UiUo.-

KOU flAI.K Mo. i.r r).tpot, f

A I'P IJilM K Jlijr n o w . O n e I w n U r. I 'o ln h i,

N '0 \\"-ttK A nY r:{rr+ ' ■ I

w m i IjfH'ii to M j', 111 r l ' K -iU d ji.t, T w in Kull III l l i f n n i i u y Iii-/,’ip.ltlll.'

Tcm>ioval.uvoH •


<l MI'JI [, .Mii.n-

msmiE T o d a y ^ M a F f c e t s m n d - M n a n c i a l ^ e w sK F O V v o ffo rn $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to

l I o f u iK l O h l L o iu ib , M u k p

i lo w A'tlvajVoou ' '

l i v e s t o c k :

■ ■L nf f ^ n r frTTiT r- .18,011(1: afi lo low.-r lluinMomiiiy: iimKum Min,, v».7ri-«i,Hr.:

W AMIMNfJrOM, Ilopl. 11 (lU M -^ltop, .Td.lK). Cln.^l iwxl cUMrv lijjiil A lotiil of sroi),0()(l,000 WIIH mu»!<! lluhtu, t-JO*niiMb«.. jn.'; lljilil livill.ibli! I»y thn Knyitnimonl todny w«'l»hl Iha., mi'-

,i<) ri!fii»il itml m uku now loitnU on <IUjin w oli'liU lioo.'jno LIih., f tu r i - i.on i III. M <rcnln p r r >MiHhoi. II.UO; liriivy wnUfljln l!r.(>-:mo lltH..

' Thi> liiMjoiiHhiiiJtiiin l'’lnaiu;.> r o i - S<I.«n-H.OO: Tuioltliijr «'>wn 27^-r.r.O porn tlon ■ iiuiilo-lhlfl m inr iivnilfthln ttttT;r5 1 Jfl-« :n o r nliUif.UI'T'plic«' >

.(.■mMni<Hhty C m l l t coriHH‘« - mil ll»i„ $;i.7S-ft.2rt.tlo n ,


r.l. 1‘irlt- o i i r m ile II, I(li>hi>.


vliloli him inalclnK lm '•in jitr tro il on A n io rlm in fu r iwintii iiur }>iih1ioI.

Ont. in niimlliiio I'lnci'in w llli Iho p io in 'n t loaAii

Catll(»—lO.OOtr ronun«'i'(!liil. nOO ;ovinnnn 'n l: cnivmi, n.OOO 111!.' 100 K»vnnin<inl; fc<l iili'cn n<I ynit'llii}')! ritroni; Ki M e liltrhor;

t f. 'tln li'o r /i, »t0,2fv: Inntr y«iir-

O inO A O O , Hiipt. n UMii OnilnH Annm llioil from oni iy rrac tio m il Jo«»pb,I A niorJcon S in c ltltn j ................Unlny nn Iriidcrii R nuiunlly t<K)lc 1 Amflrlciin TolppJiono ...........(■<.irnl/.iin(‘n o f lUo biilllHh 'im pljm -1 Annn-I^an TohAcott ll ...;.........Uoiiir o f yi’>iloi-<rny’n crop rr(>nrtn A nncniidii C opper^ ........

I by I'lo Kovnrmnoni. ".L...... :......... ; .....;• •••; •W lionl m o t jrooil nupporl n f to r Alchlnojj, Totinlta A 8 nn ln F*

IX -i.n ihnr tounlioO J l Ofl n bunbol AMnnlln llpfjiiJnir .........j .........iiikI Uui niurUiil rono lo no t jralnw A uburn M otorn ........................o f r,i (if It onnt to 1 <!ont. a biinbal. »nH |m orn A Ohio Corn rl<w<! Ufnt hljibfir and

up % to - -

i ; KOU HALK • Mi'lntii.'ih ni.plrii, l.'-.s Anj;.'!(I )0 , Fb'inlidi Mfi

• a t PlKin.'

‘ F O Il HAlJC-^Nino J o ^apiploii. m l. womI fn m

— ---- --------

11 b a n loiipllnl.

I 'lu n nll(ntfu^

:ind Itiil'la ft.'ll.-r Wur.'

r - o s T - niiifo id Init lloonno, niim m ond. I to tu m to

coiitulnlnif.» • ll; M rD nun- Tliuflii Officii. •

KOU HAM': f'lillH firap r/i, liiiipo(-tril If. H. Tw ill. KiillH.imiU’iciuitvIon. rt. L. Hi'bv irtz

rnia WituiNo. J.

uliib nfliiuly

IA IlK A L. T IIIIC K HUV - . Huv.

inum oy <m thin F o rd Mndol A. (Jiuk ■ rub lx ir an ti m olor. SIBO, 220 Sbfi

,JCa«t. Cull 2&1-W.

W A N T E D —M on a n d W onum ti linndlA iiffmlcloii fo r llpnt 811U ilO' Mli>ry M ills. TralnlnK* nnd ofjiiip-

C /o TUniw.

' D l lV E a A r p L K S W A N T IC P -- W ill n a y *0.00 p o r ton n t plant for

•|Commnatlon C -prado , oooUum • im<l > 2 <i% oUIIn; 94.817 fo r otiltn: 92 .00 for

chop Block. O atz-A rncrlcnn Doby- O ralor, B a rlo w Bro«. Wifrn.

C l a s s i f i e d

F O It MAM; • Kir I'l'iini, ooolcliiK applci 1 nillo w n .t and .y, Ho. of Khii- iMirly. , • ' i

F O ri llALM - .loniaim n appln i liv Uio buiib«I o r ti McU Inud, Vj «ulln !•;. o f CHv Liinltii on KM/,. Aviuiuo.' Uiiilii ivtiirfion. I


nn- Av«f. I':.

HODM ANI> HOAIUJ, F ium ino hpnt, lUfi 2ml Avi*. W.oit.

a p a r t m e n t s f o b r b n t

MUcd CMtv N.'w Vorii Pol-ltl'lIO I'nrtliirid

•Halt t.iilu- Hjin FraiinViro TW IN l''A M .: Wlllliitoii . . Y.dlow.'ilon.’ ...

O UA IN TA H I.Rc m C A llO , Hi'pl. II tr.lIi—G raln njrf. •

Oi»«n IHkIi I^>' Mm

. .U i -.110

(lUhi'r rnpay llwin n r o b ta in IIhkh. JlO. CJood ujid rholnn alauKli I tin- u rw lo.imi ijy Ont. 15. Thu' Inv callU i: V«aItU-«, iditrni Wi^ liOO a t tb« flnlah., mi'lhodH of Ioann on iMin aro Him- Uni.. $ii rtnn; 000-1100 Hui., m .no- ■ ila r lo ll yonr a so . rx iirp t th a t lO.Jft; Iio o -Ja o o lb /,. S7.2.V10,t^O;

n;i will b<i miido n t r.n contji u indO-inflO lb»i.. .SK'JI).7ft: hclf<->»i. bri InHtimd of Hft. ' f ^nl>.7.^0 lb«., JO-H.nO; <!owii. ;:i.7n-'h o 'c o rn Inaun will bu m udc Ui I n.7R; .UuUh (yrurU nun oKcUutcdl.(inwlo, llU«ioli./ Irullunn, Towu, ' vi.alur^. S(1.5Uv4..'.n; i W h n it— nou’:

M ln fim .la , Mlu/murl, No* iitoi;U.rr an:l f«*rdftr r.ittlo . ntni'ra, , H.'pl. I,lUi' , 1 .flilT„ l.( 5 Oblo a n d .f lo u tb D a lio la, , Sr.O-JOftO Uim.. S-I.n0-5.50. i O.'.!. 1.0 (1% 1 .«7i‘4 1.0*1 I 07 y-%

nljih 'u w liicb no rm oliv ralim n ro rn I___ ,‘illOiM)^O.OOQUiiI(»w. nt.-ndv to | M av 1.07 * i 1 .IIK% 1,07 t , 1.07(lurjilufi. ;i5n; o iirly hiiIi' m ii.itlvn lambf'.i Ub r a t — T7 T

Officlain jiald tb« Iiljrbi'r Iciullnir 10.75 lU.wn;' b<t<d. boM around J7 |H ..p t. 1.05U, l Oiru 1.05 1.00 -j i-atf on corn w;i» n n o tb c r »itii|) to- 0<'fxl and cboino nJauKlitiT iib.M*i) Dec. 1.00'., 1.07')n 1.00l(i 1.07*.;/ ivanl ri-lliivliii>: dro iitb and Innibii: Liiinbn, flO lbs. d(.

blluj; f!ii'niiir« to n n rry ii S0.<0-7.50; owun. 00-150 IIjh.. 51.7^- .70*((,

V d i:onl HolWoliom S l ~ luor<lcn Co. .

- litri; I tlir<


F O R tlF .N T - Thvflf r(«nn mod crn furnlHhod ap t. IJunmilow Aptn


F irN K , In/r An.i-I t.'IX lovll-I tbrm nnh'o onmhlnu' fjnb‘1 iiipl •••litorlnjf I


juivt of iif'h tbu wlnt<

llirh ' e o r n ' niifpliiN

F i r s t Cjar o f P in to B e a n s S e n t D ire c t

i-75; S5..'i0-0.1.'5.

H In /; lanibn 50-75 IbB..

a i rid atciiL'Kli'iir lo >f d rf lr ltn and

o r Indrhlodn.'UH, iinil lown of Fun rii ot' munlidpiil p

P E R S O N A LW A N T IC D -2 pn«iicn«rra to

M lnnvlllo n r ro r t la n d . Oro. L< Injf Hopt. 6. Phono OlBa-J.t.

‘ L O S T A N D P O U N DI .O a T — T avannc* w riiit w a tc h

r r l i i a y ovonlni; durlnic parado . Sll- ' v o r n tudded n lac k lo iithor hand.

R ew a rd tf roturniHl to lOveninir •TlmoB O ffice.


e a rn a n d truokfi, Jn o . n . W hllo.

W A N TK I> TO U U V — JOOO .’arA tn .w ro f ik , irai'm nra’ A iito Hupply f/no I*art» D .'pt. I 'hono

F O Il HAtAi] - PfirA^fit 10 a<‘nvi ... With K<H»1 ImpnivnmcntH and 7-ijrii

innom.i toha

in Ibo l<i I Miopii

at III' ■ pii

room boiiBrt niMir town. JO,OOO..AI»... 10 aor/<H wItJiont Improvi'in'cnlii. M ,lM ._W r)to UoK H.'ia. C-o Tlini-H.

MpixMnl furrn barynln ii in UNudvi' Oro., Irlaho, Utojd, Tornin. Irrlun t* fid, n i t nvi-r, p ra lrlo . Improvod. u n h u p ro v rd ; ovnrbpad biw. UUora- tu ra , Im-imrtlal ndvlno. - M ontlon Htnto. .1. W. Haw, nd No. Paclflu UalJwa.v, Ht. P au l. M inn.

lainii h"">*- inifficlpnt t., mod.I fiCt'd


fripany, wli

Jllli Ib.t vlll:!-'- t v irtu a lly all (liop i'n illn jf It

W hiit in biillovrd to bo tho firn t r rif P in to beans o v rr shlpppd 1 ree l to thn trm lr from Idaho In .u’ rollinif tij 'IVnnniiicrto. acoord-

lo nudl.iy Drlncoll o f tho Hoim K lrvn lo r c o m p a n y ,' imrdbimnd tho ca r, payln jr

j:.vjw«-ih nfi.tin n htnidrod pnundfi.The tl.'ahir ,iuld t.h<’ bonnn ^ ra d - ,

(w| ,U. H. No. In, P8,4 po r n r n t . ' nnil l('.'it>‘<l 01 pnuntifl to thr<' b inbi'l. Thorn will bo a b o u t 40 nnrn ' of f'ln lon j 'row u horo tbbi iii'iii'on, In’ riitlina ti'a , l>«0 baK» m i ll biu'lnir' horn Buppllod’ |:row orii b.T.‘ thin nprln|f.


KAN 1’ll.\N <:iK <;0S O tr-n i MAN FflA N CIH CO , Snpt.

11 il’.lO • ll:>jra: H25, M ontly Jittn low rr; liip 172-175 Jb. Cnllf. lunl Tdiilio butcJmrfi J7.25; m ndlum u n ­d e r 200 lb, nnd tofl-ltio lb; lljfbl ii»'iit*i ?o,75: puiiUinR' »iow« j r down; t'oiiil .nm ooth llirbt wi«li;htn Plljriblo ponnibly 95.25.

C uttle; :tno. AuHv.t; klllInK <:la.w.‘» fully a tra d v lo atronjr: (lUullty »l<<‘rii. Im proved; 2 loiidH i;ood 000 lb. local fe<l I'tec^rii $0; com, lo niL-ii. van m. fcodrrn 91; odd m nl. hnlfiTii 91; iroo<l yoiinir oowii (piolrrl to around 9:i.50, nil'll. i:'i.75-9a,25; com. ninK«i

( f a t da iry typ<' 92,50; low c u lto n and outtijni .91-92.25; fnw bullii ,T;1,25; Hfiod olijrlblo 9:1,50-9.1.75

^ Z .Hflpt,


.H2.hi: .7fl •70%

OiifH-rnou’: Hppl. .ft-l'i D>'(;. ■ . .M 'j M ay ,54 UiO a f-— ohlJ

.71P.«.77‘f; .7H [,

.55 Ui



.55 It VrJ

H A IR D R E S S E R S** HI’K c U i r — N utiiraV 92.00 . Oil 91.B0. 4(11 3 n l Avn. liliiNt. .f^himn 5W5-W, M m. Uflanuir.

’ P O R SALE>.-M iBconanooiiaFO H BAUC — U«.rry cupn ii

oratim In any r ju an tlly . Thojio Moon'N.

F O R &AhV. — K lpclrlc n-plato wtoyo. Phono 1507. 410 flth Maiit, .

w m ilA V in ono O f 'i l ^ bn’HrclKli- tl«n «m th o OojHllnir t r a c t fo r caub re n t. AIno Mome of thfl bent btiva i» HouUinni Iiluho. S c h m itt JU W hjp- koy, Guodlnif, Idnho.

W A N TJSD M ISOELLAN EOTJB' W A N T R D -F * u m ltn r« rnpulrlmj

-----upholHt«<rln;f.-wln<low--Mhndn worliQrvna. Sc JJruItjy l*’iirn ltu n j Co Phono 55».

w a n t e d TO BUYiriiy anil fir.....YRMXnUJiJT fi

W. C. im rriH Oriiln Phono 0 .i84-Jl. r»i:iit F n o tn ry .


Paln tln ir-hanrrl'ijT.J20t:-J.

Kitlnominlnk'. I., Hhaffor.

lianjtlntf. UalHo 1 n»atcn an il pi Ici

^ r l a s ^ H i c T d

DirectoryKi'Hpoiislbla ItUMlnruK I‘'lrnw4

aiiit Proft-Mtloniil Orrit'.<'ii of

---------------g!w<» n mw----------------

L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T SMOTKJR TO <O N T K A C rrO im ~Hoalod propoaalh will bu rcmtlvfi^l

>>Y th ’n ConinilHHlonnr__a£_W orkn o f tho Htnto o f Idaho, a t tho offlr.n nf tho Oommliialtmw' PnhUii W orkn hi IIoIho, Idaho, until tw o (2) o’clock p. ni. on tho 34th ilaj* of Sf'ptom bflr. lJi:i4 / n r pi'floor ioif and ropulntlnc: Owiiloy lirld c i o v fr Hnako Illvor. 4 iuIIcn iiouth of H njrorm an on tlio Old Orojron Trail, know n aw U oconntriiction P io ji 'c t 251 In O oodinjr n«d 'Pvi'ln Falln Coimtli'ii.

PropoHalii w in . Im opcniHl ami publicly read a t tho alHtvo ntntod hour.'

I ‘lnnn, HjmclflcatlonH. fo rm of c o n tra c t. projKijial form n nnd filhi-r In fo rm atb in m ay >«* .oblalnod a t tb«* offlcn of thft B ureau of Illy b - way», Uobui, Idaho, and from J . M. .Tohnnlon, DiMtrlct liinjrlnecr n t Hhoalunu', Idaho,

■A charui* of tw o «liillarH (92,00) will bii m adn fo r eiich n.«t o f plann apii nprt!if(ralloiin. P ay m en t lo hi- m adn bV rlieoU pa.Ynl)l» to tho Do- p a r tm o n t of Public U'orUn. a ta tu of Idaho.

All propo»alii niiuil )>4> nindn on fo rm a 'furniahrd, an d m nat bn

jUuum I l)y th«* hl<M rr7 '~w ittr 'h tfi nanio luwl p<»Ht offlro addronn.

Tho rlfjb t IH ro(i«>rvi;<l lo rojiict all propoaalH, o r to iifluppt tbo pro- pnniil o r prnpnnaljCdoom iN rhnnt forbi> H tal.. of M a h o ............ ; '

,N<> propnaal will bn con«ldi‘red iiili'toi a fco inpan led by an ancujil

ablii Pn»ponu1 C im ran ty In nr am o u n t ofpuil to five (5 ‘.:.) por^ ti«-nl of thn to ta l an n n in t of tbi PropoKal. TblM K im nm ty m ay hr In tlui fo rm of (a I rajib. (b) a ri<i>- tllliid chock d raw n on an Idahn b an k an d niaih> |>iivabtf in tiir Commlanloniir, o r d-) a blddi‘i'<i iMJnil. .

I t la thf< purpoiKi of lhi< Comrnbi- alonnr to build th r Iniproveninnt In thn MhortoHt lim e conidaliuit w ith

„i;i)iiflLi'uaLlun, r. r. r. /i m » r y•mnlpMn'nt and an I'ffertlvn orjranl- »a tk in will 111' iniiiiiti'd upon.

.r, U, HTKMMMR, Dlr*'i‘to r of Illirliwoyn,

(!, K. MoKWLVinV. Commlanlon.M- - f P ublic Worli

fim<9200 of til

om i-m lll U-v\ .n u a in In lln

Htill bi T ll riiiu lt. lb rabn 'd bv n

iiaiieHHod lan l y n i r clly tri'jijiury. ,

•W biin Ib c vlllitjre Iro iua im r rn- ported a rc'Rorvn. of 9000 on band a t Mill cloHi< of tlift fliirai yimr, M ayor ClDorjrn H ydland and the vlllai'ii boiiril rulod iwraluNl u city lovy and tlu> 150 roAidenln o f Funli will pay no vlllaue tiixoft thin your,

fo r th r taxlfni* ora llo« b» thn fa c t th iit Ihn n^aynr-'Hn't hifirh>5or»^ l'*>’ Ihit vllluU" *>oard bopvp w ith o u t

kand conduct* m unicipal aJfairn im Ih i'lr own jirlvalo of/lcca,


Lonflon-M nlbourno D erb y N ot W o rth ExiJonno luul Rltjk,

_ _ B u y i _ Z o k K o r _________

T im e Table.‘ cbr<lule« of I

and n v 'to r H^nirra T w in Falln dally (offmHivo on andlo .n n :

AXmTKHDAM HMDuvkution and l l ir n lm rn fl In-

lu a lrv In i;«'nnnil dvrivc no nrnl Ibunefltn f«-<»nT'.'na’li conle.'iln an I'lin I l^ni|on'M<d)joUrno a i r la c u bchiid* I iilod fo r ()clo!)(!|; to An- , thony FoUk«T, Ihc n u l r h a lrp lano jdeuljfner nnd innnufnctu ier.

In an Inlerviow, l-'okker nald:. , I ” 11 In iruf' Ih u t Jiiicb flijrhln an

njr'-t lialm i tiio.-iii of CImrb.n A. I.lndbcijfh o r iItik: th»‘..ui:b A dm iral Itlobard R P yrd havo a c t

c‘l aji a kind of eye-opener tlii 'lr fiiinnallonal na tu i'e bi'Jpi'd t


KlIHtlNHInd, 5iM. leaven .............. 572. lisaven . ..........

W*s-t'l«nuid. 571. leaven .............. 5li;i, ItmwnH . . .

Koiinibouiid I>i»My f2«cept Ki

, ;i40. fro m WflllH. a r . ntO, fro m W oMh. ur V N IO N I 'A C ir iC J

ICuittiMmwiA rrlvenLoaveaArrlviviLcaViMiA rrlvrnr.nav«i.

Arrive,-I KoaveK ArrU’eii l.eav..-!! A rrlvea Ll

;er .lune 17,

r U N 1C

.. 5:55 a. III.. 2 :15 p.

.11:00 a.

. l:f.O p.

uniiiivr. 1:30 p. 111.I-. 2:10 r>.NTA«KH

.. 1:24 a.. 1:50 a. rn.. 5:50 p, m.. (1:20 p.. m;-10:,17 a. ni.10:22 n.

1 :1 0 a.1:15 a. ni-0:37 p. m.7:07 p. I II .0:25 a. 1(1.0;30 a.

Calvi'/i: Vt. fJleaily; , piudtajr*' nu-d, and j.'ood 340 lb. 94,50; Kood to obolce undnr 100 lb. vtm krii noiM nally fjuolcd lu 97.

.Sheep; 27.'i, Htnuur; 275 head a round 70-day local fnd 70 lb. aliorn' lambit 90, norted .'10 head inillit 9.1; Kood to cbolcn woolcil lanjbn fpiolpd to above SO,

POUri«>VNl> IJVK .^TOC'li IH iliTLA N I), Ori'.i Hiipl, 11 d ’.l.‘)

( U .a .U A .J-.aIl/iK a..aQ lL -J loldovurH- an>und 700, N o oarly iialca o r bldn.

lownr, o r bolow 90-50 fo r Iwat ll«^ht' wnluhlH. I ' .

C a tl le —100; caJven 10. IJovern- ont d ro u th ca lrle , 2,22.1; calvcH,

ino. HcutterecI oiwly ii,ile» ab o u t toudy. Fuw k huu atooiii, 9:i,50'

4.25; beof cown, ,H2.Hr.-;i.50: low c u llern a n d 'c u l l.u ii, 92-2.50; bulln, 92.75-.1.25; fo<wl lo cholco vonlorn. qilotiUilo $0.50-7.50.

Hbe.Np - - 1,200, InchKllnjr fln.1 lhroui;h- Hleatly. Marly «alrn g-ooii Oa-AO lb. lainbn, 95-5.25; com m on,

mnUK lb.! pnblh) 'W ! AN(ir.l*KK I4V K K TO 0KA p a rt fi-oni tbU , Ihojia'i I-.OS AWOli)I-F..S. Scpl. l l (r.i:»—

explolia a m of very little* d ire c t • Ho,rn — a<M). JfSti-onfr lo o llj'h tly IntrTenl. Tbuir advertl;iln>r valuo la ' h igher. I.uciila, 9U.00-7. no t In proportion to Ihii exponi.c ! C a tt le - HOO. Fml nteern and hnlf- »iul rink Involved.” <u-n iiboiit ideaily. Cown' uti'onjr to

rn ln li'reH le il hi H iifr [ 5o .hUditT,. Kcd Htccra and yuar-lA ikker doclarcd th a t nu wan n (4 Hnux, 95.75-«i.(i0. Grann Mteera, 95

p u rllcu la r ly InlcreHlcd In Ihu I-vOti-., dow n, l-'od ludfom, 90.‘J3, Orann holfora. 9'l.J'O ilown. C om m on t o ; ifiMid cown. 92.85 lo 91-25, C u tte r

95.1 Dec.U.Vf- Ropt Dec.MayItV i^olilisei)i. .h:\uDec. .B4

..irii Hurley— new „,,l!H ep t. .n iN

I>ee. .8 5 ^I M ay .«0 N

lli.r iry — (dd: Hept. .00 lu

.54 H




.K4 ',ii


.001.-: .01

<;AHII (lltA INCHICAGO , fli-pl. n II.MII—Caiib

jjra in :W heat No. 2 red, 9 l.07 rti; No. 2

hiird. 91.M ; No. \ m U cd.-.OO-iijI No. 2 m ixed. 91.11,'

C orii— No. t yidlow. RlH-82fi; No, 2 yellow. fln.,^-82c; No, I w hite . f t7 u c ; No, 2 whitP.-Hrt%-«7c

O a tn —No. 2 w hile. RH.-^-ftOi^c; No, 3 w hito , 05'Jio: No, 4 while, 550.— ny<r^^onc.------------------------- —

U(irb’v ~ 9 1 .2n .“ iFrTJry^rnlfHTjrTirBOc^c:-------

T im o th y — 910.50-lH.

1+------- ,----------.............................B U T T E R . E G G S '

I.OM A N (irL K .4 L0.4 ANOiiir-ica, Hopi. 11 -

P u tle r ; inx tra 2H; prlm o fhvitn 27; nlaniliirda 20; under (.'radon 2ni(i.

1?3kk»: IJ ir^o SO, pp 1; modhnp im chiincod; oinali 10, up '.-j,

HAN V llA N O ISC O SA N rr iA N C ia C O , Bnpt. l l d’-l’l.

- H u llo r: D2 .Mcoro 27; 01 ncopo 20!-j; OO Hcoro 20.

E krth: I-arj.'ii 27 l i ; mndlum 24'.y: immll 10»«.

,1. I. i4nM Co............................... ^Chi., Mil., Rt. P au l & P acificChryHlor* C orp .................. ........... JCoca Cola ......... ................... .No nCom m orclaj Holvnnta ............ !Commfin A SouDiorn ..............Oontlnflnlal Oil nf Dnlaw arn ., 1 Corn P roducta . . fn u P o n t dft NnmouiB .............. JJilu fltm aA -ttoaak

NICW VOIUC, Ropt. 11 li’.lll- Tllo Htock - m a r k e t wnH extruirlnly

, rajfjfwl today, w ith no dcflnilo ■ trend PNtabllHhml lu fivo houra of

trtidlnK- •Ht«kik nnlra^ today approx im ated Hharnn ajra inat 700,000 nharnH yonlnrdUy. C urb aiilen wei'o ,15:i,000 HbiirtiH UfjiilnNt- 1.10.00I)

■ slmrim yontorday.Dow .lonoH pre lim inary cldnlnjr

avora(fn» iiliowod ilndiiatrlal K0.25,■ o ff 0.02; riiKi-oiui :il.2 I ,, U|) O .ll; n tllity 10,5H, off 0,0.1.

L o ca l M iirk eU

(lon-MrU)oi po in t of viewufaclii

r n c c from if an auplam i nnut

I N7iT/i'V , TO ri.- \IM A N T rtN o llca la 'lie roby jjflven th a t i:

ti'HCt w llh Wni. JtimpH nf Tw bi Falln, Idaho, coverlnjf llii' conntru< tlon o f roadlx^l. dralnnMO Htru< tiirrn and ci'UmIumI (rruvtd Nurfai^- ln;{ and a road m ix bllnnilnm ] trn a to d wurfneo on O.OOl ■mllea of tho Havvlntith J*ark lIl«hwuV

b h o e r e p A x r i n o

m i t O y o B K ~ i K M * d H i s 3 i f ^ Cobbllni;—Wn rebuild your nbn to n t ypuf f fo t ' U idlfa work

• ■peol*lty, W« aew nn iMdnij. Twl»; Falla fiho« ,R«palrlnir. la’i Bho*

ahoiM VVMt Phnnit SON. .

T O P ^ ^ O D Y W O R K SFOR >8ALB~W INbaH i MLD

dooti glM i. A U b top* and cur- tftUi'-r«pAlr, canvaa and cahvaK

• rA[Mi)rUg. Thomcts Tijp & llody

.O P tP M X T R lS T^^iLlUfAJii’“’a “‘'RlDYNOIJ>H,

1| aao W «t»'^vcDua South.

S T g N o S i v O T o

. a ?Jn o u n o b m b n t 8M ffraved o r

roi^iLudK bllum lnoiiH -trcalK d m at on tl,041 mlli'H of tho Huhl-Clover llltthw ay , kiuiwu hh II, K, W. P iiijno l NRH 154 and NIIM IHl In

.TvyJ?am i Hocnptnd on H nptenibor A, lo:<4,

,A ny purnon. com pany o r c.oi'- po ra tlo n w ho him fiinntiihed (alWir. m atnrlalH o r mipplleH iiiiod on tlin w ork , p aym pnt fo r w hich IniM nn t iMMiri tnhii«i. Hhall riln w ith the Dit- p a r tm n n t o f Public WmkM, |Io Iki<, Iitalm,. w ith in n in e ty (00 ) dayn fro m Utp abovn ilatn, an Unmlzcdi

latnm nnt <if hU c la la i fo r all an iountji du n and un p aid by th« c o n trao lo r.

Fftliur® o f an y e lu lm an t to flln hlM cinint \v lth ln n lnnty (tH» dayit fro m tho ab<iv#> d atn mIiiiII connil- tu tn a wulvitt' ari airaliuil th« iiuri*- ty.

a. K, MoKJCLVEV. Cornm lM innnr o f P u b llr WorkM,

k new ^ In a tlo m a te r ia l w hich m a y h« uaed In m aklnfr .fountain

buttani^ anfrVtovoUlAa la madn

N tU llilW K H T K U N HTAOKS KaHlboimd

nveii llo i'e rnon Hotel l;:iO p, u.WeHtbouiid

aveii ItoK'erHon Hotel ,'<:15 p. m NOUTIIKIDI': N1'A(JKM

rivea ..............................1 0 :2 0 a . mm-iTi----- — — -■ ."T n n - 'fn tr

TVMN r A M .‘4-W K IJ>:Iivi'ii ...............................10 '::i0 a. m,riven ............................. 7:45 p. m,


N orihbauiu!T^'nv/'.'r

“ I am qifite ” i».i Mni.i■'■tbar iHany o ther ' m nnufno turnra a liare’ my opinion In tlil« ronpoct."


Raiijioni Difloovor PJan Uucloiin f, In H alting' F ood Foniyji

A t Yollowutono

-nULLQ.VV.S'mNl'^ pA.n.>c^vu>

( A rrlvrTrTT)n"i~m

lit Ki'fcbum n i’3 p. in ) Hoiit)tbaunil

.................. ii;:iO p. m:n U elcbum a t :i:;iO p. m.)

,M.i:r -.H arried by nnceaiilnir raldii [o f bun i'ry bearit. Vpllow',Nlono park , ranirerii ad n d t they art* nUimped w hen It coinna lo atoppiJijf Ilruln'ii pi'U y jiilfwrlni:.

The raii;ror»i ncok a w ay to din- -aoum^ri*—owr-fri*nfHy—hliick—brtttfir uml to - drlviv-lhum - uw u y -w lth o u t Inrilollnii: ]>urinani’n t lu jurloa — IberiOiy Huvln^ thn ronlottlM of well-filocked lardorn. .

T ry KKpnrhneiil P arl( UilntforJi ’‘a u n " W ylie an<l

F ra n k Chlldii thou i;b t they bad f.m nd Ihe

Ur«dPH, 91.25 to 92,75,-, Shcop — 700. W o o l e d lambu- nlrortj;. Wof)lr"d nhniTi Innvba hljflmr lyical fed nhorn lanjbn, 9« «0-7. Me <llmn to kxxkI wiKilcd lambii, 95,25 0.75, _

O.MAIIA UVK.STOC:k OMAHA, Hiipt. 11 l|'.l!i- IloKH -

M,500; m ark e t 2.5-4l»c low er; top, 90.75; bulk. 90,n0-(l,70. .

C attlo ,7.000: m a rk e t Hleady; bulk idocrH, 9l.7ri-K.7.'i: lielfnni, .9il.7n-7.50; viial top, 95.

Hhccji 10.000. Halablii au |)p ly75 Mit feeiU'rn, I.iinibn opmnHl

aiium d iiteiidy, ICarly nalcK and bldn > 'o ted nhtjfo lambn, 9n.75-0.25, »iomn held hlirhor; iiurly bldn ao rt- < il natlvoH, 90.25, held hltrhcr; owun ilown fm m 92,50, Good and cbolculillllliLictailllt-lunilia^flirLCO._____

DKNVKR UV K H TO riC niCNVFJl, Hcpl- ” ur,i:)-catllr

-2.4.50, M iirkot Htoaily, dull tii yeak. nocf atccra , 94-7.(10; cown nd hoifnm, 93-7; calvon, 93-(l.nO;

. ______ .7>n o rTIM K A PPO IN TK I> FO U

PltO V IN O .IV IIJ., Kti'.I n th « P^^>U^lt^J C u u v t «»( T w lb

Fall)* C m in ly . H la ln o f Tilaho,m u t t e r , o f ..lIlL ' -CHtlLlC l i t

A nna tJa lberlno MohnddL W atern. Peiionaeil.

PurHMiint I 'i an o n le r of tiv Jud^'e of Nald Court, nuido on lh< 11th liay of HiiplemlMir. K»:f4, notice Ih h crby ulvon th a t M ondav, ih« a i l h .d a y i.if ..MeplnmlM'r, 1034.n t Ton o'cloek In. thn /oronoon of Ridd day. ill th i' C o u rt Rooin of Hi<.ld Court; n t tln’ C m ojiy Court»u»uno In th e C ity of Tw in Fuli«. C ounty of Tw in FallK, Idaho, huM been a p ­pointed aH thn tlrnn and piqoe fo)’ provintr tlif* W ill i)f Httld Anna C athorlnn H rh ink it WatnrM, d«CA«a

!|( iHiarii, van;*- n» 2 l<» n yearn, w ere ib jrc ia h>r thn ex-

llojfH—1,200, M ark e t Hleady, 25- ......... bulk. 90,25-40< k»wer| toji,

iV55; ttiiflkinjr I'ljrn, 92-2,50.

OKNVJCa, :m Q [) , f.tUl


ii'i’i Mhei'p

If A. Lhim

hue In n.dc-;:led‘ perinu 'til

'Dm fin d boar wan firod tipon at a iliHtani'fl o f 25 feet. T he tiny li'^i-inch RUn ”a b i i O H i n c a p e d ' fi'<im WyKo'N luind, 'rh n ^^aa bpHiyrd tite bead ami ono aldo of tli« bea r, but on ly Hlarllcd him by thn loUd r a - ; port, nnd ho lopnd aw ay aUiwly. |

P a a r No, 2 nti;olV»il t>m full <diarKi> In hla faoH a t u diatano(\ of tfii fe» t. A t th« dntonution (^f .l'br 12-RaUKo Khoil, thtf bour Jumpwf, ran a nliort dUUuico nnd thou qulln um 'oncornN lly rntvirnwil to tho

oAl Hurajni ho hud b«*T» *atlnjr.M atlinr ITnworrled

F in a lly u U -y a a r^ U m o th er wua........................... ...... .»pjx»«uhod. MiMit' aJn ip^ antlowl

id, and fa r beu rjn ir th e appM catlon, li" r w ith in flv« fao t y '- t h o apot, H klnnor fh r thn Inaunncn i w hern Wyli* atixx! w ltn tbfl lAat^>( lattcrw lu atam e n ta l-y ifua um». Chllda stood by 'fcrlth a

w hnn and w h o rr any nnr oatod m ay aVpAnr a n J «i

D utod Hoptnmbflr | l t h . 1034,M, C, BLACK."

to p h o to g rap h raaMlta. Tho’enUfed li)nob -und

Inokori Inaulrlng ty^aV W yn*. ‘ •■IkHim,'' wAnl tha t»)r-«a« K^n.

- .^ u t •

Hkiw, WoHl bidH f a t ranL'o lambn 25c hijrhor; n a t iv o ’ lamhH ateady ; 1 imrtod loud ir«i)il to clMtliin Colo­rado ranu«' iUhvbN, 9d-o.Q5; clioibn held a b o u t 9(1-50; na tlvn laniba. 95.25-0.50: mi^d. lo {fowl vanun rw rn,-- »i;flo-1 ;70t ' Rood " In ' oholco lota 93,20; i>httu fondlnu: lambH Hlnady, $4.25-5,25,'^ 1 load 74 lb. wiu-o fMaby an d 9^,50.


• •, lloiiTi qH4. Unov«r}ly lownr. Unal drivolna, 9U-75: mixed klnda, dow n; puckin ir aowi*; 94.50.

Oattip—25D.. iltaady a t MondHy'a advanofl, I^ t« Mon. and toilay nj«>il, and s:o<Ml drlvoin ataara. $3.35-4,25; dalry-brad g:raaa«ra. 93<AO down; n»m. and m ^ . heifarA, $2.50'9,2fl; modi and good, drivtdn oowa,; Jow ar rradoN, $1.50-2; bittla, $2.3Q-3.70.

f |h e e p -4 ,0 3 8 . I.^1a Mon, 3 doii- blAa-81 ib. Id a h o larnbM, K<Mxi frM g h t'b o n a flt, a t ra d y a t 96.50; 3 dot^ lea 'O fi ib. ftfixlora, $n .2fl;'ahort det;k 70 lb. IdiUioa. 90.60; ai>QUt daek BO lb. lrucked»Jn Id a h o latnba, $83Sr'K<)Vt; $4 to $4.R0;' I 'doublaa 143 Ib, lila iio t'WCH, Trnij^ht bano-


P O T A T O E S 1------- --------------- !----------1--------------4>

WJTATOKH(Furnl/ibnd by Budlnr, Wii|r<inor

■«<nd C ontpany)-*,Oi:l—d*dii[m.>i,-91.6fi------ '

C H ICA G O rO TA TO K K "C J llC A a o . Snpt. 11 (IU!1 - P o ta

Huniily n iodcra tn ; domnml " UnL' i r i ih ir m iu - k n l XIrm

I) Cobblera 91.35, Trl- u m pha $1.05, com bim itlon uraifn 91.40.91,50; Micbitfim Cohblnrn 91.25; MlnnnaoUk Cobbtern 91,25: ICarly Olilon 91,15; WiuihlnKtoii Uiuaietn 91.75.

A rrlvaln 41, on tra c k 214. nhlp- nu'nlH 337. '

- / H tH lA RNI'JW VOItK.- fJepl. n . m i i i —

Huirar fu tu re s cloned itnohanifod to 3 po ln ta h lu h rr. U|Mit 1.00. Bnpt, l.HH-.OO, I>C. 1.02, J a n . l.OO-.OI, M arch 1.03. Miiy l.lkl-.07, Ju ly '-'.jm^nt7"Balc« ar.lKfTTonH.

n icc tr to Anto-Iwltrt ...........JClootrln P ow er & L i|fh t ,Fox F ilm .................... ........Gonoral Wlnctrlo .....G enera l Fooda ..................G nn n n ilM o to rn O oodyoar T iro Tnternntloniil T arvnn ter . T ntnm ailonn) Tnlnphnnn .John;« M anvilin ..................Knmiflontt Coppni' ..............IvOnw'a Tno........M onlB om rry W ard ...........Nanh Kfotorii ..N a tiona l D a iry P roductn .N ntinnal DIutliliira ...........N ew Y ork C en tra l ...........P nukanI M otorn ...............P a ra m o u n t Publlx ...........Penrm. It, U, ..r. c . Pnnnny C o....... .......

OHR adio C orn.......Ilnvnoidn Tobacco. II ......Bnfnwnv plornw ............Heara’ nonhurk Nhnii Union Oil MlmmonN Co. ...Boconny V acuum ..............Bouthnrn PncifUB tandard H randa ..............H landard Oil o f Calif. :....H lantlard Oil o f New .lernrT cxaa C orp...........................T rana - Atnnrlca IJnlim Carhldo * Carbon ., U nion 1‘aclflo .Unit(Ml A irc ra f tU n ilo d ' Coi"p...........................U, a , Btocl, com m on ........W a rn e r n ro s . ..W catom Union ...................WnaUnghoUHti.Ioifcirlo .....

fTTWiTOTWorth Co:

• 20-li . 2H14


Thn foliowintf m arkot <juotalionM u n correc tnd dally I'V Tiialio Cvflnlnfr—T lm an-und -r«prr.nnnU thc_ ivrriijro prlcoH paid, aocordlnir lo tho bniit avnilabln Inform ation . Tiu» pricen nro niiblnot to chnniro w ith ­ou t noticn by thn dnalrrn. howovnr. fleadora arn urcnd lo w a tc h thn

;lonal m arkotji w itli w lilnh thono local m arko tavv lil rian and fall.


m iYINO VUICiKH ‘ Wlimit

Hoft w hlto ................................Ilcunn

I m a rk n t ntnady.U. « . No. 1 O, N.’a .U. R, No. 2 O. N.'n .

. B. No. 1 Hninll Ilndn..9.'M«-93.25 U. S. No. 2 Bmall Undn.-93,f)5-',«3.l5 ,


...93.OO..9.I.IO. 9 2 .0 0 .93.00

W OOLnO BTO N , a o p t. 11 (iu:i— Cahloa private ' oononrna In th o 'B o sto n

lol m a rk o t r«portod prlcoa a lit-

tra lla , nocnrd io ir to tnday 'n p o r t or U io'U. ll, aurloultuVo'tJiJ.' p a r tm u n t

A u n tra lla n woola u ro .quotod fo r im p o rt Ht HO-dO contJi. acoured baaiu, inndod Uoatoh. d u ty ' paid.' HJjoit com hlntt 4Hb, 70a an d -g o o d litU .^nnd.inir rtili<rnil»

N, Y. r u i t n KXOIIANGKA«?»o#Juttn tfupf’r P o w e r ......... . 2C ities Snrvloii, oom m on ..........nileclHn Bonit A B h a r e ............ JOt'.F o rd M otor L td ............................ «B w lft * Co. .............................. 18 •Unitoii F«>un<lcra ................ %

IN V IW TM K N T TUIlJ^TS ' (l‘'urnlnlind by Budlnr, W o^onnr

and C onjpany) 'Fund. Inv 91.H7l‘'ut»d, T ruul, A .......................93,025Corp, TruHl ...................................91.70Qimr. Inc, 91.20Hinnti OwnerB ......................... 905,75Fed. F a rm M o rt............... .....900.125


H a n d y * H a rm an quoto b a r allvei' (p e r ounc**);. Now York vcntu. off U oon t; nowly mined ulljflblo fo r tre n a u ry purcbaao (H ‘,i centn, .unchanKCd; I^ n d o n 21 li . off l-lB penny.

PintoM.U. B, No. 1Mill reiHb*

■an. 100 IbH................................Drnn, 500 Ibn............., .............

>r,U food. \ 0 (V >V>«. ..................S tock food, 500 Ihn, ..................

P en llryColored bnnn. o ver 4 lb«..........Colomil honn, uni^nr 4 Iba.......I-e|rhorn hcnH. under 4 Ib/i. ...

, 01^ MK»»orn henn. 3Vj Ibn, up ....... J 3 'i Cokirnd roaalorn, ovnr 4 Iba. .,

171’, Colored hrollers, l'.4-3 Ibn......jOiji I.^jfl» 'm broilora. l i ; Ibn. upn il ', Color-ed fryern , over 3 Ibn.......

. 42'^i, Oiii cockn ....................................2 1 'i.i, Hlair-M •.......................................... ..............

. 51/, Prikluee

. 40 n u l t ii r f a t ......................................., 04 F kKH. nx tru ............. ....................

13% W h ite r moiIlubJ ........................ 3% S ta n d a rd s .................................... 33-((, Itiikorn .........*................................

4 ICgKa,- utjgradod .......................naiJi Hw«ln311. Common alfalfa: ................ .......4Tl^ R cV -riilovnr'—.T.'.V........ ...............





..... Oo






..921 - -

■ PrttatoftHRuaaolJi N o. 1........... ..............75-jJtuaaotn No. ....................... 5.^0

Onlann M ark et nnnnttlnd.'

WVwterk Choice liirht butchnra. IHO li)

310 poundiiiM ..... ;....... :............JO.'J.TO vorw .dght hutchorn, 210 to,

250 potind'era ........................... 9f ,75O verw eight hutchnrn, 250 to

300 p o u n d o ra ........................... 9^.25U n d frw o lg h t hutcliera, 125 to

100 }>oundnra ..'.rtr.r.— n.T?;..... 94,75P a c k i n g ;»o w a, gooil 250

H RNVKH M KTAI,.uxi;i.-«uv<»r,

41>i-',_; IcjiO, 3,70.

'/■wenty-nix thounam l p 0 p J o- ---- ----------- ------..tlu

Paul'H C athedral,- Iw<.n''‘Lono..UiTiu..untler-tl\p.

ru o f-o f t i l , ......................................don.-'

pnondera upHtcora ....... .'..........HoiforH ................Fi'>. cowaVnal .......... .........S p rin g lamhfi ...

.,,93,25 ...92.00-93.00 ,.92.00-92.75


...92.00-93,50 ........;...$4.50

Londfos, S t r a n g ie r P ro n o u n c e d O k e h

. o i i r c A o o . so p t, l i m ill— JimLondon, hoavyw n(ght wrontlir»L' chnmpIOn i h acm e ala ten , 'n n d IjU fB trnng lo r) tow ia , fo rm e r, title - holder, tdduy wore pronoim cnd phynlcaiiy f i t fo r 'th o h ” title- bo u t,

.iit..W .rlKlcy._ field . gim t,.. 20. .un<)r . exnm lnntlona by the fliinoln atiitn ath ietiu co>oinlw<i(Jn phyaUilun. '1 '

P la n n in g Im p ro v em en ts?If you uro, botir in mind, thu >vo ha,vo u comploto

line of Sherwin-Willirirna piiint, both, iotovior nnd ox- terior. Age'll bo fflad to givd you an cutlmato, '

— - ^ W t t S O l W - S T d M i ^ — ^

n p o rt at 77-NO oonta, I I, lunilml Doaton, d u ty i

t|uotod fo r . ............ ..................Hcoiirod biiHla, lunilml Doaton,

l a E A T i Spaid. A m eric an buyera are no'tl ahow lng an y In to rea i In ci^m blng. woolM, e ith e r fo r im port' <u' fo r i th e ap o t dom'oatlo woola In Hoa* l4*n. •


SM A LL R E D S .O U I IIAU^ UOIXAK FOUND' MT. V E R N O N , O. (lUb -T. . li.

,lUmiuona,i Jr.'a. ym ing - t |i |u g h to r ] kickw l hor toca over • tho gw)und , n e a r h er homo, found aom othlng brigh t, looked a t ll. nho th o u g h t It w aa u bott:ie caj>. b u t It pi<ov«>!l a h a l f '^ U a r nUnlMl In llitb . THo oola c a rr ie d a L ib e rty head ort tha iiAiverao an d tho aaglo ao d a ta ra on the .roverao akie. T he fidjrOf am ootb, benra tWe inkirlp tlon , “F t/ ty C(mi;a

a H a lf D ollar." ■

I’EAYBD MAFU .1 ONflOT, Maaa. (UI!t—Wbed flr#-

nten a rr iv e d 'a t 't t ia h o m a h a r e 'l l Mra. Alice UoLean, ah( ejtplatnM th a t thoro ^raan 't.rea lly .any r ' but thfct her tandlord: r


$340$5 .35

.-.Ili'illi , ' ||||||> ( |' VI'I'.V Iiuiiilil.i', Ilim 'rn V ,

.n l i r ’ Ih 'Iim n iu H ic l J 'in l i l m i l iii' l i 'l( .|, |u .iw in l u ' i w '

. HfiliMK,, l^ i i i i 'i i i l l i i r i n ' ni’«.’ !i,'r;i! lii,,«c'i'Vu ,vmi. Xruliii .

Ilihi y iilii' iMiii’lii.linn .liiM i'iliiiiarli'M ,

•< r w « r to ',y » u r ■ ' ‘ ..........................................■■ -■ ,V0B


T lK ’K iliiy , f l i 'i> lo rn b ( ir I J , ID .T l


IhAH O MVrONINO T 1MK8 . TWIN IDAHO rugd tiuvcu

By William Pel-iruson

iH C O N Q U 6R 0R . >0P PE R U , ' SM OO HIS H O R S6S WtTH SHOE& O F (? O Z Z > A N D S / l i / £ A . . „ B E C A U SE O P THE CHEAPNESS

OP THIJ&B /V^BTALS.COASnARCi; TO / /? O A //,- Crmtuwy;


n IB14 av Nr« Hcnvic/ihc, ‘


O U B b o a k d W o h o u s e

e r ~H \M -R O L U N \M-

^ T H A 't ■BELO N G & TO I'AE,--A,n ‘/vM 5 W I T H O U T E M O U 6 H

S ^ O < ■TO 'BUV fA'SELF- A ’BOX OT- v e N C lL ? . ASi' K P /M R - O P BLACK G LA $>SESt/~H LlM 'P .—T W ' N K H E ' t i

U tnB -JSA V ^fer-lS -A -C Q U PkA -

-HKV,- J A K E / — ^A U N T '

. MAP:T1-\A NAr;M'l'T / T H O S E PAM CAKF.a V n o 'BE TO R .OO TU .

iv rlG R A N D , S O "BUY Y S E L V AHA,V-TaA,LEP..OR £ ,J K P IN ./ ';---- N O , )

, NCfT l-nN^ r - T r tK T S U f F W O U L tH 'n k 4 ^ ., ■Bits K -DlbAE O N hAE ' —


11 C ^ A N Y a M I L U O N W R E ;/ W O ULD E N V Y YOU VOUR

U/ A P P E :T lT 6 ,v 5 A .K ^ /■


• ' / o » * l / IC K r / VJHV UOM'T

VOU COML/( - ‘ \ • A I J ' L Its JM , . „

■ \ w . SH A D 15 .

CAZLi= D A T G H A D e \ A M G O I N ' T C P . B C

R IC jH T H liR la - ^ M ~ r p F T i r - iS



. r ' w-•f' •

l o o k i m ' a h e a d

■i. .7. .

,i.— ------ . -----Vi4y«

CT.fV.Wii.U/\>AS» _______j M M» ^ IV

Tr<m IM m oj|t cor«mo>j Jo ii'h In llu'fie djiyH. bu t It In m>t fn hcifouiKi In lliK oiirtli 111 u ii'iikhlA-fil'itn. l^Unrro f(iiin<l ' k»I<I fillvAr In ui'oUt iibumlntici) hi ru i'iiv iiiii ti'oiinuru' t'onniii, In ono ra id , lui tJol/Ad $4,rir>0,(in0 -in pu ru • '


S 1D £ O L A N O £S By Goorgo O la rk



___________________________ B y O r a n o

P D A N T lC A ftfj H K; w e l l s ,-rn A T AWD?^ E A S V AGAiki 6 0 TO MIS Q.USCUE; T H b6R ^P6>M 6L V .


Dl6^0U0Afe60, UCWtO. OOWKl A»iO OUT.

n tN > f to ■ QOSX

. wc-HAT3TOOT;-----



Dt -bMAVa UU 6CAMP'. WV4’T V.'f.TTll'i'QWUWOVJ^j AU-'e.OUT >kOW .KV; —AWVtXCHtO ‘\\A 'bh.C.M

B y M iirtlnVOU 6 tT OOX 0\' KW WAV ,ViOW . 'D0060W\X... 1


r°X '

\o to vutv6Ut«Vi'ADt. AKAVJIW’ A. UV aiAX KiOlAS,*bC«KVA •'•- ttVoQt. Vbox 6\X6

••• AK-i .VOO MO^jT W OQ\/ HNQDtc;i ■V.vjV.Ci ROKi»^W:.'. VOLi ACCOMPuO' ,' •\A».y>ic.o ...... , __ I

ILLVvv 0 0V CWsi ■\o ^CjcA 'W . tvW- VOU\V/vUV. '»•' «-AV: • . ,

\ CAViX X9V.V ' A X l VVOUJ MtiCU WOli MfiKVi 'Vo lAVi . ' i iO O ' C< , ' K J O O K i f , V-^CV;0'T VOO AUO V.i'VUV. .UAO C AQtO

• j‘jaur-.u xoA\iOor MVi _

W tW u ....* V UMoUi,w t “xvuviu w o o 'n r

OWt\.\.~AV ’ WAV KiA

Xi‘u’ AWVOU PQoaO OV V o o . COWViW.


; . ; “ Nnw*^(inrioinb<'r, it'H <ipslbi|;\u{i d Jut o f mon<>y to send yoj to o iohool w ith 'H uoh unclnl'ndv«ntnK ofr,. ao you m ust •tw t 3>ih

U«ry your}|Pl?.<rt ,I j o o U n , , > ■ . : .............

An Exiled MateiUOnWONTA^ iX WlM> I* th» I'CIermliti woman.

I f t T o l m l t A t f l . IilTo^riHev#. !

• 'I I M lnor/onte.- • i. 14 MIfrolie. ' • KGorpK*. ••'

1 7 .T o .trM s l) ra tR .

■ iflfl, mo.', ■Il Oolt i t i i i t f .

n y n * 'p i r a 3 n B l g ^ ^ E'?■, i s i i ' j i rj;-iii'i i l * M l i » j

mjiM •IF-’: 3 :^ um n S W n iS SW H !:1H 71 n t 5 i i i M i-C 'i ! ^ h :r r t hil.'illM nil('r'r'4r.;

........ icoSWi^-' 4p!lb,i!ompaay; 4S T 0 o lo td wUtt

IC n ha livM iio r t 'o f t h a . y n n r

w itli fiA r'huiw____ IwnjLat.rrrr'..n a i l ) .IRRAa Wnll.8A NothlDK in o r*

, ._ thR O ..:,: --------31 LUlIn Imll nf-

inodininn. . ' 23< li‘0wrt rntil'iio. U A niitia iiiau . a« Nay, .

. .a7 R iilH a ry . ' - '

'f ,. ,aoptrW« n - 81 T o «lopftrt >)y

-------- ‘ '4Mlnortl«i.rlDi(.,3T.o<Hnili.Uli,

proop^n* ,rf4 UaAkV fl R olU -nt fllnr. s t M ohar

'■ »YW " '

W e'R R SA PB , KJOW, OL‘ P D P M e n ./ j. TH CY V E L O S T ,^ Y E A W . ^ ^ a o u o t b a i l /I K N Q W » B U T *N l.e '5 <50 / WE'LLL o s c OUR SKIN, b L 'f r ;^ ;^I p T W E Y P IN D J m p / / f '

______________ _____________ B y H am ltnVOOXY. YOU'KB a i-WCLU OUY. AN'

» o w e MY LiFC t o v a , e y r r w / • n o t CrOlN' A N Y W H E R E ^ '

^ . - r ^ l.-KWtVU- -i t / i knevv \t /

&UT, 0bV . OH Y O U 'ff i? O O N N A *



BOBO / ,

aALESMANiBAMLUCK, S g l ,L lU 'fH O S e PUPS o w .

TH"stREar CQRweRs,CHiei=( TH6V'«e 1------ -■• - - - t f Vf>RD-«J[-------- ■

WtTH 'E M ?OOT tw TH' e ^ i f Vf»RP — OJHAT'M f / 3LAVIN' RJDDLBG!

OONNft DO W r ■ ■“ “

AiU, \ PO M 'T \ PB SL LlWe

^ w ' a p M D o w w m H f l ia H T b a i - l ' s s u r e t h i w q ,P O O L B O O M O f t v e M B ■ T W 'c u e T H A T R O S C O E f J E S TVA 60T ' S O M E P O P P IB S F B R S A L E . F O L L O U ) M B '

- L e *S S E E T H ' L IT T E R —

T I I E R i ; VA A B E ! 11= T H A T A I N 'T A L 0 T T i 5 ) . L ( t T 6 t e V . ' l i'M CUCKOO' THOSE PUPS ARE j i r s ' Pud ,2 'rrw T nl>

- ^ _ D ic w iiw s - f ^

'M BftiUtatlaTAv 48 si’ V - J o n V p o U c * . ‘ •«You

x m n v m ^ "

l»>ha stie iii tha

.danghtar of « , 48 B«Mina.

f i r

•m u v e c w . py

M M p p a a . A ^ 'H i p . y B r a ^ ^'-il..-,,

W ,r .

i 'u \ r?|m !!


» ' 2

r w isT p ^ A io v rrm F N ii•P4W MoBMINfl*..! F o i ^ ', ,W^BHB‘BA^P^IW8.H» '


O f f •!««. Itew^- ^CA<m « • tW*IMABB„ E ? ■’ /T H W t VW T WiANy

/w*niRWTHi«,C*W»H' CM*»U« ^ X A rnm w« c h w o s d ®

l a i i l Q n „ n » .iiiiy » i

vPrrs*'T "m

n ^ a B j j H H R ' ' ' '

>WHAT 'A' .

u 6 m s.-M


. '■,VTl..7h


IflflffiR W N E W i i l E l

.T u o K il i iy , 11.

E m u ln to i PavtB of T y n u n ilcu l Pa/ic'Bt Syatoni, Amiortu •’


i*ini.Ani=:J.M nA, .'u i)L n ' l i'i0 ‘>Vormil»'ll't 1>V llir. . ll IIIbci'H iilKillxhr'l iiixl ty n iiin y «‘n c t -i*<l AVhoriJV<ir iUiclnllJitii

‘ o r CommimlJini lum tiiU' ii "v.-i t l f ntnlo,- fo n iio r I'rcnl<lfiil Itoavi^r iiiiy.'i III iM) a i l l i 'l ' ' |iiibl ^ l l‘ l toUai' ' llii- ' J-liitiir.lay IOvdiiIiii: P<»nt;

t i n ' i - x a m p l L i a . i j f...TH'li Invr-

Iiuxj," iiuyii .Mr, Ik iovrr, “ 11 In' <>h- vIouB Ihiil itJiiny a ' Di.'im ;ii ii 'm rci f V > p r r i i r t i l i i ( * l r t ' l f i i ' M o - i i ' l l f J w i l l v - In tlH' <\t I'.ljiTly. Jml.t l i u t t l i c y i i i 'K r n u i l i i t l i i f ; ' | > ; i r t i i <>r 8 ; » i n o o f o t l i . T i i y i i l . ' m n w l t l iD i o Jm)J)o o f u i i o r - i l n i j i ^ ' C . o v c r j ’ f m i i i Ihn li’|ir<**iiiloii."

llrtl<>r, ir« <'x-3liif|.'M n ' l l ' f nn«l f-r.Jiiii

..m<!nnin‘«'« riom hU. .1ii.(ni!;.n:ni rfljfitnnntuMoii, n l m n r v i n j r ••piyjpor antUm in v<'lli’r o f ill;ilri‘iiii

—U-lAiiufuuUii-Uii! -O tja l-i’ialCJii-Ol. tho t n i o AiuiM'Inun .'iynli'in. . Nn A m orlcun hJwiiiM k<i liiiniriy <n'

hii l.‘« wIIIIhj' lo w irlc ."CiillltlK I''**:, • 'rrr.irm atul mvit.inn

o f r tu r ' o ldur vvjriilulory iiavii In bonUlnR", ro in ino ijlty iit#r;l(

■ m arkotfl. irnniiiK jrtiitioii. • nntl n a tu m l linlimiiUm.”w h ich rofortnH Dh' fn n n i'i ' |» ilflnL ib«llfiviia n ro "ubfuUulcly JU'o pjitfary,’’-h*» anyM llm t "»;<» *•«thftsft rcvifllnnn ro n fo n n tn Ui<’ «'un- (UUtmii or lltwirty li<< iwi<li/foronco <jr op in ion «'X04*pl iiw itl m olh/xi. H u t Wo mftnl nMiinnvln'r Ih u t re fo rm l« u har<1 hor>i<T to rl.l in th(« hihvlin^'' iiionri o f w orhl wii UqilldiitlonH."

BURLEY• TU f BTiirtlon'ii opon lncilanRo ■ w an hold H aliin ray iH^hl Thin In thi\ b rg lnnlnw tiJ’ Iho wb» Um' Hcunon u t Ihn I'n iiu nmi llio i'IkI o f Jiiinintor Kojifuin u t 8l(>ry'ii opon j i i r (iiinco hall.

A chAnpfi' o f m aim t'A inrn l of thn Aroutliii dftnro, halt In achoihilcil S np t. IR w hnn W iirroii WillliiiiiK, I’ocaloJIo. oporut(»r i>f Lho «1unco Ifftnjcnii thiirc. w in tuko poHm'fiHlrm on a y e a r 's Thn huildlnir willbe n>decorntlsl and •ithnr Ipjprovo- m an U mniJn. «nd HtJd WllllimjH, »•«- cim tly f r w i C ullfontla , w ill ho In

“■’S S ' C arl Nlcholwrn rr ti i rn i ’d to he)', hom o In UoU» a f in f vlMllint; th r« » w«oXk' w ith hn r puruntM, Mr. a n d Wru. T hom aa Taylor- ■ " i - w h o - r g g g n t i y ^ r . r

■nlvoTBlty of CTiir

y m-UK ciiiilliiiu* Id poiinil WiiiitliiTti ('a lU iiriiht I>cii«-Ih<m, whllo uclcnitlHtH mi«o1( an rxplaiiiitloii <)| iiiihiri<'M riir.v. 'I'lM- liiij'4- wavi'M a rc hImiwii lirn - piiim<IIiit' a t tln< l.o iit ' ltt>aoli, (^illf,, p lor iinil plUi>if ihlirlM aliiiiK thk' iH'iirli, iih thoii>iini(lH i\al<'h Mi«- d r'^ in n 'tln it \tliU-li cimimimI m an y limiilriHiM tif dnIlarM ill (liitiKtt;<v llnici* plllnuM itinl<rr f^mii (h r pier, u h l ih ro lliipsfd , heal a^;aliiHt MlamlhtK Hlrnc' tui'i')!, t'luiHliii; ru r llu 'r ilainiiKi*.

W A SH IN G TO N . Mi'jil Ti'aniiiKiiiMnciitiil aiid W ftil^ni <:ari'l>-'l llii lljrlit airaliii.l i';ii lat'-.ii .If xirm iill ca .u riu 'tu l.y I r.iaiil.T (;cn cn il .la inm IJ, Kh

■ huil i''i 'lirua i\’ to th<- H'liir.-oii' fii 'ii iy

*i’h r i-oiivpiiiiy iipplli'iiUV of th.r IIIICIIIHI c ln iiill ,

. .'jr.-Up{Jt;Ma-i ulU»H-uiliIoli-upk«.Id-UUi4-- iiil.'iiial. cl'. llii> a ir lliir.-i' ac linn on

Cruiind I hut tho iMiirl liml no au lh n rlly lo n!;ilraln !-’nrlcy fr.'ty Ihii niiKri'llalloti.

, . . • . Hrwl Null "■ !Thi- null wnii tin- flm t to h > I

hi‘oiii;liL liy iifl'iiclcd a ir lliicii. U liiH lllillfd ' Krl). i;i.

a|(liliint l>'arli‘y iiixl .Io;o;iioii .1. 'I'lr- ly. lh i‘ .Vcw Ynrit C ity i/uilin .iiili‘r.

>*iiii)iniv In .i’ < om hlniitlon of- W.'iiliTli A ir Kki.iv;;;;, Iiir., imd -Tl'iin'lCmlliK-ntal AliTorn, Inc., and lla I II fJaii")il;u‘ lo 'n irV y 'iiK iir im ljrA |»i'iL^ ipaU;_______ ____________■ 'rlii’> '<'nnipiinv rliiinv<'il'niiri~It liiid Involi-d .Ki.OdO.OOn m l:n lliu-.-i, rou - tra r t i 'd I'.i Imy woi'lh f(|tiipiiim )l aiid <,hll|i

i i t rihiin .m.VXXl of fontiniilMi:


. ... U'i'.irliiu; tho unUorin af thoI llni-ir lo^ Cruuitiloru for Koaiuiinlr l.lhor(y

—wiJli KM'i prniiilitfiitly «UM'

Seven Daiinhlers , M arry Seven

ill One Family Sons in Anotlter


• Hocldty noli-: - 'Mr. ami Mr;i, ,C . H. IUI< y.

ru liirril, aniiiiuni'i' llir n ian 'la i;" o f t l if ir iii vi-o dani:hl<n> lo Uir a<'Vi<ri h 'liu i'o r Mr. and ^tn l. M. It, 0 )l)li. 'I'll.' c.T.-nioiilon V.'. r r

■pi-rfoniH'il a t varlt<iiii ' lln irii th ro u j-h o u l liii'l. hy Ho-Ui-v. n r , S im on V- W. Un-w. M k juaiploii w«-r<i w.'d iifc rrlly , on»- j»i»bllcly,

nniri-ii rin< <i 'I'iiii f.'oaiiuipollliiii n a |i t iat

th iiri-h w.ui flllcid anil a Ihi'onjr upllti'il ou t o n to lho iildi'WulU ail tho H.;v,' anim>,' " l i 'i i a hot. n l|;h(. h ru thorti and alHloni," hii milil. "W ith (Uich a hijf (Trt)Wil wo ran out. (>r fanii, hill wtVaro dliilrihiitU u: a r tlf lr lill fanit (pi«'':«n of «’iin l- Jm urd,) t j i i i t H iinday I an - noimood th a t thn h.uvii U lloy jilriM would in^irry lho luiviPti (^ohh hrothtTH.

:uil' tliii jiowH Into lho in iiin ilh t;--A J3iiiir I» t < ■ 11

"I pul' -Untied, r r

h rc 'W lii . 'in i i 'd U ii-n i a n d l . - W l V W , - . | l l U l O l i d I h c M ' . d i i t r y . . i i r l . r i d o ." I io d in r .t U -v. . P r . ’U ' ; i o ti l . . Iii l i l r-

11 T l h - l i r U l i ' i r r o o i n U u u i . ' d I'H ’i r y h r i i ly i i l a r t n i r l . i p -

a m i I t i r u w Ii iH r ii- i '. 'I 'l io D r.w iK .wnril, h i ) ( 'i . l i l i , ' M i l d r . ' i l K lli'V , .'I (,’..1)1) a n d A lli- i. I t l l .-y ;"

a l iu u l i ' i l , ( l o i ’l i t l n i f I n d iii il i l i '


•dillllmuil .•in.'i of .lollani."'riK' coinim iiv <lci

I'lv.dvo.l nil o f

wKvlll. It clinrK*''! j playod In hU holt — iloorfto D ill viitiir of “ aiil- ('iirlri(laMM, connm niilor'ln-i'hlof

irtaS o d ; Dofhiin.Hi

All till' runt!tloii,'« 1.1' y,.,Vv lit im ilti|ily " iind . Il.'i n'liifliin'M

w ith i'itl/rn ;i jrrnw Inrri ;mlni:ly lii- I • I'l ............. . !

d fhU uhlto-ulilrtod loi'loii, U kIhiu'ii lioro. 'I’lio o ru a n l/a tio n , a( Km Htr(jni;oHt In tlu‘ no rth - wiHl, i-luliUx lilKMmo nn<nilH>rM, ailvanili-H piihllci dcht ropntllji* tioii anil I'uhl iiliniilard iloHtrnc- lloa, anil riKht>« Infliitliin.

, 111.- l . 'X l lony..rly H otrayod

Jt drvotr,prd llial th e IV.'d tho r.ihlKi and lUh'yii had lii ki/ulliii|r In t)i<- c'hiir<di Ull<-li<'n

Tiikc 11. F ir/ll Pliicn Award:! A t K ii'itoni Idtilio E von t

It) B liickfoot

ad had . till- . .n i r r o K a t lo ih a n d y Ix d ra y ' Ita p ro n il:io th a t th o rn w tn ild he' n o o h fp p ln j ' am i no rlta- th i'o w in j;. ' r h o r r \v a a a h i i r r l r d l a m in i-ntur, a n d tlio Uov. lir i'W a n m iiii ifo d :

"Tho rout .if th e Cohha ami Ull.\va will h.' inarrU-d by nn- lonljihl • Hi'CMotly. M ayho a t my homo, nmyho iit th o lr hoiin'.Wh will ...................... w ith thoiirrm o n . 'r i io n i l l i a t w o u ld r a t h ­e r lnav .i In f ro .' lo d o no,’'

-Iduui-ybuiij:—U:£l— oju:iipi_Hiu-

T \sin Kallii oijtrloM \von 11 flra t plai'r;i and itcvoral nocondii In th<?' • u n lrrit Idaho d in lrlc l fa ir hold (iv. r 111.- w rrlt-ond a t UliicrUfoot, [ ao .'., |d in |f . to C Jin d o r, L, .M lnlt,

I T w in Kalla hij;h achmil au rlc iill 'u r- | at Imitrui'toiv

MainiiNr Cappa hr<nii;ht honn If.tal cif JW In pt-izo MKinoy, Mink* jiaya, Cajipa toiiU find, placc w ith

i hl;i P oland Cliina nhoat, flra t w llh { hill P oland C hina h o w . and flra t an .l aorond w llh hlH Polun.l Chinn

> m>w and farrow .Utiinild P lonio’H diHpliiy of Hwooi

UniinlHh tinltinjt look firHl In Mint illvinlon.

I'inalo,-' Ihi- h rlrf fial.l, "thli la ini|ii'ratlvidv 'oallrd nj>ri out tlK- llm lla of •and l > ciVHlalll;'.. the .lira avajlahh- fo.- oiirhliiK almn.v

••Tla- p;:at<ii'fl>-, lh.m i:h a Iradi- llim ally j:>)Vnrnnn'int;il ncrvi’!!'. i;i now .ihly ivp lcal of a hn;ii o f jiiih- 11.; ontorprln.-.a.wllh whUdj tho cltl- /.iin oiit.'rii .lally conlitcl. IIo has a rlulit t.i know w hcro ho alandii In liln .l.'alinija w llh lho i;ovorn- nii^nt, w hi-lht'r li.i :.'i li.dpli'an a.'i Jitjicmn aicro.-nioiitii ar.! hpiiiiliod aaid.- hy an In ipatlon t offlcla'. or whidhi-r i> co u rt «if oqiilty will a ta y tho np.illatlvn hand.

“ I/nlonn thln.'lii rtm.loro<l liit.dll- l.'»hli.-,. p rm lon t niou will ahrlnk from .Ira lln j; w ith Iholr -j;ovurn* niMit lo Uio Inipalrnim il and un- d.'rirJnln^,' o f tho public; n. rvlco,"

C O fiSID E im iA N S

S H f l L V A l N A l Y PLANS. lE T IN G S

Tlii> .Salvation arm y In p lann ing a Jijiridal tln'oo-itay norl.'ii o f nii'iit* Iniiii l.iday, Wodnoiidrty and Thurn- d ay of lhl*i w.wiji, ami M ajor An- drovv I..*inoy. Portland. Oro„ him l).‘on iiooiirod ail iipnakor. Iln will tallt th la ovunlnjj ot» "'I'lm Travo- loi'iio .if a Houl." All tm a'llnira will hi- h.'I.I In tho arm y hall on Rho> rhoni' iitro.d.

M ajor lAiimy,' who hiui tipokcn h.n'o H.tvoral linuin,’ijjiH hocn a S a l­vation u rn iy offlcor in lho wniit for nior.i th an 40 yriirH, lIo ban Jimt llnlnhiul a .lo u r of aovoral C anadian provlnmiii nn<l .if fivit ■corp* In Atontana.

\ Ull.. I 'A H Il. HJ. dM|) A lirlfflit p lo tnro o f tho h ank- liiK Hlliiiitlon wan laid .lioforo PronI* d en t Honnnvalt to*lay‘hy L.t'h Crow*

jlr..v, ohalrnm n .if lho W d a ra l fJ »- -p ia ll InNin'iinro oorpin-atlfin, w ho r.rp'»rto-| " a t n o n m o In th o hlHlory oC tho oounlj-y,hdH tho niindnT of hanU fallurcH boon no Hiuall itnr t n H n R " 't h n “TTnHt' “ ycnT .r* ; .................. '

"Q nly XlVH Hinall, iniilfnul han k a cl'wuid," hu (jsiUiilucd dn u lo ttn r t h a t Miirv6y.*d ifio .flr’f i i 'y o a r’ii, no- tlvllloH Af lho o .jrpora tlda .

‘•A pproxhniitoly ri0.»»l«l,()«0 ac- fiounl« arn rjcw InMuro.l," Crowl.,'y j'ojKirtod. ' I I .

r> i|l l 'r» («d llpn "Tho Inniirunco ]>lun fuNy p r« - .

tooU rn o ro 'th a n 07 <»ut o f nvory 10«) lui;iir.yr depoflUai*!). Tho m ux- Inuirn Inauranoo fo r oanh d^ponltor lit sr>,iiot), a lth o u g h n^ntnat iiav-. ijiKH- bankfl liuvo tho -optlou-of-ciir^ rv in ir InHiirunco lo a m axlininn of rtThnr n r ' $tt;nnn—,nn'~nnfih‘

I dopoiiltor. '■'Fully t io .p o r ro n t of u1l tho

llconnod ))ankln(' hiNllltitlonx In thn ro iin try Imvo bnivinio r.ionvhorii <J)f lho liuiiiranoo fund. Tho- to ta l <lo- u^Hlla In lho Innurod cotnnnirclal hankn aino tin t to n than OdO.OOd.OOh,

;'On .Inly l , ln:M. a Ii.innrnlo In- (inrivni;n fim<l.wnii i-iihibllnhi;d for lu iitna l /lavlnjfii hanliii.* Hovontv- ono o f ithitno banka. wHh (lopm 't'i :if inoro Umn $1,()0<).nO(Mk)0, an- n<iw niomboi'H of thlH fnn.l.

It. F . C, A»«lut«no.o "tiiHiiroil hnnka havo aoluiUly

;-.'<:olvo.l nioro th an Jl.iWH.nftO.OOO of ra p ltiil fundJi from Urn Uo<;t)m>triic- tlon innrtn<;o <virporiit:on.

"A t ho llm o In tho hln lory of the c .iu n try ban tlai nn inhor o f h an k falhir/>ii 'tiDon MO nmall an .hirlnjr lho pant ycttr. O nly /Ivo m rnill. In* nur.‘.l 'hankJi havo «)o#io<1. Tho fior- po ra tlon niado fiindn nviillublo to iniy dt'-piiidlorM <»f CHam hankfi w lth- Injr 10 dayn n flo r tho nppo ln lm ou t o f lho nxielvoi'H. ThlM h as rwlucotl tho dliitm na cniiBwl by Ihoao h an k to n noR^ljrlhlo iiniounr. ibuH acoom plbihlnif nno lh n r m ajo r objcotlvo of tho Jn«uraiifto p lan .”

■ IIAI.r-TONIlO C ia .,A N t). M e. ChJirlo)!

Ik'won^ II lobatorm nn, Wflu at>lo to Mupply lho wholo tow n w ith lUrtlo

j'froonlly. H o baidod up u luilf-ton t u r t l o tlwit moiiimrod Hovon foi'l froni nonn to ta ll. H.' hull to Hlnk u row bnjit ben<nill\ It to {fot It anhoro.

phic(«N, . . . Poriion w llh a r>' Jirntoil nuijiajihm inanuiiorl|>t. doplijiinu' lho. Iiti'k of appr tion oxiatlnif anu.njr "Ho-rajl.^cl hlu HhotH,*' . •. . Hhoppt-r. down tow n loduy w llh a hlaoU um- brolln raluod ovor hor hoiid, to

:<thlo}d hor frinn tho lirli.'hl iiiyn -uC- a Sciilj'lHh.'r nun, , • • Mon • who lliivo IK ii r .o T i^ r 'i i l l anin- innr, roHinnlnjr llu 'lr IrlpH 1“ lb" llidoi. . . . PoiiJniaHtor Moltoli- ortM bolnjr hniioiiod upon hy p atro n , oalllnif lilni a f lo r hoina. .

. and anklnjf him t.» rotrlov.. a lo tto r w hich hail bcfiii niallod Hovoral boin-H oiii llnr, and lo a t ­tach thrtrolo an ’ alr-nnill iitiimn. to w hich fftquont lho oanla ln <»blli:lnKly ooninllorl. . ■ • Crlpplo. w ho ultii on fil.i<iwalka collcctlnu' iiinatl KolnH from looklnK' Into hla hal fm- inom y

-w h lc h -w a H .n u t IhciL*. . . -----------

F o u n d e r o f G h x i i - e h

F e t e d o n l ^ i r t h d i i yK IM llH R LV , B.'lil. 11 (.qiireUh

• -I lonorln jf lho o li'h ty -flra t b irth ­day nf Mrii, .famo/i Th'owti. foiind- * o r ' Ilf U lnthorly C hnndt of tho

1 Nas-.tiron.', Xfrn. TIonry C. fslvj-nn.' on lo rtu ln .’d a t an old-faahl.»noil yu d thorn d lnhor- u t h.^r homo- hi 'I'w ln h’Hllu. A u tum n flow ora Woro iiHOfl iix docoi’atlona,

Ouoata inolml.'.l lho hom irro and Mill, A lb o rt 'H ro w n . .loano Urown. M. H. Urown nnd Mliifi Annalwdlo n ro w n . c;o.)dh»|!:: Mr, im.l Mrn, Frindc Urow n and iinn. Il.iw ar.l Urown, Mr. an.l Mra, ronco Wav.l, MlD/i C.idl W ard, Mrn, KrariU Clrouii, K iniborly; Mr, and Mrii, l-’Im or Glvi-nii, Mr, luid Mm. Ilon ry (ilvomi ami fam ily , and Uov. iiml Mrii. M ackoy .1. Hrown, Tw in l‘’al|ii. . ' .

S A u t o G l a s s ;5 Hptmlnl rrlooH on' Anta l>oor ■

iilattM imhI WhnlMhlrhlM ^ No ClnifKo for Moitlnjf M

■ ,, n « t Our Trlrou ' *

■■■"p MOON’SI’ttlnt un«l Furidtnro Stor® ,

— Bvprythlnn: for the llAme , j j

ad'^ftonr l(i KnthlN maRtor'H do{;roo. Inft T h iira .lav fo r Mom o w whon* ho w ill n tlon .l lho irn lvffm lty of I<lahn,

.)4r. an d M th. !hnn yoini|V> ■>>>'1 n on ,'H obart.' k f l 'iHit'Hday tnornliii; fo r MI<uourl nnd ArkanMiiK, whoro th rv will vonialn u niiuith.

Ml*, und Mra, llfih ry Clndionlty, . )i/ho hnvo boon MponOlnu tho iium-

m w on tho (IroboHkv ? a h j» n .nir r*ocalolln. niovr.1 lo D urloy Hiitiir-duvi

M r. nnd "Hrfi, M. P. Jorjfomion l**ft T u esd a y fo r Tduho |*'allH. w hi'r th e y w ill m nko th id r homo.

M y rtle S m ith ro tu in cd Hnmhiy fro m B a lt Lnko C ity whoro nho baa Hnont. tlio HUniiner vlidtint: rohi'- tiwfr.

Dr. C, W. C a rr nnd non. R ichan l. r p tu m t^ thw In tto r p n rt o f htfil woflk fn>n\ a th roo w onk'a trip thm UKh tho ntl.ldlo W0«l, T hoy vlii- k«d rc la tlvon hi N obraiddi and jow ti. und u tton .lw l tho w orld 'a f a ir . '

Mr, nnd Mr<i. Chu’onr.» I. W ul. rii, BnJt I j ik o C ity . Hpcnt .liio wo.d<-.‘ml w jth Mr. nnd Mrn, U. C, Midalahn,

M r. nnd Mr«, Ronnld Wllnon h-ft, TMfludiiV m .trn ln tf for 111aoJ«

- w U w o-M r-W llw jn . w lll-tw ich clicni- Ifltrv In thn lllaok fon t hl*fh acliool.. Mrn. W i l l i a m Pm ilton and

d iiu tfh to r havo I'ono to A rizona t.i- ,toi«-.-M r,-4?aullun. -Who- liaii bi;nii

IhAro wnni’ tlino. Th« Poult.m n will hiaUo th o lr ht>mr- In A rizona.

V om T. Horon«on, fjoorjro ir , and G tior|(o P, f-lobolor havo r.d iirnod fi'firn II fluhlnn: trip to tho HawUioth m m intalnu,' KiVd Uou»M!h iin.l W llllunr II. Thiwnpfion a ro hack from an au to - inohllo trip l.> thu oautrrn p a r t of Ui>' U nltod K tntni.

M r. and Mra. J . .f. C am ph.dl and M '' iiod Mrn, J. M. W hUIUliLJua'o n'Tlm>o*i from a niT^pr tr ip In l.’hl- ra u o and n o tro lt.

Mr. und Mrx. .M. H. D unuu ami nm all non ro turnod Hun.lav a t r ip to Han K ranolnro and l.oji An- l^rlrn, Calif., whoro thi'V w ont for m«*d lon 1 -1 r«»n t trt >«n 1 fo r lho Im*^

no.f tttn i u Houoi'al'dayn atay l in n W iirrorj, M nlad.

lij.lw«rd Younif, O m aha, N .dir., la Jlhn honmi “ f hlN nmdo and a u n t. M r. and Mrn, 1*;. H. P arko ,

Mr, und Mrji. ’riiav to ii of lloy - liyrn unn<mn.^o the b lrtli o f a

........................«>t lUr

p/cuH, ,(h» In trl'ju ttlon iil , thn W«nld ProliH, tho. \Viinhhu;- I.Ill Htur,* W nahlnKlon Tlnu'ii. W a«hin i;ton IT iral.l, Wunhlnjs- liin Pojil, W aidilni'lon Ni-wn. thn Am ul.-r.lum Nowii, th.: N a ­tional Htiptlnt Union, th<- .low-

• lah W .i . 'Ib i- C uthotlr •W.n-Kl am i tho N Loclj-rr,

•’Tho H ookor T, W aiihlnirlon (p ia r le t ■ will now iilni: ‘I . Hhooa, You n o t Blm.-a ’ *'

Tho q iia rto t naiijr ami tlu- H rv . D r.\v r.aim i.-d;

Didn't <<ol Paid

Llooki-r T. WaHhlnutiWi (|iiiirlot, iidi'innlyT)K' Uov.

.................. In-

Cl,111,M ain:<c-.l up.


" I to h

Id li.< llmtlioiiK'havo th o n ow n i-.-.-l K 'n l l r -

m o n iKko a id i 'tu ro uj' Uu- C 'r . - n itin y . T lu-n a o in .'b .id y na id I w a .'j ' iro ltin j;' P 'd d fo r l.d tliiK th . ' m -wa r.iol jfcn tlo im m In to th . ' P .inm opoM tnn H a p t i n t c h u rc h . I hav i- !u-vor j;f jl ii p o iin y f>ir iio th liiK . u n d I w ill m a r r v 1 .0 0 0 ( '..ii|)lcn r l ^ h t h o r .' in lho ’ r .i ia i io p o l l ta n H a p t la l f lm r .-h n.'.v l l> o . IW If th a t n jtu iy folU a to o la lik e K 'd tin i;


m iii i„ - .s . j . tF in a l I’l-lhuto t w an n a id In fu n r n .iiK l/.y a fti-m .K m l':p ln .'iipal o h tiro h , m a n , p a a t . j r <if tla .■Imi-.-h, . .rf l.- la to .l, l.-t. 01' w h ir lj M n \ri-H

ril'd."Huino of th.- Cobb and Rlloy

roiiplo.'i i-om.'U to mo am i latya tb.-y’l w a n t nn nowa n-.da.

tinyM -th o y - w ant. -iw*w« ri-.da, Il.iw m an y of you fo lka in Ihlii (ont;roK utloii will .|.> no c la p p ln i ' luul no rl.;<; t tir.iv/lnj; t lo td - iip - y o n r hnndfr" ‘ ' -

It j.iokod l1k<> a hoUl-up. Itrldo C h o u u (iinu

• "K lfoy C(,hb and Lulti Jtilov," idioutoir th .' Kov. nr.-u-, A .six-, fo o t thr«‘>’-lm.'h Ni'ur.i p m ilir.r th n n it 'h tho crow d, tiMiillni; hia hrlrlo-lii-hi>. Mi.-m il ll .y w .iio a yi.'tlow, nllk aiilt an.l wlilti- i;lovra. Il.dlij; ;ii>ni.-\vlial n.-r- v.jiia, a lu " I'h.'W.'.l j;um., Th.-

I i H p . T i u l ),1. n , W .'to n k a m p 'n i l >irrvl<-.'ii h.dil . a l lh o M o th o d la l . Ui'v, f:, K. Ii.d-

K llo r M .d lio .ll:it A in l \ . -d q iia r- W . II W rljih t .

M P lrk r . 'U . H ry a n U .if-ora a n d C. W , A ld r ic h w o ro m .-m lio ia , n ao j; Iw i. m iiiih.*ni. H .ij-.T a ulno n a n i ' a fo r w h ic h M ra. .J. It. M u rn liy p la y i 'd tin- acoum im ni* inon:,. . PaLrliik-.Iayt;c, JI. A..JJ.;Noal. Jou ICath. K. 1.. ChTon. W, 1{ P arkor an.l l‘'roi| H arlw oll iit'i-v'.‘d a.-i h.-ar- i'l.'i for III.' How.T-cov.-i-o.l 1-ankot,.. Tliii lilj’anJi.uiid Juluiauii-l'uno.rul hr,m<- dirocto.t In ti-rm rnl In fliihl .v im tr ry .

H e a t M o lte d H o n e y( ’Kllli:.S. Va. in -i O unl Kltt«.

Iiiral iniin, nayn th .‘ lioat wait imi Inlcnn.' r . 'c rn liv d ia l It m.dl.-d tho iMfK'V 111 (he lii-.dilv.' fin th a t It ran ■'tit ..I' Itir >;iiiii;i. N,,\v tin- h rn i aro ,l«.iliij; tlii-ir vv.irl; i i lln v o r iif;ain.

A Mhoaf ' o f T)hd(t.)W w h o iit, u d iiip la y o f i i n a l n o r th o r n h.-ana,' on .t o f i^r'ap.’a a m i a. ah o a f o f u l- la l f a , iihow n by I,.;o n a r il A r r ln j i lo n a ll w o n hliio r lh lio iu i. A r i ln |; to n aluii. w o n It f l r a t lit J h o K iiliin - l-'iu 'm on i divlJilon w l lh u n h o a f o f vi-.l td .iv o r a.-od,

P a t i la v n o a aln.'i l o o U 'lh a t w ith h la idii-iif o f b a r l . y , am i l^y rd W al- I r i . T w in K alla , f i r a t w ith h la d ia- p la y o f . l i i i ia th a n apploK . A. L o- Kitn'si i lln p la y o f r<-d olov<-r »io.-d w o n a . 'o n . l plat;.-- - T h o In tiT n u u in - l(dn Hoi>.| c o m p a n y nlno w on i i r j . t a m i aouniid phu^ou In u h iyko clcivi'i-, a n d I., I .. U ri-ck o n rid u o I'au*- um l o n h in Hhonf o f oiitJi,


T iinifjr, P an e lio i'n Bot. Hocord On S c iittlcX o o Ajiti'olon

................. P lano H op —

lont)Mr*. H, D ' OhuKir wiiii a<l

(t> th e hoapUul M(>ndiiy for a flii«'r'nnl ap^rn tlon .

AJIli*_Chon*iv w(i« r. ''jR ^iuaify’iifJor fMilnir n f n i i r in

ih ro o wo«kii fo r a iniijur ai o})«rntloh. '

■' Kimberly’s Board.. w Renames Shepard

rapllaVr jifca l

J O iS O N AMENDS G M » R « t E i

NUA A ((inini:(lnitor P rovidon S tu l .o s M ay A dd Tux lo

M ininuitn P iioo

\i:\\ m:\i. liOMi'M-:in-:ui.Axr). t

ii'iK'tlia <ii' tin- fiIJl! nilh.M

l.O.U ANMEI.KM. .Sipt,. 11 dM'i • fVit. Ur.Hrno T iirn o r and (’ lydo Pani;tiorn, A m erican npo.-d fllrrn. will h‘av .1 fo r N<;vv Y<n'k tom orrow nlf;ht, ■mitlaflod th .;lr liaolni: .hial- n i.dor.'d tn iiinpurl j i la n i '. 'In which they .-xpoct • to roinpidi! In Umi Ix n .lo n • to- Moll>ourno. A untralla , a ir .lorljv thla fall, hi In ilp 4 .ip condition.

T tirn i'i- a n d P a n K '« " 'n oatah llJihod u now tra m ip f ir l .])lano i jiocd ro-jor l ,in a t . ‘»il fllK lit bolwo.Mi ,H .-altlo . ^ Vn h. ,~ Tlf ~T7 ?r~A^B•0>r ryr > tT rdHy:-, ’r i i i 'i r c ia p a o d i l in o f<ir th o i ,u n » |

il'u d e riil P iirloy Pontlorii Mcauii 01' Bpoo‘diii|j Onah U clp •

F o r Induiilt,-y

W A SHINGTON . Hi p t. 11 H'.|‘) - A din lilla lru tlon officlala today ut- tacko.l w h a t w aa bollovcl th o 'c ru x of tint c iitiro r.'pov rry p ro |;ra in - • tho nlownodJi o f llm banka t<i fl- m iner ln<lnalry lu) th iil ll couki »;xpand,. .

Tho tipcaHloif*waa n tw o-day con- foroiico boro of fod«iral liank oxiim- Inoru, w ho huvo b.t<<n (;rltk;l/.od for ^hf’rklttR’ thn rccovory ' pr»)jfram IhrouKh Ihuir n trlc t tlpnianda.

Tho conforonci! wn» <;nllod by Hiicrctnry 'of. Troam n'y H nnry Afor- ironlhnii, Jr.. w ho v/ltihuH to roordl- nato nctlvltlo/i o f lronjiiiry. tho fo<l- cra l roHurvo board, thn .Fivh'ral J)o»

‘po.'ilt Inmirunon coi'iv»i‘nllon an<) till! Uooonatruollon FininKto ctnpor* atlon hi bunk- nxam lnatkni. 1I0 | w anlo.l to know "w hy bankn aro no t louiljntr on n la r p i r Hcnln and whVdli.'T Im n k ' itxnvnJtmtlnnB irrH n nljpilfloanl fao to r In IhU roHpocl.”

ni-MorviuiA m orlcan bank/i in-« hi'lh*vi:<t I t

havo u l Umnt J5,n9l).0(k),()01l of londablii fundH nnd ' tlio fedi'rul L'xumlnorM, woro ' lold th u l thoy idionhl <hu biorn Innlenl In th idr ox- um lnullon i>f hankn.

T ho ploii canjo fivnn F ranc ln M, Ijiw , pruflltlonl of lho A nierlnan fhinkorM’ iuuMwlullon, w ho iiHkHl’ fo r m oro hmlonoy In fudorul bunk oxanilnatlonfi un an I'ncourairom ont t.> tho (ixpannlon of cro<llt lo biml

T H A T ' S E X A C T L Y W H A T I T M E A N SFOR M cE L W A IN 'S M U ST Ct;0 SE OUT an d GET OUT « iid t h e b ig s t o r e w i d e —

F m A L D R r r a r

iiir-»\»oin H tructni’

\«iaa f) hinnvi UO minut ■i-aKo t'po.'<l o f npproxlr

p a r hour, and P ani'lx

ll fiN.iii N iw Y<irk. f.T h r t r ’

ahlppi’.l to lOniiliuul—pTnn

.lowio i r .Tonon. oluilrinun o f l}n< uii iKiard o f Ihn .H oconntrnolltui

liiiat.-ly nani'o ro rp o ru lk in , rop<n'tod only Sl0,(Uil,000 lonnod to Im iuatry un

pi'ol to ,i,.r a ?;in0,(KH),«0() londbijf pisigrnm aiid-LUa-icdiu'iil-ruHtu.vulAMmi'J.couliil.

IH—Vw- -rTntnt-onlr-WHii.WM -ln-UMWW-lo.onlyldiiatry fiv n i Itn $L>KO,OI>l)H>OI)

lIUKhw a .h iiiin <;t ()N’, iJ .|

U f'T .iv iT V A c '. ; i i i i i l /d ra t ban a n i.n .l. 1 o rdor w hich i-nipui-.irlly f ix i 'l llo m in im u m "ro tm i prtopN • fo r -r- fr t tf ottiHi by piovlillnit lh a l iduloa Ini |KUdii|; a tilanip tux iihall ii.l.l Mi ta x to lh .' m lnliniini jijli'o,

T ho prloi> flHlnj; cndor wua In londod l<i pr-'V.'nl ui.inK f l i i t i - l l an ''iiuh'n bait," w’lil.'h wiiH rojrar,!- | od UN o(u* of tho in.i^t tIanuor-niH

Ki«8E«LvTWv i.ii;;/;?;:;J, U Shepin l, Wllc. hll» BUlULllI ,n- m e m ^ r o ( tho K hnl« ,rly .wily In .a iilo . liiiv.

b b a r d f o r t h . n n .l 13 y»iir«. i |„ u „ „ , ,I!«.elmt«<l pholrmnn n t tlio ,|,iu .ni.tiTlli.n In ull »liili'/i.

monthly ^ a n l,m | a iinltoim r,>hi|i..|lllv,. IuuIh \v1II _0VMilnj. Tho itroui. iilx. ,.|„,„vllo« imwI p . liruoo n « iim („ r 1,1 ( t.iiln u im.Mi an.l. A. Ola«n wo« chowon 1^0 packanoM fo r an o.-nt* num t

. • ’ ■ ’ ro tu ll a t lh cnnlM a paokuHo iip.l. BPpolnUnenti wcro: h»vln,('

nps im d .w . A; Colnor, 2 ^ „ n t tnx. A iv ta llo r oijlnldo BTOUr\d» oom tnU too: ttio n tu to rnnnt confo rm w llh m lnl-

iiTii priooB o f tho .nD ito tn w h irhM-iu-c-inttilc^________ ---------- —

C Z fJ iA X J i fv d J l m o t e t k m t

jrccij'j^ thxjfLudvti In hjeAxjupzA. ocJi tLpkj jip co it • • Xhjz cuU bul ioLfXxjy ctrmoit clixA stifJHe: U •

ijcnth CoA. UMW !G F . N E O A L

i / f 4 * f / / f ^ f L

I S I l f F U L La n d w i t h H e a r t b l r i i i a k i n g L o s s e s

I W E A R E - t t A I L Y C « E A M E Wa n d G R E A T E R S H O E y A L U E S f o r Y o u

-------------------„-j__jriiiiiai.iu:o.BhfliLlllW^^l ? A Y I f f i ? tho scdrca 'and hundrods/B’DT by

THOUSANDfcl-:- ^B a rsa iu s -for M oii~BarQ:ivln8 fo r ;W 6m en— Bargain*! fo r Children. 'VALUEa thiit wlUipxqlU voB, enthmjB'yow oroate a doalro to ow n 8 m y a i , 'i ) i i r r f l* ^ ‘ t h l i 'f l n o fo o t

FRUnion Motor Co.

0> Hiiir____-j-alci

V OIJR l^ )R U U K A I^ HTwin Falli, Idaho

•ihopn—wear. SHOES mndo in tKB‘ M|iiloh'B ,BH0E8 oontalninff style, workQi4u>hip and 4^ H ty in tho Ultra dogjoo. VISIT here. Loolf horoi Thoro will bo NO htofh presRure selling BUT. we know we can i>how

a more value for your ihpe dpllsr tlian you ever eaw
