
Centre for Professional Development


October 8 - 9, 2012 | 9.00am - 5.00pm | Concorde Hotel Shah Alam

CONTENTS ♦ Overview of Industrial Discipline

♦ Employer-Employee Rela�onship

♦ Management Preroga�ves and Employee Obliga�ons

♦ Defini�on of Grievance and Misconduct

♦ Principle of Condona�on

♦ Effec�ve Grievance Handling - Disciplinary Procedure in a Unionised and Non-Unionised Environment

♦ Misconduct and Domes�c Inquiry - Establishing misconduct - When is a domes�c inquiry necessary - Show cause le� er and suspension from work - Preparing a no�ce of inquiry - Incorpora�on of natural jus�ce in domes�c inquiry proceedings - Mi�ga�on and substan�ve jus�ce - Avoiding a defec�ve domes�c inquiry - Industrial Court Awards and Superior Court Judgments

FMM Institute, Selangor Branch

INTRODUCTION All organisa�ons employing a fair number of people require procedures and channels for the maintenance of discipline and a quick response and solu�on to people problems arising from work place inter-rela�onships. This programme will help par�cipants to have the prac�cal knowledge, skills and approach in handling the en�re spectrum of the Disciplinary Procedure in a workplace environment.

OBJECTIVES ♦ grasp the ‘importance’ of maintaining industrial discipline ♦ understand the difference and approach to grievance handling and

misconduct ♦ gain knowledge in prepara�on of the facts of the case prior to a

domes�c inquiry ♦ expose to the applica�on of the Principles of Natural Jus�ce and

relevant Industrial Court Awards

WHO SHOULD ATTEND This programme is designed for persons performing management and supervisory func�ons. Ideal target persons would be Managers, Execu�ves and Supervisors from different departments in the organisa�on.

ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Dates : October 8 - 9, 2012 Time : 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Venue : Concorde Hotel Shah Alam

3, Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah C9/C 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Fees : RM285 per par�cipant (a�er 70% Skills Upgrading Grant) RM950 per par�cipant (before Skills Upgrading Grant)

(Fees include course materials, Cer�ficate of A� endance, lunch and refreshments)

FACILITATOR Ms Vilasini Menon has been a Human Resource and Industrial Rela�ons Prac��oner for a span of 20 years. Having worked with Sime Darby Planta�ons, TV3 and Colgate-Palmolive (M) Sdn Bhd, Vilasini has been involved with recruitment, management of employee compensa�on and benefits, human resources systems, disciplinary and counseling issues, collec�ve bargaining and several other areas in HR management. She held the posi�on of Industrial Rela�ons Manager in Colgate-Palmolive and was appointed the Company Secretary/Legal Manager in the last three years of her tenure with them. Vilasini subsequently le� Colgate-Palmolive to embark on a legal career. She underwent a period of pupilage with Messrs Shook Lin and Bok and later set-up a legal prac�ce. Vilasini holds the Ins�tute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators as her first degree and also a Law degree from the University of London. She also holds the Cer�ficate in Legal Prac�ce from the CLP Board, Malaysia. Vilasini is also a panel trainer for the Human Resource, Malaysian Employment Law and Industrial Rela�ons Prac�ces in Malaysia Modules of Cer�ficate and Diploma programmes conducted at the FMM Ins�tute in Kuala Lumpur, Seremban and Melaka.

Registra�on is on a first-come first-served basis. Cheques made in favour of the “FMM Ins�tute” should be forwarded one week before the commencement of the programme. Completed registra�on form, that is faxed, mailed or e-mailed to FMM Ins�tute, would be deemed as con-firmed. All cancella�ons must be made in wri�ng. There will be no charge for cancella�on received 10 or more working days before the start of the programme. Cancella�on received 6 – 9 working days before the start of the programme is subject to a cancella�on fee of 50% of the course fees. Cancella�on received 5 working days and below before the start of the programme is subject to a cancella�on fee of 100% of the course fees. If the par�cipant fails to a� end the programme, the full course fees are payable. However, replacement can be accepted at no addi�onal cost. 10% group discount is applicable for registra�on of three (3) or more par�cipants from the same organisa�on and of the same billing source. The FMM Ins�tute reserves the right to change the facilitator, reschedule or cancel the programme and all efforts will be taken to inform par�cipants of the changes.

For further enquiries, please contact:

Cik Nazihah / Pn. Hafifah FMM Institute, Selangor Branch Tel: 03-55692950 Fax: 03-55694346

Email: [email protected] Visit us at: /

SBL Scheme



ELIGIBILITY ♦ Manufacturing sector (including agricultural-based industries) and manufacturing-related services - annual sales value is not more than RM25 million or with less than 150 full-�me employees ♦ Services sector (including ICT) - annual sales value is not more than RM5 million or with less than 50 full-�me employees ♦ SMEs must be registered under the Companies Act 1965 (Private Limited Companies) or under the Registra�on of Business Act 1956 (Enterprise Companies) with majority Malaysian shareholders (minimum 60%)

The Manager Please tick (ü) accordingly: FMM Institute, Selangor Branch PSMB Scheme: o SBL o Non Contributor Tel: 03-55692950 Required vegetarian meal: o Yes o No Fax: 03-55694346 Email: [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam, Please register the following participant(s) for the above programme. (To be completed in BLOCK LETTERS) 1. Name Designation E-mail ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nationality IC No. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Name Designation E-mail ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nationality IC No. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Name Designation E-mail ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nationality IC No. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (If space is insufficient, please attach a separate list) Enclosed cheque/bank draft No. ____________________________________ for RM ________________________________ being payment for _________________ participant(s) made in favour of the “FMM Institute”. Submitted by: Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Designation: ___________________________________E-mail: _____________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel No.: ______________________________ Fax No.: ________________________ Date: _______________________________ FMM Membership No.: ______________ My Corporate Identity No.: _____________________________________________



October 8 - 9, 2012 ( Monday - Tuesday) Concorde Hotel Shah Alam