Page 1: Flyer of STI activities and skills within the Agropolis scientific community in the South of France

250 information scientists 43 documentation centres

and edition departments 1.5 million documents and collections

of periodicals (paper, electronic) a network and tools for the use of students,

researchers, teachers of the regional and international scientifi c community

STI within the Agropolis scientific community in the South of France

(Montpellier and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region) brings together:

Scientific and Technical Information (STI) facing the issues of a high-level research and training



w w w . i s t . a g r o p o l i s . f r

Agropolis InternationalAvenue Agropolis

F-34394 Montpellier Cedex 5

Contact: Chantal [email protected]

Agropolis International

IST Agropolis

IAALD XIIIth World Congress 2010


Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon(South of France, on the Mediterranean coast)

World centre for agricultural, food and environmental sciences



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Documentation Centres of Department and Research Units*

AMAP: Botany and computational plant architecture – MontpellierContact: Yannick Brohard ([email protected])

ART-Dev: Acteurs, Ressources et Territoires dans le Développement (research unit on the analysis and the understanding of the territorial processes) – MontpellierContact: Sylvie Hammel ([email protected])

BGPI: Biology and genetics of plant/pathogen interactions – MontpellierContact: Marie-Carmen Martinez([email protected])

BPMP - Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Physiology – MontpellierContact: Chantal Barraco([email protected])

CEFE: Centre of Evolutionary and Functional Ecology – Montpellier Contact: Anne Gorgeon ([email protected])

CBAE: Centre for Bio-Archeology and Ecology Montpellier Contact: Nicole Denis-Touzillier ([email protected])

CEBTM: Centre of Biology and Ecology Tropical and Mediterranean – PerpignanContact: Anne Modat ([email protected])

Geography department – University of Montpellier 3 – MontpellierContact: Sylvie Deveze ([email protected])

* The research units include research teams from the following institutions: CIHEAM-IAM.M, CIRAD, CNRS, EPHE, INRA, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, Universities of Montpellier 1-2-3, University of Perpignan via Domitia.

Pierre Bartoli Library - MontpellierContact: Caroline Falize ([email protected])

Two research units and one department share the library’s resources

LAMETA: Montpellier Theoretical and Applied Economics Laboratory

MOISA: Market, Organization, Institution et Actor Strategy)

SESG: Economy, Social and Management Sciences

CILBA: International Complex of Biological Control at Agropolis – BaillarguetContact: Christine Silvy ([email protected])

Three research units share the CILBA library’s resources CBGP: Center for Biology and Management of Populations USDA/ARS: United States Department of Agriculture/

Agricultural Research Service/EBCL: European Biological Control Laboratory

CSIRO European Laboratory: Commonwealth Scientifi c and Industrial Research Organisation

Geosciences Montpellier – MontpellierContact: Sylvie Raynaud ([email protected])

INNOVATION: Innovation and Development in Agriculture and the Agrofood Sector MontpellierContact: Catherine Alquier ([email protected])

ISEM: Montpellier Institute for Evolution Sciences – MontpellierContact: Christine Bibal ([email protected] )

LBE: Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology – NarbonneContact: Véronique Maugenet([email protected])

MTD: Remote Sensing Center – MontpellierContact: Sylvie Blin-Sarah ([email protected])

MSE: House of Water Sciences – MontpellierContacts: Catherine Picq / Joëlle O’Sughrue([email protected] &[email protected] )

More than 40 libraries and documentation centres

More than 40 libraries and documentation centres

Web sites

Editions departments

Professionals of the editions departments of the institutes are part of Agropolis International STI Committee

CNRS Editions

Editions AgroParisTech/ENGREF

Editions IRD

Editions Montpellier SupAgro

Editions BRGM


Publications CIHEAM

University of Montpellier 3 Publications: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée

Montpellier Languedoc-RoussillonWorld centre for agricultural,

food and environmental sciences



Mediterranean and tropical areas


Cooperation /Development

Sustainable development

WaterForest and forestry

Earth sciences

Life sciencesExact and engineer sciences

Human and social sciences

Page 2: Flyer of STI activities and skills within the Agropolis scientific community in the South of France

BOMLRa metasearch software to perform

simultaneous searching through heterogeneous catalogues

Agropolis Scientifi c and Technical

Information CommitteeThe persons in charge of the Documentation centres and Edition departments meet regularly in the framework of the ‘Scientifi c and Technical Information Committee’ (STIC) founded in 1985.

This committee sets up services and common actions aiming at facilitating information search for the regional and international scientifi c community.

Key fi gures

12 national and international training and research institutions

7 higher education institutes

5 universities

92 research units

2300 research scientists and lecturers

4000 students and trainees

1400 technical and administrative staff

About Agropolis International

a gateway to the skills of the scientifi c community of Montpellier and the Languedoc Roussillon region in the fi elds linked to agriculture, food, biodiversity, environment and rural societies, open to the Mediterranean and tropical regions development

an interface at the heart of scientifi c cooperation networks to support collective projects

a pilot platform to develop inter-institutional partnerships and new organisation methods

services for guest-researchers, invited professors and visiting delegations

Agenda: Information on training sessions, meetings and events

BOMLR: Searching a document or periodical and its location

‘Bases de données’ (Data bases): Searching an electronic resource and its location

‘Centres de documentation’ (Documentation Centres): Information on documentation centres and libraries: contacts, fi elds covered, opening hours.

Tools for information search to help end users

Direct access to edition and libraries catalogues of Agropolis International member institutions

Intranet dedicated to STI staff in order to share and store resources

Locating documents entries through one or several out of the 31 bibliographical

catalogues of the post graduate training and research libraries

Locating periodicals that can be consulted in these libraries

Consulting scientifi c publications and students’ works (soon)

Searching simultaneously through

all these resources and widening the search to

external resources (soon)

Agropolis Scientifi c and Technical Information Committee More than 40 libraries and documentation centres


Edition of a new portal allowing resources and skills location in the information fi eld in Languedoc-Roussillon, South of France (April 2008)

Implementation of an online single query interface enabling simultaneous searching through academic and scientifi c bibliographic catalogues of the community (since 2003)

Organisation of workshops for both scientifi c and information staff on specifi c topics (open sources softwares, for example)

Organisation of common training sessions for end users with trainers from several institutions in the framework of continuing education

Common display of institutional editions of Agropolis International members

Preparation of the international IAALD congress on information and rural development to be held in Montpellier in 2010

Flagship issues of the STI Committee on going projects and achievements

Scientifi c and Technical Portal A collaborative platform dedicated

to the regional and international community

Libraries and documentation centres of Institutions

AgroParis Tech/ENGREF – Montpellier(National School of Rural, Water and Forest Engineering)Contact: Claude Maire ([email protected])

Bioversity International-France – Montpellier Contact: Claudine Picq ([email protected])

Botanical department – University of Montpellier II – MontpellierContact: Peter A. Schäfer ([email protected])

CEA Marcoule – Bagnols-sur-CèzeResearch, development and innovation in energy, defence, information technologies, and healthContact : Jacques Caillaud ([email protected])

CEMAGREF Montpellier – MontpellierAgricultural and environmental engineering researchContacts : Carole Giansily, Myriam Taoussi ([email protected])

CIHEAM-IAM.M – MontpellierInternational Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Studies - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of MontpellierContact: Marie-Louise Leclerc ([email protected])

CIRAD – MontpellierAgricultural Research Centre for International DevelopmentContact: Marie-Claude Deboin ([email protected])

EMA – Nîmes & AlèsAlès School of Industrial Techniques and MiningContact: Françoise Armand ([email protected])

ENSCM – MontpellierMontpellier School of ChemistryContact: Vasile Hulea ([email protected])

Ifremer – Palavas-les-Flots siteFrench Research Institute for Exploitation of the SeaContact: Marie-Josèphe Debos ([email protected])

INRA – MontpellierNational Institute for Agricultural ResearchContact: Dominique Fournier ([email protected])

IRD – MontpellierInstitut de recherche pour le développementContact: Hanka Hensens ([email protected])

Lycée Frédéric Bazille – Agropolis – MontpellierHigh school specialising in Agriculture, Vine and Wine Studies Contact: Sylvie Bourgeois ([email protected])

Montpellier SupAgro – MontpellierInternational Center for Higher Education in Agriculture Sciences - Montpellier National Superior School of Agronomy Contact: Dominique Fournier ([email protected])

Montpellier SupAgro – MontpellierUniversity Institute for Tropical Agrofood Industries and Rural Development (IRC)Contact: Christiane Roure ([email protected])

Montpellier SupAgro – FloracFlorac Pedagogical Teaching Experimental CenterContact: Hélène Laxenaire ([email protected])

Sup de Co Montpellier - MontpellierGraduate School of ManagementContact: Isabelle Bresson ([email protected])

Universities of Montpellier: Inter-University Library of MontpellierContact: Jean-François Foucaud([email protected])

Science library Contact: Philippe Vaïsse ([email protected])

Humanities and Human and social sciences library Contact: Huguette Brelaz ([email protected])

Law and Economics sciences library Contact: Stéphane Lanoë ([email protected])

Pharmacy libraryContact: Elisabeth Blanes ([email protected])

University of Nîmes Library – NîmesContact: Catherine Musson ([email protected])

University of Perpignan library – PerpignanContact: Joël Martres ([email protected])

More than 40 libraries and documentation centres Detailed information on theses libraries is available on the STI portal:

Within the largest French scientifi c community in Agriculture, Food, Biodiversity and Environment
