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Page 1: Fluency activities

Fluency Activities: Letting students own

the language.

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From safe controlled practice…

Page 3: Fluency activities

Less controlled activities….

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Risky, independent productionFLUENCY TASKS

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To get there…O Go beyond the encounter , remember and

take a test activities in class if using ECRIF or scaffold the activities to prepare the learners to get to this stage.

O Give the learners the oportunity to live the language and own the language through fluency tasks

O Create meaningul, interactive , challenging activities and empower the learners.

O Remember yourself as a learner.

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Fluent use stageO L use the language in a personal,

creative way choosing the language.O L have a clear reason to listen to

each otherO L expand on the target language.O L demonstrate their independent

control of the new language.O T limits response to inaccuracies and

only respond to those that inhibit communication

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ActivitiesO The never ending board gameO Mini debatesO The hot seatO Information Gap interviewO Blind pokerO Mingle activities

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Thanks GodO Thanks to the awesome people I met at

Centro Spiral Mana who changed my teaching.

O Thanks to people like Mary Scholl who firmly believes in the power of love when teaching.

O Thanks to Cristian who graciously accepted to draw for this presentation

O Thanks to David Fay ,Debra and all the people behind this event

O Thanks to you, who make things happen.
