
The main image takes up just over half the page. It features Florence, the topic of the article, sitting on a box covered in a red and white flag which the reader assumes is the American flag. The image fits nicely with the colours scheme which is red, white and black. Florence is wearing all black and her trademark red hair is the only colour she is wearing. The red of her hair matches the flag nicely and makes the image look very neat. I like how the red matches her hair as it ties all the different aspects of the image together. The flag is mise-en-scene as the article is about Florence’s success in America and by her sitting on the American flag it connotes that she has conquered the USA. As the read is the only colour on the page the readers are instantly drawn to the image. I thought this was a good idea as it effectively grabs the reader’s attention. Florence herself is in quite a seductive long shot and this will help to attract both males and females that are fans of her work. The pose connotes a confident woman, also the fact she is on a podium connotes that she has taken over or achieved something and has gained a high status.

The main headline ‘USA got the love’ has a greyscale colour scheme. ‘USA’ is in big bold grey letters and takes up two thirds of the top half of the pages. It goes behind the image but can still be easily seen. The big ‘USA’ suggests to the reader that the article will have something to do with Florence achieving something in America. The second part of the main headline is smaller and is in a different front. The font is black and is thinner and longer than the other font. It also has curved ends. This type of font is usually seen as a feminine font and this suggests that the article is aimed towards a female target audience. I like the contrast between the two different fonts as they contrast nicely. The fonts could reflect Florence’s personality as she is powerful but still has a feminine side to her. The main headline line is also a pun of Florence’s hit song ‘You’ve got the love’

Underneath the main headline is the sub headline. The sub head line briefly gives the reader an idea of what the article is going to be about. I like this as it makes the reader want to continue reading the article and find out more. The article begins with a drop cap. The drop cap has a similar font to the second half of the main headline. It has curly ends and suggests the article is targeted towards a female target audience.

The text font is all black with makes the article simplistic and seem sophisticated; the article has three columns all of different sizes. I think this looks okay but I feel the last column looks a little out of place as it’s a lot taller than the other columns. The columns make it easier for the readers to read the article and it makes the article look neat and sophisticated. The article is free flowing and this makes the article flow a lot better than a Q&A would as there have to be breaks for the questions. I like how the article flows and is more like one continuous story.
