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Comic by Bill Watterson

Page 2: FletcherEnglish1102 - Ott

Library Research

0What do I want to know?

0 Define an information need and develop a strategy

0How do I find it?

0 Know where to look

0 Implement search strategy

0How do I know it’s right for me?

0 Evaluate information before you use it

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Define an Information Need

0Review your assignment

0 How many sources? What type(s)? What is the audience? What is the intended purpose

0Brainstorm ideas

0 Talk to friends; browse web; read newspaper

0 Identify main topic and related concepts

0 Use a thesaurus; break down by subtopic

0Put it all together

0 Develop a search strategy

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Identifying Keywords

0Take your topic and make it a question…

0Now in that question identify the significant terms in your question.

0These terms are the keywords you will use to search for sources.

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Search TermsConcept 1


Concept 2


Concept 3

Main idea Related idea Subtopic


Synonym Synonym Synonym


Synonym Synonym Synonym

• Use “ “ or ( ) to keep words together & in order• Connect different concepts with AND• Connect similar concepts with OR

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Boolean Operators

0AND = narrow

0OR = expand

0NOT = exclude

AND is automatically used by Google and other search engines to combine terms

Sometimes a program will use a + or – to substitute for AND or NOT

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Tips and Tricks forBetter Searching

0 Don’t type in your question:0 Use Boolean Operators

with keywords

0 Use keyword phrases with “” or ()

0 Wildcard (? or #)0 ne?t finds

neat, nest, next

0 colo#r finds color or colour

0 Truncation (*)0 comput* finds computer

or computing

0 Proximity0 N= near regardless of

order0 tax N5 reform finds tax

reform as well as reform of income tax

0 W= in the order they were entered0 tax W8 reform finds tax

reform but not reform of income tax

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Finding Articles

0Use GALILEO to access databases

0Use your SWAN credentials to log into Galileo from off campus

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1. Type in Keywords in the boxes… Notice the operators

2. Limitersa) Full textb) Scholarlyc) Date

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0 “Quotes” – returns Exact results of the search term

0 Especially good for stop words or words that are ignored like “a, an, the”


0 AND – results contain all search terms

0 OR – results contain either search terms

0Google Scholar


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Google Searching within Queries

0 site: results from only a specific site

0 site:edu

0 site:

0 filetype: results in only the filetype specified

0 filetype:ppt|pdf|doc

0 intitle: results from terms only in the title

0 intitle:Clayton

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Symbols in Google

0 + disables synonym searching

0 - excludes a word

0~ requests synonym searching

0 | works like an OR operator

0 * wildcard terms (fills in the blank)

0# … # range of things like dates, prices, and measurements

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Google Image Searching

0 Creative Commons = Copyright free


0 Search by image category

0Use the color chips to find images by color

0Drag your image into the search box

0 Camera icon plus image URL or upload