Page 1: Five website focus areas to improve your online

Five Website Focus Areas to Improve Your Online Marketing Results

Page 2: Five website focus areas to improve your online

Kyle Sheridan here again with five things you need to be aware of with your own website.

OK, so my team has been busy just building the brand new version of our website, And when we were putting it together, we had to think about the things that are most important, from all of the customers that we have, and we came up with five things. We’re going to go through those five things now.

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Focus on research Number one is research. It’s knowing who your target audience is and what they’re using to find your website. So we offer keyword research to help you get that information. Think of it like the blueprint for building your house. It’s good to have the map before you build.

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Create content based on your research The next thing is you need content to put on your website that relates to that research findings. So we now provide content directly for you from our web development site. You can order articles, press releases, infographics, videos and images and you can do whatever you want with that and we suggest you put them on your website and also if you have some left over, use them to syndicate to other sites pointing back to your website.

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Build a responsive website The next step is you need to build your site itself. So we offer you a range of responsive websites. That means it works on any browser because we know people use smartphones, iPads and desktops in a daily usage pattern. So we offer you a responsive site, either pre-done which are lower priced or custom, which is where we will take your vision and give you a design study and then make your amazing custom built website.

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Hosting your website The next thing you have to do is host your website. Now you want a fast, reliable server. We’ve gone out at great expense and got a very good dedicated server setup with a full backup and off-site backup as well. So it’s not backed up just once. It’s backed up three times. We back it up to amazon s3, we back it up to the second server, and we back it up off-site through a third party. So that gives you a really fast load time so that when we develop the site, we can even host it for you at a very low monthly rate. Plus we’ll go and help you re-configure the plugins right away to get the best premium site and we’ll update them on a regular basis. So it’s hands off from your point of view.

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Website maintenance The final thing is maintenance. You’re probably going to want to change your opt-in here and there or move things around the site. So we sell WordPress maintenance in five-hour packs and treat us like your web team. You’ll have a project manager and you’ll only pay for five hours at a time. That means you don’t have to hire, you don’t have to train, you don’t have to manage, you don’t have fixed cost of wages. You just buy what you need. In fact that’s our most popular package and most of our customers are web development agencies who recognize that it’s easier to hire us. Just to do what they need, when they need it. And we’re on tap. My team is on demand right now and we’re ready for your work today.

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So hope you find these five things useful. It’s research, content, website, hosting and maintenance. If you got any questions, please head over to There’s a leave a message tab and my phone number is right there on the website. Give me a call.
