
FIT LIFE MONTHLY3 Tips | 3 Recipes | 3 Exercises

August 2017

Dr. Amy Lee, MD


Welcome to the August 2017 edition of Fit Life Monthly. Labor Day is just around the corner now! So I want to help you stay motivated, even as the days grow shorter and outdoor activities start winding down.

As with every issue of Fit Life Monthly, you have 3 items in each of 3 different categories: tips, recipes, and exercises:

Fit Life Monthly is my free gift to you. It’s chock-full of helpful tips, delicious recipes, and great exercises designed to help you achieve the body you deserve. What you won’t find: sales pitches or product plugs.

And it’s yours for free... every month! Enjoy! :)

- Amy Lee, MD

Section 1: Inspiration Cheats3 tips for staying inspired and sticking to your health goals. Think of this as your monthly “Inspiration Cheat Sheet.”

Section 2: Healthy Eats3 recipes for easy, healthy dishes you can try at home. Who says being healthy can’t be delicious? (Seasonal produce section included)

Section 3: Get on Your Feets!3 simple exercises you can do to stay active and energized and keep your metabolism burning all day long!

SUMMER IS WINDING DOWN...But I’m going to help you maintain your momentum!

SECTION 1: INSPIRATION CHEATSThree valuable tips to help you stay inspired and

reach your health and fitness goals.

Use actual visuals of yourself to inspire you.

Tip #1:

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” And it’s a great way to remind yourself of the leaner, healthier body you’re working toward!

Now, the easiest way to do this is to rummage through your old photos and look for some that show you as slim and fit as you’d like to be today.

Then hang them up around your home or office to remind you of the “new you” you’re working so hard at becoming.

Now, if you don’t have any pictures of yourself to use as inspiration, do what the supermarket tabloids do:

Paste your face onto someone else’s body. All it takes is a magazine, some scissors, and tape!

The bottom line is, create whatever visuals you need to keep working toward that youthful, fit body you want!

Seeing these visual reminders can give you a little shot of resolve when you really need it. For example, set one on your kitchen table, where you’ll see it every time you’re tempted to grab a snack you don’t really need.

Have another one near the TV remote, so you’ll be reminded to keep up with your exercise regimen. [Hint: This is related to this month’s exercise section.]

You see, rapid weight loss programs get their “incredible” results by dehydrating you — which is actually HARMFUL to your health. Your body is 75% water, and all your organs — from your brain down to the skin on your feet — need that water to stay healthy.

Lasting weight loss — with real health benefits — involves reducing the harmful visceral fat that surrounds your organs, and the fat that shows up around your waistline.

Let me repeat: You can’t lose 5 pounds of fat in a week, no matter what anyone tells you.

And in fact, when you try to lose fat too quickly, your brain slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. In the process, your body stops burning fat as quickly and your hunger increases.

That’s why the key to your success — and lasting results — is to be patient... and let the benefits of your lifestyle change work their magic on your weight and health.

So set your cruise control at “slow and steady,” and before you know it you’ll begin to see and feel your progress... and you’ll keep seeing and feeling it.

How would you like to lose 5 pounds of fat this week?

Well, I’ve got some bad news for you: that’s physiologically impossible.

Now, I’m sure you’ve heard the promises of unscrupulous marketers who claim they can help you lose inches or pounds instantly.

Well, here are the cold hard facts: You should limit your weight loss to 2 pounds per week.

Set realistic goals... so that you can achieve them and set more goals!

Tip #2:

No matter what the goal, every successful venture must have one thing: a clear ‘course of action.’ In other words, you need a plan that explains exactly how you can get from ‘here’ to ‘there.’

However, it’s just as important to have a “Plan B” you can fall back on when something unexpected happens.

And you can bet this principle applies to your daily exercise plan, too.

Have a backup exercise plan.

Tip #3:

Let’s face it: Most people exercise because they have to, not because they love to. (And that includes me!)

So, when something unexpected interferes with your normal routine, it’s easy to just skip your workout and do something else... unless you have a backup plan!

And this backup plan can be anything, really. The important thing is to do something. Get yourself moving, charge up your metabolism, and keep building on all that you’ve achieved so far.

I hope you feel a sense of focus and purpose now. And I hope you’re hungry.

Because it’s healthy cookin’ time! (Next Page)

This hearty vegetarian hash is delicious on its own, which is great news for vegans. But if you’re craving a more filling, protein-heavy recipe, try it with a little turkey sausage or scrambled eggs, as pictured here.

Who says that healthy eating has to be boring? Not me! This month’s meals give you the flavor AND the health benefits of tasty spices, vitamin-rich veggies, and low-calorie protein.

Kick off your day with this delicious protein booster breakfast, filled with healthy veggies, nuts, and spices!

SECTION 2: HEALTHY EATSThree yummy meals that give you the protein and

nutrition you need to power through your day!

Spicy Veggie Hash

‘Southern’ Breakfast:

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

½ yellow onion, diced

2 zucchini, diced

1 red pepper, diced

1 jalapeno, seeded and diced

¼ cup pine nuts

¼ teaspoon dried sage

¼ teaspoon paprika

¼ teaspoon sea salt

¼ teaspoon garlic powder

Eggs for serving, cooked your favorite way (optional)

Ingredients (serves 1-2):


1. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil, along with onion, zucchini, red pepper, and jalapeno. Saute until onion is translucent.

2. Add pine nuts and seasonings, and saute until hash is fragrant and vegetables are tender.

3. Serve as is, or with 1-2 eggs per person.

Ingredients (serves 6):Creamy Chilled Tomato Soup

Cool-as-a-Cucumber Lunch:

A summer dish inspired by classic Spanish Gazpacho – it’s delicious cold, but if cold soup isn’t your thing, try heating it up. The soup is 100% vegan, and is surprisingly filling thanks to the addition of protein-rich almonds. And good news for hot days – no cooking required!

2 pounds ripe red tomatoes, roughly chopped

1 medium cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped

1 Anaheim pepper, seeds removed, chopped

1 small sweet onion, cut into chunks

2 cloves garlic

2 tablespoons sherry or red wine vinegar or more to taste

½ teaspoon sea salt, or to taste

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

½ cup unsalted slivered almonds

Ingredients (serves 4):For the Soup:


1. Pulse tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, and onion in blender until chunky.

2. Add garlic, vinegar, salt, olive oil, and almonds, and blend on high until mixture is smooth.

3. Taste, and add salt/vinegar as needed. Serve immediately, or chill until serving, if you’d prefer it ice cold.

4. Serve along with an assortment of garnishes and let everyone customize their meal.

4 hard boiled eggs, chopped

1 cucumber, diced

1 red onion, diced

¼ cup chopped fresh parsley

½ cup plain Greek yogurt

Your favorite hot sauce

Grilled chicken or shrimp (3 oz per person)

For the garnish (all optional, but delicious):

This hearty dish features eggplants filled with ground lamb, Swiss chard, almonds, and mint, drizzled in a sesame lemon sauce. Serve with a side salad for a filling, satisfying summer meal that can be grilled OR baked, depending on your mood.

Ingredients (serves 6):Lamb-stuffed Eggplants With Mint

Mmm Mediterranean Dinner:

4 small or 2 medium eggplants, cut in half lengthwise.

¼ cup olive oil

1 yellow onion, diced

¾ pound ground lamb

1 bunch Swiss chard, finely chopped

½ cup slivered almonds

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon paprika

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon salt

¼ cup fresh mint, chopped

Ingredients (serves 4):For the Eggplants:


1. First, preheat oven to 350.

2. Scoop out the middles of the eggplants with a spoon, creating “boats.” Finely chop the eggplant you scoop out, and set aside.

3. Lightly brush eggplant “boats” with oil, and bake, about 20 minutes, until tender.

4. Make sauce: Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, and whisk until smooth. Set aside.

5. Heat a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add oil, along with onions, lamb, and reserved eggplant, and saute until lamb is brown and onions are tender, about 6 minutes.

6. Add chard, almonds, spices, and salt, and continue to cook until chard is wilted.

7. Remove eggplant from oven. Fold mint into the lamb mixture, then stuff eggplant with lamb mixture. Return to oven and bake an additional 15 minutes.

8. Serve drizzled with sauce.

¼ cup tahini (sesame seed paste)

1 cup plain Greek yogurt

Zest of 1 lemon

Juice of 1 lemon

1 teaspoon black pepper

¼ teaspoon sea salt

Your favorite hot sauce, to taste

For the Sauce:

(Month of August)Tasty Seasonal Produce List

Fresh fruits and vegetables provide us with many of the essential nutrients — the nutrients our body can’t produce — that we require to stay healthy and fit.

They’re also packed with digestive fiber, which helps you fill up without filling out! ;) That’s why you need to make them a major part of your diet, so that your body and your mind will get all the nourishment they need to feel great — and look great!

For my money, nothing tastes better than fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables! So grab a pencil and paper and start making your shopping list!

Cantaloupe: This sweet, juicy melon is delicious raw or grilled, and pairs naturally with pork. To pick a good cantaloupe, look for one that smells fragrant and clean (especially around the stem end), has no noticeable bruises or blemishes, and feels dense and heavy for its size.

Asian Pear: This crisp fruit is sturdy enough to hold up in salads and sandwiches, but sweet, juicy, and tender. In texture, it is a cross between a very crisp apple and a pear, and most asian pears have an almost floral flavor that pairs well with greens, meat, and seafood.

Green Beans: While green beans are available in grocery stores year-round, fresh green beans, like you’ll see at the farmers market this time of year, have an incredibly complex flavor you only see when the beans are in season. So try them raw or only lightly sauteed to make the most of their incredible flavor.

Figs: Figs have a pretty short season, so get them while they’re ripe. Look for tender, soft figs that are heavy for their size, without too much splitting or broken skin (a little will happen – they’re delicate when ripe). Eat them raw, or try splitting them in half and searing them, cut-side down for a caramelized flavor.

Eggplant: Eggplant is fun to cook with because it acts like a sponge for flavor, and picks up whatever spices or sauces are on the plate. It makes a wonderful meat substitute for vegetarians, and is delicious sauteed, baked, or grilled.

Jalapeno Peppers: They’ve got some heat, but if you’re looking to trim down, adding a little capsaicin to your diet doesn’t hurt – it’s been shown to support your metabolism. Just remember to remove the seeds and the inside membranes to reduce the spiciness, if you’d prefer. And if you make something too spicy, add dairy (or coconut milk) to tone it down.

Mint: As an herb, mint is often ignored, or given side roles as a garnish on dessert or in a cocktail. But the powerful fresh flavor goes beautifully in both sweet and savory dishes. Try chopped mint tossed in your favorite fruit salad, or use in place of cilantro or parsley for a refreshing flavor in savory dishes.

Nectarines: Peaches’ smooth cousin, nectarines are incredibly flavorful and juicy when in season. Their flavor is strong enough to stand up to heartier foods like pork, but delicate enough to be satisfying all on their own. If your nectarines are underripe, try grilling or sauteing them to bring out the sweetness.

Tomatillo: I’ve heard these called “green tomatoes” but they’re actually a member of the gooseberry family. Tomatillos have a papery outer husk that must be removed before eating. Tomatillos can be eaten raw or cooked, and they lend a fresh, sour flavor to your cooking.

Watercress: This dark, highly nutritious green has a peppery flavor that adds a slightly spicy kick to any salad. Watercress can be eaten raw or cooked, and it’s a great addition to classic basil pesto. If you notice small white flowers on watercress, look for a different bunch – once it flowers, it gets bitter.

Wow! That’s a lot of tasty, nutritious food. And now, we need to put it to good use... as FUEL.

Time to get on your feets... or you can stay in your seat... (Next Page)

Alright, take your seat and let’s get started!

**As always, check with your doctor to make sure these or any other exercises are safe for you to do.

Exercise 1: Neck Exercise

This simple exercise targets the back of your neck, upper back, biceps, and triceps.

Step 1:Sit or stand with your back straight.

Step 2: Interlace your fingers and place your hands behind your head.

The #1 excuse for why people don’t exercise: they don’t have time. Well, this surprisingly simple workout can be done anywhere — even while sitting on your couch or exercise ball. So put down your excuses and check out these 3 these isometric exercises.**

SECTION 3: GET ON YOUR FEETS!Too busy to exercise? These 3 simple exercises solve

that problem.

NOTE: To exercise the muscles in the front of your neck, place your hands on your forehead. Then push forward with your head while pushing back with your hands. Keep your chin level for best results.

Step 3: Push your head back against your hands, while pulling your hands against your head with equal force. Keep your head straight. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds.

Step 4: Repeat these steps 5 times, or until tired.

Exercise 2: Chest Exercise

Exercise 3: Abdominal Exercise

This one will target your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest.

This last one targets your abs, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest.

Step 1: Sit or stand with your back straight.

Step 2: Place your hands together, fingers up, as if you were praying.

Step 3: With your hands in frontof your chest, raise your arms until yourforearms are parallel to the floor.

Step 1:Sit or stand with your back straight.

Step 2: Place your hands on your stomach.

Step 4: Press your hands together as hard as you can for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds.

Step 5: Repeat this 10 times or until you get tired.

Continue on to Step 3

Step 3: Tighten your abs, then press firmly against your stomach with both hands.

Step 4: Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds.

Step 5: Repeat up to 10 times.

Way to go!

Now, go savor your lamb-stuffed eggplant! :)

We’ve come a long way together since I started Fit Monthly last year, haven’t we?

I just want to tell you how proud I am of your progress so far — and to remind you that you should feel proud, too. I know how difficult it can be to stick to a goal. But it’s so much easier when someone is there to inspire you to keep going, and that’s what I try to do.

Now, I already have some exciting ideas for next month’s issue. Because I want you to be going ‘full steam ahead’ as we transition from outdoor activities to indoor activities.

And I’m working on some delicious, nutritious ways you can take advantage of fresh fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest, so stay tuned — and stay in touch! ;)

To your present and future health,

- Amy Lee, MD

