Page 1: FIRST PEOPLES Pathways to health programs · our First Peoples—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We recognise the unique place of First Peoples in Australian history

FIRST PEOPLES Pathways to health programs


Be remarkable Be deadly

Page 2: FIRST PEOPLES Pathways to health programs · our First Peoples—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We recognise the unique place of First Peoples in Australian history

At Griffith, we celebrate, believe in and strive for the remarkable.

Welcome to Griffith 01

Why choose Griffith? 02

Industry connections 04

GUMURRII Student Support Unit 06

First Peoples Health Unit 07

Our pathways

I want to be a nurse 09

I want to be a social worker 10

I want to be a psychologist 11

I want to be an exercise specialist 12

I want to be a midwife 13

I want to be a doctor 14

I want to work in human services 15

I want to work in public health 16

I want to be a sports development officer 17

I want to be a dentist 18

Sport at Griffith 20

Indigenous Unigames 21

First Peoples health scholarships 22

Our campuses 23

First Peoples admission to health programs options 24

Credit for health workers’ prior learning 25

How to apply 26

LegendCampuses:G = GoldCoastL = LoganM= MtGravattN = NathanS = SouthBank

Applications information:QTAC=QueenslandTertiaryAdmissionsCentreUAC =UniversitiesAdmissionsCentre(NSW-based)OP =OverallPositionATAR =AustralianTertiaryAdmissionRank

N/A = notapplicableCP =creditpoints


Page 3: FIRST PEOPLES Pathways to health programs · our First Peoples—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We recognise the unique place of First Peoples in Australian history

Welcome to GriffithGriffith is committed to ensuring the visibility, voice and valuing of our First Peoples, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and their culture. The University strives to be a place where Indigenous and Non-Indigenous peoples construct, in a positive partnership, a shared vision for learning, teaching, research and community engagement.





Page 4: FIRST PEOPLES Pathways to health programs · our First Peoples—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We recognise the unique place of First Peoples in Australian history

Griffith University has one of the country’s highest numbers of Indigenous students with 968 students enrolled in 2016 and 118 graduations.

Ranked in the top 3% worldwideWithhighlyawardedteachingstaff,expertresearchers,acomprehensivesuiteofdegreesspanningalldisciplines,andoutstandingcampusfacilities,Griffithranksalongsidesomeofthebestuniversitiesintheworld.

Australia’s most awarded teachersAtGriffith,you’lllearnfromsomeofthebestteachersinthecountry.OurteachershavewonmoreAustralianGovernmentawards,citations,fellowshipsandgrantsthananyotheruniversity.ThreeofourteachershavebeennamedAustralianUniversityTeacheroftheyear.

Rated 5 stars for student experienceWehavereceivedfivestarsintheprestigiousQSStarsratingforgraduatedemployability.AtGriffith,you’llgaintheacademicknowledgeyou’dexpectfromaworld-classuniversity,aswellastheskillsandconfidencethatemployerswant,givingyouanedgeinthejobmarket.

Why choose Griffith?

At Griffith, we’ll help you gain the knowledge you need to create the type of career you want.

Almost 1000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in 2016

Over 100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates

Over half from Griffith health degrees

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Jamie Penny Aurora Indigenous Scholars International Study Tour TheAuroraIndigenousScholarsInternationalStudyTourtakesplaceinOctoberandNovemberofeachyear,takingAboriginaland/orTorresStraitIslanderuniversitystudentsandgraduatestovisitleadinguniversitiesintheUKandUS.



Globally connected




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Industry connections

CareerTrackers Indigenous Internship ProgramGriffithUniversityhasa10-yearpartnershipwithCareerTrackersIndigenousInternshipProgram.CareerTrackersisanationalnon-profitorganisationthatcreatesinternshipopportunitiesforIndigenousuniversitystudents.




Griffith offers a range of amazing learning opportunities through our industry connections. You’ll put what you learn in the classroom into practice and graduate with valuable contacts and the skills, knowledge and experience employers want.


Tiarnee SchaferBachelor of Psychology/ Bachelor of Business

World of opportunities

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Dr Michael BakerSchool of Dentistry and Oral Health

Remarkable graduate



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GUMURRII Student Support Unit

The GUMURRII Student Support Unit is staffed by Indigenous Australians to provide cultural, academic and personal support for students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate studies.




GUMURRII Direct Entry programTheGUMURRIISSUconductstheDirectEntryprogramdesignedforAboriginalandTorresStraitIslandersseekingtoundertaketertiarystudiesatGriffithUniversity.TheDirectEntryprogramenablesapplicantstobeassessedonanyformalqualifications,lifeexperiencesandothertransferableskillsthatsupportyourenrolmentapplication.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tutorial Assistance Program AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderTutorialAssistanceProgramisadministeredbytheGUMURRIIStudentSupportUnit(SSU)andaimstosupportAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderstudents’learningatGriffithUniversity.ThegoalofATSITAPistoassistAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderstudentssotheycanachieveresultswhicharesimilartonon-AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderstudents.


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Through the establishment of the First Peoples Health Unit, Griffith has deepened its commitment to advancing recognition of and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff and communities.



Racism. It stops with meGriffithproudlysupportstheAustralianHumanRightsCommission’sRacism. It Stops With Me campaign,whichencouragesallAustralianstotakeastandagainstracism.




nitFirst Peoples Health Unit

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Remarkable leadership



Professor Roianne West PHD, MMHN, RB, BN

Director First Peoples Health Unit

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Career in rural and remote health

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in primary health care

Eligible for registration as a registered nurse in Australia

‘I chose to study nursing as it offers a wonderful opportunity to help my community and people over a variety of areas. I hope to pursue my masters to ensure I can give back as much as possible.’

Topaz Stringfellow Bachelor of Nursing

I want to be a nurse

I enjoy studying...

Primary health care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, rural and remote health

I’d like to work in...

Aboriginal medical services, hospitals, community health services, general practice, health promotion

Bachelor of Nursing



Our pathw


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Career in health, mental health or disability

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in housing, employment or education services

Career working with children and families

Career working with groups or families

I enjoy studying...

Studies in society, human development and behaviour, social justice, counselling

I’d like to work in...

Aboriginal medical services, child protection, mental health, disability services, domestic and family violence services, youth work and juvenile justice, community work, health, family support services, schools

‘I wanted to study a bachelor of social work to give back to the community, and the Indigenous community in particular will be my focus area. Social work is such a rewarding opportunity to help people in need. When I graduate I want to work with Indigenous youth and ensure they had as many opportunities as I did.’

Zoe Chiotakis Bachelor of Social Work

I want to be a social worker

Social workIfyouarepassionateaboutsocialjusticeandhumanrights,enjoyhelpingotherstheBachelorofSocialWorkisforyou.Youwilldevelopcriticalthinkingskillsgroundedinthevaluesandethicsoftheprofession—promotingsocialjustice,diversity,equity,andacommitmenttotherightsandneedsofthepeoplewithwhomyouwork.

Bachelor of Social WorkEligible for Australian Association of Social Workers

Career in rural and remote service delivery

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Career in rural and remote health

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in primary health care

Provisional registration as a psychologist in Australia

Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)

I enjoy studying...

English and study of society

I’d like to work in...

Social and emotional wellbeing, mental health services, correctional services, policy development and research, rehabilitation services, women’s services, youth work and human services

‘For me, it was a significant life change that pushed me in the direction of my university pathway. Studying psychology allows me to understand how I have progressed through my recovery and has given my life a new meaning. I always wanted to help people and was never sure how I was going to achieve that, until now. After my degree, I plan to open a mental health clinic for youths and break down mental health stigma.’

Shai Wolter Bachelor of Psychological Science

I want to be a psychologist

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

Bachelor of Psychological Science


Full registration as a psychologist in Australia


Our pathw


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Career as an exercise scientist

Career in rural and remote health

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in primary health care

‘I chose the Bachelor of Exercise Science at Griffith University to educate and qualify myself to help people achieve better health outcomes in the future. I needed the knowledge, understanding of how to use the knowledge and the qualification to be able to achieve my goal of helping people be healthier into the future. Griffith University has given me a great opportunity to gain and use my knowledge in a health field that I can make a difference for the better.’

Tyrone Smith Bachelor of Exercise Science

I enjoy studying...

Exercise, biology, chemistry, english and study of society

I’d like to work in...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, rural and remote health, primary health care, rehabilitation, sports or recreation centre, strength and conditioning centres

I want to be an exercise specialist

Exercise scienceThefieldofexercisescienceisaboutunderstandingtheroleofexerciseinhealthmaintenanceandrehabilitation.Ourexercisescienceandsportdegreesaredesignedtopreparegraduatesfortherapidlychanginghealthsectorwherethechallengesofanageingpopulationandincreasingburdenofchronicdiseasewillrequiretheexpertiseyou’llbeabletoprovide.

Bachelor of Exercise Science

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Career in midwifery

Career in rural and remote health

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in primary health care

‘I would like to work with Indigenous women and their families out in the community providing continuity of care. I have a particular interest in working with younger women who may have social or mental health issues and also women dealing with a fear of birth.’

Julie Oliver Bachelor of Midwifery

I enjoy studying...

Biology, communication, woman centered care, wellness, english, health and physical education

I’d like to work in...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, primary healthcare, rural and remote health, hospitals, birth centres, homes, private midwifery practice, and community health services

I want to be a midwife

Bachelor of Midwifery Registration as a midwife in Australia



Our pathw


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‘Biomedical graduate Monique Saunders has always wanted to be a doctor. Now she’s firmly on the way to realising her dream after being accepted into Griffith’s Graduate Entry Medicine Program. ‘Biomed was a perfect pathway for entering medicine as it provides an overall grounding in anatomy, biology and physiology,’ said the GUNGGARI woman from South West Queensland.’

Monique Saunders Bachelor of Biomedical Science graduate and medicine student

I enjoy studying...

Biology, anatomy, physiology, First Peoples health, rural health

I’d like to work in...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, rural and remote health, primary health care, hospitals, health departments, medical research institutes, university and government research organisations

I want to be a doctor

Minimum GPA 5.0


Completed or in final year of Griffith health-related qualifying degree

Doctor of Medicine (MD)Theprogramfocusesonfourmajorthemes:DoctorandPatient;KnowledgeofHealthandIllness;DoctorandHealthintheCommunityandDoctorandLaw,EthicsandProfessionalPractice.

Doctor of MedicineProvisional registration in Australia as a medical practitioner

Participate in an assessment with representatives from the School of Medicine, GUMURRII Student Support Unit and a representative from the Council of Elders

Minimum GPA 5.0

GAMSAT score of at least 50 (minimum of 50 in each subsection)

Completed or in final year of related qualifying degree at any University

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Career working with children and families

Career in health, mental health or disability support

‘Studying human services is important to me because it fuels my passion for helping my community and develops my skills to engage and support minority groups to the best of my abilities. When I graduate I want to work with children and young people to support them to have the best kick start to adulthood and to inspire them to reach their goals.’

Julia Hayes Bachelor of Human Services

I enjoy studying...

Social justice, empowerment, studies in society, human behaviour

I’d like to work in...

Child protection, juvenile justice, mental health, early learning services, health care, disability support, aged care services

I want to work in human services

Bachelor of Human Services

Human servicesYouwilllearnhowtohelparangeofpeopleinthecommunity.Thisincludesfamiliesinneed,youngerorolderpeople,andpeoplelivingwithinjuryordisability.YouwilllearnabouthowhumanservicesareprovidedthroughoutAustraliaanddevelopaclearunderstandingoftheprinciplesofsocialjusticeandempowermentinthesector.

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in case management in a diversity of fields

Career in rural and remote service delivery

Career in aged care services


Our pathw


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‘I chose to study the Bachelor of Public Health because it is a holistic view of health which provides an invaluable framework and perspective to address Aboriginal disadvantage. The skills, knowledge and practical experience I have gained from my degree will be vital in fulfilling my goal of contributing to improving both health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people.’

Jamie Penny Bachelor of Public Health

I enjoy studying...

Biology, chemistry, english, health and physical education

I’d like to work in...

Local and state government departments and agencies, non-government organisations, health centres, schools and community organisations

I want to work in public health

Career in public health

Career in health promotion

Career in public health nutrition

Bachelor of Public Health

Public healthYouwilllearnhowtoaddressmajorhealthissuesincludingchronicdisease,sexualhealth,nutrition,HIV/AIDs,physicalactivity,drugsandalcoholwithinmanypopulationssuchasAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoples,youth,seniorsandinsettingssuchasworkplaces,hospitalandschools.

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in rural and remote health

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‘I chose to study sport development as sports is ingrained in Australian culture and is an avenue for social and community cohesion.’

Jacob Anderson Bachelor of Sport Development

Bachelor of Sport Development

I enjoy playing sport and studying...

Sport, english and study of society

I’d like to work in...

Sports or recreation centres, strength and conditioning centres, recreation or work with elite athletes

I want to be a sports development officer

Sport developmentSportdevelopmentisaboutattracting,growingandretainingsportsparticipantsinthecommunity.Studentsarepreparedwiththeskillstoworkinareassuchsportandexercisescience,sportmanagementandmarketing,healthpromotionandsportscoaching.Inthisgrowingprofessionalarea,graduatesdesignanddelivertargetedprogramsthattheymanageinavarietyofsportssettings.

Career in rural and remote health

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in primary health care

Career in community and sport recreation

Career in elite athletic development


Our pathw


Page 20: FIRST PEOPLES Pathways to health programs · our First Peoples—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We recognise the unique place of First Peoples in Australian history

Registration as a Dentist in Australia

Master of Dentistry

I enjoy studying...

Biology, anatomy, chemistry and physics

I’d like to work in...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander oral health, rural and remote health, oral health departments, private dental clinics, university and government research organisations

‘When I was in year seven, I had orthodontic treatment as my teeth were severely crowded. I would never smile in public and I was very self-conscious and shy. In grade nine when the treatment was complete, my entire self-confidence was transformed. This gave me the incentive to want to give this same experience to other people.’

Hannah Lonergan Bachelor of Dental Health Science

I want to be a dentist


Bachelor of Dental Health Science

Career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Career in dentistry

Career in rural and remote health

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Competitive edge




Ryan James Bachelor of Business




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Nathan and Mt Gravatt fitness centresBothfitnessfacilitiesarefullyequippedwithpinloaded,plateloaded,freeweightsandthelatestcardiovascularexercisemachines.Thereisalsoawidevarietyofgroupfitnessclassavailable,rangingfromBoxingtoAquaAerobics.

Mt Gravatt Aquatic CentreThe25mheatedpoolattheMtGravattcampusoffersyouavarietyofswimmingandfitnesstrainingoptions.

Multisport complexOurnewMultisportcomplexattheNathancampusfeaturesfourfullylitallweathersyntheticgrassfieldsdesignedforfive-a-sidesoccer.Italsoincludestwoflood-litcricketnets.Thisstate-of-the-artvenuecanbebookedbygroupsforcasualusethroughtheNathanFitnessCentre.

Gold Coast fitness centreOpentostudents,staffandthecommunity.Thecentreoffersweightsandcardioequipment,aboxingfacility,andarangeofgroupfitnessclasses.

Gold Coast Aquatic CentreThenewGoldCoastAquaticCentreisopentoeveryone,whetheryou’reaGriffithUniversitystudent,Alumni,staffmember,oramemberofthepublic.FacilitiesincludeanewOlympicsizeswimmingpoolandfunctionalfitnesstrainingarea.

Sport at Griffith

We have many sport and recreation facilities and services across all campuses.

Sporting clubs and events

Social sportWeeklysportcompetitionsforawiderangeofsports,includingfive-andseven-a-sidesoccer,basketball,netball,touchfootballandvolleyball,


Sporting facilitiesYoucanaccessallfacilities,regardlessofwhichcampusyourdegreeisbasedat.


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You can represent Griffith in university sporting competitions through events such as the Indigenous Uni Games or join one of our sporting teams and take part in social sports competitions. For an overview of all the sport and fitness options available to Griffith students, visit


Indigenous Unigames

Re-connect with old friends, make new friends and celebrate the richness of Indigenous culture in sport.




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‘I feel honored to have received the Aunty Pamela Mam scholarship. I wish I knew at the beginning how important a contribution Aunty Pam made to Indigenous Nursing.’

Natasha EggmolesseFormer Scholarship recipient and graduate

Griffith University offers a range of scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Indigenous Commonwealth scholarships• IndigenousAccessScholarship• IndigenousCommonwealthAccommodationCosts• IndigenousCommonwealthEducationCosts


First Peoples health scholarships

Health scholarships

Aunty Pamela Mam Indigenous Nursing ScholarshipEstablishedtohonouralifememberandformerlong-termemployeeoftheTheAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderCommunityHealthService(ATSICHS)Brisbane.AuntyPamwasthefirstIndigenousnursetobeemployedbyATSICHSandcontinuedtoworkintheorganisationforthemajorityofherworkinglife.ThisscholarshipwillfinanciallyassistAboriginaland/orTorresStraitIslanderstudentswhohavebeenacceptedintoaGriffithNursingorMidwiferyProgram.

The Nellie Thomas BursaryTheNellieThomasbursarywasfoundedin2008inmemoryofNellieBertha(McDowell)BakerandThomasMcDowell.ItsaimistoassistanIndigenousstudentstudyinginthefieldofMedicine/Health.Thebursarywillfinanciallyassistapplicantsonlowincomeswithadditionalcostassociatedwithuniversity.

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Spanning three cities in South East Queensland, our campuses are located at the Gold Coast and Logan as well as Nathan, Mt Gravatt and South Bank in Brisbane.

We play a major role in our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, which are now the fastest growing communities in Australia.

Our cities



Our campuses



Parking and forinformation.

In 2018, the Gold Coast campus will be transformed into a hive of activity, with the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Village located across the road. A Griffith Queensland College of Art student designed the logo for the CGV, which is set to host 6,500 athletes and officials from around the world.




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First Peoples admission to health programs options

Griffith University seeks to provide access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples so that the student cohort reflects the diversity in the wider community.

The University has approved alternative entry pathways for the admission of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: First Peoples into selected Griffith Health programs.


Selection criteriaApplicantswillbeassessedonthebasisoftheiracademicachievement,inadditiontotheirparticipationinan:

• assessmentofculturalandsocialsupportrequirementsmeetingand

• assessmentofacademicneedsinterview

Application processApplicantswillfirstneedtofollowthestepslistedbelowbeforesubmittingtheirapplicationviaQTACorGraduateEntryMedicalSchoolAdmissionsSystem(GEMSAS):

• MakeformalcontactandapplythroughtheAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderAlternativeEntrySchemeattheGUMURRIIStudentSupportUnit

• IdentifyasAboriginal/TorresStraitIslander• Provideapersonalresume,includingreferees,evidence

ofachievementsandexperience• Provideabriefstatementoutliningreasonsforwanting


Logan Direct Admissions SchemeTheLoganDirectAdmissionSchemeoffersyoutheopportunitytoapplyforarangeofprogramsattheLogancampus.Thisisadirectentry,interviewandevidencebasedscheme,andisnotbasedonOP,ATARorRank.Youwilldemonstrateskills,motivationandcommitmenttosucceedinuniversitystudy.Considerationisgiventoyourachievements,interestsandcareeraspirations.

ThisSchemeisnotavailabletocurrentYear12studentsorstudentswhohavecompletedformalstudy,suchasTAFEdiplomasortertiarydegrees.YouwillneedtomeetYear12English(4SA)orequivalent,attendaninterview,andwriteapersonalstatementdemonstratingyourcommitmentandmotivationforstudy. logan-direct-admission-scheme

Griffith University Rural Priority Access SchemeGriffithUniversityhasannouncedtheGriffithRuralPriorityAccessScheme(RPAS)forruralstudentsaimingtostudymedicine,dentistryandMidwifery.OnallentrypathwaystheRuralPriorityAccessSchemeoperatestoensureaminimumof25%ofentrantsarefromruralbackground.

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• assiststudentstoprogressthroughtheirawardprograminlessthanthenormallengthoftheprogramwithoutcredit

• facilitatethemovementofstudentsbetweensectorse.g.VET,institutionsandbetweenprogramsofvarioustypesandlevels

StudentswhohaveobtainedqualificationsHLT33212CertificateIIIinAboriginaland-orTorresStraitIslanderPrimaryHealthCareandHLT40113CertificateIVinAboriginaland/ and-articulation

Credit for health workers’ prior learning

Credit for prior learning in certain qualifications may be granted. 25



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How to apply

Visit to explore our comprehensive range of degrees. You can search by degree, career or course and find out everything you need to know, from prerequisites and course options to fees and how to apply.

Talk to usYoucanfindoutmoreaboutourdegreesandmeetthepeoplewhoteachthemateventssuchastheGriffithUniversityOpenDayandtheGUMURRIIOpenNightsandTSXPO(TertiaryStudiesExpo).Youcanalsotalktousatanytimeoftheyeartofindoutmoreaboutyouroptions.

GUMURRII Open NightsTuesday 1 August 2017GriffithUniversity,GoldCoastCampusGUMURRIIUnit(G11)Level2Time:5pm–7pm

Thursday 3 August 2017GriffithUniversity,NathanCampusGUMURRIIUnit(N06)Room-1.31Time:5pm–7pm

Select your degree1

Open DayAtOpenDay,you’llgetatasteofstudentlifeandexperienceourcampuses.


Contact usContactusforadviceaboutyourstudyoptionsandtofindoutmoreaboutstudyingatGriffith,includingstudentsupportandscholarships.

• Generalenquiriesphonenumber(07)37357676• [email protected]• Phone:1800677728(tollfree)•



Use this section to help you through the application process.

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University applications made through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) or the University Admissions Centre (UAC, for New South Wales applicants), are assessed on two things:

1. Eligibility—subjectprerequisitesandanyadditionalcriteriasetbytheuniversity2. Merit—OP,ATARorRank

EligibilitySubject prerequisitesPrerequisitesrefertoachievementsinparticularYear11andYear12subjects(orequivalent).Formanyofourdegrees,theonlyprerequisiteisEnglish,withMaths(A,BorC),Physics,ChemistryandBiologylistedas‘assumedknowledge’.


MeritOP, ATAR or RankAnOverallPosition(OP)isthetertiaryentrancerankassignedtoeligibleYear12studentsinQueenslandbasedontheirperformanceinseniorsecondaryschoolsubjects.AnAustralianTertiaryAdmissionRank(ATAR)istherankassignedtoeligibleYear12studentsinotherAustralianstatesandterritories.


Check entry requirements2

There are many ways to increase your chance of gaining a place in your preferred Griffith degree. These methods of upgrading into your desired degree are known as pathways.


Bonus entry optionsBonus entry for Gold Coast and Logan localsIfyouliveinGoldCoastCity;LoganCity;RedlandCity;IpswichCity;ScenicRim;TweedShire;ByronShire;BallinaShire;Kyogle;CityofLismore;RichmondValley;TenterfieldShire;GlennInnesSevernandClarenceValleyregion(definedbypostcode)andhavenotstudiedatuniversitybefore,you’llbegivenabonusofoneOPbandortwoRankswhenyouapplyfordegreesattheGoldCoastandLogancampuses.TheBachelorofMedicalScience,BachelorofDentalHealthScience,BachelorofPopularMusicandalldistanceandonlinedegreesareexcludedfromthisscheme.

Investigate alternative and bonus entry options3




Page 30: FIRST PEOPLES Pathways to health programs · our First Peoples—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We recognise the unique place of First Peoples in Australian history

You can list up to six preferences on your QTAC or five preferences on your UAC application. You’ll receive an offer for the highest preference you’re eligible for. Here’s a guide to ordering your preferences:




5thand6th Pathways—thesearedegreesordiplomasthatwillhelpyouupgradetooneofyourdesiredorotherpreferreddegrees.

• Nominatingadegreeforallsixpreferenceswillgiveyouthebestchanceofbeingofferedaplaceatuniversity.

• IfyouintendtostudyattheGoldCoastcampus,werecommendthatyouapplyviaeitherQTACorUAC,butnotboth.Ifyou’reeligible,you’llstillreceiveyourofferwithusandyou’llsaveonapplicationfees.

Apply to QTAC or UAC by 29 September 2017.

Visit the QTAC and UAC websites to find out the on-time deadline for applications for study in Trimester 1 2018. Applications will be accepted after the on-time due date, but you will need to pay a late fee.

Applyonlineat:•• QTAC and UAC offers for study in Trimester 1 2018

will be released progressively from mid-August 2017. We recommend accepting your offer and enrolling as soon as possible to secure your place. You can then select your classes and create a timetable.

As well as your QTAC or UAC application, you may have other applications to submit, such as for scholarships. Application deadlines can vary, so be sure to check the website for specific details.

Most domestic students who are studying degrees are recognised as Commonwealth supported students. This means you pay a student contribution each trimester and the majority of the cost of your education is met by the Australian Government.

Deferring your study costs with HECS-HELPHECS-HELP(theHigherEducationContributionScheme-HigherEducationLoanProgram)isagovernmentloanthat,dependingonyourcitizenshiporresidencystatus,allowsyoutodeferthecostsofyourstudyandpayyourstudentcontributionwhenyouareearningmoremoney.YourepayyourHECS-HELPdebtthroughthetaxsystem.Thismeansthatotherthanstudymaterialssuchastextbooks,youwillhavenoup-frontcostsforyourdegree.

Financial assistanceOnceyouareatuniversity,ourwelfareandstudentliaisonofficerscanhelpyouplanbudgets,applyforloansandequityschemes(ifyouqualify),andexploreotherfinancialoptions,

Prepare your application

Lodge any additional applications

Lodge your application by the on-time due date

Accept your offer and enrol

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Find out about study costs and financial assistance7


Griffith University First Peoples pathways to health programs 201828

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Dr Samarra TobyBachelor of Biomedical ScienceDoctor of Medicine

Remarkable professional

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Tuesday 1 August 2017Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus

GUMURRII Unit (G11) Level 2Time: 5 pm – 7 pm

Thursday 3 August 2017Griffith University, Nathan CampusGUMURRII Unit (N06) Room -1.31

Time: 5 pm – 7 pm


For advice and information, visit

Call us on 1800 677 728 to talk to our study advisers.

Gumurrii Student Support UnitGeneral enquiries(07) 3735 [email protected]

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