
First Assignment

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KNR 445Statistics

Ass. 1 FdbkSlide 2

Starting at # 3...

To sort by selected


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Ass. 1 FdbkSlide 3

Sort cases

Slide the variables

over in the desired order

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Transform - recode

To add the region 2


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Transform - recode

Select the region


Give the new variable a


Slide the variable


Then select “old and new


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Transform - recode

Choose a range of values of region...

...assign them to a value of region 2...

...and add...

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Transform - recode

Repeat for other values, then

click “continue”

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Transform - recode

Click “change” to finish

the process

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Select cases

Now use select cases to derive the “mean” for all

those with cho=4

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Select cases

There are a few options. Here an “if...then” is the


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Select cases

Slide the variable over,

type in the condition to be

met, & hit “continue”

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Select cases

...the condition appears in the select cases

dialogue box...

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Using select cases...descriptives

...and you can see the cases that are unselected have a

hash through them

There are lots of ways of getting’s


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Using “descriptives” procedure

Slide the variable over...

...and choose “options” to specify

exactly what you want

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And now we have some output

Use the insert title

bit. You can use

insert text as well, for lower level heading/te


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Computing a new variable

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Computing a new variable

Slide the variables over, with the appropriate operation typed in

(here a divide by operation)

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Here’s the BMI data

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And now to compute the mean...

Doing this

Gets you this

Then use this to get just the


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And the final bit of output...

You would of course have more stuff if you weren’t particular enough to go into the “options” and unselect all the other

