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First Analysis

First picture - These are boy scouts in Germany at the time of Hitler's rule. They are performing the Nazi

salute. You can tell they are boy scouts because of their uniforms. This picture says that every German is

loyal to Hitler, including the children. All of them have bags and pouches for carrying things so they may

have been delivering messages to Nazi bases. They could have also been recruiting other young people,

which was a goal for those in Hitler’s Youth. You can infer that the boys are loyal to Hitler and to his

cause. Their saluting while riding infers that they are bold. You can infer that Hitler saw them as future

soldiers because they are already in uniform.

Second picture - The people are American soldiers fighting in Vietnam. They are fighting for America

because they are wearing American military uniforms. They are fighting in Vietnam because the

landscape is barren and the uniforms look contemporary but not completely up to date. This picture was

taken to show the world that the US soldiers were doing well in the war. Some men are wearing watches

which shows that the time period wasn’t too long ago. An AK-47 was the primary weapon used by the

NVA and VC during Vietnam and some American soldiers were permitted to use them. The group was

huddled together and smiling in the picture, which shows that joining the military will allow citizens to form

close bonds with other soldiers, that there will be happy times during the war, and they are optimistic

about winning the war. You can infer that there is brotherhood in the army, that the soldiers are proud to

be fighting for the US and are in good spirits, and that the picture was taken to show that the US is

confident that they will win the war. 

Third picture - These are people that are celebrating prohibition. They have possession of alcohol and are

smiling, which means that prohibition was just passed and that they are happy about the law’s passing.

The picture is used to convey to the American people that prohibition was a good law to pass. This shows

the beginning of an important time in American history. You can infer from the differences in outfits that

the men in the back are government agents and the men in the front are common folk. The ones pouring

out the liquor were probably shopkeepers. This infers that government control over the people is a good


Page 2: First analysis

I found more about each picture by googling Hitler’s Youth, American military uniforms in Vietnam, AK-47

use in Vietnam, and Prohibition.