
Finding Success Doing What you Love

Introduction Get the word out Have a specific plan of who to contact and what to


Who to Contact

Classes are available to anyone who loves animals Public Classes Private Classes

Best groups to target Veterinary clinics/hospitals Animal shelters/ rescues *fundraiser program and

discounts Pet Businesses, doggie daycares, pet sitters, breeders,

pet stores, groomers Non profit groups, 4H, boy/girl scouts, FFA, school

groups Children become certified as long as they are 9 years of

age or older


Many times we get businesses that say they “do not have enough room for a class”

I have made it work almost anywhere Space Chairs

not a deal breaker Wall to project on

Change PowerPoint background color Curtains, doors, blinds Purchase a portable screen ($25 on eBay)

Overcome objections I get them too, pick yourself up and keep on going Try and sell why we are better

Know what makes our programs better by going to this link


Be very confident in your products We are better because we offer a certification program that far

exceeds any other.

What to say

Talking in person is best Flyers, postcards, business cards Again, be confident Know what the class covers Know how long, pricing, discounts/promotions

available* Do NOT offer discounts that are not approved by the

home office! Go to http://

Other Places to Advertise

Hang flyers on community boards Send out emails* Faxblasts* Call various animal related businesses and groups Mail postcards Set up table at local pet fair, dog walk, 5K,

conventions, etc Always get at least one class doing this!!

*know your FCC regulations

Social Media

The most SUCCESSFUL way to advertise Facebook

Join groups, lots of them Local to your area animal related Invite everyone you know to “like” our Facebook page. All of your

classes will be added as events to our FB page. Share the event of your class on your Facebook page (tell your “friends” to share them too) and any page and group in your area

The more people we have on our page the more will see your classes Twitter Instagram

Always # hashtag your posts on twitter and instagram Pinterest

Add an animal folder and “pin” animal related items such as recipes for dog treats, health and safety tips

Linkedin Make a profile and start inviting people from the animal community to

connect with you. Always post about your classes and ask others to share it

Hootsuite- free for 3 social media sites, small fee for more… $19.95 a month

Laws and Regulations for Advertising

Applies to any emails, faxes and posts you do on social media

ALWAYS include an “opt out” statement at the bottom of all communications

Exact wording for your “opt out” statements can be found in Feel free to copy and paste it at the end of all your communications


Our office does most of the advertising and solicitations for all of our instructors however,

You will be more successful if you go out and look for classes as well

Many groups and business we talk to would rather have someone local come talk to them.

There are many companies online that sell email, fax and mailing lists.

Most charge a fee Our office has access to thousands of emails and fax

numbers that we will use to advertise for you however you should try and find additional ways to communicate to potential hosts.

AAHA Directory AKC Directory Franchise Locations

Camp Bow Wow Z pup

Follow Ups

ALWAYS FOLLOW UP! After contacting a potential host facility always call

them back after 3-5 business days if you have not heard from them

Calling is best but if not at least email them Make sure you always know the name of the person

you should speak to Keep a spreadsheet of places and people you have

contacted about a class, dates you first talked to them and dates you followed up

Promotional materials

Our office will supply you materials periodically to promote you ad your classes

Every class that is open to the public gets a flyer Any time a promotional coupon or discount is offered

from the office we will send out promotional material to you

Promotions, coupons or discounts are ONLY decided and authorized from our home office. Instructors may not award any promotion, etc without permission from our office

Instructors are encouraged to purchase promotional material to hand out

Ask for yours!

Ask for Help

We want you to be very successful Partnership CONTACT US FOR HELP! Locations with difficult questions, hard to get ahold of

or just need some extra help Ask us and we can call and email them too. Ask us to

get involved We are always looking for classes for you and we will

work very hard to get participants in your classes When we work together we all succeed!


Everyone who books 3 of their own classes between now and May 31st will get a $100 bonus check

An additional $50 bonus will be awarded for every class after that.

The first person to book 5 classes in this time period gets an additional bonus of $250

Note that the classes have to be booked by May 31st but can will be allowed to take place after that date

The classes have to run before they will get paid.

You found a class…..

Now what? Work out a date and time with the host facility Have them fill our the Class Agreement and get it to

our office ASAP. (found under “submit a class” on CourseSites)

We will take it from there! Web page Registrations Communicate with host Provide class fliers Send out cards, certificates and any retail items to you

within 5 days of the class


Pet Emergency Education, LLC sells a variety of high quality animal emergency items

First aid kits Barrier masks Shirts Books

Instructors may purchase items at wholesale prices to sell at their classes

You keep the profit Demonstrate their use for better sales

