Page 1: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Financial Office PartnerPresentation

July 26, 2010

Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289)Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Page 2: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

TPS General Fund Revenue Sources2010-2011 Budget






% Local: Ad ValoremInterestCounty:County 4-MilFederal:Title IIDEAGrantsState:State AidMotor Vehicle TagsFlexible BenefitsOther:Carryover Sources

Page 3: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

TPS General Fund Expenditures2010-2011 Budget

Salaries 198295560 61%

Benefits 51639815 16%

Professional Svcs 18757145


Purchased Property Svcs 10236593 3%

Other Svs 7012027 2%

Supplies 26829304 8%

Prop/Equip 1210880 0% Other Objects 4722811 1% Other Uses of Funds 7764085 2%

Page 4: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

State Aid Allocation 2009-2010

Foundation Aid: Foundation Weighted ADM 66,116.81Foundation Aid Factor (1,548.00) 102,348,821.88Less Chargeables: Ad Valorem Chargeable 34,852,027.84County 4 Mill Levy .075 x 7,222,990 5,417,242.50 School Land Earnings 3,813,468.00 Gross Production 55,376.00 Motor Vehicle 17,578,787.00 REA Tax 8,326.00Total Chargeables 61,725,227.34 Net Foundation Aid 40,623,595.00

Page 5: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

State Aid Allocation 2009-2010Net Foundation Aid 40,623,595Transportation: Regular A.D.H. x Per Capita x Transportation Factor

15,312.00 x $33.00 X 1.39 702,361Salary Foundation Aid:1: Inc Aid Guarantee Factor 72.18 x Inc. Weighted ADM

66,116.81 = 4,772,311.3458 2: Adjusted District Valuation $2,174,498,026.00 / 1,000 2,174,498.0260 3: #1 - #2 = 2,597,813.3198 4: #3 x Incentive Mills (20) = 51,956,266Basic Formula Aid 93,282,222Additions (restore 07-08 class size penalty) 13,298Educ Stabilization Component of ARRA 13,459,399Gov’t Services Fund (GSF) of ARRA 983,817TOTAL STATE AID WITH ARRA FUNDS 107,738,736For Comparison-Basic Form. Aid before cuts 112,191,705

Page 6: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Tulsa Public Schools Account CodeFY Fund Proj Type Func Obj Prog Sub Job Div Unit 1 11 0000 50 1000 6111 100 1050 000 07 103


A. FY (Fiscal Year) (1 digit) Fiscal year involved. This is the first digit of the account code. It changes each year on July 1. Example: FY 2010-2011 (1)

B. FUND (2 digits) A fiscal and accounting entity, with a self-balancing set of accounts which records revenues, liabilities, expenditures, allocations and residual balances. Examples: General Fund is 11, Building Fund is 21, Bond Funds (32, 34…) and Gifts & Endowments Fund is 71. Allocations cannot be transferred between funds.

Page 7: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Tulsa Public Schools Account Code

C. Project (3 digit State code plus 1 digit for TPS) Used when a district receives money for restricted uses such as a Federal or State Grant. Frequently, the district must prepare a report showing the amount of expenditures as they relate to the project revenue. It also identifies expenditures as local, state or federal projects. Unrestricted funds are always project 0000.Examples: Title I Federal Project (5118), TPS operated Extended Day Program (390).

D. Account Type (2 digits) For financial reporting – always use account type “50” (identifies the account as an expenditure)

Page 8: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Tulsa Public Schools Account Code

E. Function (4 digits) Describes the activity being performed and answers the question, “Why are you purchasing the goods or services?”Examples: Classroom Instruction (1xxx), Guidance Services (2120), Upkeep of Grounds (2630), Transportation Services (2720)

F. Object (3 digit state code plus 1 digit for TPS) Describes the goods and services purchased. This is the basic account number that describes “what” is being purchased.Examples: Salaries (1xxx), Social Security Contributions (2310), Utilities (4110), General Office Supplies (6190), or Books (6440)

Page 9: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Tulsa Public Schools Account CodeG. Program (3 digits) Describes a plan of activities and

procedures designed to accomplish a predetermined objective. Function 1xxx and 2330 must have a program number greater than 000.Examples: Regular Ed (100), Special Ed (239), Gifted and Talented (251).

H. Subject (4 digits) Describes the subject for which the goods and services are being purchased. It is required when used with function 1000 for coding salaries and benefits, books and periodicals and certain equipment purchases . For budgeting purposes 0000 will be used, although charges will be made to specific subject.Examples: Language Arts (1110), Kindergarten (1020), Math (4400)

Page 10: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Tulsa Public Schools Account Code

I. Job Class (3 digits) Used to classify expenditures for salaries and benefits by employee’s job type. For budgeting purposes 000 may be used in some cases.Examples: Principal (112), Teacher (210), Bus Driver (801)

J. Division (2 digits) A TPS segment used to record expenditures by division.Example: Division 07 for school sites.

K. Operating Unit (3 digits) Used to identify the school site, ESC department or Office or other assigned cost centers to allow for budgeting and reporting of expenditures by site.Examples: Anderson Elem (111), Carver M.S. (515), Transportation Office (003)

Page 11: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Site Budget Allocations• Formulas Updated Annually• Allocation Sheets Distributed to Principals at each site• Reviewed by Area Administrators• Compiled by Finance• Budgets adjusted after 10th day count• Site responsible for over expenditure in sub-teacher

accounts, stipend accounts, and overtime accounts.• Carryover – non-salary budget not expended carried

over to next year with some limitations. Unspent building rental funds are part of carryover.

Page 12: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)
Page 13: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Budgetary Revision Form• Used after beginning year balances are posted to adjust

funding in your unrestricted accounts as need for actual expenditures.

• Form located as link on Intranet ->Budget Office-> Budgetary Revision Form( This will open Excel spreadsheet to be saved to your desktop and edited.

• Note: cannot use to change federal funding, move funds between projects (ie: state adopted funds to unrestricted), or between funds (ie: bond funds to unrestricted)

• All BRF’s received in Budget must have approvals from Principal and Area Superintendant before it can be processed.

Page 14: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)


- - FOR BUDGET USE ONLY - - J.E.# ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___      Batch # ___ ___ /___ ___ ___      P. Date ___ ___ /___ ___ /___ ___  

                     (Site name and 5-digit phone number)

ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION BUDGETARY/ALLOCATION CHANGEFY Fund Project Type Function Object Program Subject Class Div./Site    X XX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XXXXX Increase Decrease 1  11  0000  50  2410 6111   000 0000   000 07145   500.00   1 11 0000  50   2410 6191   000 0000   000 07145     500.00                                                                                                                                                              .  

    Total Changes* $ 500.00 $ 500.00

Notes: *The total of the increases must equal the total of the decreases. Please use a separate form for each fund; allocations cannot be transferred between funds or projects.


Requested by Approved by

 Date Date

Page 15: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Staff Allocation RQ Form

• Used to request an increase to site funded position hours, or request additional staff allocation funded either through project funds or superintendant reserve.

• Instructions and example of form included in packet. For actual form to fill out and edit go to Budget website.

Page 16: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Funds to Administer

Bond Funds(37) - when contemplating an expenditure, review the Bond Office information for qualifying expenditures.Bond funds must be spent within certain timeframes so consider these first.

General Fund(11) - no expenditures allowed for food, gifts or awards.

Page 17: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Funds to AdministerGifts and Endowments (71)- Board Policy 5803 • In order for an expenditure to be made from a Gifts and Endowments

fund, it must qualify as either a valid General Fund expense or an expenditure for the purpose authorized by the donor of the gift. If the item is not a valid General Fund expenditure, but it is specifically authorized by the donor, documentation providing proof of the donor's intent must be submitted with the requisition.

• Examples of expenditures not valid from the General Fund are:• Meals for employees who are not on an out-of-town trip. • Employee refreshments. • Purchase of flowers and plants. • Donations to the PTA. • Personal dues and memberships. • Tuition reimbursement. • Purchase of gifts, awards and plaques

Page 18: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Funds to Administer

Student Activity Funds-Student generated funds-Must be spent for direct student benefit-Statutory limit of one checking account per school

Responsibilities of the Principal are outlined in the Student Activity Handbook found on the Intranet in the Quick Links under Student Activity Funds

Page 19: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

SAF Fund Responsibilities

Page 6 of the Handbook:Principals, being responsible for their school's overall program,

are accountable for knowing and enforcing all rules governing School Activity Funds. Although administrative styles may vary, the basic duties required of all principals are as follows:

• To advise Board of Control on School Board Policy and Oklahoma Statutory Law.

• To select a Board of Control that will fairly represent the student body.

• To appoint staff members to perform the duties of Secretary and Treasurer.

Page 20: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

SAF Fund Responsibilities• To submit names of each Board Member, Secretary, Treasurer

(custodian) to the appropriate Area Administrator.• To select appropriate Sponsors to represent all authorized

student groups and to conduct all fundraising activities.• To inform all faculty members concerning the proper use of

funds and proper purchasing procedures.• To initial form requesting permission to purchase certain

equipment, accept gifts, and transfer funds.• To report to the Treasurer of the district, all cases of theft or

suspected theft of cash or merchandise belonging to the Student Activity Fund.

• To respond to any issues raised by an audit and make presentation of corrective plans to the Board of Education, if requested by the Superintendent.

Page 21: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Facilities Utilization

• Information for the public is on the District Website/Departments/Facilities Utilization

Public is instructed to contact the school for availability and send application to the school for approving signature.

Principal forwards to Facilities Utilization for processing and final approval.

Page 22: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Data Warehouse Reports• School Available Balance Report: summary of all school discretionary

account balances.• School Available Balance Report-Salaries: summary of school salary

account balances(ie: substitutes, certified stipends, optional special assignments etc.).

• School Inventory Expenditures Distribution Report: listing of current year warehouse expenses.

• School Invoice Distribution Report: listing of all paid invoices against school purchase orders.

• School Recent Budgetary Revisions: report used to show latest BRF’s processed.

• School Requisition Purchase Order Distribution Report: listing of open RQ’s and PO’s for a school showing liquidated and remaining balances.

• School Salary Detail and Other Manual Entries to the GL: All salary expenditures by name and account, also includes manual entries for monthly AT&T and OfficeMax expenses etc.

Page 23: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

2010/2011 GENERAL FUND (111)






Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description Appropriations Requisitions Encumbrances


Available Balance


INSTR. PAPER & COPY SUPPLIES-WAREHOUSE 3,420.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,420.00


INSTR. GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES- ONLINE 963.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 963.35


SUPPLEMENTAL TEXTBOOKS (NON-STATE ADOPTED) 6,186.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,186.58


INSTRUCTIONAL COCURRICULAR SUPPLIES 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,600.00




FY11 ESTIMATED CARRYOVER 3,013.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,013.20

111-0000-50-1000-9600-100-0000-000-07-103 PETTY CASH 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00


OFFICE PAPER & COPY SUPPLIES-WAREHOUSE 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00

111-0000-50-2410-6190-000-0000-000-07-103 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.00111-0000-50-2410-6192-000-0000-000-07-103

GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES-ONLINE 963.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 963.35

111-0000-50-2720-8910-000-0000-000-07-103 TRANSPORTATION CREDITS 726.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 726.72

Total Project 0000 - UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 20,123.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,123.20

School Available Balance Report- Unrestricted funds

Page 24: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

 2010/2011 GENERAL FUND (111)







  Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description





Available Balance



  Total Project 0130 - CHEROKEE MOTOR VEHICLE REVENUE 146.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.67


 Project 3330 - STATE TEXTBOOK



  Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description





Available Balance


STATE ADOPTED TEXTBOOKS 18,553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,553.10

  Total Project 3330 - STATE TEXTBOOK 18,553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,553.10

School Available Balance Report- Restricted Funds

Page 25: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

2010/2011 GENERAL FUND (111)            





Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description





Available Balance

111-3670-50-1000-1700-424-1130-415-05-103 STIPENDS - CERTIFIED 4,972.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,972.21Total Project 3670 - READING SUFFICIENCY ACT 4,972.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,972.21

Project 5118 - TITLE 1            


Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description





Available Balance

111-5118-50-1000-1110-494-1010-210-05-103 SALARIES - CERTIFIED 67,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67,400.00111-5118-50-1000-1210-494-1050-000-05-103 SALARIES - NON CERTIFIED 22,702.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,702.00111-5118-50-1000-2310-494-0000-415-05-103 FICA - CERTIFIED 2,113.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,113.00111-5118-50-1000-2410-494-1050-000-05-103 FICA - NON CERTIFIED 2,270.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,270.10111-5118-50-1000-6810-494-0000-000-05-103

TITLE I COCURRICULAR SUPPLIES 12,299.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,299.90

111-5118-50-2194-1210-494-0000-322-05-103 SALARIES - NON CERTIFIED 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00111-5118-50-2194-2410-494-0000-322-05-103 FICA - NON CERTIFIED 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00111-5118-50-2194-6191-494-0000-000-05-103

GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES-WAREHOUSE 1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00


PROFESSIONAL-EDUCATION SERVICES 3,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,700.00

Total Project 5118 - TITLE 1 141,408.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141,408.00

School Available Balance Report- Federal Funds

Page 26: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

BOND FUND 34 - 2009B (034)                                      Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description

Appropriations Requisitions



Available Balance

034-2100-50-2220-6410-000-0000-000-07-111 BOOKS 6,560.00 0.00 0.00 6,559.19 0.81Total Project 2100 - BOND-LIBRARY BOOKS 6,560.00 0.00 0.00 6,559.19 0.81             Project 3110 - BOND-CLASSROOM TEXTBOOKS


             Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description

Appropriations Requisitions



Available Balance


BOND CLASSROOM-STATE ADOPTED TEXTBOOKS 9,840.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,840.00


BOND CLASSROOM-STATE ADOPTED TEXTBOOKS 0.00 0.00 9,823.32 0.00 -9,823.32

Total Project 3110 - BOND-CLASSROOM TEXTBOOKS 9,840.00 0.00 9,823.32 0.00 16.68             Project 3120 - BOND-CLASSROOM TECH/AV EQUIP


             Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description

Appropriations Requisitions



Available Balance

034-3120-50-1000-6520-100-0000-000-07-111 AUDIOVISUAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,165.71 -4,165.71034-3120-50-1000-6530-100-0000-000-07-111

TECHNOLOGY-RELATED EQUIPMENT 13,730.20 0.00 0.00 9,564.49 4,165.71

Total Project 3120 - BOND-CLASSROOM TECH/AV EQUIP 13,730.20 0.00 0.00 13,730.20 0.00             Project 3130 - BOND-CLASSROOM FURNITURE


             Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div Opr Account Description

Appropriations Requisitions



Available Balance


BOND CLASSROOM - FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 5,355.61 0.00 0.00 5,355.61 0.00

Total Project 3130 - BOND-CLASSROOM FURNITURE 5,355.61 0.00 0.00 5,355.61 0.00

School Available Balance Report- Bond Funds

Page 27: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

2009/2010 GENERAL FUND (011)           

Project 0000 - UNRESTRICTED FUNDS         


Activity Date

Stock room Material Txn Request # Item Description

Issued Qty UOM

Issued Amount

Accounting Effect Date

03/22/2010 IT IT600301 K72WIR0134364

CANON DRUM 2230/2270/3530/3570/4530/4570, PART KAD2270 1 EA 121.76 03/22/2010

03/29/2010 IT IT600301 K72WIR0134712

CANON DRUM 2230/2270/3530/3570/4530/4570, PART KAD2270 1 EA 121.76 03/29/2010

04/07/2010 IT IT600301 K72WIR0135167

CANON DRUM 2230/2270/3530/3570/4530/4570, PART KAD2270 1 EA 121.76 04/07/2010

Account Total:           



Activity Date

Stock room Material Txn Request # Item Description

Issued Qty UOM

Issued Amount

Accounting Effect Date

08/27/2009 IS IS100382 K72



08/27/2009 IS IS100471 K72


DISPENSER, TAPE, DESKTOP, 3/4" W/1" CORE, 3M SCOTCH C-6 6 EA 10.36 08/27/2009

08/27/2009 IS IS100640 K72


FOLDER LETTER, 1/3 CUT TAB, MANILA, 100/BX, OXFORD ESSE 6 BX 24.87 08/27/2009

08/27/2009 IS IS100719 K72



School Inventory Expenditures Distribution Report

Page 28: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

2009/2010 GENERAL FUND (011)             


Project 5118 - TITLE 1              




Fnd Proj AT Func Obj Prg Subj Job Div OprRQ / PO Number Vendor # Vendor Name Distributed Liquidated

Open Amount Eff. Date

011-5118-50-1000-1700-494-0000-415-05-103P76118RXA 000000 0017094A01 ENCUMBRANCE/PAYROLL 12,928.75 12,928.75 0.002/16/2010

011-5118-50-1000-1700-494-0000-415-05-103P76118RXA 001000 0017094A01 ENCUMBRANCE/PAYROLL 10,930.62 10,930.62 0.002/16/2010

011-5118-50-1000-1700-494-0000-415-05-103P76118RXA 002000 0017094A01 ENCUMBRANCE/PAYROLL 10,930.62 10,930.62 0.002/16/2010

011-5118-50-1000-1700-494-0000-415-05-103P76118RXA 003000 0017094A01 ENCUMBRANCE/PAYROLL 6,977.49 0.006,977.496/2/2010

Account Subtotal:           6,977.49                

011-5118-50-2194-2310-494-0000-322-05-103P76023RXA 000000 0012969P01 CHILD NUTRITION 56.25 0.00 56.2511/17/2009

Account Subtotal:           56.25                

011-5118-50-2194-5990-494-0000-000-05-103P76023RXA 000000 0012969P01 CHILD NUTRITION 281.25 270.75 10.5011/17/2009

011-5118-50-2194-5990-494-0000-000-05-103P84500RXA 000000 0012969P01 CHILD NUTRITION 270.75 0.00 270.755/3/2010

Account Subtotal:           281.25                

Project Total:           7,314.99 

School Requisition Purchase Order Distribution Report

Page 29: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)


Funding Category Spend By Appropriation ExpenditureRequistion/

Encumbrance Available

Percent Committ

edSUBSTITUTE SALARIES / PROJ 0000, OBJS 139X & 149X   34,319.60 16,965.00 17,354.60 49.43%

STIPENDS - NON-CERTIFIED / PROJ 0000, OBJ 1800   93.75 206.23 (112.48) 219.98%

UNRESTRICTED FUNDS / PROJ 0000 MARCH 31 46,445.13 36,785.93 309.04 9,350.16 79.87%

FEDERAL TITLE I FUNDS / PROJ 5118 FEBRUARY 1 349,155.40 284,686.00 56,283.34 8,186.06 97.66%

COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL REFORM / PROJ 5160   148,314.66 117,996.51 25,081.88 5,236.27 96.47%

CHEROKEE MOTOR VEHICLE / PROJ 0130 MARCH 31 2,312.75 . 2,312.75 .00%

STATE ADOPTED TEXTBOOKS / PROJ 3330 MARCH 31 77,056.09 56,386.75 20,669.34 73.18%

Total:XXXABC ELEMENTARY 657,697.38 513,026.42 81,674.26 62,996.70 90.42%

School Status of Funds Report

Page 30: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

General Information: Systems Access

• Walker- Contact Nancy Randolph (x66275) in Purchasing for approval queue instructions and general walker use questions.

• Data Warehouse- Contact Alicia Srader (x66552) in Budget for general report questions or sign in problems.

Page 31: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Other Helpful Information• Budget

– Manual -– Forms-

• Accounting – Manual -– Forms -

• School Activity Funds Handbook- located online at

• Payroll Handbook- located online at

• Fixed Assets Link to Facet-

• Purchasing Guidelines and information- located throughout website at

Page 32: Financial Office Partner Presentation July 26, 2010 Secondary Partner: Roxy Roland (x66289) Elementary Partner: Alicia Srader (x66552)

Advice for Principals

• Don’t hesitate to ask questions• Learn how to read monthly financials• Be aware of spending deadlines• Share pertinent information from Leadership

Team Packets with staff• Learn what can/cannot be purchased from each

fund• Be thrifty the first year. Buy only what you need -

not what you want.