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    Partial List of Musical Terms for Music 110C Midterm Review

    People (should know nationality, position and/or relationship to Bach)

    Bachs contemporary composersGeorg Bhm (German [Thuringia] organist and composer)Dieterich Buxtehude (German Baroque composer, organist, lutenist)Arcangelo Corelli (Italian Baroque composer, violinist)Francois Couperin (French Baroque composer)Georg Frideric Handel (born in German, but considered English Baroquecomposer. Born same year as Bach)Johann Kuhnau (predecessor at Thomaskirche, composer)Johann Pachelbel (German Baroque composer, organist)Georg Philipp Telemann (German baroque composer, Godfather to Bachs son,founder ofcollegium musicum)Antonio Vivaldi (Italian Baroque composer. Bach transcribed his concertos)

    Others contemporaries: employers, acquaintances, collaboratorsGeorg Erdmann (classmate at Ohrdruf)J. A. Ernesti (Leipzig rector at Thomasschule)Johann Gottlieb Goldberg (virtuoso keyboardist. Studied with Bach. GoldbergVariations written for him)Count von Keyserlingk (Goldberg Variations dedicated to him)Louis Marchand (French virtuoso)Frederick the Great (King of Prussia, flutist)Picander (Christian Friedrich Henrici) librettist/collaborator with Bach (St.Matthew Passion)Martin Luther (16th century. German monk. Associated with beginnings of

    Lutheranism)Prince Leopold (Cthen)Princess Friderica Henrietta (Prince Leopolds new wife)Prince Johann Ernst (Weimar)Duke Wilhelm Ernst (Weimar)Scheibe (critic, Leipzig)Gottfried Zimmerman (Zimmermans Coffee house)

    Biographer/people who revived or helped Bachs legacyForkel (biographer)Wolfgang Schmieder (19th century biographer, assigned BWV numbers)

    Mendelssohn (Romantic composer, pianist, conductor, reviver of Bachs music)

    FamilyViet Bach (b. 1578 in Hungary. founder of Bach family, great-great grandfather toJ.S. Bach)Emanuel (son)Maria Barbara (first wife from 1707. Also first-cousin)Anna Magdalena (second wife from 1721. singer)Johann Christoff (brother, raised him in Ohrdruf)

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    J.G. Walther (relative. Teacher to Prince Johann Ernst)

    Types of musicians and/or positions:(what is the difference betweenthese positions. Which positions are ranked higher and/or more

    prestigious)CapellmeisterConcert MeistercantorChurch organistCourt organistStadtpfeiferStadtmusicusCollegium musicumGrosse Concert

    Technical Terms used to describe music techniques and formBasso continuoCantus firmusChoraleChorale fantasiaContinuocross motifMelisma/melismaticMotives (motifs)motif: BACH motifObbligato

    Phrases/sections (sections marked by letters: ABC)Punctus contra punctumRecitativo accompagnatoRecitativo seccosecco, accompagnatostile antico (old style)stile nuovo (recitative)

    cadenceparodycounterpoint (contrapuntal, polyphony)

    fugue terms: subject, answer, episodestrettoimitativekeys/key signaturetonic, dominantdiatonic, chromaticmodulation

    halo music (St. Matthew Passion)

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    turba choruses (St. Matthew Passion)

    Musica forms or movements:Da capo form: ABA (also ternary form)Variation Form: AAAASymmetrical structurePreludeFantasiaToccataFrench overturefuguesvariationscanonEnsemble or solo suitesAriaPassacaglia (ground bass, basso ostinato, chaconne)Chorale

    CantataRitornelloRicercarConcertoMass (sections of)OperaToccataTheme and VariationsSuite movements (prelude, allemande, courante, sarabande, minuet, gigue)

    Other terms (misc)Well tempered verses equal tempered (tuning)BWV (Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis) (Bach Works Catalogue)Bach Gesellshaft (formed in 1850. Society to publish Bachs works)

    Terms to describe different styles/schools of performing in the Baroque:North German Organ School

    Types of music Bach wrote (generally speaking)Secular music: concertos, sonatas, burlescas)Higher music-study (counterpoint, fugue, four-part harmonization)

    Places where Bach lived/ Dates, travels and employment

    Eisenach (1685-1695)Born, lived with parents til their deaths (within a year of each other)1692: Enters Lateinschule, Eisenach

    Ohrdruf (1695-1700)

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    lived with brother Johann Christoph here after parents death

    Lneburg (1700-1703, student)1700: enrolls in Michaelisschule1702: applies (unsuccessfully) for organist post at Jakobikirche

    Weimar (1703, Court musician)Appointed court musician (March-Sept)

    Arnstadt (1703-1707, Organist)1705: trip to Lnebeck (Oct-Jan, 1706)

    Mhlhausen (1707-08, organist)Appointed organist at Blasiukirche1707: marries Maria Barbara

    Weimar (1707-1717, organist and chamber musician to court, 1714:

    konzertmeister)Appointed organist and chamber musician to Duke Wilhelm Ernst1708: first child born (Catharina Dorothea)1710: second child: ilhelm Friedemann born1713: visits Weissenfels1714: offered post at Halle. Turns down/is promoted to Konzertmeisterat Weimar

    Anhalt-Cthen (1717-1723, Kapellmeister)1717 visits Dresden and accepts invitation to take part in contest with Marchand.1717 (Nov): imprisoned by Duke Wilhelm Ernst to keep Bach from taking post.1717: travels to Leipzig (Examines organ in Paulinerkirche)

    1718: visits Carlsbad with Prince Leopold (spas)1720: Wife Maria Barbara dies (while Bach is visiting Carlsbad again)1720: visits Hamburg, is offered post as organist at Jakobikirche (he declines)1721: Brandenburg concertos dedicated to Margrave Christian Ludwig1721: Marries Anna Magdalena

    Leipzig (1723-1750, cantor and music director)1724: St. John Passion performed in Nikolaikirche1724: examines organ in Johanniskirche1725: Bach gives organ recitals in Sophienkirche, Dresden1725: visits Cthen

    1727: St. Matthew Passion performed in Thomaskirche1729: visits Weissenfels1729: visits Cthen to perform funeral music for Prince Leopold. (St. MatthewPassion, parts)1729: disputes with council over admission of unmusical pupils to Thomasschule1729: Bach takes overcollegium musicum1729: illness prevents his visiting Handel in Halle (they never met)1730: Bach addresses memorandum on church music to town council1730: letter to Erdmann seeking possible employment1731: St Mark Passion performed in Thomaskirche

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    1731: Bach gives organ recital in Dresden1732: examines organ in Martinskirche, Cassell1733: Son Wilhelm Friedemann appointed organist at Sophienkirche, Dresden.1733: Bach visits Dresden and presents Missa (from B Minor Mass) to Elector Friedrich August II1734: J.A. Ernesti appointed Rektor at Thomasschule1734: Christmas Oratorio performed1735: Bach examines organ in Marienkirche, Mhlhausen

    1735: Son, Gottfried Bernhard appointed organist in Mhlhausen1736: Battle of the prefects with Ernesti begins.1736: appointedHofcompositeurto Elector of Saxony1736: gives organ recital in Dresden1737: Music critic: Scheibe wrote a criticism of Bachs music1737-1739: temporarily gives up Collegium musicum1738: son, Carl Philipp Emanuel appointed harpsichordist to crown prince Frederick of Prussia1738: Bach visit Dresden1739: visits Weissenfels with Anna Magdalena1740: visits Halle1741: Bach visits son Carl Philipp Emanuel in Berlin

    1741: Bach visits Dresden1743: Grosse Concert formed: (not involving Bach)1745: first grandchild, Johann August Bach born1746: son, Wilhelm Friedemann, appointed organist at Liebfrauenkirche, Halle1747: Bach visits Frederick the Great at Potsdam and gives organ recital1748: hand-writing starts to show signs of decline1750: eye operation (March-April),July 22, 1750: takes final communionJuly 28, 1750: stroke and then diesJuly 31, 1750: buried in graveyard of Johanniskirche

    More on death

    Advanced diabetesLittle newspaper reporting about it (more in Dresden)Burial location was ambiguousBuried at Johanniskirche churchyard (with no gravestone. Unusual).Coffin moved in 1900 inside the rebuilt Johanniskirche, moved to Thomaskirche in 1949. 1962 movedinto present central positionear the crossing.

    Perception:Reverence for Bach in the later part of the 18th century was expressed with respect to Bachs skill inwriting counterpoint. Less so for vocal, chamber sonatas and instrumental concertos---these weresuperseded by the Italianate operas, symphonies, quartets, concertos of next generation.

    Questions to consider:1. What were Bachs primary duties at each position he held? What was his

    (compositional) output and how did it differ from one residence to the next?2. What composers and/or regional styles influenced Bach?3. How did he learn the music of composers from other areas?4. What are the movements of a Mass? A suite?5. What are the primary instruments Bach was writing for?

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    6. What were the events Bach was writing for?7. Name the various keyboard forms? What are the differences (characteristics

    in terms of mood, speed, form)8. What issues did Bach have to contend with in his personal life? His

    professional life? As a composer?9. Related to this, what caused him strife?10.Bach the teacher?11.Bach the parent?12.Bach the colleague?13.Name the characteristics/elements of a particular form (Mass? Fugue? Suite?

    )14.What instruments did Bach write for?15.What is Bachs legacy? Which musicians/biographers helped in retaining

    Bachs legacy?