  • 8/9/2019 Final Stage 1 (Web Handin)


    De&Co Corporation

    Company contact e-mail: [email protected]

    Dear Bentley Resources Inc,

    Please find enclosed our design submission for your EFPC project. It comprises 4

    documents in total:

    1. Design Layouts

    2. Specifications

    3. Tender Evaluation Criteria

    4. Disposal Plan

    5. Reference List

    We hereby certify that our design is compliant with the project brief dated 23/08/2010,

    and if constructed correctly will meet your requirements as detailed in the brief.

    Yours sincerely,

    De&Co Corporation members:

    Vinh Quoc Nhu (Vincent) __________________________

    Szu Han Chen (Jason) __________________________

    Mun Yee Chong __________________________

    Si Lian (Cammy) __________________________

    Xing Gao __________________________

  • 8/9/2019 Final Stage 1 (Web Handin)


    1.0 Design layouts

    Figure 1.1 Top View in cm of the Design

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    Figure 1.2 Side View in cm of the Design

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    Figure 1.3 End View in cm of the Design

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    Figure 1.4 General Arrangement in cm of the Design

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    2.0 Specification

    This specification is to clarify how to construct this project and connect all the

    materials. This bridge is only built by single and double sticks; connected by glue and



    Pop sticks: 1.45g each

    Cardboard: 130g (approximately)

    Maximum bridge self weight: 470 grams


    The top of the bridge will be constructed with single glued popsticks frame and

    double ones for the crossing structure (Figure 2.1). The popsticks will be glued as one on

    top others for the single structure to obtain the even surface (Figure 2.2). On the other

    Figure 2.1 the Top Detail

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    hand, the double structure will be glued together as three layers. It is detailed in figure

    2.2 with two layers of popsticks with another in between.

    For the diagonal section, it is required double structure of popsticks. However, it

    will not be glued directly with the linear crossing. The distance between two crossings is

    16mm as shown in figure 2.2 and 2.3.

    For the triangular supports, it is required the vertical and double structure. String

    and glue are used to enhance this structure. Two 8mm holes will be constructed for each

    popstick. Then they will be fitted as double horizontal popsticks into others two vertical

    components. Finally, they will be tightened by string and glued in between. The

    measurement of this structure is given in figure 2.4

    Figure 2.2 Top Details (D1)

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    Figure 2.3 Top Details (D2)

    Figure 2.4 Detail D3

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    This triangular supports is functioned to transfer the load forces into the bridge

    abutment. Therefore, it is important to construct this structure with care and accuracy.

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    3.0 Tender Evaluation Criteria

    The tender evaluation criteria are the guidelines for our company to select the

    most suitable contractors to practice our designs. The score of 1 has been assigned as the

    least impressive performance. The maximum score of 10 will be awarded to the most

    efficient company. All criteria will weigh equally. The highest the score is will identify

    the preferred company to construct the Bentley Resources Inc project.

    Estimated time of Construction/Delivery

    As a time-conscious company, the project needs to be built in a limited timeframe.

    The estimated time of construction/delivery is very important to confirm the project is

    completed punctually. Therefore, the contractor company needs to have the ability to

    quickly yet efficiently complete this task. The score will be awarded accordingly to the

    company which managed to use lesser time (>3 weeks) and yet successfully constructing

    and delivering the bridge.

    Contact details

    The company convincingly has a clear and working contact details. They can be

    easily contacted and required quick replies. The score will be allocated based on the

    contacts on the company website (clearly detailed) and how long it probably takes to

    reply any inquiries (>1 day contacted).


    A contractor company who has the experience in this project field has the definite

    advantage. Experiences are important in order to construct a bridge efficiently as it may

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    give more confidence to the designer company. It also ensures that the project runs

    smoothly as they can understand the design and specification properly. The competency

    and qualifications of the contractor will be assessed by how they understand the design

    and the specification. Therefore, company who has experienced in understanding and

    communication is highly desirable.

    Use of Specified Materials

    Materials to construct the bridge have to follow according to the list of materials

    that have been prepared by the designer company. It is important to follow exactly the

    list of material that given by our company to be highly scored. Marks only will be

    awarded to the company that is able to meet all of our materials requirements.

    Construction and Installation

    The methods that use to construct the bridge are vital in ensuring that bridge will

    fulfill its required duty. The bridge should be constructing according to the

    specifications that provided by our company. Marks will be allocated to the company

    that is able to follow the specification without jeopardizing the performance as well as

    the quality of the bridge.


    The design of the bridge is considered precisely. Tender is strictly required to

    pertain to our companys design in order to obtain the exact length and weight of the

    bridge. Marks will be given to company that managed to construct the bridge in its

    dimensions and weight.

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    Professionalism and the organization of the tendering company are mostly

    desirable. The tender companys contractors need to communicate with the designers

    from the designer company professionally. Moreover, punctually attending meetings

    held by the designer company is required. Marks will be awarded to the company that

    can show high levels of professionalism.


    Builders who strive to complete the task given with maximum effort and

    enthusiasm will be highly admirable. Therefore, enthusiastic and interests in the project

    are required to pursue the high quality and successful project. Besides that,

    communication throughout the whole project is also needed as a good communication is

    important. Regular feedback or comment from the tenders will be welcome and highly

    appreciated. Suggestions that are suitable will be look upon favorably and consider.

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    Tender Evaluation Form


    Evaluation CriteriaAwarded Points


    0 2 5 10

    Estimated time ofConstruction/Delivery

    >3 weeks 2-3 weeks 1-2 weeks 2 days)



    (1-2 days)




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    Tender Evaluation Score Summary

    Evaluation CriteriaContractor Company

    A B C

    1. Estimated time of Construction/Delivery

    2. Contract Details

    3. Experience

    4. Use of Specified Materials

    5. Construction and Installation

    6. Responsibility

    7. Professionalism

    8. Enthusiasm

    Total Score

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    4.0 Disposal plan

    After the bridge has been constructed, the glue between popsticks can be softened

    and cleaned by using sand or capacitor oil of the transformer. On the other hand,

    composting the popsticks does not seem like a good method. Therefore, an alternative

    method needs to be applied to collect and recycle them.

    One of the disposal plans is to invent some new items like basket, picture frame,

    bookmark, etc. Moreover, they are quite easy to make. As a result, reusing popsticks as a

    useful item will be environmental friendly.

    Sample for a simple basket is given. This is a simple procedure and can be done

    within several steps. Popsticks are prepared with new glue, and a small ice-cream box.

    Along the length of the box, some popsticks are glued horizontally. Two or three sticks

    are glued vertically along the width. Then we can also set some sticks across the

    horizontal ones, which will make the basket nice. Finally, it just takes a few minutes tofinish and the basket need 16 or 18 popsticks in total.

    There are also some other designs can be built by popsticks. Overall, we can reuse

    these popsticks so that they will not be composted, or littered.

    As to cardboard problem, except recycling and reusing them, we can collect then

    fold it to combine with the pop sticks to make a pencil holder. Moreover, if we cut the

    cardboard as a circle, it can be a tablemat. Furthermore, we can also keep them as mail

    packages, or reuse cardboard boxes to store books or magazines, craft material, off-

    season clothes, items to donate to charity, or many other household items.