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ALEX’S drawings are displayed, featuring himself (and occasionally SOPHIE) in some form of danger. This includes a drawing in which ALEX and SOPHIE are being chased by a young man, as well as SOPHIE being kidnapped.


ALEX and SOPHIE are sat on his bed. SOPHIE is on her phone, whilst ALEX sits uncomfortably. She looks up from her phone, and watches him for a few moments, seemingly concerned.

SOPHIE(leaning towards him)

What's up?

ALEX Just thinking

SOPHIE ...and?

ALEX And what?

SOPHIE(mocking him slightly)

Aren’t you going to tell me what you’re thinking?

ALEX Shut up

SOPHIE I'm serious


SOPHIE and ALEX are running away from a man, evidently trying to harm them. This resembles the previously shown drawings.

ALEX (V.O.) I was just thinking, you know, about my brother

SOPHIE (V.O.)(sighs)

Alex, I told you-

ALEX (V.O.) No, no not like that. It’s just, what if I’m like him? Ever since dad died it’s been hard for me to look up to another man. He was my best friend. What’s happening to

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all the men in my life Soph?

SOPHIE (V.O.) Alex-

SOPHIE attempts to protest, but ALEX cuts her off.

ALEX (V.O.) Hear me out. People like him – bad people – they’re always so certain that they’re right. Take Darth Vader, or the Joker or someone. They really, really believe in what they’re doing, just as much as Batman does. Don’t you think that’s scary?

SOPHIE (V.O.) I don’t know…

ALEX (V.O.) I read this theory the other day, that all these different versions of our past selves are still alive inside us, and that’s why we are who we are. What if that’s why I can’t let go?


ALEX (CONT'D) And I mean, I feel like I’m a good person, but that’s only because I think my actions are right. What if they’re not, Sophie? I wouldn’t know-

SOPHIE Yeah, but I know. I know you’re a good person.

ALEX Maybe you’re like my evil sidekick

SOPHIE(she looks disgusted)

You’d be lucky

ALEX(he laughs)

You know what I mean. That’s why I draw all of this.

He motions to the drawings on his wall.

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ALEX I just don’t want any of it to happen.

SOPHIE Alex, seriously. Why are you so worried? You’re not like him, you know. You’re you. I don’t think you’re even capable of hurting anyone.


Resume the previous scene, in which SOPHIE and ALEX are running.SOPHIE falls over, and ALEX does not notice until the man has caught up with her. In a state of shock, he watches as SOPHIE is captured.