  • 8/13/2019 Final Report Ecuador Workshop ENG v2


    Workshop: Awarenesto Action: How t

    Implement CSR in SMEs

    18 - 1 March !"$%ito& Ec%a'

    (inal Rep

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report Ecuador Workshop ENG v2


    Final Report

    Workshop: Awareness to Action: How to Implement CSR in SMEsQuito, Ecuador

    18-19 March 2013

    I. Workshop Oeriew


    Understand the opportunities that CSR can generate for SMEs, especia! "! increasing

    co#petiti$eness and pro$iding access to ne% #ar&ets'

    (ro$ide current state of CSR, incuding o$er$ie% of CSR principes'

    )e$eop a taiored CSR action pan for each SME that can "e i#pe#ented o$er * #onths'

    #e$ materials coere%:

    +$er$ie% of CSR principes and "enefits'

    o% to de$eop and i#pe#ent a CSR action pan in a SMEs "usiness strateg!, incuding

    #apping sta&ehoders, diagnosis, "ench#ar&ing, strategic panning, i#pe#entation strateg!,e$auation and co##unication'

    o% to foo% up once a CSR action pan is de$ised'

    Workshop str&ct&re:

    .ntroduction o"/ecti$es, epectations, introducing participants'

    CSR %areness current state of CSR, incenti$es and o"staces to i#pe#enting CSR in

    SMEs, i#portance of CSR in "eco#ing #ore co#petiti$e interactive sessions: CSR in aSME, benefits of CSR.

    +$er$ie% of CSR principes interna pu"ic, eterna pu"ic, suppiers, en$iron#ent,responsi"e #ar&eting and co##unit! reations gender and hu#an rights; interactivesession: responsible practices in my SME.

    .#pe#enting CSR in a SMEs "usiness strateg! de$ising a #ission, $ision and $aues

    #apping sta&ehoders diagnosisCSR incenti$esopportunities and chaenges strategicana!sis de$ising an action pan e$auation co##unication interactive sessions: mappingstakeholders, diagnosis and benchmarking, business case for key CSR principles and

    presenting action plans.

    4oo% up strateg! de$ise taiored pan, support net%or&s; interactive session: hat do you


    5rap up and concusion net steps interactive session: hat ill you do tomorro! present


    Workshop participants:

    68 participants fro# %ho# 30 %ere SMEs fro# a $ariet! of sectors incuding #ining, ogistics,

    ser$ices, agricuture, etc' 4ro# the tota of participants, 27 %ere #en and 21 %ere %o#en


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report Ecuador Workshop ENG v2


    II. Workshop Res&lts

    Emer'in' themes:

    SMEs in attendance %ere $er! interested in earning a"out CSR, especia! after the in& %ith

    co#petiti$eness "eca#e cear'

    SMEs ac&ed the appropriate toos to de$eop a CSR strategic pan' (rior to the %or&shop 29out of 30 SMEs had de$eoped CSR progra#s "ut none had de$eoped a CSR strategic pan'

    though 23 of SMEs had de$eoped a #ission, $ision and $aues, #ost of the# had a

    co##ercia tone' er! fe% SMEs incuded a co##it#ent to societ! in these docu#ents'

    )uring a "ench#ar&ing eercise, SMEs de#onstrated strong practices in go$ernance had

    ega status, #ission, $ision and $aues, code of ethics, and co##unicated the CSRacti$ities:'

    So#e of the attendees epressed a strong desire to infuence their o%n sectors'

    SMEs recogni;ed that CSR is a $aua"e too to i#pro$e a co#pan!

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report Ecuador Workshop ENG v2


    III. Workshop (ict&res
