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January 2009 Issue No. Seventeen

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Painting by H. Charles McBarron, from Soldiers of the American Revolution, courtesy U.S. Army Center of Military History.

By Martin Besnier

Page 2: Final Exam Ebook History

Today’s History topic

Playing With The Past, History Room, International School, Jukentali 18, Tallinn|[email protected]|The American Revolution


Please study this document carefully, as it contains details

that will be asked during the show.

Welcome to the document The American Revolution from Playing With The Past. Good Luck in your study...



The American Revolution was induced by many different factors. Those are geographical, political, and social, but where also helped by the decay in legitimacy and the speed at which the ideas spread spread.

Continued on Page 3

FACTORS THAT MADE THE REVOLUTION SUCCESSFUL There were many factors that lead to the success of this revolution. Those included charismatic leaders, support from the populace and foreign powers, and an ideology that was simple to understand but powerful.

Continued on Page 5

CHANGES MADE BY THE REVOLUTION The United States was the first country with a modern democracy. The thirteen colonies gained independence, size, and the economic classes began to change. The State and the Church was separated and monarch and nobility were abolished.

Continued on Page 7

Issue No. Seventeen Playing With The Past


H i s t o r y r o o m , I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c h o o l

J u k e n t a l i 1 8 , T a l l i n nE M A I LMARTIN.ZFUN@GMAIL .COM

British Empire

Valley Forge (1777-8) Paul Revere (1735-1818)

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Playing With The Past, History Room, International School, Jukentali 18, Tallinn|[email protected]|The American Revolution

The American Revolution is the rebellion of the thirteen British colonies situated on the Eastern coast of America against the British Empire. It all started by many laws passed by the British

empire. The Proclamation of 1763, issuing that all Americans should stay in their settlement and not go past the Appalachian Mountains, nor interact with the Natives. The British government

was additionally pushing them toward Canada and Florida. The Currency Act (1764) stopped the colonists to print the inflationary paper bills that they used to pay off their debts. Other laws were

passed such as the Quartering Act and the Sugar Act, to finish with the Stamp Act in 1765, that created a tax on the legal documents.

Until the Stamp Act, there was no

concerted resistance against those regulations but only an objective feeling. After this law, the colonists began to act. They started to spread the idea that this was against British Idea of Liberty, using

official channel or through books or written news. In October 1765, nine of the colonies went to New York to send a petition to the king George III and protest. Biggest of all those committees

was the ‘Sons of Liberty’, which organized opposition on local level. There were also riots on local level.

Those events and opposition caused the Stamp Act to not be enforced, but the

Parliament passed the Declaratory Act, which meant it had the the right to

legislate the colonies in all cases. In reaction to the Townshend duties (1767) and the Tea Act of 1773, the same events that had taken place in 1765 happened. However they were weaker, and even the

Boston massacre of 1770, where soldiers shot at a riot, causing the deaths of five civilians and injuring others, did not make them grow stronger, but in Great Britain the new administration removed

all the taxes except the one on tea.However the colonists got mad, as

they could not smuggle tea anymore. The Tea Act allowed the British East India Company to sell tea with small prizes,

getting the monopole over the market and driving the smugglers out of business. The colonists started to organize resistance, and in December 1773, a Boston crowd destroy 11 542 € of

tea (£10 000), throwing it into the harbor. In response to that, the Parliament passed the Coercive Act in 1774, closing Boston’s harbor, limited local government, and established royal

control over the judiciary. This caused the revolutionaries to push the rebellion a bit more. They formed militia, and attacked the British army that was searching for weapons, starting the

American Revolutionary War. There were different kinds of people in the war. The revolutionary spirit was lighted up by the publication of Common Sense, a pamphlet by Thomas Paine that talked

about how unnecessarily monarchy was. There were various battles during the

American Revolutionary War. Those involved the Continental Army, the British, and later the French (in 1778).

The Continental Army was directed by the general George Washington. He

wanted to have a very professional army, like the BritishThe Continental Army was directed by the general George Washington. He wanted to have a very professional army, like the British.

However, he lost his first battles, and until 1778 the Continental army had suffered from many causalities. It passed the winter in Valley Forge and improved a lot there. The men had no proper clothing,

most of them were bare feet in the snow, and about 2250 men died, but in Spring it was a much stronger and ordered army.This was mainly due to the Prussian General Von Steuben who took the men

in charge, training them to bayonet charge and other military actions. After other battles, the Continental army and the French were able to block the British forces, that were directed by Cornwallis,

in Yorktown. In October 1781, after the French fleet defeated a British relief force, Cornwallis was forced to surrender.

In 1783, the treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Revolutionary war

and granting Independence to the colonies, granting boundaries. In 1787, the American Constitution was finished and George Washington elected as president.

What was the American Revolution?A BRIEF SUMMARY

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Playing With The Past, History Room, International School, Jukentali 18, Tallinn|[email protected]|The American Revolution

       The American Revolution was induced by many different factors. Like in most of the Revolutions, Economy and Legitimacy played a big role. But the Geography was one of the thing that overall affected the most the American Revolution.ECONOMY

The main economic causes of the American Revolution were the amount of taxes passed and the neglect of the trade done by the colonies. Even though the British believed that the colonies were only there to provide the British what did not exist in England, the Prime Minister Robert Walpole believed in "salutary neglect." This was a system in which the enforcement of external trade relations was careless.

He believed this enhanced freedom would stimulate commerce. However, it caused the colonists to start smuggling tea and other items. The careless control on the American settlers also caused them to be discontent when the Proclamation of 1763 was issued, as it forbid them to trade with the Indians. After this law, the parliament kept passing laws on different topics and exercised c lose control on the settlement. The Currency Act that was passed in 1764, and it prevented the colonies to print too much paper money, as it was used to pay debts to the British merchants. The Sugar Act of 1764 was lowering the taxes on sugar by half, but there was drastic control on the products and smuggling

b e c a m e h a rd e r. I n 1 7 6 5 , t h e Quartering Act was issued, obligating the American settlers to provide food and shelter to the British soldiers in America. The Stamp Act issued in the same year exacted a small tax on every legal document. This law and the Sugar Act were expected to generate about 115 420 € (£100 000) annually, in order to pay half of the soldiers living in America.GEOGRAPHY & LEGITIMACY

    The different aspects of Geography played the major role in the revolution. First of all, the distance between the colonies and the country that owned them caused the thirteen colonies to feel independent and become more or less self-dependent. When the British

The causes of the American RevolutionFROM POLITICAL TO GEOGRAPHICAL

Map of the Atlanitc Ocean Stamp Act (1765)

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Playing With The Past, History Room, International School, Jukentali 18, Tallinn|[email protected]|The American Revolution

started to take care of the colonies after the French and Indian War, it started with restrictions. The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited the settlers to go farther than the Appalachian mountain. This was against the spirit of the colonists, as they were here to discover a new world and to live in freedom. Some colonists disobeyed the order and settled themselves on the forbidden land. The Geography also had an impact on the Legitimacy, as it is hard to believe in a government that the colonists cannot meet. Additionally, the only example the British gave was the Boston Massacre where civilians were killed and other injured. This caused the Americans to think about how cruel the British were, and to begin to question their legitimacy as rulers.TRIGGER In 1775, the British, directed by the general Thomas Gage, went searching for weapons that were said to hidden close to Concord. However, the rebels had set up an alarm system and they warned everyone to retreat and hide the weapons. Paul Revere was one of the rider that as sent to tell the British were coming. The militia waited for

them at Lexington green but was not prepared enough. Some of their men got killed some men, and the British captured Samuel Adams and John Hancock. The preparation of

the militia was not good enough and it might have taken

the whole revolution down.

Lexington Greeen battle American revoolution militia

Page 6: Final Exam Ebook History


Playing With The Past, History Room, International School, Jukentali 18, Tallinn|[email protected]|The American Revolution

Americans were fighting for a very simple but powerful idea: Freedom. Additionally, they were on their own ground and had the advantage of knowing the places. The colonists also had the support from one third of the population, and also from other countries like France.GEOGRAPHY

Geography  impacted the conflict (also called the American Revolutionary War) between the colonies, France, Spain and England, as the British had to go through the Atlantic ocean to send troops in, and additionally to protect themselves from the French and Spanish fleets.MILITARY The Continental Army, directed by the general George Washington, was formed of voluntary young men that believed in their country. Unlike the British, they were fighting with ambush and fast fighting skills. They had training from the Prussian general Von Steuben

The Combination of all those factors

made the American Revolution to be


Factors that to the success of the American Revolution

Battle of long Island ()

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Playing With The Past, History Room, International School, Jukentali 18, Tallinn|[email protected]|The American Revolution

The thirteen colonies became independent from the British, and each of them had to create their own governments. Along with that they had to take care of the people and to give freedom.POLITICS

It was easier for them than in other revolutions, as they already had a system in place due to the neglect of the British Empire. The governmental system went from a monarchy to a democracy. It was the first modern democracy, and the Americans had no examples to follow. Some Americans began to criticize the Articles of Confederation. James Madison argued that the United States needed a central authority rather than those articles

judge too malleable as they reflected the whim of the people. The Annapolis Convention of 1786 was supposed to discuss trade between states, but the delegates instead called a convention in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. They decided to create a different type of government with a Constitution. This permitted to have a strong central government with a powerful executive, two houses of legislature, and an independent judiciary. Those followed Montesquieu principle of Check and balance, and because the judiciary was separated f r o m t h e g o v e r n m e n t i t w a s incorruptible. They believed it was possible to have a president with a lot of power as he would be representing the

people and will not act by himself. The Senate was also considered to be a representation of the people. It believed in John Locke’s theory that a government is only there to serve the people. The Constitution was drafted by John Dickinson, Governor Morris, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Edmund Randolph, James Madison, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, and George Wythe. It was issued in 1787 and George Washington, that was directing the Constitutional Convention was elected president.SOCIALEveryone was equal. There was still slavery but it got later abolished after the Civil war in most of the States. Nowadays everyone is equal in the U.S

Changes that were made by the RevolutionFROM RIGHT AFTER IT TO TODAY

Declaration of Independence, the fourth of July 1776 Barrack Obama, the first black president

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Playing With The Past, History Room, International School, Jukentali 18, Tallinn|[email protected]|The American Revolution

As always, the TV Game show will consist of a short review of the American Revolution in Stop Motion. It will then be followed by games related to the topic. You will have to answer all questions from your head, so you better know about it. Good Luck.

Thanks for participating...PRESENTATION TIME: TUESDAY 31 OF MAY 2011, PERIOD 3 AND 4 IN THE


Playing With The Past